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Barlow Hall Primary

School Newsletter
School website:

Week Ending
Dates for your Diary

How the time is flying by! Thanks for your support with the numerous events that have been happening in school,
it has been lovely to see so many parents in school, especially at Wednesday nights Parents Evening. Please could
we remind KS1 parents to stand back from the school building and not to stand between the main building and art
room at 3.00. This will allow all classes to come out safely to their home time posts and avoid children being lost
amongst the crowd thereby ensuring their safety.

Tues 2 Mad Science assembly
Wed 3 KS1 trip to MOSI
Thu 4th 6AB Class Assembly
MCFC Football Tournament

Jayne Kennedy.

Tues 9 KS1 Performance 9:15

Wed 10 Nursery Performance

Parents Evening
Thank you to all of those parents who attended this weeks parents
evening . Apologies once again to those parents with appointments
to see Mrs Matthews who was unable to attend parents evening due
to illness. Mrs Matthews will send out details of rearranged
appointments as soon as she can. If you were unable to attend Parents Evening tonight for any reason please see your childs class
teacher to make an appointment to see them.
Book Fair
Thank you for the brilliant support our Book Fair received this week.
We sold over 400 worth of books which has enabled us to buy
some great new books, chosen by the children for their classes from
our commission
Dyslexia Friendly School

For the week ending
Unauthorised Absence:
Number of Late Children

As part of our work towards becoming a dyslexia friendly

school we will be planning a coffee morning for all parents
whose children who have a dyslexic profile. The Parent
Steering group met this week decided to invite all parents
into school in January 2015 to discuss dyslexia friendly
practice at the school and the support offered. Our
specialist dyslexia teacher will be invited to this event to
talk to use about dyslexia and strategies we can use at
home and school to help our children. For more
Information on dyslexia visit the British Dyslexia
Association's website at

Class Attendance
last year
Nsy: Blue: 88.9%
Red: 91.3%
Yellow: 92.7%
Rec Or:95.0%FS WIN **
Purple: 90.0%
1/2BF: 96.2%
1/2EH: 94.8%
1/2SB: 99.0% KS1 WIN**

Christmas Dinner
Please remember to complete the Christmas dinner letter by
Wednesday 2nd December if your child normally has a packed lunch
but would like to have a school Christmas Dinner on Wednesday
17th December
School Calendar
Unfortunately the school calendar was not attached to the
attendance letters given out at Parents Evening so we have put it on
the back of todays newsletter for you. We apologise for any
confusion. This may have caused

3/4ADS:100% KS2WIN **
3/4EL: 97.9%
3/4PS: 96.4%
5AV: 99.6%
6AB: 98.9%
6SP: 96.7%

Thu 11 Reception Performance

Fri 12 Y3/4 Performance 9:15
Mon 15 Attendance Assembly
Y5/6 Performance 1:30
Tues16 ChoirBridgewater Hall
Wed 17 Christmas dinner
Thur 18 Party Day
Fri 19:1pm Carols by Candlelight
Break up2PM (NO ASC)
Mon 5thINSET DAY - School
Closed to children
Tues 6th -School reopens 8:55am
Thu 29 3/4ADS Class Assembly
5th Feb

- SB Class Assembly

Fri 13 FebBreak up
Mon 23 FebReturn to school
26th Feb Y5 AV Class Assembly
5th Mar - EL Class Assembly
26th Mar - BF Class Assembly

7th May- RecOrClassAssembly

3-4pm Y1/2 Art Club, Mrs Law
3-4pm KS2 Gardening Club
3-4KS2 Zumba 3-4

Celebration Assembly takes place from 9:10 am on Mondays. Parents

are welcome to attend award.

3:054:05Y3/4 Computer club

3:05-4:30 Rec-Y6 Dodgeball 2
Homework Club 3 - 4


Blue: Not in assembly

Garageband - KS2 3 4 pm

NSY Red: Not in assembly

Yellow: Not in assembly

REC Or: Keilan Towie

Purple: Leo Straine-Francis

1/2 BF: Matthew Nicholls

3/4EL: Marco Rodriguez Figueroa

1/2 EH: Misha Rhodes

3/4ADS: Caitlin Bentley

6AB: Samantha Wilson

3:05-4:05 Y5/6 Computer Club

1/2 SB: Kiaza Tompkins

3/4PS:Mirza Usman

6SP: Walid Hakami

3:05 -4:15 Netball KS2 2

Football (TSC) Cost 2 R-Y6

5AV: Jack Holt


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