Traffic Simulation Data
Traffic Simulation Data
Traffic Simulation Data
President, KLD Associates, Inc. 300 Broadway, Huntington Station, NY 11746
CHAPTER 10 - Frequently used Symbols
af = acceleration response of follower vehicle to some stimulus
v = instantaneous speed of lead vehicle
vf = instantaneous speed of follower vehicle
d = projected maximum deceleration rate of lead vehicle
df = projected maximum deceleration rate of follower vehicle
Rf = reaction time lag of driver in follower vehicle
Ii = ith replicate of specified seed, S0
RI = ith random number
h = headway separating vehicles (sec)
H = mean headway (sec)
hmin = minimum headway (sec)
R = random number
XI = ith observation (sample) of an MOE
µx = mean of sample
2 =
estimate of variance
tn-1,1- /2 = upper 1-/2 critical point of the t distribution with n-1 degrees of freedom
xj(m) = mean of m observation of jth batch
x = grand sample mean across batches
Ni = number of replications of the ith strategy
var(X ) = variance of statistic, X
10.1 Introduction
Simulation modeling is an increasingly popular and effective tool for this purpose as an integral element of the ATMS research
for analyzing a wide variety of dynamical problems which are and development activity.
not amenable to study by other means. These problems are
usually associated with complex processes which can not readily 2. Testing new designs
be described in analytical terms. Usually, these processes are Transportation facilities are costly investments. Simulation
characterized by the interaction of many system components or can be applied to quantify traffic performance responding to
entities. Often, the behavior of each entity and the interaction of different geometric designs before the commitment of
a limited number of entities, may be well understood and can be resources to construction.
reliably represented logically and mathematically with
acceptable confidence. However, the complex, simultaneous 3. As an element of the design process
interactions of many system components cannot, in general, be The classical iterative design paradigm of conceptual design
adequately described in mathematical or logical forms. followed by the recursive process of evaluation and design
refinement, can benefit from the use of simulation. Here, the
Simulation models are designed to "mimic" the behavior of such simulation model can be used for evaluation; the detailed
systems. Properly designed models integrate these separate statistics provided can form the basis for identifying design
entity behaviors and interactions to produce a detailed, flaws and limitations. These statistics augmented with
quantitative description of system performance. Specifically, animation displays can provide invaluable insights guiding
simulation models are mathematical/logical representations (or the engineer to improve the design and continue the process.
abstractions) of real-world systems, which take the form of
software executed on a digital computer in an experimental 4. Embed in other tools
fashion. In addition to its use as a stand-alone tool, simulation sub-
models can be integrated within software tools designed to
The user of traffic simulation software specifies a “scenario” perform other functions. Examples include: (1) the flow
(e.g., highway network configuration, traffic demand) as model model within the TRANSYT-7F signal optimization; (2) the
inputs. The simulation model results describe system DYNASMART simulation model within a dynamic traffic
operations in two formats: (1) statistical and (2) graphical. The assignment; (3) the simulation component of the
numerical results provide the analyst with detailed quantitative INTEGRATION assignment/control model; (4) the
descriptions of what is likely to happen. The graphical and CORSIM model within the Traffic Research Laboratory
animated representations of the system functions can provide (TreL) developed for FHWA; and (5) the simulation module
insights so that the trained observer can gain an understanding of the EVIPAS actuated signal optimization program.
of why the system is behaving this way. However, it is the
responsibility of the analyst to properly interpret the wealth of 5. Training personnel
information provided by the model to gain an understanding of Simulation can be used in the context of a real-time
cause-and-effect relationships. laboratory to train operators of Traffic Management Centers.
Here, the simulation model, which is integrated with a real-
Traffic simulation models can satisfy a wide range of time traffic control computer, acts as a surrogate for the real-
requirements: world surveillance, communication and traffic environments.
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This compilation of applications indicates the variety and scope potential. Unlike the other chapters of this monograph, we will
of traffic simulation models and is by no means exhaustive. not focus exclusively on theoretical developments -- although
Simulation models can also be supportive of analytical models fundamental simulation building blocks will be discussed.
such as PASSER, and of computational procedures such as the Instead, we will describe the properties, types and classes of
HCS. While these and many other computerized tools do not traffic simulation models, their strengths and pitfalls, user
include simulation sub-models, users of these tools can enhance caveats, and model-building fundamentals. We will emphasize
their value by applying simulation to evaluate their performance. how the user can derive the greatest benefits from simulation
through proper interpretation of the results, with emphasis on the
This chapter is intended for transportation professionals, need to adequately calibrate the model and to apply rigorous
researchers, students and technical personnel who either statistical analysis of the results.
currently use simulation models or who wish to explore their
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Table 10.1
Simulation Output Statistics: Measures of Effectiveness
Lane Changes
Bus Trips
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MULTIBAND and MAXBAND, employing the TRAF- system optimal (SO) equilibrium calculations for a specified
NETSIM simulation model. The paper describes the statistical network, over a range of traffic loading conditions from
analysis procedures, the number of simulation replications unsaturated to oversaturated. This is an example of traffic
executed and the resulting 95 percent confidence intervals, and simulation used as a component of a larger model to perform a
the results of the analysis. complex analysis of an ITS initiative.
Figure 10.1 is taken from this paper and illustrates how Figure 10.2 which is taken from the cited paper illustrates how
simulation can provide objective, accurate data sufficient to simulation can produce internally consistent results for large
distinguish between the performance of alternative analytical scale projects, of sufficient resolution to distinguish between two
models, within the framework of a controlled experiment. comparable equilibrium assignment approaches.
Figure 10.1
Average Delay Comparison, Canal Street,
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Figure 10.2
Comparison of average trip times (minutes) of SO & UE...(KLD-243).
California and ensuring a balanced design relative to freeway could mitigate the extent and duration of congestion within the
SR4 on the north and I680 to the south. Design alternatives area, thereby improving performance and productivity. Here, a
considered for three future periods (years 2000, 2010, 2020) new control concept was tested on a real-world test-bed: a
included geometric changes, widening, HOV lanes and ramp section of Manhattan. This example illustrates the value in
metering. Given the scale of this 20-mile corridor and the strong testing new “high risk” ideas with simulation without exposing
interactions of projected design changes for the three highways, the public to possible adverse consequences, and prior to
the use of simulation provided a statistical basis for quantifying expending resources to implement these concepts.
the operational performance of the corridor sections for each
alternative. These examples certainly do not represent the full range of traffic
simulation applications. Yet, they demonstrate the application
This example illustrates the use of simulation as an element of of traffic simulation in the areas of (1) traffic control; (2)
the design process with the capability of analyzing candidate transportation planning; (3) design; and (4) research.
designs of large-scale highway systems in a manner that lies
beyond the capabilities of a straight-forward HCM analysis.
10.4 Classification of Simulation
10.3.4 Testing New Concepts Models
The TRAF-NETSIM simulation model was used by Rathi and Almost all traffic simulation models describe dynamical systems
Lieberman (1989) to determine whether the application of -- time is always the basic independent variable. Continuous
metering control along the periphery of a congested urban area simulation models describe how the elements of a system change
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state continuously over time in response to continuous stimuli. processes. The duration of the lane-change maneuver can also
Discrete simulation models represent real-world systems (that be calculated.
are either continuous or discrete) by asserting that their states
change abruptly at points in time. There are generally two types A mesoscopic model generally represents most entities at a high
of discrete models: level of detail but describes their activities and interactions at a
much lower level of detail than would a microscopic model. For
Discrete time example, the lane-change maneuver could be represented for
Discrete event individual vehicles as an instantaneous event with the decision
based, say, on relative lane densities, rather than detailed vehicle
The first, segments time into a succession of known time interactions.
intervals. Within each such interval, the simulation model
computes the activities which change the states of selected A macroscopic model describes entities and their activities and
system elements. This approach is analogous to representing an interactions at a low level of detail. For example, the traffic
initial-value differential equation in the form of a finite- stream may be represented in some aggregate manner such as a
difference expression with the independent variable, t. statistical histogram or by scalar values of flow rate, density and
speed. Lane change maneuvers would probably not be
Some systems are characterized by entities that are "idle" much represented at all; the model may assert that the traffic stream is
of the time. For example, the state of a traffic signal indication properly allocated to lanes or employ an approximation to this
(say, green) remains constant for many seconds until its state end.
changes instantaneously to yellow. This abrupt change in state
is called an event. Since it is possible to accurately describe the High-fidelity microscopic models, and the resulting software, are
operation of the signal by recording its changes in state as a costly to develop, execute and to maintain, relative to the lower
succession of [known or computed] timed events, considerable fidelity models. While these detailed models possess the
savings in computer time can be realized by only executing these potential to be more accurate than their less detailed
events rather than computing the state of the signal second-by- counterparts, this potential may not always be realized due to the
second. For systems of limited size or those representing entities complexity of their logic and the larger number of parameters
whose states change infrequently, discrete event simulations are that need to be calibrated.
more appropriate than are discrete time simulation models, and
are far more economical in execution time. However, for Lower-fidelity models are easier and less costly to develop,
systems where most entities experience a continuous change in execute and to maintain. They carry a risk that their
state (e.g., a traffic environment) and where the model objectives representation of the real-world system may be less accurate,
require very detailed descriptions, the discrete time model is less valid or perhaps, inadequate. Use of lower-fidelity
likely to be the better choice. simulations is appropriate if:
Simulation models may also be classified according to the level The results are not sensitive to microscopic details.
of detail with which they represent the system to be studied: The scale of the application cannot accommodate the
higher execution time of the microscopic model.
Microscopic (high fidelity) The available model development time and resources
Mesoscopic (mixed fidelity) are limited.
Macroscopic (low fidelity)
Within each level of detail, the developer has wide latitude in
A microscopic model describes both the system entities and their designing the simulation model. The developer must identify the
interactions at a high level of detail. For example, a lane-change sensitivity of the model's performance to the underlying features
maneuver at this level could invoke the car-following law for the of the real-world process. For example, if the model is to be
subject vehicle with respect to its current leader, then with used to analyze weaving sections, then a detailed treatment of
respect to its putative leader and its putative follower in the lane-change interactions would be required, implying the need
target lane, as well as representing other detailed driver decision for a micro- or mesoscopic model. On the other hand, if the
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model is designed for freeways characterized by limited merging Traffic simulation models have taken many forms depending on
and no weaving, describing the lane-change interactions in great their anticipated uses. Table 10.2 lists the TRAF family of
detail is of lesser importance, and a macroscopic model may be models developed for the Federal Highway Administration
the suitable choice. (FHWA), along with other prominent models, and indicates their
respective classifications. This listing is necessarily limited.
Another classification addresses the processes represented by the Some traffic simulation models consider a single facility
model: (1) Deterministic; and (2) Stochastic. Deterministic (NETSIM, NETFLO 1 and 2: surface streets; FRESIM,
models have no random variables; all entity interactions are FREFLO: freeways; ROADSIM: two-lane rural roads;
defined by exact relationships (mathematical, statistical or (CORSIM) integrates two other simulation models, FRESIM
logical). Stochastic models have processes which include and NETSIM; INTEGRATION, DYNASMART, TRANSIMS
probability functions. For example, a car-following model can are components of larger systems which include demand models
be formulated either as a deterministic or stochastic relationship and control policies; while CARSIM is a stand-alone simulation
by defining the driver's reaction time as a constant value or as a of a car-following model. It is seen that traffic simulation models
random variable, respectively. take many forms, each of which satisfies a specific area of
Table 10.2
Representative Traffic Simulation Models
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represent specified functions and utilize component models. A The most popular approach for random number generation is the
small sample of these is presented below. “linear congruential method” which employs a recursive
equation to produce a sequence of random integers S as:
10.5.1 Car-Following Si
(aSi 1 b) mod c.
One fundamental interaction present in all microscopic traffic
simulation models is that between a leader-follower pair of
vehicles traveling in the same lane. This interaction takes the where the integers chosen are defined as,
form of a stimulus-response mechanism: c is the modulus, such that c > 0,
a is the multiplier such that 0 < a < c,
b is the increment such that 0 < b < m, and
F (vl,vf,s,dl,df,Rf,Pi) (10.1) S o is the starting value or the Seed of the random number
generator, such that 0 < So < c.
where af , the acceleration (response) of the follower vehicle, is
The ith random number denoted by Ri is then generated as
dependent on a number of (stimulus) factors including:
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roadway geometrics
intersection configurations
The model would then multiply each of the N values of hi, by K, nearby driver-vehicle entities
so that the resulting sum of (the revised) hi will be exactly 15 control devices
minutes, ensuring that the user’s specification of demand volume lane channelization
are satisfied. However, if K g 1.0, then the resulting distribution conflicting vehicle movements
of generated vehicles is altered and one element of stochasticity
(i.e., the actual number of generated vehicles) is removed. The As an example, the driver-vehicle entity’s interaction with a
model developer must either include this treatment (i.e., control device depends on the type and current state of the device
eq.10.2), exclude it; or offer it as a user option with appropriate (e.g., a signal with a red indication), the vehicle’s speed, its
documentation. distance from stop-bar, the driver’s aggressiveness, etc. It is the
developer’s responsibility to design the model components and
their interactions in a manner that satisfies the model objectives
10.5.4 A Representative Model and is consistent with its fidelity.
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General-purpose languages may be classified as procedural While object-oriented languages can produce more reliable
(e.g., FORTRAN, PASCAL, C, BASIC), or object-oriented software, they require a higher level of programming skill than
(e.g., SMALLTALK, C++, JAVA). Object-oriented languages do procedural languages. The developer should select a
are gaining prominence since they support the concept of language which is hardware independent, is supported by the
reusable software defining objects which communicate with one major operating systems and is expected to have a long life,
another to solve a programming task. Unlike procedural given the rapid changes in the world of software engineering.
languages, where the functions are separated from, and operate Other factors which can influence the language selection process
upon, the data base, objects encapsulate both data describing its include: (1) the expected life of the simulation model; (2) the
state, as well as operations (or “methods”) which can change its skills of the user community; (3) available budget (time and
state and interact with other objects. resources) to develop and maintain the software; and (4) a
realistic assessment of available software development skills.
a) A freeway of up to six lanes -- level tangent In developing the model, it is essential to identify the
b) Three vehicle types: passenger car; single-unit truck; independent functions that need to be performed and to
tractor-trailer truck segregate each function into a separate software module, or
c) Required inputs: traffic volume (varies with time); routine. Figure 10.5 depicts the structure -- not the flow --
distributions of free-speed, of acceptable risk (expressed of the software. This structure shows which routines are
in terms of deceleration rates if lead vehicle brakes), of logically connected, with data flowing between them. Some
motivation to change lanes, all disaggregated by vehicle routines reference others more than once, demonstrating the
type benefits of disaggregating the software into functionally
d) Drivers are randomly assigned an “aggressiveness index” independent modules.
ranging from 1 (very aggressive) to 10 (very cautious)
drawn from a uniform distribution to represent the range As indicated in Table 10.3 which presents the algorithm for
of human behavior. the Lane Change Executive Routine in both “Structured
English” or “pseudo-code” and as a flow chart, traffic
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Figure 10.3
Several Statistical Distributions.
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Figure 10.4
Vehicle Positions during Lane-Change Maneuver
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Figure 10.5
Structure Chart of Simulation Modules
Table 10.3
Executive Routine
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Figure 10.6
Flow Diagram.
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simulation models are primarily logical, rather than systems), are also common in models which simulate
computational in context. This property reflects the fact that human decisions.
traffic operations are largely the outcome of driver decisions
which themselves are [hopefully!] logical in context. As the LCHNG: After executing the subject vehicle’s lane-change
vehicles are processed by the model logic, they transition from activity, the logic performs some needed
one state to the next. The reader should reference Table 10.3 bookkeeping:
and Figures 10.3, 10.4, 10.5 and 10.6 to follow the discussion
given below for each routine. The “subject vehicle” is shown as At time, to + t, vehicle 19 acts as the leader for both
number 19 in Figure 10.4. vehicles 14 and 31, who must “follow” (and are
constrained by) its presence.
Executive: Controls the flow of processing, activating
(through CALLs) routines to perform the At time, to +2t, the logic asserts that the lane changer
necessary functions. Also updates lane-change (no. 19) has committed to the lane-change and no longer
statistics. influences its former follower, vehicle no. 31. Of course,
vehicle 14 now follows the lane-change vehicle, 19.
MOTIV: Determines whether a lane-change is required to
position the subject vehicle for a downstream 4) Calibrate the Model - Figures 10.3(b) and (c) are
maneuver or is desired to improve the vehicle’s distributions which represent the outcome of a calibration
operation (increase its speed). activity. The distribution of free-flow speed is site-specific
and can be quantified by direct observation (using paired
CANLN: Determines whether either or both adjoining lanes (1 loop detectors or radar) when traffic conditions are light --
and 3) are suitable for servicing the subject vehicle. LOS A.
CHKLC: Identifies vehicles 22 and 4 as the leader and The distribution of acceptable decelerations would be very
follower, respectively, in target Lane 1; and vehicles difficult to quantify by direct observation -- if not infeasible.
16 and 14, respectively, in target Lane 3. The car- Therefore, alternative approaches should be considered. For
following dynamics between the pairs of vehicles, 19 example...
and 22, then 4 and 19 are quantified to assess the
prospects for a lane-change to Lane 1. Subsequently, Gather video data (speeds, distance headway) of
the process is repeated between the pairs of vehicles, lane-change maneuvers. Then apply the car-
19 and 16; then 14 and 19; for a lane-change to Lane following model with these data to “back-out” the
3. If the gap is inadequate in Lane 1, causing an implied acceptable decelerations. From a sample
excessive, and possibly impossible deceleration by of adequate size, develop the distribution.
either the subject vehicle, 19, or the target follower,
4, to avoid a collision, then Lane 3, would be On a more macro level, gather statistics of lane-
identified as the only feasible target lane. In any case, changes for a section of highway. Execute the
CHKLC would identify either Lane 1 or Lane 3, or simulation model and adjust this distribution of
both, or neither, as acceptable target lanes at this acceptable deceleration rates until agreement is
time, depending on safety considerations. attained between the lane-changes executed by the
model, and those observed in the real world. This
SCORE: If both adjoining target lanes are acceptable, then this is tenuous since it is confounded by the other
heuristic algorithm emulates driver reasoning to model features, but may be the best viable
select the preferable target lane. It is reasonable to approach.
expect that the target lane with a higher-speed leader
and fewer vehicles -- especially trucks and buses -- It is seen that calibration -- the process of quantifying
would be more attractive. Such reasonableness model parameters using real-world data -- is often a
algorithms (which are expressed as “rules” in expert difficult and costly undertaking. Nevertheless, it is a
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necessary undertaking that must be pursued with Developing the experimental design of the
some creativity and tenacity. validation study, including a variety of "scenarios"
to be examined.
5) Model Verification - Following de-bugging,
verification is a structured regimen to provide Performing the validation study:
assurance that the software performs as intended - Executing the model using input data and
(Note: verification does not address the question, “Are calibration data representing the real-world
the model components and their interactions conditions.
correct?”). Since simulation models are primarily - Performing the hypothesis testing.
logical constructs, rather than computational ones, the
analyst must perform detailed logical path analyses. Identifying the causes for any failure to satisfy the
validation tests and repairing the model
Verification is performed at two levels and generally in accordingly.
the sequence given below:
Validation should be performed at the component
Each software routine (bottom-up testing) system level as well as for the model as a whole.
Integration of “trees” (top-down testing)... For example, Figure 10.7 compares the results
produced by a car-following model, with field data
When completed, the model developer should be collected with aerial photographs. Such face
convinced that the model is performing in accord with validation offers strong assurance that the model
expectations over its entire domain of application. is valid. This validation activity is iterative -- as
differences between the model results and the
6) Model Validation - Validation establishes that the real-world data emerge, the developer must
model behavior accurately and reliably represents the “repair” the model, then revalidate. Considerable
real-world system being simulated, over the range of skill (and persistence) are needed to successfully
conditions anticipated (i.e., the model's "domain"). validate a traffic simulation model.
Model validation involves the following activities:
7) Documentation - Traffic simulation models, as is the
Acquiring real-world data which, to the extent case for virtually all transportation models, are data
possible, extends over the model's domain. intensive. This implies that users must invest effort in
data acquisition and input preparation to make use of
Reducing and structuring these empirical data so these models. Consequently, it is essential that the
that they are in the same format as the data model be documented for...
generated by the model.
The end user, to provide a “friendly” interface to
Establishing validation criteria, stating the ease the burden of model application.
underlying hypotheses and selecting the statistical Software maintenance personnel.
tests to be applied. Supervisory personnel who must assess the
potential benefits of using the model.
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Figure 10.7
Comparison of Trajectories of Vehicles from Simulation Versus Field Data for Platoon 123.
What is the size of the network and duration of the analysis Is the application real-time or off-line?
Investigate Candidate Traffic Simulation Models
Define the Purpose of the Study
Identify strengths and limitations of each.
What information is needed from the simulation model? - Underlying assumptions
- Statistical: MOE sought, level of detail.
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Estimate extent and cost of data collection for calibration and Confirm the accuracy of these data through field observation.
input preparation.
Undertake field data collection for input and for calibration, as
Determine whether model features match problem needs. required.
Assess level of skill needed to properly apply model. Identify need for accurate operational traffic data: based on
model’s sensitivity site-specific features; accuracy requirements.
Determine compatibility with other tools/procedures needed for
the analysis. - Select representative locations to acquire these field
Assess the Need to Use a Traffic Simulation Model - Collect data using video or other methods as
required: saturation flow rates at intersections; free-
Is traffic simulation necessary to perform the analysis of the flow speeds; acceptable gaps for permitted left-turns,
problem? etc.
- Are other tools adequate but less costly? - Accept model default values or other data from the
- Are your skills adequate to properly apply literature with great care if data collection is
simulation? infeasible or limited by cost considerations.
- Can the data needed by traffic simulation be
acquired? Model Calibration
Is traffic simulation highly beneficial even though not Calibration is the activity of specifying data describing traffic
necessary? operations and other features that are site-specific. These data
- Simulation results can confirm results obtained by may take the form of scalar elemets and of statistical
other tools. distributions that are referenced by the logic of stochastic
- Animation displays needed as a presentation simulation models. While traffic simulation models generally
medium. provide default value which represent average conditions for
these calibration data elements, it is the responsibility of the
If it is determined that traffic simulation is needed/advisable, analyst to quantify these data with field observations to the extent
continue. practicable rather than to accept these default values.
Relate relevant model attributes to problem needs. The application of a simulation model should be viewed as
performing a rigorous statistical experiment. The model must
Determine which model satisfies problem needs to the greatest first be executed to initialize its database so that the data
extent. Consider technical, and cost, time, available skills and properly represents the initial state of the traffic environment.
support, and risks factors. This requirement can reliably be realized if the environment is
initially at equilibrium.
Data Acquisition
Thus, to perform an analysis of congested conditions, the analyst
Obtain reliable records of required information. should design the experiment so that the initial state of the traffic
- Design drawings for geometrics. environment is undersaturated, and then specify the changing
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conditions which, over time, censors the congested state which Anomolous results (e.g., the creation and growth of
is of interest. Similarly, the final state of the traffic environment queues when conditions are believed to be
should likewise be undersaturated, if feasible. undersaturated) can be examined and traced to valid,
incongested behavior; to errant input specifications; or to
It is also essential that the analyst properly specify the dynamic model deficiencies.
(i.e., changing) input conditions which describe the traffic
environment. For example, if one-hour of traffic is to be If the selected traffic simulation lacks an animation feature or if
simulated, the analyst should always specify the variation in questions remain after viewing the animation, then the following
demand volumes -- and in other variables -- over that hour at an procedures may be applied:
appropriate level of detail rather than specifying average,
constant values of volume. Execute the model to replicate existing real-world
conditions and compare its results with observed
Finally, if animation displays are provided by the model, this behavior. This “face validation”, which is recommended
option should always be exercised, as discussed below. regardless of the model selected, can identify model or
implementation deficiencies.
Interpretation of Simulation Results
Perform “sensitivity” tests on the study network by
Quite possibly, this activity may be the most critical. It is the varying key variables and observing model responses in
analyst who must determine whether the model results constitute a carefully designed succession of model executions.
a reasonable and valid representation of the traffic environment Plot these results. A review will probably uncover the
under study, and who is responsible for any inferences drawn perceived anomalies.
from these results. Given the complex processes taking place in
the real-world traffic environment, the analyst must be alert to Table 10.1 lists representative data elements provided by traffic
the possibility that (1) the model’s features may be deficient in simulation models. Figure 10.8 shows typical graph displays
adequately representing some important process; (2) the input while Figure 10.9 displays a "snapshot" of an animation screen.
data and/or calibration specified is inaccurate or inadequate; (3)
the results provided are of insufficient detail to meet the project
objectives; (4) the statistical analysis of the results are flawed (as Note that all the graphical displays can be accessed interactively
discussed in the following section); or (5) the model has “bugs” by the user, thus affording the user an efficient means for
or some of its algorithms are incorrect. Animation displays of extracting the sought information and insights from the mass of
the traffic environment (if available) are a most powerful tool for data compiled by the simulation model.
analyzing simulation results. A careful and thorough review of
this animation can be crucial to the analyst in identifying: Proper output analysis is one of the most important aspects of
any simulation study. A variety of techniques are used,
Cause-and-effect relationships. Specifically the origins particularly for stochastic model output, to arrive at inferences
of congested conditions in the form of growing queues that are supportable by the output. A brief exposition to output
can be observed and related to the factors that caused it. analysis of simulation data is paresented next.
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Figure 10.8
Graphical Displays.
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Figure 10.9
Animation Snapshot.
analysis, and implementation. Also, more often than not, output Typical goals of analyzing output data from simulation
data from simulation experiments are auto correlated and experiments are to present point estimates of the measures of
nonstationary. This precludes its analysis using classical effectiveness (MOE) and form confidence intervals around these
statistical techniques which are based on independent and estimates for one particular system design, or to establish which
identically distributed (IID) observations. simulated system is the best among different alternate
Back to the main publication page.
configurations with respect to some specified MOE. Point system using independent random number streams across
estimates and confidence intervals for the MOEs can be obtained replications.
either from one simulation run or a set of replications of the
- Off-line emulation to test, refine, evaluate, new real- - Testing new ATMS concepts prior to deployment.
time control policies. - Testing interfaces among neighboring TMCs.
- On-line support to evaluate candidate ad-hoc - Training TMC operating personnel.
responses to unscheduled events and to advise the - Evaluating different ATMS architectures.
operators at the Traffic Management Center (TMC) - Educating practitioners and student.
as to the “best” response. -Real- - Demonstrating the benefits of ITS programs to state
time component of an advanced control/guidance and municipal officials and to the public through
strategy. That is, the simulation model would be a animated graphical displays and virtual reality.
component of the on-line strategy software.
Gartner, N.H. and D. L. Hou (1992). Comparative Evaluation Korve Engineers (1996). State Route 242 Widening Project -
of Alternative Traffic Control Strategies,” Transportation Operations Analysis Report to Contra Costa Transportation
Research Record 1360, Transportation Research Board. Authority.
Mahmassani, H.S. and S. Peeta (1993). Network Performance Rathi, A.K. and E.B. Lieberman (1989). Effectiveness
Under System Optimal and User Equilibrium Dynamic of Traffic Restraint for a Congested Urban Network: A
Assignments: Implications for Advanced Traveler Simulation Study. Transportation Research Record 1232.
Information Systems Transportation Research Record 1408,
Transportation Research Board.