Part 3 H Technical Specifications - Revised 1
Part 3 H Technical Specifications - Revised 1
Part 3 H Technical Specifications - Revised 1
The Contractor shall provide on-site the following vehicles not later than 7 days after the Employer's
Representative's order to commence the Works, for the exclusive use of the Employer's Representative's
• Six (6) new air-conditioned, automatic, four door, hard-top, high clearance SUV type vehicles with
petrol engine size not less than 1600cc, to the approval of the Employer's Representative.
The vehicles shall be registered in the Contractor's name and shall remain the property of the Contractor
until transferred to the Employer, during which time they shall remain within the custody of the
Employer's Representative. The vehicles shall be licenced, comprehensively insured, fuelled, cleaned,
repaired, serviced and maintained by the Contractor until transferred to the Employer. The Contractor
shall provide equivalent substitute vehicles during any period when the specified vehicles are not
available for provision to the Employer's Representative or when they are taken out of service for
maintenance or repair.
Within two months after the entire Works have been taken over by the Employer pursuant to Clause IO
of the General Conditions the Employer shall indicate to the Contractor the date when ownership of the
vehicles for the Employer's Representative shall be transferred to the Employer by the Contractor at no
extra cost to the Employer.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain electricity, water supply, air, telephone, sewage disposal and
other services required for the Contract, and remove as required on completion.
The Contractor shall provide and maintain temporary toilets, wash facilities and drinking water fixtures
at the Site and shall comply with regulations and health codes for the type, number, location, operation
and maintenance of fixtures. Facilities shall be provided with soap, toilet tissue, paper towels, paper cups
and similar disposable materials.
Toilets shall be single occupant water flushing or self-contained single-occupant toilet units of the
chemical, or aerated recirculation type, properly vented and fully enclosed with a glass fibre reinforced
polyester shell or similar non-absorbent material. Use of pit-type toilets will not be permitted.
When work is being performed outside of the Site, clean water shall be provided in sanitary covered
containers designed for the storage and dispensing of drinking water.
The Contractor shall install and maintain at a central location wash facilities supplied with potable water
at convenient locations for personnel involved in handling materials that require wash-up. Cleaning
compounds shall be supplied.
The Contractor shall provide and pay for all fuel, lubricants, gas and other consumable stores required for
his construction equipment and transport and for the execution of the Works.
No responsibility will be assumed by the Employer's Representative for the correctness or completeness
of the Drawings with respect to existing utilities and services whether underground, overhead, or on the
surface. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to contact the appropriate authorities or utility
companies for further information with respect to the exact location of utilities and services and to take
such other precautions as are necessary to safeguard the utilities. The Employer's Representative shall
make its best efforts to assist the Contractor to obtain such information.
Water lines, telephone lines, electricity lines, cable television lines, manhole covers, service connections,
meter boxes, hydrants and valve boxes, light standards, cableways, and all other utility appurtenances
within the limits of the proposed construction which are to be relocated or adjusted are to be moved by
the relevant Utility Company or its agent, unless otherwise provided in the Contract. The Contractor
shall be entitled to enter into separate contractual arrangements with the utility companies regarding any
works which the companies may wish to have done on their behalf by the Contractor. All such works
shall meet the requirements of the relevant specifications of this Contract.
It is understood and agreed that the Contractor has considered in his Tender all of the permanent and
temporary utility appurtenances in the present or relocated positions and that no additional compensation
will be allowed for any delays, inconvenience, or damage sustained by him due to any interference from
the said utility appurtenances or the operations of moving them.
The Contractor shall cooperate with the owners of any underground or overhead utility lines in their
removal and rearrangement operations in order that these operations may progress in a reasonable
manner, that duplication of rearrangement work may be reduced to a minimum, and that services
rendered by those parties will not be unnecessarily interrupted.
In the event of interruption to any utility services as a result of accidental breakage or as a result of being
exposed or unsupported, the Contractor shall promptly notify the proper authority and shall cooperate
with the said authority in the restoration of service. If a utility service is interrupted cooperation will be
required until the service is restored.
Any damage to underground utilities not shown on the plans or identified to the Contractor by the
relevant utility companies when requested so to do by the Contractor and due to unforeseeable causes
beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, shall be repaired by the proper
authority with the full cooperation of the Contractor.
Should it become necessary for the proper execution of the work to remove or divert utilities, the
Contractor shall obtain permission from the competent authority or owner and carry out the work.
The Contractor may request the owner of the utility to undertake work in situations where the Contractor
does not possess the technical ability to undertake the work.
In either situation, the cost of the work will be to the Employer's account.
Unless directed otherwise the cost of permanent relocation of utilities shall be paid to the
utility companies by the Employer.
Where utility development works are being carried out concurrent with the Contract, such new
installations under or adjacent to the roadway shall be strictly in accordance with procedures to be agreed
between the Employer and the utility company pertaining to such development works. The Contractor
may be engaged directly and paid directly by the utility company to carry out all of the approved works
or parts thereof. In any event all works impacting on the roadway shall be executed to the satisfaction of
the Employer's Representative and in accordance with the relevant sections of these Specifications. All
backfill above the utilities shall be carried out and tested by the Contractor, under the supervision of the
Employer's Representative, to ensure proper quality standards are attained.
The stipulations of Clause 1.403 - Existing Services shall be equally applicable for new utility
services/development works.
B 1323-COMPLANT Scotland District Road Rehabilitation Project
Bidding Documents
Works Requirements Technical Specifications: General Sl/16
• Employer 2 oeto
• Employer's Representative - 1 set
The necessary flash drive and drawings shall be completed and supplied to the Employer's
Failure to submit an acceptable as built record shall entitle the Employer's Representative to have the
record satisfactorily completed by others, if practicable, at the cost of the Contractor. Should such
completion by others not be practicable by virtue of withheld, lost, incomplete or inaccurate information
on the part of the Contractor the Employer's Representative shall be entitled to withhold the second half
of the retention monies until such time as the Contractor satisfies his obligations regarding as built
In areas involving construction of new road base, stakes to establish lines and grades for subgrade, base,
kerb and related items shall be set at intervals along the line of the work no greater than 15 metres on
tangents and 8 metres on curves. Adequate grade stakes shall also be set at locations to facilitate
checking of subgrade, base and pavement elevations in intersections and irregularly shaped areas.
Whenever any section of roadway is inacceptable condition for travel, the Employer's Representative
may direct that it be opened to traffic, and such opening shall not be held to be in any way an acceptance
of roadway, or any part thereof, or as a waiver of any of the provisions of the contract. Necessary repairs
or renewals, made on any section of the roadway thus opened to traffic under instructions from the
Employer's Representative, due to defective material or work, or to any cause other than ordinary wear
and tear, pending completion and acceptance of the roadway, or other work, shall be done by the
Contractor, without additional compensation.
Maintenance of traffic shall consist of maintaining traffic within the limits of the project for the duration
of the construction period, including any temporary suspensions of the work. It shall include the
construction and maintenance of any necessary detour construction and maintenance of any necessary
facilities for access to residences, businesses, etc., along the project; the furnishing, installing and
maintaining of traffic control and safety devices such as portable traffic lights during construction; the
control of dust, and any other special requirements for safe and expeditious movement of traffic as may
be called for on the plans. The term, Maintenance of Traffic, shall include for the use of flag personnel,
adequate public relations and all of such facilities, devices and operations as are required for the safety
and convenience of the public as well as for minimising public nuisance.
In general, the Contractor will not be required to maintain traffic over those portions of the project where
no work is to be accomplished or where construction operations will not affect existing roads. The
Contractor, however, shall not obstruct nor create a hazard to any traffic during the execution of the work
and shall be responsible for repair of any damage to existing pavement or facilities caused by his
BS 443 Testing zine coatings on steel wire and for quality requirements.
ASTMD1682 Test methods for breaking load and elongation of textile fabrics.
The Contractor shall prepare the formation for pitching and gabions by trimming the excavation
accurately to the specified dimensions. When over-excavation occurs it shall be backfilled with
compacted gravel backing to the approval of the Employer's Representative at the expense of the
Contractor. Where filter cloth is to be laid on the formation, all sharp projections caused by rocks, roots,
etc. shall be removed and the voids so formed shall be filled with compacted sand. The surface of the
formation shall be smooth and even.
Gravel backing and filter shall consist of approved clean, hard natural gravel or broken stone well graded
from 50mm to 10mm and shall be laid to the thickness specified to give an even surface parallel to the
face of the bank protection. Gravel backing shall be laid under gabions as specified.
Stone used for gabions and gabion mattresses shall be clean, natural, hard and durable with a minimum
density of 2.008 kg/m3 . Stone shall be well graded within the following limits:
The fabric shall be triple-twisted hexagonal woven steel wire mesh complying with BS 1052. The wire
shall be galvanised before weaving as specified in BS 443. Galvanised steel wire shall further be coated
with poly-viny chloride(PVC). The PVC coating shall not deteriorate on exposure to ultra-violet light
and shall be resistance to abrasion which shall be at least 50% greater than that of vulcanised rubber
compound according toDIN 53516. The minimum thickness of the PVC coating shall be 0.55mm.
This section of the Specification covers works in the category of Water Supply, Foul Drainage and
Surface Water Drainage including gullies, manholes and pipes external to buildings and also dry conduits
for utilities. Concrete kerb and gutter and concrete drains are covered in the Concrete section of this
3.102 General
Water Supply shall be in accordance with BSCP310. Foul and Surface water drainage shall be in
accordance with BS 8005 Sewerage and BS 5572 Sanitary Pipework. Excavation shall be as described
under the Earthworks section of this Specification.
Unless otherwise stated all underground non-flexible pipes shall have flexible joints.
The Contractor shall construct trenches and protect trench walls to prevent injury to workers. All
excavations of depth greater than 1.2 m shall be shored.
Concrete and Mortar shall comply with the Concrete section of the Specification. Cement shall be
Ordinary Portland to BS 12 unless otherwise required by the Contract. Minimum cement content shall
be in accordance with Table 4.2 of the Concrete section of this Specification.
· Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride pipes and specials shall comply with the requirements of BS 4514 for
use in water supply.
Unplasticised polyvinyl chloride pipes and specials shall comply with the requirements of BS 4660,
"Unplasticised PVC underground drainpipe and fittings" or BS 5481 "Specification for unplasticised
PVC pipe and fittings for gravity sewers for use in foul drainage and surface water drainage".
Joints and fittings for use with uPVC pipes shall comply with the requirements of BS 5955 for solvent
welded and mechanical joints.
Corrugated Polyethylene (HOPE) pipe 305 to 915 mm dia shall be ASHTO Designation M294-94.
Corrugated Polyethylene (HOPE) pipe 1050 to 1200 mm dia shall be ASHTO Designation MP6-95.
Corrugated Polyethylene pipe shall comply with the requirements of the following ASTM Standards as
applicable D618, D883, D1693, D2122, D2412, D2444, D3350 and F412 and AASHTO standard
Specification for Highway Bridges.
Corrugated Polyethylene pipe shall be Type S Classification of full circular cross section with an outer
annular corrugated pipe wall and a smooth inner liner in 6m lengths with couplings.