Newsletter 26-4-13

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Barlow Hall Primary School Newsletter

School website:

Thanks for a great start to our term and I hope everyone has had a good holiday. We have managed to fit in quite a few school improvements to the building over the holidays including a new carpet in the nursery, new flooring in the corridors, and new classroom panels as well as redecoration to the entrance and staffroom. Look out for further information during on forthcoming re-furbishing of some of the classrooms over the next few weeks. I will not be in school next week, as I will be having a simple heart procedure (linked to my previous absence) and I look forward to seeing everyone the following week. Jayne Kennedy

Week Ending 19th April 2013

Dates for your Diary
April Mon 22 Y3/4 trip to Chester Roman Experience Tues 23 9:10 amY1/2 KS1 Phonics Coffee morning Tues 239:15 am PTA meeting Wed 24 Parents Evening: Nsy Th 25St Christophers School Stockport visiting Y5 Th 25 Parents Evening Rec-Y6 Fri 26 1:15 to 2:45 Network choir rehearsal Oswald Rd Tues 30 Apr 12:302:45 PPA Group to Chill Factore MAY Wed 1 - Art Day-Structures Mon 6: School ClosedBank Holiday Wed 8thEYFS Trip Bolton Animal Farm Mon 13 Year Y6 SATs Week Thur 23 - Super Thinking Day Fri 24:Break up Half term 3pm JUNE Mon 3 Return to School 8:55am Fri 7 Network Choir Concert Whitworth Art Gallery/ St Annes Church Manchester Museum/St Mon 10 Assessment Week Mon 17 Athletics Y3/4 Chorlton High (collect 4:45 Chorlton High) JULY Th 4 Sports Day KS1 9:30 am KS2/Nursery/Rec 1:30 pm Th 7 Reserve Sports Day

Welcome back to Barlow Hall at the start of our Summer term. Thank you to all those parents who supported our History Day Event in school yesterday and special thanks to the Grandparents who came into to help Reception Class to find out more about what life was like when they were younger. We hope everyone enjoyed the event and the children certainly did. Please can we remind all families to bring in PE kits for your child(ren) as PE lessons will be restarting this week. This needs to include a suitable pair of trainers or pumps as not all children are bringing these in to school for lessons. This will help to ensure that your child stays safe during lessons and can participate well. Year 5 are looking forward to taking part in several projects during the Summer term. We are looking forward to a visit from St Christophers school in Stockport next week when the children from our Linked School get to see what life is like at Barlow Hall. Year 5 are also taking part in a special project with Manchester City Football Club called Strike a Balance, where a coach from MCFC will work with us for five weeks on both practical sports activities and some work in the class on how to keep healthy. This term Mrs de Silvas class and Miss Sawyers Class will be swimming on Fridays so please could parents of children in those classes ensure that their child brings their swimming kit in each week.

ATTENDANCE AND PUNCTUALITY For the year ending 28th March 2013 Whole School Attendance: 94.6% Unauthorised Absence: 1.0% Number of Late Children 1018 Class Attendance last Term Nsy: Blue: 92.4% Red: 91.4% Yellow: 89.6% Rec Green: 91.5% Or: 95.3% FS WIN Purple: 94.0% 1/2AB: 94.3% 1/2AV: 95.2% WIN KS1 1/2SB: 94.0% 3/4AR: 95.8 3/4KE: 95.6% 3/4LS: 95.0% Year 5: 95.5% Year 6: 96.9 WIN KS2

Mon: 3:00-4:00 Art Club Mrs Law

Celebration Assembly: Monday 9:109:30 am You are welcome to join us for this event. we will text you if your child is to receive a special award. Birthday cards are presented in Celebration Assembly to children having birthdays during the week

3:00 4:00 Gardening ClubMiss Nilan Tues 3:05 4:30 Dodgeball (Y1-6) (Junior Hall) (TSC) 3:054:05 Games ClubMiss Nilan 3:05 4:05 Garageband Wed 3:054:05 Cooking Club Y5/6 3:05 -4:15 Football Club (Y1-Y6) (TSC) Thurs 3:05 -4pm Computer Club


As this week was our first week back in school following the Easter break we held a SEAL (Social & Emotional Aspects of Learning) Assembly for the children, There were no children of the Week Awards in Assembly this week and we but these awards will resume on Monday. Parents will be informed on Friday if there child will receive an award.

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