The document summarizes Serbia's IGIS project which aims to establish a national spatial data infrastructure and remote sensing center. The project will deliver geospatial data and services over 3 years, including satellite imagery, aerial imagery, lidar data, and derived topographic maps. It involves setting up several workshops and an integrated system using software like Pixel Factory, eCognition and GeoView to process the raw data into value-added products and services. The project aims to build local expertise through extensive training of staff.
The document summarizes Serbia's IGIS project which aims to establish a national spatial data infrastructure and remote sensing center. The project will deliver geospatial data and services over 3 years, including satellite imagery, aerial imagery, lidar data, and derived topographic maps. It involves setting up several workshops and an integrated system using software like Pixel Factory, eCognition and GeoView to process the raw data into value-added products and services. The project aims to build local expertise through extensive training of staff.
The document summarizes Serbia's IGIS project which aims to establish a national spatial data infrastructure and remote sensing center. The project will deliver geospatial data and services over 3 years, including satellite imagery, aerial imagery, lidar data, and derived topographic maps. It involves setting up several workshops and an integrated system using software like Pixel Factory, eCognition and GeoView to process the raw data into value-added products and services. The project aims to build local expertise through extensive training of staff.
The document summarizes Serbia's IGIS project which aims to establish a national spatial data infrastructure and remote sensing center. The project will deliver geospatial data and services over 3 years, including satellite imagery, aerial imagery, lidar data, and derived topographic maps. It involves setting up several workshops and an integrated system using software like Pixel Factory, eCognition and GeoView to process the raw data into value-added products and services. The project aims to build local expertise through extensive training of staff.
INSPIRATION - Spatial Data Infrastructure in the Western Balkans Belgrade, 06 th 07 th June 2013 Republic Geodetic Authority, Serbia INSPIRE direktive INfrastructure for SPatial InfoRmation in Europe EU INSPIRE directive lays foundation for comprehensive harmonization of geoinformation within EU for environmental policy making. A uniform infrastructure enables data exchange and makes geodata available on national level and across Europe. Implementation 2007 2020 IGIS project implementation in Serbia National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Remote-Sensing Centre for the Republic of Serbia based on IGIS (Integrated Geo-Information Solution) IGIS project National Spatial Data Infrastructure and Remote-Sensing Centre for the Republic of Serbia based on IGIS (Integrated Geo-Information Solution) IGIS project Republic Geodetic Authority Project partners:
EADS Astrium Kick-off meeting on 22. September 2010 IGN France IGIS project - concept The IGIS concept is comprised of two core components: 1) Data: provides the content of the SDI and the corresponding data that describe the dataset; 2) Services: enable access to and use of the data. Data: Satellite imagery and digital aerial imagery; LIDAR data; Remote sensing data: land use, agriculture, hazard and environmental maps; 3D topographic vector data (TDB); Digital and hardcopy maps; Services: Technical infrastructure: Archiving and hosting capabilities Central Data Repository Web Portals for data and service dissemination METIS INSPIRE compatible WebBoutique/DataDoors Space & aerial data over 4 years (Spot 4, Spot5, Geoeye, ADS80, UCXp, LIDAR, other available satellite data ); Infrastructure delivery in Nov 2011; Large phase of training/know-how transfer over 3 years; + 1 year of maintenance: 2014. IGIS project - planning 3 years project System design Site recommendations Infrastructure Customization Training planning Data delivery planning First Dataset deliveries Parameter setting Adaptations Tests & assembly Validation
Following Data sets delivery Maintenance Support Training & know how transfer Geometric workshop Remote Sensing workshop LiDAR workshop Map Editing workshop Stereo- Plotting workshop Access services Data Repository [SDI] WEB portals Sensor and External Data IGIS project - components Base data [Satellite, aerial & LiDAR] Production Workshops Infrastructure [Data repository & WEB portals] End User Products Base Data IGIS project Production Workshops Geometric workshop Remote Sensing workshop Stereo- Plotting workshop Base Satellite Data Base Aerial Data LiDAR Data Map Editing workshop Production chain Agro-Environmental Products Digital Terrain Model LiDAR workshop Vector Topo Products Maps IGIS project - Geometric Workshop The Geometric workshop is designed to support:
Acquisition of aerial and procurement of satellite data as well as its verification; Generation of specific products (DTM,DSM, DOP, true-DOP, mosaics etc.) through Pixel Factory software solution; Provision of elementary data for Remote Sensing (ortho scenes), Stereo Plotting (stereo pairs) and Map Editing workshop (digital terrain model); IGIS project - Geometric Workshop Acquisition of aerial data:
National coverage (ADS80 & UCXp sensors, GSD 40cm, 60%-30% overlap); 90 urban areas (UCX, UCXp & ADS80 sensors, GSD 10cm, 60%-30% overlap); 2 main cities (UCXp sensor,GSD 10cm, 80%-80% overlap). IGIS project - Geometric Workshop Procurement of satellite data:
National coverage (SPOT5, pan 2.5m/ms 10m); Area of AP K&M (Geoeye, pan 0.41/ms 1.65m); Areas in Vojvodina, central and south Serbia (SPOT 4: pan 10/ms 20m, SPOT5: pan 2.5/ms 10m, SPOT6:pan 1.5/ms 6m); Scenes for urgent purposes (appropriate and available satellite system).
IGIS project - Geometric Workshop Products of the Geometric workshop:
Satellite mosaics of the whole country; Orthorectified satellite scenes; Digital terrain models; IGIS project - Geometric Workshop Products of the Geometric workshop:
Digital orthophotos of 2.5m GSD; Digital orthophotos of 10cm and 40cm GSD; True-orthophotos of 10cm GSD.
IGIS project - LiDAR Workshop LiDAR workshop is designed to support:
Acquisition of LiDAR data and its verification; Generation of high precision DTMs. Acquisition of LiDAR data: Flood prone area of Tisa River (1900 km 2 ); ALS70 sensor, 2.3 pnts/sqm in nadir, pnts density 0.60/0.70m; Applied SQM_2011. IGIS project - LiDAR Workshop Product of LiDAR workshop: High precision DTM of 15cm average height accuracy and grid of 1m. Tools: Bentley-MicroStation TerraSolid. LiDAR movie IGIS project Remote Sensing Workshop The Remote Sensing workshop is designed to enable RGA to produce:
Land use and land use changes maps; Environmental maps and/or indicators to feed natural monitoring program (e.g. deforestation); A range of agriculture maps to support ministry of Agriculture to monitor/control crop-lands with respect to national or European standards; Wide range of thematic mapping products (hazards maps, habitat maps etc.).
April 2011 June 2011 August 2011 September 2011 Available satellite imagery from the project: SPOT4 10 m panchromatic imagery; 20 m multi-spectral imagery; SPOT5 2.5 m panchromatic imagery; 10 m multi-spectral imagery; SPOT6 (in 2013) 1.5 m panchromatic imagery; 6 m multi-spectral imagery; Satellite imagery SPOT5 10m Ortophoto imagery 0.4 m Classified content IGIS project Remote Sensing Workshop Available DOP/ortho images-GSD 0.40m: CARDS project; IGIS project IGIS project Remote Sensing Workshop Satellite imagery Outcomes of imagery processing Biophysical parameters Land cover map Agriculture Land Cover Map WaterCoverFraction CanopyShadowFactor GreenCoverFraction Tools: Overland; eCognition. IGIS project Remote Sensing Workshop Overview of demonstrated areas in the project Agriculture Land Cover Map Biophysical parameters Land cover map IGIS project Remote Sensing Workshop Data Quality Control/Validation Ortophoto imagery Satellite imagery GRID control points [2km] for validation of Land Cover Map GHCP (Ground Habitat Control Points) for validation of Land Cover Map and Agriculture Land Cover Map IGIS project Remote Sensing Workshop Sample: Land Cover Map IGIS project Remote Sensing Workshop Sample: Agriculture Land Cover Map IGIS project Stereo Plotting Workshop The Stereo Plotting workshop is designed to support: The production of 3D vector topographic layer from aerial image stereo pairs; GIS unit to structure a vector data base from 3D digitising; Tools: GeoView software with 3D visualisation capabilities; Spatial data base (ArcGIS geodata base; PostGreSQL/PostGIS server data base).
IGIS project Stereo Plotting Workshop The Stereo Plotting workshop is linked directly with: The geometric workshop Input: stereo pairs + parameters for orientation of imagery The map editing workshop Output: vector data base for a map publishing and printing IGIS project Stereo Plotting Workshop Vector data gathering in stereo-model IGIS project Stereo Plotting Workshop Generating of contour lines IGIS project Stereo Plotting Workshop Topographic-cartographic data base Overview of production IGIS project Map Editing Workshop Map Editing Workshop allows from the vector data captured in the Stereo- Plotting workshop: Generation of digital and hardcopy maps (with assigned symbology and design) from vector data automatically; Design of any derived maps as per customised requirement. Production process from vector data base to maps for printing or for the Internet: Definition of templates; Automatic map generation from the Data Base; Design of on-demand products for any scale.
IGIS project Map Editing Workshop Tools: LorikGISMapper provides customisable and automatic processes for association of data base to library of graphic styles as well as automatic cartographic generalisation. LorikPublisher automatically generates maps from cartographic repositories or GIS sources varying in format and structure through fully customizable layout models.It is used for manual map generalisation and map preparation for printing.
IGIS project Map Editing Workshop Topographic map 1:20 000 IGIS project Overall logistical architecture Geometric WS Pixel Factory Overland Definiens Biotope Remote Sensing WS DataDoors Web Client Web public user
Copy of Ortho, Mosaic,Thematic maps, Vector from CDR Ortho Mosaic St pairs DTM/DSM Thematic Maps Stereo Plotting WS Geoview ArcGIS client Map editing WS Lorik Mapper Lorik publisher ArcGIS Server + IGIS DMC Server Central Data Repository Topographic db Maps Topographic DB Stereo Pairs Ortho image Mosaic Web boutique Datadoors Federated Catalog Access Metis Metis Client Intranet user
Ortho Mosaic Sensor data Servers & Storage INSPIRE Web Portal Server (Geoportal Extension) WCS WMS Flex Client RGZ Partner users
Discover + download Discover + view Request Discover Sensor Data +External product External Catalog (Spot Image) CSW View + Download View Discover Lidar WS Lidar sensor DTM IGIS project Training, expertise & know how transfer Smooth handover towards RGA staff: Study Tour in France At Factory Training in Astrium and IGN France On Site Training in Serbia On the Job Training in Serbia Support Maintenance up to 2014 IGIS project Outcomes Development of capabilities for production, update and dissemination of geoinformation for the benefit of Serbian citizens, as well as the public and private sectors; Efficient and optimised process to maintain the spatial data up to date; Production of new databases within the RGA is in progress according to INSPIRE Annex I data models; Access to metadata, spatial data and services via the Internet; Improved and efficient communication as well as geoinformation exchange between the public authorities. Geoportal GeoSerbia Geoportal GeoSerbia Space is connecting people Thank you on your attention!