QCS 2010 Part 6.11 Works in Relation To Services

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The key takeaways are the safety and notification requirements for working with different utility services in Qatar including QGEWC, Q-TEL, QP, PWA and local municipalities.

When working near gas, oil or NGL pipelines you must obtain a permit, only use hand tools to locate lines, erect barriers to protect pipelines, and not use mechanical breakers adjacent to the lines.

When exposing or backfilling a pipeline you must use soft sand for bedding, cover pipes with 150mm of sand, witness backfilling by QP, and support exposed pipes over 5m with central supports.

QCS 2010

Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 1


WORKS IN RELATION TO SERVICES ......................................................... 2


GENERAL...................................................................................................... 2


Notification to Service Authorities & Statutory Bodies


SERVICES GENERALLY .............................................................................. 3


Marking Services
Location of Existing Services
Protection of Services
Relocation of Services
Services Ducts
Excavation for Ducts
Bedding and Laying of Ducts


PARTICULAR REQUIREMENTS................................................................... 7

QCS 2010




11.3.1 Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation, Electricity Networks

Affairs, QGEWC (ENA)
11.3.2 Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation, Water Networks
Affairs, QGEWC (WNA)
11.3.3 Qatar Telecom (Q-TEL)
11.3.4 Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Qatar Gas
11.3.5 PWA, Storm water and Groundwater


QCS 2010

Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 2







This Part includes the provision of new services and the seeking, protection, diversion and
relocation of the existing services for the following service authorities:

Related Sections and Parts:

This Section
Part 1, General
Part 3, Earthworks
Part 14, Road Drainage
Section 1, General
Section 5, Concrete
Section 20, Drainage Works For Buildings



The following standards and reference documents are referred to in this Part:
BS 1377, Methods of tests for soils for civil engineering purposes
BS 2484, Straight concrete clayware cable covers
BS 2782, Methods of testing plastics.



The Contractor shall prepare and submit records and sketches showing position, levels and
types of each existing service including manholes, joint boxes, inspection chambers and
connections. These records shall be maintained in the form of a daily diary.

The Contractor shall prepare and submit shop drawings for utility protection work and obtain
the approval of the appropriate Authority before beginning construction.

Samples of proposed ducts shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval beforehand.

The Contractor shall prepare and maintain up-to-date drawings for each service authority
giving details of each duct laid including precise location, level, number and type, and these
drawings are to be submitted to the Engineer.

The Contractor shall keep accurate records of the arrangement, positions and details of all
works constructed by him as Record Drawings. The details, format, extent and procedures
for the preparation and submission of the record drawings shall be in accordance with
Section 1.


Notification to Service Authorities & Statutory Bodies

All works in relation to services shall be carried out by a contractor or subcontractor

prequalified and approved by the concerned service authority. Proof of such approval shall
be required in writing before the start of Works on the Site. The name of any subcontractor
to be used shall be as designated.

QCS 2010


Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (QGEWC)

Qatar Telecom (Q-TEL)
Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Qatar Gas
Public Works Authority (PWA)
Urban Planning and Development Authority (UPDA)
Local Municipality

QCS 2010

Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 3

No work concerning services will be started without having first informed and obtained
approval of the concerned service authorities. Before opening the ground for any purpose,
the Contractor must notify all concerned parties by issue of formal "Notice of Intent" and
must obtain information by formal notice regarding the location of all services. The complete
responsibility for obtaining this information rests with the Contractor. "Notices of Intent" shall
be circulated to all concerned parties including those listed in Clause 11.1.1:
Qatar General Electricity & Water Corporation (QGEWC)
Qatar Telecom (Q-TEL)
Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Qatar Gas
Public Works Authority (PWA)
Urban Planning and Development Authority (UPDA)
Local Municipality
Prior to commencing any work on excavation in a roadway the Contractor shall obtain the
approval of the Traffic Police. All excavations in a roadway shall be carried out in
accordance with PWA road opening procedures.

Drawings and notices shall be sent in duplicate one of which shall be retained by the
addressee and the other returned to the sender duly marked to show underground services.
"Notice of Intent" will be given 14 days in advance of starting the proposed Works. In the
event that the work is not started within eight weeks of the date of the "Notice of Intent", it will
be deemed to have lapsed. A further Notice of Intent will then be submitted. The Contractor
shall furnish copies of the above Notices of Intent to the Engineer.

The Contractor's attention is particularly drawn to the procedures to be followed concerning

existing services and service diversions laid down in all current administrative orders of the
service authorities.





The Contractor shall acquaint himself with the position of all existing services and shall
obtain clearance from the concerned service authority before commencing any work in a
particular area. Written evidence of such clearance shall be provided to the Engineer by the

The position, types of ducts, pipes, cables, manholes and related structures are designated,
but the final location will be determined on site by the Contractor and submitted to the
Engineer for approval after having consulted with the concerned service authorities.

All concrete works shall conform to the requirements of Section 5.

The Contractor will be fully responsible for ensuring observance of the requirements of this
clause by his subcontractors.

Where any utility or service works are to be constructed under a separate contract by the
Engineer within the Site and concurrent with the execution of the Works, the Contractor shall
co-operate with the other contractor and shall co-ordinate his construction operations to
avoid interference with the other contractor's operations.

Any public or private service for water, electricity, drainage, or other utility, affected by the
Works shall not be interrupted without the written permission of the Engineer. Such
permission will be withheld until suitable approved permanent or temporary alternative
services have been provided by the Contractor or by the owner of the utility or his agents.

For temporary traffic diversions as may be required for the construction of road crossings,
full liaison with the Municipality and Police shall be required as well as compliance with the
requirements of the PWA road opening procedures.

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QCS 2010

Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 4

The Contractor shall be responsible for following each service authorities inspection and
testing procedures.

The Contractor shall be responsible for liaison with each service authority to obtain their
approval for the completion of the works.



The Contractor shall be responsible for public safety during execution of work. He shall take
all measures, including, where necessary, the provision of ropes, picket fences, and other
temporary barriers on the sides of trenches and excavations with warning lights.

The Contractor shall arrange for night watchman and any other measures required to ensure
the safety of the public.

The Contractor will be held responsible for any damage to property or injury to persons due
to his negligence. Any instruction from the Engineer concerning the safety aspects of the
work must be carried out immediately, but the Contractor shall remain responsible for the
adequacy of the safety measures.

The Contractor shall take into account the current laws regarding the safety of service lines,
together with any amendment or additions thereto. The Contractor shall be responsible for
locating or verifying the location of existing services, liaison with the various service
authorities and complying with the above.


Marking Services

All services shall be provided with continuous warning tapes with the requirements of the
following paragraphs.

The Contractor shall install approved warning tapes during backfilling work over buried
pipes, cables, conduits and ducts, as required. Warning tapes shall be coloured and
inscribed for identification according to the requirements of the concerned service authority.

Warning tape shall be approved high quality, acid and alkali-resistant polyethylene film
250 mm wide, and with a minimum thickness of 150 microns. Tape shall have a minimum
tensile strength of 125 kg/cm2 longitudinally and 105 kg/cm2 laterally with an elongation
factor of 350 %.

Tape shall be printed with 50 mm high black lettering, alternatively in Arabic and English.
The complete wordings shall be repeated every 2 m along the tape. The colours shall be
vivid, glossy and permanent with a life expectancy of 40 years.

Warning tapes shall be placed with the inscriptions facing upwards. The level of the tape
relating to the top of service shall be in accordance with the requirements of the concerned
service authority.

Warning tapes over non-metallic services shall be backed with aluminium foil to facilitate


Location of Existing Services

The positions of all designated public and privately owned services have been based on the
records of various service authorities and must be regarded as approximate.

The positions designated for existing services are for informational purposes only and do not
necessarily show exact locations, depths, spacings, or the presence and location of smaller
services such as house connections which are not normally designated.

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QCS 2010

Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 5

The Contractor shall verify this information and satisfy himself as to the exact nature and
position of all such apparatus. The Engineer does not guarantee the accuracy of the
designated information, and no warranty is given or implied.

The Contractor shall verify the position of services by digging trial trenches and pits. If ducts,
pipes, cables and manholes which are not designated are found, the Engineer and the
concerned service authority shall be informed as soon as possible. The concerned service
authority will then instruct on the action to be taken, if any.

The Contractor shall excavate by hand, take trial pits at regular distances and also at all road
intersections to locate existing services, their number, depth and route direction. As these
services are located the Contractor shall prepare record drawings indicating the
aforementioned information which shall be submitted to the Engineer.


Protection of Services

The Contractor shall take any and all measures reasonably required by any public or
concerned service authority for the support and full protection of all mains, pipes, cables and
other apparatus during the progress of the Works, and shall construct and provide to the
satisfaction of the concerned service authority, all works necessary for the prevention of
damage or interruption of services.

The protection of the existing services shall be carried out before the earth work starts in the
vicinity of the services to be protected.

If some services have already been protected by the various Departments, no protection will
be carried out under this Contract, but such protection can be extended or upgraded as
instructed by the Engineer on Site after having consulted with the concerned service

If in the execution of the Works, by reason of any subsidence caused by, or any act of
neglect or default of the Contractor, any damage to any apparatus or any interruption of, or
delay to, the provision of any service is caused, the Contractor shall report it to the Engineer
immediately and bear and pay the cost reasonably incurred by the service authority
concerned in making good such damage and shall make full compensation to the authority
for any loss, sustained by reason of such interruption or delay.

All protected services, existing ducts found or newly laid ducts shall be marked with markers
of approved of size and type as designated. The location of markers shall be as designated.
No asphalt course will be laid unless the ends of the ducts or protected services have been
exposed and marked with markers.

The Contractor shall, at all times during the progress of the works, afford facilities to properly
accredited agents of any concerned service authority for access to all or any of their
apparatus situated in or under the site, as may be necessary for inspecting, reporting,
maintaining, removing, renewing or altering such apparatus in connection with the
construction of the Works or any other purpose whatsoever.


Relocation of Services

The Contractor shall relocate certain utilities to service reservation areas as designated. This
work may only include constructing necessary protective housing such as box culverts,
slabs, and concrete encased sleeves in the service reservation areas for utility lines to be
relocated. Or this work may include necessary protective housing as described above and,
in addition, the relocation of specific utility lines to the service reservation areas.

In both cases the Contractor shall complete the necessary survey to establish the lines and
levels, prepare shop drawings and submit them to the Engineer for his review. The
Contractor shall obtain approval from the concerned service authority before commencing
this work.

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QCS 2010

Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 6

After existing services, according to the Engineer's instruction, have been exposed and if
according to the opinion of the Engineer and after approval of the concerned service
authorities it is found necessary to proceed with the lowering or diversion thereof, the
Contractor shall proceed with the relevant excavation in co-ordination with the said

The Contractor shall maintain records of such excavation in a form acceptable to the
Engineer. Two copies of such records shall be submitted to the Engineer on a weekly basis
or as agreed with by the Engineer.

All materials removed shall be disposed of by the Contractor as designated.

When directed by the Engineer, all such excavations shall be backfilled with suitable
material, placed and compacted as designated.

The Contractor shall place fill material and compact with care to avoid damage to the
existing services. The Contractor shall be responsible for any and all damages caused by
his construction operations.

The works relevant to the lowering of existing services will be started as soon as, according
to the Engineer, all the necessary precautions have been taken to prevent any injury to
person or damage to property or services.

The excavation for lowering existing services shall be performed by hand down to the
elevation indicated by the Engineer and the concerned service authority.


At all times the Contractor shall provide and maintain access to the adjoining properties to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.


Services Ducts

Service ducts shall be provided as designated so that future services can pass through them
without disturbing road construction.

The Contractor shall supply, unless otherwise designated, and install all the necessary
service ducts required for the project. The duct material shall be as designated.

Road crossing ducts shall extend beyond the road or shoulder line at each side of the road
as designated.

To prevent earth blocking the ducts, the openings at both ends are to be protected with
appropriate blanking caps.

In general, all duct laying work is subject to the approval of the Engineer and any particular
requirements of the concerned service authority.

The Contractor shall after completing each duct, make the necessary arrangements with the
service authority for testing and acceptance of the work. As a minimum this shall involve the
verification of the duct by rodding or pulling through a mandrel.


Excavation for Ducts

The trench shall be excavated to the designated width and depth.

When appropriate, the excavation for the road crossing and laying of ducts, concreting and
related work shall only be carried out on half the width of the road at one time, the other half
being left available for traffic. In this case the necessary traffic warning signs on selfsupporting tripods or cones shall be provided well ahead of the duct crossing work and all
care and attention exercised to avoid risk of traffic accidents during preparation and
execution of the work.

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QCS 2010

Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 7

All trenches and other excavation shall be maintained in a dry condition and the Contractor
shall arrange a suitable dewatering system for any dewatering involved, in agreement with
the Engineer, to keep the working place clean and dry.

The sides of pits and trenches shall be vertical and adequately supported at all times.
Excavations may if considered necessary be battered with a safe slope, but only with the
Engineer's written permission.

Where ducts are laid under any area of the road construction, the bottom of the excavation
shall be completed to a density of 95 % of the maximum dry density, as determined by BS
1377 Test 13 or as otherwise approved by the Engineer.

Excavated material shall, if found unsuitable as defined in Part 3 of this Section, be disposed
of to an approved tip and replaced with suitable material. All surplus suitable excavated
material shall be used in road construction or disposed of in an approved manner.

Where split ducts are required for existing services crossing the Works, hand excavation
shall be carefully undertaken until the position of the service to be protected is fully exposed.


Bedding and Laying of Ducts

As soon as possible after trench excavation, ducts of the required diameter shall be laid and
jointed as designated and in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Ducts shall be laid to the designated lines and levels with the required depth of cover. Where
the designated minimum cover cannot be achieved, or as otherwise directed by the
Engineer, they shall be bedded and surrounded with 150 mm of grade 20 concrete.

Unless surrounded in concrete, ducts shall be bedded on a 150 mm thick layer of well
graded sand of maximum particle size 5mm and fully surrounded with sand to a depth of
150 mm above the duct barrel, well packed and tamped. Filling with suitable material
above this level shall be free from large stones. For multiple ducts, the spaces between
ducts are to be filled with compacted sand and the ducts surrounded to a depth of l50 mm
above the uppermost layer. Trench backfill shall be compacted to the designated

Ducts shall be cut by the Contractor as necessary only at right angles to their length using a
saw in a simple cutting guide. The inside cut edges Shall be thoroughly rounded off or
dressed before installation to prevent damage to cables drawn through the ducts.

In kerbed areas of new roadway duct markers shall be used. Duct marker shall be of
concrete construction, in-situ or precast depending on the location, as per the designated
details complete with approved abbreviation cast thereon. The finished product shall be solid
in appearance, free of segregation, honeycombing broken edges and other defects.




Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation, Electricity Networks Affairs, QGEWC

All of the works associated with electricity supply shall be carried out in accordance with the
latest specifications for materials, excavation and backfill, cable laying and jointing, as
issued by the QGEWC (ENA). Contractors are deemed to be in possession of the latest
QGEWC (ENA) specifications.

All QGEWC (ENA) MV, HV and EHV works shall be carried out by a Contractor or
subcontractor prequalified and approved by the QGEWC (ENA). Proof of such approval shall
be required in writing before the start of Works on the Site, and the name of any

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Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 8

subcontractor to be used shall be as designated. All cable jointers to be used on the

Contract shall be required to undertake and pass a trade test conducted by QGEWC (ENA).
The Contractor shall comply with all requirements of the Police Department for marking,
lighting and protecting excavation. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to ascertain the
requirements of the Police Department and to comply fully with these requirements.

Where carriageway works and road crossings are performed the Contractor shall provide
steel plates of sufficient size and quality to permit the safe passage of traffic and the plates
shall be so placed (and if necessary fixed) to permit reasonable traffic flow.

All doorways, gates and entrances shall be kept clear with full access. Where excavations
impede pedestrian access crossing boards shall be provided. Crossing boards shall be 1250
mm wide with a handrail on both sides 1 m in height and guard-rails on both sides at
vehicular and pedestrian access to premises. Ducts will not be installed at entrances to
premises except on the express instruction of the Engineer.

Materials excavated shall be placed so as to prevent nuisance or damage. Where this is not
possible, the material shall be removed from site and returned for backfilling on completion
of cable laying. In cases where the excavated material is not to be used for backfilling
trenches it must be removed from site on the same day as it is excavated.

QGEWC (ENA) will require to carry out inspections at the following stages:

Completion of excavations.
Completion of bedding of trench before cable installation.
Cable installation.
Completion of surround over cables and installation of cable tiles.
Upon completion of reinstatement.

The Contractor must not progress from one stage to the next of the above without the
approval of QGEWC (ENA) and the Engineer. The Contractor shall be responsible for
arranging inspections by QGEWC (ENA) to suit his programme of works.

Where materials are to be supplied by the Contractor, the requirements described in the
following paragraphs shall apply.


Materials shall be ordered in accordance with the specifications issued by QGEWC (ENA).


For works involving the use of high voltage overhead cables Contractors shall comply with
the requirements of QGEWC circular no 6.


Specifications and the details of the proposed supplier shall be submitted to QGEWC (ENA)
for approval before a firm order being placed.


On delivery of materials to Qatar, QGEWC (ENA) inspectors shall be given the opportunity
to inspect the materials before their use.


The Contractor shall supply all cables and jointing materials for the works unless expressed
stated to the contrary in the contract documentation. Cleaning materials, protection tiles,
warning tape, and other materials shall be supplied by the Contractor.


The Contractor is responsible for all liaison with QGEWC (ENA) in respect of programming
the installation and commissioning of the complete electrical system. He shall ensure that
QGEWC (ENA) are at all times kept informed of the current progress of the civil works on the
Site and that his approved electricity supply subcontractor programs the cable laying works
in the designated sequence in accordance with the approved programme.


The Contractor shall provide and install concrete cable tiles over all 66 kV cables. The cable
tiles shall be of the designated size and form. Samples must be provided for approval by

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Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 9

QGEWC (ENA) and the Engineer, and satisfy a test of impact strength in accordance with
BS 2484.
For cables of 132KV and above the measures for protection of the cable shall be as per the
requirements of QGEWC.


Cable tiles shall be installed over all 11,000 volt cables. Cable tiles shall be manufactured
from recycled polyethylene or similar with a minimum thickness of 12 mm, length 1 m,
width (minimum) 24 mm, tensile strength 8.40 N/mm2 as per BS 2782, Method 320 C.


The tiles shall be marked as designated. The cable tiles must be supplied complete with any
pins, pegs or other devices for jointing tiles together. Samples must be supplied to QGEWC
(ENA) and the Engineer for approval before use.


The Contractor shall liaise directly with QGEWC (ENA) regarding the removal of existing
cables and shall not, under any circumstance, commence removal of cables until QGEWC
(ENA) have verified such apparatus as being redundant.


Removal of cable shall only be carried out in the presence of a QGEWC (ENA) engineer.


The Contractor shall arrange uplift of empty cable drums from QGEWC (ENA) Stores and
shall return all recovered cables neatly coiled on the drums provided.


Ducts are to be supplied by the Contractor. They shall be of high impact resistant PVC of
internal diameter 150 mm or 100 mm as designated, minimum wall thickness 3.6 mm (for
150 mm) or 2.4 mm (for 100 mm). Samples must be provided for approval by the
Engineer before use.


Qatar General Electricity and Water Corporation, Water Networks Affairs, QGEWC

All of the works associated with water supply shall be carried out in accordance with the
latest General Specifications for Main Laying Contracts and Main Laying Materials, as
issued by the QGEWC (WNA) except as modified in this Part. Contractors are deemed to be
in possession of the latest specifications.

All QGEWC (WNA) Works shall be carried out by a Contractor or subcontractor prequalified
and approved by the QGEWC (WNA). Proof of such approval shall be required in writing
before the start of Works on the Site and the name of any subcontractor to be used shall be
as designated.

The supply of the materials required to carry out the Works shall be as designated in the
contract documents. The Contractor will be responsible for the conveyance of all materials to
the site of the works.


Qatar Telecom (Q-TEL)

All Q-TEL works shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the QTEL Standard
Specifications QTEL WRK 4001 Underground Duct Laying And Associated Works.
Contractors are deemed to be in possession of the latest version of the specifications.

All Q-TEL works shall be carried out by a Contractor or subcontractor approved by Q-TEL.
Proof of such approval shall be required in writing before the start of Works on the Site and
the name of any subcontractor to be used shall be as designated.

Q-TEL will supply as 'free issue" all ducts for Road Crossings projects only. Other projects
will be charged for the ducts. All other materials required for any type of project shall be
supplied by the Contractor.

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Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 10

Trenches for Q-TEL ducts through rock fill shall be lined with geotextile, complying with the
requirements of Part 16, Geosynthetics.

The QTEL specification S. 006 shall be modified as described in the following paragraphs.

The Supervising Officer shall mean the Civil/Cable Engineer from QTEL, for the purpose of
superintending the work, or, where the context permits, the representative of such officers.

The concrete quality classes specified in Clause 202 of the QTEL specifications shall be of
the comparable classes in Section 5 as designated by the Engineer.

Clause 105 of Q-TEL Standard Specifications Q-TEL WRK 4001 Underground Duct Laying
And Associated Works should be read as:
Backfill materials means earth free from stone or loose earth, compacted in
two equal layers above the protection dune sand, and shall not leave voids to
form a water course.

105 (b)

Sand bed and surround means dune sand, 75 mm below, above and around
the duct.

The Contractor shall consult Q-TEL not less than one month before it is proposed to
commence work to ascertain whether any underground installations will be affected by the
proposed works, in which event the Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with
Q-TEL to safeguard the installations.


The Contractor shall give at least one week's notice in writing to Q-TEL of the dates upon
which it is intended to operate plant or equipment or carry out any work for which permission
has been given in writing by Q-TEL. Such operations of work shall only be carried out in the
presence at Q-TEL unless notice shall be obtained in writing from Q-TEL that they do not
require to be present.


Q-TEL may require work to be executed on their installations during the period of the
Contract. The Contractor shall allow access to Q-TEL's Contractor or workmen until their
diversion work is complete. The Contractor shall co-ordinate the work of Q-TEL and his own
activities and when necessary shall amend his programme of working to suit all
requirements of Q-TEL in connection with their diversion work and shall keep the Engineer
informed in writing of all arrangements made.


The Contractor shall locate and mark with suitable posts all Q-TEL underground installations
that are within the area of the Works and shall ensure that such markers are maintained in
their correct positions at all times. The Contractor shall advise Q-TELs agent of any
installation not found where designated, or found but not shown or found damaged or
subsequently damaged.


Qatar Petroleum (QP) and Qatar Gas

All of the works associated with Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Gas shall be carried out in
accordance with their latest specifications except as modified in this Part. Contractors are
deemed to be in possession of the latest specifications. Before beginning any work the
Contractor shall approach Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Gas and obtain a copy of their latest
specification relating to the Works.

All Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Gas Works shall be carried out by a Contractor or
subcontractor prequalified and approved by Qatar Petroleum and Qatar Gas. Proof of such
approval shall be required in writing before the start of Works on the Site and the name of
any subcontractor to be used shall be as designated.

When working near existing QP Gas/Oil facilities the following conditions shall be adhered
to. All notices to be given to the Contractor shall be in writing and delivered by hand.

QCS 2010


105 (a)

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Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 11

A permit to work must be obtained for all work within fifteen (15) meters distance from all
boundaries of existing facilities. These permits can be obtained from QP and twenty four (24)
hours notice should be given to prevent delays.

Mechanical or hydraulic rock breakers shall not be used adjacent to gas, oil or NGL

Should jackhammers be required within two (2) meters of any buried pipelines and between
any pipelines running in the same easement all round pipe protection must be provided
before commencement

Pilot holes to locate existing lines shall be dug by hand tools only, before allowing
mechanical equipment to operate within five (5) meters of a QP live gas, oil or NGL

Prior to exposure of any live pipeline the Contractor shall erect a suitable and substantial
barrier to prevent any damage to QP pipelines. This is particularly important where there are
heavy vehicles in the vicinity and the possibility that removal of the bond for trenching
operations opens up an illegal vehicle crossing.

When backfilling an exposed section of pipeline, naturally occurring soft dune sand shall be
used and the pipeline shall be covered and re-bedded all round with 150 mm minimum of
sand. The remaining height of the bund will be made up of selected desert fill with particle
size not exceeding 150mm from organic material. QP engineer shall witness the backfill
work, particularly the soft sand bedding operations.


When trenching between pipelines in the same easement, vehicle access between the
pipelines must be maintained.


The maximum length of exposed unsupported pipeline must not exceed seven (7) meters.
When it exceeds five (5) meters, a central substantial wooden support shall be installed
within a minimum 10 mm thick rubber shoe contacting the pipe.


When the bund is removed from any existing line its buried route shall be clearly indicated by
pegs and warnings.


Any damage to the pipe external protecting wrapping caused by the Contractor will be
repaired in strict accordance with QP procedures at the Contractors cost.


Provision of a permit-to-work by QP does not release the Contractor from obligation of

obtaining relevant permits to expose or work near utilities/facilities not under QP area of
responsibility. Examples QGEWC, Q-TEL etc.


PWA, Storm water and Groundwater

This subclause of the specification covers; stormwater and groundwater drainage, foul water
drainage and treated sewage effluent systems.

All of the material submission, inspection & testing, preparation of record sheets, preparation
of record drawings for works associated with PWA shall be carried out in accordance with
the requirements of this part of the specification.

Where it is necessary to make a connection to an existing water service this shall be in

accordance with Part 14 of this Section.

Works shall be in accordance with the latest PWA standard details except as modified in this
Part. Contractors are deemed to be in possession of the latest standard details. Before
beginning any work, the Contractor shall approach PWA and obtain a copy of their latest
specification & standard details relating to the Works.

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Section 6

Part 11

Works in Relation to Services

Page 12

All work shall be carried out by a contractor or subcontractor prequalified and approved by
PWA. Proof of such approval shall be required in writing before the start of Works on the
Site and the name of any subcontractor to be used shall be as designated.


QCS 2010

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