Endangered Species

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Western Prairie Fringed Orchid

Platanthera praeclara only exists in five U.S. states in the Midwest. The Endangered Species
Coalition estimates that there are only 172 populations of this plant, with merely four with more
than 1,000 plants. This is a wetland plant that grows in prairie potholes, indents left by glaciers
in the recent ice age, 20,000 years ago. The main threats to this plant are development,
overgrazing, fires, and global warming.

2. Rafflesia Flower

Rafflesia arnoldii is thought to be the largest flower on the planet. The flower itself does not
have a structural stem, leaves, or roots. But what it does have is the pungent odors of
decomposing flesh, hence the nickname corpse flower. It grows three feet in diameter, and
weighs up to 24 pounds. The Rafflesia is parasitic, growing on the Tetrastigma vine in the forests
of Borneo and Sumatra.

3. Georgia Aster

Symphyotrichum georgianum is native to southeastern United States. According to
NatureServe.com, a conservation organization, this plant first grew in small clumps, but now
there are about 60 populations of this plant due to natural habitat development.

4. Wiggin's Acalypha

Acalypha wigginsii is native to a tiny part of the Galapagos Islands. Construction work and
loss of habitat are the main reasons these plants have declined in number. They are considered
aCritically Endangered by the Galapagos Conservation Trust.

5. Texas Wild Rice

Zizania texana only has 140 clumps left, with a seemingly grim future ahead. Growing only in
the freshwater of San Marcos River, this plant is endangered by lowering water levels caused by
the Spring Lake Dam, according to the Center of Plant Conservation.

6. Howell's Spectacular Thelypody

Thelypodium howellii ssp. spectabilis only has five populations remaining, all of them in
Oregon's northeast. In 1999, about 30 thousand plants remained, but its population drops
annually due to unnecessary grass mowing in the areas this plants calls home.

7. Stenogyne Kanehoana

This member of the mint family was said to be extinct in 2000, until one sighting of a plant
confirmed it was still alive. Growing only in the Waianae Mountains of the island of Oahu, the
stegyne kanehoana has dense, furry leaves. In 2001 in the Lyon Arborteum, it was discovered
that cuttings of this plant can be grown sucessfully in captivity.

8. Ouachita Mountain Goldenrod

Thought to be a remnant of the last ice age, the actual population of Solidago ouachitensis is
unknown. It live in three counties along the border of Arkansas and Oklahoma. It prefers to live
in a cool moist climate, like the crests of Ouachita Mountains.

9. Enrubio

In 1992, there were about 150 plants of the Solanum drymophilum left. Native to Puerto Rico,
this bush has sharp thorns that protect it from being eaten. It is close to extinction because of the
harm that is done to a grazing animal that ingests it.

10. Arizona Agave

With less than 100 plants alive in 1984, Agave arizonica has managed to keep its population
from declining considerably. Only two populations have survived, both located in Tonto
National Forest of scalding Arizona. The New River Mountains and Sierra Anchas Mountains
are thought to be the only habitats of this rare specimen by the Center of Plant Conservation.

Critically Endangered Animals in India
Sumatran Rhinoceros
The Sumatran rhino belongs to the family of Rhinocerotidae and is one of the five extant rhino species. Of all the rhinoceros family,
Sumatran rhino is the smallest member. The shoulder height of Sumatran rhino measures around 112 145 cm (3.67 4.76 feet), with the
length measuring at 2.36 3.18 meters (7.7 10.4 feet) excluding tail. They have a tail measuring up to 35 70 cm (14 28 inches). The
weight of these species measure around 500 1,000 kg (1,100 2,200 lb), along with the mean weight measuring at 700 800 kg (1,500
1,800 lb), the heaviest measured at 2,000 kg (4,400 lb). The Sumatran rhinoceros, like other rhinos, display two horns that typically
measures at 15 25 cm (5.9 9.8 inches). The Sumatran rhinos once lived in the swamps, cloud forests, and tropical rainforests in Bhutan,
India, Myanmar, Laos, Thailand, Indonesia, China, and Bangladesh. In the primitive times, these animals dwelled in the southwest China.
Unfortunately they are now critically endangered species as no more than 275 individuals are left in the wild. The Sumatran rhino is mostly a
solitary species except for the courtship and offspring-rearing.

Sumatran Rhinoceros (Courtesy wwf.panda.org)
Hawksbill Sea Turtle | Endangered Animals in India
The hawksbill sea turtle belongs to the family of Cheloniidae and is critically endangered species. These turtles inhabit all throughout the
Pacific range and are also found in Atlantic and indo-pacific regions. The hawksbill sea turtles look very much similar to that of aquatic
turtles. In general, they have horizontal body together with flipper-like arms that supports them for swimming. Depending entirely on the
water temperature, the hawksbill shells fairly change their colors. They spend most of their time in shallow lagoons and coral reefs. On the
negative side, the population of these turtles faced drastic decline thus making them endangered species. Human fishing practices are
mainly responsible for this much reduction.

Hawksbill Sea Turtle
The gharial is a crocodile that belongs to the family of Gavialidae and is endemic to the Indian Subcontinent. Gharial is also known as fish-
eating crocodile. Since the crocodile underwent both chronic as well as rapid short-term decline it is listed as critically endangered species by
the IUCN. These species are very small at birth; hatchlings measure around 37 cm (15 inches), but they can reach a length of 1 meter (3.3
feet) in about eighteen months. The mean weight is up to 159 250 kg (350 550 lb). The length of the males measures around 3 5
meters (9.8 16 feet), while females reach a length of 2.7 3.75 meters (8.9 12.3 feet). One of the largest gharial crocodiles was hunted
in Gogra River of Faizabad in 1927 measuring at 6.5 meters (21 feet). These species are too quick underwater. They are known to reach a
speed of 40 km/h (25 mph)

Gharial Crocodile
Ganges Shark | Endangered Animals in India
The Ganges shark is a rare species of requiem shark that is native to the Ganges River of India. However, since bull shark and Ganges shark
dwells in the Ganges River, Ganges sharks are also referred to as bull shark which is incorrect. Ganges shark is characterized by its wide
rounded and small eyes. These shark species display gray-brownish color, lacking marked pattern. True to its name, Ganges shark inhabit in
the waters of western and northeastern India; West Bengal Ganges Brahmaputra, Hooghly River, Bihar, Orissa, Assam, and Mahanadi in
particular. These sharks are only found in inshore marine, freshwater, and estuarine systems. The length of the Ganges shark is 55 60 cm
at birth with the maximum length it reaches is 2 meters (6.6 feet). They are classified as highly endangered species by the IUCN.
Widespread overfishing and hunting makes these fish at the verge of extinction.
Widespread overfishing and hunting makes these fish at the verge of extinction.

Ganges Shark
Asiatic Lion | Endangered Animals in India
The Asiatic lion also called Indian Lion, is a subspecies of a lion. These lions are usually found in the Gir Forests of Gujarat (India). Asiatic
lions are placed amongst the five major extant cats in India such as clouded leopard, tiger, snow leopard, and Bengal tiger. These lions
inhabit all along the northeast Indian Subcontinent. The adult males reach a length of 2.92 meters (115 inches) and this length extends up
to the tip of its tail. The weight of these species is up to 160 200 kg (350 440 lb) in males, while females weigh around 110 120 kg
(240 260 lb). The longest Asiatic lion ever recorded was at 292 cm (115 inches), with the maximum shoulder height is up to 107 cm (42
inches). Asiatic lions are considered to be highly social animals and they tend to live in smaller groups. They primarily prey on antelope, wild
boar, sambar, chital, water buffalo, and chinkara.

Asiatic Lion (Courtesy thehindu.com)
Woolly Flying Squirrel
The woolly flying squirrel is the lone species of genus Eupetaurus. Not more than 11 skins were gathered in the 19
century but the latest
research development reveals out that there are some individuals dwelling in the Pakistani part of Kashmir. According to a study, woolly
flying squirrel is the most massive gliding animal known and it glides efficiently like other flying squirrels. They are known to reside in Gilgit
(Pakistan). Some of the specimens have also been caught in Gorabad, Yunnan (China), Tibet, Chitral (Pakistan), and Balti Gali. These
animals prefer to live in the conifer forests that are related to the cliffs and caves. The length of these squirrels measure around 45 60 cm
(18 24 inches)

Woolly Flying Squirrel (Courtesy wonders-world.com)
Sei Whale | Endangered Animals in India
The sei whale is a baleen whale and is being the third-largest rorqual that comes after the blue whale and fin whale. Sei whale is known to
occupy almost all the major oceans including deep offshore water except in Polar Regions and tropical waters. These animals migrate each
year from cool waters to the moderate or subtropical waters in summer. They reach a length of around 19.5 meters (64 feet), with the
weight measures at 28 tonnes (28 short tons). The sei whale consumes as much as 900 kg (2,000 lb). The sei whale preys on krill,
zooplankton, copepods, and cetaceans. They are capable to reach a speed of about 50 km/h (31 mph) through in short bursts.

Sei Whale
Wild Water Buffalo
The wild water buffalo also known as Asian Buffalo, is a large bovine endemic to the Southeast Asia. These animals are regarded as highly
endangered species by the IUCN. There are no more than 4,000 individuals left in the wild, amongst which 3,100 lives in Assam, India.
These buffaloes are the second largest bovid that comes after the gaur. The African buffalo is closely associated with the water buffalo.
These buffaloes weigh as much as 700 1,200 kg (1,500 2,600 lb). They can reach a length of 240 300 cm (94 120 inches), with a tail
measuring at 60 100 cm (24 39 inches). Wild water buffalo measures around 150 190 cm in shoulder height.

Wild Water Buffalo
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