Concrete II Study Guide PDF
Concrete II Study Guide PDF
Concrete II Study Guide PDF
Rei nforced
Concrete/ Masonry
I nspector
APRIL 2011
Concrete II Study Guide
Examination: The Concrete II examination is based on the references cited in
this document. It is 3 hours in length, open-book, and contains 75 questions
(multiple choice). All of the required references can be used as long as there are
no added markings. Background references are for information and training
purposes. The exami nee MUST bri ng the requi red
reference/ open book materi al s the reference
materi al s are NOT provi ded by WACEL.
Successful certification as a WACEL Level I Concrete Technician or an approved
equivalent is a prerequisite to taking this examination. While the Concrete I
certification focused on an introduction to concrete as a construction material as
well as the more-common field quality control tests, Concrete II introduces a
much more extensive range of related topics. These include:
A review of topics addressed in Concrete I.
Building code and standard specifications requirements for structural
A comprehensive knowledge of reinforcing steel.
An introduction to formwork.
Numerous areas covering the placing, consolidation, and the curing of
An ability to monitor, inspect, and prepare field test specimens for the
construction of structural masonry building elements.
A working knowledge of the International Building Codes Special
Inspection Program.
As previously mentioned, the examination is open-book. Candidates should be
highly familiar with the required references listed below. The background
references are excellent tools to assist both instructors and exam candidates.
However, the use of the printed, background references during the examination
is not recommended due to the large number of required references.
In addition, a significant number of the examination questions are based on
actual project drawings related to the scope of this certification. Candidates
should be capable of quickly and correctly extracting pertinent project information
from such documents as structural drawings, reinforcing steel placing drawings,
formwork shop drawings, and embed drawings.
The listed, printed references and a basic calculator (i.e., no printing or
programming capabilities) are the only items that can be brought into the
examination. Writing instruments and scratch paper will be provided; both must
be turned in at completion of the examination.
Required References:
1. Chapter 17, International Building Code, International Code Council,
2. ACI 301-10, Specifications for Structural Concrete.
3. ACI 302.1R-04, Guide for Concrete Floor and Slab Construction.
4. ACI 309R-05, Consolidation of Concrete.
5. ACI 318-08, Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete,
Chapters 1-7 and Sections 12.14 and 12.15.
6. ACI 347-04, Guide to Formwork for Concrete.
7. CRSI Manual of Standard Practice, 28
Field Inspection of Reinforcing Bars, CRSI, 2009.
8. NCMA TR 156B, Inspection and Testing of Concrete Masonry
Construction, 2008.
9. ASTM C31-09a, Making and Curing Concrete Test Specimens in the
10. ASTM C 94-09a, Standard Specifications for Ready-Mixed Concrete.
11. ASTM C 109-08, Compressive Strength of Hydraulic Cement Mortars.
12. ASTM C 138-09, Density (Unit Weight), Yield, and Air Content
(Gravimetric) of Concrete.
13. ASTM C 143-10, Slump of Hydraulic-Cement Concrete.
14. ASTM C 172-08, Sampling Freshly Mixed Concrete.
15. ASTM C 173-10, Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Volumetric
16. ASTM C 231-09, Air Content of Freshly Mixed Concrete by the Pressure
17. ASTM C 270-08a, Mortar for Unit Masonry.
18. ASTM C 780-09, Standard Test Method for Preconstruction and
Construction Evaluation of Mortars for Plain and Reinforced Unit Masonry.
19. ASTM C 1019-09, Sampling and Testing Grout.
20. ASTM C 1064-08, Temperature of Freshly Mixed Hydraulic-Cement
21. ASTM C 1314-09, Constructing and Testing Masonry Prisms Used to
Determine Compliance with Specified Compressive Strength of Masonry.
22. Design and Control of Concrete Mixtures, Portland Cement Association,
Fourteenth or Fifteenth Editions.
Background References:
1. ACI Manual of Concrete Inspection, Publication SP-2 (07).
2. CRSI video, Field Inspection of Reinforcing Bars, 25 minutes.
3. Concrete Manual, International Code Commission, 2006.
4. Concrete Manual Study Companion, International Code Council, 2006.
5. ICC on-line course: Reinforced Concrete Special Inspector Certification
Examination Practice Course.
6. Concrete Inspection Handbook, Portland Cement Association, Fourth
Edition, 2005.
Learning Objectives:
I. Knowledge of ACI and ASTM concrete requirements.
A. Understand reasons for and criteria for maximum coarse aggregate
size in a concrete mix.
B. Know how to evaluate proper consolidation techniques to include
possible results of improper consolidation.
C. Knows the effects of ground granulated blast furnace slag
D. Know the various testing methods and acceptance criteria for
evaluation and acceptance of deficient compressive strength
cylinders to include acceptance as is, ACI 318 (paragraph,
non-destructive testing, cores (ACI 318, paragraph, and
structural modification.
E. Familiar with the standard specifications for ready-mixed concrete
addressed in ASTM C 94 to include availability time, batch-to-
placement time, slump and air content tolerances, maximum mixing
revolutions, mixing requirements after water is added, sampling,
minimum temperatures and testing frequencies.
F. Understands the reasons for and the requirements specified for
durability in Chapter 4 of ACI 318.
G. Understands the basic principles of concrete floor and slab
construction to include site preparation, proper placement of
reinforcement and concrete, finishing and curing.
H. Understands the specific concrete requirements for structural
concrete addressed in ACI 301 and Chapter 5 of ACI 318.
I. Can determine some of the detailed test requirements addressed in
basic ASTMs introduced as part of Concrete I.
II. Understands the basic principles of and can perform visual inspection of
reinforcing steel placement.
A. Understands the differences between and the applicability of design
drawings and placing drawings to determine the complete and
proper installation of reinforcing steel.
B. Demonstrate an ability to extract dimensions, placement and
material requirements from plans and supporting tables and
C. Have a working knowledge of the proper placement of reinforcing
steel and welded wire fabric to include size, type, proper
identification and placement tolerances, lap splices, cover,
condition, and field bending.
D. Understands the specific reinforcing steel requirements for
structural concrete addressed in Chapters 7 and Sections 12.14
and 12.15 of ACI 318.
E. Can easily convert reinforcing sized in the inch-pound system to the
soft metric requirements, and from soft metric to inch-pounds.
III. Has knowledge of proper handling and placement of corrosion-protected
A. Knows the currently-authorized types of corrosion protected
reinforcing steel.
B. Knows the purpose and intent of coated bars or mesh to include the
need for compatible supports and wires and specialized storage
and handling requirements.
C. Awareness of the need for and how damage occurs to the
protective coating and how proper repairs are accomplished.
D. Is aware of the major specialized issues for corrosion-protected
reinforcing that should be addressed in project specifications.
IV. Can inspect reinforced masonry (storage & placement of materials,
mixing, grout & mortar, reinforcement and anchorage).
A. Know the different types and designations of masonry mortar
including differences between laboratory-designed mortar and field-
mixed mortar.
B. Demonstrate a knowledge of how to determine if the materials and
components for structural masonry are in accordance with contract
documents. This includes the proper proportioning and mixing of
mortar and grout.
C. Have a working understanding of masonry placement requirements
to include reinforcing steel and other embedded components,
mortar thicknesses and tolerances, and requirements of grouting
V. Can properly monitor and test masonry grout, mortar, and prisms.
A. Know the techniques and requirements for taking mortar cubes,
grout prisms and masonry prisms.
B. Understand the storage and handling differences among mortar
cubes, grout prisms and masonry prisms.
VI. Can inspect basic vertical and horizontal formwork.
A. Demonstrate a knowledge of the basic criteria for suitable formwork
construction to include inspection requirements.
B. Know the principles and criteria for early formwork removal to
include reshoring.
VII. Can determine requirements for a proper installation of anchor rods and
dowel bars in foundation elements.
A. Can confirm proper quantity, grade, size, configuration, elevation,
and relative alignment of anchor rods.
B. Can confirm required depth of embedment and end conditions of
anchor rods.
VIII. Has an overall knowledge of the Special Inspection Program as outlined in
Chapter 17 of the International Building Code.
A. Understands the difference between periodic and continuous
B. Knows the specific cast-in-place inspection requirements of the
International Building Code.
C. Is aware of the purpose, the submission requirements, and the
general content of a schedule of special Inspections.
D. Is aware of who the Special Inspectors must be employed by and
who must approve their qualifications.
E. Knows when Special Inspections are required.
F. Knows what Fabricated Items are.
G. Is aware of the reporting and notification requirements of the
Special Inspection Program.
IX. Can interpret reinforced concrete plans, specifications, shop drawings and
details for materials, dimensions, sizes and locations.
X. Can interpret reinforced masonry plans, specifications, and details for
materials, dimensions, sizes, and locations.