M 157-06 Ready-Mixed Concrete
M 157-06 Ready-Mixed Concrete
M 157-06 Ready-Mixed Concrete
Ready-Mixed Concrete
AASHTO Designation: M 157-06
The values stated in SI units are the preferred standard. The values given in parentheses are for
information only.
As used throughout this specification the manufacturer shall be the contractor, subcontractor,
supplier, or producer who furnishes the ready-mixed concrete. The purchaser shall be the
specifying agency and designated representatives thereof. The engineer shall be interpreted to
mean the designated representative of the specifying agency.
ASTM Standard:
1 C 567, Standard Test Method for Determining Density of Structural Lightweight Concrete
1 C 1157, Blended Hydraulic Cement
3.1. For the purpose of this specification, ready-mixed concrete is hydraulic cement concrete
manufactured for delivery to a purchaser in a plastic state and delivered as hereinafter specified.
3.2. The volume of freshly mixed and unhardened concrete in a given batch shall be determined from
the total mass of the batch divided by the actual mass per cubic foot of the concrete. The total
mass of the batch shall be calculated either as the sum of the masses of all materials, including
water, entering the batch or as the net mass of the concrete in the batch as delivered. The mass per
cubic foot shall be determined in accordance with T 12 1 from the average of at least three
measurements, each on a different sample using a 14 L ('12-ft3) container. Each sample shall be
taken from the midpoint of each of three different truck loads by the procedure outlined in T 142.
Note I-It should be understood that the volume of hardened concrete may be, or appear to be,
less than expected due to waste and spillage, overexcavation, spreading forms, some loss of
entrained air, or settlement of wet mixtures.
4.1. Storage and facilities satisfactory to the engineer shall be provided at the batching plant to permit
proper sampling, testing and control of materials prior to and during use. The following
specifications shall apply:
4.1.1. Cement-Cement shall conform to M 85 for hydraulic cement, M 240 for blended hydraulic
cement, or ASTM C 1 157 for blended hydraulic cement. The engineer shall specify the type or
types required. If no type is specified, the requirements of Type 1 as specified in M 85 shall apply.
These different cements will produce concrete of different properties and should not be used
interchangeably. Cement from different sources shall not be used interchangeably without
approval of the engineer.
4.1.2. Other Cementitious Materials-Cementitious materials other than cement shall meet the
requirement of the following specification unless specified otherwise by the purchaser:
1 Fly Ash-M295
Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag-M302
1 Silica Fume-M 307
Water-Water shall be clear and free from injurious amounts of oil, acid, alkali, organic matter, or
other deleterious substance. It shall not be salty or brackish. It shall be tested in accordance with
T 26. Water of questionable quality shall be subject to the acceptance criteria of Tables 1 and 2 or
as designated by the purchaser.
Table I-Acceptance Criteria for Questionable Water Supplies
Limits Test Method
Compressive strength, min percent control at 7 days 90 T 106"
Time of set, deviation from control From 1:00 earlier to 1:30 later T 131"
" Comparison shall be based on fixed proportions and the same volume of test water compared to control mix using water or distilled water. Wash water from mixer washout may be used only with the purchaser's approval. When wash
water is permitted, the producer will provide satisfactory proof or data of nondetrimental effects if
potentially reactive aggregates are to be used. Use of wash water will be discontinued if
undesirable reaction with admixtures or aggregates occurs.
Admixtures-When air entrained concrete is specified and an admixture is used to secure the
desired air content, the admixture shall meet the requirements of M 154. Where it is desired to use
admixtures for purposes other than entrainment of air, the admixture shall conform to the
requirements of M 194.
5.1. The mix design may be specified by the engineer or submitted to the engineer by the Contractor
for approval, or a performance based specification can be used. When specified by the engineer, it
shall include the following:
5.1.4. Consistency desired at the point of delivery (Section 6.1.1 for acceptable tolerances);
5.1.5. The range of air content of the concrete when air-entraining cement or an air-entraining
admixture is specified. The air content shall be determined on samples taken at the point
of placement;
5.1.6. The type and amounts of admixture other than air-entraining agents when such admixtures
are specified.
5.2. When submitted by the contractor for approval by the engineer, the mix design shall be within the
limitation specified for:
3. When a performance-based specification is used, the engineer shall specify the desired fresh and
hardened concrete properties and permit the Contractor to design the mixture. The specifying
agency may specify the design method to be used by the Contractor. The Contractor will
demonstrate through trial mixtures that the mix designs will provide the specified fresh and
hardened properties. Selection of slump for placement shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.
The Contractor shall make trial placements to demonstrate that concrete can be placed without any
segregation, and without any difficulty in consolidating and finishing.
6.1. Unless other tolerances are included in the project specifications, the following shall apply:
6.1.1. When the project specifications for slump are written as a "maximum" or "not to exceed
requirement, see Table 3. This option is to be used only if one addition of water is permitted on the
job provided such addition does not increase the water-cement ratio above the maximum permitted
by the specifications.
Table 3-Specified Slump
If 76 rnm (3 in.) If More Than
or Less 76 mm (3 in.)
Plus tolerance 0 0
Minus tolerance 38 mm (1 'I2in.) 63 rnm (2'12in.)
6.1.2. When the project specifications for slump are not written as a "maximum" or "not to exceed"
requirement, see Table 4.
The purchaser shall specify or approve the design total air content of the concrete.
The air content of air-entrained concrete when sampled from the transportation unit at the point of
placement shall be within the purchaser specified tolerances. Where it is not practical to test at
this point, comparison of values measured at the point of placement and the nearest practical
location shall be established.
8.1. Except as otherwise specifically permitted, cement shall be measured by mass. When fly ash or
other cementitious materials are specified in the mix design, they may be weighed cumulatively
with cement. Cement and other cementitious material shall be weighed on a scale and in a weigh
hopper, which is separate and distinct from those used for other materials. Cement shall be
weighed before other cementitious material. When the quantity of cement exceeds 30 percent of
the full capacity of the scale, the quantity of cement, and the cumulative quantity of cement plus
other cementitious material, shall be within +1 percent of the required mass For small batches to a
minimum of 1 m3 (1 yd3), the quantity of cement, and the quantity of cement plus other
cementitious material, used shall not be less than the required amount nor more than four percent
in excess. Under special circumstances, approved by the purchaser, cement may be measured in
bags of standard mass (Note 2). No fraction of a bag of cement shall be used unless weighed.
Note 2-In the United States the standard mass of a bag of portland cement is 42.6 kg (94 Ib) +3
Aggregate shall be measured by mass. Batch mass shall be based on dry materials and shall be
required mass of dry materials plus the total mass of moisture (both absorbed and surface)
contained in the aggregate. The quantity of aggregate used in any batch of concrete as indicated by
the scale shall be within +2 percent of the required mass when weighed in individual weigh
batchers. In a cumulative aggregate weigh batcher, the cumulative mass after each successive
weighing shall be within +1 percent of the required cumulative amount when the scale is used in
excess of 30 percent of its capacity. For cumulative mass for less than 30 percent of scale capacity,
the tolerance shall be +0.3 percent of scale capacity or *3 percent of the required cumulative mass,
whichever is less.
Mixing water shall consist of water added to the batch, ice added to the batch, water occurring as
surface moisture on the aggregates, and water introduced in the form of admixtures. The added
water shall be measured by mass or volume to an accuracy of 1 percent of the required total
mixing water. Added ice shall be measured by weight. In the case of truck mixers, any wash water
retained in the drum for use in the next batch of concrete shall be accurately measured; if this
proves impractical or impossible, the wash water shall be discharged prior to loading the next
batch of concrete. Total water (including any wash water) shall be measured or weighed to an
accuracy of +3 percent of the specified total amount.
Bins with adequate separate compartments shall be provided in the batching plant for fine and for
each required size of coarse aggregate. Each bin compartment shall be designed and operated so as
to discharge efficiently and freely, with minimum segregation, into the weighing hopper. Means of
control shall be provided so that, as the quantity desired in the weighing hopper is approached, the
material may be shut off with precision. Weighing hoppers shall be constructed so as to eliminate
accumulations of tare materials and to discharge fully.
Indicating devices shall be in full view and near enough to be read accurately by the operator
while charging the hopper. The operators shall have convenient access to all controls.
Scales in use shall be accurate when static load tested to *0.4 percent of the total capacity of
the scale.
Scales for batching concrete ingredients may be either beam or springless dial scales and shall
conform to the applicable sections of the current edition of the National Bureau of Standards
Handbook 44, Speczjications, Tolerances, and other Technical Requirements for Commercial
Weighing and Measuring Devices,' except as may be otherwise specified. Methods for weighing
(electric, hydraulic, load cells, etc.) other than beam or springless dial scales that meet the above
weighing tolerances are also acceptable.
Adequate standard test masses shall be available for checking accuracy. All exposed fulcrums,
clevises, and similar working parts of scales shall be kept clean. Beam scales shall be equipped
with a balance indicator sensitive enough to show movement when a mass equal to 0.1 percent of
the nominal capacity of the scale is placed in the batch hopper. Pointer travel shall be a minimum
of five percent of the net-rated capacity of the largest weigh beam for underweight and four
percent for overweight.
The device for the measurement of the added water shall be capable of delivering to the batch the
quantity required within the accuracy required in Section 8.3. The device shall be so arranged that
the measurements will not be affected by variable pressure in the water supply line. Measuring
tanks shall be equipped with outside taps and valves to provide for checking their calibration
unless other means are provided for readily and accurately determining the amount of water in
the tank.
Note 4--The scale accuracy limitations of the National Ready Mixed Concrete Association Plant
Certification meet the requirements of M 157.
Mixers may be stationary mixers or truck mixers. Agitators may be truck mixers or truck agitators.
Stationary mixers shall be equipped with a metal plate or plates on which are plainly marked the
mixing speed of the drum or paddles, and the maximum capacity in terms of the volume of mixed
concrete. When used for the complete mixing of concrete, stationary mixers shall be equipped
with an acceptable timing device that will not permit that batch to be discharged until the specified
mixing time has elapsed.
10.1.2. Each truck mixer or agitator shall have attached thereto in a prominent place a metal plate or
plates on which are plainly marked the gross volume of the drum, the capacity of the drum or
container in terms of the volume of mixed concrete, and the minimum and maximum mixing
speeds of rotation of the drum, blades, or paddles. When the concrete is truck-mixed as described
in Section 1 1.1.3, or shrink mixed as described in Section 11.1.2, the volume of mixed concrete
shall not exceed 63 percent of the total volume of the drum or container. When the concrete is
central mixed as described in Section 11.1.1, the volume of concrete in the truck mixer or agitator
shall not exceed 80 percent of the total volume of the drum or container. Truck mixers and
agitators shall be equipped with means by which the number of revolutions of the drum, blades, or
paddles may be readily verified.
10.2. All stationary and truck mixers shall be capable of combining the ingredients of the concrete
within the specified time or number of revolutions specified in Section 10.5, into a thoroughly
mixed and uniform mass and of discharging the concrete so that no less than five of the six
requirements shown in Table 5 shall have been met.
Table %Requirements for Uniformity of Concrete
Test Requirement Expressed as Maximum Permissible Difference in Results of Tests of
Samples Taken from Two Locations in the Concrete Batch
Mass per cubic meter (mass per cubic foot) calculated to an air-free basis, 16 (1.0)
kg/m3 (lb/ft3)
Air content, volume percent of concrete
If average slump is 102 mm (4 in.) or less, mm (in.) 25 (1 .O)
If average slump is 102 to 152 nlm (4 to 6 in.), mm (in.) 38 (1.5)
Coarse aggregate content, portion by mass of each sample retained on No. 4 6.0
(4.75-mm) sieve, percent
Unit weight of air-free mortaf based on average for all comparative samples
tested, percent
Average compressive strength at 7 days for each sample,h based on average 7.5'
strength of all comparative test specimens, percent
"Test for Variability of Constituents in Concrete." Designation 26. Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual, 7th Edition. Available from
Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing office. Washington, DC 20402.
Not less than three cylinders will be molded and tested from each of the samples.
Tentative approval of the mixer may be granted pending results of the 7-day compressive strength tests.
Note 5-The sequence or method of charging the mixer will have an important effect on the
uniformity of the concrete.
The agitator shall be capable of maintaining the mixed concrete in a thoroughly mixed and
uniform mass and of discharging the concrete with a satisfactory degree of uniformity as defined
by Annex A.
Slump tests of individual samples taken after discharge of approximately 15 percent and 85
percent of the load may be made for a quick check of the probable degree of uniformity (Note 6).
These two samples shall be obtained within an elapsed time of not more than 15 minutes. If these
slumps differ more than that specified in Annex A, the mixer or agitator shall not be used unless
the condition is corrected, except as provided in Section 10.5.
Note 6-No samples should be taken before 10 percent or after 90 percent of the batch has been
discharged. Due to the difficulty of determining the actual quantity of concrete discharged, the
Use of the equipment may be permitted when operation with a longer mixing time, a smaller load,
or a more efficient charging sequence will permit the requirements of Annex A to be met.
Mixers and agitators shall be examined or weighed routinely as frequently as necessary to detect
changes in condition due to accumulations of hardened concrete or mortar and examined to detect
wear of blades. When such changes are extensive enough to affect the mixer performance, the
proof-tests described in Annex A shall be performed to show whether the correction of
deficiencies is required.
11.1. Ready-mixed concrete shall be mixed and delivered to the point designated by the purchaser by
means of one of the following combinations of operations:
Central-mixed concrete,
Truck-mixed concrete.
Mixers and agitators shall be operated within the limits of capacity and speed of rotation
designated by the manufacturer of the equipment.
Where no mixer performance tests are made, the acceptable mixing time for mixers having
capacities of 0.76 m3 (1 yd3) or less shall be not less than I minute. For mixers of greater
capacity, this minimum shall be increased 15 seconds for each cubic yard or fraction thereof
of additional capacity.
Note 7-HPC mixtures--especially those with stiff consistency having high cementitious
material content, low water-cementitious material ratio, and several admixtures-may need longer
mixing times and higher number of revolutions for thorough mixing.
Where mixer performance tests have been made on given concrete mixtures in accordance with
the testing program set forth in the following paragraphs, and the mixers have been charged to
their rated capacity, the acceptable mixing time may be reduced from those particular
circumstances to a point at which satisfactory mixing defined in Section 1 1.3.3 shall have been
accomplished. When the mixing time is so reduced the maximum time of mixing shall not exceed
this reduced time by more than 60 seconds for air-entrained concrete.
Alternative Procedure 1-The mixer shall be stopped, and the required samples removed by any
suitable means from the concrete at approximately equal distances from the front and back of the
drum, or
Alternative Procedure 2-As the mixer is being emptied, individual samples shall be taken after
discharge of approximately 15 percent and 85 percent of the load. Any appropriate method of
sampling may be used, provided the samples are representative of widely separated portions, but
not the very ends of the batch (Note 6).
The samples of concrete shall be tested in accordance with Section 17, and differences in test
results for the two samples shall not exceed those given in Annex A. Mixer performance tests shall
be repeated whenever the appearance of the concrete or the coarse aggregate content of samples
selected as outlined in this section indicates that adequate mixing has not been accomplished.
Shrink-Mixed Concrete-Concrete that is partially mixed in a stationary mixer, and then mixed
completely in a truck mixer, shall conform to the following: the time of partial mixing shall be the
minimum required to intermingle the ingredients. After transfer to a truck mixer the amount of
mixing at the designated mixing speed will be that necessary to meet the requirements for
uniformity of concrete as indicated in Annex A. Tests to confirm such performance may be made
in accordance with Sections 11.3.3 and Additional turning of the mixer, if any, shall be at
a designated agitating speed.
When a truck mixer or truck agitator is used for transporting concrete that has been completely
mixed in a stationary mixer,the truck mixer or agitator shall be agitated continuously during
transport at the speed designated by the manufacturer of the equipment as agitating speed.
11.8. Concrete delivered in cold weather shall have the applicable minimum temperature indicated in
Table 6.
Table 6-Minimum Concrete Temperature
As Delivered Concrete Tem~erature
Air Temperature, Thin Sections and Heavy Sections and
"C Unformed slabs, "C Mass Concrete, "C
-1 to 7 16 10
-18 to -1 18 13
Below -18 21 16
30 to 45 60 50
0 to 30 65 55
Below 0 70 60
The maximum temperature of concrete produced with heated aggregates, heated water, or both,
shall at no time during its production or transportation exceed 32°C (90°F).
Note 8-When hot water is used, rapid stiffening may occur if hot water is brought in direct
contact with the cement. Additional information on cold weather concreting is contained in
ACI 306R.
Every effort should be made to maintain the temperature of the concrete produced during hot
weather as low as practicable. In some situations, difficulty may be encountered when concrete
temperatures approach 32°C (90°F).
Note 9 A d d i t i o n a l information is contained in ACI 305R.
12.1. Central-mixed concrete may be transported in suitable nonagitating equipment approved by the
purchaser. The proportions of the concrete shall be approved by the purchaser and the following
limitations shall apply:
Bodies of nonagitating equipment shall be smooth, watertight, metal containers equipped with
gates that will permit control of the discharge of the concrete. Covers shall be provided for
protection against the weather when required by the purchaser.
Slump tests of individual samples taken after discharge of approximately 15 percent and 85
percent of the load may be made for a quick check of the probable degree of uniformity (Note 6).
These two samples shall be obtained within an elapsed time of not more than 15 minutes. If these
slumps differ more than that specified in Table 5, the nonagitating equipment shall not be used
unless the conditions are corrected as provided in Section 12.5.
If the requirements of Annex A are not met when the nonagitating equipment is operated for the
maximum time of haul, and with the concrete mixed the minimum time, the equipment may still
be used when operated using shorter hauls, or longer mixing times, or combinations thereof that
will result in the requirements of Annex A being met.
13.1. Proper facilities shall be provided for the engineer to inspect ingredients and process used in the
manufacture and delivery of the concrete. The manufacturer shall, without charge, afford the
inspector representing the engineer all reasonable facilities for securing samples to determine
whether the concrete is being furnished in accordance with this inspection.
14.1. The contractor shall afford the engineer all reasonable access, without charge, for the
procurement of samples of fresh concrete at time of placement to determine conformance of it to
this specification.
14.2. Samples of concrete shall be obtained in accordance with T 142, except when taken to
determine uniformity of slump within any one batch or load of concrete (Sections 10.4, 1 1.3.3,
11.5.1, and 12.4).
15.1. Slump, air-content, and density tests shall be made at the time of placement at the option of the
engineer as often as is necessary for control checks and acceptance purposes, and always when
strength specimens are made.
15.2. If the measured slump, air content or density falls outside the specified limits, a check test shall be
made immediately on another portion of the same sample. In the event of a second failure, the
concrete shall be considered to have failed the requirements of the specification. Density shall be
required for lightweight concretes and is recommended for normal weight concretes.
16.1. The manufacturer of the concrete shall furnish to the purchaser with each batch of concrete before
unloading at the site, a delivery ticket on which is printed, stamped, or written, information
concerning said concrete as follows:
Truck number.
Name of purchaser,
Specific class or designation of the concrete in conformance with that employed in job
Additional information for certification purposes as designated by the purchaser and required by
the job specifications shall be furnished when requested; such information may include the
Information necessary to calculate the total mixing water added by the producer. Total mixing
water includes free water on the aggregates, water, and ice batched at the plant, and water added
by the truck operator from the mixer tank;
Compression Test Specimens-T 23, using standard moist curing in accordance with Sections 9.1
and 9.2 of T 23.
M 157-12 AASHTO
17.1.3. Yield, Mass per Cubic Foot-T 12 1 or ASTM C 567.
17.2. Tests made for determination of mixer performance or for acceptance of concrete shall be
conducted by the specifying agency or, with specifying agency approval, by a testing laboratory
meeting the requirements of ASTM E 329.
(Mandatory Information)
Al.l. The variation within a batch as provided in Table 5 shall be determined for each property listed as
the difference between the highest value and the lowest value obtained from the different portions
of the same batch. For this specification the comparison will be between two samples,
representing the first and the last portions of the batch being tested. Test results conforming to the
limits of five of the six tests listed in Table 5 shall indicate uniform concrete within the limits of
this specification.
A1.2. Coarse Aggregate Content, using the washout test, shall be computed from the following relations:
Available at Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, DC 20402.