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Electronic Bank Statement - Creating Search Strings

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Electronic Bank Statement

Creating Search Strings

Within SAP banking module, Electronic Bank Statements (EBS) are used to load an
electronic copy of the daily bank statement. he electronic bank statement may ha!e a
different format based upon the format used by the specific bank. A fe" standard formats are
#ulticash, S"ift #$%& 'nternational format (field () unstructured), S"ift #$%& "ith field
() structured, and BA'.
he bank statement contains header information concerning the bank key, bank account,
statement date, currency, and ending balance. 'n addition, the bank statement contains detail
information for all transactions that posted to the bank account during that day. Each detail
line item contains an E*ternal ransaction +ode specific to the bank format to identify ho"
the line item actually posted to the bank account.
As part of the implementation of EBS, the E*ternal ransaction +odes must be mapped to a
Posting rule that determines the debit and credit posting in SAP ,'. Each E*ternal ransaction
+ode is assigned a Posting -ule "ith a ./0 or .10 to indicate "hether the mo!ement of the
money "as into the bank account or out of the bank account. And finally, an algorithm is
assigned to the E*ternal ransaction +odes to assist in matching a specific document posted
in SAP for clearing purposes (e.g., identifying the AP in!oice using .-eference 2ocument0).
A problem that occurs "ithin the bank statement is that a specific type of acti!ity may
actually appear "ithin the bank statement "ithin one or more E*ternal ransaction +odes.
he specific acti!ity "ithin the bank statement may relate to a customer payment, !endor
payment, or e!en 3ero balancing of a bank account to a pool bank account. SAP needs to post
these acti!ities e*actly the same no matter "hich E*ternal ransaction +ode is referenced
"ithin the bank statement line item. he capability to create the consistent posting for the
bank statement line items is pro!ided by creating a Search String to map a specific Posting
-ule for each specific acti!ity "hen the bank statement is processed for posting to SAP ,'.
he SAP configuration e*pert needs to access the '#4 'mplementation 4uide by keying in
the transaction code .SP-50 "ithin the +ommand line. he specific customi3ing line item
.2efine Search String for Electronic Bank Statement0 used to create the re6uired search
strings necessary to meet customer re6uirements is sho"n in the menu path belo".
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Electronic Bank Statement
Creating Search Strings
he first step is to begin by !alidating the 2ialog Structure is set to .Search string definition0.
he configuration "ithin this dialog structure creates the actual information used "ithin the
search string.
he ne*t step is to create the .Search string definition0. he follo"ing fields must be
populated "ith the information that pro!ides specific meaning to the business unit.
Search string name
9ame : description of search string
Search string : actual !alue to search
#apping : actual !alue to be mapped
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Electronic Bank Statement
Creating Search Strings
,or e*ample< 9ordea bank sends additional information for specific account acti!ity "ithin
the Ad!ice fields. SAP needs to identify "ithin each specific bank statement line item if the
additional information .;==(%%1&0 e*ists in the ad!ice fields. 'f the bank statement line item
contains .;==(%%1&0, then SAP needs to change the Posting rule to a customer specific !alue
.&7&;0. SAP changes the Posting rule for all E*ternal ransaction +odes that are assigned to
the bank statement line item that contains the specific additional information .;==(%%1&0.
he first step is to create a search string definition. he search string name references the
bank .9ordea0 "ith additional information. he name of the search string definition pro!ides
information concerning "hat the search string shall accomplish "ithin EBS processing. he
search string contains the actual !alue .;==(%%1&0 that SAP needs to identify "ithin each
bank statement line item. ,inally, the mapping identifies the actual Posting rule .&7&;0 that
SAP changes "hen the actual !alue "ithin the search string is found "ithin the Ad!ice fields
in a bank statement line item.
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Electronic Bank Statement
Creating Search Strings
S"itch o!er the 2ialog Structure to .Search string use0 by double clicking on the folder
.Search string use0.
Within the .Search string use0 table, the follo"ing information needs to be pro!ided for SAP
to process the search string properly.
+ompany code
>ouse bank used to identify a specific bank statement
Account '2
'nterpretation algorithm : ho" SAP identifies specific posted documents
String name : .Search string name0 from abo!e
arget field : "hat shall be affected from using the search string
EBP-+- Profit +enter
EB?5S@ +ost +enter
EBA4'9 Posting -ule
EB+>E+ +heck B 2#E -eference B Assignment 9umber
EB'9A4 'nterpretation algorithm
EBAA?59 Account number
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Electronic Bank Statement
Creating Search Strings
EBAA?5A Account type
Prefi* (not re6uired : used for ,unds center)
'2 (not re6uired : Business Partner identification)
SAP uses the information keyed "ithin the .Search string use0 to firstly identify a specific
company code, house bank, and account '2 concerning a specific bank statement that may
contain the !alue .;==(%%1&0 "ithin the Ad!ice fields. he 'nterpretation algorithm identifies
ho" SAP should search for e*isting SAP documents for clearing purposes. -ecommend using
the default !alue .$$$ All 'nterpretation algorithms0. he specific search string .9ordea ;;&&
;==(%%1&0 is identified "ithin the CString nameC. arget field identifies "hat shall be updated
"ithin EBS processing as a result of the search string. >ere the arget field identifies
.EBA4'9 Posting -ule0 as the target for the data "ithin the .#apping0 field from the
search string. ,inally, the check bo* must be clicked on for the .Search string use0 structure
to be acti!e in SAP. he Prefi* field is not used e*cept in connection "ith ,unds ce"nter. he
'2 check bo* field is not used e*cept for specific Business Partner re6uirements.
he search string does not process the change to the mapped !alue during the loading of the
bank statement into SAP. SAP processes the search string to change the mapped !alue in the
arget field during the posting process to SAP ,' for the bank statement. herefore, using the
e*ample abo!e, the Posting rule for all bank statement line items that contain the !alue
.;==(%%1&0 "ithin the Ad!ice fields shall change to .&7&;0 for posting "ithin SAP ,'.
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