Z Lesson December 2014

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Monthly Embellishment & Training for

the Sorors of New Jersey

Building on the Principles of Zeta

December 2014
Volume 4 Issue 8

While Blazing New Paths!

Soror Mary B. Wright, International President

Soror Janet Y. Bivins, Esq., Atlantic Regional Director
Soror Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq., New Jersey State Director
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
State of New Jersey
Soror Gina Merritt-Epps, Esq.
New Jersey State Director
325 East Jimmie Leeds Road
Suite 7 PMB 144
Galloway, NJ 08205
(609) 748-1470

Message from the State Director:

orors and Amicae, I hope that you had

a wonderful Thanksgiving! As we prepare for the National Executive Board
meeting, it is appropriate to review the
structure, duties and responsibilities of the
National Executive Board.
Test your
knowledge by taking the quiz below. I
hope that you are able to attend the meeting, which will take place in Houston
from January 9 10. I wish you all a very
healthy, happy and safe holiday season. May God bless you all .
National Executive Board Quiz

1. Name the current and immediate past Chairs of the National Executive Board.
2. Fill in the Blanks: The Executive Board shall be the ________ ________ of the
Sorority during the interim of a Grand Boul.
3. Which of the following person(s) is/are NOT on the National Executive Board:
a. Regional Directors
b. International President
c. All Past International Presidents
d. National Trustees
4. True or False: The Chairman of the NEB and International President are responsible for
presiding at all Executive Board meetings.
5. True or False: The National Executive Board can be authorized by resolution of the Board
to appoint an Executive Committee to act on behalf of the National Executive Board.
6. Which of the following is NOT a duty of the National Executive Board:
a. Approve the sororitys annual budget
b. Employ the Executive Director
c. Remove officers for malfeasance
d. Direct the programmatic thrust of the sorority

Page 2


Parliamentary Corner: Who Is Entitled to be Heard & When?

By Soror Titessa Smith, State Parliamentarian*

Any form of discussion on the merits of a motion is referred to as debate. Generally, you may not make a motion or speak in debate unless you obtain the floor, by being recognized by the chair. (There are the situations
where you may speak without recognition.)
When a motion is pending (during a debate), the sequence of events is as follows:
1. The current speaker ceases his/her debate and yields the floor.
2. Other speakers promptly stand and state "Mr./Ms. Chair"..
3. The chair recognizes the speaker who is entitled to speak next, based on the following general rules.
The first person who stood up AFTER the speaker yielded the floor.
The maker of the motion, if he has not spoken yet.
Whoever has not spoken on this motion, this day.
The person presenting an opposing opinion to the last speaker. The chair must allow the floor
to alternate between opposing views.
If the chair fails to follow these rules, any member may raise a 'Point of Order' or 'Appeal from the
Decision of the Chair.'
When a motion is NOT pending, any of the following sequences apply:
1. Member A has been assigned to make a motion. Member A is entitled to speak next.
2. Member B lays a motion on the table. Member B is entitled to speak next in order to take the motion
from the Table.
3. Member C moved to suspend the Orders of the Day in order to enable a certain motion be made.
Member C is entitled to speak next and make that certain motion.
4. Member D urges the defeat of a motion so as to offer an alternate motion. Member D is entitled to
speak next and make that alternate motion.
5. Member E states he/she wishes to reconsider the vote on a motion. Member E is entitled to speak
* Adapted from Survival Tips on Roberts Rules of Order: www.roberts-rules.com

NEB Quiz Answers

1. Dr. Nell Williams Ingram, elected 2014; Katy Smith Campbell, Esq., 2010 2014
2. supreme authority
3. (c) - only the past three (3) most recent past International Presidents serve on the Board
4. False. There Chairman of the Board presides at the NEB meetings
5. True. The National Executive Board can adopt a resolution to appoint an Executive Committee when deemed
necessary to effectuate the purposes of the Sorority. The Executive Committee is empowered to act in matters
of expediency where the presence of the whole National Executive Board is not obtainable. The committee
shall exercise the powers and functions of the Board as provided in the resolution that created the committee.
The National Executive Committee reports directly to the National Executive Board.
6. (d) The International President is responsible for directing Zetas programs.

Page 3


Page 4


ZETA Youth Corner - contd

Youth Attended STEM Workshop
On Friday, November 7, 2014 Omicron Omicron Zeta Chapter in partnership with the National Coalition of 100 Black Women, Inc., Southern
New Jersey Chapter hosted a Statewide STEM Workshop for high school girls.
The workshop which was held at DeVry University in North Brunswick was
designed to enlighten girls about the emerging careers that are available to they
in the STEM fields (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math).
Girls met students in STEM career, participate in a hands-on STEM activity and
hear about the many different STEM industries and career options.
Youth from Omicron Omicron Zeta, Gamma Nu Zeta, and Zeta Delta Zeta
Chapters were in attendance. Other community people included Soror Dr. Dorothy Drain, Bro Alan Daniels, NAACP ACT-SO and St Matthews Church of


Mildred Kroung
Bryonna McDonald
Brittany Boynton

Ireisha Vaughn
Tara Chestnut
Dorothy McCormick
Madeleine Leach

Look at our friends taking care of business at

the Atlantic Region Leadership Conference.
Its nice to have friends that got your back!

Page 5


Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk - NJ

Thank you to all of the chapters and auxiliary

groups who participated in this years Making
Strides Against Breast Cancer walks.
again, the State exceeded its goal of $12,000!
(Results shown at right and include contributions
from undergraduates and auxiliaries).
Many thanks for Soror Isatta Joseph, American
Cancer Society Liaison for the State of New Jersey.
Congratulations to the chapter families that met
and/or exceeded the $1,000 goal!

Chapter Family


Zeta Delta Zeta


Gamma Omicron Zeta


Omicron Omicron Zeta


Gamma Nu Zeta


Chi Rho Zeta:


Sigma Zeta Zeta


Omega Mu Zeta


Xi Tau Zeta


Rho Tau Zeta:


Epsilon Xi Zeta


Eta Omicron Zeta


Rho Rho Zeta


Grand Total


Page 6


The Directors Spotlight

The Director received the African American Women's Achiever's
award from Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity on 11/2.

The Director attended the NJ State Conference of Phi Beta

Sigma Fraternity, Inc. on 10/18.

The Director attended the Atlantic Region Executive Board Meeting surrounded and supported by
Regional & State Directors, Sorors and Amicae on 10/30 and 11/1.

Page 7


National Education Foundation News

Happy New School Year!
The 2014-2015 school year is officially underway as students across the nation returned to classrooms and
campuses with enthusiasm and excitement for what this new year will bring. Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc.
supports students of all ages as they begin another year of learning. We pray for their protection as they
travel from their homes to the halls of education. We support teachers in their quest to impart relevant and
rigorous knowledge. We promote Scholarship First! by investing in their future. Zeta's National Educational
Foundation (Z-NEF) announces the opening of the SCHOLARSHIP/FELLOWSHIP application period for
High School Seniors, Undergraduate and Graduate students, September 1, 2014 to February 1,
2015 deadline. NEW application form and detailed instructions are available from the following websites: www.ZPBNEF1975.org or link from www.ZPHIB1920.org Only Completed Applications will be
considered, NO EXCEPTIONS.
Best wishes for a successful School Year!
Soror Bibliana L. Bovery, M.A.
National Second Vice President
Instagram/Twitter: @scholarshipfirst
Soror Alice J. Garrett, Ed.D.
Chair, NEF Board of Managers

New Jersey Fundraiser

NJ Boutique


Available for purchase via www.zphibnj.org

Questions & concerns contact: njfundrachair@gmail.com
All proceeds benefit operations and programs of
Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. State of NJ

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Page 9


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. NJ Chapters Presidents

Monique McDonald
President of Psi Pi Chapter at Seton Hall University, Soror McDonald is a senior Psychology student, with a minor in Anthropology. In addition to her degree she is also currently a
research assistant for Seton Hall University with a prominent professor at her school. Soror
McDonald is also the current President of the Multicultural Greek Council, which is the
council on the Seton Hall campus, where Zeta Phi Beta resides. She enjoys, stepping, writing poetry and doing community service. She is always proud of the hard work her chapter
and fellow sorors provide to the community and state.

Kaitlin West
President and only member of Omicron Epsilon Chapter at TCNJ, Soror West became a
member in Spring 2013, on the same campus as her mother (Soror Deidre Hurt-West, Zeta
Delta Zeta Chapter) and her father (Brother Keith West, Kappa Upsilon Sigma Chapter of
Phi Beta Sigma Fraternity, Inc.). Soror West is currently in her senior year at The College of
New Jersey, studying Sociology, Spanish, and Womens & Gender Studies. Throughout her
years at TCNJ, she has been very active, both academically and in her extra-curricular activities.

Sydney Grimes
President of the Xi Iota Chapter and the only Soror on the campus, Soror Grimes is a 21
year old Montclair State University student currently within her junior year. She is the current Her major is Business Administration with a concentration in Sports, Events, and Tourism Marketing. She works part-time when she is not doing the work of Zeta for an indoor
amusement park hosting children birthday parties as well as giving tennis and golf lessons to
children at TGA Play.

Janell Fontaine
President of Rho Theta Chapter at Rowan University, Soror Fontaine is 21 years old and
is currently a junior studying Law & Justice and Africana Studies. She previously served as
her chapter's treasurer upon her initiation in November 2013. Her goals are to acquire her
Master's in Social Work and to work for the Department of Justice in the Office of Violence
Against Women, serving women and children in her local community through domestic violence counseling. Besides working hard for the love of Zeta, Janell likes to practice and perform with her university's hip hop dance team Atomik Legacy .

Page 10


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. NJ Chapters Presidents, contd

Salaine Y. Atkins-Little
The President of Gamma Omicron Zeta Chapter, Soror Atkins-Little, was initiated into Zeta
Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated, Beta Nu Chapter on Dec 17, 1994 and has been a life member
since 2007. Salaine received her Bachelor degree from Fairleigh Dickinson University and
her Masters of Science degree in Rehabilitation Counseling from the University Of Medicine
Dentistry Of New Jersey, School of Health Related Professions. As a professional, Soror Atkins-Little works at Greystone Park Psychiatric Hospital as an Assistant Social Work Psychiatric Supervisor. She has been married for 15 years with one daughter-Amicette Breanna. In
her 20 years of uninterrupted service she has work diligently as her chapters organizer for
their 1st Pearlette youth group, and 2nd Amicette youth group. She is the current New Jersey
State Undergraduate Coordinator and has served as her graduate chapter 1st Vice President,
Third Vice President, MIP Coordinator and past chair of various committees. Salaine is truly a
sister who is Blazing New Paths.

Meet Your State Officer

Chairman of the Undergraduate Council
Soror Wyatt is from Warren, Ohio. She is her third year at Seton Hall University, studying Biochemistry and with hopes to go into the field of Drug Research. Soror Wyatt was inducted into
the Psi Pi chapter in Spring 2014 and is currently the chapters first vice president and Z-HOPE

Did you know there

are 57 Elected &
Appointed State
Check out the states webpage (zphibnj.org) to find out who they are.

Page 11


NJ Chapters Building From Within

Thats Just Dovely.
On November 8, 2014, the Sorors of Gamma Omicron Zeta Chapter honored their chapter Dove, Soror Mary Wright. She was presented with a
gift and a blue dove shaped pin. Soror Wright has been serving Zeta for
57 years.
Soror Wright was inducted into Mu Chapter on December 13, 1957 at
Claflin University, Orangeburg, South Carolina. While an undergraduate
she served as 2nd Vice President. With the love of Zeta in her heart, she
became a member of Gamma Omicron Zeta Chapter in 1984, where she
also served as 2nd Vice President. Soror Mary Wright in her quiet and elegant manor continues to serve Zeta in every way possible, serving on various committees. She is the definition of Finer Womanhood.
Soror Wright is an active member of Franklin St. John United Methodist
Church, Newark, New Jersey. Her daughter, Vonda Wright-Morton is also
a Zeta.
Reclaimed Attended Executive Board Meeting
Omicron Omicron Zetas reclaimed Soror Cynthia Solomon with Soror
Gina Merritt-Epps at the Regional Executive Board Meeting. Soror Solomon was initiated in 1977 at Shippensburg University, Epsilon Eta Chapter. She works in the Philadelphia School System as a Pre-K Supervisor.
Bringing Girls to Pearls
Zeta Delta Zetas Youth Induction Ceremony
On Sunday, October 12, 2014 where Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Zeta Delta Zeta
Chapter held its Youth Groups Induction. New members of the Pearlettes,
Amicettes and Archonettes were welcomed as part of the Blue and White
family by members of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, their peer members and their
parents. Parental support of our programming efforts this year has been
New Members of the Youth Groups include:
Leilani Adams-Brawley , Mackenzie Guillaume,
Journee Washington and Kayla Wylie
Ella Adams, Emirah Bond, Alexandria Esser, Alexis Fisher,
Sajwa Ishmael, Shanaz Ishmael, Crystal Singleton and Zharia Harris Waddy
Avani Coleman and Jade Freeman

Soror Mary Wright, Our Dove and Soror

Salaine Atkins-Little, Chapter President

Page 12


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. NJ Chapters at Work

The Archonettes and Amicettes of Omicron
Omicron Zeta Chapter collected 2261 coupons
for the National Z-HOPE Military Initiative.

In honor of Zeta Military Appreciation

Week on Friday evening, November 14, 2014,
Eta Omicron Zeta Chapter along with their
Zetas Helping Other People Excel Committee, had some sisterly bonding time while
clipping coupons for military service families.

Rho Rho Zeta Chapter members: Sorors

Dennis, Pulley, Grimes and Goldsboro assisting with the Thanksgiving Food Drive at
John Wesley United Methodist Church in
Bridgeton, NJ. Rho Rho Zeta Chapter volunteers every 3rd Sunday of the month for
the food and clothing pantry at
JWUMC. On Thursday, November 15th 140
families received food baskets and a turkey.

Page 13


Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc. NJ Chapters at Work - contd

Adopt-A-School Initiative
On September 17, 2014 the Gamma Omicron Zeta
Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority held their annual
Z-Pack It Up event at the Brick Avon Academy
School located at 219 Avon Ave in Newark NJ.
Avon Academy is a Brick School which stands for
Build Responsible Intelligent & Creative Kids, was
identified as a school in need of help from the community and chosen as the Adopt-a-School location.
The chapter donated 41 backpacks that were also
filled with supplies from Psi Pi, one of their undergrad chapters


Support Sister Chapters

Page 14



Epsilon Xi Zeta

Z-HOPE Founder's Day Scholarship & Awards Luncheon +

60 Ann. Celebration


Rho Tau Zeta

Scholarship Event


Zeta Delta Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon & Fashion Show


Eta Omicron Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon


Gamma Nu Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon


Gamma Omicron Zeta

Finer Womanhood Luncheon


Chi Rho Zeta

Scholarship Luncheon


Sigma Zeta Zeta

Finer Woman Scholarship Dinner & Dance


Xi Tau Zeta

25th Chapter Anniversary


Rho Rho Zeta

Marlene Kelly Finer Womanhood Scholarship Breakfast


Omicron Omicron Zeta

Scholarship Awards Brunch


Omega Mu Zeta

All White Party Finer Womanhood Event



Z-HOPE Matrix for May 1, 2014 June 30, 2014 - 12/1/14
RSVP deadline for Founders Day Weekend Reception12/31/14
MIP Certification Registration Deadline1/3/15
National Executive Board Meeting - January 911, Houston, TX.
New Jersey State Founders Day Observance and Reclamation Weekend 1/161/18/15
(See page 8 of the newsletter for all events)

Military Appreciation Programs are to be included on your matrix for July 1-December 31st and

is due to the state Z-HOPE coordinator - 1/31/14

New Jersey State Executive Board Meeting - 4/24/15 and 4/25/15
ZOLJuly 911, Washington, DC

We hope youve enjoyed this months edition! Please submit articles by the 15th of every month. Use the newsletters as
tools to educate and advise your members. Your feedback and suggestions for future topics are welcomed!


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