Dynamics of Vertebrate Respiratory Mechanisms
Dynamics of Vertebrate Respiratory Mechanisms
Dynamics of Vertebrate Respiratory Mechanisms
Josef Breuer
human respiratory system
vocal sac
Ren-Thophile-Hyacinthe Lannec
Among the most primitive of present-day vertebrates are thecyclostomes (lampreys
and hagfishes), the gill structures of which are in the form of pouches that connect
internally with the pharynx (throat) and open outward through slits, either by a fusion
of the excurrent gill ducts into a single tube (in Myxine) or individually by separate
gill slits (inPetromyzon). The gill lamellae of cyclostomes form a ring around the
margins of the gill sac, and the series of sacs is supported in a flexible branchial
skeleton. The number of paired pouches varies in different forms from six to 14.
The pharynx of lampreys divides into an esophagusabove and a blind tube below,
from which the gill pouches arise. The upper pharynx of hagfishes communicates to
the exterior through a nostril, a structure absent in lampreys. When the parasitic
lampreys are embedded in the flesh of fish, upon which they live, they maintain a
flow of water through the gills by alternate contractions of the gill pouches. When the
gill-pouch muscles relax, the pouches expand, and water is sucked in. The water is
forced out through the gills by muscular contraction; the branchial musculature
apparently prevents reflux of the water into the pharynx while the head of the lamprey
is embedded in the flesh of its prey.
In the hagfish Myxine glutinosa, the major oxygen supply is derived from water drawn
in through the nostril that opens into the pharynx. A peculiar respiratory structure,
the velum, just behind the nostril opening, dangles from the upper midline of the
pharynx, resembling an inverted T. Membranous scrolls attached to this horizontal bar
can extend downward and then roll upward like window shades. A combination of
velar and gill-pouch contractions directs the flow of water through the gill pouches.
Foreign material entering the nostril is expelled from both the mouth and nostril by a
violent sneeze. This reaction probably protects the respiratory surfaces, since the
animals have common respiratory and alimentary ducts. Blood flow in the gills of
cyclostomes, as in those of bony fishes, is in a direction counter to that of water flow
an arrangement that increases the efficiency of gas exchange across the respiratory
artificial organ
Cartilaginous fishes (sharks and rays) and bony fishes employ a double-pumping
mechanism to maintain a relatively constant flow of water over the gill exchange
surfaces. In sharks and rays a small forward gill slit, the spiracle, also provides a
channel for water flow into the gill chamber. Bottom-dwelling forms (e.g., skates)
have relatively larger spiracles, and the major portion of the water flow passes through
them rather than through the downward-oriented mouth.
The pumping mechanism is not the only method of ventilation; sharks have been
observed to keep both mouth and gill flaps open while swimming, ensuring a constant
water flow across the gill surfaces. When they slow down or settle to the bottom, the
pumping activity is resumed. Tunas and mackerel cannot stop swimming: They have
no active respiratory mechanism and are dependent for their gill ventilation on the
current that results from their forward motion through the water.
A number of fishes depend in varying degree on aerial respiration. The ability to
breathe air enables them to live in places where the oxygen content of water may be
low or nil. Two general means of acquiring oxygen are employed. Some fishes stay
near the surface of the water, where the oxygen pressure resulting from surface
diffusion is highest. Others have developed ancillary respiratory structures in the
pharynx or the stomach; the gulping of air at the surface is a means of charging these
respiratory surfaces (such as the pharyngeal epithelium inElectrophorus or
the stomach in Plecostomus). The frequency with which these fishes rise to the
surface to gulp air corresponds to their current need for oxygen.
ience Quiz
The swamp-dwelling Erythrinus of Guyana uses both aquatic and aerial respiration,
varying them according to the gaseous composition of the water. When the oxygen
content is low, respiration through the gills ceases; when the oxygen content of the
water is high, the fish relies primarily upon its gills except when the carbon dioxide
content is also highwhen, again, aerial respiration predominates. In other conditions
it uses both modes of respiration. This apparently extends the range of conditions in
which Erythrinus can survive.
Eels (Anguilla) use their skin as a major respiratory surface in addition to their gills.
In water, about 15 percent of their oxygen uptake is across the skin, and this rises to
around 50 percent when in air. They are capable of making extensive overland
migrations during which, in the first few hours, they draw upon oxygen in the swim
bladder. Like most fishes, eels when out of water exhibit a reduced heart rate and less
oxygen consumption. When they return to water, their heart rate rises, and both
oxygen consumption and blood lactic-acid levels rise. Lactic-acid production results
from metabolism without oxygen, and such acid products must themselves be
metabolized through higher oxygen consumption. Such patterns have been observed
in grunions of the California coast that come ashore to breed, and even in flying fishes
during their brief aerial excursions.
The lungfishes (Dipnoi) are remnants of the Devonian period and a transitional form
between water and air breathers. Like amphibians, they rely on the buccal force pump
mechanism to inflate the lung. They are adapted for bimodal respiration so that
oxygenated blood leaving the air-exchange organ, either gills or lung, can pass to the
afferent branchial circulation and then to the body tissues or can be dispatched to the
lungs. The three dipnoan genera differ with respect to their reliance on the gills or
lungs. In the Australian lungfish (Neoceratodus), the bulk of oxygen uptake and
carbon dioxide elimination is by way of well-developed gills; in the African lungfish
(Protopterus) and the South American lungfish (Lepidosiren), the gills are reduced
and ventilation depends heavily on the lungs. In the latter two, which rely primarily on
lung ventilation, separation of oxygenated and deoxygenated blood is much more
complete than in the Australian lungfish.
The living amphibians (frogs, toads, salamanders, and caecilians) depend on aquatic
respiration to a degree that varies with species, stage of development, temperature,
and season. With the exception of a few frog species that lay eggs on land, all
amphibians begin life as completely aquatic larvae. Respiratory gas exchange is
conducted through the thin, gas-permeable skin and the gills. In addition to these
structures, frog tadpoles use their large tail fins for respiration; the tail fins contain
blood vessels and are important respiratory structures because of their large surface
area. As amphibian larvae develop, the gills (and in frogs, the tail fin) degenerate,
paired lungs develop, and the metamorphosing larvae begin making excursions to the
water surface to take air breaths.
The lungs of amphibians are simple saclike structures that internally lack the complex
spongy appearance of the lungs of birds and mammals. The lungs of most amphibians
receive a large proportion of the total blood flow from the heart. Even though the
amphibian ventricle is undivided, there is surprisingly little mixture of blood from the
left and right atrial chambers within the single ventricle. As a consequence, the lungs
are perfused primarily with deoxygenated blood from the systemic tissues.
By the time the larva has reached adult form, the lungs have assumed the respiratory
function of the larval gills. A few species of salamanders(for example, the axolotl)
never metamorphose to the adult stage, and although they may develop lungs for air
breathing, they retain external gills throughout life. Another exception to the usual
pattern of respiratory development is seen in the Plethodontidae family of
salamanders, which lose their gills upon metamorphosis but never develop lungs as
adults; instead, gas exchange is conducted entirely across the skin. In almost all
amphibian species, the skin in adults continues to play an important role in gas
The relative contributions of lungs and skin, and even local areas of skin, to gas
exchange differ in different species and in the same species may change seasonally. In
frogs, the skin of the back and thighs (the areas exposed to air) contains a
richer capillary network than the skin of the underparts and therefore contributes more
to gas exchange. The aquatic newt Triton utilizes both lung and skin respiration, the
skin containing about 75 percent of the respiratory capillaries. At the other extreme,
the tree frog Hyla arborea is much less aquatic, and its lungs contain over 75 percent
of the respiratory capillary surface area. Similar differences are found even in closely
related forms: In the relatively more terrestrial frog Rana temporaria, uptake of
oxygen across the lung is about three times greater than across the skin; in R.
esculenta, which is more restricted to water, the lungs and skin function about equally
in the uptake of oxygen. Carbon dioxide is eliminated mainly through the skin in both
these species; in fact, the skin appears to be a major avenue for carbon dioxide
exchange in amphibians generally.
In temperate climates, as winter approaches, the colder environmental temperature
(and thus lower body temperature) induces a marked lowering of the metabolic rate in
amphibians. Terrestrial forms (e.g.,toads and some salamanders) may burrow into the
ground to overwinter. Aquatic species burrow into the mud at the bottom of lakes or
ponds. Because their metabolic rate is much lower during winter, adequate gas
exchange can be provided entirely by the skin in either terrestrial or aquatic habitats.
The mechanism of lung inflation in amphibians is the buccal cavity (mouth-throat)
pumping mechanism that also functions in air-breathing fishes. To produce
inspiration, the floor of the mouth is depressed, causing air to be drawn into the buccal
cavity through the nostrils. The nostrils are then closed, and the floor of the mouth is
elevated. This creates a positive pressure in the mouth cavity and drives air into the
lungs through the open glottis. Expiration is produced by contraction of the muscles of
the body wall and the elastic recoil of the lungs, both acting to drive gas out of the
lungs through the open glottis. In aquatic amphibians the pressure of water on the
body wall can also assist expiration. Many amphibians show rhythmic oscillations of
the floor of the mouth between periods of lung inflation; these oscillations are thought
to be involved in olfaction by producing a flow of gas over the olfactory epithelial
To survive on land, the reptiles had to develop a skin relatively impermeable to water,
so as to prevent desiccation, and hence not well suited for respiration. Thus, while a
few specialized reptiles (for example, sea snakes) can acquire nearly half of their
oxygen supply through their skin, most reptiles depend almost entirely on the lungs
for gas exchange. Reptilian lungs are considerably more complex than those of
amphibians, showing much more internal partitioning to provide additional surface
area for gas exchange between lung gas and blood. The most complex reptilian lungs
are found in sea turtles such asChelonia mydas, the green turtle. This species can
develop a high metabolic rate associated with its prolific swimming ability. Its lungs
are suited to providing a high rate of gas exchange, with extensive branching of the
airways leading to the numerous gas sacs of the lungs.
The mechanism for lung inflation in reptiles is an aspiration (suction) pump, which is
the same in general principle as the lung inflation mechanism in birds and mammals.
In most reptiles inspiration is produced by muscular expansion of the rib cage and
body wall, creating a subatmospheric pressure within the lungs that causes air to flow
in. Crocodiles and alligators have a specialized muscle attached to the posterior
surface of the liver; the anterior surface of the liver in turn is attached to the posterior
surface of the lungs. Contraction of this muscle pulls on the liver and results in
expansion of the lungs.
The adoption of a rigid shell by turtles and tortoises necessitated the development of
highly specialized skeletal muscles to inflate the lungs. In the tortoise Testudo graeca,
lung ventilation is achieved by changing the volume of the body cavity. Expiration is
brought about by the activity of muscles that draw the shoulder girdle back into the
shell, compressing the abdominal viscera. The increased pressure in the body cavity is
transmitted to the lungs. Inspiration involves opposite muscular actions that produce
an increase in the volume of the body cavity and thus a subatmospheric lung pressure.
Because of the rigidity of its shell, the tortoise, unlike other reptiles, cannot use the
potential energy of abdominal wall structures to assist in respiration, and hence both
expiration and inspiration are active energy-consuming events. In aquatic turtles,
however, the pressure of water on the front and rear limbs assists expiration.
The breathing patterns of most reptiles are not regular, usually consisting of a series of
active inspirations and expirations followed by relatively long pauses.
In aquatic reptiles diving occurs during these pauses, which may last an hour or more
in some turtles and aquatic snakes. Even terrestrial reptiles show intermittent periods
of breathing and breath holding. The metabolic rate of most reptiles is one-fifth to
one-tenth that of birds or mammals, and constant lung ventilation is unnecessary in
most reptiles.
Birds must be capable of high rates of gas exchange because their oxygen
consumption at rest is higher than that of all other vertebrates, including mammals,
and it increases many times during flight. The gas volume of the bird lung is small
compared with that of mammals, but the lung is connected to voluminous air sacs by a
series of tubes, making the total volume of the respiratory system about twice that of
mammals of comparable size. The trachea divides into primary bronchi, each of which
passes through a lung and onward to the paired abdominal air sacs; they also give rise
to secondary bronchi supplying the other air sacs. Tertiary bronchi penetrate the lung
mass and, from the walls of the tertiary bronchi, rather fine air capillaries arise. These
air capillaries have a large surface area; their walls contain blood capillaries connected
with the heart. Gas exchange takes place between the air capillaries and blood
capillaries, making this surface analogous to the alveolar surface in mammals.
There are several important differences in the mechanism and pattern of
lung ventilation in birds compared with other vertebrates with lungs. The lungs of
birds do not inflate and deflate but rather retain a constant volume. Also, the lungs are
unidirectionally ventilated rather than having a tidal, bidirectional flow, as in other
vertebrates with lungs. To achieve this unidirectional flow, the various air sacs are
inflated and deflated in a complex sequence, like a series of interconnected bellows.
The lungs, which are located midway between air sacs in terms of the flow of gas, are
continuously ventilated in a single direction with freshly inspired air during
both inspiration and expiration at the nostrils. Aspiration into the air sacs is produced
by expansion of the chest and abdominal cavity. The sternum (breastbone) swings
forward and downward, while the ribs and chest wall move laterally. Expiration is
caused by compression of the air sacs by skeletal muscle.
As a consequence of the continual, unidirectional airflow, the lungs of birds are more
completely ventilated than the lungs of mammals. The flow of gas and blood within
the bird lung is carefully arranged to maximize gas exchange, which is far more
efficient than in the mammalian lung: Himalayan geese have been observed not only
to fly over human climbers struggling to reach the top of Mount Everest, but to honk
as they do so. The ventilation of pigeons increases around 20-fold during flight,
brought about by more rapid breathing and not by taking in more air at a breath. There
is a precise synchrony between breathing and wing motion: the peak of expiration
occurs at the downstroke of the wingbeat. The pigeons in-flight ventilation is about
two and one-half times that needed to support metabolism; around 17 percent of the
heat production during flight is lost through evaporative cooling, suggesting that the
excess ventilation is for regulating body heat. Studies of evening grosbeaks and ringbilled gulls show that their ventilation, in contrast to that of pigeons, increases in
proportion to oxygen consumption. The increased ventilation in these birds is brought
about by deeper as well as by more rapid breathing.
The respiratory system of birds is also used for communication throughsong. The
voice box is the syrinx, a membranous structure at the lower end of the trachea.
Sound is produced only when air flows outward across the syrinx. In canaries, notes
or pulses are synchronous with chest movements; the trills, however, are made with a
series of shallow breaths. The song of many small birds is of long duration relative to
their breathing frequencies.
To provide the gas exchange necessary to support the elevated metabolic rate of
mammals, mammalian lungs are subdivided internally. The repetitive subdivisions of
the lung airways provide gas to the tiny alveoli (gas sacs) that form the functional gasexchange surface area of the lungs. Human lungs have an estimated 300,000,000
alveoli, providing in an adult a total surface area approximately equivalent to a tennis
Inspiration in mammals, as in reptiles, is powered by an aspiration (suction) pump.
Expansion of the chest lowers the pressure between the lungs and the chest wall, as
well as the pressure within the lungs. This causes atmospheric air to flow into the
lungs. The chief muscles of inspiration are the diaphragm and the external intercostal
muscles. Thediaphragm is a domelike sheet of muscle separating the abdominal and
chest cavities that moves downward as it contracts. The downward motion enlarges
the chest cavity and depresses the organs below. As the external intercostal muscles
contract, the ribs rotate upward and laterally, increasing the chest circumference.
During severe exercise other muscles may also be used. Inspiration ends with the
closing of the glottis.
In expiration, the glottis opens, and the inspiratory muscles relax; the stored energy of
the chest wall and lungs generates the motive power for expiration. During exercise or
when respiration is laboured, the internal intercostal muscles and the abdominal
muscles are activated. The internal intercostals produce a depression of the rib cage
and a decrease in chest circumference.