Evolution of Respiratory System
Evolution of Respiratory System
Evolution of Respiratory System
Respiration is important process and it needed for
-O2 in for aerobic cellular respiration
-to make ATP
Need CO2 out as waste product from Krebs cycle
Important Definitions
Respiration the action of breathing
External respiration gas exchange at the respiratory surface
Internal respiration gas exchange at the tissues
Mitochondrial respiration production of ATP via oxidation of carbohydrates, amino acids, or fatty
acids.Oxygen is consumed and carbon dioxide is produced
Life started in an anaerobic environment in the so called primordial brothA mixture of organic
molecules in the absence of oxygen
According to Molecular phylogenetic archae may be ancestor of eukaryotic life
There are two possibilities
Thermophile ancestor- prokaryotic Bacteria and Archae
Mesophyll ancestor -the root of the tree of life
Very primitive microorganisms methanogenic bacteria, living in absolute anaerobiosis .
Methanogens have been discovered in several extreme environments on Earth - buried under
kilometres of ice in Greenland and living in hot, dry desert soil.
Use anaerobic respiration for ATP synthesis
4H2 + CO2 -> CH4 + 2H2O
Stress factor - Anaerobic fermentation was a very inefficient metabolic process of extracting energy
from organic molecules
Supporting factor - the rise of an oxygenic environment was a momentous event in the diversification of
Molecular evidence shows that aerobic respiration evolved Before Oxygenic Photosynthesis In Other
words , cytochrome oxidase appeared before the water-splitting system.
hypothesis considers that denitrification (NO reductase) is the probable origin of aerobic respiration
The evolution to multicellular organisms determined the appearance of more sophisticated and
specialized systems for the gas exchange
they have have internal surfaces
Like Insects have - tracheal systems , branched air ducts, lead into interior from pores in cuticles
In spiders gas exchange occurs inside book lungs - these are stacked plates in internal chambers
Most sea stars and sea urchins use their tube feet for gas exchange
Water is sucked in and exits through the madreporite
Sea stars also have external gill-like structures (respiratory papulae); cilia move water over the surface
Vertebrates include fishes , amphibians ,reptiles ,birds and mammals
Fish gills are arranged for countercurrent flow
Blood & water flow in opposite directions maintains diffusion gradient over whole length of gill capillary
maximizing O2 transfer from water to blood
Lungfishes (AFRICAN)
The first air-breathing vertebrates
EVOLUTIONAL STRESS FACTOR - The morphological features and geological setting of this new animal
are suggestive of life in shallow-water, marginal and sub aerial habitats
The lungfish is considered homo- logous to the lungs of all higher vertebrates
Lung surface also secrete surfactant like substance
use both gills and lungs for respiratory gas transfer, but they are obligate breathers because they die if
denied access to air
Each lung of these lungfish has a main duct and numerous chambers of different sizes, which
decrease in size as they progress caudally
The air-blood barrier consists of three layers: a simple squamous epithelium made up of a single type of
cell, the endothelial cells of the blood capillaries and the combined basal lamina of the epithelial and
endothelial cells
Jawless Fishes - Hagfish
Uses A muscular pump (velum) propels water through the respiratory cavity
Water enters the median nostril!!!! and leaves through a gill opening
Flow is unidirectional
Blood flow is countercurrent
Jawless Fishes - Lamprey
Ventilation is similar to that in hagfish when not feeding
When feeding the mouth is attached to a prey (parasitic)
Ventilation is tidal though the gill openings
(the lungs account for 40%, the gills 28%, and the skin 32% ) -phylogenetically most primitive extant
air-breathing fishes, and represents an animal successfully adapted not only for air breathing but also
for making short-term use of terrestrial environment the total volume oxygen uptake,
The fish-tetrapod transition was one of the greatest events in the vertebrate evolution.
The evolution of tetrapods occured under environmental influences and presumption that hypoxia
habitat conditions were similar to those commonly encountered in tropical lowland habitats during
dry seasons.
Fishes The recent discovery of a well-preserved species of fossil sarcopterygian fish form in the late
Devonian of Artic Canada, that represents an intermediate between fish with fins and tetrapods
with limbs
The advantages of tetrapod gill loss - head mobility, development of hearing and the origin of
different ventilatory and feeding mechanisms
In the primitive pure buccal pumping, found in most air- breathing fishes, including lungfishes, the axial
musculature does not contribute to expiration or inspiration.
the buccal pump breathing has been proposed to constrain the evolution of tongue morphology and
head shape
The aspiration breathing was present in some early tetrapods. Aspiration breathing evolved in two
first, from pure buccal pump breathing to the use of axial muscles for expiration and buccal pump for
second, to pure aspiration-breathing, in which axial muscles are used for both expiration and
The transition from aquatic to land environment exposed the gas exchange organ to a much richer
oxygen ambience, which allowed a drastic reduction in the ventilation requirements, but at the same
time created problems for the disposal of carbon dioxide.
At 20C the water solubility of this gas is 28 times greater than that of oxygen
To prevent a severe respiratory acidosis, the Terran animal began to use the skin as an
important respiratory organ, designed especially for the removal of carbon dioxide,
Reduction of the barrier represented by the scales
At the same time there must have occurred an increased bicarbonate concentration in plasma, in order
to compensate the increase of carbon dioxide
Aquatic larval form, the tadpole stage, where respiration takes place through the gills.
Metamorphosis allowed them to reach adulthood in terrestrial habitat and in which the breathing
air was carried out by the lungs, skin and mouth
Amphibians have the simplest lungs, rudimentary lungs that are adequate for ectothermic and low
aerobic metabolism animals
Skin breathing is important in all extant amphibians but is the only means of gas exchange in those
possess long, tubular lungs, but in some species the left lung is remarkably reduced or totally missing
[61]. The lungs of caecilians are internally sub- divided, forming air cells that are supported by
diametrically placed trabeculae.
during expiration, the lung virtually collapses, producing an almost 100% turn-over of inspired air
[62]. Amphiuma is aquatic but has very well developed lungs.
It is assumed that reptiles made their appearance on Earth about 310 million years ago
Their adaptation was so perfect that they dominated the planet for over a hundred million years.
The inumerous fossils that have been dis- covered allow us to group them in a numerous orders
capable for living in different habitats, such as land, air or aquatic environment.
Reptilians are the first vertebrates adequately adapted for terrestrial habitation and utilization of
lungs as a sole pathway for acquisition of oxygen
The skin that was no longer necessary for gas exchange, became an armor to protect against
dehydration [55], being waterproof, dry, covered with keratinized epidermal scales or
developing dermal bone plates
The reptilian display great pulmonary structural hetero- geneity and there is no single model of
reptilian lung.Based on complexity of internal organization, different classifica- tion suggested that
The turtles, monitor lizard, crocodiles and snakes have a profusely subdivided (multicameral) lung
The chameleons and iguanids have a simpler (paucicameral)
The teju lizard have a saccular, smooth-walled, transparent (unicameral) lung
The lungs are localized in the pleuroperitoneal cavity
No diaphragm
Presence of ribs and intercostal muscles in reptiles, allow the development of more effective pulmonary
ventilation than that of the amphibians
The branching of the bronchial intrapulmonary tree in reptiles is similar to mammals, however they
have specific designa- tions [65], which appear sequentially bronchus, tubular chambers, niches and
Reptiles: mechanisms to change the volume
Snakes and lizards
use intercostal muscles.
Contraction of the intercostals moves the ribs forward and outward, increasing the volume
Turtles and tortoises
Use abdominal muscles that expand and compress the lungs
Hepatic septum is attached to the
anterior side of the liver. Paired diaphramaticus muscles run
from the hepatic septum to the pelvic girdle. Diaphramatic muscles contract which decreases the
volume in the abdominal cavity and increases the volume of the lungs. As a result pressure in the lungs
The intrapulmonary bronchi of the reptiles that give immediate access to respiratory areas correspond
to the mammalian respiratory bronchioles, the tubular chambers, according to their position and
morphofunctional structure, are equivalent to the alveolar channels in mammals, and the niche are
similar to alveolar sacs. By its position in the respiratory system and anatomical constitution the
aedicules are equivalent to the alveoli of mammals, however they have an oblong structure compared
with the spherical form of mammals alveoli
The intrapulmonary bronchi of turtles that live essentially in aquatic environment have a reinforcement
(a smooth muscle)that extends to or near the respiratory areas
Characteristic that is similar to the aquatic mammals that have the ability to dive to great depths, such
as seals, dolphins and whales (support the high pressures)
The epithelial cells lining the respiratory surface of reptilian lungs are differentiated into type I
and type II cells and it is possible to observe multilamellar bodie similar to those present in mammals
These suggest that also in reptiles occurs the synthesis of surfactant lipo- protein material
responsible for the stability of their respiratory unit, the aedicula
Tertiary bronchus or parabronchus are arranged in a series of parallel lines, whose ends are open to
the secondary bronchus. All the way through the parabronchus have recurrent anastomoses
between them
The elongation of ribs, rib cage and sternum associated with diving species, as well as longer uncinates,
maybe important upon resurfacing when inspiration occurs against the pressure of water against the
body .
The reduction in the sternum and the shortest uncinate length found in the walking species, suggests
that they may play a reduced role during breathing in these species
The number of parabronchus varies from species to species, but is higher in the birds that fly better
Parabronchus have an average diameter of 500 m , and are lined by a simple squamous epithelium
[87], just like the mammals alveolar channels
The blood capillaries are surrounded by extremely small air capillaries
Air capillaries - very small diameter, the surface tension of these air capillaries is so high, despite their
very well-differentiated surfactant, that they can only remain patent as rigid structures in a volumeconstant lung
The blood capillaries are embedded in a rigid structure allows them to have a remarkably thin bloodgas barrier (BGB) that is uniformly arranged all around the circumference of the blood capillary
The surfactant of these rigid air capillaries lowers the high air capillary surface tension to such
an extent that the remaining surface tension cannot suck fluid from the blood into the air capillary,
thus preventing edema and maintaining gas exchange
Unlike those observed in lung alveoli of mammals, the air capillaries are not terminal fund sacs
formations, and therefore allow an unidirectional air flow through the lungs of birds
The lung air sacs are pair formations, and their total number for the two lungs varies between 6
and 14 depending on the species, are generally referred to as cranial group and caudal group, and all
cranial bags communicate with all secondary bronchi, fact that does not occur with caudal bags. The
oxygen concentration is higher inside the caudal bags whereas the concentration of carbon dioxide
reaches higher values inside the cranial bags. This qualitative difference is explained by the particular
pattern of unidirectional airflow that occurs in the lungs of birds .
During inhalation, air flows through the mesobronchus in to the posterior air sacs, and at the same time,
the air enters the anterior air sacs via the dorsal secondary bronchus and parabronchus. During
exhalation, the air leaves the posterior air sacs and passes through the parabronchus, and to a lesser
extent, through the mesobronchus, to the trachea. At the same time in the anterior air sacs, the air
moves through the secondary ventral bronchus towards the trachea. There isthus, during the two
phases of the respiratory cycle, a continuous unidirectional flow through the parabronchus .
The flow inside the air capillaries and inside the blood capillaries occurs in opposite directions, i.e., in
the blood capillaries the flow goes from the most peripheral areas of the parabronchus into its axis,
while in the air capillaries move away from the axis of parabronchus. It is established a countercurrent system of gas exchange between air capillaries and blood capillaries
Briefly we can say that the anatomical and physiological features that have just been summarily
exposed, such as a continuous and unidirectional ventilation of parabronchus lower capacity of the
air sacs, large surface for gas exchange and a very thin air-blood barrier, explain the unique characteristics of the respiratory system of birds, allowing them to extract oxygen from the highly rarefied air
The nearest ancestors of mammals appear to have been same group of reptiles and the lung of the
mammals derived from a multicameral reptilian lung with three rows of lung chambers
The strong musculature of the diaphragm does not only act as a forceful inspiratory muscle together
with the inter- costals musculature, but is also responsible for maintaining a pressure gradient between
the pleural and the peritoneal activity during strong exercise
During respiration at rest, expiration is performed by elastic retractile forces of the extended rib cage
and by the retraction forces of the lung itself out of the surface tension of the alveoli together with
their extended elastic fibre systems.
During exercise, expiratory movement of the intercostals musculature is strongly supported by
the muscles of the abdominal wall, which is also the case for all sound productions, speech and
In mammals the lungs do not empty completely during the expiration, and the result is that
convective flow alone cannot take the inspired gas to the periphery of the lung where some of
the gas-exchanging alveoli are located
In the mammalian lung, the airway and vascular systems form a complex multigenerational
dichotomous branching tree-like arrangement .The alveolar surface is mainly lined by type I and type II
cells. Type II cells secrete surfactant.The capillary is typically polarized with one side having very thin
BGB whereas on the other side the barrier is thicker and contains strands of type collagen which
provides support for the alveolar wall and maintains the integrity of the alveoli