Proud To Be Vegan

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F or any further information on vegetarianism, get in

touch with Viva!. We offer advice, literature, help and sell

some yummy vegan sweets and choccies! Why not sign up
as a Viva! Activist and receive a stack of info, a regular
magazine and what other gubbins we have lying around
here – all for a measly five quid a year!

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wristbands at £2 each
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T-shirts at £11 each _________ (state size & colour)* Show the world where your heart lies! These red-and-black
 I want to become a Viva! Activist (I enclose £5) bands read ‘Proud to Be Veggie’ on one side and sport the
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Title _______ First name _________________________ merchandise at

Last name ____________________________________ I’m proud to save animals from suffering

Proud to help the world’s starving
Address ______________________________________ Proud to help save the environment
And proud that I’m healthier

Postcode _____________________________________
What’s a vegetarian?
Someone who doesn’t eat dead animals or bits of them - no
Viva!’s brand- a) Unisex, black, age meat, chicken, turkey, or duck, no sea animals (fish, prawns,
Date of birth __________________________________ 11-12 (chest 34”) crabs or shrimps), no animal fat and no disgusting things
I enclose a cheque/postal order new Proud to b) Unisex, black, XS
such as gelatine, made from hooves and bones.
(payable to Viva!) for the amount of £ ____________ be Veggie (chest 32”)
t-shirts are sure to c) Women’s close-fit,
Or please debit Visa/Mastercard/Solo/Maestro/Switch card no. black, size 8-10
be a big hit. Get What’s a vegan?
d) Women’s close-fit,
yours while black, size 16-18 Someone who eats none of these things but also avoids
you can! e) Unisex, grey, age 11- anything from an animal - avoids dairy products such as
12 (chest 34”) cow’s or goat’s milk, cheese or yoghurt as well as eggs and
Cardholder’s signature ___________________________ (£11 f) Unisex, grey, XS
honey. And they don’t wear leather, fur, silk or wool.
each) (chest 32”)
Expiry date _______________ Switch issue no. ______

Return to:Viva! 8 York Court,Wilder Street, Bristol BS2 8QH

T 0117 944 1000 E W
By going veggie,
you play NO PART
Here are some veggies who aren’t afraid in the following:
to tell the world how proud they are!
John Feldmann of American FARMING
Be very, very proud and make it a vital part of your life. It’s
pop punk sensations Over 850 million chickens are killed for their meat
good for you, good for the starving, good for the
Goldfinger proudly says: each year in the UK. One foul-smelling, windowless
environment and saves countless animals.
shed can hold up to 40,000 birds, each bird allowed
Saving Lives! “I tell people all the d of no more space than than an A4 sheet of paper.
Perhaps the biggest plus to being I'm vegan an d prou
vegetarian is the number of lives it. It is what I stan THE FARROWING CRATE
This really is one of the
you save. The average meat eater
for above al l else.”
is responsible for the death of very worst of factory
4,022 animals in their lifetime – they eat them! By farming’s hidden horrors.
going vegetarian, you help to end suffering. Harriette, 16, from Powys, gets straight to the point when Hundreds of thousands
she says: of pregnant sows are
Your Health shut into these tiny
“I love being vegetarian, It's cages a week before
By going veggie, you’ve made one of
the healthiest choices you can so
great how I can eat healthily and they give birth - and remain imprisoned until their
prepare to reap the benefits! Meat not feel guilty about having any piglets are forcibly removed at three weeks old.
eating raises cholesterol levels and animals killed for my lifestyle.”
increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some DUCK FACTORY FARMING
cancers, obesity and many other diseases. According Haz, 16, from Crickhowell says: Almost all duck meat comes
s of animals
to top nutritionists, most meat-eating kids have the “Not only do you save hundred 're also from factory-farmed birds – we
most atrocious diet in the world. Why put your body and improve you r hea lth, but you know because we’ve filmed at all
through that? helping to save the planet. The mealike the big suppliers. Their
industry does incr edible dam age, conditions are similar to
Saving the World! increasing global warming, desertif chickens but with an added
Many of the world’s massive and worldwide star vat ion!” insult - these aquatic animals – that are meant to
environmental problems could be eat, swim, dive, clean and play in water – never even
reduced by cutting meat out of the Sarah, 14, from Bristol proudly declares: see it, except in their drinkers.
diet – including global warming, loss
of rainforests, the spread of deserts “Humans don't DEATH OF OUR OCEANS
and species extinction. Going vegetarian helps the and you really need to eat animals Almost all the world’s fish are in
environment immediately. permission to go don’t need anyone's serious trouble because of over-
you eat meat, reveggie! Next time fishing. And fish do feel pain – and a
once a living an member that it was great deal of it as they are dragged
eat your pet, wimal. You wouldn't from the deep to be suffocated in an alien
ould you?!”
environment or gutted while alive and struggling.

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