Weapons Chart

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Weapons Chart

Hand-to-hand weapons, ranged weapons, whatever....they're here and ready for use. Choose your favorite by
looking for the name, and even reading the descriptions below the charts.


Range: The number listed is the weapon's medium range in yards. There is no modifier for using the weapon at
this range. The weapon's maximum range is twice the number listed. Shots within that range have their
difficulties increased by one. Shots made at targets within a yard of the fighter are considered "point-blank"; the
difficulty for point blank shots is 4.

Reach: The length of a weapon. The weapon essentially extends the fighter's reach that far, allowing him to use
a hand-to-hand weapon against a target not standing next to him.

2H: These weapons require two hands to use properly. (The Storyteller may allow exceptions, such as Crinos-
form Garou using a two-handed sword in one paw, but these should only be permitted if they make sense. It's
practically impossible to use a bow with one hand, for example.)

I = Initiative
A = Accuracy
D = Damage
M = Move

Melee Weapons Chart (Hand-to-hand)

Axes & Picks

Battle Axe Various Axes & Picks +0 +1 +4 +0 T

Battle Pick Various Axes & Picks +0 +0 +2 +0 T

Hand Axe Various Axes & Picks +0 +0 +2 +0 J

Kama Japan Axes & Picks +0 +1 +2 +0 J



Balisong Philippines Blades +2 +0 +1 +0 J

Bayonet Various Blades +0 +0 +2 +0 J Reach: 1 hex

Bokken Japan Blades +1 +1 +1 +0 N

Bundi (Katar) India Blades +2 +1 +2 +0 J Can add to Punches; +1 to Soak w/ Block

Cinquenda Europe Blades +1 +0 +2 +0 T

Dagger Various Blades +1 +0 +1 +0 J

Kris Indonesia Blades +2 +1 +2 +0 J

Stiletto European Blades +1 +0 +1 +0 J See below

Switchblade Various Blades +2 +0 +1 +0 P



Baton Various Blunt Weapons +1 +0 +1 +0 J

Club Various Blunt Weapons +1 +0 +1 +0 T

Mace Various Blunt Weapons +0 +1 +4 +0 N

Sai Japan Blunt Weapons +1 +1 +1 +0 J +1 to Soak if Blocking; +1 die to Disarm

Tonfa Japan Blunt Weapons +0 +1 +1 +0 T +1 to Soak with Block

War Hammer Various Blunt Weapons +0 +1 +3 +0 T



Bagh Nakh India Fist-Loads +1 +0 +1 +0 P

Brass Knuckles Various Fist-Loads +0 +0 +1 +0 P

Cestus Various Fist-Loads +0 +0 +1 +0 J Can add to Punches; +1 to Soak w/ Block

Stake Various Fist-Loads +0 +0 +2 +0 T



3-Section Staff China Flexible +0 +0 +3 +0 T +2 dice with Disarm; +1 die to Soak Block

Chain Various Flexible +0 +0 +1 +0 J Reach: 2 hexes

Flail Europe Flexible +0 +1 +2 +0 T See below

Garrote Various Flexible -3 +0 +3 None P 2H; See below

Kusari Japan Flexible +0 +1 +1 -1 T Reach: 3 hexes; +1 die to Disarm; 2H

Kusarigama Japan Flexible +0 +1 +2 -2 T Reach: 3 hexes; +1 die to Disarm; 2H

Manriki-gusari Japan Flexible +0 +1 +1 +0 P Reach: 2 hexes; 2H

Morningstar Europe Flexible +0 +1 +3 +0 N See below

Nunchaku Japan Flexible +1 +1 +3 +0 J

Steel Whip China Flexible -1 +0 +2 +0 J Reach: 2 hexes; +2 dice to Disarm

Whip Various Flexible -1 +0 +1 +0 J Reach: 5 hexes; +2 dice to Disarm; See text


Lance Various Polearms +0 +0 +4 +0 N Reach 3 hexes; See below
Naginata Japan Polearms +0 +0 +3 +0 N Reach: 3 hexes; 2H

Polearm Various Polearms +0 +0 +2 +0 N Reach: 3 hexes; 2H

Spear Various Polearms +0 +0 +2 +0 N Range: 20 yards; reach: 2 hexes

Trident Various Polearms +0 +0 +3 +0 N Reach: 1 hex


Power Tools

Chainsaw Various Power Tools -1 -1 +5 +0 N

Industrial Drill Various Power Tools -2 -2 +4 -1 N

Jackhammer Various Power Tools -2 -1 +5 -1 N



Shikomi-zue Japan Staff+ +0 +0 +1 +0 N See below

Staff Various Staff +0 +1 +2 +0 N 2H, reach: 1 hex



2-Handed Sword Various Blades +0 +1 +5 +0 T 2H

Bastard Sword Various Blades +0 +0 +4 +0 T

Broadsword Various Blades -1 +1 +3 +0 T

Butterfly Sword China Blades +1 +0 +2 +0 T

Falchion Europe Blades +1 +1 +3 +0 T

Hook Sword China Blades +0 +0 +3 +0 T +2 dice with Disarm

Katana Japan Blades +1 +1 +3 +0 T

Long Sword Various Blades +0 +0 +3 +0 T

Ninja-to Japan Blades +1 +0 +3 +0 T See below

Rapier Europe Blades +1 +1 +2 +0 T

Scimitar Various Blades +1 +1 +2 +0 T

Short Sword Various Blades +0 +0 +2 +0 T

Urumi India Blades +0 -1 +2 +0 T See below

Wakizashi Japan Blades +1 +0 +2 +0 T

Bagh Nakh: Also known simply as "tiger's claws," this weapon consists of a crossbar held in the palm of the hand, with
long, sharp "claws" the protrude from between the user's fingers. It can also take the form of brass knuckles with spikes on
This weapon's statistics can also be used for the shuko, a ninja weapon consisting of a metal plate that wraps around the
palm and has spikes protruding out of the palm area. In addition to being weapons, shuko were used by ninja as climbing
tools; wearing a shuko reduces the difficulty of any climbing attempt by 1 (or 2, if one is worn on each hand). However,
wearing a shuko prevents the character from using that hand to grasp anything that he doesn't want to puncture.

Balisong: A Filipino folding knife with a 6" blade. When closed, the two metal handles fit around the blade, making it
easy to hide the weapon in a pocket or up a sleeve. A trained user can flip the weapon around in an impressive display
when opening it; this may aid Intimidation rolls. The balisong is popularly known as a "butterfly knife".

Baton: This is any simple club, such as a policeman's nightstick, the escrima sticks used in many Filipino fighting styles,
or the Japanese hanbo or jo sticks.

Battle Axe: Any of dozens of varieties of axes used for combat. They are often used two-handed, but one-handed versions
are available.

Battle Pick: A piercing weapon resembling a dagger set at a 90-degree angle to a shaft. It is sometimes known as a

Bayonet: A blade designed to be affixed to the front of a rifle. It has a Reach of one hex when attached to a rifle.

Bokken: A wooden club in the shape of a katana, used by Japanese swordsmen in training. However, the bokken itself can
be a deadly weapon in the hands of someone with training.
This weapon's statistics can also be used for the "shinai", a "sword" made of bamboo strips that is used in the sport of

Brass Knuckles: Four thick metal rings attached to a metal bar or handle of some sort, designed to be worn around the
fingers of a fist so as to increase punching power. If used on its own, use the damage listed; if used with a Punch
Maneuver, add +1 to the maneuver's damage, which becomes Kill damage.

Bundi: Also known as a katar, this Indian weapon is a broad, triangular knife blade attached to a crossbar handle, so that
the blade protrudes from the wielder's fist. It inflicts wide, deep wounds. Because its hilt makes it helpful when blocking
weapons, it adds +1 to soak when used to block.

Cestus: A heavy gauntlet with spikes or knobs projecting from it at all angles. In game terms, it works the same as brass

Chain: Just what it says. It has a reach of 2 hexes. Like brass knuckles, it is a favored weapon of thugs, punks, and other
street scum.

Cinquenda: A broad fighting dagger; the name means it is "five fingers" broad.

Club: Any of thousands of different smashing weapons used the world over, from the caveman's thick stick to the Indian
gada or Zulu knobkerrie. In some cases spikes are added to a club, increasing its damage by 1.

Dagger: Use these statistics for most short fighting blades (6 - 20 inches). At the Storyteller's discretion, longer, larger
daggers may be the equivalent of a short sword in terms of damage.

Flail: A wooden or metal shaft with two or more spiked balls attached to it by chains. This makes it difficult to block an
attack by a flail. If a Block Maneuver is used against one, it gets -1 on the amount it adds to the opponent's Stamina for
purposes of soaking damage, and the blocking character does not get a +2 Initiative bonus the next round.

Garrote: This is anything used to strangle someone from behind. Most garrotes are simply lengths of rope or cloth. Once
successfully used, it is considered a Sustained Hold. If the target takes five or more Health Levels of damage from the
initial attack, he is considered to be choking. This means that he cannot speak or cry out and cannot soak the damage from
the garrote on subsequent turns in the hold!!
The initial damage from a garrote is Stun damage. After the victim falls unconscious, he will take Kill damage if the hold
is maintained. However, there are wire garrotes that do Kill damage initially, instead of Stun; they usually end up nearly
decapitating the victim.
When used in conjunction with the Choke Hold maneuver, a Garrote adds +2 to damage.

Hand Axe: An axe smaller than the battle axe, used one-handed.

Kama: A Japanese battle pick or sickle.

Kris: A long, wavy-bladed dagger from Indonesia that cuts easily and deeply. Kris are surrounded by lore and mysticism;
masters of the weapon are said to be able to wield magical powers as well!! The kris is the traditional weapon of the
Pentjak-Silat fighting style.

Kusari: A Japanese chain weapon, comprising a chain about 12 feet long with a weight on one end and a metal ring on the
other. It can be used like a typical chain weapon (requiring two hands to use properly), or it can be thrown (usually with
the intention of entangling a target's legs and making him fall). If used with a Disarm maneuver, it adds +1 die.

Kusarigama: Similar to a Kusari, but it has a kama on one end instead of a metal ring.

Lance: A horseman's polearm -- essentially a big, thick spear. It is too heavy and long to use in normal combat; it can
only be used for charges on horseback (or, presumably, on a motorcycle or while standing in the sunroof of a sports car!!).

Mace: A metal club with flanges at the top, designed to crack through better armor than a sword. Sometimes there is a
spiked ball in place of the flanges.

Manriki-gusari: a 3-foot chain with a metal weight at either end. Similar to a kusari in many respects, but not as useful
for disarming foes.

Morningstar: A shaft with a spiked metal ball connected to it by a chain. Works just like a flail with respect to blocks.

Naginata: A Japanese polearm; its use is frequently taught to female warriors.

Nunchaku: Two short (12 - 14") wooden rods, connected by a 1 - 5" rope or chain. In the hands of a trained user, these
weapons can be whirled around until they build up enough force to deliver lethal blows. They are often used in pairs, one
in each hand.

Polearm: Use these statistics for any of a wide variety of weapons consisting of a long shaft with a blade or tine at the
end. European examples include the awl pike, bardiche, becde corbin, bill, fauchard, glaive, guisarme, halberd, Lucern
hammer, military fork, partisan, ranseur, and voulge; Asian examples include the chai-dao, dai dao, ghi, ngow, nine-
dragon trident, tai dao, kwan dao, and tiger fork.

Power Tools: In modern-day campaigns, characters sometimes want to use some unusual objects as weapons. Three such
objects -- chainsaws, big industrial drills, and jackhammers -- are included under this heading. There are no existing
schools that teach Weapon Techniques with these beasts (thank goodness!!), but Storytellers can certainly allow their
players to devise a new technique if they feel it necessary. These bojects tend to be big, heavy, and clumsy to use or move
-- but they do a lot of damage and scare the hell out of most opponents.

Sai: A Japanese truncheon consisting of a thick metal tine with two broad, hiltlike prongs extending from the handle. It is
not sharpened; rather, it is a smashing weapon, like a baton. It aids in blocking (+1 to soak) and in disarming (+1 to die).
This weapon's statistics can also be used for the jutte (which has only one prong), the nunte (which has one prong
reversed) and the Indonesian tjabang.

Shikomi-zue: A special type of staff used by the ninja. It is hollow, with either a spear-blade or a chain hidden inside.
When activated, the concealed weapon is released, usually surprising the ninja's opponent enough for the ninja to injure
him. The fighter must know the Polearm or Flexible Weapons Techniques to be able to use the concealed weapon
Spear: Similar to the polearm, this weapon is essentially a shaft with a dagger attached to the end. It has a 2-hex reach. It
can be used hand-to-hand or can be thrown (at a +1 difficulty if the wielder does not know the Javelin Technique).

Staff: A wooden shaft, usually 4 - 6' long, wielded with two hands. It is a common weapon across the world (the most
popular versions are the European quarterstaff and the Japanese bo) and is often the first weapon taught to martial arts
students. It has a Reach of one hex.

Stake: The classic sharpened wooden stick used against vampires.

Steel Whip: Also known as a chain whip, this weapon is like a standard whip, except that it is made out of linked steel
rods about 2" long each. It sometimes has a small slashing blade at the tip.

Stiletto: A slim steel dagger designed to punch through armor easily. For the most part, a stiletto is really just a glorified
ice pick, but it does what it's meant to do very well. Reduce the Armor Rating of any armor an opponent is wearing by
half if he is attacked with a stiletto.

Switchblade: A short folding knife with a blade that springs open when a button is pushed. A common street weapon.

Sword, Bastard Sword: A "hand-and-a-half" sword popular with some medieval warriors. It can be used on-handed or
two-handed; if used one-handed, use the damage statistics for the longsword.

Sword, Broadsword: Any of a wide variety of one-edged, often slightly curved, swords used around the world. Examples
include the Chinese darn dao, various Western military sabers and similar weapons.

Sword, Butterfly Sword: A short, single-edged chopping blade used by some Kung Fu practitioners. Often used in pairs.

Sword, Falchion: A short, heavy sword, with an outward-curving edge, good for chopping or heaving thrusting.

Sword, Hook Sword: A Kung Fu weapon consisting of a rod or blade that curves into a large, sharpened hook at the tip,
with an axe-like blade set parallel to the hilt of the sword. They are usually used in pairs, and make it easy to disarm a foe
(+2 Accuracy) or sometimes to trip one.

Sword, Katana: The Japanese "samurai sword", slightly curved with a single edge. Typically it is used two-handed, but
can be wielded one-handed as well. As with the kris, there is an extensive body of lore and craftsmanship associated with
the katana.

Sword, Long Sword: Any one of the hundreds of different types of straight, double-edged swords found throughout the
world. Examples include the Chinese jien, and dozens of different kinds of European swords.

Sword, Ninja-to: The sword of the ninja -- a straight, single-edged weapon, used as much as a tool as a weapon. It can be
used to assist in climbing (reduce climbing difficulty by 1), for digging and for similar jobs. The scabbard is longer than
the sword and is often used to conceal messages, blinding powder, or other weapons. There is a cord wrapped around the
scabbard that has many different uses.

Sword, Rapier: A slim, light sword, used primarily for fencing. It is almost as exclusively a thrusting weapon, rather than
a slashing weapon. This weapon's statistics can also be used for other fencing swords, such as the epee, foil, and fencing
If the rapier comes equipped with a hilt guard, to protect the wielder's hand, it adds +1 to soak if used to block.

Sword, Scimitar: A slender, curved, single-edged sword developed in Arabia. Use this weapon's statistics for similar
weapons (such as the Persian shamshir and the Indian tulwar and khanda) and for other slender swords that curve
frontward (such as the Ethiopian shotel, the Egyptian khopesh and some Indian swords).

Sword, Short Sword: Use these statistics for a wide variety of shorter, straight, two-edged swords, including the Roman
gladius and some Celtic swords.
Sword, Two-Handed Sword: A large, straight, double-edged sword that must be wielded with two hands. Examples
include the Scottish claymore and a variety of German swords.

Sword, Urumi: The Indian "whip-sword", consisting of two to four edged steel "ribbons" attached to a sword-hilt. When
used in combat, the fighter can make on damage test for each blade the sword has; however, if he botches, he injures
himself with that blade!!

Sword, Wakizashi: A curved, single-edged Japanese short sword, usually paired with the Katana.

Three-Section Staff: A Chinese weapon consisting of three 18 - 20" rods connected by short links of chain. it can be used
like a flail for longer strikes (it has a reach of 2 hexes) or folded up like a baton for closer combat. In the hands of a skilled
user, it makes it easy to disarm (+2 Accuracy) an opponent or to block (+1 to soak) his attacks.

Tonfa: A Japanese club like weapon, consisting of a baton with a handle set perpendicularly to it about 1/3 down from the
top. This makes it easy to use the weapon to punch or to block (+1 to soak). A policeman's nightstick is a close cousin --
practically identical.

Trident: A short, spear like weapon with three pointed tines used for stabbing. It has a reach of 1 hex.

War Hammer: A refined from of a club, with a metal hammerhead attached to a wooden shaft. Usually a pick-blade was
set on the opposite side.

Whip: The typical 18'-long leather bullwhip, commonly used by lion tamers, pulp heroes, torturers, and slave drivers. It
can be a very versatile weapon, allowing a skilled user to attack a foe up to 5 hexes away. It can also be used to disarm
(+2 Accuracy); at the Storyteller's discretion, it may be wrapped around an opponent's feet and used to yank them out
from under him (Dexterity + Melee, difficulty 7, to accomplish this; opponent resists by rolling Dexterity). However, the
whip cannot do damage to flesh that is protected by armor.

I = Initiative
A = Accuracy
D = Damage
M = Move

Melee Ranged Weapons


Blowgun Various Blowgun +0 +1 +0 None J Range: 20

Fukimi-bari Japan Blowgun +0 +0 +0 None P Range: 5



Crossbow Various Crossbows -1 +1 +2 -1 N Range: 200

Long Bow Various Bows +0 +1 +2 None N Range: 150; 2H

Short Bow Various Bows +0 +1 +1 None T Range: 100; 2H



Hand Various Slings +1 +0 +2 +0 P Range: 10

Staff Various Slings +0 +0 +2 +0 T Range: 12


Thrown Blades

Boomerang Australia Thrown Blades +0 +1 +1 +0 J Range: 40

Javelin Various Javelin +0 +0 +2 +0 N Range: 40

Shuriken Japan Thrown Blades +2 +1 +1 +0 P Range 20; See text

Throwing Axe Various Thrown Axe +0 +0 +2 +0 J Range: 20

Throwing Knife Various Thrown Blades +1 +0 +1 +0 P Range: 20

War Dart Various Thrown Blades +0 +0 +1 +0 J Range: 25

Blowgun: A wooden or metal tube through which darts are fired at an opponent by using the fighter's breath to propel
them. Some ninja use a small, concealable blowgun called a fukiya.

Boomerang: An aerodynamically shaped wooden throwing club developed by the aborigines of Australia (some other
cultures created similar weapons). If the boomerang misses its target, it will return to the other hand of its thrower
(provided that the thrower has not moved before then, since the boomerang returns to the spot from which it was thrown).
A character may take other actions in the turn in which he catches his boomerang (including throwing the boomerang

Bow, Long: Any of the larger bows used around the world, such as the English yeoman's yew-wood longbow or the
Japanese daikyu or yumi.
Players should note that the damage a bow does depends as much on the arrow as the strength or the bow. If a character
uses larger or broader arrowheads, such as the Japanese "frog-crotch" arrowhead, he may get +1 damage.

Bow, Short: Any of the smaller bows used around the world, such as the Japanese hankyu Short bows are often composite
(made of more than one material, for strength and flexibility, or made with special profiles (curved, recurved, four-curved
and so on) to improve their power.

Crossbow: A bow set horizontally on a stock, making it possible to carry it loaded and aim it more like a gun. its missile
is called a quarrel or a bolt. They are extremely powerful; typically a crank or other tool was used to cock them. Medieval
crossbows had greater range than bows, but were much, much slower to use (about one quarrel per minute, versus 6 - 12
arrows per minute for a bow). Modern crossbows are somewhat quicker to use, but still not nearly as quick as a bow.
Use these statistics for all average-size crossbows, from medieval times to modern. For smaller crossbows (such as the
pistol-sized modern version), reduce the range, Initiative, and Damage proportionately.

Fukimi-bari: Tiny needles held in the mouth by ninja and blown at nearby opponents. They are usually poisoned and
cannot penetrate armor.

Javelin: A short throwing spear. The range can be doubled if the character uses an atlatl, or spear-thrower.

Shuriken: "Throwing stars", popular with the ninja. They come in a wide variety of shapes. They tend to be an irritant
more than a serious weapon, though a master can cause grave injuries with them, and they are sometimes poisoned. A
character can throw one shuriken per turn for every dot he has in Melee.
Use these statistics for any other throwing blade not suitable for use in hand-to-hand combat, such as the Indian chakram
(a bladed metal disk or ring).
Sling: Two cords attacked to a pouch. A sling bullet (usually made of lead) or sling stone was placed in the pouch, and the
entire weapon whirled around to build up force. At the right moment, one of the cords released, throwing the missile at the
opponent. Some versions were attached to staffs, for added force and increased range.

Throwing Axe: A small axe intended for throwing.

Throwing Knife: Any knife that is aerodynamically shaped to be thrown. Usually they cannot be used in hand-to-hand
combat very well (-1 to dagger damage).

War Dart: A dart designed for use in combat.

Diff: The difficulty to hit a target at close range.

Dmg: The base damage done on a successful hit.
Rate: The maximum number of bullets a gun can fire in a turn.
Clip: The number of times a firearm can fire.
Conceal: P = can be hidden in a pocket; J = can be hidden in a jacket; T = can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = cannot be hidden on
one's person
Range: This can be doubled, but anything above what is listed here is considered a long-range shot.
* indicates the gun is capable of three-round bursts
~ see description for more information

Firearms Chart
Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Colt Anaconda .44M 6 6 2 6 J 35

Colt Detective Special .38 6 4 3 6 P 15

Colt Diamondback .22LR 6 2 3 6 J 20

Colt King Cobra .357M 6 5 3 6 J 20

Colt Python .357M 6 5 2 6 J 30

Korth Combat Magnum .357M 6 5 2 6 J 25

Llama Comanche .38 6 6 3 6 P 25

Rossi M720 .44 Special 6 6 2 5 J 25

Rossi M971 .357M 6 5 2 6 J 25

Ruger GP 100 .357M 6 5 2 6 J 25

Ruger Redhawk .44M 6 6 2 6 T 50

Ruger Speed-Six .357M 6 5 2 6 J 25

Smith & Wesson M19 .357M 6 5 2 6 J 25

Smith & Wesson M29 .44M 6 6 2 6 T 45

Smith & Wesson M36 .38S&W 6 4 3 5 P 15

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Smith & Wesson M57 .41M 6 5 3 6 P 25

Smith & Wesson M60 .38S&W 6 4 3 5 J 20

Smith & Wesson M317 AirLite .22LR 6 2 3 8 P 20

Smith & Wesson M610 .40S&W 6 5 2 6 J 25

Smith & Wesson M625 .45ACP 6 6 2 6 J 25

Smith & Wesson M629 .44M 6 6 2 6 J 25

Smith & Wesson M640 .38 6 4 3 5 P 12

Smith & Wesson M686 .357M 6 5 2 6 J 30

Smith & Wesson M696 .44S&W Special 6 6 2 5 J 25

Taurus M44 .44M 6 6 2 6 J 30

Taurus M607 .357M 6 5 2 7 J 25

Taurus M608 .357M 6 5 2 8 J 25

Taurus M76 .32 Long 6 4 2 6 J 20

Thunder Five .45/.410 6 5 or 6 2 5 J 20

Voss BC .22M 6 4 3 8 J 20

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Light Pistols

AMT Automag II .22WM 6 2 5 9 J 20

Baikal IJ-70 HC 9x18mm 6 4 4 8 J 20

Beretta M84 Cheetah .380ACP 6 4 3 10 J 20

Beretta 92F 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 25

Beretta 950BS Jetfire .25ACP 6 3 3 8 P 20

Beretta Centurion 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 25

Bernardelli P-018 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 25

Browning BDA9 9mm 6 4 4 14 J 25

Browning BPM-D 9mm 6 4 4 10 J 25

Calico M-110 .22LR 6 2 5 100 T 20

Calico M950 9mm 6 4 4 100 T 20

Caspian Target .380ACP 6 4 3 20 J 25

Colt Mustang .380ACP 6 4 3 7 P 20

COP Derringer .357M 6 4 4 4 P 15

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

CZ75 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 25

Daewoo DP51 Fastfire 9mm 6 4 4 10 J 25

Desert Double Deuce .25ACP 6 3 3 5 P 20

GKK-92C 9mm 6 4 4 14 J 25

Glock 17 9mm 6 4 4 17 J 25

Glock 17L 9mm 6 4 4 17 J 30

Glock 19 9mm 6 4 4 17 P 22

Hammerli M280 Target .22LR 6 2 5 5 J 30

Heckler & Koch P7K3 .380Auto 6 3 4 8 P 20

Heckler & Koch P7M13 9mm 6 4 4 13 P 25

Heckler & Koch P9S 9mm 6 4 3 9 P 25

Heckler & Koch USP 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 25

Intratec Category 9 9mm 6 4 3 7 P 25

Kahr K9 9mm 6 4 4 7 P 25

Kel-Tec P-11 9mm 6 4 4 11 P 25

Makarov 9x18mm 6 4 4 8 P 25

PA-63 9x18mm 6 4 4 7 P 25

Phoenix HP22 .22LR 6 2 4 10 P 25

PSM 5.45mmSP 6 3 3 8 P 20

SIG Sauer P226 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 30

SIG Sauer P229 9mm 6 4 4 13 J 30

SIG Sauer P230 .380ACP 6 4 3 7 P 25

Smith & Wesson 3913 9mm 6 4 4 8 P 25

Smith & Wesson Model SW9V 9mm 6 4 4 10 J 25

Smith & Wesson SW380 .380ACP 6 4 3 6 P 25

Steyr GB 9mm 6 4 4 18 J 25

Taurus PT-92 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 25

Walther P88 9mm 6 4 4 15 J 25

Walther PPK .380ACP 6 4 3 7 P 25

Walther TPH .25ACP 6 3 3 6 P 20

Wilkinson "Sherry" .22LR 6 2 3 8 P 20

Diff: The difficulty to hit a target at close range.

Dmg: The base damage done on a successful hit.
Rate: The maximum number of bullets a gun can fire in a turn.
Clip: The number of times a firearm can fire.
Conceal: P = can be hidden in a pocket; J = can be hidden in a jacket; T = can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = cannot be hidden on
one's person
Range: This can be doubled, but anything above what is listed here is considered a long-range shot.
* indicates the gun is capable of three-round bursts
~ see description for more information

Firearms Chart
Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range
Heavy Pistols

AMT Automag IV .45WM 6 5 3 6 J 35

AMT Backup .45ACP 6 5 3 5 P 25

Astra A-75 .45ACP 6 5 3 7 J 35

Astra A-80 .45ACP 6 5 3 9 J 30

Astra A-90 .45ACP 6 5 3 9 J 30

Baer Premier II .45ACP 6 5 3 7/10 J 30

Beretta 96D .40S&W 6 5 3 10 J 30

Browning Hi-Power .40S&W 6 5 3 10 J 35

Colt Delta Elite 10mm 6 5 3 8 J 30

Colt Double Eagle MKII .45ACP 6 5 3 8 J 35

Colt Officer's ACP LW .45ACP 6 5 3 6 P 30

Coonan .357M Automatic .357M 6 5 3 7 J 30

Desert War Eagle .45ACP 6 5 3 10 J 35

Glock 20 10mm 6 5 3 15 J 30

Glock 22 .40S&W 6 5 3 15 J 30

Glock 31 .357SIG 6 5 3 15 J 30

Glock 33 .357SIG 6 5 3 9 P 25

Heckler & Koch P7M10 .40S&W 6 5 3 10 P 25

Jericho 941 .41AE 6 5 3 12 J 30

Laserarms Series 1 .45ACP 6 5 3 8 J 30

M1911 .45ACP 6 5 3 7 J 35

Para-Ordnance Delta Elite 10mm 6 5 4 15/16 J 20

Para-Ordnance P-12 .45ACP 6 5 3 11/13 J 25

Para-Ordnance P-14 .45ACP 6 5 3 13 J 35

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Ruger P90 .45ACP 6 5 3 7 J 30

SIG Sauer P220 .45ACP 6 5 3 7 J 30

SIG Sauer P239 .357SIG 6 5 3 7 P 30

Smith & Wesson Model 4013TSW .40S&W 6 5 3 9 P 30

Smith & Wesson Model 4506 .45ACP 6 5 3 8 J 35

Smith & Wesson Model 4516 .45ACP 6 5 3 7 P 30

Smith & Wesson Model SW40V .40S&W 6 5 3 10 J 30

Star M40 Firestar .40S&W 6 5 3 6 P 30

Star Megastar 10mm 6 5 3 14 J 30

Taurus PT101 AF .40S&W 6 5 3 11 J 30

Taurus PT 945 .45ACP 6 5 3 8 J 35

TJ Stealth III .45ACP 6 5 3 5 P 20

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

The "Big Boys"

AMT Automag V .50AE 7 7 1 5 J 35

Casull .454 Casull 7 7 1 5 J 40

Davao 5.56mm 7 7 1 4 J 50

Desert Eagle .50AE 7 7 1 7 J 30

Linebaugh .475 7 7 1 6 J 40

Taurus 454 .454 Casull 7 7 1 5 J 40

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Single-Shot Pistols

Contender Special 7 7 1 1 T 55

Lone Eagle Special 7 7 1 1 T 55

SASS 1911-A2 Special 7 7 1 1 T 55

Ultra Light M20 Special 7 7 2 5 T 60

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Machine Pistols

Beretta 93R * 9mm 6/7 4 4/FA 15/21 J 30

FN P90 5.7x28mm 6/7 5 3/FA 50 T 45

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Glock 18 * 9mm 6/7 4 4/FA 17/19 J 25
Heckler & Koch VP-70z * 9mm 6/7 4 4/FA 18 J 20/30

Steckin * 9x18mm 6/7 4 4/FA 18 J 20

Steyr TMP * 9mm 6/7 4 4/FA 15/30 J 30

Diff: The difficulty to hit a target at close range.

Dmg: The base damage done on a successful hit.
Rate: The maximum number of bullets a gun can fire in a turn.
Clip: The number of times a firearm can fire.
Conceal: P = can be hidden in a pocket; J = can be hidden in a jacket; T = can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = cannot be hidden on
one's person
Range: This can be doubled, but anything above what is listed here is considered a long-range shot.
* indicates the gun is capable of three-round bursts
~ see description for more information

Firearms Chart
Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range
Light Submachine Guns

Beretta M12S * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30 J 35

Calico 960A * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 50/100 T 35

Colt M635 * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 32 T 45

Goncz * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30 T 25

Heckler & Koch MP-5 * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30 T 50

Heckler & Koch MP-5K * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30 J 35

Ingram MAC-10 * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30 J 35

M56 7.62x25mm 6 4 3/FA 35 T 25

Micro-Uzi * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30 J 25

Mini-SAF * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 20/30 J 35

Mini-Uzi * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30 J 35

SAF * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 20/30 T 40

Skorpion .32ACP 6 4 3/FA 15/20 J 30

Spectre * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 30/50 T 25

Steyr AUG Para * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 25/32 T 40

TEC9 9mm 6 4 3/FA 20/32 T 35

TEC22 * .22LR 6 3 3/FA 30 J 30

Type 64 7.62x25mm 6 4 3/FA 30 T 30

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Heavy Submachine Guns

AKSU-74 * 5.45mm 6 6 3/FA 30 T 80

Heckler & Koch MP-5/10 * 10mm 6 5 3/FA 30 T 55

Heckler & Koch MP-5/40 * .40S&W 6 5 3/FA 30 T 55

La France M16K * 5.56mm 6 6 3/FA 20/30 T 65

Thompson M1928 * .45ACP 6 5 3/FA 20/100 T 50

Uzi * 9mm 6 4 3/FA 25/32 T 50

Diff: The difficulty to hit a target at close range.

Dmg: The base damage done on a successful hit.
Rate: The maximum number of bullets a gun can fire in a turn.
Clip: The number of times a firearm can fire.
Conceal: P = can be hidden in a pocket; J = can be hidden in a jacket; T = can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = cannot be hidden on
one's person
Range: This can be doubled, but anything above what is listed here is considered a long-range shot.
* indicates the gun is capable of three-round bursts
~ see description for more information

Firearms Chart
Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Accuracy L96A1 7.62mm 7 7 2 10 N 275

Barrett M82A1 .50 BMG 7 10 2 11 N 300

Beretta Sniper 7.62mm 7 7 2 5 N 275

Browning BAR .30-06 7 8 2 4 N 275

Calico M-900 * 9mm 7 5 3 50/100 N 200

Dragunov 7.62mm 6 7 2 5/20 N 300

Heckler & Koch PSG1 7.62x54mm 7 7 1 10 N 650

Mauser SP66 7.62mm 7 7 2 3 N 300

Mauser 86 7.62mm 7 7 2 9 N 275

McMillan M-87R .50 BMG 7 9 1 5 N 300

Pauza P-50 .50 BMG 7 10 2 5 N 300

Remington M700 .30-06 7 8 1 5 N 300

Remington M740 .223 7 7 3 5 N 275

Ruger 10/22 .22LR 6 4 4 10/50 N 100

SIG SSG-3000 7.62mm 7 7 2 5 N 275

Weatherby Mark V .460WM 7 10 1 3 N 300

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Assault Rifles

AK-74 * 5.45mm 7 7 3/FA 30 N 200

Beretta AR 70/90 * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 30 N 200

Colt Commando * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 20/30 T 175

Famas * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 25 T 200

Galil * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 35/50 N 200

Heckler & Koch 53 * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 30 T 200

Heckler & Koch G11 * 4.7x33mm 7 7 3/FA 50 T 200

Japan Type 89 * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 20/30 N 200

M16A2 * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 20/30 N 200

Mini-14 * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 30 T 200

SA-80 * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 20 T 200

SIG SG 540 * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 30 T 200

SIG SG 551-SWAT * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 5/20/30 T 300

Steyr AUG * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 30/42 T 200

Steyr AUG HBAR-T * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 30/42 N 250

Ultramatch * 5.56mm 7 7 3/FA 20/30 N 250

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Battle Rifles

AK-47 * 7.62x39mm 7 8 3/FA 30 N 250

FN FAL * 7.62mm 7 8 3/FA 20 N 275

Heckler & Koch G3/92 * 7.62mm 6 8 3/FA 20/30 N 300

M-14 * 7.62mm 7 8 3/FA 20 N 275

Sako M90* 7.62mm 7 8 3/FA 30 N 275

Stoner SR-25 * 7.62mm 7 8 3/FA 10/20 N 275

Diff: The difficulty to hit a target at close range.

Dmg: The base damage done on a successful hit.
Rate: The maximum number of bullets a gun can fire in a turn.
Clip: The number of times a firearm can fire.
Conceal: P = can be hidden in a pocket; J = can be hidden in a jacket; T = can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = cannot be hidden on
one's person
Range: This can be doubled, but anything above what is listed here is considered a long-range shot.
* indicates the gun is capable of three-round bursts
~ see description for more information

Firearms Chart
Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range
Pump-Action Shotguns

Atis PM2 12 gauge 6 8 2 6 N 20

Browning BPS 10 gauge 6 9 2 5 N 20

Ithaca M37 (Stakeout) 12 gauge 6 8 2 5 T 15

Ithaca M87 DSPS 12 gauge 6 8 2 8 N 20

Ithaca M87 Supreme 20 gauge 6 7 2 5 N 20

Mossberg M500 12 gauge 6 8 2 6/8 N 20

Mossberg M590 12 gauge 6 8 2 9 N 20

Mossberg MHS410 .410 6 6 2 6 N 20

Remington 870 12 gauge 6 8 2 8 N 20

TR-870 12 gauge 6 8 2 7 N 20

Winchester M12 20 gauge 6 7 2 5 N 20

Winchester 1300 Defender 12 gauge 6 8 2 8 T 20

Winchester 1300 Ranger 12 gauge 6 8 2 5 N 20

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Automatic Shotguns

Benelli M-3 Super 90 12 gauge 6 8 3 7 T 20

Beretta M1201FP3 12 gauge 6 8 3 6 N 20

Browning Gold 10 10 gauge 6 9 3 5 N 20

Fianchi Law 12 12 gauge 6 8 3 8 T 20

Remington 1100 12 gauge 6 8 3 8 N 20

Remington SP-10 Magnum 10 gauge 6 9 3 3 N 20

SPAS-12 * 12 gauge 6 8 3 8 N 20

Striker Automatic * 12 gauge 6 8 3 12 N 20

USAS 12 * 12 gauge 6 8 3 10/20 N 20

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Double-Barrel Firearms

American Arms Brittany 12 gauge 6 8 2 2 N 20

American Arms Silver I 20 gauge 6 7 2 2 N 20

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Arizaga M31 .410 6 6 2 2 N 20
Baikal IJ-27EM 12 gauge 6 8 2 2 N 20

Baikal IJ-43EM 12 gauge 6 8 2 2 N 20

Beretta 470 Silver Hawk 12 gauge 6 8 2 2 N 20

Beretta 687EL Gold .410 6 6 2 2 N 20

Browning Citori Hunting 12 gauge 6 8 2 2 N 20

Crossfire * 7.62mm/12 gauge 7 7 or 8 3/FA 30/5 N 200/20

H&H 700 NE .700 NE 6 10 2 2 N 175

Huglu Model 200-A 12 gauge 6 8 2 2 N 20

Ithaca Auto-Burglar 20 gauge 6 7 2 2 T 20

Rigby 600 NE .600 NE 6 9 2 2 N 150

Rigby 775 10 gauge 6 9 2 2 N 150

Ugartechea Magnum 10 gauge 6 9 2 2 N 20

Diff: The difficulty to hit a target at close range.

Dmg: The base damage done on a successful hit.
Rate: The maximum number of bullets a gun can fire in a turn.
Clip: The number of times a firearm can fire.
Conceal: P = can be hidden in a pocket; J = can be hidden in a jacket; T = can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = cannot be hidden on
one's person
Range: This can be doubled, but anything above what is listed here is considered a long-range shot.
* indicates the gun is capable of three-round bursts
~ see description for more information

Firearms Chart
Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range
Machine Guns

Browning A4 .30-06US 7 8 5/FA 250 N 750

Browning M2HB .50 BMG 7 10 5/FA 100 N 800

FN MAG 7.62mm 7 8 5/FA 100 N 800

Heckler & Koch HK21E * 7.62mm 7 8 5/FA 100 N 750

M60 General Purpose 7.62mm 7 8 5/FA 100 N 800

Minimi 5.56mm 7 8 5/FA 100 N 750

RPK Light Machine Gun * 7.62x39mm 7 8 5/FA 30/40/75 N 600

Stoner 63A1 5.56mm 7 8 5/FA 100 N 600

Ultimax 100 Mk 3 5.56mm 7 8 5/FA 100 N 700

Name Caliber Diff Dmg Rate Clip Conceal Range

Miscellaneous Weapons

105mm Gun 105mm 7 20 1 ~ N 1200

120mm Gun 120mm 7 30 1 ~ N 2000

AT-4 Rocket Launcher 2.75" 7 12 1 1 T 200

Flamethrower (Backpack) Napalm 7 ~ 1 10 N 45

Franchi LTM AP/AV700 8 12 3 3 N 400

GE M-214 Minigun * 5.56mm 7 7 5/FA Belt N 1000

HK79 Under-barrel Grenade Launcher 40mm 6 ~ 1 1 N 350

HK Granatpistole 40mm 6 ~ 1 1 T 400

Large Mortar Shell 9 24 1 1 N 600/ 2 m.

LAW Rocket 7 12 1 1 T 200

M18A1 Claymore Mine C4 6 12 1 1 J 250

M-19 Grenade Launcher 40mm 6 ~ 2 1/Belt N 600

M-203 Under-barrel Grenade Launcher 40mm 6 ~ 1 1 N 350

M-240 Flamethrower Napalm 7 ~ 1 20 N 25

M-72 Rocket Launcher 66mm 7 13 1 1 N 400

M-79 Grenade Launcher 40mm 6 ~ 1 1 T 400

MGL 40mm 6 ~ 1 6 N 350

Recoiless Rifle 57mm 7 9 1 1 N 500

Rocket Launcher 2.75" 8 15 1 ~ N 3000

RPG-7 40mm 7 13 1 1 N 400

Small Howitzer 122mm 10 30 1 1 N 10 miles

Small Mortar Shell 8 12 1 1 N 25/1320

Stinger SAM SAM 8 14 1 1 N 1000

Taser Probes 6 4 1 1 J 10

TOW Missile 6 16 1 1 N 2500

Diff: The difficulty to hit a target at close range.

Dmg: The base damage done on a successful hit.
Rate: The maximum number of bullets a gun can fire in a turn.
Clip: The number of times a firearm can fire.
Conceal: P = can be hidden in a pocket; J = can be hidden in a jacket; T = can be hidden in a trenchcoat; N = cannot be hidden on
one's person
Range: This can be doubled, but anything above what is listed here is considered a long-range shot.
* indicates the gun is capable of three-round bursts
~ see description for more information

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