Classification and Terminology
Classification and Terminology
Classification and Terminology
Historically, simulations used in different fields developed largely independently, but 20th-century
studies of systems theory and cybernetics combined with spreading use of computers across all
those fields have led to some unification and a more systematic view of the concept.
Physical simulation refers to simulation in which physical objects are substituted for the real thing
(some circles[4] use the term for computer simulations modelling selected laws of physics, but this
article does not). These physical objects are often chosen because they are smaller or cheaper than
the actual object or system.
Interactive simulation is a special kind of physical simulation, often referred to as a human in the
loop simulation, in which physical simulations include human operators, such as in a flight
simulator, sailing simulator, or driving simulator.
Continuous simulation is a simulation based on continuous time, rather than discrete time steps,
using numerical integration of differential equations.[5]
Discrete-event simulation studies systems whose states change their values only at discrete times.
For example, a simulation of an epidemic could change the number of infected people at time
instants when susceptible individuals get infected or when infected individuals recover.
Stochastic simulation is a simulation where some variable or process is subject to random variations
and is projected using Monte Carlo techniques using pseudo-random numbers. Thus replicated runs
with the same boundary conditions will each produce different results within a specific confidence
Deterministic simulation is a simulation which is not stochastic: thus the variables are regulated by
deterministic algorithms. So replicated runs from the same boundary conditions always produce
identical results.
Hybrid Simulation (sometime Combined Simulation) corresponds to a mix between Continuous and
Discrete Event Simulation and results in integrating numerically the differential equations between
two sequential events to reduce the number of discontinuities.[7]
A stand alone simulation is a simulation running on a single workstation by itself.
A distributed simulation is one which uses more than one computer simultaneously, in order to
guarantee access from/to different resources (e.g. multi-users operating different systems, or
distributed data sets); a classical example is Distributed Interactive Simulation (DIS).[8]
Parallel Simulation speeds up a simulation's execution by concurrently distributing its workload over
multiple processors, as in High-Performance Computing.[9]
Interoperable Simulation where multiple models, simulators (often defined as Federates)
interoperate locally, distributed over a network; a classical example is High-Level Architecture.[10][11]
Modeling & Simulation as a Service where simulation is accessed as a service over the web.[12]
Modeling, interoperable Simulation and Serious Games where Serious Games Approaches (e.g.
Game Engines and Engagement Methods) are integrated with Interoperable Simulation.[13]
Simulation Fidelity is used to describe the accuracy of a simulation and how closely it imitates the
real-life counterpart. Fidelity is broadly classified as one of three categories: low, medium, and high.
Specific descriptions of fidelity levels are subject to interpretation, but the following generalizations
can be made:
Low – the minimum simulation required for a system to respond to accept inputs and provide
Medium – responds automatically to stimuli, with limited accuracy
High – nearly indistinguishable or as close as possible to the real system
Human in the loop simulations can include a computer simulation as a so-called synthetic
Simulation in failure analysis refers to simulation in which we create environment/conditions to
identify the cause of equipment failure. This was the best and fastest method to identify the failure
Computer simulation[edit]
Main article: Computer simulation
A computer simulation (or "sim") is an attempt to model a real-life or hypothetical situation on a
computer so that it can be studied to see how the system works. By changing variables in the
simulation, predictions may be made about the behaviour of the system. It is a tool to virtually
investigate the behaviour of the system under study.[1]
Computer simulation has become a useful part of modeling many natural systems
in physics, chemistry and biology,[17] and human systems in economics and social
science (e.g., computational sociology) as well as in engineering to gain insight into the operation of
those systems. A good example of the usefulness of using computers to simulate can be found in
the field of network traffic simulation. In such simulations, the model behaviour will change each
simulation according to the set of initial parameters assumed for the environment.
Traditionally, the formal modeling of systems has been via a mathematical model, which attempts to
find analytical solutions enabling the prediction of the behaviour of the system from a set of
parameters and initial conditions. Computer simulation is often used as an adjunct to, or substitution
for, modeling systems for which simple closed form analytic solutions are not possible. There are
many different types of computer simulation, the common feature they all share is the attempt to
generate a sample of representative scenarios for a model in which a complete enumeration of all
possible states would be prohibitive or impossible.
Several software packages exist for running computer-based simulation modeling (e.g. Monte
Carlo simulation, stochastic modeling, multimethod modeling) that makes all the modeling almost
Modern usage of the term "computer simulation" may encompass virtually any computer-based
Computer science[edit]
In computer science, simulation has some specialized meanings: Alan Turing used the term
"simulation" to refer to what happens when a universal machine executes a state transition table (in
modern terminology, a computer runs a program) that describes the state transitions, inputs and
outputs of a subject discrete-state machine.[18] The computer simulates the subject machine.
Accordingly, in theoretical computer science the term simulation is a relation between state transition
systems, useful in the study of operational semantics.
Less theoretically, an interesting application of computer simulation is to simulate computers using
computers. In computer architecture, a type of simulator, typically called an emulator, is often used
to execute a program that has to run on some inconvenient type of computer (for example, a newly
designed computer that has not yet been built or an obsolete computer that is no longer available),
or in a tightly controlled testing environment (see Computer architecture simulator and Platform
virtualization). For example, simulators have been used to debug a microprogram or sometimes
commercial application programs, before the program is downloaded to the target machine. Since
the operation of the computer is simulated, all of the information about the computer's operation is
directly available to the programmer, and the speed and execution of the simulation can be varied at
Simulators may also be used to interpret fault trees, or test VLSI logic designs before they are
constructed. Symbolic simulation uses variables to stand for unknown values.
In the field of optimization, simulations of physical processes are often used in conjunction
with evolutionary computation to optimize control strategies.
There is a wide variety of input hardware available to accept user input for virtual simulations. The
following list briefly describes several of them:
Body tracking: The motion capture method is often used to record the user's movements and
translate the captured data into inputs for the virtual simulation. For example, if a user physically
turns their head, the motion would be captured by the simulation hardware in some way and
translated to a corresponding shift in view within the simulation.
Capture suits and/or gloves may be used to capture movements of users body parts. The
systems may have sensors incorporated inside them to sense movements of different body
parts (e.g., fingers). Alternatively, these systems may have exterior tracking devices or marks
that can be detected by external ultrasound, optical receivers or electromagnetic sensors.
Internal inertial sensors are also available on some systems. The units may transmit data either
wirelessly or through cables.
Eye trackers can also be used to detect eye movements so that the system can determine
precisely where a user is looking at any given instant.
Physical controllers: Physical controllers provide input to the simulation only through direct
manipulation by the user. In virtual simulations, tactile feedback from physical controllers is highly
desirable in a number of simulation environments.
Omnidirectional treadmills can be used to capture the users locomotion as they walk or run.
High fidelity instrumentation such as instrument panels in virtual aircraft cockpits provides
users with actual controls to raise the level of immersion. For example, pilots can use the
actual global positioning system controls from the real device in a simulated cockpit to help them
practice procedures with the actual device in the context of the integrated cockpit system.
Voice/sound recognition: This form of interaction may be used either to interact with agents within
the simulation (e.g., virtual people) or to manipulate objects in the simulation (e.g., information).
Voice interaction presumably increases the level of immersion for the user.
Users may use headsets with boom microphones, lapel microphones or the room may be
equipped with strategically located microphones.
Current research into user input systems[edit]
Research in future input systems holds a great deal of promise for virtual simulations. Systems such
as brain–computer interfaces (BCIs) offer the ability to further increase the level of immersion for
virtual simulation users. Lee, Keinrath, Scherer, Bischof, Pfurtscheller[26] proved that naïve subjects
could be trained to use a BCI to navigate a virtual apartment with relative ease. Using the BCI, the
authors found that subjects were able to freely navigate the virtual environment with relatively
minimal effort. It is possible that these types of systems will become standard input modalities in
future virtual simulation systems.
Stationary displays can vary from a conventional desktop display to 360-degree wrap-around
screens to stereo three-dimensional screens. Conventional desktop displays can vary in size
from 15 to 60 inches (380 to 1,520 mm). Wrap around screens is typically utilized in what is
known as a cave automatic virtual environment (CAVE). Stereo three-dimensional screens
produce three-dimensional images either with or without special glasses—depending on the
Head-mounted displays (HMDs) have small displays that are mounted on headgear worn by
the user. These systems are connected directly into the virtual simulation to provide the user
with a more immersive experience. Weight, update rates and field of view are some of the key
variables that differentiate HMDs. Naturally, heavier HMDs are undesirable as they cause
fatigue over time. If the update rate is too slow, the system is unable to update the displays fast
enough to correspond with a quick head turn by the user. Slower update rates tend to cause
simulation sickness and disrupt the sense of immersion. Field of view or the angular extent of
the world that is seen at a given moment field of view can vary from system to system and has
been found to affect the user's sense of immersion.
Aural display: Several different types of audio systems exist to help the user hear and localize
sounds spatially. Special software can be used to produce 3D audio effects 3D audio to create the
illusion that sound sources are placed within a defined three-dimensional space around the user.
Tactile tile displays use different types of actuators such as inflatable bladders, vibrators,
low-frequency sub-woofers, pin actuators and/or thermo-actuators to produce sensations for the
End effector displays can respond to users inputs with resistance and force.[25] These
systems are often used in medical applications for remote surgeries that employ robotic
Vestibular display: These displays provide a sense of motion to the user (motion simulator). They
often manifest as motion bases for virtual vehicle simulation such as driving simulators or flight
simulators. Motion bases are fixed in place but use actuators to move the simulator in ways that can
produce the sensations pitching, yawing or rolling. The simulators can also move in such a way as to
produce a sense of acceleration on all axes (e.g., the motion base can produce the sensation of