Proud To Be Vegan
Proud To Be Vegan
Proud To Be Vegan
Postcode _____________________________________
What’s a vegetarian?
Someone who doesn’t eat dead animals or bits of them - no
Viva!’s brand- a) Unisex, black, age meat, chicken, turkey, or duck, no sea animals (fish, prawns,
Date of birth __________________________________ 11-12 (chest 34”) crabs or shrimps), no animal fat and no disgusting things
I enclose a cheque/postal order new Proud to b) Unisex, black, XS
such as gelatine, made from hooves and bones.
(payable to Viva!) for the amount of £ ____________ be Veggie (chest 32”)
t-shirts are sure to c) Women’s close-fit,
Or please debit Visa/Mastercard/Solo/Maestro/Switch card no. black, size 8-10
be a big hit. Get What’s a vegan?
d) Women’s close-fit,
yours while black, size 16-18 Someone who eats none of these things but also avoids
you can! e) Unisex, grey, age 11- anything from an animal - avoids dairy products such as
12 (chest 34”) cow’s or goat’s milk, cheese or yoghurt as well as eggs and
Cardholder’s signature ___________________________ (£11 f) Unisex, grey, XS
honey. And they don’t wear leather, fur, silk or wool.
each) (chest 32”)
Expiry date _______________ Switch issue no. ______