Assignment-1-A IV-year B.Tech - EEE-I-sem (Acadamic Year 2020-2021) Power System Operation and Control
Assignment-1-A IV-year B.Tech - EEE-I-sem (Acadamic Year 2020-2021) Power System Operation and Control
Assignment-1-A IV-year B.Tech - EEE-I-sem (Acadamic Year 2020-2021) Power System Operation and Control
3) A sub grid has a total rated capacity of 3000MW it encounters a load increase of 40
MW when the normal operating load is 2000 MW assume inertia constant H to be 5
sec and regulations of generators in the system as 3Hz/p.u MW find ALFC
parameters, static frequency drop and transient response. Assume load frequency
dependency to be linear. CO4
Determine the steady state frequency change and the tie line power change.
a) when a load change of 120MW occurs in area-1.
b) when a load change of 120 MW occurs in both the areas.