Grant Procedure

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Visvesvaraya Technological University

Jnana Sangama

Belgaum - 590 018, Karnataka State

1. Introduction

2. Purpose of the Award

3. Application for the grants
4. Procedure for sanction and operation of grants
5. Procedure for Recruitment of staff for Projects
6. Procedure for release of grant
7. Monitoring and annual progress reports
8. Closure Report
9. Norms for transfer of technology
10. Termination/ transfer of grants
11. Procedure for release of foreign exchange
12. Procedure for TA/DA claims for attending meetings etc.
Annexure - I: Application form for Projects


1.1 The Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum (VTU) has instituted a
"Research Grants Scheme" to harness and nurture the research talents available in its
Affiliated Institutions in the State. The scheme will also assist in creation of facilities at
their location for the promotion of research useful for the Society. Under this scheme,
grants are offered for research in basic sciences and engineering. Rules along with proforma for applying for grants under this scheme are given as under.


2.1 Projects of relevance to Science and Technologies would be supported to promote
research culture among the faculty. This appraisal should be in narrative form and
comprehensive enough to enable the scrutiny of the proposal to be made and the need for
setting up of facility appreciated. No Salary/personal payment will be made to members
of regular staff of Institutions involved with any of the research Projects supported by
under this scheme.
2.2 The grant shall be utilized for:
(i) Meeting salary of research and laboratory staff specially recruited for the
Project/facility on temporary/contract terms on a consolidated basis.
(ii) Procuring special equipment, consumables etc. or for obtaining special
services not normally provided by the institution such as calibration and
testing of equipments and subsystems, fabrication of components etc.
required for the project.
(iii) Meeting the cost of setting up of basic facilities for research.
(iv) Covering contingency expenses viz. postage, stationary, typing, printing,
expenses on part-time/ full time typists/data entry operator on computers for
the work related to the Project, if required.
(v) Meeting travel expenses in India for Project related activities; deputation
abroad in connection with presentation of papers in International Symposia
on Project related work.
(vi) Publishing research work in the form of a technical report for dissemination.


3.1 The application by the concerned Institution for the grant shall be addressed to the
Registrar, VTU and shall have the following:
(i) 10 copies of the application in the prescribed pro-forma (Annexure-I)
(ii) Certificate to the effect that basic necessary facilities and necessary
competence as evidence of the existence of staff with the relevant technical
background for the work are available
(iii) Declaration as to whether the work will be carried out at their Institution or
will be shared by more than one Institution. In such a case the Institute
applying for the grant shall act as Principal Investigator and other work
centers as Co-Investigators. Monitoring and timely completion of the task

with the Co-Investigators shall be the sole responsibility of the Principal

3.2. The responsibility to ascertain the capability of undertaking the Project work/task
will rest with the appropriate specialist panel.


Procedure for sanction of grants for undertaking Projects shall be governed by the
following rules:
4.1 Research and Development Projects of interest to societal needs and other
fundamental science/engineering fields formulated by the Institutions originate as
Proposals submitted by the Institutions.
4.2 All proposals will be referred to the Specialist Research Board of VTU.
4.3 This VTU Research Grants Scheme shall also involve participation in terms of a
funding from the grantee Institution. Based on the recommendations of the Research
Panels the sanction of Projects/schemes will be cleared on a case to case basis.
4.4 On sanction of the grant to an Institution, the Head of the Institution would be the
financial controlling authority for operating the grant. The Project would be deemed to
have become operative with effect from the date on which the Institution receives the
grant cheque/DD.
4.5 Re-appropriation of funds within the amount sanctioned, if required, may be
approved by the sanctioning authority on request.
4.6 Continuation of the Project/scheme beyond the original sanctioned period will be
permitted only under special circumstances. Any revision or any subsequent revisions
will have to be referred to the Vice Chancellor, VTU, for which sufficient advance action
will have to be taken by the coordinator(s) of Research Panel(s).
4.7 Projects/Schemes will be sanctioned for the entire projected period along with the
total funds outlay with the year-wise breakdown of cash outgo. The grant, shall, however,
be payable yearly. The Grantee will be responsible for the administration of the scheme
and maintenance of separate accounts etc. The grant shall be exclusively utilized for the
purpose for which it is sanctioned. Funds for subsequent years will be released on
satisfactory progress based on the recommendations of the Review Committee and on the
submission of
(a) Annual progress report
(b) Statement of accounts certified by the competent authority of the Institution.
4.8 All accounts maintained by the Institute related to the Project/scheme will be subject
to audit by their respective auditors. On completion / termination of the Project, accounts
for the entire Project / scheme duly audited by the auditors shall be submitted to the
Registrar, VTU, along with the unspent balance, if any, from the sanctioned funds in the
form of DD in favor of the Finance Officer, VTU payable at Belgaum.

4.9 During the progress of the Projects, the Institute concerned will provide all facilities
to the Experts of the VTU / Members of the concerned Research Panel for visiting the
Institute for ensuring timely achievements of the objectives of the Projects / schemes.
4.10 Evaluation of the products/ processes developed under Research Grants
Projects/schemes will be carried out by the Review Committee or Monitors appointed by
VTU. The TA / DA of the Monitor could also be paid out of the TA/DA budget of the
Project/scheme as per the University norms.
4.11 Projects/schemes will be sanctioned only to Affiliated Institutions where basic
infrastructure in the form of equipment/personnel for the work exists. A grant for special
equipment/stores will be made only if
(a) The said equipment/stores are exclusively required for the Project in hand and
(b) The Institution concerned will not normally utilize them for their departmental work.
4.12 Purchase of components/equipment involving foreign exchange will be permitted
only in very special cases. The necessity for such equipment should be clearly indicated
while submitting the proposal. The cost of maintenance of these equipments would be
met by Project fund till the completion of the Project. Thereafter, it would be the
responsibility of the grantee Institution to which the equipment is transferred.
4.13 Alternatively, arrangements for use of such specialized equipment available in
various R&D establishments to the extent possible may be made for smooth and
expeditious execution of the Project.
4.14 The responsibility for careful custody and maintenance of the equipment purchased
out of the grant will be that of the concerned Institution. Equipment shall be purchased
following the Stores and Purchase procedures of the institution. Proper stock of accounts
should be maintained for the equipment purchased. The equipment should be stamped
VTU Project No. ..... All equipments purchased should be serially numbered. All
inventory of equipment purchased out of the grant should be sent to the Registrar, VTU,
in the prescribed form along with the periodical reports in 10 copies. The inventory
should give the description of the equipment (whether expendable or non-expendable), its
cost in rupees, date of purchase and the name of the supplier. The stock registers
maintained by the Institutions for the purpose should be shown to the auditors for
applying the necessary check with reference to the grant received. The auditors should be
requested to issue a certificate that necessary check has been made and the inventory has
been found to be in order. The inventory and the requisite certificate from the auditor
should be furnished along with the audited accounts. The equipment / surplus stores will
be the property of the University who will be responsible for its future transfer or
disposal after the culmination of the Project. The Board at the written request of the
grantee Institution may agree to out-right transfer of some or all equipment of VTU
inventory to the Institution concerned based on the recommendations of the concerned
Research Panel. The Vice Chancellor, VTU on behalf of the Board, may agree to such
out-right transfers up to a ceiling of Rs. 10 lakhs. The Executive Council of VTU may
approve transfer of equipment beyond this amount.

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