Adorno Interpretation of Husserl
Adorno Interpretation of Husserl
Adorno Interpretation of Husserl
Philosophy & Social Criticism
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DOI: 10.1177/0191453706064896
2006 32: 555 Philosophy Social Criticism
Ernst Wolff
theory from his reading of Husserl
From phenomenology to critical theory: the genesis of Adorno's critical
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vol 32 no 5
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Copyright 2006 SAGE Publications (London, Thousand Oaks, CA and New Delhi) DOI: 10.1177/0191453706064896
by Alonso Pelayo on October 21, 2014 Downloaded from
how the mature Adorno nally submitted phenomenology to his meta-
With the exception of some youth essays, the rst work of import-
ance by Adorno in philosophy is his thesis Die Transzendenz des
Dinglichen und Noematischen in Husserls Phnomenologie. This text
does not play an important role in the subsequent philosophical
development of its author and was published only posthumously. It
constitutes, however, with the retracted Habilitationsschrift (entitled
Der Begriff des Unbewuten in der transzendentalen Seelenlehre
) the
so-called transcendental phase of Adornos thought,
which came to a
close before 1930, when the characteristic Adornian philosophy started
emerging. That his thesis merits our attention could be justied in two
ways. On the one hand it represents the point of departure from where
the subsequent turn could be better appreciated and in this way it helps
us to understand the whole of his philosophy better. On the other hand
it is the starting point of a very long involvement in the interpretation
of phenomenology.
Now, let us take a look at the prole of Adorno as reader of Husserl.
1 The given: the transcendental idealism of Hans Cornelius
That Adorno submitted himself to the inuence of his mentor, Hans
Cornelius, and especially to his work Transcendentale Systematik, is
unequivocally testied. In the preface to Die Transzendenz des
Dinglichen und Noematischen in Husserls Phnomenologie Adorno
declared that the book of Cornelius functions as a measure and a
methodical guide:
I link up with the Transcendentale Systematik and its terminology and see
my task actually as clarifying the difference between the insights exposed
in it and Husserls Ideen, insofar as it deals with the theory of the thing
itself. Also, where it is not explicitly cited, there is an obvious connection
between my research and the Transcendentale Systematik that does not
require further elaboration.
Similarly, in the introduction to Der Begriff des Unbewuten in der trans-
zendentalen Seelenlehre, Adorno says:
The basic determinations of the transcendental philosophy exposed here
link up closely with the epistemological researches of Hans Cornelius
whose founding of the Transcendentalen Systematik is presupposed for
all that follows and with whose researches our observations would corre-
spond also there where it does not make an explicit appeal to it.
In other words, it is not a question of an occasional inclination to the
thought of his mentor, but rather a standing adherence to it.
Thus, the
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appropriate place to start to situate Adorno vis--vis Husserl would be
the work of Hans Cornelius. The aim of the following remarks on the
philosophy of Cornelius is then to nd access to the transcendental
idealist Adorno of the 1920s. The inuence of the mentor on Adorno
(and on Horkheimer too) should not be disregarded.
During the rst phase of his intellectual development Cornelius
attempted to provide philosophy with a rigorously scientic basis. At
that stage he thought that such a scientic foundation would be consti-
tuted by data of experiences (Erlebnisse), that is, by the facts of the
consciousness (Tatsachen des Bewusstseins), which lend themselves to
a sufcient investigation by psychology. However, after receiving criti-
cism from Husserl, he dissociated himself to an extent from his own
psychologism. But instead of converting himself to the capacities of the
intentional consciousness, he tried to refute the theory of eidetic intu-
ition and moved closer to Kantianism he started searching for the
foundation of universally valid judgements in the unity of conscious-
ness. An inuence from Gestaltism is perceptible in the fact he now
underscores the interconnection (Zusammenhang) in which all experi-
ences were embedded. Thus, turning against all atomistic psychologisms
whatever they were, he laid stress on the interconnections between
different lived or subjective experiences. The terminology of Erlebnisse
(experiences) and psychische Tatsachen (psychological facts) conse-
quently makes room for the so-called unmittelbar gegebene Gegen-
stnde (immediately given objects). This notion refers to the only
objects given without any mediation of concepts and thus, the only ones
capable of providing a reliable basis of the consciousness.
The immedi-
ately given objects are linked through a set of relations that act as
condition for the emergence of givens. The conditions for immediate
givens are at the same time the conditions for the possibility of experi-
ence in general and these conditions correspond more or less with the
Kantian categories. By this development Cornelius wanted to make the
transition from idealism to empirism.
Having established the leading notions of Cornelius philosophy, we
are now ready to examine Adornos rst reading of Husserl.
2 Contradiction in the conception of immediate data
Husserls phenomenology presents a theory of knowledge and, says the
young Adorno, as such it should be put to the test as to what it teaches
about the thing or the object. This evaluation is worked out within a
framework where the philosophy of Cornelius is the measure; Tiedemann
correctly describes this rst work of Adornos as school philosophy
It is only within the light of the Transcendentale
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Systematik that the weakness of Husserls Ideen,
and in particular of
its conception of the immediate data (unmittelbaren Gegebenheiten),
becomes visible. These weaknesses are responsible for a contradiction
around which the problem of Adornos thesis is formulated:
. . . on the one hand Husserl demanded the founding of all thing-like being
only by going back to the immediate facts. On the other hand he considers
the things as absolute transcendents that might show themselves epistemo-
logically only in their relation to the consciousness, but whose own being
should in principle be independent of the consciousness.
In other words, a tension is created between being as consciousness and
being as reality. This tension is doubled on the level of theory between
its transcendental idealist components and its transcendental realist
According to Adornos analysis, this contradiction is rst and
foremost apparent in the Husserlian notion of immediate experiences.
In order to found philosophy as a rigorous science, it would be neces-
sary to return to the things of which science is science, but what Husserl
does, is to return to the things while claiming that they are immediately
given to the consciousness. The difference is important: the things are
not experiences; whereas experiences are immediate data, the things are
given only indirectly.
This disjunction necessitates, rst, the methodi-
cal suspension of all judgements about the reality of the things (this is
the phenomenological epoche), which should then be followed up by
studies on the rich plurality of states of consciousness. The investigation
of the consciousness reveals that every consciousness is a consciousness
of . Subsequently, phenomenology is the meticulous examination of
immediate data, i.e. consciousness of , because this bodily presence
constitutes the legal source of true knowledge.
But if in phenomen-
ology it is really a matter of merely the consciousness of , how is
it possible that no actual thing is necessary for the being of the
consciousness? How is it possible that an abyss can exist between the
consciousness of which is supposedly necessary and absolute on
the one hand and on the other the fortuitious, relative reality?
abyss opens up where the phenomenologist wanted to search for the
immediate data. However, writes Adorno, the things claimed by
phenomenology to be immediately present to the consciousness are in
fact re-presented in the consciousness by means of the memory. Thus,
Husserl shares the presupposition with Brentano that every immediate
given of the consciousness is accompanied by an act of experience; this
false presupposition has indeed above all guided the tendency, which is
difcult to overcome, to objectify all objects immediately. In fact a
mediated experience is still necessary for the knowledge of all thing-like
objects, since these objects can, acording to their nature, only be given
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Husserls error was, then, to have made a direct link between
perception and that which is perceived, between cogitation and cogita-
tio, instead of excluding the latter completely by an epoche.
By doing
this he failed to realize that the notions cogitation and cogitata repre-
sent the distinction between being indirectly given and being directly
given. Had Husserl respected the distinction between ways of being
given and transcendental data, he would not have turned a blind eye
to the symbolic function of the consciousness of things, because it is this
distinction that engenders the distinction between symbols and that
which is symbolized.
Still following Adornos analysis, this negligence from Husserl is
mirrored in the equivocal notion of noema. Husserl concedes that things
cannot be experiences and this compels him to situate the noema of the
things outside of the consciousness, even though, as appearances to
the consciousness, the noema are, strictly speaking, immanent to the
It is the phenomenological epoche (the procedure by
which the distinction between non-reduced things and the reduced
things are established) that gives rise to the ambiguity of the noema.
Furthermore, this procedure that was supposed to allow us to reconsti-
tute the transcendental things that are articulated in the innite ux of
Abschattungen of the consciousness, leaves us with a phenomenology
as an atomistic or Mosaic psychology.
An atomistic psychology will
always be incapable of providing us with the things as constituted in
eine gesetzmigen Zusammengang of the phenomena.
This last remark leads us to the young Adornos thoughts on the
nature of things. Things are neither transcendent, nor experienced, they
are the rules for experience (and not the cause of experience); they are
thus immanent to the consciousness where they function as rules for the
the interconnection (Zusammenhang) of appearances
Things are not single experiences, but correlations between experiences
laws for their lapse. As such they are, however, completely and in the
strictest sense immanent to the interconnection of the consciousness.
The experiences are constituted by the interconnection of ones person-
nal consciousness, which is the foundation of every true statement.
These last remarks represent at the same time the elements of Corneliuss
transcendental idealism that are scattered through the thesis of Adorno
and with the aid of which he both criticizes the Husserlian phenomen-
ology and proposes a remedy for it.
3 The turn away from the transcendental idealism
After his thesis Adorno did not again devote a study solely to Husserl-
ian phenomenology, that is, before his essays of 1937 (Zur Philosophie
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Husserls) and 1939 (Husserl and the Problem of Idealism) and then
again in 1956 (Zur Metakritik der Erkenntnistheorie)
all of which
will be discused later. That means that, in order to follow the changes
in his reading of Husserl, it is necessary to make a few big leaps in time.
To facilite these leaps, I shall make a few comments on the turn by which
Adorno departed from the transcendental philosophy. For this purpose
we shall have a look at the Habilitationsschrift and the three texts of
the early 1930s,
which signal the emergence of a new Adorno, the
Adorno of the book on Kierkegaard.
I have already cited Adornos declaration of support for the tran-
scendental philosophy of Hans Cornelius, which is still in Der Begriff
des Unbewuten in der transzendentalen Seelenlehre (the abolished
Habilitationsschrift of 1927), for Adorno the umbrella under which he
develops his perspective on the unconscious. Here he uses the philos-
ophy of his mentor to put his nger on the inconsistencies in the then
contemporary and apparently popular notion of the unconscious. How
is a philosophy of the unconscious to be identied?
We now generally call philosophies of the unconscious in the rst instance
all doctrines that afrm the independence of the validity of its statements
from the consciousness, and which asserts that there is for them some or
other mode of cognition (mostly such that is based on a transcendent foun-
dation of the thing as such) independent from the consciousness, that
enables them to make statements that are absolute and surpassing in prin-
ciple the statements that are founded in the consciousness.
Such a philosophy is clearly contradicted by a transcendental philosophy
that deals precisely with the transcendental or fundamental conditions
of all possible knowledge, conditions that would be situated nowhere
else than immanent to the consciousness. On the other hand, to recog-
nize the consciousness as the stable foundation of all existence is not
possible for a philosophy that contests the dignity or the integrity of the
consciousness in other words, for a philosophy of the unconscious.
By the idea of the unconscious that Adorno puts forward, he
attempts to show that the whole of the unconscious could be exhaus-
tively interpreted as structures belonging to the consciousness itself.
Thus, the unconscious embraces on the one hand a layer of forgotten
experiences, of experiences blotted out of the memory and on the other
hand a layer of ordered relations, which are the rules of categories, non-
accessible to direct experience because they are the condition of the
possibility of the consciousness.
It is within this framework that
Adorno proposes suggestions for the correction of Kants philosophy of
the categories, and searches for a connection with Freudian psycho-
analysis a long-standing fascination of Adornos. Why the Freudian
theory? Because, according to Adorno, it is there that one could nd a
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way of reection on conscious meanings and on the mental laws discov-
erable by the reason.
We consider psychoanalysis as the appropriate epistemological method for
knowing the unconscious state of affairs. We choose it especially because
it corresponds to a particular extent to the demands of the transcendental
method, but then also because of all the psychological disciplines it alone
is directed at the analysis of the intra-temporal interconnection of
consciousness. We understand psychoanalysis, with the exclusion of all
therapeutical intentions as well as all biological hypotheses, as an analysis
of the interconnection of consciousness aimed at knowledge of regularities
and the individual state of affairs of this interconnection, insofar as it is
unconscious. It corresponds rst of all with the transcendental method in
its fundamental concepts, it is like the latter founded in the presupposition
of the unity and regularity of the process of consciousness . . . It is, like the
transcendental method, essentially an analysis of interconnection, moving
from the whole to the parts. But it also agrees essentially with the ndings
of the transcendental research of the unconscious in the content of its
In the excerpt from his conclusion it appears clearly to what extent
Adorno in 1927 still stayed loyal to the transcendental philosophy. But
this loyalty opens up to declarations about the aim of his work that put
him in a frame that has little in common with the epistemology of
and which was still entirely absent from the rst work on
Husserl. That Adorno keeps himself busy with the problem of the
unconscious is not to be explained merely by epistemological motiva-
tions, but rather by the fact that the popularity and confusion in the
notion of the unconscious arose from a deep time-historical necessity.
What is it all about?
The aim of his research is to put a theory of the unconscious in place
against the use of this notion in vitalistic or organic theories, where it
serves to oppose rationalism by contesting the dignity or integrity of
the consciousness (as I have already indicated). The debate against such
theories is justied by the conviction that every theory exercises a
function that is determined by its surrounding social reality. What, then,
is this dangerous function that lies at the origin of the popularity of the
notion of the unconscious and that would at the same time be the justi-
cation for Adornos criticism?
The theory of the unconscious contradicts the social order in force
as an economic-rational order. This fact invites the suspicion that the
theory supplements that which lacks in reality, and that which lacks in
reality is sublimated (verklrt) by theory in other words, the theory
functions as an ideology.
The ideology of the unconscious tends to
justify a reality (independently of the processes of economic production)
into which one could withdraw oneself from the economic forces. But
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if one follows the transcendentalizing reinterpretation of Adorno
what is passed over in silence is that the economic consciousness is
managed by the unconscious that does not exist independently from it.
That is why the idea of an independence with regard to the economy
(which is claimed by the theories of the unconscious) translates or
mirrors the rare luxury of economic independence. With this chain of
thoughts the following conclusion is reached:
The ideological function of the doctrine of the unconscious continues itself
by the positive estimation of those unconscious forces that throw the indi-
vidual back on him/herself and turn him/her away from social relations,
from which he/she believes him/herself to be independent and from which
the individual draws him/herself into a private existence, instead of letting
him/herself too far in with the possibility of its change.
Undermining the dignity of reason is then not only aimed at turning
away from the social reality, but also at defending a social order that is
established when business organizes itself illegitimately and blindly
according to its power and its urges. In this way, the ideology of the
unconscious shelters exploitation, imperialism and fascism, which are
supposedly the consequences of unconscious and fateful necessities,
given the fact that they are without any rational foundation. These
necessities are often put on the account of the sacred or of divine will.
If one follows this view of the social functioning of theories of the
unconscious, it becomes clear why Adorno understands his own work
as a demystication (Entzauberung) of the unconscious. He demysties
the clandestine powers and urges on the one hand by demonstrating
that the unconscious is a form of the Zusammenhang of the conscious-
ness, namely a transcendent general and necessary regularity (transzen-
dentale allgemeine und notwendige Gesetzmigkeit) and on the other
hand by adopting the perspective of psychoanalysis that provides him
with knowledge of the unconscious without loading it with a meta-
physical pathos.
What is the relevance of this excursion on the rejected Habilitations-
schrift for the understanding of Adorno as reader of Husserl? It
announces a change of perspective with regard to that which served as
his norm Cornelius transcendental philosophy. Even though he made
this philosophy once again his own, Adorno adopted a new level of
judgement on the theory of knowledge (be it Cornelius transcendental
philosophy or Husserls phenomenology), which takes epistemology
nally to be a product of the society from which it emerged. In doing
so, Adorno anticipates his own later cultural criticism.
This change of perspective is accentuated even more clearly in the
three short texts of the beginning of the 1930s, where several import-
ant subjects for the later Adorno come to the fore: aesthetics, nature
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and history, language, Lukcs and Benjamin, among others. The back-
ground of these themes is the adoption of a kind of dialectic material-
Here, Husserl is already interpreted within the framework of the
evolution of the phenomenological movement
to which he gave birth
as well as of the philosophy of the 20th century.
The position accorded to Husserl in this context is signicant. The
claim of philosophy to be able to seize reality in its totality has turned
out to be illusory, says Adorno, and this crisis is nothing else than the
crisis of idealism.
The cornerstone of every idealist system is precisely
this claim that the autonomous reason is capable to seize in itself and
from itself the whole of reality. Recent philosophy (recent at the time
of Adornos essay), here, in particular, phenomenology, attests that this
crisis of idealism is the effort, following the disintegration of the idealist
systems and with the instrument of idealism, the autonome ratio, to gain
a trans-subjective, binding order of being.
The analysis of immediate
data remains subjected to the jurisdiction of reason (Rechtsprechung der
Vernunft) which is the last instance of the relation between reason and
reality. Husserls philosophy could not be characterized as a system that
is not idealist enough any more (as the young Adorno would have had
it), but to the contrary, as a system that remains too faithful to the
idealism that it tries to overcome.
This thesis, presented somewhat cryptically by its author (and
which comes from his academic inaugural lecture at the University of
Frankfurt, entitled Die Aktualitt der Philosophie) was developed in
detail in his article of 1939, published in 1940 in the United States under
the title Husserl and the Problem of Idealism.
4 Husserl as idealist
There could remain no further doubt concerning Adornos change of
interpretation of Husserl, when the former writes:
It appears to me that Husserls philosophy was precisely an attempt to
destroy idealism from within, an attempt with the means of consciousness
to break through the wall of transcendental analysis, while at the same time
trying to carry such an analysis as far as possible.
How did he develop this conviction? It is the notion of the categorial
intuition of the Logische Untersuchungen that provides access to this
problem. The categorial intuition, later the Wesensschau of the Ideen,
is the intellectual manoeuvre by which Husserl attempted to hold
together two ambitions that drive his phenomenology: on the one hand,
the positivist Husserl wants to return to the things themselves, he wants
to take the immediate data as the only source of true knowledge; on the
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other hand, the rationalist Husserl wants to maintain the reason as the
nal authority for the validation of truths, judges Adorno.
The two
forces are held together by the notion of intentionality, according to
which the truths of reason are meant or signied by lived experiences.
But since the intentional act in itself does not yet guarantee the exist-
ence of the intentional object, Husserl reinforces intentionality by its
intuitive fullment (intuitive Erfllung), which is supposed to assure a
notion of truth independent of its constitution. With this complex of
notions Husserl claims to have found an objectivity against the rela-
tivism of psychologism and this without falling into a nave positivism.
But quite the contrary, says Adorno, Husserl in this way attributes
general and necessary features to experiences that in reality are
conferred on them by the process of the reason and Husserl also
attributes immediateness to reection, only due to experiences. This
nave logical realism means that for Husserl thought is affected by the
truths of reason in a way analogical to the way in which the senses are
affected by the things themselves in Kants philosophy. Thus Adorno
concludes that the categorial intuition is not a discovery of phenomen-
ology, but rather once again an attempt to hold together an analysis of
the consciousness and the being in itself of truth.
More important than the details of his analysis is the perspective that
Adorno proposes of this Husserlian idealism. The foremost reason for the
paradoxes in phenomenology (which I have previously indicated) are to
be found in the fact that Husserl tries to overcome idealism by using the
idealist tool par excellence: the analysis of the structure of the conscious-
ness and of thought. Husserl is anti-idealist in his refusal of a kind of
spontaneity of the spirit and in his motto of the return to the things them-
selves; but his wish to nd an absolute point for all reection leads him
to an analysis of the data of the consciousness, of which the unity serves
as the ultimate instance of juridiction on the data. Adorno concludes:
The doctrine of essence which was regarded as the main anti-idealist stroke
of Husserls nally reveals itself as the summit of idealism: the pure essence,
the objectivity of which seems to spurn any subjective constitution, is
nothing but subjectivity in its abstractness, the pure function of thinking,
the I think in the sense of the Kantian unity of consicousness.
This interpretation is taken even further in Zur Metakritik der Erkennt-
5 Husserl and the prima philosophia
My project was to follow the itinerary of Adorno as reader of Husserl
up to the threshold of his own philosophy. We have arrived at our goal,
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but I shall permit myself to nish this trajectory by examining the image
that Adorno provides of Husserl in one of his most important texts: the
introduction to the Metakritik. The subtitle of the book Studien ber
Husserl und die phnomenologischen Antinomien should not mislead
us into believing that it is just about commentaries on the founder of
phenomenology. In the preface Adorno expresses the need to explain in
principle and according to the concrete model the question of the possi-
bility and of the truth of a theory of knowlege. Within this framework,
the philosophy of Husserl serves as the opportunity, rather than the
This book is about the philosophy of Adorno, rather than that
of Husserl. Here we are already at the heart of Adornos philosophy
according to Tiedemann, Adorno in 1968 still considered the Metakritik
as his most important work after Negative Dialektik.
As stated, the question here is on the possibility and the truth of
theories of knowledge, but in such a way as to present a metacriticism,
which is an important notion of which we have seen the emergence of
some characteristics, already in the study on the unconscious, and which
will still be important for our discussion that follows. Let us start with
a provisional orientation that I borrow from Martin Jay: metacritique
meant going beyond the realm of philosophy per se into its social and
historical underpinnings, without, however, reducing it to them in the
manner of a vulgar sociology of knowledge.
How does the philosophy
of Husserl give an opportunity for such a metacritical reection?
The key to this interpretation of Husserl comes from a remark in
the Ideen that characterizes the work site of phenomenology as a sphere
of being of absolute origins.
The philosophy of Husserl is, as
Ursprungsphilsophie (philosophy of the origin or of origins), a late
prolongation of the old tradition of the prima philosophia. The essence
of a rst philosophy is independent of that which is identied by that
philosophy as rst, as the principle. However, its essence is found in the
principle of identity contained by that philosophy. Everything should be
deemed equivalent to this principle. And since everything is equivalent
to it, the principle founds a claim to totality. In order to claim the equiv-
alence of the totality, the principle should be immediately accessible,
irreducible, in itself.
But there is a problem that Adorno uncovers here, namely that the
notion of rst itself is in need of mediation in order to become of force,
since its immediateness becomes reections own only by the mediation
of thought.
The claim of totality made by a philosophy of origin,
obtains a totality only by the mediation of its own thought. Thus the
rst philosophy becomes idealist. Husserl (we discover once again here
by parting from his involvement in a project of a philosophy of the
origin) stays loyal to the essence of idealism. How does this idealist rst
philosophy function? Adorno answers:
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Since the philosophical rst must always already contain everything, spirit
conscates what is unlike itself and makes it the same, its property, spirit
inventories it. Nothing may slip through the net. The principle must guaran-
tee completeness. The accountability of the stock becomes axiomatic. Avail-
ability establishes the bond between philosophy and mathematics . . .
It would be superuous to follow up the details of the reections on
mathematics, since readers of the Dialektik der Aufklrung recognize in
this very important citation the main elements developed some 15 years
previously by Adorno and Horkheimer; in the Metakritik, once again,
we nd the theme of the coalition between power and knowledge. The
two authors wrote about the reason of the Enlightenment:
. . . number became the canon of the Enlightenment. The same equations
dominate bourgeois justice and commodity exchange . . . Bourgeois society
is ruled by equivalence. It makes the dissimilar comparable by reducing it
to abstract quantities. To the Enlightenment, that which does not reduce
to numbers, and ultimately to the one, becomes illusion . . .
which is also valid in the present text that expresses the relation
between philosophy and mathematics in the following way: Numbers
are an arrangement for making the non-identical, dubbed the Many,
commensurable with the subject, the model of unity.
But what is the
use of reections on mathematics in a study of Husserl, where the
latters philosophy of arithmetic is not even taken into account? It is
that the Husserlian idealism is driven by the same logic as mathemat-
ics; his prima philosophia, constructed on the principle of a subject that
would be puried of all ontological remains, aims at the development
of a doctrine of being under the conditions of nominalism and the
reduction of concepts to the thinking subject
and it is precisely this
subject that draws up an inventory of and conscates everything that
is not identical to itself in order to assimilate it into his own identity.
In this way is perpetuated the spirit of equivalence that reigns in the
bourgeoisie or middle-class society and of which one could identify two
dominant values: rst, the bourgeoisie denigrates the event of the new;
and second, Husserls phenomenology turns out to be a theory of
possession that goes along with its shift towards neutrality and priva-
In this way, by merging the subject and object in order to
win the domain of immediate origins, the rst philosophy buys the
origin at the price of knowledge, and this, to such an extent that it loses
its critical possibilities.
This process of assimilation (and exclusion) of the subject is the
method. The method is the course taken starting from that which is
already established and pursuing that which follows in a regular way
from it this is why every method presupposes a principle and thus
the methodical reasoning meets nothing that disturbs it from outside.
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Husserl plays this game in the epoche: Doubt simply shifts judgement
to preparing for assuming the vindication of pre-critical consciousness
scientically in secret sympathy with conventional sensibility.
kind of approach is typical of methods: the separation with regard to
its subject reects the social separation between intellectual and physical
work; furthermore, the generality of the method is the fruit of special-
By assimilating everything to its own identity, the subject (as
the principle of the rst philosophy) comes close to the structure of an
analytical judgement, a process that serves to raise the status of the
subject. This splendour too reects the social position of the philoso-
pher, whose enlarged status is
. . . the reex to real powerlessness and insecurity. They are the self-
deafening roar through positivity of those who neither contribute to the
real reproduction of life nor actually participate in its real mastery. As
middlemen, they only commend and sell to the master his means of
lordship, spirit objectied into method.
As a philosophy of identity, the rst philosophy (which reveals itself in
the form of a system
), is nally in the service of the total state and of
fascism, according to the severe conclusion of Adorno.
But the system of the rst philosophy is put in danger by experi-
the non-identical is never completely dissolved in the system