Aether Vibrations - Behold The New Old Paradigm
Aether Vibrations - Behold The New Old Paradigm
Aether Vibrations - Behold The New Old Paradigm
Aether Vbratons
Behold the New Old Paradigm
Ouantum physcs that has been around for
some hundred odd years now s st manstream physcs.
Athough quantum scence has reveaed the presence of the
zero pont ed wth a ts vrtua subatomc partces and
photons that |ump nto exstence from apparenty nowhere
to return to obvon nanoseconds ater, there s st s no
reasonabe expanaton as to how and why partces and
photons can appear and dsappear |ust ke that.
Aso the quantum probabty wave s st hard to grasp and
vsuaze. Ouantum physcs may have proven to be a
mathematcay correct scence; for ay peope the wave-
partce duaty of quantum scence t s st very hard to
understand. How do we vsuaze partces that are both
waves and sod tte marbes?
Another dmcut thng to grasp s the atom mode presented
by Nes Bohr where eectrons y n we-dened shes
around the nuceus. Snce eectrons contnuousy radate
energy they shoud eventuay coapse nto the nuceus, but
they dont! The queston s where does ths radatng energy
actuay come from and how s t repenshed? Ouantum
scence has accepted the quantum states of the eectrons
(dstnct she wthn the atom) for a fact, but s unabe to
answer the queston why the eectrons ony occur n dscrete
shes wthn the atom and why they dont eventuay crash
nto the nuceus.
Even three hundred years after the dscovery of gravty by
Newton, scence st has no theoretca expanaton for t.
Ths s exacty why scence s movng forward to nd new
theores that can better expan the anomaes of quantum
scence. Today manstream scences best shot s the strng
theory. However, a sma group of scentsts are now takng a
radca new vew, and ther thnkng s takng them back to
nsghts from ancent hstory.
For hundreds of years brant physcsts and phosophers
have tred to represent our word n mathematca modes of
partce physcs that state that our physca word s made of
matter of whch the smaest part s caed the atom. Atom
s an ancent Greek word meanng undvdabe; t s
supposedy the smaest part of matter that cannot be
dvded anymore! Ouantum mechancs however notced that
partces n some cases behaved ke waves and ater
ntroduced the wave-partce duaty.
Some quantum scentsts aready suggested n the past that
the quantum waves coud be rea waves after a, exstng n
the physca doman. They dd not beeve n partce wave
duaty. As ong ago as 1937 Erwn Schrdnger wrote that
what we observe as matera bodes and forces are nothng
but shapes and varatons n the structure of space tsef.
Eventuay even Ensten re|ected the dea of dscrete
partces and beeved that partces were n fact part of a
contnuous ed.
A growng number of post quantum physcsts are
dscoverng what Ensten and Schrdnger aready assumed;
physcs may have been on the wrong track a aong, msed
by the dea that the matera word exsts of separate hard
partces! They are suggestng now that we may ve n a
wave-based unverse. Matter s smpy the foca pont of a
vbraton n an energy sea caed the aether.
The Aether
In Greek antquty, the Greek scentsts and
phosophers beeved that nature ony counted four
eements; earth, water, re and ar. The atoms were beeved
to be the budng bocks of these four eements of the
unverse. Arstote added the fth eement aether and
postuated that panets and stars were made of ths
aether. Greek phosopher Pato, 350 years B.C., descrbed
these ve eements and added that matter s created from
the ve Patonc sods that he descrbed n hs book
Tmaeus. He equated the tetrahedron wth the eement re,
the cube wth the earth, the cosahedron wth water, the
octahedron wth ar and the dodecahedron wth the aether,
the stuh of the panets and stars.
We now know of course that there are far more eements n
nature than the ones known n Greek antquty. However, t s
a we-known fact that the Patonc sods pay a roe n
chemstry as the nterna organzaton structures of
moecues n many materas. For nstance the Patonc sods
show up n the organzaton of moecues of natura crystas.
In ths chapter we w present a new theory about matter
that agrees wth Pato that the atoms are constructed from
the Patonc sods. Some scentsts now beeve that the
aether s a subte energy that ows through a matera
thngs ke some qud, creatng the matera word from t.
The Patonc sods are beeved to be the geometrca
nterna structures of the atom. Thats the reason why sacred
geometry s so mportant n ths new aether theory.
In the 19th century the umnferous aether was we
accepted by scence! It was the medum through whch the
eectromagnetc wave was supposed to propagate. In those
days physcsts beeved that matter and the aether were
two separate thngs. The aether served as the carrer
medum for radant energes such as ght and was beeved
to transmt force eds between matera ob|ects n the
unverse such as gravty. |ames Cerk Maxwe, the founder of
eectrodynamcs and hs contemporares ddnt have any
doubt that the aether exsted. However n 1887 Abert
Mchaeson and Edward Morey conducted an experment to
prove the exstence of the aether. At the tme ght was
thought to be a compresson wave that propagated as a
ongtudna wave through the motoness and statonary
aether, |ust ke sound waves through the ar. Whe the Earth
tsef s spnnng, the Earth must have a reatve moton wth
respect to the motoness aether. They reasoned that when
the speed of ght s measured on the surface of the Earth, t
shoud gve dherent resuts when measured cockwse or
counter cockwse wth respect to the rotaton of the Earth
around ts axs.
However the Mcheson Morey experment proved that the
speed of ght had the same constant vaue no matter n
what drecton the speed of ght was measured. From ths
experment t was concuded that the aether dd not exst.
Physcs has abandoned the aether theory ever snce.
However today scentsts beeve that the resuts of the
Mchaeson-Morey experment have been msnterpreted.
So now after a hundred years the aether s back n physcs.
In the new emergng physcs, the Newtonan partces and
quantum mechanca partce/wave duaty s abandoned. In
new aether physcs there are ony waves!
The aether s the medum of the eectromagnetc waves and
t s assumed that the aether s a non-matera ud-ke
medum, a subte energy substance that permeates the
entre unverse. It s a we known fact that waves requre a
medum to wave n: wthout a medum, sorry there can be no
waves. Sound requres the ar. For water waves t s the
water that waves. But for some unexpanabe reason ever
snce the Mchaeson-Morey experment supposedy
dsproved the exstence of the aether, physcs accepted the
fact that eectromagnetc waves can trave through empty
space wthout any medum at a. How absurd, f there s no
medum, then what s wavng? How s ght to propagate as a
wave phenomenon f there s nothng to propagate n?
Physcs accepted that ght coud trave through absoute
nothngness ony because the Mchaeson-Morey experment
had faed to prove the exstence of the aether.
An astonshng premse of the revved aether physcs s that
there s no duasm, no dstncton between a matera and
mmatera thng; ts a energy snce energy s a there s!
Matter s not a fundamenta property of the unverse; t s the
form not the substance that shapes matter. Now we nay
can take Enstens famous formua E=m * c, one step
further and reay start to understand what ths formua
It s not that energy and matter can be nterchanged; no,
matter = energy, perod!
In ths sense matter s an uson of sodness and
separateness. Eastern sprtua tradtons have aways
camed that our word s Maya, usonary. What they meant
by ths s that separateness does not exst; there s ony the
unty at the fundamenta eve of exstence, the unty of
Brahman. Now we may see Eastern wsdom corroborated by
modern day scence!
Ths s how aether physcs s best descrbed:
Our universe is multi dimensional and it is made of one
substance and one substance only! This substance is called
aether and it is a vibrating fuid-like energy that permeates
the physical vacuum !atter as we know it is created
moment by moment as a standing wave" a vorte# in the
physical vacuum $t is the condensed center of these
vorte#es that creates the illusion of a separate particle %ll
matter in the universe is interconnected since the particle
&elds e#tend to the far corners of the universe
Wave Structure of Matter
A precursor of aether physcs s the Wave
Structure of Matter theory by Mo Woh. In 1986 Woh
formuated a theory that he caed the Standng Wave
Structure of Matter (abbrevated to WSM theory).
Independenty Geoh Hasehurst came to the same
concuson about a standng wave theory for matter and they
are workng together as of 1998.
The WSM theory s reatvey smpe. It proposes that matter
s the foca pont of a standng wave the resut of two
nterferng waves. One s an nward wave movng towards
the center and the other s an outward-bound wave movng
away from the center. The waves are spherca waves n the
fabrc of space. The center of the two spherca waves s the
pont partce center. As smpe as the axom of ths theory
s, the propertes these standng waves can assume seem to
be mmense.
Whereas amost a physca aws both n Newtonan and
quantum physcs were emprcay derved from experments,
Mo Wof says he now has theory that a pror, from
theoretca prncpes, aows the aws of both reatvty and
quantum physcs to be determned!
If he s rght the orgn of the physca aws and the
propertes of charge, mass and gravty, for the rst tme can
be understood. Manstream physcs coud never reay
expan these; for one thng we st dont know what
gravty reay s; we have known the physca aws of gravty
snce Newton; however we dont know whats causng
Strng theory s tryng to accompsh exacty what the WSM
theory has done, to ntegrate quantum physcs and
Enstens reatvty. Strng theory s manstream physcs best
shot and hope for a theory of everythng (T.O.E.)
A wave structure of matter had aready been proposed 130
years ago by Wam Chord, he decared that a matter s
smpy unduatons n the fabrc of space. Unfortunatey, hs
coeagues never took hs work serousy.
In the WSM theory matter s |ust the nterference pattern of
n and out waves. The n-waves of a gven partce are the
out-waves of another partce. In ths way a matter n the
unverse s sustaned and mutuay dependent. In and out
waves te a the matter n the unverse together.
Sub-quantum knetcs
Pau La Voette has deveoped a genera
system aether theory caed subquantum knetcs. He
beeves that scence s wrong about many aspects n
physcs ncudng the Bg Bang theory that tes us that the
unverse came nto exstence from one bg cosmc exposon.
Accordng to the Bg Bang theory, the unverse nated from
what s caed a snguarty, an nntey compressed pont n
space, nto a voume of severa hundred mon ght-years n
dameter n |ust 10 seconds!
Ths event requred that a known aws n physcs, ncudng
the aws of thermodynamcs, Enstens reatvty aws
(nothng can exceed the speed of ght) were dsabed for the
happy occason, the brth of a matter and energy from
compete nothngness. After ths brefest of moment of tme,
the hoy aws of scence were re-enacted and ever snce the
unverse does not aow energy and matter to be created
from the same nothngness any onger (rst aw of
Thermodynamcs). At ts brth, the unverse showed ts
hghest degree of organsaton and physcs dctates that ths
order eventuay w decay nto compete chaos agan
(second aw of thermodynamcs). Scentsts ca ths the
ncrease of entropy.
Pau La Voette does not contradct these aws; on the
contrary, he smpy doesnt beeve that these aws were
dsabed for |ust ths spt second durng the Bg Bang. In hs
book Geness of the Cosmos he mentons many more
probems wth the Bg Bang theory such as the expanaton
for the observed red-shfts of stars that cosmoogsts use as
proof that our unverse has been expandng ever snce the
Bg Bang. The red-shft of the stars s beeved to be caused
by the Dopper ehect as stars move away from our pont of
reference. Cosmoogsts never took the aternatve tred ght
expanaton for these red-shfts serousy- that s, the fact
that ght traveng over bons of ght years may be
absorbed by ntergaactc matera resutng n a oss of
energy and an ncrease of waveength.
La Voette beeves that the cosmoogy of the ancents s a
better aternatve that does not suher from the Bg Bangs
snguarty probems. Accordng to many ancent
cosmooges, the unverse evoved over bons of years as a
resut of a contnuous process of matter and energy creaton
from a supposedy fourth dmensona ream, the aether. Ths
creaton process has never ceased and st contnues today
accordng to La Voette. To sustan hs cams, he expans
that the unverse at heart s not a cosed but an open system
and s abe to receve energy and matter from a fourth
dmenson wthout contradctng the aws of
The aether s supposedy an unobservabe metaphysca
ream, a non-equbrum transmutabe medum that
contnuousy uctuates. When uctuatons reach a crtca
threshod they are abe to spawn stabe waveforms n our
observabe physca unverse. It was ony n 1973 that
system theorsts earned about chemca soutons that were
abe to create sef-organsng chemca reactons that
spontaneousy started to oscate. These chemca reactons
such as the Beousov-Zhabotnsk reacton perodcay
spawned so-caed chemca or reacton-dhuson waves. The
cross chemca reactons nvoved oscate between ow and
hgh concentratons of the chemca compounds that drve
the reacton. Lets assume that the rst reacton uses
compound X to create compound Y, then the second reacton
w be exacty the nverse of the rst and use compound Y to
create compound X agan.
There s a constant dhuson of the compounds from areas of
hgh to ow concentratons, hence the reacton-dhuson
wave. These chemca waves w spawn beautfu Mandaa
ke wave patterns when put on a Petr dsh. To understand
how the chemca reacton actuay starts to oscate ets
use the metaphor of the predator-prey system. Suppose we
have a popuaton of rabbts that has an abundant suppy of
ettuce. Snce rabbts breed ke he, ther popuaton w
grow fast. However n our tte cosed habtat there are aso
foxes that feed on the rabbts, mtng the growth of the
rabbt popuaton. Snce the rabbt popuaton grows fast, so
does the fox popuaton. However, snce there s a feedback
oop n our system, baance w be restored n our habtat;
when the foxes eat too many rabbts, they w run nto a
food shortage, reducng the growth of the fox popuaton and
aowng the rabbts to survve. The fox-rabbt popuaton w
oscate between two extremes, a mnmum and maxmum,
a perfect exampe of a wave oscaton.
From these observatons, Pau La Voette reasoned that the
aether may kewse spawn wave patterns from two
aether states, two dherent aetherons, whch contnuousy
mutate from one state nto the other and vsa versa. In
norma cases, the aether mantans ts equbrum state due
to the second aw of thermodynamcs, however under crtca
condtons these aether transmutatons ke the predator-
prey waves may become sef-organsng and form stabe
wave patterns. These wave patterns w become observabe
n our physca unverse as eectromagnetc energy, ght.
Hs theory has been tested n a smuator mode caed the
Brusseator and uses two X and Y aetheron states to prove
that under crtca condtons, sef-organsng oscatons may
spontaneousy come nto exstence. The actua
ether reacton used |ust a few more ntermedate
ether states but for the sake of smpcty aetherons X and Y
are the ony ones mentoned here.
The transmutaton aether mode of Pau La Voette brngs to
mnd the transmutaton of the Chnese Yn and Yang energes
mentoned n the I Chng, the Book of Changes. The I Chng
mentons creaton as the resut of cycc mutua
transmutatons of Yn and Yang energes. The femae Yn
energy transforms nto the mae Yang energy and vce versa
n an eterna process of physca manfestaton.
Pau La Voettes sub-quantum knetcs perfecty descrbes
how the aether ream spawns waves that we observe as ght
n our unverse. Snce ths ght forms a standng wave that s
eternay repenshed by the aetheron transmutatons, ths s
what we nay observe as quantum partces of matter.
Sub quantum knetcs yeds a better
aternatve for the requred n and out waves of
Mo Wohs WSM theory. As we progress n our
understandng of how matter s actuay
shaped from the aether, we w see n the next
paragraphs that the vbratons created from
the aether must be organsed n vortex shapes
n order to shape the atom.
Vortexes n the aether
Davd Thomson and |m Bourassa both founded
the Ouantum AetherDynamcs Insttute and are
ndependenty deveopng an aether based mode
ntegratng, quantum mechancs, reatvty theory and strng
theory. The mode descrbes matter as a subatomc
whrpoo, tornado or vortex n the aether. They ca ths
vortex the Toroda (A) Aether Unt (TAU). When combned n
spherca conguratons they form the nuceus and eectron
shes of the atom. Ouantum AetherDynamcs mentons that
the aether has both mechanca and eectromagnetc
propertes. The mechanca property s what gves matter ts
mass; ts the anguar momentum of the whrng aether
energy. Mass s smpy the nerta created by the aether
vortexes much ke the nerta that s created by a spnnng
The eterna spn of the aether vortexes that s to be
mantaned for the stabty of a matter n the unverse s
caed the mysterous Gforce or God Force. AetherDynamcs
denes t as an enormous force wth no known cause. I quote
from ther webste:
'The (force is a tremendous force that is beyond comparison
to any other force in the universe $t may not be what
physicists are hoping to &nd )and $ believe this is why this
model hasn*t been proposed before+" but the (force appears
to be a primary force that gave rise to the entire universe $f
one were to liken it to the ,orce in -tar .ars" they wouldn*t
be far o/ $f one were to characteri0e this (force as (od" or
-upreme Being" or (reat %rchitect of the 1niverse" they
wouldn*t be far o/" either .hatever this prime force is" it
appears to be a living thing and the source of all things
animate and inanimate2
Sacred geometry pays an mportant roe n the
aether physcs that we are presentng n ths book. The
reason s rather straghtforward. When the unverse s
shaped from one substance and one substance ony, then
the ony way to gve the physca word a seemng separate
appearance of ndvdua matera thngs s through form,
snce substance by tsef cannot dscrmnate. Hence the
geometry of the aether and how t s structured s the crux n
creatng the matera word.
The reaton between vbraton and geometry s beautfuy
descrbed by the work of Swss medca doctor and natura
scentst Hans |enny (1904-1972) n a scence caed
3r 4ans 5enny2s '6ymatics2 research" vibration of a fuid
with colloid showing a star-tetrahedron
The ate Buckmnster Fuer (1895 - 1983) however was the
rst to dscover that a reaton between musca frequences
(The Datonc scae) and geometrca forms exsts. He used a
baoon submerged n bue dye and vbrated t wth
frequences from the musical scale (the 7 whte keys from
the pano): as a resut of wave nterference, marveous two
dmensona arrangements appeared on ts surface.
Dr. Hans |enny carred on the work of Buckmnster Fuer and
tested these standng wave vbratons n spherca voumes
of ud. Much to hs surprse all of the Platonic solids,
named after the egendary phosopher Pato, showed up as
geometrca patterns. What you see n the pcture above s a
star-tetrahedron; t s aso on the cover of ths book! If you
examne the pcture carefuy you may have notced the two
equatera tranges, one facng up and one facng down.
Together they form a symbo that s known as the |ewsh Star
of Davd, but remember n 3D reaty the two tranges are
tetrahedrons, three sded pyramds.
-tar of 3avid
The whte curved and straght nes n the photograph are
the paces where the vbraton s canceed, these are the
noda ponts, the st paces to whch the cood partces
dssoved n the ud take refuge when the ud s vbrated.
The geometrca patterns are the resut of wave nterference.
When the outgong waves from the center of the sphere
meet the reected waves from the surface of the sphere,
standng waves are formed.
Pato expaned n hs book Tmaeus that the Patonc
sods are the basc forms that construct matter and that ths
knowedge came from the egendary Atants.
We now have proof that humanty knew about the Patonc
sods even before Pato. In the Ashmoean Museum n Oxford
they preserve a of the 5 Patonc sods and some addtona
sem-reguar sods that were descrbed by Pythagoras.
Carved out of stone the Patonc sods are dated at east a
thousand years before Pato! These stones were found n
Brtan and beonged to the Neothc peopes, a cuture that
accordng to our current understandng dd not have the
mathematca abty to understand these forms -
nonetheess they carved them out of stone!
Now snt ths surprsng that a vbrated ud can create
forms such as these and that these forms have been
descrbed by Pato some 400 years BC?
The secret of Sacred geometry is not about
geometry er se!
its about "ibrations that ta#e on geometrical
Sacred geometry was preserved throughout hstory n
Freemasonry crces snce t was beeved to be mportant
knowedge reveang the secrets of our unverse!
Contemporary scentsts now te us that n fact a of
creaton s the ohsprng of aether vbratons |ust ke the
Eastern Hndu cosmoogy has aways taked about the Ohm
sound of Brahman as the vbraton that creates the physca
Dane Wnter and Davd nterpreted these Cymatcs
experments, and both agree that the Patonc nterference
patterns aso occur wthn the aether, and that t s these
nterference patterns that reay shape the atom.
The Egyptans caed matter frozen musc and f ndeed
matter s the resut of musca vbratons of the aether |ust
ke the Cymatcs experments demonstrate, we can now
apprecate why.
Imposon physcs
Dane Wnter presents a physcs that s caed
mposon physcs. He concudes that the entre unverse,
the matera word s created from one non-matera
substance, the aether. The aether s a knd of super
conductve ud that ows rght through a physca ob|ects.
The aether vacuum s an extremey dense nonetheess
frctoness medum. The best comparson for the aether
beng non-matera n nature s the super-conductve state of
heum. When heum s cooed down to temperatures beow
2 degrees Kevn t becomes a super-ud, whch means that
ob|ects can move through ths ud wth no frcton at a.
Dane Wnter now beeves that vortexes, tte eddes or
tornados n the ud-ke aether are the basc budng bocks
of matter. Snce the aether s some knd of a ud, t foows
the we-known physca aws of hydrodynamcs.
Interestngy, n 1895 two carvoyants by the name Chares
Leadbeater and Anne Besant pubshed an artce n a
magazne tted Occut Chemstry wheren they expaned
the nterna structure of Hydrogen, Oxygen and Ntrogen.
Usng carvoyance as the ony nstruments n ther scrutny,
they reveaed the nterna structure of the above-mentoned
eements. The carvoyants had no scentc background
whatsoever; however they pctured the foowng
torus shapes as the basc budng bocks of the atom:
The %nu
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
They caed these torus-ke ow forms the Anu and
mentoned that the atom s shaped from the aether usng
the Anu as a ow form.
Dane Wnter supports the dea of these two carvoyants
and uses the torus shape from these observatons aong wth
the Patonc Sods to construct the atom.
Accordng to Dane Wnter the aether creates vortexes, tte
tornados of whrng and sprang energy n the ocean of
aether, our unverse. The vortexes n the aether are ke the
tte eddes n a rver. The vortex s natures natura ow
form for uds. The same vortex ow form s created every
tme we pu the pug n our bathtub!
When two of these aether vortexes |on ther funnes they
form a torus:
-ingle aether vorte#
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
3ouble vorte# 7 Torus
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
Now the torus s a unque ow form n hydrodynamcs, t
aows uds to spra nwards and outwards on the same
surface of the torus. It s a very stabe ow form.
If the unverse s essentay created from one unversa
substance, the aether, t must be form that s used to create
dherent and separate thngs out of ths unversa substance.
The torus s natures perfect ow form to create a seemngy
separate entty n the formess aether that s stabe enough
to ast.
The torus ow form s smar to the rngs created by the
smoke of a cgar. The cgar smoke whrs nwards on top of
the smoke rng and comes out agan on the bottom of the
rng. It s constanty fodng nwards to come around on the
other sde owng outwards. The torus s often compared
wth the shape of a doughnut or an appe. Its a spherca
form foded nwards at the poes to form a sma hoe n the
The ndvdua aether torus doughnuts can be nested nsde
each other. Nestng torus doughnuts requres that the
vortex cones of the torus are agned wth the faces of the
Patonc sods.
The at bottom of a vortex cone shoud touch the face of a
Patonc sod.
As an exampe we show the cube that contans 3
vortex pars or 3 torus doughnuts agned perpendcuar to
each other n a cube and 5 nested torus doughnuts n a
6ube )8 doughnuts+ 3odecahedron )9 doughnuts+
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
Now we may remember from the Cube of Metatron that the
Patonc sods themseves can be nested, they t nto each
other. Lets take the cube, when nes are drawn to
nterconnect a centres on the 6 faces of the cube, they form
the octahedron. The octahedron s fuy crcumscrbed by the
nta cube. The same process can be repeated now wth the
octahedron by nterconnectng the centres of the faces of the
octahedron. The resut s a cube now crcumscrbed by the
octahedron. Ths process can go on and on forever, creatng
smaer and smaer Patonc sods perfecty nested nto each
other, t creates a fracta, a repettve geometrc pattern.
Nested Platonic -olids
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
The nestng of the Patonc sods s not restrcted to the cube
and octahedron. A Patonc sods can be nested nto each
other. It s the nestng of the Patonc sods that creates the
eectron shes of the atom. Smary however at a much
smaer scae the nuceus of the atom s formed.
The eectrons n the eectron shes correspond wth the
vortexes that are nested n Patonc symmetres. Accordng
to Dane Wnter, physcs has mstaken these
vortex waveforms for eectron partces. Wthn the atom, the
eectrons orbt the nuceus at a xed dstance from the
nuceus. The sphere that descrbes the orbta pane of the
eectron s caed the eectron she. There are dherent types
of shes n the make up of the atom that were gven the
names s,p,d and f shes and they contan respectvey 2, 6,
10 and 14 eectrons maxmum.
Each vortex par n the doughnut corresponds wth 2
eectrons and when the doughnuts are organzed nsde a
Patonc Sod we get the equvaent of an eectron she.
Heres the correspondence:
% vortex par (1 torus) corresponds wth the 2 eectrons of
the s she.
& nested vortex pars n a cube correspond wth the 6
eectrons of the p she.
' nested vortex pars n a dodecahedron correspond wth the
10 eectrons of the d she
( nested vortex pars n an cosahedron correspond wth the
14 eectrons
of the f she.
So matter s the stabe ow form pattern emergng from the
aether. It takes on geometrca shapes from a formess
energy, creatng the uson of separate eectron partces n
the eectron shes and the partces that make up the
Manstream physcs has never been abe to expan why the
atom has these random numbers of 2, 6, 10 and 14
eectrons n ts eectron couds, the orbta shes around the
nuceus. Dane Wnters mode of the atom now expans
exacty why these number show up n the perod tabe of the
eements! These numbers are reated to the geometrca
propertes of the Patonc Sods! Aso for the very rst tme
we have an expanaton as to why the eectron does not
crash nto the nuceus and how ts radated energy s
repenshed. Eectrons are not partces that encrce the
nuceus nstead they are standng wave patterns at dscrete
dstances from the nuceus! The aether smpy repenshes
these standng waves eternay.
Another way of ookng at the torus shape s regardng t as a
form that can be perfecty descrbed by a set of Ph spras.
Phi spirals in nested doughnuts
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
Each Ph spra s actuay a seres of pure sne waves. It s a
we-known prncpe n physcs that any compex wave
shape can be created from the sum of smper pure sne
waves wth dherent frequences and amptudes. Ths
prncpe s caed the Fourer prncpe. The Ph spra s
constructed from a seres of harmoncs wth waveengths
that compy wth the Goden Mean verson of the
Fbonacc sequence:
When pure sne waves wth waveengths of 1/ , 1, , ,
etc. are added together, they w form a perfect
Ph spra.
Goden Mean Waves
When these Ph spras crce around the
torus they meet and nterfere. As a resut of ths
nterference two new addtona waves w be created. What
s mportant to notce s that both new waves w have
waveengths that are agan n the Fbonacc seres. Ths
aows that the nterference w be non-destructve snce the
nterference w smpy resut n more harmoncs n the
Fbonacc seres.
Whst destructve nterference s the norm n wave
nterference, the ony excepton n nature s when the waves
nterfere wth Goden Mean rato waveengths! In other
words, the Ph spra can re-enter tsef around the
torus shape wthout destroyng tsef. So the Ph spra s the
unverses ony possbe way to nest and become sef-
organzng. Ths s how stabe matter can be formed from
eectromagnetc energy as a form of pure wave nterference.
Eectromagnetc energy n a straght ne s what we usuay
ca ght. When ths same ght chases ts own ta around the
surface of the torus shape we ca t matter. In other words
the atom s pure eectromagnetc energy n a form that we
no onger perceve as ght but as matter, or to put t n
Dane Wnters own words;
-o now we have this dualism that waves in a line are energy
and waves in a circle are mass" and because we don2t know
how the wave got into a circle from the line and out" we
conceive mass as separate from energy :7!6;< simply
said that yes loop the speed of light back around on itself"
and you made mass of energy.
The Goden Mean spras of the torus shape eventuay spra
nto a perfect zero st pont n the nuceus of the vortex that
concdes wth the nuceus of the atom. So these sne waves
mpode nwards nto ncreasng smaer waveengths. The
mposon of the Goden sne waves nto smaer and smaer
waveengths not ony ncreases the frequency of the waves
but aso ncreases the speed of the waves to become super-
umna waves (traveng faster than ght). Accordng to
Dane Wnter, ths s what gravty reay s, the cascade of
Goden Mean eectromagnetc sne waves that gan an ever-
ncreasng veocty breakng the speed barrer of ght.
Ensten had aways assumed that eectromagnetsm and
gravty were reated and Dane Wnter expans us how ths
connecton s estabshed.
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
When doughnuts are nested to form the eectron shes of
the atom, the ony requrement to contnue ths form of non-
destructve nterference s that these doughnuts agn
accordng to the Patonc Sod geometres.
When these nested doughnuts nsde the atom are arranged
accordng to the Patonc sods symmetres, a waves w
rush nto the center of the atom, creatng repettve,
recursve or fracta patterns that not ony shape the eectron
shes but aso the nuceus. Eventuay the fracta patterns
dsappear nto a zero pont n the nuceus of the atom. The
mposon of the eectromagnetc waves nto shorter and
shorter waveengths s what gravty reay s. In a way the
torus s a mnature back hoe that attracts the ght nto
tsef creatng gravty.
The harmonous wave cyces that foow the Goden
Mean rato, the Ph cyces may be the orgn of the word
physca (Ph cyce). Physcs woud be smpy the study of
Ph cyces!
Unversa prncpe
The repettve patterns of the Patonc sods that
t nto each other are fractas. A fracta s a repettve
pattern that can be scaed to any sze. The scae may
change but the rato s hed constant.
Now the fracta patterns that shape the atom, accordng to
Dane Wnter aso shape our panets and stars, n fact the
A fracta has sef-smarty at a scaes, ts the same
geometrc pattern repeated. The nner structure n a
fracta s reected n the outer structure. Fracta means
fracton of the a, ndcatng that each pece s part of the
whoe. It s the basc dea of a hoogram and ths s why
accordng to Dane Wnter the unverse at arge s |ust a
super-hoogram. The fractas of eectromagnetc energy
nterconnect everythng wth everythng wthn the unverse
and are the basc budng bocks of ths hoogram. The
fracta repettve structures of eectromagnetc energy weave
a gant cobweb throughout the unverse.
The waveengths of panets and stars are huge n
comparson wth the waveengths of the atom, however
when ther waveengths t nto the Fbonacc sequence of
the Goden Mean, they nterfere non-destructvey; they
mpode and form a fracta attractor that we ca gravty! Ths
s how the panets and stars are connected by means of
mpodng eectromagnetc waves that we experence as
So f the unverse s n essence a hoogram and there s ony
one prncpe that shapes everythng from atoms to panets,
stars, and the unverse at arge, we shoud nd proof of
these vortexes, Patonc Sods, and doughnut structures n
a parts of the unverse.
Ths hoographc prncpe of the unverse was rst
mentoned by the ancent Greek Hermes Trsmegstus as one
of the seven Hermetc prncpes As above, so beow, as
beow, so above. What Hermes meant was that there s a
correspondence between the dherent panes of exstence,
the macro-cosmos and the mcro-cosmos. Ths Hermetc
prncpe tes us that what we see out there n the unverse,
n the gaaxes, stars and panets, we w aso nd on a
smaer scae nsde the atoms.
So s there any proof that may corroborate the vadty of ths
Hermetc prncpe n our unverse?
The answer s yes there s; the amazng fact of the matter s
that recent dscoveres revea that the Hermetc prncpe
and the sacred geometry nvoved can be demonstrated n
both the theoretca unobservabe subatomc vortexes of the
atom, and the very rea observabe argest vortexes of
hurrcanes! Rchard C. Hoagand and Davd
Wcock dscovered the pentagona and hexagona structures
n the eyes of voent category 4 and 5 (Samr-Smpson scae)
hurrcanes that have threatened the Unted States n the ast
few years. Satete photos beautfuy dspay the ve
spoked-whee observed n the eye of some of these
hurrcanes. The satete photo beow shows the pentagon n
the eye of hurrcane Isabe of September 2003.
,ive-sided pentagon in hurricane $sabel
Wcock and Hoagand theorse n ther hyper-dmensona
physcs that category 4 and 5 hurrcanes open up an nter-
dmensona gateway wth a hgher dmenson that aows
aetherc energy to ow nto our physca dmenson. Ths
aetherc energy n the form of torson waves (dscussed ater
n ths chapter), create standng waves ke the ones n Dr.
Hans |ennys Cymatcs experments and are the expanaton
for the observed pentagona and hexagona patterns n the
eye of the hurrcane.
We woud never have dscovered these hyper-dmensona
aether structures n the mechansm of a hurrcane f the
water vapour of the couds had not arranged tsef accordng
to these nterference patterns. Wcock and Hoagand beeve
that hurrcanes are not ony feedng on the conventona
convecton currents caused by the warm ocean waters and
cooer ar above, but aso experence ant-gravty ehects n
ther funnes as a resut of the torson waves. As a resut the
couds that form the pentagram on top of the hurrcane are
rased n the ar much hgher than norma. The antgravty
ehect ncreases sgncanty and concdes wth the
formaton of the pentagram ony when the nterna hurrcane
wnd speeds bud up to the extreme categores 4 and 5 on
the Samr-Smpson scae.
Dane Wnter has a sghty dherent nterpretaton of the
sacred geometry nvoved n these hurrcanes. Accordng
Dane Wnter, the pentagon shape reveaed n the two-
dmensona satete pcture s n three-dmensona reaty, a
dodecahedron, and the hexagona shape represents the top
vew of an cosahedron. Wnter postuates that the nested
and fracta structures of the dodecahedron and the
cosahedron are the resut of mpodng eectromagnetc
waves n the eye of the hurrcane. These eectromagnetc
waves are extracted from gravty, Wnter expans, snce
gravty and eectromagnetsm are reated phenomena.
Hurrcanes and tornados are renowned for ther anomaous
eectromagnetc ehects such as thunderbots and shnng
ghts n the funne of these storms. Ths s an anomay snce
hurrcanes and tornados are not thunderstorms. So now t
seems that nature has provded a rea observabe
phenomenon that aows us to study the hurrcane as the
Hermetc counterpart of the same vortex that shapes the
The doughnut torus shape created by these vortexes can be
found n the macroscopc word as we. Surprsngy enough,
NASA n the summer of 2004 reeased new nformaton about
dscoveres that were made wth the European Space Agency
observatores the INTEGRAL and XMM-Newton. They
dscovered that so-caed back hoes n our unverse are
actuay doughnut shaped torus formatons! Back hoes are
ob|ects wth an unfathomabe mass. They have the densty
of mons to bons tmes the mass of our Sun and the
gravtatona force of back hoes s so strong that nothng
can escape from t, not even ght. Everythng n the
envronment of a back hoe s attracted to the core of the
back hoe.
The smarty between the macroscopc doughnut
torus shape of the back hoe and the mcroscopc doughnut
torus shape of the atom s apparent. The back hoes basc
characterstc s that ts gravtaton s so mmense that even
ght cannot escape t. Accordng to Dane Wnter the
vortex structure of the doughnut torus structure s actuay
an mposon of Goden Mean waves that s no ess than the
equvaent of gravty. It s ght that s attracted nto the core,
|ust ke what happens nsde the Back Hoe.
It s aso nterestng to note that recent deveopments n
strng theory predct that back hoes can exst at any scae
from the mcrocosmc scae of partces to the macroscopc
monstrous scaes of back hoes observed n remote gaaxes.
In fact at CERN n Swtzerand they are budng a new
coossa partce acceerator to be nshed by 2007 caed
the Large Hadron Coder (LHC) and scentsts are
antcpatng that the LHC may actuay be powerfu enough
to spawn mnature back hoes. Ths remarkabe fact has
become possbe from new nsghts n strng theory. Strng
theory predcts not ony mutpe dmensons but aso that
gravty unke a other forces n nature w be actve n these
addtona dmensons. Ths means that the ehect of
gravty s far stronger at sma dstances than conventona
theory predcts. In conventona theory back hoes can ony
be created from tremendousy dense masses; however strng
theory now aows for mnature back hoes far ess dense
that can exst even at the subatomc eve of partces!
Astrophyscs s st tryng to nd out the rght cosmoogca
mode for our unverse. The current accepted dea has been
around snce the seventes and s the dea that the unverse
has been created n one gant bast caed the Bg Bang. Ever
snce the unverse has been expandng, the cosmoogca
mode of an expandng unverse s caed the natonary
mode. One of the founders of the natonary mode Dr.
Robert P. Krshner of Harvard Unversty now beeves that a
cycc mode can better expan the atest dscoveres made
about our unverse. In the cycc mode the unverse s re-
brthed n an eterna cyce of both expanson and
contracton. Recent dscoveres have shown that the
unverse not ony expands, but aso that ths expanson s
acceeratng. The ony source that coud expan ths
acceeraton s an nvsbe energy that permeates the entre
unverse! Astrophyscs has termed ths mysterous energy
dark energy!
Remarkaby a cycc mode s the cosmoogca mode that
corresponds wth the ancent Eastern cosmoogy. Accordng
to the sprtua Eastern scrpture of the Upanshads the
unverse s recreated eternay from the breath of Brahman
by breathng n and out the Prana of the unverse.
There are now a number of astrophyscs theorsts who have
aunched the dea that the unverse at arge has the shape of
a gant doughnut torus. One of these theorsts s Professor
|oseph Sk of the Department of Physcs, Oxford Unversty.
The most common used method by scentsts to mode the
shape of the unverse s to measure and determne the
geometry of the cosmc mcrowave background radaton of
the unverse, the prmorda resdua energy of the Bg Bang.
The new dea that the unverse s shaped ke a torus stems
from the ast measurements of the background radaton..
If we assume that the unverse s ndeed n a perpetua cyce
of brth and death then the doughnut torus shape can
perfecty expan and mode ths behavour. |ust suppose that
a panets, stars and gaaxes move through space n ths
huge doughnut shaped unverse. The center of the doughnut
represents the moment of the Bg Bang. The center ke the
center of the back hoe s a snguarty where a space and
tme are nntey compressed. Thnk of ths zero pont as the
eterna now. Now when we eave the zero pont of the
doughnut and move outwards through the funne over the
surface of the doughnut, space emerges and starts to
expand, tme starts tckng. Weve eft the whte hoe of the
unverse where panets, stars and gaaxes are brthed. Whe
traversng over the surface of the torus, space keeps
expandng unt we cross the equator, the mdde pane of
the symmetrca torus. Next space starts to shrnk agan and
a space s attracted to the back hoe opposte poe of the
doughnut where everythng w coapse agan to the zero
st pont wthn the doughnut. Weve competed one
compete cyce of brth and death! The eterna cyce of the
unverse woud be such that everythng s beng brthed from
a snguarty, (The Bg Bang), the whte hoe of the unverse.
After the unverses brth we move for bons of years
through space to end up where we started to be attracted
agan nto a huge back hoe. From there on the next cyce s
Recent dscoveres made by astrophyscs have aso shown
that the Patonc sods can aso be found n the custerng of
In our gaaxy, the zodac wth ts tweve sgns actuay has
the geometry of a dodecahedron wth ts 12 faces
correspondng to the 12 houses or sgns of the zodac!
Patonc Sods aso show up n the Earths energy eds as
w be demonstrated n the next chapter. The aura of the
Earth s a dodeca-cosohedron grd (nested
dodecahedron and cosahedron) that s referred to as the
Earth grd for short.
Rchard Hoagand together wth Davd Wcock have ponted
out that there are panets n our Soar System that show
geoogca stress ponts at exacty 19.47 degrees attude.
Exampes are the Great Red Spot on |upter, the Great Dark
spot of Neptune, the Suns area of the argest sunspots. The
19.47 degrees attude stress ponts can be expaned f we
consder the nteraced tetrahedron energy structures to be
present n the sphere of these cosmc bodes.
$nterlaced or star tetrahedron in the planets
The correspondence prncpe of Hermes Trsmegstos as
above, so beow s vad aso for the Patonc sods n the
aura, the energy ed of the human body. Scence n the
nnetes has actuay corroborated the exstence of the bo
energy eds of the human body that were aready known to
the Chnese for thousands of years, know as the Chnese
merdan system and the seven chakras n the body. The
eastern Chakra systems of the body have been dented as
nodes n the human body where vortexes of subte energy
from hgher dmensons nterfere wth the physca body.
Many ancent tradtons menton that the aetherc energy
counterpart body of the physca body as the vehce of the
human sou. Supposedy the energy structure of the human
aura contans the wave nterference patterns of the Patonc
Sods especay the star-tetrahedron.
!editation in =otus position and the !erkaba
(6ourtesy of %nanda ! Bosman" wwwakashade>?aton>)
The energy body n ancent Egypt was caed the Merkaba.
(Mer=rotatng ght, Ka=sprt, Ba=human body). It was
beeved that the spnnng ght of the Merkaba coud take a
person from one dmenson nto another. It was the ght
through whch the sou descended nto the human body and
that can aso be used to ascend to hgher panes.
The Merkaba energy ed of the human body s an nteraced
tetrahedron (doube nterpenetratng tetrahedron, one
pontng upwards and one downwards; see the cover of ths
book). The Merkaba s mentoned n many regons such as
n the |ewsh Kabbaah, whch descrbes t as a counter
rotatng energy ed that ahects both sprt and body.
In the Bbe Ezeke caed the Merkaba the vehce of ght.
Ths vehce of ght aowed the sou to trave between
parae dmensons. Kngs 2:2 tes the story of prophet E|ah
and Esha who crossed the |ordan rver at Beth-E when a of
a sudden a Merkaba of re appears and E|ah dsappears n
the whrwnd. E|ah had vanshed from the face of ths Earth
and ascended from the physca pane.
The Merkaba s aso preserved n Isam n the ancent Isamc
mystcsm of Susm. The dervsh Su dancer expresses the
Merkaba by spnnng n a counter cockwse dance hs robe,
creatng two spherca dscs that express the toroda shape
or torus shape of the Merkaba.
Sacred geometry researcher Drunvao Mechzedek has put
much ehort n reconstructng the sgncance of the
Merkaba; he mentons that the human body creates the
Merkaba as an eectromagnetc energy ed around the body.
Ananda Bosman has aunched a whoe new scence that he
has coned Vortexa|ah. Vortexa|ah stands for a physcs of
vortexes wthn vortexes that perfecty corresponds wth
Dane Wnters mposon physcs. Ananda expans that the
Merkaba or the Lght Body Star Shp as he mentons t s the
vehce between the thrd dmenson and other hgher panes
of exstence. He cams to be abe to trave out of body usng
hs Merkaba. Hs rst outer body experences spontaneousy
occurred after a serous accdent where he amost ost hs
fe! He cams to be n contact now wth a hgher ntegence
hepng hm to shape hs new physcs Vortexa|ah!
Sacred geometry patterns of eectromagnetc energy aso
occur n the energy ed radated by the heart. The human
heart has an eectromagnetc ed n the form of a doughnut
toroda ed (perfect torus) trggerng the 7-ayered musces
n the heart to beat. Ths toroda energy ed s the
anmator of the heart accordng to Dane Wnter.
Another exampe s the geometry n DNA. DNA has the
geometry of ten nterpenetratng dodecahedra sprang
aong the hex. It requres ten Ph spras to create the top
vew of DNA. The basc geometry of DNA s that of a
dodecahedron. Snce Dane Wnter assumes that the
unverse s one huge super hoogram and that everythng n
the unverse s connected wth everythng ese by means of
Goden waves, he beeves that DNA s eectro-magnetcay
couped wth the Earth grd and the Zodac by means of the
fracta dodecahedron shapes of energy.
Aether and the zero pont ed
But how does the aether reate to the zero
pont ed that quantum scentsts have dscovered? Are
they one and the same thng? The ony dherence I beeve s
how these eds are beng descrbed.
Both eds descrbe energy that s everywhere n the
unverse. Ouantum physcs however descrbes the zero pont
ed as the coectve energy that s reeased (vrtua
photons) by a of the subatomc partces n the unverse
when they fa back from ther excted state to ther
energetc ground states (caed the Lamb shft after Ws
Lamb). The sum of a ths energy s what creates the zero
pont ed. On the other hand the subatomc partces borrow
energy (vrtua photons) from the zero pont ed pushng
them nto a hgher energy state. The gve and take of vrtua
photons of energy s what shapes the zero pont ed. In ths
way empty space, the vacuum s actuay a penum of
eectromagnetc energy (vrtua photons) spannng a
frequences n the eectromagnetc frequency doman.
In contrast wth quantum physcs the aether theores state
that there are no partces ony waves. The zero pont n the
aether theory of Dane Wnter s the perfect stness, the
apha and the omega of creaton. Ths zero pont s perfect
stness and nnte movement at the same tme. Its the
same thng. How can ths be? How can these oppostes be
the same? The cascade of Goden waves creates an nnte
seres of hgher harmoncs and when a the waves are added
up usng the Fourer prncpe t creates a at wave of zero
Hertz, perfect stness!
Now thnk of a gass of water, f you start to vbrate t sowy,
you w qute ceary see wave fronts n the gass. When we
ncrease the frequency, t w be harder to notce the water
surface s vbratng. If we add n a possbe vbratons wth
frequences rangng from extremey ow to ndentey hgh,
the sum resut of a these vbratons w turn the water nto
a smooth surface agan. The water has become cam agan.
Ths camness however s usonary snce the water s both
at rest and shakng ke he a at the same tme!
That s what the zero pont ed n essence s; ts compete
stness (0 Hz) and ed wth an nnte cascade of Goden
harmoncs a at the same tme.
The waves that create matter and that by means of fractas
move nto the nuceus n an ncreasng cascade of Goden
waves speed up and exceed the ght speed. But where do
they go? They center nto the zero pont, back from where
they came. In ths sense, the zero pont s the apha and
omega of creaton!
The zero pont s perfect stness and unmagnabe
abundant actvty at the same tme! They are two sdes of
the same con, ts ke a snake btng ts own
Conscous energy
Scentsts ke Davd Wcock and Dane
Wnter take the noton even further, they say the
aether energy has propertes of conscousness, they
concude that there s no duasm n the physca and the
menta ream.
The aether energy is pure consciousness energy and
since it shapes our entire universe, the universe itself
must be a living intelligent being.
So f ths fact can be proven aether physcs seems to be a
scentc corroboraton of the tenets hed by many Eastern
sprtua tradtons that the source of our unverse s a fe
force energy, a sprtua energy caed many names ke
Prana, K, Ch, Akasha to name a few.
In ths chapter we present some proof of ths startng
concuson, athough scentsts have dherent deas to come
to ths concuson. For nstance Davd Wcock refers to
Russan research on torson waves that trave as sprang
mpuses through the aether at a bon tmes the speed of
ght. They are caused by many types of events such as the
movement of physca ob|ects but aso surprsngy enough
by conscous thought! Russan dscoveres reveaed that our
thoughts and feengs extend far beyond the body and trave
through the unverse!
Ouantum physcst Davd Bohm aso beeves that the
unverse s hoographc n nature and that there s an
undvded whoeness of a thngs. It s useess to thnk n
terms of separate partces snce they are ke tte
whrpoos n the rver, you cant te where the whrpoo
starts and the rver ends. Bohm goes on to say that
conscousness s not ony present n anmate fe forms but
aso n nanmate matter snce, energy, space, tme and
conscousness are not separate thngs accordng to Bohm.
Amt Goswam says that conscousness must be the ground
of a beng to sove the ambguty of the Copenhagen
nterpretaton of quantum scence. So t must be
conscousness that s prmorda and shapes the physca.
Amt Goswam s the author of the book The sef-aware
Dane Wnter expans conscousness as foows; wherever
the aether waves organze themseves around the torus to
become fracta or recursve, they turn around the torus to
meet themseves, they become sef-referenta. Not ony do
they create gravty but aso sef-reference or sef-awareness
n the process. Sef-reference s the prncpe of beng sef-
aware and s the denton of conscousness accordng to the
ancent Vedas.
The Goden waves n the fracta geometrca patterns are
attracted to the zero pont, the foca pont of the atom. The
zero pont acts as a fracta attractor drawng nto t a the
eectromagnetc waves that can be shared to rde the roer
coaster of the cascadng Goden waves. In a sense ts a
mnature back hoe attractng the ght nto tsef meanwhe
creatng not ony gravty but aso sef-awareness.
But f recursve eectro-magnetc waves formng fractas s
the true nature of conscousness, t means that
conscousness s not restrcted to fe forms ony but aso
nanmate ob|ects must have a knd of conscousness. A
matera thngs n the unverse must be sef-aware!
Indgenous trbes ke the natve Indans of Amerca and the
Austraan aborgnas for nstance have aways camed that
everythng from the randrops to rvers, from rocks to
mountans are ave. Conscous fe s not restrcted to
anmate fe forms that dwe upon the and; the Indans
beeved that every matera thng had a sou, ncudng the
and. To these peope a of creaton was ave and part of the
whoe; they worshpped the mountans and the rvers, the
moon and the Sun |ust as much as the anmas and pants.
Our western cuture regards the ancent regons as prmtve
snce the ancents worshped the stars and panets as the
Gods of the Heavens. Maybe they ddnt have such a
prmtve and poor concept of reaty after a? Maybe t s us
who have some catchng up to do?
It s now dawnng n scence that the unverse may be sef-
aware. Ths mpes that a atoms, panets, stars, etc, are
sef-aware and have some form of ndvduaty. We can no
onger speak of conscousness that s restrcted to organc
fe forms aone; conscousness can resde n many forms
ncudng stars and panets. The unverse tsef may be one
conscous beng that we humans are part of.
Ths makes every snge foca pont of eectromagnetc
waves an ndvdua conscousness that s part of the
unversa conscousness. Human ndvdua conscousness
focusng n the human body s smpy a pece of the tota
conscousness of the unverse. The bran s merey the
antenna tuned to receve the ndvdua conscousness from
the unversa conscousness |ust ke the quantum bran
theory suggests. Each ndvdua mnd however aso has
access to the unversa mnd.
It woud expan how the unversa conscousness was
accessed by so many genuses ke the greatest
phosophers, scentsts, artsts and muscans that have
nspred us throughout the Ages. If we accept ths, then
wthn ths hoographc concept of conscousness our
separate egos must be usons.
A growng number of physcsts today beeve that the
unverse ndeed s sef-aware. Why s t that amost a of the
word regons assocate Gods conscousness wth ght? The
Bbe tes us that God s the Lght of the word!
Dane Wnters mposon physcs now tes us that t s
conscous ght that creates the matera word! Coud ths
unversa conscousness that many ke to refer to as God be
the zero pont n the aether, the st pont, the
fracta attractor n chaos theory that draws a the ght of the
word nto tsef where a s One? The zero pont coud be
regarded as the source and destnaton, the apha and the
omega of creaton. Dane Wnter tes us that t s ths
unversa conscousness that focuses the waves nto the zero
pont and keeps t spnnng, t can be compared wth the
Gforce mentoned n AetherDynamcs!
But wasnt God aso assocated wth uncondtona ove? If
God s reay to be assocated wth conscous ght then
where s the ove n a of Wnters Goden waves?
Ph and Love
Manfred Cynes, a former concert
panst studed the reaton between musc and
emoton. Durng hs many performances he earned that
certan parts of hs payng moved peope more than others.
He wanted to nd out what t was n musc, what ptches and
notes touched peope more than others. He embarked on a
scentc career to nd out.
He studed the wave shapes that were reated to human
emotons. The tender hugs and caressng between peope
seemed to foow predctabe enveopes of pressure that
were unversa. Hs studes showed that they were not
reated to cutura, regous or raca backgrounds. A over
the word peope seem to foow the same recpe for creatng
emotons n waves.
Expressons of anger and hate where peope push and |erk
the other aso foow predctabe wave paths of pressure.
Amazngy the emoton assocated wth ove s Goden
Mean reated! If were huggng our oved one and we express
the feeng of ove, the maxmum pressure n the hug s at
exacty the Goden Mean rato wth respect to the tota
duraton of the hug!
@elation between emotions and wave envelops.
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
Dane Wnter concuded from Manfred Cynes matera that
ove must be Goden Mean reated!
So t seems there s ony one way the unversa
conscousness of the unverse can create. It requres the
ovng non-destructve nterference bendng of ght nto
fracta structures of geometres that aows the waves to
stand and nterfere eternay. The hgher harmoncs n the
Goden Fbonacc sequence are a based on the ongest
Ph wave, the carrer wave. The cascade of eectromagnetc
waves a brad on ths Goden wave wth the ongest
waveength, the ong Ph wave or o-Ph wave, the ove-
Is o-Ph the orgn of the word ove?
So t seems ony ove creates and we can now apprecate
that the ovng waves that nterfere wth each other s what
creates the matera word. If the nterferng waves dd not
mantan the Goden Mean rato n waveength, destructve
nterference woud be the resut and the matera word coud
smpy not exst. Isnt t true that ove can move mountans
and that hate and anger destroys everythng? We can see
the same prncpe expressed n waves that ovngy
construct the matera word! When the waves hate each
other, they compete and k each other!
Lght n a straght ne s energy, ovng ght bent around a
foca pont creates matter and ts the unversa
conscousness that keeps the waves centered! If the
unversa mnd of the unverse, God s the ght and ove of
the word, ke the Bbe has aways tod us; we can now
apprecate t from a scentc perspectve!
The ovng heart
Dane Wnter s a member of the Heart
Coherence Team that has deveoped a Heart Tuner .
The Heart Tuner s a heart/bran bofeedback system that s
abe to measure the coherence between the heartbeats
(Eectrocardogram ECG) and the branwaves
(Eectroencephaogram EEG) of an ndvdua. It s used by
therapsts and researchers but s aso suted for ndvduas
to estabsh baance between the heart and mnd.
For the rst tme n hstory were abe to reay measure
human emotons such as compasson, empathy, ove, anger
and frustraton. The Heart Tuner uses the eectromagnetc
waves of the heart and the bran and s abe to determne f
there s harmony between them, n other words f there s
coherence between heart and mnd. What the Heart Tuner
does s that t checks whether our feengs and thoughts are
For ages weve beeved that the heart s the home of our
feengs and emotons, t s expressed n amost any popuar
ove song, however human emotons can now reay be
measured and they stem from the heart ndeed. Emotons
are reected n the waves of the ECG.
Aso our thoughts eave a ngerprnt n the eectromagnetc
ed of the bran, our branwaves recorded n the EEG. The
Heart Tuner pcks up the sgnas of the heart and the bran
and s abe to detect phase ocks between the waves of the
ECG and the EEG.
When a phase ock s detected, not ony do the frequences
n the heart sgna match up wth the frequences of the
branwaves, aso ther phase matches, the waves are
harmonousy connected! In technca terms the sgnas are
sad to be coherent! What reay s happenng s that the
person nvoved s baancng hs feengs and hs thoughts
and hes experencng peacefu, |oyfu feengs, bss.
The Heart Tuner has proven ts therapeutc benets:
It stmuates the mmune system
Baances emotona and physca heath
Is a feedback too for stress reease
Improves a persons earnng abtes
Can be used to eradcate addctons.
Is a good ad n conct sovng by measurng coherence
between two persons (ts a e detector that never es!)
Now how does the Heart Tuner work and what s reay
happenng n the frequency spectra of the heart and bran?
Frst of a, the sonc sounds of the heart, the heartbeats are
transated nto eectromagnetc puses by the thymus of the
heart and the gands n our body that act as pezo-eectrca
devces transatng sonc pressures nto eectromagnetsm.
Ths s how the heart creates an eectromagnetc ed that
can be measured as an ECG.
Dane Wnter dscovered that peope who are experencng
true feengs of ove eave a sgnature n the frequency
spectrum of the heart, the ECG.
What happens s that the frequency components n the
spectrum become Goden Mean reated (Ph)! Surprsngy
aso the branwaves can become entraned, phase ocked
wth the heartbeat waves! Bran and heart waves beat at the
same pace and n the same phase connected by the Goden
Mean (Ph).
The resut s our by now famar cascade of Goden
eectromagnetc waves |ust ke weve dscussed before that
s happenng nsde the atom.
Accordng to Dane Wnter, the cascade of Goden
eectromagnetc waves ends up as bue ght n the DNA of
our body! The DNA s a knd of a ens attractng the
eectromagnetc energy nto tsef.
So how does the heart and bran waves that have ong
waveengths connect and ock wth the much shorter
waveengths of the DNA? Its the Goden Mean rato that
brdges the scae of the ong waveength of the heart and
bran waves to the short waveength of DNA. When our
thoughts and emotons are attuned to ove, a cascade of
Fbonacc seres of harmoncs s created that nks the energy
of the heart and mnd to our own DNA.
So emoton s reay energy, t s energy n moton, e-moton.
Emoton s ke a roer coaster conveyng the emotona
energy from the heart to every ce n our body nto our very
own DNA. The energy of our emotons moves between these
scaes of ong waves to short waves and s nay devered
to our DNA. Frtz Popp had prevousy dscovered the bo
photons, the bue ght n the body and assumed that t was
somehow reated to DNA, Dane Wnter expans us the wave
coupng mechansm of how the energy of the mnd and
heart s devered to our very own DNA.
When the heart expresses the emoton of ove t creates a
cascade of Goden Mean eectromagnetc waves, n fact t
creates gravty |ust ke the atom does when t attracts by
Goden Mean bradng eectromagnetc waves nto the zero
st pont. Why have we aways assocated ove wth gravty?
Why do we use words ke Im attracted to you, ke the moon
s to the Earth, when were n ove wth someone? Why has
our emoton aways been assocated wth weght? When
Isaac Newton saw the appe fa from the tree, he |ust
dscovered gravty. He ran oh to te others and expaned the
prncpe of gravty by sayng that the appe s attracted to
the Earth. The peope stared and aughed at hm, the whoe
dea seemed preposterous, how coud an appe be attracted
to the Earth? Are they n ove? Ony peope n ove are
attracted to each other. It took Newton a ong tme before
peope started to get used to the dea of gravty as a force of
attracton. In those days, Newton woud have done better to
take other words to expan the prncpes of gravty. However
takng Dane Wnters theory of gravty teray, the word
attracton seems |ust ne; t now seems approprate three
hundred years after Newton to say that the Earth and the
moon are n ove and that t s gravtaton that s drawng a
man to a woman!
Dane Wnter aso used hs Heart Tuner on a traned yog
who went nto a deep state of medtaton. Formery he had
nstructed the yog to focus on a tree and to send ovng
thoughts to the tree. He paced an antenna near the tree and
nked both the yog and the antenna near the tree to hs
Heart Tuner.
The antenna under the tree pcked up the Earths
eectromagnetc Schumann waves. The Schumann waves
named after German Professor W.O Schumann were
dscovered n 1952. The Schumann waves are a resut of the
Schumann resonance, a frequency resonaton of about 8
Hertz that occurs between upper ayers n the atmosphere
and the Earths crust. It s caed Gaas heartbeat.
The Schumann resonance s somehow reated to human
conscousness snce branwaves operate n a frequency
doman that ncudes the 8-Hertz Schumann frequency.
Spacecraft of NASA are a equpped wth a devce that
smuates the natura Schumann resonance frequency. From
eary space trave NASA earned that astronauts get
dsorented and dstressed when they are shut oh from the
Schumann resonance. As a human beng we depend on t.
Dane Wnter demonstrated that the trees n the woods act
ke huge antennae that pck up the Schumann frequency
and ampfy t. When hooked up to the Heart Tuner he
notced rst of a that that the yogs ECG and EGG were
coherent as expected from earer experments. However he
aso found that the yogs branwaves and heartbeats had
become coherent wth the Schumann resonance of the
What he demonstrated wth hs experment s that when we
fee ove we tune nto and become one wth nature tsef.
Dane Wnter now beeves that a boogca fe depends on
the Schumann resonance as the carrer wave, the ong
Ph wave to brad eectromagnetc Goden waves. Humans
can nk up to boogy and to mother Earth tsef for that
matter. The heartbeat of ths panet s the Schumann
resonance. It may be the expanaton why a wak n the
woods s so refreshng and why peope ke to spend tme n
nature. Beng competey shut oh from the Schumann
resonance on hgh attudes n a pane where the fuseage
acts ke a bg Faraday cage, s now beeved to contrbute to
the ehects of a |etag.
Dane Wnter warns us of the hazards of eectromagnetc
smog n our bosphere; t destructvey nterferes wth
boogy tsef and nay causes cancer. Weve sheded
ourseves from the natura Schumann resonance and the
Earth grd energes by hdng n concrete budngs and by
destroyng the green forests of the gobe, the antennae that
ampfy the Schumann resonance. The power grd n the
Unted States that drans current nto the Earth causes the
worst case of eectromagnetc pouton and ths actvty
shoud be stopped mmedatey accordng to Dan Wnter!
Torson waves
Nkoa Tesa around 1900 was the rst to
experment wth two spra cos (caduceus shaped). He
fed the two cos wth opposng aternatng currents such that
they woud create eectromagnetc eds that woud be sef-
canceng. Athough the eectromagnetc eds were
canceed out, he demonstrated that hs Tesa cos were
nevertheess abe to transmt energy over ong dstances. He
had actuay dscovered a new form of energy. Remarkaby
Tesas waves dd not oose ts energy at the nverse square
of the dstance as norma eectromagnetc energy does, even
over ong dstances there was no oss of energy to be
Tesas work on ths revoutonary new form of energy was
amost forgotten n hstory. It retrospect t seems hs work
was too revoutonary to be accepted by socety n the ast
century, especay ts appcaton of free energy. Ths s why
hs work neary dsappeared wthout trace. Fortunatey the
same form of new energy was ndependenty dscovered n
the nneteen ftes by Russan astrophyscst Dr. Nkoa A.
Kozyrev (1908-1983). Kozyrevs dscoveres were kept secret
by the Sovet Unon durng the Cod War. It was ony after the
fa of the Iron Curtan that Kozyrevs dscoveres were sowy
reveaed to the West. In the Sovet Unon thousands of
academcs have deved nto ths sub|ect after Kozyrevs
nta dscovery of ths new form of energy. Kozyrev proved
the exstence of the aether once and for a.
Ths new energy s nether eectromagnetc n nature nor
does t reate to gravty as t stands on ts own. The new form
of energy dscovered by Kozyrev s a sprang non-Hertzan
eectromagnetc wave that traves through the vacuum at
super-umna speeds, a bon tmes (10 C) faster than ght.
Due to the sprang nature of the wave, the wave s caed a
torson wave snce t traces a sprang path! Accordng to
ndependent researcher Davd Wcock the torson wave aso
traces a perfect Ph spra! Torson waves are caed non-
Hertzan waves snce they do not obey the cassca theory of
Hertz and Maxwe.
Ensten and Dr. E Cartan predcted the exstence of statc
torson eds n 1913 n a theory that became known as the
Ensten-Cartan Theory or ECT for short. Torson eds never
got very much nterest n physcs unt Kozyrev dscovered
ther actua exstence.
We have aready dscussed torson waves n chapter 4 about
the zero pont ed, where we mentoned that Tom
Bearden dscovered that the fundamenta wave n the
eectromagnetc wave s a scaar wave. The scaar wave s
the wave that remans when two opposte eectromagnetc
waves nterfere canceng out the eectrc and magnetc ed
components, |ust ke Tesa dd. The resut s a htherto
unrecognsed component n the eectromagnetc wave, a
ongtudna wave vbratng n the same drecton t s
traveng. Maxwes cassca eectromagnetc wave theory
that s st the prevang theory today for eectromagnetsm
does not aow for scaar waves and accounts for transverse
eectromagnetc waves ony. These transverse Hertzan
waves named after Henrch Hertz, are created when eectrc
charges oscate from sde to sde n a dpoe antenna. At a
dstance they w nduce a transverse force on a charge n a
dstant rado recever antenna when agned perpendcuar to
the propagated drecton of the Hertzan wave.
Scaar waves, ackng transverse poarty, are generated n a
totay dherent way and cannot be receved wth a norma
dpoe antenna, the antenna used n a of our ordnary
eectronc recevers. Ths s aso the expanaton for why ths
new form of energy has not been dscovered much earer.
Tom Beardens scaar waves now get support from Pau La
Voette whose sub quantum knetcs theory not ony predcts
the Hertzan transverse waves but aso Tesas ongtudna
scaar waves. Accordng to Pau La Voette a monopoe
antenna such as a charged sphere w create ongtudna
scaar potenta waves when perodcay charged and
dscharged. Scaar potenta waves can and have been
detected usng a Bendn detector.
To prevent the msconstrung of scaar and torson
waves mentoned n ths book, they are synonyms for the
same wave.
Scaar or torson waves now seem to pay a sgncant roe n
expanng our physca reaty. Athough torson eds are
very weak they can be measured usng torson beam
baances that were rst deveoped by Kozyrev. Torson waves
create mnute forces n matter and thats how they can be
Torson eds can be ether statc or dynamc. Statc torson
eds can take on the form of vortexes ke the one
mentoned n the mposon physcs of Dane Wnter. These
statc vortex torson eds n the fabrc of the vacuum space
can stay n one pace for a very ong perod of tme.
Kozyrev dscovered that torson eds can aso propagate
through space as torson waves at tremendous speeds at
east one bon tmes the speed of ght (10 C).
He notced that a physca ob|ects both absorb and radate
torson waves. By shakng, vbratng, deformng, heatng and
coong physca ob|ects they generate measurabe torson
waves. Even the dspacement of an ob|ect generates torson
waves that can be measured. A movement therefore from
the vbratons of atoms to the orbts of our panets and stars
eaves ther traces n the form of torson waves n the aether.
A very remarkabe phenomenon that Kozyrev dscovered by
rotatng gyroscopes s that they ose very sma but
measurabe amounts of weght. Aso rmy shakng ob|ects
coud make ob|ects ose weght. Now from our current
understandngs of physcs ths s qute mpossbe! It voates
a physca aws, how can sod matter ose weght when t s
spun at hgh speeds or shaken? If we st beeve that matter
s made of tte hard marbes caed partces, yes ths woud
be a great mystery! However Kozyrev showed that the
gyroscopes shed more torson waves when shaken or spun,
so that aetherc energy that sustans the ob|ect was shed
back nto the background sea of the aether. The momentary
oss of aether energy accounted for the weght drop.
Dr. Harod Aspden of Cambrdge Unversty dscovered a
reated phenomenon. He attached a powerfu magnet to a
gyroscope and spun t at hgh speeds. He measured the
amount of energy requred to acceerate the gyroscope to
fu speed to be a 1000 |oues. Now to hs surprse when he
stopped the gyroscope from spnnng and restarted the
gyroscope to spn agan wthn 60 seconds after t stopped, t
requred 10 tmes ess energy to spn the gyroscope to the
same speed. The spn of the gyroscope had added extra spn
to the aether that sustans the gyroscope that asted for a
whe before t wore oh, rather ke the momentum stored n
the tea of a teacup after strrng t wth a teaspoon. We now
know that spnnng magnets are strong torson
wave generators.
Another voaton of the aws of Newton wth respect to
torson eds comes from Bruce De Pama. He conducted
experments where he cataputed two dentca stee bas at
the same speed under the same ange nto the ar. The ony
dherence between the bas was that one of the bas was
rotatng at 27000 revoutons/mnute and the other was not.
The spnnng ba reached far hgher nto the ar than the
non-spnnng ba. By the spnnng of the ba torson eds
were created that caused a sght change n the tota mass of
the ba.
Kozyrev dscovered that stars aso radate torson
wave energy and postuated that these torson waves were
generated due to the spnnng of the stars. From hs
astronomca observatons of stars usng dedcated
teescopes to measure the torson wave radaton, he notced
that the star radated ths torson wave energy from a
ocaton n the sky that must be the true poston of the star
whereas the vsbe ght of the star reveas the poston of
the star many years ago snce t took many ght-years
before ths ght reached the Earth. From ths observaton he
concuded that the torson wave must trave at super-umna
speeds. He even notced that torson wave radaton was
receved n a ocaton n the sky that reveaed the future
poston of the star! Snce torson waves trave at super-
umna speeds, they can cross the tme barrer and move
nto the future.
Snce the Earth aso radates torson waves and ths torson
radaton s much stronger near the poes, Kozyrevs
experments are geographca ocaton dependant. He aso
notced that hs ehects coud ony be measured durng the
cod perods of the year. In the summer the ntense soar
torson waves nterfered wth the torson waves of hs
experments. Our Sun s the greatest torson wave generator
n our Soar System.
Torson waves ow n and out of a physca matter and
atoms are bascay a torson wave generators.
The counter rotatng Ph sprang eectromagnetc waves n
the mposon physcs of Dane Wnter that spra nto the
nuceus of the atom, kewse cance the eectromagnetc
components of the eectromagnetc waves and resuts n a
torson wave.
Phi caduceus scalar wave
)6ourtesy of 3an .inter" wwwsoulinvitationcom+
Russan scence has actuay many names for Dane Wnters
eectromagnetc energy vortexes such as spn eds, torson
eds and axon eds; they are a vacuum spn eds. The
doughnut and vortex structures of sprang Goden
Mean waves descrbed by Dane Wnter are forms of statc
torson eds. The sprang nto the zero st pont of the
eectromagnetc vortex creates the foowng ehects:
It accumuates nnte energy due to the mposon of
the waves nto smaer and smaer waveengths. The
shorter the waveength the more energy s contaned n
the sprang wave. Lke the tornado accumuates
energy and focuses t nto the eye of the tornado, the
eectromagnetc vortex accumuates energy nto ts
st-pont. Notce that t s the extreme spnnng of ar
moecues n the eye of a tornado that gves t ts
mmense destructve power.
A spn ed of eectromagnetc energy stores nerta
(the resstance to movement). The more spn, the more
nerta s stored. The same nerta ehect s
demonstrated by spnnng tops and gyroscopes that
resst any change to ther momentum.
If we apprecate these two ehects created by torson eds,
we may start to understand why matter and energy are
nterchangeabe (Enstens famous formua E=m* c2) and
what t s that gves matter ts sodness.
If we organse vortex spn eds of eectromagnetc energy n
the organsaton patterns of the Patonc sods we ca an
atom, we may now understand that:
Matter s a dense form of accumuated energy
Matter nternay has propertes of nerta that gves t
So n reaty, there s reay nothng sod about matter. Mass
s the uson of a sod thng, ts the Maya of the matera
word mentoned by the Tao. Ths uson s sustaned by the
stored nerta n the waves and has trcked scence nto
mantanng a fase concept of nerta. Weve aways beeved
that nerta s an nherent property of mass, but the truth s
|ust the opposte, the stored nerta of spnnng
eectromagnetsm n a oca regon of space creates the
ehect we observe as mass!
There s tte known n Western scence about torson eds
created by matter spun at hgh speeds. NASA has |ust
recenty aunched a satete n Apr 2004 to nvestgate the
spn eds of the panets n our Soar System. Snce most
scentsts beeve that the spn ed s a property of matter,
they fa to recognse that t s the torson ed that creates
matter n the rst pace. Bruce de Pamas spnnng gyro
experments proved that gyroscopes actuay ose weght.
Ths phenomenon s totay unexpanabe wthn the current
scentc paradgm, however f we understand that by
spnnng an ob|ect we change the overa eectromagnetc
spn stored n the ob|ect, we may see why t has a feebe but
measurabe ahect on ts mass.
We can now aso start to see why Hasch & Rueda, dscussed
n chapter 4 The Zero Pont Fed, were abe to prove
Newtons famous aw of nerta F=m * a. They proved that
nerta s the ehect caused by acceeratng mass through the
zero pont ed. We snce the eectromagnetc vortex wthn
the atom stores both zero pont energy and nerta, were not
surprsed to nd a correaton here.
Statc torson eds n the form of vortexes n the aether and
the sprang torson wave traveng at super-umna speeds
are gettng more and more attenton n Western scence.
Accordng to some, torson waves are the mssng nk n the
search for a na theory of everythng, Enstens uned
ed theory. It seems that eectromagnetsm, gravty and
torson waves are a members of the same famy; they are
|ust dherent forms of aether vbratons.
The most astonshng fact that may prove that a theory for
everythng s wthn reach, s the fact that
Kozyrev dscovered that human thoughts and feengs are
generatng torson waves as we. He has been abe to
measure torson waves that were caused by sudden human
emotona changes. So what Kozyrev proved was that:
6onsciousness is related to aether vibrations
Our very thoughts and emotons create torson waves that
trave at super-umna speeds to the far ends of the
Torson waves may be the physcs for teepathy, the abty of
mnd readng between two ndvduas. Snce torson
wave can physcay ahect matter, t may aso be the
expanaton for psychokness or PK, the abty to mentay
change physca ob|ects. Stage performer and spoon bender
Ur Geer has aways demonstrated these abtes n front of
arge audences. Athough many st thnk he was a conman,
he has been sub|ected to scentc scrutny but they coud
never dsprove hs abty. Durng the Cod War Russan
scentsts expermented a ot wth psychcs because they
beeved that ther abtes were genune.
Now we may remember from chapter 3 Scence and
Conscousness the research programs of Dr. Wam Ter
nto the ehects of human ntenton. He used test persons to
mprnt ther ntentons nto hs IIED devce and asked them
to manpuate the outcome of an experment, for nstance
the owerng of the acdty of water. The IIED devce was
paced n a room for extended perods of tme and the ehect
of owerng the acdty of water coud ceary be measured.
After a whe the IIED devce coud be removed from the
room and the ehect contnued. The room had somehow
become condtoned. Now the condtonng of ths room may
be expaned by the presence of statc torson eds that
were mprnted n the physca vacuum of the room by
human ntenton! These torson eds created by means of
human ntenton are abe to create subte changes n matter.
In 1984, Dankachov showed that statc torson eds coud
aso be memorzed n water. Water proves to be a good
medum for storng statc torson eds. The ate French
boogst |acques Benvenste has proven that water s abe to
memorze the consttuton of chemca compounds that were
dssoved n t. Somehow a torson ed can be created n
water that s a ngerprnt of the chemcas dssoved n the
water. After dutng the water a great number of tmes such
that no possbe moecues of the orgna chemca
compounds coud be found, the heavy duted water st
mantaned ts propertes as f the orgna compounds were
st n there. What had happened s that athough no
moecuar traces coud be found n the water, there was st
the mprnt n the water of the orgna torson ed of the
chemca compounds. Benvenste aso demonstrated that by
smpy pacng a second botte next to the rst one he coud
copy the propertes of the water from one botte to the other.
The torson ed of the rst botte of water was nduced nto
the second!
Prof. Dr. Davd Schwetzer s abe to photograph ths memory
ehect of water. He has a fary smpe method to measure the
water memory ehect of water and the mprnt they eave
behnd n the water. He takes a water drop and aows t to
dry up at a tted ange. Next he nvestgates the dred up
water drop under a mcroscope and shows how nterestng
ght structures become vsbe.
The memory ehect of water may be a physca expanaton
for homeopathy. Many peope are very sceptca about
homeopathy because how can cear water that has been
duted so many tmes such that a chemca compounds are
gone st have a medca ehect? Pure water cant have a
heang ehect can t? However the nvsbe torson eds that
are present n the water may be the reasonabe expanaton
for ths phenomenon.
The mprnt of human ntenton nto the ce crystas of Dr
Masaru Emoto s yet another exampe that can be expaned
by torson waves radated by human thoughts and emotons.
The torson eds created by human ntenton are smpy
memorzed n water. At an nvsbe eve the nterna
structure of water has changed. After freezng the water
these changes manfested n the dherent shapes of the ce
crystas and were vsbe to the naked eye.
At Sound Energy Research they created torson ed mprnts
n water usng scaar (torson) wave technooges. They
treated dsted water wth scaar waves and a dedcated co
deveoped by Dr. Gen Ren. The resut s structured water
caed scaar wave structured water. They sent sampes of
ths water to Dr Masaru Emoto who froze the water sampes
and studed the crystas. They formed perfect hexagona
structured ce crystas. Ths s yet another exampe that
ndrecty proves that conscousness and torson waves are
reated snce both human conscous ntenton and scaar
waves seem to produce the same resuts n Dr Masaru
Emotos experments wth ce crystas.
Sound Energy Research ses ther programmed smart
water n bottes n three dherent avours. By usng dherent
ntentons they added dherent programmng to the water.
The water s sad to have reaxng and heang propertes.
Akasha ed
Torson waves are very remarkabe waves as
they never wear oh, they propagate to the far corners of the
unverse wthout osng ther power and n ths respect they
have eterna fe. Torson waves as they trave through the
physca vacuum do not encounter any frcton; therefore
they mantan ther energy. As torson waves traverse the
unverse they nterfere wth other torson waves. Over tme
they weave a tapestry of the hstory of a that has ever
happened wthn the unverse from the movement of the
smaest subatomc partce, to the revouton of the panets,
and the expanson of gaaxes. Remember that torson waves
are generated by many phenomena such as the vbraton or
dspacement of matter, eectromagnetc energy and our
conscous thoughts to name a few.
Torson eds are therefore nformaton eds as they encode
everythng that has eft ts traces n the form of torson
waves n ths unverse. Ths bos down to the recordng of
every tte thought that was ever thought and every tte
move that was ever made. The nterference patterns of the
torson waves form a huge hoogram that permeates the
whoe of the unverse.
|ust ke the waves of the seas form an nterference pattern
that n theory aows us to decode the movement of the
shps that strred ts surface, kewse torson
waves theoretcay aow us to decode the hstory of our
unverse. The ony dherence between the waves at sea and
the torson waves s that the sea waves eventuay oose
ther energy as they crest at the shores. The superposton of
torson waves and ther memory capacty however s
mtess and eterna.
Torson waves aow for nformaton transfer across the
unverse, connectng every atom wth every other atom and
snce torson waves trave at super umnous speeds they
coud be the expanaton of the non-oca ehects that were
predcted n theory and emprcay dscovered n quantum
physcs. The nformaton ed created by torson waves
aows for a coherent whoe of the unverse, connectng
every tte atom wth a other matter n the unverse,
nformng t of ts whereabouts and actvty. In fact scentsts
are dscoverng a very hgh state of coherence n our
physca unverse that cannot easy be expaned f the
unverse s a bunch of snge ndvdua parts of atoms,
moecues, panets and stars that ony mantan contact by
separate forces such as gravty actng upon them. Ouantum
entanged partces keep ther coherent reaton eternay and
are not bothered by any dstance separatng them whether t
be a few mmetres or the dstance of a gaaxy. These
coherent reatons can ony be expaned f an nvsbe ed
permeates the unverse that nterconnects them.
The nformaton ed descrbed above s termed the A-ed
by Professor Emertus Ervn Laszo. Laszo n the ast four
decades deveoped an ntegra theory for everythng; nstead
of specasng n one partcuar ed, Laszo has studed
many eds of scence and nay deveoped an ntegra
system theory. Accordng to Laszo the A-ed s more
fundamenta than energy and matter n the unverse. Its ths
prmorda nformaton ed that s the ground of our unverse
nterconnectng everythng wth everythng renderng our
vew of separate enttes n ths unverse useess. In hs
system theory there are no separate enttes at a;
separate enttes that we observe n our unverse are a
embedded n one seamess nterwoven net of connectons.
The A-ed of torson waves may be new to scence but ts
exstence has been known for thousands of years n the East.
The ony new thng about t s that t s beng redscovered by
western scence. Eastern sprtua tradton has named ths
ed the Akasha ed. Akasha s a Sanskrt word meanng
radatng or shnng, ts a synonym for aether. Akasha s the
womb of creaton brngng forth every physca aspect that
can be perceved wth the senses accordng to eastern
tradtons. In ancent eastern sprtuaty the hstory wrtten
wthn the Akasha ed are caed the Askashc chronces,
the book of fe that records everythng that has ever
happened or w happen n the unverse. The Akashc
chronces or Akashc records contan the story of every sou
that ever ved on ths panet.
The Akashc records are hoographc torson eds of
ndvduas that embed n arger hoograms of groups of
peopes such as natons. The hoograms of natons weave
the hoogram of humanty on Earth and resembes what Car
|ung caed the coectve mnd of man. The A-ed or Akasha
ed can expan the psychc abtes reported by many
peope to see nto the past and know about events that took
pace n ths word that were not perceved by any persona
cogntve conscous experence. The Akashc records are the
storehouse of nformaton that has been consuted by a
great seers throughout the ages ncudng Edgar Cayce.
The author of ths book personay testes that psychc
gfted peope are abe to read the Akashc records. In the
past I have been consutng a paranorma practtoner for a
ong tme. Beng born as a very sceptca person, my
dsbeef n the paranorma however eventuay meted as I
was confronted wth many unusua cures that I coud not
expan. I aso shared many experences wth other cents of
ths practtoner durng the ong watng hours n the watng
room. Durng one of my consutatons I handed hm a
photograph of someone cose to me wthout dscosng any
pror detas about the person n the pcture, not a snge
word. I smpy asked f he coud hep ths person. He hed hs
hand above the pcture to sense t whe he started to revea
to me what had happened to ths person n cear detas and
quete expcty expaned the stuaton ths person was n.
The nformaton ht me rght n the face for I knew he was
rght. I was totay abbergasted by the experence snce
there was no way he coud know the detas he was reveang
to me! From ths moment on I knew wth absoute certanty
that there was somethng fundamentay mssng n my
understandng of what I beeved to be my materastc
To me ths persona experence changed my sceptcsm
about the paranorma once and for good. After my rst
experence I met and taked to severa peope wth
paranorma abtes. I can therefore from my own experence
testfy that psychc abtes to read the Akashc records are
rea and that ndeed everythng that has every happened n
ths word must be wrtten n the vacuum fabrc of space and
tme. Human conscousness s abe to read ths book of fe.
Today I beeve there s no woman more convncngy
demonstratng her psychc abtes than the famous
Amercan medum Char Margos. She conducts readngs on
TV-shows where she s abe to gve the most amazng detas
about the deceased oved-ones, aways startng by speng
out the names of the sprts shes contactng! She s abe to
see sprts, read thoughts and foresee events readng from
the Akashc records. Her msson s to show peope that
death s not the end but reay the start of a new begnnng.
She s aso here to te us that each one of us has these
nnate ntutve abtes |ust ke she has.
I thnk everyone of us at east has had one or more
experences n hs fe where he or she suddeny had access
to nformaton not perceved by the senses. What we ca
ntuton, a sudden nsght or feeng that nforms us about a
stuaton, may be expaned by moments of unconscousy
tappng nto the Akasha ed and havng access to
nformaton we cant ogcay expan. Sometmes we |ust
know thngs!
Twns who are emotonay very cose often keep a teepathc
contact and unconscousy know about each other especay
when the other twn haf s n dstress. Twns often have an
abty caed twn-pans; they are abe to sense the pan of
the other haf n cases of, for nstance, a severe toothache.
Owners of a dog know that ther dogs are often mysterousy
abe to sense ther bosses return home after a ong day at
the omce. Anmas n nature are abe to sense a pendng
Earthquake. Hours precedng the actua quake anmas start
to respond very nervousy as f they sense somethng terrbe
s about the happen. Earthquakes are accompaned by a
tremendous reease of torson waves as a resut of the
frctons that occur n the Earth crust pror to the quake tsef.
These ntensed torson waves are most key sensed by the
anmas conscousness and may expan ther nervous
behavour n antcpaton of the quakes. Humanty has
somehow ost ts paranorma abtes that are st common
n anmas. Durng the tragc events of the tsunam that took
pace on the 26th December 2004, rescue workers n the
aftermath of the Earthquake were amazed to nd an amost
compete absence of dead wdfe athough there were so
many human casuates. The reason may be that anmas
used ther 6th sense and fet the mpendng dsaster that
caused them to ee to safer paces n the hgher mountans.
It seems our current understandng of psychc abtes and
the paranorma s nay catchng up. Expanatons for
psychc abtes have now come nto the doman of scence
that for the rst tme n hstory s abe to gve a ratona
expanaton for these abtes that have been gnored,
rdcued and dsmssed out of hand for so ong n the West.
For the rst tme n recorded human hstory we
may have a uned theory of everythng (T.O.E.) wthn
reach that not ony expans our physca unverse but aso
connects t wth conscousness, cosng the gap between
scence and sprtuaty once and for a, 300 years after
The empty space of the unverse s not empty at a. It
contans a sprtua energy that modern day scence has
redscovered as the aether but ths energy has been known
for thousands of years n many ancent sprtua tradtons by
names such as the Ch, K, and Prana or Akashc energy of
the unverse.
Ths energy not ony shapes the physca word moment by
moment, t s aso reated to conscousness. Contemporary
scence s reveang that the rm beef n a dstncton
between the matera and the sprtua word s fase. There s
no duaty, the unverse s constructed from one and one
substance ony and both the physca and menta word
sprngs forth from ths snge substance caed the aether.
Amt Goswam, Dane Wnter and Davd Wcock are a few of
the scentsts who have crossed the brdge between scence
and sprtuaty and who now beeve that the prmorda
conscous energy of the unverse s the rst cause of
The aether energy can arrange tsef nto basc geometrca
wave patterns that were named after Pato, the Patonc
sods to form matter. Amost 2,500 years ago, Pato wrote
that the physca word was constructed from the Patonc
sods. The Patonc sods arrange themseves n what chaos
theory cas fracta patterns weavng a matrx n space
nterconnectng atoms wth the stars. The scaes of the
Patonc sod shapes are dherent but the ratos between
them are st the same (foowng the Hermetc prncpe as
above so beow).
The suggeston comng from quantum scence that the
probabty waves are rea waves s now beeved to be true.
Ths nay soves the engma of the wave partce duaty of
quantum scence. There are no partces n the unverse, ony
waves. What we see as a partce s n fact the foca pont of
The dea that God s the ght and ove of ths word as
mentoned by many word regons can be taken teray
after studes of the work of Dane Wnter. Matter s created
from pure ght (eectromagnetc and torson wave energy)
and as we have demonstrated there s a dstnct reaton
between ove and the Goden Mean rato (Ph) that s
requred to sustan matter. Snce the foca pont of these
waves creates conscous awareness, every atom n the
unverse s conscous and the unverse tsef s One
conscous beng. The unversa conscousness, God s a that
s, hes omnpresent and omnpotent. Hes aware of a thngs
gong on n the unverse because hes the unversa
Matter n the unverse s attracted by means of Goden
Mean bradng of waves towards to the zero pont, the apha
and omega of creaton. It s the ove n those waves that
creates the gravty. The ate and egendary R. Buckmnster
Fuer the sub|ect of the Beates song Foo on the H,
dscoverer of the mportance of sacred geometry, used to
put t ths way: Love s metaphysca gravty.
If there wasnt any ove n the waves that shape matter they
woud start to destructvey nterfere and the unverse woud
coapse nto a great vod. God s the Gforce n Aether
Dynamcs and the fracta attractor n chaos theory,
attractng a waves towards the center where a becomes
Russan scentsts redscovered Tesas new type of non-
eectromagnetc energy that traves n sprang waves and
caed t torson waves. Scentsts now beeve that torson
waves can be regarded as nformaton carryng waves rather
than energy waves. It was proven that torson waves are
nked to human conscousness and are created by human
thought and emotons. Torson waves are the nterface
between the menta and the physca word athough we
must keep n mnd that n reaty there s no duaty between
Torson ed physcs s the promsng physcs of
psychokness and teepathy and shows us how the unverse
creates a hoogram that resembes the ancent nformaton
ed of the aether better known as the Akasha ed. The
Akasha ed s the book of fe that keeps a record of a that
has ever happened n ths unverse and a that w ever
happen n the future.
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