Rocket Review 9-17-14
Rocket Review 9-17-14
Rocket Review 9-17-14
Attendance Procedure Change
Please call the ofce (734-379-9285) or email if your child is absent.
Thank you!
Scrip will now be sold in the school lobby on Thursday afternoon at
3:15 pm and on Friday mornings from 8:15 am - 9:00 am. You can
purchase Scrip cards from a large selection of in stock vendors! You
can order 24/7 online at
Our auction committee is working hard to be
sure this year is the best yet! Please mark
your calendars and plan to attend on November
8, 2014 at 6PM at the Grecian Center in
Southgate. The theme is Beach Bash!
Running Club
Last day to register is this Friday, September 19. Dont forget!
Planning ahead
***Please remember: the calendar on our
website is always up-to-date
17 Auction Meeting 6PM
19 Running Club Forms due (K-4)
24 Midterm
26 Pennies 4 Playground Jean Day
30 Pre-K - 3rd grade trip to Apple Orchard
6-17 IOWA Testing (Grades 1-8)
9 School Picture Day
23 End of First Quarter
24 Pennies 4 Playground Jean Day
27-30 Book Fair
27 Report Cards
30 Half Day (noon dismissal)/Parent Conferences
31 No School
8 Auction 6:00PM Grecian Center
Scrip will now be sold in the school lobby on Thursday afternoon at
3:15 pm and on Friday mornings from 8:15 am - 9:00 am. You can
purchase Scrip cards from a large selection of in stock vendors! You
can order 24/7 online at
All students interested in participating in CYO sports must complete the
registration paperwork found on the website and pay the appropriate
fees prior to the season starting. We are also looking for volunteers
(8th grade, high school students, or adults) to help with concessions at
our home soccer games at Chapman School on Sat, 9/27, at noon;
Sunday, 9/28, at 4 pm; Sat, 10/4, at 9am; Sunday, 10/12, at 4 pm. You can
sign up to help with concessions by signing up on the Athletics page of
the website.
Welcome back musicians! Bob LePage will once again be offering
piano lessons after school. I am aiming for Wednesdays starting at
3:30, but will consider adding another day if necessary. Please call
Bob at 313-618-9255 to make arrangements.
All Coaches - You MUST complete concussion training yearly.
The link can be found on the Athletics page of the website.
Please email or print and bring in your certificate to Mrs. Stager
or Mrs. Furtah as soon as it is completed.
Taking Class Supply Lists from
Old School to Thats Cool
If you havent heard about this, please check it out. is a free website
that allows teachers & school staff to easily post and share school supply wish lists
with class parents instantly via their school website, email, Facebook, Twitter etc.
Simply put, its the easiest solution for streamlining all teacher lists at St. Mary School.
From pens & pencils to paper towels, teachers need it all; and as out-of-pocket
spending increases by our teachers, the long list of items needed to keep classrooms
running continues to grow. Once a teacher creates a list for their classroom, all lists
are saved so they can be easily updated any time throughout the school year.
The best thing about, is that parents can pledge to donate a desired
amount on a single item, various items or pledge a full amount on one or more items.
Teachers are instantly notified, and lists are automatically updated. You just have to
bring in the item once you have pledged it.
Learn more by going directly to our schools main page and click on the TeacherLists
logo. Search for your childs classroom, and if you would like to donate an item to their
specific wish list, register your email and follow the simple steps.
With, parents can now be assured that every item they buy now (and
all year long) meets the needs of their childs teacher.
Learn more at
Finally, school supply lists for the 21
Can You Please Help?
The school office is looking for parent(s) volunteers that can help them with the Labels
for Education program.
Campbell Soups have been supporting schools nationwide for the past 38 years, and we
would like for them to continue to help St. Mary School.
Its simple & easy, and the best part is that our school could receive FREE educational,
athletic and/or art supplies just for clipping the Labels for Education tabs.
Remember, any volunteer time will go towards your required service hours for the school
year, and you can even assist from the comfort of your own home.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact Mrs. Heggie in the school office at or stop by and visit her to discuss.
TOP SELLING CLASS: Top selling class will
win a party!
TOP SELL: Top seller earns the TOP BANANA
School Code:
All online orders count
Friday, Sept. 26
2 tubs Cookie Dough = 1 Prize Credit
1 Magazine Subscription = 1 Prize
Turn in your orders and win:
See the progress of how much our school is earning with Box Tops
Enter online promotions for chances to win Bonus Box Tops and other prizes