The Narrative of Frederick Douglass Analysis Assignment

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Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass - Analysis Assignment 100 pts.

Analyze the book for the literary elements (imagery, connotative diction, biblical allusions, epithets) and
rhetorical strategies (parallel structure, antithesis, parenthesis, loose or periodic sentences, balanced sentences,
and repetition), then identify examples of the modes of organization that Douglass uses: narration,
description, exposition and dialogue. Comment on the how style and structure amplify events in the book,
leaving a strong impression on the reader.

What you will turn in:
- You will identify at least three of the strategies listed per section through direct quote using
parenthetical documentation.
- Identify at least two examples of the modes of organization for the entire book listed above through
direct quote using parenthetical documentation.
- Respond in a few paragraphs discussing how the style and structure of the book amplify the events to
leave a strong impression on the reader.
- This will be typed and turned in to Edmodo by: ____________________________

Look for examples of parenthesis, biblical allusion, imagery, strong diction, parallel structure, anaphora,

Look for examples of strong/biblical diction, parallel structure, anaphora, antithesis, antimetabole, climatic
order, parenthesis, metaphor

Look for examples of parallel structure, anaphora, asyndeton, polysyndeton, anadiplosis, parenthesis,
biblical allusion, polyptoton

CHAPTER 10, pages 75-97
Look for examples of powerful diction, metaphor, parallel structure, epistrophe, antimetabole, antithesis,
apostrophe, alliteration, polyptoton

CHAPTER 10, pages 98-125
Look for examples of parallel structure, anaphora, parenthesis, rhetorical question and answer, epithet,
powerful diction, climatic order, antithesis

CHAPTER 11 and appendix
Look for examples of parallel structure, anaphora, antithesis, parenthesis, epithets, polyptoton, anadiplosis,
anastrophe, rhetorical question, biblical allusion, periodic sentence

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
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