Congratulations To Our 500 Club October Winners!

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Our craft club (more information coming soon) is in need of
used, cleaned K-cups. If you have some, please send them to the
office with your child.
Thank you!
Auction Tickets are now on sale in the
school office for $40 each. Bring your
friends on Nov. 8!
Remember: Scrip is being sold at school on Monday and Friday
mornings from 8:15-9AM and Thursday afternoon from 3:15-3:45PM. It is
available in the Parish Office M-F 9-4 and Sat 9-12. Online reload and
Scrip Now retailers are increasing, so head to and
check them out!
Congratulations to our 500 Club October
1 Toni Czerwinski $375 Ticket 019
2 Lori Young $85 Ticket 090
3 Marion Ross $40 Ticket 017
Next drawing is Friday, 11/14 at 10AM.
Tickets are still available.
Information can be found at
Planning ahead
***Please remember: the calendar on our
website is always up-to-date
15 First 500 Club Drawing!!!
17 Pioneer Exploration Day (Grades 7-8) Gabriel Richard HS
19 Confirmation Sunday Session 9:30-11:30AM (8th Grade)
20 Fire Safety Day (Rescheduled from 10/3/14)
21 Rocket Run 12:45PM
22 DeBucks Orchard Trip (4-8)
23 End of First Quarter | First Learn 2 Earn Savings Day
24 Pennies 4 Playground Jean Day
27-30 Scholastic Book Fair
27 Report Cards (Grades 4-8)
27 Fundraiser Buffalo Wild Wings (Woodhaven)
30 Half Day (noon dismissal)/Parent Conferences (K-3 Report Cards)
31 No School
4 Cookie Dough Pick-Up
5 Monarch Day (Grade 7-8) Cabrini HS
8 Auction 6:00PM Grecian Center
11 Vocations Day @ Sacred Heart (7th Grade)
15 High School Placement Test (8th Grade)
21 Pennies 4 Playground Jean Day
St. Mary Parents:

The annual auction is the largest event that we host to raise funds for supporting St. Mary
School. The support of parents, staff, teachers, parishioners and friends of St. Mary are
essential to ensure that the auction is a success. The auction committee is working hard to
prepare for the 2014 auction, with our theme of Beach Bash 2014. The date of the auction
is Saturday, November 8th and will be held at The Grecian Center in Southgate.

Several weeks ago, at the Meet the Teachers Night, the auction committee distributed
auction packages with details about the classroom baskets, family donations, and
Personally Priceless items. If you were unable to attend that night, we sent auction
packages home with your child. Each family is strongly urged to support the auction
through all of the following means:

1) Donating an item or money ($10 recommendation) to your childs classroom basket
2) Making a family donation of an item or money ($25 recommendation)
3) Volunteering to assist with your childs classroom Personally Priceless design and
4) Buying an advertisement whether personal or for your business
5) Buying auction tickets so you can celebrate with us as we have fun raising funds.
Tickets are $40 per person and include a grand 3-meat buffet dinner, an open bar, and a
night of fun

THANK YOU to any family that has donated their items and who are working with their
childs class to complete their Personally Priceless item!!

The auction committee established a giving deadline of October 17th for the classroom
baskets and family donations, as well for any advertisements. Because we have received
donations from less than half of our St. Mary families, the auction committee has extended
the deadlines until Friday, October 24th. We ask that, if you have not already donated, you
please make arrangements to have your classroom and family donations to the St. Mary
School Ofce before October 24th.

The Personally Priceless items are magnicent ways to showcase the creativity and
originality of each class. Parents assist the teachers and students to create a work of art
that you and they can treasure for many years. The auction committee is looking for
parents willing to donate a few hours to help create these memories.

If you have any questions about the auction, donations or advertisements, or wishing to
volunteer for Personally Priceless projects, please call me at (734) 775-5718.

Thank you very much!

Tim Stokes
2014 St. Mary School Auction Chair
St. Mary School Auction - Beach Bash 2014 - is coming soon!
The annual school auction will be held Saturday, November 8th, at the Grecian
Center in Southgate.
Please consider placing an ad in our auction program. Although we welcome
traditional business advertisements, we also want to encourage families to
place family ads. Family ads can be placed by parents, siblings, or grandparents.
They are especially meaningful for our 8th grade students as a memento of
their years and experiences at St. Mary School. Photos can be included as well.
Ad sizes are as follows:
Full Page $90
Half Page $50
Quarter Page $30
Business Card $10
Current St. Mary School parents and staff receive 25% off any advertising for
your personal business.
Advertisers purchasing 2 or more ads will receive a 10% discount
Ad copy should be forwarded to
SMCC Open House
St. Mary Catholic Central High School is hosting its annual Open House on
Sunday, November 2, from 11am-2pm. Highlights include a tour of the campus
and meeting staff, coaches, and current SMCC students and parents. Each guest
in grades K-8 will receive a key to try to unlock treasure boxes throughout the
tour. Winning keys will open boxes containing prizes including tuition vouchers
for SMCC ranging from $500-$2,000 and scholarships, and gift certicates for
e-books and uniforms. Information regarding transportation and tuition
assistance will be available. For more information, contact Mrs. Brittney Tam,
SMCC Admissions Director, at 734-241-SMCC x 121 or
The PTO bottle drive is in full swing and we
appreciate your continued participation. Please
bring your cans & bottles (cans & bottles only
please) that have been accumulating in your
garage and leave them at St. Mary School. We
will be more than happy to take care of them for
There is a large green container marked Bottle
Drive in the back of the school, and all proceeds
will benefit Pennies for Playground - Restoration.
This year we need to replenish the mulch, and all
proceeds will be used for that. Tell your family,
friends and even neighbors and spread the news.
Our bottle drive will continue through the end of
the school year.
If you have any questions, please email PTO
Secretary, Maureen Brinker, at Thank you for your
continued cooperation.
Parents: Please remember to check your Smart
Tuition account and insure you are making timely
parents. Late fees are being accrued and are not
waivable by the school or parish office.
Also, In-parish status is determined by the regular
use of weekly offering envelopes. If you are not using
envelopes you will be considered out of parish. If you
have any questions please contact Beth in the parish
office at
734 379 9248 or
OCTOBER 1 - 24
Box Tops for Education Collection Month
Its time to gather all those Box Tops you have been clipping
and saving.
Please send all your Box Tops in a bag with your childs
name and teachers name on it to school no later than
Friday, October 24.
The class that brings in the most Box Tops will win a PIZZA
PARTY compliments of the St. Mary PTO.
Remember: St. Mary School receives ten cents for every
Box Top returned so start clipping & saving!
As always, we appreciate your support!
St. Mary PTO
7:00 pm 9:00 pm in the School Parking Lot
Are you ready for some Halloween fun? Then please join your fellow
students on Friday, October 24 from 7:00 pm 9:00 pm for Trunk-or-Treating
and a Bon fire.
Kid-friendly Halloween costumes are encouraged, however, not mandatory.
All children must be accompanied by an adult.
If you are planning on attending, and would like to decorate your trunk,
please do! Dont forget to bring lawn chairs to sit by the bon fire after trunk-
or-treating is done.
Please fill out the form below & send it to the office so we can have an
accurate count. All forms must be turned in by October 21, 2014. If you
would like to donate bags of candy, we would appreciate that as well. Thank
Family name: ___________________________________________
Number attending: _______
Yes, I will use my vehicle for Trunk or Treat: _______
I would like to donate candy: _________
Yes, I would like to help out with the event: _______
Contact Info (cell/email): ______________________
Sponsored by St. Mary PTO
Become your best self at SMCC!
Open House
November 2, 2014
11am 2pm
The High School
Placement Test for 8th graders
is November 15, 2014 at 8am.
Call the Admissions Office to register at
734.241.7622 x 121.
Open House 2014
A SMCC student will lead each family on
a guided tour of the campus. Staff and
parents will be available to answer
SMCC Offers
Faith-based Catholic education.
Academic excellence based on three levels of learning.
Proven results in college and career planning.
1:1iPad program utilizing all digital textbooks.
Transportation available throughout Monroe County and
surrounding areas.
Need-based financial assistance is available; over
$1 million was provided to over 60% of families for
the 2014-15 school year.
St. Mary Catholic Central High School
108 West Elm Ave. | Monroe, MI 48162 | 734.241.7622
Living Faith, Gaining Knowledge, Serving Others
Become your best self at SMCC!
Open House
November 2, 2014
11am 2pm

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