Assignment 2

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EE- 632: Economic Operation & Control of Power Systems

(2014-2015, First-Semester)

Assignment No. # 2

Submission Date: 05/11/2014

[1] In a single area system, three generators are connected on the same bus and having the following

Unit Rating (MVA) Initial Loading (MW) R (in pu)
1 100 80 0.010
2 500 300 0.015
3 500 400 0.015

(a) What will be the new generation on each unit for a 50 MW load increase? Assume D=0.0
(b) Repeat (a) with D= 1.0 pu

[2] An isolated power system (P
=0) with a 600 MVA, 50 Hz generating unit having an M of 7.6 pu
MW/ pu frequency on a machine base, is supplying a load of 400 MVA. The load changes 2 % for 1
% change in frequency. The load is suddenly increase by 10 MVA, determine-
(a) The frequency at time 10 second after change in load.
(b) Final frequency of the system.

[3] Two generators rated at 200 MW and 400 MW are operating in parallel. The droop characteristic
of the their governors are 4% and 5% respectively. Assuming all generators are operating at 50 Hz
at no load, how would a load of 100 MW be shared between them? What will be the system
frequency at this load? Assume free governor operation (P

[4] Repeat above problem if both generators have a droop of 4%.

[5] A 100 MW synchronous generator operates on full load at a frequency of 50 Hz. The load is
suddenly reduced to 50 MW. Due to the time lag in governor system, the steams valve begins to
close after 0.4 seconds. Determine the change in frequency that occurs in this time. Given that H =
5 KW-sec/KVA of generating capacity.

[6] A control area has following data:
Total rated capacity = 500 MW
Nominal operating load = 300 MW
Nominal frequency = 50 Hz
Regulation (R) = 4 %
Assume load frequency dependency to be linear i.e. 1 % change in loading gives 1 %
change in frequency.

(a) Following 4 % increase in load, calculate the static frequency.
(b) What amount of the increased load will be supplied by increased output of the turbine
generator and load release due to frequency dependent component?
[7] You have been given two areas system connected by a tie line with following characteristics:
Area-1 Area-2
R = 1% R = 2 %
D=0.8 pu D =1.0
Base MVA = 500 Base MVA = 500

A load change of 100 MW occurs in area-1. What will be new steady state frequency and
what will be the change in tie line flow? Assume both areas were operating at nominal
frequency (50 Hz). Also calculate the change in prime mover power and change in area
load due to frequency drop in both areas.

[8] Repeat above problem for a load change of 100 MW in area-2 instead of area-1.

[9] Resolve problem (1), if the base power of area-1 and area-2 are 2000 MVA and 500 respectively.

[10] Given the block diagram of two interconnected areas shown in figure-1 (consider the prime-mover
output to be constant i.e. a blocked governor case).

(a) Derive the transfer function that relates F
(s) and F
(s) to a load change P
(b) For the following data (on 1000 MVA base): M
= 3.5 pu, D
=1.0 pu, M
= 4.0 pu, D
=0.75 and T =
0.02 pu. Calculate the final frequency for a step load increase in area-1 of 0.2 pu. Assume
frequency was at nominal (50 Hz) and tie line flow was 0.0 pu.

=0 _ F

_ F
=0 +
Figure 1: Problem -10

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