Renown Creeds & Code
Renown Creeds & Code
Renown Creeds & Code
Renown is a system that determines how well a character is living up to his expected role in Garou society. It is
for this reason that Renown is connected so closely with auspices. Renown differs from the experience point
system because it involves much more roleplaying. A character could rack up plenty of experience for his
actions, but if his deeds conflict with his auspice duties, his Renown will not increase.
Characters with low Renown, such as starting characters, are expected to respect and defer to werewolves of
higher rank. Garou who ignore this system find themselves looked down upon, and they lose more Renown as a
Renown is measured in three different areas: Glory, Honor and Wisdom. Each one is somewhat self-
explanatory. Glory represents the physical deeds of the Garou: feats of strength, stamina and agility, such as
those that made Hercules a legend. It also measures bravery, extreme risks and victories in battle. Honor
measures a Garou's sense of duty and history. It speaks of the character's ethics and morals, as well as his
personal sense of pride. And finally, Wisdom celebrates the more mental virtues of a character. It includes
strategy, cunning and insight. Patience and a strong connection to the spirit world also help a Garou increase his
On paper, Renown takes two forms. The dots represent the character's permanent Renown rating while the
squares denote the Renown pool and show how many temporary points the character has earned. Renown
differs from Gnosis and Willpower in that the Renown pool is allowed to exceed the Renown rating. Permanent
Renown changes very little, and it changes only in dramatic circumstances. Temporary Renown is always in
flux, and it might shift several times over one session.
When a Garou gains enough Renown, she increases in rank. More information on this process appears in
Chapter Six. (Werewolf the Apocalypse – Revised – WW3801)
Beginning Renown
A character begins with three permanent dots in Renown, which are distributed according to her auspice (see
the Renown chart, (Werewolf the Apocalypse – Revised – WW3801 p. 185). This Renown is tied into her Rite
of Passage, and if the Storyteller plans to play through the rite, players shouldn't assign these three dots until the
rite is completed. Starting characters begin the game at Rank 1
Defeating mighty enemies and succeeding at noble quests are both ways to gain Glory. Fighting on through
overwhelming odds and triumphing will ensure the Garou his fair share of Glory. But just the fighting isn't
enough. The cause must be clear, and, in the end, you must never surrender, regardless of the cost. Many young
Garou have found their Glory stripped for entering into fights they could not hope to win. The best way to win
great Glory is by attempting the impossible, and living to tell the tale. Even so, a grand death gives the deceased
a large share of the Glory they strove for in life,.
Glory Creed
I shall be valorous
I shall be dependable
I shall be generous
I shall protect the weak
I shall slay the Wyrm
Honor is the moral imperative to uphold the laws of the Garou. It refers to a fundamental belief in the wisdom
of society's laws, up to and including the ultimate standard of Garou behavior: the Litany. To gain Honor
Renown in Garou society shows an individual to be of honesty, integrity and respect. Honor can sometimes be a
rare trait, but werewolves strive to maintain their honor with ferocity for fear of losing it.
Werewolves on the path of Honor hold themselves to the highest possible standards. They don't do so to feel
superior to others, for the Garou who looks down his nose at his compatriots finds his Honor Renown slow to
rise, while those who tolerate the braggart soon surpass him
Honor requires a large share of self-control, not only to uphold strict principles when easier alternatives abound,
but also to keep from falling into a frenzy. When berserk, a Garou is capable of all sorts of evil, and more than a
few young Garou have awakened to find themselves covered in blood and bereft of honor.
Code of Honor
I shall be respectful
I shall be loyal
I shall be just
I shall live by my word
I shall accept all fair challenges
Garou with a reputation for Wisdom are the ones most likely to be listened to and deferred to at moots. High
Wisdom Renown marks a character who thinks through her words and actions before sharing them, and is adept
at sensing when others have not done the same.
Werewolves rich in both wisdom and glory are a rare breed. The two ate often at odds, with the glory-seekers
charging into battle at any opportunity and those who quest for Wisdom picking their battles carefully. Both
have their advantages, but those who lose on the quest for Wisdom are most likely to be able to try again. A
werewolf who is both wise and valorous knows when to fight and how, and he is, therefore, the most valuable
of allies.
Creed of Wisdom
I shall be calm
I shall be prudent
I shall be merciful
I shall think before I act and listen before I think