415 points
Acheron pattern Knights are deadly variations on the Cerastus, congured as rapid moving strike units who rose to prominence
during the legendary battles of the Great Crusade, but whose most terrible renown was to be found on the battleelds of the
Horus Heresy. Rare, even in those ancient times for the singular difculties of their construction, the Cerastus Knight-Acherons were
amongst the most dreaded of their age.
The Acherons machine spirits were regarded as particularly lusting for wanton destruction and only the strongest scion-minds
could master them via the Throne Mechanicum, especially during the tumult of open battle. Of particular savagery was the paired
armament carried by the Acheron; a powerful incendiary ame cannon whose sophistication allowed it a projection all but equal
to a Titan class weapon, combined with a deadly reaper chainst designed to tear apart heavy armour and rip great chunks of
wreckage from any war machine whose innards it breached.
WS BS S Front Side Rear I A HP
Cerastus Knight-Acheron 4 4 10 13 12 12 4 4 6
Unit Composition
1 Cerastus Knight-Acheron
Unit Type
Vehicle (Super-heavy Walker)
Acheron pattern ame cannon
Reaper chainst with an inbuilt twin-linked heavy bolter
Ion shield
Special Rules
Flank Speed
(Super-heavy Walker) Fear, Hammer of Wrath, Invincible
Behemoth, Move Through Cover, Relentless, Smash and
Flank Speed
If the Cerastus Knight-Acheron opts to make a Run move
rather than ring a weapon in the Shooting phase, it may
move 3D6".
Ion Shield
When a Knight is deployed, and subsequently at the start of
each of the opposing sides Shooting phases, the Knights
controlling player must declare which facing each Knights ion
shield is covering. The choices are: front, left side, right side or
The Knight has a 4+ invulnerable save against all hits on that
facing until the start of the opposing sides next Shooting
phase. Ion shields are repositioned before any attacks are
carried out in the Shooting phase and may not be used to
make saving throws against close combat attacks.
Cerastus Knight-Acheron Weapons
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Acheron pattern
ame cannon Hellstorm 7 3 Ordnance 1
Heavy bolter 36" 5 4 Heavy 3
Reaper chainst - D 2 Melee,
Machine Destroyer
Machine Destroyer: When attacking any target with an
Armour value, rolls of 1 on the Destroyer Damage table may
be re-rolled.
Using the Cerastus Knight-Acheron in your army in games of
Warhammer 40,000
Codex: Imperial Knights: Cerastus Knight-Acherons may be
chosen as part of a Codex: Imperial Knights army as you
would other types of Knight. However, owing to their rarity
in the 41st Millennium, you may not have more Cerastus
Knight-Acherons in your army than you have Knights of
other kinds.
Other Armies of the Imperium Factions: A Cerastus Knight-
Acheron may be taken as a Lords of War choice for any
faction that is a part of the Armies of the Imperium (see the
Warhammer 40,000 rulebook).