Tom M

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HU 999
Three Publishable Articles Submitted to Holos University Graduate Seminary
In Partial Fulfillment of the Post-Doctoral Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Theology in Spirituality and Health

Survival Dynamics
Qi Journal

Why internal and external Ki energy is vital to our existence

And How Can We Increase and Use it?
National Qigong Association Journal

Exploring Energetic Survival

(American Holistic Health Association (AHHA) Journal)

22 July 2010

Submitted by Tom Mount, Ph. D.

Phone: 305 761 5075
Supervisor: Bob Nunley, Ph.D.

Page Number
TABLE OF CONTENTS .................................................................................................... 2
Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 3
Survival Dynamics .............................................................................................................. 6
Why internal and external Ki energy is vital to our existence And How Can We Increase
and Use it?......................................................................................................................... 26
Exploring Energetic Survival ........................................................................................... 51
Conclusion ........................................................................................................................ 84
Article One, Two and three End notes and REFERENCES and BIBLIOGRAPHY ...... 87

"The importance of survival has been a driving force in my life. My PhD was on
Past life Therapy (PLT) as a healing modality, which explored much of the events that
affect one's ability to survive in health and physical challenges during each incarnation.
During this tenure in my present body I have developed an interest in the many factors
that contribute to why some seem to be able to survive almost any challenge while others
simply quit when facing disease or emotional or physical threat. In researching these
areas, many energetic approaches to survival may be found. Our past lives have great
influence on our present incarnation. The challenge is to learn how to gain knowledge
and skill to take advantage of many aspects of past lives and to convert any negative soul
DNA from past lives to a positive growth as a soul and to take the positive past life DNA
and make it yet stronger. We are fortunate that God will create situations that allow us to
grow. Often in our life experience this path may not be the one we logically would think
is best. But we are here to grow as souls.

The three papers that follow address various aspects to help us survive both in this
incarnation and to understand how we may experience soul growth. Each experience we
have should be viewed as a gift as it will allow us to choose a path to either accelerate or
resist our soul growth. How we chose will influence future challenges that may be
presented to us. Again, the path is not always logical (in fact the worse thing we can do
is expect it to be logical at all times). Often the path makes us step out of our comfort
zone in order for us to experience growth. If we chose wisely we can alter both our soul
DNA and our physical DNA for future incarnations.

Survival Dynamics, the first of these papers, provides an overview of the

influences of psychic vandalism, a foundation for understanding energy otherwise known
as Chi, Ki, Qi or Prana, and to understand our spiritual, mental and casual bodies and
their interaction upon our self in this incarnation. It gives us insight to the survival of
individuals and how we can interact through thoughts. The paper lays a foundation for
understanding the roles our past lives have on us in this life time, and to enable us to
understand how we may give our souls to someone else and also that we can retrieve

The second paper explores why internal and external Ki is vital to our existence and
how we can increase and use it. This paper delves into other aspects that affect our sea of
energy and help us grow. In-depth development of Ki is pursued as well as the methods
used to increase it.

Demonstrations of how enhanced Ki can provide our body with

more strength to protect us physically and to enhance our immune system, is shown in
some of the photos in the article. A more in-depth look at the interaction of our energy
body and Meridians is provided. A demonstration of how a negative or positive thought
affects us is also included in this paper. Considerable emphasis is placed on the
importance of energetic balance in our lives to maintain strength and enjoy a healthy
immune system. The importance of past life energy is emphasized as a foundation for us
to understand to develop Ki.

A detailed view of the energy body allows us to better

understand how we interact with all universal energy. This paper explains six
foundations required to develop Ki.

Exploring Energetic Survival is the title of the third paper, and this views the role
of Qi gong as a healing tool for maintaining balance internally. The use of somatic
therapy as a tool for restoring balance and assisting us to enhance a better physical,
emotional and spiritual essence is emphasized. Of special importance in this paper is the
role of the contracts that are made in between incarnations. This provides an
understanding of archetype behavior and how if we close out logical eyes and view as the
archetype instead, we can recognize many of the contracts in ours and others live as they
reveal themselves at various times in our incarnation. It allows us insight to those souls
we must meet as we gain a better understanding of how we truly do know these people
from the minute we talk, email or meet them. It is not our imagination but the
fulfillment of contracts made between lives. These are people we are energetically
connected to. Often these may be soul mates from previous incarnations.

Each of the above papers stresses the value of understanding our past lives and how
if we do we may overcome illness or other threats. We can explore the true cause and
effect of many of life challenges. The papers give us common tools to enhance our
defense from psychic attacks, physical attacks and disease. If we study them we can see
the role other souls we have contracts with play in our life. Most importantly if we can
understand all that happens in each incarnation, it is an opportunity for us to grow as
souls. In this manner we may become the light. The greatest lesson is to learn the value
of love and to love even those that may threaten us. It is through love that we survive.
Thus the key to survival is simply to love wisely.

Tom Mount PhD., ND
Most of us who practice alternative health are aware that the roots of disease or
lack of so called survival will often lead to former events or life times. It is evident
that relief of symptoms is not a cure for a problem. Survival of the individual or species
involves finding the core issue that eventually presents as a symptom that may relate to
lack of discipline to survive a threat. The symptom often creates emotional responses
leading to disease or inability to cope. In this discussion, the primary focus is the issues
that relate to survival. This applies to physical challenges, disease, and emotional
survival. The obvious question to come up is why do some people survive the seemingly
impossible or experience miracle healings while others perish in low threat situations?
We explore the role present and past life experiences, psychic exposure, training, and
energies contribute to (or detract from) current tendencies towards physical threat in
hostile environments. We include specific chronic injuries, disease, and the overall
ability to survive. Overviews of studies of Survival Psychology are included. How we
address these issues in the present will be reflected in this life time and in future
incarnations. Thus attention will be provided to mental, emotional, spiritual, and physical
practices and exercise that may enhance ones ability to survive.

Survival Dynamics
Tom mount PhD., N.D
Knowledge is Essential, Survival is Practical. We all die; it is the Quality of Life, not
quantity that defines having lived. Always remain in life itself and not on the problems
that exist in the path. Survival is making the choice to continue and not quitting
regardless of the odds" Tom Mount 1999
In order to discuss survival dynamics intelligently one needs to provide a broad over
view of the many factors that affect all levels of our ability to survive. The common
denominators that relate to survival are present in disease management, overcoming
physical threat in combat, facing natural disasters, and in environmental survival. Often
researchers well versed in one area of survival fail to relate to the common traits of those
who do and those who do not survive. Yet the individual capacities are linked in the
survivor personality, that are bound into a thread similar to a spider web composed of

(among other things) Ki Transmitted signals, thought projection, intention, soul

possession, soul freedom (recovery), psychic vandalism, and all these may be influenced
by past lives or perhaps parallel lives in other dimensions all affecting energy flow,
influencing karma, and linked to a changing process of natural selection based on species
needs at the time.
Our life is energy and to quote from Ava in the movie Avatar - our life is energy
that we are loaned and must return some day, This is a beautiful statement of life which
acknowledging life is a temporary energy that must be returned. Survival dynamics is an
in-depth process, thus the intention of this paper is not to address all issues in depth, but
to acquaint the reader with the complexity and common bond we all share in survival
dynamics. Each of these aspects of survival dynamics should be pursued to fully grasp
the complexity of Survival dynamics; they form the foundation for future research. .
Survival as described by the Encarta Dictionary: English (North America) is:
1. staying alive
2. The fact of remaining alive or in existence, especially after facing life threatening danger, or of
continuing in a present position or office
The doctor said she had a fifty-fifty chance of survival
Fighting for her political survival
3. something from the past
A custom, idea, or belief tat remains when other similar things have been lost or
forgotten 1

Dynamics is defined by the Encarta World English Dictionary

Physics study of motion: the branch of mechanics that deals with motion and the way in which forces
produce motion
1. change-producing forces: the forces that tend to produce activity and change in any situation or
sphere of existence;
2. personal relationships;
3. the relationships of power between the people in a group 2

It could be stated survival dynamics is the study of staying alive in all aspects of life
including physical threat, disease, and psychological threat. In a world filled with

straight forward actions this would indeed be true. But once one probes into the
probabilities (let alone possibilities) that are encountered in the pursuit to say alive, we
become aware of the challenge that lies ahead. .
A simple way to demonstrate an influence on change in status of ones energy level,
by those who practice Ki exercises is to transmit energy to, or drain it from someone. In
this case an external force is acting on us in what may become a good or bad affect
dependent on direction of energy transmission or drain being done.
This can be demonstrated by slowly breathing and focusing on your energy. To
give energy, point the palms of the hand towards a person.You may drain energy simply
by placing one palm towards and one away from an individual, and concentrating on
energy flow. To verify the influence of these techniques use simple muscle testing, or for
those who see the color of the Aura, it may be observed visually. Often the person
receiving the energy or losing it will tell you how they are feeling.
In the above process if one remains neutral the energy directed either into or away
from the body by this Ki technique may assist healing or act as a self defense tool. Indeed
many healing modalities and a few martial arts styles use these techniques. Qi Gong
embraces this flow when self-group or individual healing is enacted as part of its healing
process. In this application energy is used both to remove unbalanced energy and to
insert balanced energy.
Dim Mak also incorporates these Ki techniques both in martial applications and for
healing. As Ki (Chi) is built through breathing the protective circle of life force energy
surrounding the body is extended. The power of the Ki therefore may be used to defend,
be projected to attack or used to heal.

In the paper Dim Mak by Tom Mount and John Timinsky (p 2)

From these beginnings came the evolution of Dim Mak, as practiced
today. As history fades to present day some discoveries were refined, some
became lost and many evolved into control within select or secretive groups.
Hand in Hand with pressure point applications was the development of the
use of Chi which has been incorporated into most arts especially Qi Gong
Chi gong and was primarily practiced for healing. However, when using
Dim Mak combined with application of Chi, the effects are enhanced
immeasurably. This part of Dim Mak training therefore includes Chi
building. It is also worth mentioning that pure Chi in and of itself may be
used for both healing and as a form of self-defense.
Dim Mak requires an in-depth understanding of the meridians, Chi
flow, Yin and Yang, Five Elements and selected pressure points in the body.
It requires knowing when to and how to most effectively use these points. 3
The principles used in the defense and attack mechanism also apply to disease and
psychic and physical attack equally. Belief, combined with intent, has a great affect on
how much Ki they may develop or project. Thus belief and intent contribute to our well
being in all areas of life. This energy we know as Ki (Qi- Chi- or Prana) works on the
entire spectrum of the energetic body including the chakras and the meridians. This
overall interaction has been presented as a multidimensional energy system, reflecting the
flow of energy: Higher spiritual energies through the causal body - to the mental body
and mental chakras - to the Higher frequency energetic inputs astral body and chakras
to the etheric body and chakras to the meridians (physical / etheric interface ) ending
in the physical body, Once to the body a response is made and information flows both
ways in this energetic communication net work.. An explanation of these path ways is
presented by Richard Gerber M.D. in Vibrational Medicine third edition on page 231.
There are energetic forms of subtle substances which are known as thought
forms. On the Astral level, these take the form of emotional type thoughts.
On the mental level, these thought forms may represent purely mental ideas
that an individual has been (or will be) working on. If the mental body is
functioning properly, it allows an individual to think clearly and to focus
his/her mental energies in appropriate directions with force, vigor, and

clarity. .healing a person at the mental level is stronger and produces

longer lasting results than healing from either the astral or etheric levels.
Figure One: Human Energy Field (Reproduced from Richard Gerber M.D. Vibrational Medicine


(Gerber Vibrational Medicine) Although we have approached our subtle

bodies as energetic fields associated with the physical, our physical bodies
are not the source of these energy fields. For many, this will be a difficult
concept to grasp, but in discussing the true nature of reincarnation we will
have to try and maintain as accurate a picture as possible. The subtle
energetic fields precede and organize the formation of the physical form as a
vehicle of expression for higher conscious energies. 4
Iona Marrsaa Teeguarden in discussing Jin Shin Do Acupressure Magic or
Science? From Acupressure News, Vol. 20, 2006, from the Jin Shin Do Foundation for
Bodymind Acupressure at explains:
In the early seventies, when I was first studying acupuncture and what is now
called acupressure, I wondered, What exactly are meridians and points? In
Japan in 1976, I found out that scientific research had confirmed the existence
of acu-points and meridians (lines of interconnected points) and helped to
explain their nature. Before we explore this and other scientific research, here
are basic definitions:
Meridians ("jing-luo"): a network of channels that transport Qi (energy).
French missionaries, who brought acupuncture back from China, translated
jing-luo as meridian, so English acupuncturists used the word
meridian (which derives from meridian). One meaning of Jing is to go
through, and luo means something that connects or attaches.1
Points ("xue"): places along the meridians where the Qi is accessible (close to
the surface). The original character for xue contains the image of something
precious that is buried in a small hole in the earth, says B.C. acupuncturist and
author Arnie Lade.
The precious thing that is in the acu-points is energy, or Qi. Qi is derived
from the air that we breathe, the food and liquids that we take in, and other
subtle elements that we absorb (like through the skin or senses). Stimulation
of acu-pointswith finger pressure, needles or heatinfluences the local area
and the functions of related Organ Meridian(s).
An Organ Meridian transports Qi to a related internal organ, sense organ,
and body partsincluding the tissues along its route. Generally named for the
related internal organ, the twelve Organ Meridians are: the Lung, Large
Intestine, Stomach, Spleen/Pancreas, Heart, Small Intestine, Bladder, Kidney,
Pericardium, Triple Warmer, Gall Bladder and Liver Meridians.
Each Organ receives Qi (vital energy) through its meridian, and its related
functions can be influenced by stimulating points along the meridian. As
Arnie Lade says, Acu-points along a Meridian are gateways to influence the


Tom Mount explains the role of Meridians, energy flow and use of pressure points for both healing and
martial use to Lucie Gawinowski.

Release of tension at an acupoint helps the smooth flow of

Qi in meridian(s) that go
through it. To facilitate the
gradual and mainly pleasant
release of tension to the deepest
level possible, JSD Acupressurists hold a tight or sore place with one hand
while, with the other hand, holding distal points that help it to release.
These distal points are on related Organ meridians and on the "Strange
Flows" (which have general balancing effects).

Most energy based healing modalities incorporate the subtle bodies system and
recognize that the interaction of the external subtle body system communicate with the
internal energetic system to
provide the pathway for true
To the right Georges Gawinowski ( in
hat) leads a Qigong session at Ginnie
Springs campground in Florida

Perhaps one of the

more effective of these systems
is Qigong. Often Qigong is


described as a moving meditation having healing benefits.

However this author, feels such a description of Qi Gong short changes the
benefits of Qi Gongs, as when we place ourselves deeply into Qi gong forms, or postures
the entire internal and external energetic systems are activated. Thus doing Qi gong
maximizes health and also develops great Qi (Ki).
Practitioners feel energy through their body and also feel the energy of others.
Medical Qi Gong goes beyond just self healing, and it may be used in treatment of
cancers- brain tumors or any medical condition as Qigong brings yin and yang back into
balance thus strengthens the immune system. While it is temping to write a paper within
a paper on the benefits of Qi Gong, I will simply recommend any reader of this paper to
research deeply in this wonderful practice.
The below exercises explain internal Ki and external projection. When we train
ourselves to use Ki we discover that internal strength is increased, abilities to perform
what some would call impossible achievements develop, and typically increased
capabilities of survival from disease or threat to the individual (be it physical, emotional,
or spiritual) exist. The below provides a foundation to acquaint one with how to
demonstrate a basic principle of Ki use.
1. Close your thumb and index finger into a circle. Then try to use your
muscles to prevent someone pulling them apart. Regardless of how strong
you are they will be easily separated. Now once again make a circle with
the index finger and thumb.
2. Next - breathe slow and deep and concentrate on the circle remaining
intact, while keeping the finger and thumb relaxed. As long as you


maintain the concentration your partner will not be able to separate the
thumb and finger. In this case you have used life force energy. That can
also be used to promoter healing.
3. Yet another exercise using personal Ki would be to place your arm on the
shoulder of a companion, tense the muscles and see if the other person
may bend your arm. Unless you possess exceptional strength the arm will
be easily bent,
4. Next imagine a flow of energy through your arm maintain it in a relaxed
state and this time the partner will not be able to bend the arm.
For a slightly broader overview of these energy effects in his book Ki in Daily Life
Koichi Tohei identifies four basic principles to unify mind and body (and I would add
soul/spirit to this) they are

Keep one point

Relax completely
Keep weight underside
Extend Ki 6
A few examples of
Ki and how we develop
greater internal strength
are presented to
enhance ones
understanding of Ki..

Suspended body In the

photo to the left- Lucie
Gawinowski maintains body
posture with Ki while Master
Timinsky holds her neck;
George Gawinowski holds
her feet and Grand Master Tom Mount, places a 25 pound weight on her stomach.


Koichi Tohei tells us;

Both the mind and body were born of the Ki (chi) of the universe and were
originally one. There is no dividing the mind and body in determining that
this is the mind and this is the body. The mind is refined body and the body
is unrefined mind. The mind is refined and the body is course 7
Koichi Tohei in summary of chapter explains
When the Ki in our body interchanges with the Ki of the universe we are
When we extend Ki, a new supply of Ki flows into our body and the
interchange is improved
It is (or at least it should be) our natural state that Ki is extending as long as
we are alive. 8
Using Internal Ki to resist a sword piercing throat
In photo to left Master Timinsky tries to push Grand
Master Mount backwards with the point of a Samurai
sword in his throat instead he is pushed back by Mount
Using Internal Ki to repel and opponent
To the right - Master John Timinsky exerts Ki to repel
mock attack by Georges Gawinowski. This reflects the
power of Ki in defense.

Using Ki in a similar manner also affects

our health, immune system and ability to
heal ourselves and others. Use of belief and intent combined with Ki amplify the healing


Energy encompasses all. Just as Ki expresses energy so does thought express

energy. As stated by Ambrose Worrel Every thought is a prayer , with each thought
we project a process that takes place in one form or another. The use of thought forms
may modify the well-being and personality of a person. This is encountered in psychic
vandalism or provided by emotional vampires. It is quite easy to demonstrate the power
of positive and negative thoughts or emotions. Consider the following examples.
Just how fast may thoughts, or psychic vandalism, affect us? Many would assume
this is a long term development within our physical bodies, energy centers, and energy
bodies. However the responses may be immediate in first symptom with more severe
consequence, such as disease, developing over time. This is why being aware of our
thoughts, our intentions, and recognizing the thoughts and attitudes of others is so critical.
On page 231 of the book, Exploration and Mixed Gas Diving Encyclopedia: The Tao of
Survival Underwater, Tom Mount. Explains:
In order to increase ones understanding of how emotions alter human
performance, try the following exercises, which use a technique known as
muscle testing.
Have a partner muscle test you
Think a negative thought and have your partner muscle test you again;
note any change
Think a positive thought and once again have your partner muscle test
you; note any change
Repeat above steps except have your partner be the one doing the
thought projections
Repeat the steps with you checking your partner this time.
The importance of this exercise is to illustrate how you and your partners
emotions affect each other as individuals and as a team. Muscle testing
also exemplifies the classic feedback loop; the changes noted affect
mental status and, as a result, affect outcome.
In the two following photos, one may see how a third party thought may
weaken them. Note on the photo to the left that, Lucie Gawinowski is strong
in her muscle-tests while Tom Mount (in black) is testing her.


On the second slide, John Timinsky ( white) thinks a bad thought. The
next step is a transmission process, in which Tom without any knowledge
of what John is thinking relays his
negative thought to Lucie. The result
is that Lucie instantly muscle-tests
weaker. This demonstrates how a

thought may be transferred through

space or an individual even with out
collaboration of the innocent transmitter, be it a person or wave lengths
traveling through space. It does not take a strong imagination to realize
the impact of similar thought projections collecting either deliberately, or
just due to laws of attraction once they exist, and what these may
accomplish for better or for worse. 9
In order to be alerted to the need for awareness of the effects of psychic energies and
psychic vandalism we must develop an in-depth understanding of these energetic forces.
This awareness will be a first step in the process of change and reduction of effects of
others upon our energy field. It is at this moment we exist and the moment just before
was a previous moment of our life, from which we evolved. In fact the past moment was
a Past life experience if we accept the explanation presented by Dr. Morris Netherton
paraphrased as Past life is any moment in time from this one back to an earlier time .
This becomes important when we consider that the energy acting upon us is the strongest
in each moment as we experience it. It is in this moment we are most vulnerable or
resistant to energetic effects upon us. Thus it is this exact moment and each moment as it


takes place that we chose, knowingly or un-knowingly, to allow ourselves to be

psychically vandalized, or in which we shield and protect our selves from the effects of
dark forces or to allow light, healing, and love to enter into our being.
When we look at psychic energy personalities, we discover they may be:
1. Residual from our past lives, which may be due to circumstances in this
incarnation, or they may go back into previous incarnations which may date back
thousands of years and life times. In this case they are most likely locked into
our- psychic DNA memory.
2. They may be based on thoughts we generate and thus create a cause and effect
relationship based on the degree of intensity we give them. This can contribute to
various sources of psychic vandalism including self, group, and our sabotage of
3. The energetic effect produced by others upon us or by us upon others is a product
of the intensity of the thoughts. Just as one may heal by thought, one may induce
harm in the same manner. Indeed this is the foundation on which distant healing
works. Thus it is reasonable to understand that distant harm may equally be
4. Group effect- this may be an intentional group process or it may be one in which
random energies based on same principles collect. Often the projection may be
believed to be for a noble cause based on the belief of those often unknowingly
beaming out there intention.

Sri Swami Sivanda in the web book, Thought Power, explorers thought and its
ability to transmit to the human (or other life forms) psychic energies.


Thought-dynamics in Universal Environs

Thought actually leaves the brain and hovers about. When a thought,
whether good or evil, leaves the mind of a person it gives rise to vibrations
in the Mantas or mental atmosphere, which travel far and wide in all
It enters the brains of others also. A sage living in a Himalayan cave
transmits a powerful thought to a corner of America. He who tries to purify
himself in a cave, really purifies the world, helps the world at large. Nobody
can prevent his pure thoughts coming out and passing on to those others that
really want them.
Just as the sun goes on continuously converting into vapor every drop of water
that is on the surface of the earth and just as all the vapor thus rising up
gathers together in the form of clouds, all the thoughts that you project from
your own lonely corner will mount up and be wafted across space, join similar
thoughts projected by those who are like you and, in the end, all these holy
thoughts will come down with tremendous force to subjugate undesirable
forces. 10
With just a little bit of imagination we can see how either a focused thought or a
group thought may have a profound effect on our psyche, thus leading to health issues or
behavior detrimental to our survival. We have now established the fact that thoughts,
good or evil are manifested in space, have energy, and enter into our energy fields.
Robert Leichtman explains;
What many people fail to appreciate is that our thoughts, memories, and
emotions have a reality that far exceeds our casual understanding of them.
They have substance and power in their own right, and an existence that is not
dependent on our awareness of them.
In actual fact, our thoughts and feelings are forms of subtle energy. These
psychic or psychological energies are invisible to the vision of most people,
just as electricity is invisible. Like many things we do not directly perceive,
we know them by their impact on us and the circumstances about us. . 11

From this view one may imagine a field of energy always present, always
evolving, and always exerting a cause-effect relationship. As we explore the numerous


factors that influence our survival dynamics another concern is that of soul loss and soul
theft. This may lead to disease, depression, and lack of survival will in physical and
emotional threatening situations. Eva Rosenn provides a brief description of soul loss
and soul theft:

The soul is a person's life force/essence/energy. It is what keeps us alive,

and what fuels everything we do. Different cultures have varying concepts
of the soul, but they seem to agree on the causes and effects of soul loss.
Soul loss is a natural protective mechanism, when part of the soul leaves
the body in order to avoid the pain of an impending trauma. Western
psychology recognizes this as dissociation. Soul loss can result from
accidents; abuse, both physical and emotional; the death of a loved one;
divorce; shock or fright; surgery; war; and natural disaster.
Another major cause of soul loss is soul theft. Soul theft is usually
unconscious, and often occurs in families. A depressed parent might see
her child's shining light and try to borrow it, not realizing that not only can
no one use another person's energy, but also that another person's energy
will actually be a hindrance. An ex-lover might attempt to stay connected
by stealing his lover's soul part, and suddenly neither person can move on
in life.
Sometimes the soul part will return on its own, but when it doesn't, a
person is left feeling diminished. Symptoms of soul loss include
dissociation, feeling that one isn't all here, post-traumatic stress syndrome,
addiction, chronic depression, chronic suicidal tendencies, feeling that one
hasn't been the same since a trauma, immune deficiencies, and protracted
The shamanic practitioner journeys to retrieve lost soul parts, bringing
back their essence and restoring them to her clients. The effects of soul
retrieval are transformative and deeply healing. 12
To discuss survival in any capacity one must review the process of
reincarnation and how past life events and perhaps our lives in other dimensions
contribute to the overall dynamics of being a survivor.



revolving around past lives is addressed in depth

With the knowledge that all events in our lives are stored in the memory of our
soul, the key to growth and overcoming karmic events is to read these memories,
understand the reason for their existence, and work through the pain they have caused in
our past and present lives. This, in essence, is why we must explore methods of past life
In Strangers in a Land of Confusion Dr Netherton recounts five specific
beliefs which he identified in his many years of practice. There are five basic beliefs
which have become clear to me from years of work and self-exploration. Their
definitions have been simplified down through the years until today they may seem selfevident to those who read this. However, they speak to basic truths of the human spirit
as I now believe them to be.

Belief Number One: We each follow a unique infinite path.

The first is simply recognition of the unique infinite being that
lives in each of us. In The Development of Personality, Carl Jung offers
this description of our evolvement to the infinite. .about the midday
of life, our miraculous human nature enforces the transition that leads
from the first half of life to the second. A metamorphosis from a state in
which man is only a tool of instinctive nature, to another in which he is
no longer a tool, but himself: a transformation of nature into culture, or
instinct into spirit.
When applied to reincarnation, the above expands to describe
Darwins Theory of mans evolution from primitive to modern beings.
Each physical experience is another step in our evolutionary process
towards completion as an infinite being. Our earliest physical lives were
guided by the instinct for survival when we responded almost entirely to
the demands of flight or fight and the urges to feed ourselves and to

reproduce. For eons of time, our pathways on Earth have led us away
from these primitive beginnings toward a more enlightened way of living
with ourselves and others. This may be hard to realize in view of the
Earths history of violence and destruction, but these eras were part of
the ongoing process of evolution set in motion during the earliest days of
life on this planet.
Belief Number Two: Conception is a point of transition
from the past to the present.
The second belief accepts conception and pregnancy as the time
during which the minds unconscious script is formulated. This brings
forward the unresolved issues and dynamics from past lives, which will
formulate the developing fetuss unconscious patterns for survival...
While the developing fetal body is kept alive by its mother, the spirit is
also adapting to accommodate the physical form which will be viable at
the time of birth. At birth, the conscious mind accepts the preexisting
unconscious scripts as the authority from which beliefs and behavior
patterns will be formulated. As the conscious mind continues to be
motivated by unconscious patterns, the process of spiritual evolution is
ongoing for both positive and negative past-life experiences. The
situation which caused death in a previous life is, once again, in place to
be resolved and healed in your current life.
Belief Number Three: Birth begins the conscious process of
The third belief centers on birth as the first complete experience
of moving forward in life and, as such, it concretizes both negative and
positive survival patterns to be utilized throughout the coming years.
Your experience during birth will determine the patterns which will
motivate your life decisions, relationships and achievements. In The
Souls Code, In Search of Character and Calling, James Hillman writes
that you and I and every single person is born with a defining image.
While he does not hypothesize past-life experiences to be the source of
this image, he clearly recognizes that a newborn baby brings innate
intelligence, abilities, and experiences which will grow and flourish
through the coming years.
Belief Number Four: What we experience in the past
determines who we are now.
The fourth belief is in response to yet another question I am asked
frequently during lectures: Even if past lives do exist, what does that
mean to my life today? That was then and this is now. To answer this, I
once again use the nine months of pregnancy as an example. During each
month of pregnancy, the fetus physically develops what the preceding


month makes possible. Each stage of its growth and development uses
the prior stage as a foundation upon which to build until viability is
It is much the same with the souls evolutionary process as each
lifetime builds and expands upon the experiences of those preceding it. This
current life experience is a reflection of a stage of growth and development
your soul has achieved thus far. Past lives, therefore, are important because
they constitute the basis of our identity.
Belief Number Five: God exists to make possible all things.
Our souls journey which takes us through confusion, fear, anger,
and sadness to a state of completion, with its joy and happiness, is
possible if we recognize that God exists as a benign, nurturing,
nourishing, supporting environment. Within this environment everything
in the universe is made available to us in order to complete our
evolutionary journey. To quote T.S. Elliots words: The end of all our
exploring will be to arrive where we started, and know the place for the
first time
Past life regression therapy has dramatic healing affects on all the soul
DNA memories that may lower the resistance to disease within our auto
immune system. A miracle healing may well be due to changing the
memory from a past life by going into it and changing the death response
thus death message and if this is repeated during birth processes, the
physical body and our physical intelligence become open to healing as the
source has been removed. This same description may be why some do not
physically heal but do psychologically arrive at a peaceful acceptance and
thus the stress of the disease is reduced or eliminated. 13
Now that we have discussed numerous contributors to survival dynamics lets look at
present day research into survival, while reviewing these see if you, the reader, may be
able to identify how these contributors we discussed are reflected in these findings . In
the book Exploration and Mixed Gas Diving Encyclopedia: The Tao of Survival
Underwater, (page 258 ) Tom Mount. Explains
While there is little need to spend time worrying about the possibility of facing life
or death scenarios, the alert person accepts the truth of the above statement.
Failure to do so may lead to denial that such threats exist, which in turn may
prevent a survival response from developing quickly enough to overcome the
physiological impact of the accident. In the book Survival Psychology Leach
elaborates on this concept:


1. The most frequent psychological response encountered under threat is denial.

The most common action is inactivity.
2. During the pre-impact period denial and inactivity prepare people well for
the roles of victim and corpse.
3. During the period of impact ten to twenty percent of the population will
remain relatively calm. They will be able to think, make decisions, and
act. Approximately 75 percent will be stunned and bewildered. They will not
be able to think effectively and will act in a semi-automatic, almost mechanical
manner. The remaining 10-15 percent of a population will show a high degree of
uncontrolled and inappropriate behavior 14
As we digest the factors that affect survival dynamics, we can understand how these
interplay and are carried on in the form of energy. They build and lead to different causes
and affects in each incarnation. It is our choice to deal with them in this life time or
another. If we observe all the interaction one thing stands out- each is an energetic
source setting the universal laws of attraction into place. Exploring past lives psychic
vandalism, and emotional states, it becomes evident that numerous problems and issues
we deal with are due to these sources
Knowing others is intelligence. Knowing yourself is true wisdom. Mastering others is
strength. Mastering yourself is true power." -Lao Tsu in the Tao Te Ching
Two natures beat within my breast. The one is cursed, the other is blessed.
The one I love the other I hate. The one I feed will dominate. Author unknown

Realizing this we can understand why Qigong, Quantum Touch, Inner Counselor,
Body Harmonization and Past Life Therapy and other energetic based healing modalities
work. It is easy to see how we are all connected energetically. It explains the power of
prayer and thought as we are connected with a higher power most of us recognize as
God- Great Sprit- Universal Energy- Higher Self. Maybe we can sense this as part of
our eternal soul which follows though each life-taking and giving from experiences
gained in each incarnation.


We must live within nature, and work to pass on more love than hate, more peace
than aggression, and more respect than disdain for all that surrounds us. It is in this
manner we heal our soul thus our physical life and the world and universe itself.



Tom Mount PhD., ND
The internal and external use of life force energy or Ki was part of early mans
survival capability. As we evolved, western cultures and most religions tended to move
away from this natural part of our being. Yet Oriental Medicine, Qi Gong, Yoga, and
some styles of Martial Arts use either internal or external energy or both. To best use and
develop internal and external Ki, one must keep an open mind and willingness to believe
and accept. Actions must be done with intention, although as we advance in our
understanding they become intuitive and automatic responses. Many exceptional martial
artist and healers develop internal Ki and combine it with external Ki to maximize
effectiveness. Balance in Yin and Yang must be managed for a healthy life and to face
threat from an attacker such as a physical attack, psychic vandalism attack or attacks to
our immune system. To ensure our optimum survival, awareness of the use and misuse of
internal and external Ki must be understood.

Why internal and external Ki energy is vital to our existence

And How Can We Increase and Use it?
Tom Mount PhD., N.D.
A whole plant

is contained in the seed. An entire person is contained in an egg. Every

living thing in the world comes from seed. And every living thing in the world dies and
falls to the earth. Bodies rot, only to feed the earth and release the seed. That is true
Tao is infinite. It is a seed of unlimited circumference, with its center any point in
boundless eternity. Tao is a tiny seed, containing unlimited universes its dimensionless
center. The seed is the whole of what we want to know. The seed is the center. The seed is
the source. And the source is the whole of Tao.
--- Everyday Tao - Deng Ming-Dao

This paper explores use of internal and external Ki, beginning with an understanding
of Ki then how to cultivate and use it wisely. It also reviews various factors that
influence our use of energy. For those who attend the associated work shop additional
explanations, demonstration and practice of these techniques will be preformed. It will

become evident how the effects are amplified by combining Ki techniques, thought form
direction and pressure points to maximize the use of the human energy body. This
combined use of Ki amplifies the effect of healing and disease prevention by enhancing
the immune system; this is an integral part of Qi gong and martial use. This process
allows us to become part of the giant circle of energy within which all dimensions and all
knowledge of life are contained. I refer to this as the circle of confusion. Just as planets
revolve around the sun in orbits, the energy fields from and inside of us also move
dynamically in orbits around us. This is the way of yin and yang balance unbalance balance. Future incarnations, present incarnation and past incarnations, other dimensions,
thought waves and frequency all exist in us. It is our choice to accept and use this energy
or to ignore the balance that is open to us.

The life force energy is broken down into Yin and Yang. Ths concept was orginally
discussed by the Yellow emperor in the third milineum B.C. in his Yellow Emperors
Classis of Medicine. To paraphase the yellow emperor .

''The principle of Yin and Yang is the foundation of the entire

universe. It underlies everything in creation. It brings about the development
of parenthood; it is the root and source of life and death it is found with the
temples of the gods In order to treat and cure diseases one must search for
their origins.
"Heaven was created by the concentration of Yang, the force of light,
earth was created by the concentration of Yin, the forces of darkness. Yang
stands for peace and serenity; Yin stands for confusion and turmoil. Yang
stands for destruction; Yin stands for conservation. Yang brings about
disintegration; Yin gives shape to things....
The pure and lucid element of light is manifested in the upper artifices and
the turbid element of darkness is manifested in the lower orifices. Yang, the
element of light, originates in the pores. Yin, the element of darkness,
moves within the five viscera. Yang the lucid force of light truly is
represented by the four extremities- and Yin the turbid force of darkness
stores the power of the six treasures of nature. Water is an embodiment of


Yin as fire is an embodiment of Yang. Yang creates the air, while Yin
creates the senses, which belong to the physical body. When the physical
body dies, the spirit is restored to the air, its natural environment. The spirit
receives its nourishment through the air, and the body receives its
nourishment through the senses.
"If Yang is overly powerful, then Yin may be too weak. If Yin is
particularly strong, then Yang is apt to be defective if the male force is
overwhelming, then there will be excessive heat. If the female force is
overwhelming, then there will be excessive cold. Exposure to repeated and
severe heat will induce chills. Cold injures the body while heat injures the
spirit. When the spirit is hurt, severe pain will ensue. When the body is hurt,
there will be swelling. Thus, when severe pain occurs first and swelling
comes on later, one may infer that a disharmony in the spirit has done harm to
the body. Likewise, when swelling appears first and severe pain is felt later
on, one can say that a dysfunction in the body has injured the spirit....
"Nature has four seasons and five elements. To grant long life, these
seasons and elements must store up the power of creation in cold, heat,
dryness, moisture, and wind. Man has five viscera in which these five
climates are transformed into joy, anger, sympathy, grief and fear. The
emotions of joy and anger are injurious to the spirit just as cold and heat are
injurious to the body. Violent anger depletes Yin; violent joy depletes Yang.
When rebellious emotions rise to Heaven the pulse expires and leaves the
body. When joy and anger are without moderation, then cold and heat exceed
all measure, and life is no longer secure. Yin and Yang should be respected to
an equal extent.
The Yellow Emperor asked, "Is there any alternative to the law of Yin and
Qi Bo answered: "When Yang is the stronger, the body is hot, the
pores are closed, and people begin to pant; they become boisterous and coarse
and do not perspire. They become feverish, their mouths are dry and sore,
their stomachs feel tight, and they die of constipation. When Yang is the
stronger, people can endure winter but not summer. When Yin is the stronger,
the body is cold and covered with perspiration. People realize they are ill;
they tremble and feel chilly. When they feel chilled, their spirits become
rebellious. Their stomachs can no long digest food and they die. When Yin is
stronger, people can endure summer but not winter. Thus Yin and Yang
alternate. Their ebbs and surges vary, and so does the character of the
The Yellow Emperor asked, "Can anything be done to harmonize
and adjust these two principles of nature?" Qi Bo answered: "If one has the
ability to know the seven injuries and the eight advantages, one can bring
the two principles into harmony. If one does not know how to use this
knowledge, his life will be doomed to early decay. By the age of forty the
Yin force in the body has been reduced to one-half of its natural vigor and
an individual's youthful prowess has deteriorated. By the age of fifty the
body has grown heavy. The ears no longer hear well. The eyes no longer see


clearly by the age of sixty the life producing power of Yin has declined to a
very low level. Impotence sets in the nine orifices no longer benefit each
Those who seek wisdom beyond the natural limits will retain good
hearing and clear vision. Their bodies will remain light and strong. Although
they grow old in years, they will stay able-bodied and vigorous and be capable
of governing to great advantage. For this reason the ancient sages did not rush
into the affairs of the world. In their pleasures and joys they were dignified
and tranquil. They did what they thought best and did not bend their will or
ambition to the achievement of empty ends Thus their allotted span of life was
without limit, like that of Heaven and earth. This is the way the ancient sages
controlled and conducted themselves.
"By observing myself I learn about others and their diseases become
apparent to me. By observing the external symptoms, I gather knowledge
about the internal diseases. One should watch for things out of the ordinary.
One should observe minute and trifling things and treat them as if the were big
and important. When they are treated the danger they pose will be dissipated.
Experts in examining patients judge their general appearance; they feel their
pulse and determine whether it is Yin or Yang that causes the disease.... To
determine whether Yin or Yang predominates, one must be able to distinguish
a light pulse of low tension from a hard pounding one with a disease of Yang,
Yin predominates with a disease of Yin, Yang predominates when one is
filled with vigor and strength, Yin and Yang are in proper harmony 15
Translated by Mark Coyle
Hear my brother he said, There are three truths which are absolute and which cannot
be lost, but yet remain silent for lack of speech.
The soul of man is immortal and its future is the future of a thing whose growth and
splendor has not limit. The principle which gives life dwells in us, is undying and
eternally beneficent, is not heard or seen or smelt but is perceived by the man who
desires perception.Each man is his own absolute law giver, the disperser of glory or
gloom to himself, the decreer of his life, his reward, and his punishment.
These truths which are as great as life itself are as simple as the simplest mind. Feed the
hungry with them.
From The Idyll f the White Lotus by Mebel Collins
As we can see the overall energy body containing the meridians are broken down
into yin earth or feminine energy and Yan representing heavnly or masculine energy .
Each of these crcuits contains elements of the other and it is the balance that contributes
to our health , our healing capability and our martial useage. Often the relationship of
Yin and Yang and their interaction in regard to male vs female charcterics of Yin and


Yang are described as:, Yang (male) protects Yin. And in return Yin (female) nutures
Yang and their combined affect forms the whole of energetic

Indeed if we observe the Black and White Yin-Yang

symbol, we discover the outer circle is all there is
energetically, representing both Yin and Yang energy. The
shapes of the Yin and Yang circles with in the outer circles reflect the continious
circulation of Yin and Yang energies. Yin to Yang and Yang to Yin, ideally maintaining

The emphasis on balance, identifies its critcal role if one is to be disease or injury
free. When the life force energy becomes out of balance energy stagnates or is drained
and this leads to development of disease or injury. Healers observe the body for
imbalance and use various techniques to bring yin and yang back into balance. As
injuries as well as disease are also addressed by the healer, the healer to needs to
understand the basics of how injuries from deliberate energetic attacks can be overcome.
Martial techniques can be used to place the life force energy out of balance resulting in
injry or evetual disease. Therfore both the healer and the warrior may give or take health
and life. This is why a skilled healer or martial artist should be efficient in balancing
energy to restore health or heal injuries. It is why in past times the villeage warrior and
healer were the same person. Thus we see an association of Yin and Yang balance for
the warrior and healer.


If a choice to accept this process is made, the benefit of internal and external Ki
for health and healing will become apparent. Those studying these concepts will develop
a foundation to explore use of Ki techniques both in the act of Healing and in Martial
arts. The process is basically a return to ancient times when the village master was also
the village healer. The concept of warrior and healer combined was accepted in ancient
times where many today fail to understand the bond of these two disciplines. Yet as one
looks deeper into use of the bodies Ki it becomes obvious why the duality exist. Balance
in our energetic bodies is very important as this determines the fate of our physical
From a healing perspective Lynn Gregorski-Bosi explains use of Ki as a healing
art. This use of energy for healing dates back thousands of years predating most other
forms of healing and was practiced in numerous cultures. Indeed various forms of
energy healing, balance of the physical, energetic and subtle bodies and directed healing
practices such as shamanism evolved as our first form of medicine. Today we are
witnessing a rebirth of the emphasis on these practices.
Ki Energy Training
When Ki energy channels are open and flowing, the human being knows no
limits. Ki is not only the basic component of matter; it is also the mind of
matter. Everything one thinks and feels is transmitted to the body via the
energy system. When there is harmony between body and mind, our energy
flows smoothly like running water, but when there is discord, it becomes
blocked or damned up with congestion, which eventually leads to disease.
Learning how to recognize and master the healthy circulation of Ki
throughout the body is at the heart of all Taoist training.
Chun Do Sun Bup (CDSP), which literally means the heavenly way to
recover body, mind, and spirit, is a 6000-year-old Taoist form of South
Korean martial arts training. For thousands of years, this discipline was
secretly passed down from generation to generation until Dr. Haeng-Yong Mo
and his wife Gui-Dai Park began to explore The Way of the Taoist


Immortals and were called upon to revitalize this tradition for the modern
The Grandmasters were to endure 30 years of arduous and often lifethreatening ascetic training in the mountains of Korea, until ultimately they
were capable of transmitting the perfect balance of yin/yang energy or Ki.
As they wrote in The Book of Heaven, when Grandmasters Mo and Park
perfected the heavenly way of the Taoist Immortals, they received
extraordinary healing abilities. They traveled in Japan, and South America
performing miracles and treating thousands of people relieving their illness
and suffering. Yet, as they traversed the world, they realized that they would
never be able to reach everyone who needed their help. Finally their prayer to
serve humanity was answered in the Chun Do Sun Bup Ki Energy Training.
Ki Energy Training is believed by many to be a natural and lasting solution
to such health problems as stress, migraines, back and neck pain, chronic
fatigue, food allergies, digestive disorders, anxiety, depression, and other
serious illnesses.
Although many health programs deal with the mind and body separately,
Ki Training restores emotional and physical balance by disciplining the body
and mind simultaneously. As trainees participate in classes and receive
healing treatments, they sometimes report that old energy blockages are
dissolved, toxins are released, signs of stress and aging are removed and
emotional balance is restored.
Ki Energy Healing Treatment The hands-on application of vital energy
known as Chunsoo, or heavenly hands, is an integral part of the Chun Do
Sun Bup (CDSB) healing program. During this treatment, the Ki Master
transmits cosmic energy into the bodys blocked energy meridians through
finger pressure and sound frequencies. The sshhh breath sound deeply
penetrates energy blockages by combining sound with vibration. A Ki Energy
Healing Treatment can take between 15 to 30 minutes depending on the state
of ones energy system. Through this technique, energy blockages can be
quickly located and opened, leading to the removal of pain, tension and toxins
that are often the precursors of disease. After treatment, the physical body is
detoxified, the mind is stabilized resulting in clearer thinking and emotional
balance, and the natural flow of Ki is restored to the immune system.
Ki Ancestor and Family Healing a commonly acknowledged cause of
energy blockages is the accumulation of toxins and negative emotions such as
chronic anger, worry or grief. Another source of energy blockage is an
inherited energy blockage. As the name implies, our parents pass on this type
of weakness to us. All energy blockages affect us physically, mentally and
spiritually and inherited energy blockages can defy the best efforts of
traditional and alternative medicine. Interestingly, both Western and Eastern


medicine conclude that certain illnesses are familial such as heart disease,
diabetes, cancer, and stroke. Western medicine would attribute these illnesses
to mutations of a gene, while Eastern thinking postulates the influence of our
Ancestors unresolved negative mind states and emotions. Through Ancestor
Training Ceremonies led by the Chun Do Sun Bup Masters were allowed to
heal such ancestral energy blockages and to restore new levels of health and
well-being to our families and ourselves. 16
When using Ki in Martial Arts, a good example of its power is provided by Grand
Master Lew
In 1981, after studying Martial Arts for 20 years I experienced something
that changed my life forever. While visiting a class conducted by 81-year-old
Professor Yu, a well-known Qi Gong master, I was asked to participate in a
demonstration. Professor Yu wanted me to push him over. I hesitated, not
wanting to hurt the older man. But as I began to push him, I found myself
flying back 5 feet and landing on my behind. Professor Yu told me to take a
running start this time. I ran hard towards him, but halfway there, Master Yu
knocked me back again, without physically touching me in any way. Professor
Yu had used his Ch'i or energy force to move me. I realized then that, while I
knew about the external "martial" part of Martial Arts, I really wanted to learn
about the internal "art" part. And my philosophy of "seeing believes" changed
to "feeling is believing. 17

Learning to use internal and external Ki, leads to recognition that the powerful
muscular and momentum strike which result in loud impact noise and may break bones,
does not compare to the silent power of Ki , which inflicts damage far beyond the broken
bones method of measure; yet paradoxically it can also be used for dramatic healing.
Ki develops intuitive feeling, and this leads to the ability to feel presence thus not
mandatory to see an opponent or immune system attacker. In regard to the martial
feeling of presence, many aware blind people have developed this skill. One of the best
demonstrations I have seen was at USKA tournament in Miami Florida back in the 70s
when Grand Master Trias was still alive. A young blind martial artist did a demo with
multiple attackers, and evaded or overcome all of them, post demo he invited anyone


from the audience to replace the martial artist who had been his attackers. He had takers
and easily convinced them he was the real thing. Open minded young people are easily
trained in this area, just as those older folks who have the ability to adapt (which is the
prime requirement to be a survivor) do.
To feel as if nothing was done, yet the assailant is disabled, is a typical result of the
use of Ki. To send healing energy for another often results in feeling as nothing is
actually done-yet the person succeeds in using this gift of energy to heal themselves.
The less one may feel they did anything often signifies the more effective the Ki
technique has become.
Numerous factors affect and may improve or diminish our use of Ki. However if
we are aware of these, it is possible to overcome those factors that reduce Ki and to
amplify those that build Ki. A few of these will be discussed as we continue.
In my early exploration of martial arts, I became interested in both internal and
external use of techniques thus creating a need to understand energy concepts more. In
this quest I became interested in intuition and its development and beneficial use as both
a warning and healing system. This led to a journey, as followed by old masters, which is
natural, as one becomes more involved in energetic systems. Thus as I studied energy
health many concepts united the healer, the martial artist and the intuitive. Becoming
more deeply involved in each of these areas it became evident; each involves events that
affect our energy and may affect health as a result. This seemed to be true in all
applications of energy use, whether healing, mental health, physical health or martial use.
One of the common points was past life experiences. Indeed if one studies deeply into
martial arts it becomes apparent that past or ancestral energy plays a large role. If we


look at the many ways it affects health we discover past psychic vandalism, past injuries
and abuses as well as greatness form part of our Karma and soul DNA so to speak. These
past experiences, often unknown to the individual, contribute to their emotions therefore
to eventual contributors to health be in good or bad. As these memories are so
embedded one must understand them if you are to grow in this incarnation and wish to
maximize your use of Ki. For this reason prior to doing exercises for Ki development we
will take a moment to review some past life concepts.
An excellent starting point in this concept is to review some excerpts below from
Roger J. Woolger in his paper Past life Therapy, Trauma Release and the Body.

By stressing the idea that repressed emotional energy is also repressed life
or orgone energy, he was able to show how fixed neurotic patterns lead to
the degeneration of organic systems. Certain followers of Reich who have
attempted to extend his radical perspective have, like Inyushin, been
struck by the resemblance to Yoga and subtle body phenomena such as
perceivable "auras." John Pierrakos' method of "core energetics" (1987)
works with the auric field in psychotherapy, as does David TansIey's
healing system called "radionics" (1977). The recent work of Barbara
Brennan (1988) with subtle body healing should also be mentioned. All
three of these researchers draw upon Yogic concepts of the chakras and
subtle layers of energy surrounding the body. Brennan admits to
clairvoyantly "seeing" past lives in the aura.
Tansley's use of Alice Bailey's version of the Yogic subtle body theory
(1953) is one I have found especially valuable, particularly since it defines
very clearly three distinct levels of subtle energy and shows how they
interpenetrate. Bailey used the Yogic terms for these subtle bodies but in
an approachable fashion. In summary and in descending order, containing
each other like Russian nesting dolls? they are:
1. The Mental Body : this very broad energy field is the most subtle of the
three and is the locus of all powerful mental contents or fixed thoughts.
These thoughts may be conscious or unconscious and can radically
influence an individual's overall life patterns or self-image (e.g. "I'll never
make it." "Don't trust people" etc,). Such thoughts can be the residues of
negative past life experiences. They do not necessarily affect the lower
bodies, but if they do, their influence is extremely strong.


2. The Emotional Body (sometimes called the astral body): this energy
field adheres closely to the physical body by a radius of about two to four
feet and is the locus of the feeling residues from past events, including,
like the mental body, past lives. These may be sadness, rage,
disappointment, apathy etc. This energy Level may be strongly affected by
negative thoughts from the mental body. Physically it is denser than the
mental body. When its feeling contents become highly charged and
not released, it will affect the lower etheric energy body adversely.
3. The Etheric Body could be called "the physical memory field" because
in it reside all the painful subtle memory traces of physical trauma,
whether lesions, fractures, tumors, amputations, wounds or diseases-traces that Patanjali, in the Yoga Sutras, calls the klesas or "sufferings"
carried by the subtle body. The "phantom limb" phenomenon experienced
by amputees is a well-known example of how a residual memory of
trauma can be held in the etheric body.
The etheric body is strictly the equivalent of Inyushin's "bioplasma body"
(not the astral body as mistakenly reported to Moss and Johnson) and the
energy systems of chi in Chinese medicine, and prana in Yoga. It is also
close to Reich's orgone energy. The etheric body or energy field is the
most dense of the three subtle bodies and is physically perceptible to many
people as heat emanating from parts of the body. It radiates out from the
physical body about one to two inches and is the field worked with in such
practices as acupuncture, shiatsu, therapeutic touch and hands-on healing.
This field can be affected electrolytically by cold water, mineral baths,
sunlight and certain colored filters. In it are many of the residues from
physical traumas such as accidents and surgery, as well as past-life
traumas. Repressed feelings from the emotional body will lodge at the
etheric level to produce organic problems.
The important principle that may be gleaned from this highly condensed
description is that there is a descending order of influence from higher to
lower among these three bodies. Since the subtle causation of these
symptoms is descending, it is broadly true (though there are many
variations) that healing follows the opposite direction, a movement
upwards from the etheric to the mental. So, for example, in the case of
someone with a past-life trauma associated with the legs, we may observe
the following pattern:
1. Physical message or manipulation releases etheric energy (experienced
as heat, tingling etc.) in the legs;
2. The etheric energy flow brings up incoherent feelings of fear;


3. The feelings of fear lead to images of being chased as a child, then of

being hounded in a past life story, and finally the thought, "I've got to get
It may help to conceive of how the three levels of subtle body energy relate to
one another if we take the analogy of the different states of water or H2O.
When it is frozen, water is dense, solid and hard to manipulate without
smashing it or cutting it up. When water is fluid it can be moved around easily
but still has substantiality and it can still penetrate and erode. When water is
evaporated, as cloud or steam, it is at its lightest, most subtle, and most
By analogy with water, then, the psychic contents of the subtle body which
are the hardest to work with are those which are "frozen" in the physical body
as postural patterns, organ weaknesses, and disease. These conditions may be
easier to influence when they are more "fluid," that is to say, when they are
experienced as feelings and emotions that can be undammed. But even more
subtly it may be possible to perceive pervasive thoughts underlying these
feelings which, once identified, can now be totally evaporated. Bodywork
then, may be imagined as a way of "melting" residual psychic conflicts from
this life or a previous life that have become fixed and rigid in the total psychosomatic being of the individual.
Morris Netherton (1978) was the first psychotherapist to document a series of
cases where past-life traumas underlay severe chronic illnesses such as ulcers,
migraines, epilepsy, and more. (Earlier, Alice Bailey, in her Esoteric Healing
(1953), had outlined the principles governing the karmic inheritance of severe
illnesses such as cancer and heart disease, but she had offered no suggestions
for therapy). Meanwhile Stanislav Grof has emphasized, from findings during
LSD and experiential therapy (Grof, 1985), that we all carry major
unconscious imprints where we have suffered a physical accident or trauma
from this life. 18
Continuing the discussion Dr. Woolger presents a model to reflect the process.
Much more complex, and therefore somewhat harder to work with, are cases
where the past-life residues in the emotional body penetrate and deform the
etheric system or the bioplasma, and with it, the physical body. These are the
clients who somaticize their emotional problems, carrying them, as it were, in
different parts of the body.
To take some of the examples in the diagram: Which follows on the next


A person may experience recurrent sick headaches combined, when carefully

interviewed, with a general feeling of heaviness, especially around the head.
Exploration of these feelings may reveal a predominant metaphor or image of
"heaviness," which, when exaggerated, might produce the thought: "It's weighing
me down, it's always oppressing me." Such a thought may easily prove to be the
point of entry or somatic bridge into a past life story fraught with guilt, such as "I
ran away from the massacre and never returned. I should have helped my
brothers, my family. I can never stop thinking about it. It's always with me,
weighing me down."
Another person may have extremely tight hamstrings in his legs, with
accompanying stiffness in the joints and difficulty walking. When explored the
tightness may reveal that tension and anger are held in the legs. A simple
bioenergetics exercise (Lowen, 1975), or an opportunity to kick freely in a
psychodrama, may reveal images of being dragged away to be thrown in a
dungeon as well as the desperate thoughts; "How dare you do this to me! You
have no right. Get off me." Here, rage at some unjust incarceration is still being
held in the legs.
Yet another person may experience extreme stiffness in the ankles , combined
with actual memories of breaking his ankles on different occasions in the current
life. But deeper probing may reveal gloomy thoughts of failing, of not trying
hard enough and of shame somehow associated both with the accidents and with
the ankle region in general.
. In pursuing these thoughts while focused on the ankles we may find a
somatic bridge, for example, to a young man who died in battle as a young,
untried warrior and who was pierced ignominiously through the ankles when half
dead. When further examples are reconstructed from the composite diagram it
will be noticed that the different feelings pictured as belonging to specific parts
of the body are by no means fixed. . The young warrior just mentioned might
just as well have died from blows to the head and chest, leaving the ankles
unscathed; in which case his sense of gloom and failure would be lodged in these
regions instead Every body story, as well as every wound is very specific and
individual and needs to be treated as such.
Also, since the afflicted areas of the etheric or bioplasma body are
multiply determined at the past-life level, there may be several stories, each
with different shades of emotions and other post traumatic reactions to be
unlocked. In addition, there may be interfaces with accidents or illness from
the current childhood all seemingly revolving around certain core feelings
which characterize the issue as a past-life complex (see further Woolger,
1987.) 19


Figure. A composite representation drawn from many typical cases. It shows how the etheric/bioplasma
and the physical systems may be afflicted by past-life complexes when these manifest in the emotional body
as feelings or deeply felt thoughts. The unconscious thoughts that crystallize in past-Life stories as
complexes are shown outside the circle, since they belong to the more subtle mental body. (Perhaps it should
be emphasized that none of these complexes belongs specifically to any one part of the body; a depressing
thought can as easily be held in the back as in the head.)


In the above discussion it becomes apparent how the past life memories interact with
our subtle bodies, these have great influence over our lifes energy system in this
incarnation. Recognizing their relationship to our use of Ki, we may use these as a
healing process as well as to assist in development of our Ki.

There are numerous methods to enhance the development of Ki and all are based on
a foudation of breathing. All energy is derived from breath, breath is our first act upon
conception and birth and our last effort at the time of death. Life force energy begins
with breath and ends with it; one cannot comprehend life, and enjoy heath unless they
realize the importance of breathing and how it develops Ki our life force energy.

To quote Tom Mount from the chapter on Spiritual, Mental & Physical training for
safe diving and a better life in the Exploration and Mixed Gas Diving Encyclopedia
The Tao of Survival Underwater .(pp191)

Breathing gaps the spiritual, mental, and physical realms as it is the sum of
all energy and information in the universe, and as such, it provides the
energy for our life form. In this context, understand that breathing is the
essence of the spirit when manifested in the physical body. It gives the body
energy to survive; it empowers our mental abilities, uniting the brain with
the spirit and thus creates the mind. It is interesting to note that the mind is
neither the brain nor the spirit and in western culture has no specific
definition. But the mind contains the sum of all information if it is receptive.
Breathing is the biofeedback path for unity of spirit, mind, and body. 20
Meditation is one of these sources. . Infact meditation is one of if not the most
important means of enhancing Ki , our vital life force. Meditation as descried in the
medical encyclopedia at is;


Meditation is a practice of concentrated focus upon a sound, object,

visualization, the breath, movement, or attention itself in order to increase
awareness of the present moment, reduce stress, promote relaxation, and
enhance personal and spiritual growth mind. 21
I use mediation for healing, increasing my overall internal energy and
developing external energy projection. It has been one of the greatest contributors
in my life for balance, maintain and restoring of health, following injury or
sickness. It also enables accomplishment of goals and provides protection. The
meditations I do vary from total rest fullness to highly energetic projections and use
TM to guided meditations. In addition the use of moving and standing meditation
such as used in Qi Gong and Martial arts, play a large role in my life. Qi gong
provides a means to activate the energy centers in our bodies and to balance life
force energy, thereby developing
more Ki.

In the Qi gong exercise

(Spring forest) being performed by
George and Lucie Gawinowski
pictured at the the side of this page,
they are circulating Yin and Yang
energies. In this process not only do they balance energy but they also build


Qigong is one of the most effective healing modalites one can explore. Its
priniciples are also used for martial aplications.

Tracing our merdians is

another excellent means to build
and maintain balanced internal
enrgy. Meridians are part of the
the bodies internal energetic
system. There are 12 primary
meridians and two extra which
actually are the circuits that unite
all the meridians. When one traces their Meridians they will always start and finish
the tracing with these two Merididans. These are normally referred to as the
Governing and Conception (or Central) meridians.

These meridians, form circuits through the body and follow a circular pattern of
moving energy throughout the body. A downward descending meridian is, follwed by a
meridian that ascend so just as the universe moves in a consistent orbit of a circular
pattern, so does the energy within our body. Within the individual meridans we discover
pressure or acupressure- acupunture points.
The drawings featured here are from; 22


These are primary areas which may be used for healing arts and may also be
used as points to strike in martial combat.
Often multiple points from different
meridians may be used to enhance either
the healing or martial aspect of pressure
point utilization. When these points are
used both our intention and the direction
of force or flow affect the out come.
Whether it is to maintain balance, heal or

To maximize our ability to develop

and to use Ki, we must incorporate a few
basic elements in practice which are
based on the discussion to this point
While there are many facets one may incorporate we will for the sake of this presentation
address six foundation needs.

1. Ability to be calm and relaxed

2. Ability to focus
3. Ability to exercise intention
4. Abilty to trust intuition and perceive
5. Abilty to do techniques using Ki
6. Accept our ability to feel or see energy or both


From-Rendu Micro-orbit Channeling Qi Gong:

When one inhales (so that one) swallows (the qi), qi is gathered. As qi has gathered, it expands.
As qi has expanded, it goes downward. As qi goes downward, it settles. As qi is settled, it solidifies.
As qi is solidified, it spouts. As qi spouts, it grows. As qi grows, it is returned. As qi returns, it
ascends to heaven.
The origin of heaven is in the above, the origin of earth at the below. One follows (such way), one
lives. One is against (such way), one dies.
(Li, 345)

Ability to be calm and relaxed.

At first many feel it is counter intuitive to be calm and relaxed when working with
energy. Yet this is a prime need to ulitize Ki in both healing and Martial arts
applications. In martial arts some of the Ki building forms confuse people as there are
both hard (with tension) and soft ( without tension-totally relaxed) forms/exercise in Ki
building. However even the hard forms while using tension require inner or mind
relaxation combined with focus. Emotions must remain neutral and anger or fear, cannot
be present. The only emotion that may exist is one of love. So while in healing it is easy
to justify keeping a feeling of love, many new to martial arts find it hard to excude love
to someone they are facing as a combatant. If this is overly hard then simply void the
mind of all emotions. In healing having anger creates a potential of doing danger to the
person who is to receive the healing energy. Especially if it is that persons anger at the
core of ther issue and it will attract any anger or fear the healer may transmit.

In combat if one becomes angry, they will most likely be the cause of their own
defeat, provided the opponent restrains the urge to become angry. Indeed in my own
facing of competitors or combatants I have taken advantage of my opponents once they
became angry. In fact I often try and make them angry as an angry person always makes


an easier target. It is very important that we remain calm and relaxed and free of
emotional conflicts if we are to heal or do combat.

There are a few keys to victory in combat that also may affect one healing . These
may be found in The book of five rings by Miyamoto Musashi. In brief he describes the
role of anger- which could be thought of as- If one can get his opponent to become
angry then you are assured of victory. As anger leads to mistakes. If one is seeking to
heal themselves anger will worsen the condition. Fear is equally if not more devasting to
one in combat or when trying to heal themselves or be healed.

It is best to be free of all emotions and project our Ki. Remain relaxed and be calm.

Ability to focus and use intention

We must be able to focus and use our intention to survive all threats to our being. This
is needed to ensure success in combat whether it is physical combat, combat against
disease or combat against psychic vandalism. All is the same-if we wish to prevail.
Being able to focus allows us to remove doubts and worries as all these do provide stress,
and act to promote fear which then adds stress and takes our minds away from staying in
life at the moment rather than the what ifs. How do we develop the ability to focus. To
quote the author from the Exploration and Mixed Gas Diving Encyclopedia-The Tao of
Survival, page 197

Gaining focus is a major step towards developing concentration, full

potential, and self -actualization. Begin to focus the mind. Sit and look
at the second hand on a clock. Discard any thoughts and focus 100%
on the movement of the second hand. This may seem difficult in the
beginning but skill develops rapidly. With practice you can totally


focus for five or more minutes. Try these exercises combined with
visulization techniques.
When we face threats of any kind, we must focus. In life or death
siitutations, people who focus their minds and energy fully on survival
can overcome whats threatening them,-regardless of what it is. Focus
speeds up learning, enhances intelligence, recognizes intuition, and
makes beter decisiuons . 23
Intention is directed thought, if our intentions are to prevail we set the path for a
good outcome. Often our intentions may conflict with the logic or views of others yet if
we give in to these we may weaken our ability to survive the situtation.

Intention is amplified by breathing technique and use of affirmations. When

combined with affirmations the affirmation statement must be stated or written with
acceptance of the self.

Ability to trust intuition and perceive thus believe

Ah-ha, this is a more advanced stage of Ki development and at this stage the healer
or martial artist has become more confident and accepting of their use of energy. Often
one will evolve though stages where they may have experienced premonitions that were
of a nature that lead them to attempt to ward off this aspect of intuition. Once
discovering this maybe used in ways to help others and themselves they start more and
more to listen and experiment. This leads to perception and discovery that the use of Ki
and its benefits are valid. It is at this point one not only becomes proficient in the use of
and art of external Ki, which has been derived from the breath and use of it inside and
even with healing and / or martial applications or vice versa. But they develop a more
keen and dependable use of internal Ki which provides the ability to extend their Ki out
side of the body.


Many develop techniques that allow this use of internal Ki prior to there
development of the responsible use of it, in this even there is always the possibility to
cause harm without the ability to heal the damage that may be caused. But those who
have made the journey, which may be a path over years, but for others may come as a
completely intuitive process; it becomes a valuable tool in life.

A good description of intuition is provided in the book The energy of Belief,

Psychologys power tools to Focus Intention and Release Blocking Beliefs (p 65)

The Art of Knowing

Intuition is your sense of knowing, and goes beyond the five senses that we
usually use, and is often referred to as your sixth sense. In a spiritual context
it has been referred as connecting to the still voice within you or to the
presence of a higher power. Everyone has some intuitive ability, and as with
most skills, you can develop it further. People who interact with their energy
system with practices such as Qigong, tai chi, yoga, energy psychology,
quantum touch and Reiki frequently find that their intuition becomes stronger
and stronger. 24
Belief evolves from practice and can be experienced by feeling, seeing, and

Belief may be based on that we wish to believe or may have evolved due

to life experiences that may be unproductive for our evolution. Thus it is important we
release negative beliefs and replace them with positive beliefs thus may need to change
our thoughts. We should also learn to defend ourselves from psychic vandalism and other
projections that some may direct towards us. In a sense some of our beliefs came from
habits and these may be changed by changing the habits. The tools discussed in this
paper may be used to develop your Ki and strengthen your belief system. It is up to you


to choose the path to do this. The highest attainment of use of internal and external Ki is
fulfilled once we have a balance in our belief systems.

Accept our Ability to feel or see energy or both

Everyone has experienced feeling energy. Often some brush it off, and are actually
fearful of it thus denying its existence, healers and true martial arts masters accept it and
open their being to it they embrace it and they build upon it. They accept it rather than
challenge it thus become more proficient in working with it. While there are many
common points in how energy is felt or seen there is a multitude of ways the individual
feels and expresses the interruption of the energetic fields they observe. This leads to a
variety of healing and martial techniques that evolve from a common foundation. While
the individual may utilize part of external Ki well without attaining this ability to see and
feel energy internal Ki cannot be developed to its fullest potential until this is

One who has only digested parts of this protocol may be viewed similarly to false
prophets they serve only a Yang or a Yin energetically, and do not understand the need
for and having balance in the meridians in the chakras and in the subtle body.

From a martial view this is described in Jin Jing Zhongs book DIAN XUE SHU
SKILL OF ACTING ON ACUPOINTS, dim mak authentic shaolin Heritage (translated
by Andrew Timofeevich) Although the original publication was tanjin 1934-its truths

However, a virtual man of high morals, in spite of his physical strength

being inferior compared with others, wins respect. They say that who is able


of killing must be able of saving. The man who perfectly acquired this Gong
Fu has only to raise a hand and the enemy immediately feels fatal danger.
But on the other hand, he is able to reaninate a dying man.
If you can only kill and can not save (reaninate), it is called deadly
hand. It is unacceptable. It is necessary first to learn to save people before
acquiring the martial art. It s the art of DIAN XUE that is the most
suitable method for that. But injuring people, blocking channels and
blood vessels can be done with the same method 25
Once we again we are reminded of the closeness of the healer and the martial artist
and how the energy they both work with may heal or inflict harm. This is why the master
of Ki must have an in-depth understanding and use of energetic principles.

Synchronizing the Mind Body spirit is not a concept or random technique for selfimprovement. Rather, it is a how to be human and how to use our sense of perceptions,
mind, body and our own self-spirit. The glimpse of this connection leads to the discovery
of human power. The power to sense the vision that we live in this phenomenal world. We
need to smell the flowers and fearlessly look beyond what is around us. Be willing to take
the journey and deepen our personal view within ourselves. Be wakeful and aware.
Appreciate our existence and most of all; honor ourselves
Master Lew

The many paths and influences that combine to make our lives flow in each
incarnation become more evident as we explore Ki and the wise use of it. As we evolve
we strive to link our mind- body- and spirit. In this process we discover the whole that is
us individually and collectively. We find the influences from past lives, the acts in
present lives that affect our health and capabilities. We eventually discover each of us is
on a path to learn love and forgiveness and that all relationships are intended to allow us
choice and growth. We must understand we have to surrender to the path even if at
times it removes us from our comfort zone. Indeed if we only remained in our comfort
zone we would not fulfill the purpose we incarnated for.


Yet the message is to increase our love and understanding to realize when changes
must be that we still love and even in combat we love the opponent whether it is human,
animal, disease of psychic. We learn to be a warrior and capable of overcoming and that
even in mortal combat we must focus on love as if we give in to anger fear depression
we strengthen the opponent and weaken our selves.
Understanding how to harness and use life force energy requires being grounded in
Love. To do other wise energies such as fear, hate and anger combine with similar
thoughts and emotions and weaken us and expose us to negative psychic energy therefore
reducing our skills as both a healer and a warrior



Tom Mount PhD., ND

We and all living creatures are energetic beings. Our physical connection in our
bodies druing each incarnation begins with and ends with breath. Therfore it is essential
to understand our evolution as an energetic entity.
In this paper an overview of contributors to our enegetiv survival and health will
be discussed. And how these affect all aspects of life. These include
The importance of balance and use of Qi gong in maintaining balance
Somatic therapy which will include; How thought forms are prayer and
prayer is a thought form and why they always manifest, though not
always as envisioned. The power of thoughts and why we must be
mindful of what we think An overview of underatading our energetic
systems chakras sutle body and internal energy sytems.
Contracts made between life, How one looks at events in life opens the
door to seeing how these contracts are being presented and the choice
they are given to react to them. Including a brief look at archetypes and
how they manifest during our incarnation, will be presented so we can
understand our sacred contracts..
All these are vital to or energetic survival and physical health and karmic
advancement or debt.

Exploring Energetic Survival

Tom Mount N.D. Ph.D.
[When you were born, you cried and the world rejoiced. Live your life so that when you
die, the world cries And you rejoice.
Cherokee Expression
As we explore survival, it is apparent that survival exists on many planes. We can
address physical survival such as threat from an attacker physically or disease, we can
address it on a psychological view such as how it affects behavior, our minds, reasoning
and views, or we can look at it from an emotional impact. However all these produce an
energetic reaction as do all activities in life. Thus as we progress not only through this
life time but future as well as past life times it is important to address energetic survival.


Our Energetic being is the root to all forms of surviving life, in between lives and future
lives. Areas we will address in this paper include;


Somatic intervention, including how thoughts interact with our well


In- between lives contracts, and archetypes to attract our energetic

contractual partners

A better understanding of each of the concepts to be discussed will contribute to

our success in achieving the Cherokee Expression above. For understanding and
attracting balance into our bodies, mind and spirit indeed will allow us to rejoice upon
our death, even though it will bring sadness to others. Such an accomplishment will
signify this life has been a karmic and spiritual success.

"Within this body is found all of the teachings, is found suffering, the cause of suffering,
and the end of suffering."
The Buddha
"You are so part of the world that your slightest action contributes to its reality. Your
breath changes the atmosphere. Your encounters with others alter the fabrics of their
lives, and the lives of those who come in contact with them."
-Jane Roberts, The Seth Material
Qigong originated in China and is an exceptional method to maintain energetic
balance within ones body. Qigong allows physical and energetic exercise, it maintains
balances in Yin and Yang, and it develops Qi (Chi - Ki) usable in every aspect of lifedefense- healing- intuition.. Because it is energy intensive, using correct breathing and
movement as well as sound and vibration techniques it acts as a preventive health care


program. Indeed, if we can maintain energy balance our immune system is strengthened
and we are less prone to disease and injuries.
Many who practice Qigong were first introduced to it, by learning the animal
frolics these are considered to be ideal to maintain energetic balance, thus promoting
good health. Most who do these frolics report feelings of being more at ease within
themselves and experience over all heightened awareness.
The feeling of being detached from ones physical body and in tune with the inner
self is often felt by those who practice Qi-gong and is similar to experiences found in
deep meditations. To many of us this seems to be more intense as we are also employing
the act of a moving meditation. The meditative side of a Qi gong form (frolic) is due to
focus and intent on experiencing the form or movements vs. mechanically doing them.
While practicing animal frolics, once you know the form become the animal, see
yourself, feel yourself moving and being an energy form. Once this is mastered you
become the energy and detach from self and join universal mind (God).
Once comfortable with the frolics, it is natural to evolve into other Qi- gong forms
and practices. You may even devise your personal Qi-gong form based on your needs or
power animals.
As an energy balance system the frolics are ideal for use by the majority of people
and there history dates back thousands of years as referenced on the web page;


Hua T'o (110-207 CE) is one of the famous physicians of the Han
Dynasty. In The History of the Later Han, (110-207 CE) is one of the
famous physicians of the Han Dynasty. In The History of the Later Han,
Hua T'o wrote:
Man's body must have exercise, but it should never be done to the point of
exhaustion. By moving about briskly, digestion is improved, the blood
vessels are opened, and illnesses are prevented. It is like a used doorstep
which never rots. As far as Tao Yin (bending and
stretching exercises) is concerned, we have the
bear's neck, the crane's twist, and swaying the waist
and moving the joints to promote long life. Now I
have created the art called the Frolics of the Five
Animals: the Tiger, the Deer, the Bear, the
Monkey, and the Crane. It eliminates sickness,
benefits the legs, and is also a form of Tao Yin. If
The five animal movements devised by
you feel out of sorts, just practice one of my
Frolics. A gentle sweat will exude, the complexion Hua Tuo. Exercises are similar to the
will become rosy; the body will feel light and you
movements of the tiger, deer, bear,
will want to eat." 26
- From: Drawing Silk: A Training Manual for T'ai monkey and bird.
Chi, p. 6.

By locating the energy imbalance and performing healing techniques or using

natural remedies and exercises such as Qi Gong, balance is restored to our entire being.
Energetic balance combines internal exploration with any treatment, bringing us to the
source of where and why the imbalance originated.
Those seriously exploring Qi-gong tend to become involved in multiple
disciplines of it. It is an old art and has survived thousands of years of evolution and
many different schools of thought and philosophy of Qi-gong exist. It is internationally
practiced thus new systems based on it may bear different names. Qi-gong from early
history has been a growth program thus taking from other disciplines as well as giving to

Many believe in its earliest stages of development that shamanic Qi-gong was

the original practice.


Today as before in China and many Asian cultures Qigong is a part of formal
health care comprising a segment of traditional Oriental Medicine, just as acupuncture
and other specialized areas do. Qi gong is overall divided into Medical Qi-gong, Taoist
Q-gong, Buddhist Qi-gong, and Martial arts Qi-gong. Many of us who developed an
interest in qigong naturally evolved into it as part f our spiritual path, and as not only the
forms but also the medical Qi-gong applications. Quite often this is combined with
numerous other forms of energy psychology and medicine. Which in this authors case is
true. Chart one serves as a reference for the specialized areas of Qigong.
Exerted from

Medical Qi-gong

Medical Qi-gong emphasizes the free flow and balance of Qi (vital energy) in the body.
The primary purpose is to treat illness or cure a disease. Medical practitioners learn how to
use the inner Qi for diagnosis and healing.

Taoist Qi-gong

Stresses preservation of the physical body and high virtue. Many Taoist Qi-gong masters
enjoyed long lives. (3600 approaches are mentioned throughout its history.)

Buddhist Qi-gong

Aims to liberate the mind, cultivate virtue and to obtain enlightening wisdom. The human
body is considered a tool for attaining enlightenment. (84000 approaches mentioned in
history; most popular type of Qi-gong.)

Confucian Qi-gong

Aims to provide high moral character and intelligence.

Martial Arts Qi-

Trains the body for protection from cuts by weapons or attacks using the four limbs. It


also trains the body to deliver fatal blows enhanced with Qi.

As a brief view of how Qi-gong forms and frolics changes over time we once
again will visit the web page ;


In more recent centuries, eight of the exercises, done with far less speed and
force, became widely used as a warm-up exercise set in many soft style
internal martial arts (i.e., Taijiquan, Bagua, Hsing I), or in parts of other Chi
Kung (Qigong) practice routines; and, became widely known as the
Eight Section Brocade or Eight Treasure Exercises. The soft qigong style
(Rou Gong) of the Eight Section Brocade, emphasizing Daoist exercise
methods and the aims of inner qigong (Nei Gong), and general bodily and
mental health benefits, is arguably the most popular qigong exercise set now
practiced all around the world.
All Chi Kung exercises are intended to improve health, increase energy,
revitalize the body and mind, prevent or control disease, tone the internal
organs, improve balance, reduce stress, boost the immune system, remove
toxins, tone the muscles and tendons, uplift mood, contribute to longevity,
and provide an integrated mind-body practice leading towards
enlightenment and harmony with the Tao. Take some confidence in this
promise, "Every person who uses Qi cultivation methods
consistently experiences some form of health improvement and personal
access to greater energy and power 27
- Roger Jahnke, OMD, The Healing Promise of Qi, 2002, p. 31.

Qi-gong's development and evolution makes an interesting study and it is

recommended for those wishing to explore the foundations more that they visit the web
page - where
they can explore the major periods Qigong evolved through. It is also an excellent page to
explore numerous areas of Qi-gong. The below is an exert from -

The history of Qi-gong dates back to about 5000 years. There were many
terms given to such kind of exercise before, like xing-qi (promoting the
circulation of qi), fu-qi (taking qi), dao-yin (guiding the energy flow), tuina (exhaling and inhaling), zuo-chan (sitting in meditation), yang-shen
(nourishing the spirit) and jing-zuo (sitting still). It was not until 1953,
when Liu Gui-zheng published a paper entitled "Practice On Qigong
Therapy", that the term qi-gong was adopted widely as a formal name for
this type of exercise.


Manuscript drawing of physical exercises dao-yin (guiding the energy flow) from an ancient
tomb of the Han dynasty.

Qi-gong is thought to have originated as a form of "remedy dancing" created

for healing and health preservation purposes. Due to the long-term struggles
with nature, the ancients gradually realized that body movements,
exclamations, and various ways of breathing could help readjust certain
body 28
Another descriptive discussion on why Qigong is of benefit is presented by Ken
Cohen, noted Qi gong Master and healer sharing his experience with Qigong and why he
continues to learn, practice and teach it. This exert is from Ken Cohen web page
To stand straight is to give up the burden of insecurity. To breathe slowly is
to take life as it comes, without allowing memory or expectation to interfere.
As the body becomes quiet, the mind becomes quiet. The qi flows not only
within the body, but between oneself and Nature. In breathing, the external
world becomes you. Yet you do not own it, you let it go and return breath to
its source-- what Chinese people call the Tao.
I had another beginning, a renaissance of Qi, and several years later. I was
teaching my first seminar at a growth center in Amherst, Massachusetts. One
evening, during a break, I decided to take a walk outside; snow was falling
and hanging heavy on the pine trees. Wouldn't it be wonderful to practice
Qigong in this setting? As I began practicing, something very odd happened.
Normally, I experienced Qigong movements as arising from deep within,
seemingly generated by the breath and by the slow shifting of the weight. But
this time I disappeared; I felt that I was not doing Qigong. Rather, the falling
snow, the trees, the air, the ground itself were unfolding through the various
postures. I became a sphere of energy whose center was everywhere. This was
a kind of spiritual rebirth in Qigong; I learned that mind and body could


become truly empty, that inside and outside could become a unified field of
awareness. I cannot claim the experience as my own, because the experience
was without "I". But I do know that Qigong has never been the same. Thus,
another key to my motivation and, I hope, to your motivation: practice qigong
to learn that you are part of Nature. When you breathe, it is the wisdom of
nature that breathes you! 29

As we close this section,lets pray that we may build energy to protect, to

serve and to heal and that we truly embrace it is not our will but thine that makes us
whole AmenFor, in each physical organism there are those conditions that enable the organ to
reproduce itself - if it has the cooperation of every other portion of the body. When these
suffer from mental or physical disorders, which make for repressions in any portion of
the system, then dis-ease and distress first arise. If heed is not taken as to the warnings
sent forth along the nervous system ... that certain organs or portions of the system are in
distress - or the S.O.S. that goes out is not heeded - then disease sets in ... (531-1) 30
Edward Cayce
This we know- the earth does not belong to man, man belongs to earth. All things are
connected like the blood that unites one family. Whatever be falls the earth befalls the
sons of the earth. Man does not weave the web of life, he is merely a strand of it. What
ever he does to the web, he does to himself
Chief Seattle
Somatic Therapies
In discussing Somatic therapies, we discover the very close link of mind, body and
spirit. The definition of somatic is from the American Heritage Dictionary.
Of, relating to, or affecting the body, especially as distinguished from a body part, the
mind, or the environment; corporeal or physical. See Synonyms at bodily.
Of or relating to the wall of the body cavity, especially as distinguished from the head,
limbs, or viscera. Of or relating to the portion of the vertebrate nervous system that
regulates voluntary movement. Of or relating to a somatic cell or the somatoplasm.



In addition, the definition of therapy, which is also found in the American Heritage
Dictionary, is as follows. NOUN: Treatment of illness or disability. Psychotherapy
Healing power or quality: the therapy of fresh air and sun.


Applying the definitions of somatic and therapy, we conclude:
1. By combining the meaning of the words somatic and therapy, we may view
Somatic Therapy as an involvement of all that may affect the body, the mind and
its mental wellness. Physiologically, this includes the cavity of the body, the
functions of the nervous system involved in producing movement, and the
somatic cell (somatoplasm). Therapeutically, Somatic Therapy involves the
treatment of illness (dis-ease) combined with psychotherapeutic approaches to
cure the specified illness.
2. The root of the healing process derives from breath and directing the energy Ki
(Chi Qi-Paran etc), which in turn may assist in the healing.
3. Somatic Therapy also explains how body alignment influences mental
conditions, and vice versa. Therefore, it is reasonable that somatic therapies,
which integrate the mind and the body, offer the cure for mind-body ailments.
As in all CAM approaches the individual is looked upon as a whole; thus symptoms
only provide a piece of the puzzle to look for a cause within.
A potential danger in allopathic medicine lies in the tendency to view the
symptom as the disease thus treat the symptoms with drugs, which may lead to a
suppression of symptoms rather than cure . The cause of disease is more complex than


popular thought implies. One must include consideration of our being (the entire self
body, mind and spirit), that the symptoms themselves alert us to.
Torkom Saraydarian in New Dimensions in Healing, writes:
When we speak about healing, we speak about the process of attunement, just
as an orchestra tunes every musical instrument with the key note. Our
physical-etheric, emotional, and mental bodies are like musical instruments.
The whole individuality is an orchestra. Later on the same page he states
Every human being in his core has that keynote on which he is supposed to
tune all his mental, emotional, Etheric, and physical systems. Every step in
tuning to that keynote is the healing process. That inner sound stands for our
highest visions-the hope of glory, the archetype of perfection. This inner
note, sound, not only tunes our atoms, cells, organs, and system, but it also
tunes us to the keynote of the Universe which, as a Cosmic Sound, tries to
harmonize and attune all parts of creation. 33

As his description of New Dimensions in healing ends Saraydarian goes on to elaborate,

People have thought that man is a chemical compound, while others
thought that man is a pool of emotions or nothing else but a machine
producing thoughts. These may be true, but a human being is also a spirit, a
beauty, a condensed bliss, a source of Cosmic Creativity he is the space.
All that exists in him, all that he is, is the sum of the Universe-he is the
microcosm within the macrocosm. The healing process also includes the
process of elimination of those elements from the physical, Etheric, astral,
and mental nature, which create discord and cannot attune with the
principles that are not of our Core. Many habits, vices, dark urges and drives
coming from our past; our negative emotions; thoughts based on selfinterest, exploitation, and greed-these are elements that prevent the
expansion of consciousness; elements that cause separation and discord. All
the elements are seed of disease in our various vehicles for which we pay a
high price. 34

Cure is difficult when ones knowledge is limited to anatomy, physiology, and

psychology. An understanding beyond the visible one that allows us to get to the root of
the problem leads us to a search of all that encompasses the self. Once we open up to the
multi-dimensional depth of who, what and why we are, it becomes easier to understand
the roots of our issues. A good place to explore is to provide an overview of the layers of


which we are composed. To develop an overview of our being, let us begin with a
presentation of these layers. In Vibrational Medicine, Richard Gerber M.D. explains. ;
Key Points to Remember
1. All matter, both physical and subtle, has frequency. Matter of
different frequencies can coexist in the same space, just as energies of
different frequencies (i.e. radio and TV) can exist nondestructively in the
same space.
2. The etheric and physical bodies, being of different frequencies,
overlap and coexist in the same space.
3. The acupuncture meridian system is a discretely organized network
of microscopic ducts, which connects the physical to the etheric body,
forming the so- called physical/ etheric interface.
4. The meridian system relays a nutritive subtle energy, known as chi,
from the environment to the nerves, blood vessels, and deeper organs of
the body via energetic portals in the skin called acupuncture points.
5. Energy disturbances in etheric body and the acupuncture meridian
system precede the physical /cellular manifestation of illness.
6. The chakras are specialized energy centers in the subtle bodies,
each associated with a major nerve and glandular center in the physical
body. The chakras act as transformers to step down subtle energies and
translate them into hormonal, nerve, and cellular activity in the physical
7. The major chakras, especially the crown, brow, and throat chakras
are also subtle organs of perception and are associated with the
psychic abilities of higher intuition, clairvoyance, and clairaudience,
8. The chakras are connected to each other and to various aspects of
the physical body through energetic threads known as nadis, together
forming the chakra-nadi network.
9. The Astral body is another subtle body, like the etheric body, made
up of matter of a higher frequency than the etheric matter. It is
similarly superimposed upon the physical- etheric framework. The astral
body is energetically involved in the experiencing, expression, and
repression of emotion.
10. Dysfunction in the astral body caused by emotional imbalances
can impair the flow of energy through the chakras, eventually resulting
in glandular imbalance and physical illness.
11. Consciousness can move into the astral body and separate from
the physical-etheric vehicles. When this happens naturally it is known
as astral projection or an out of body experience (OOBE). When this
separation of consciousness occurs traumatically, it is often referred to as a
near death Experience (NDE).
12. Einsteins equation predicts the existence of a faster than light
energy referred to by William Tillman as a magnetoelectrical energy


(ME). ME energy is analogous to etheric and possibly astral energy or

substance. ME energy displays the unique properties of negative entrophy
and a magnetic nature, and is not easily measurable with conventional
electromagnetic (EM) field detectors.
13. Experiments with healers show that they posses energy fields
with characteristics that fit the predictions for the behavior of ME
energies i.e. they are magnetic and negatively entropic in nature.
There are additional higher frequencies vehicles, the mental
and casual bodies, which also contribute energies to the physical body.
15. Reincarnation presents a model by which consciousness is
repeatedly projected into physical vehicles for the purpose of gaining
experience, knowledge, and spiritual maturity.
16. The experiences and knowledge gained from all lifetimes are
stored at the level of the casual body, sometimes referred to as the
higher self.
Reincarnation is one of the few models which explains why
diseases, as well as physical, emotional, socioeconomic handicaps,
may be viewed as learning experiences and opportunities for soul
18. Viewed from the subtle energetic level, consciousness is a form
energy, which continually evolves to higher levels of complexity
and understanding 35
As we look over these 18 statements above, one may begin to develop an
understanding of how so many factors affect the health of our body, mind, and spirit. It
becomes easy to envision a feedback process up and down this chain. This in return
reflects the power we have in Energetic applications. It also explains why a thought may
materialize as it transcends up the chain. Thoughts may also be brought forward from
past lives. This duality of thought allows us to see how a thought from a previous life
influences our life today. It is also possible that the genes of people, for example, will
contain clues as to why some will react in certain ways, while others react differently.
Robert Scaer explores the possible role of genetics on trauma responses in his text, The
Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency.:
In his book Nature via Nurture, Matt Ridley (2003) explored the
complex nature of the gene versus experience debate from the personality
structure concepts of free will. Ridley noted a rather obscure scientific
finding that a specific gene may predispose its owners to personality traits

of depression, self-consciousness, anxiety, and vulnerability traits that

fall under the psychological definition of neuroticism. The degree that
these traits find expression in the life of their owner, however, is
determined by the life experiences of that individual. The genes, in other
words, are switched on by nurture. The absence of trauma even in the
face of the neuroticism genetic template may minimize the expression. In
the face of trauma, however, the individual with this genetic pattern may
be much more likely to develop the personality traits that we associate
with neuroticism, some of which correlate with the late symptoms of
trauma 36

From the above quote, it is apparent that researchers are exploring the concept of
genetic coding as it relates to an individuals response to real or perceived threat
Reincarnation and karma most likely play deciding roles in our behavior under stress, as
our reaction to threat may be based in past life events.

Following this line of reasoning,

our reactions to a traumatic situation in the now may have formed during birth,
conception, a previous life, or a prior death.
Therefore, our emotional responses to lifes incidents provide us with opportunities
to initiate change by modifying our thought and response patterns. In this manner, we
can choose to change for better or worse. However, we must be able to understand that
other thoughts that we have may mediate or exacerbate our responses.
Our thoughts direct who we are. Our thoughts direct what we accomplish. Our
thoughts affect others as others thoughts affect us. In the book Thought-Forms, an early
work on the subject, the authors
Anne Besant and C.W. Leadbeater wrote: Thought forms directed towards
individuals produce definitely marked effects, these effects being either partially
reproduced in the Aura of the recipient and so increasing the total result, or repelled
from it. 37


They go on to state ; Thus can we create and maintain veritable guardian

angels around those we love, and many a mother s prayer for a distant child thus
circles round him, though she knows not the method by which her prayer is
answered. 38

In Consciousness, Bioenergy, and Healing, Daniel Ben or quotes Annie Bezant and CW
The distance to which such thought waves penetrate, and the force and
persistency with which they impinge upon the mental bodies of others
depend upon the strength and clearness of the original thought and again
If the mans thought or feeling is directly connected with someone else,
the resultant thought form moves towards that person and discharges itself
upon his astral and mental bodies. 39
Reviewing our discussion, we can summarize the below as probable truths.

Injuries and health issues may evolve from thoughts.

Our thoughts often are the result of emotions.

Frequently when we injure ourself or develop an illness it follows an emotional

time in life. This emotion produces a thought.

The thought form produces an energy reaction.

The energy reaction set in motion may result in the symptom of an injury, illness,
or more serious event.

Often chronic injuries or illnesses seem to follow feelings. These feelings cause
thoughts to develop regarding how we felt about the incident or illness.

Chronic situations may be due to the selfs attempt to alert us that something is
wrong with the self and needs to be repaired.


Frequently a chronic pain site such as lower back, shoulders, elbows, neck etc. is
a referred pain or illness reflecting a source deeper within.

In addition, our moods follow the same form of action and reaction.

This series of change produces both behavior and physically recognizable

features. This is the self trying to communicate its need to be fixed.

Failure to heed these warnings may lead to terminal illness or severe physical or
mental debilitation.

Many of the issues we face are from the energy within our DNA from past life
events. These are often more difficult to understand, but are specific to our needs
to heal and grow. Once we accept we carry past life issues, it becomes easier to
cure the past energetic problems.

Recognize that many of our injures and illnesses developed, either at the present
time, earlier in this life, or during a past life, due to a thought opening a door to
awareness and healing.

Thought cause and effect may also bring about change.

For this reason, affirmations are an effective means of bringing about


Visualization and meditation are great life-healing and life-direction tools.

These tools work by helping emotion and thought to move forward while
we are in a relaxed state of mind. Visualization, meditation, and
affirmations allow us to develop thought forms to bring about change and
evolve our lives.


Visualization, meditation, and affirmations allow us to develop greater

Chi, thus balance our energy.

The Chi helps us identify energy sources within others and ourselves.

This recognition of Chi assists us in both healing and protecting ourselves.

Past life therapy and somatic psychology are valuable healing processes.
Although, to a limited degree, we can employ these tools ourselves, a qualified
therapist may prove to be a significant benefit in helping us to recognize internal
Traumatic experiences locked deep within and blocked require help to
Once aware of an internal trauma we can release it and begin the healing

Somatic intervention searches for the root of issues so the mind-body relationship
may begin the healing process. Dr. Peter Levine, an early pioneer in the field of somatic
experience as a means of revealing the bodys wisdom writes on the web page
Somatic Experiencing
Somatic Experiencing, developed by Peter Levine, is a therapy based on
restoring the wisdom of the body as a way to gain access to our inner resources,
restore the autonomic nervous system's ability to self-regulate, and repair the
damage caused by trauma.
In Somatic Experiencing, the client begins by learning how to
"track" what is happening in the body. Tracking involves bringing
awareness to the body and noticing neutral, pleasant, or unpleasant
sensations. In addition to tracking, Somatic Experiencing relies on
"resorting," the rediscovery and development of resources -- such as
people, pets, places, skills, accomplishments, hobbies, and religious and
spiritual beliefs -- that remind the client of his or her own strengths. The

inner sensation of strength is often forgotten after traumatic events.

Establishing resources can provide greater strength and the courage to
confront and overcome past traumatic experiences.
To heal trauma through Somatic Experiencing, the client must
gradually achieve a level of activation in the body that replicates the
traumatized state. Sensations associated with trauma typically include
rapid heart rate, increased body temperature, difficulty breathing, pain,
and agitation. In contrast, joy and other pleasant states are often
characterized by a steady heartbeat, relaxed muscles, and sensations of
flowing energy, calmness, and vitality.
Many individuals who have experienced trauma are cut off from
their bodily sensations. Somatic Experiencing involves gradually
ratcheting up the level of activation in tiny increments, a process called
"titration." Once the body is activated, the individual can learn to
stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system and return to a calmer state,
all the while keeping in mind and drawing on those important resources.
As treatment progresses, larger and larger elements of the onceoverwhelming traumatic experience are recalled and integrated into the
process, until the client has mastery over his or her responses.
This therapeutic approach can be very empowering; it provides a
sense of self-agency (ownership of one's actions) and shows the
traumatized person that she or he can cope with the thoughts and
sensations that accompany activation. Reprocessing and uncoupling
thoughts of trauma from the accompanying bodily sensations requires
patience and discipline, but the rewards can be transformative. 40
Recent exciting developments in science include such things as the discovery by
Candace Pert that every receptor site she studied in the brain she also found monocytes,
which are a type of white blood cell (WBC). Monocytes have a pivotal role in the
immune response. It is interesting to note Pert also found that many chemicals that
contribute to the control of emotions also affect the routing and migration of monocytes.
This reflects the power of emotion and thought on our anatomy and physiology. These
same immune system cells, which are receptors for various neuropeptide chemicals that
control the brains response to emotion, also make these substances. In addition, Perts
research notes that the entire lining of the intestinal tract, from the esophagus through the
large intestines, are lined with cells containing neuropeptides and receptors for these
particular brain chemicals.

A broader overview of the mind- body relationship is discussed by Sonia Osori in

Awakening The Senses, Awakening to Who We Are, which may be found on the web
Sensations, in effect, define not only where we are in the world, but who
we are in the world. Our senses help us to assess our environment and to
determine the appropriate response to it, both in terms of physiological
reactions and in how we react emotionally to situations. As our senses
inform us about the objects and people around us, there is always a
corresponding reaction within us. There really is no fixed point where we
begin and the world stops. The further in or out we go, the more we find
that the boundary between our environment and our physiological and
psychological feelings is blurred or maybe cleared, if we choose to
listen with all of our being and to feel internally as much as we do
Like Body, Like Mind
How we feel and what we feel are intimately related. Our senses both
define and are defined by our emotional and physiological states. Our
body and mind are continually receiving input through our senses, just as
our senses are altered by our physical and emotional shifts. Neuropeptides,
amino acids that function as biochemical messengers, regulate almost all
life processes. Neuropeptides are one of three types of biochemicals
classified as ligands; neurotransmitters and steroids are the other two
types. However, neuropeptides comprise 95 percent of all ligands and
circulate throughout the blood, lymph, and cerebrospinal fluid.
Molecular biologist Candace Perts research into neuropeptides and their
receptors significantly changed the previously held view that there were
only two kinds of neuroactive chemicals: norepinephrine, which was
excitatory, and acetylcholine, which was inhibitory. Pert documented
nearly 100 neuropeptides and estimated that 300 would likely be
discovered, each producing a different action on the body and affecting
overall behavior. In fact, Pert calls these peptides and receptors the
biochemical correlate of emotion, which unites mind and body.
Though neuropeptides are produced primarily in the brain, almost every
tissue in the body produces and has receptor sites for neuropeptides,
including the intestines, muscles, glands, lungs, and cells in the immune
system. So prevalent and essential is this two-way communication
between mind-body and body-mind that Pert refers to neuropeptides and
receptors as tiny eyes, or ears, or taste buds, continually receiving and
transmitting sensory information.
While many studies have shown a direct correlation between degenerative
conditions and sustained states of stress, anger, or grief, the inverse is also
true: Positive states can have restorative effects. PNI research has
identified a variety of body-centered practices including acupuncture,


tai chi, mediation, yoga, and bodywork as having value in the

promotion of wellness and in the management of chronic illness by giving
people a sense of control over their condition and their response to it. As
we change thought and behavior patterns, corresponding changes occur in
the receptor-neuropeptide connections. Our bodies and minds quite
literally create a more healthy and healing response. 41

In the above discussion, the importance of using the healing abilities of ones
entire energetic body, including the physical and emotional components is brought out.
This is the reason that working with the bodys meridians, the various Chakras, and
the physical and spiritual nature of our body is important. These are the pathways that
connect the physical
body with the Etheric,
and thus indirectly with
all our being.
In the photo to
the side Norm Shealy
MD, PhD, participates
in an energetic healing
process along with
newly ordained ministers of the church of International Science of Mind Church for
Spiritual Healing, including the author.
An insight to the role of the soul and its memory is provided by Michael Newton
All soul evaluation conferences, be they with our guides, peers, or a panel of
masters have one thing in common. The feedback and past life analysis we
receive in terms of judgment is based upon the original intent of our choices
as much as the actions of a life time. Our motivations are questioned and


criticized, but not condemned in such a way as to make us suffer. As I

explained in chapter Four, this does not mean souls are exonerated for their
acts which harmed others simply because they are sorry. Karmic payment
will come in a future life. I have been told that our spiritual masters
constantly remind us that because the human brain does not have an innate
moral sense of ethics, conscience is the souls responsibility. Nevertheless,
there is overwhelming forgiveness in the spirit world. This world is ageless
and so too are our earning task. We will be given other chances in our
struggle for growth. 42 .
A practitioner may use modalities such as acupuncture, acupressure, Past Life
Therapy, nutrition, structural balancing, and meditation / visualization combined with
kinesiology to resolve issues. In addition, there are varieties of alarm points that may be
tested for problems. Moreover, we have numerous energy techniques such as aura
expansion, white light building, color therapy, and meridian tracing that provide us a
means to protect and to maintain balance in the energetic body. When identifying an
organ /energy system imbalance the best tool is to touch where the organ is located and
feels if there is weakness. Energetic balance may be restored simply by doing a
corresponding energy balancing action to the meridians, organs or Chakras. Many times,
if we are exploring emotional issues, we mentally ask the question to be answered by the
muscle response.

In closing our discussion on somatic therapy, I would like to use the following
passage on page 11, item three from The Mystic Bible. I think this quote provides a good
overview of our choice regarding how we use our energy and the consequence of its
misuse. The section presents the integration flow charts from a slightly different
The one river of energy is the psychic prana, which flows out of the
Etheric realm and becomes the gross physical prana, which in turn flows
over the nervous system in the body of man. The prana flows over the five


Tattwas as fields and regions in the human body, as wireless energy,

before it becomes the gross prana of nerve impulses and physical action.
The downward drive for sensation wastes the precious psychic pranic
energy and binds the senses, mind and soul to this earth ward pull. There
is little chance for this fine sensory energy to be purified and drawn
upward and inward by concentration, where it is exhausted in the
downward trend. Not only does this waste of energy prevent one from
making spiritual progress, but it also robs the rest of the life energy
currents necessary for maintaining the physical body in perfect health and
vigor, because through this wasting or squandering it uses more than is
naturally apportioned to that center by the economy of the pattern essence.
Only six petals are allotted to this lotus or Chakra, out of the fifty-two
petals on the tree of life in the body. The energy goes either up or down.
If up, it enriches the mind function and the consciousness and helps to free
the soul from bondage. 43

To summarize, somatic therapy is a healing tool that uses the energetic body to
heal trauma. Trauma may be due to numerous reasons from physical injury,
psychological harm, perception of a wrong and past life events. We should view
trauma overall as an energetic imbalance in ones energy field. Somatic approaches
allow one to release our trauma much in the fashion of birth of a new baby. Trauma with
somatic healing applied becomes a means of transformation allowing us to find our new
and true self. It enables though release of these unbalanced energies to find new creative
abilities, and move forward in amore fulfilled life.
"Whatever is destined not to happen will not happen, try as you may.
What is destined to happen will happen, do what you may to prevent it.
This is certain. The best course is therefore, to remain silent."
Sri Ramana Maharshi

Exploring In Between Lives and our Sacred Contracts

In this paper we have discussed numerous events including past lives, karma and
energetic balance and there role on our health, and happiness in life. As energetic


survival depends on balance it presents the question of why and how events in our life
flow as they do..
This question leads us to examine the period between our death and a rebirth of a
physical body we inhabit. What takes place in this period between lives, how may it
affect our current or future incarnations.
As explained by Dr. Tan Kheng Khoo, on her web page

Every Incarnation is Solely for

Spiritual Growth , The purpose of every incarnation is for spiritual growth

and increasing of our vibrations. The methods used are essentially threepronged (1) purification (2) service and (3) acquisition of love and wisdom
44. on her web page
In our journey we question why certain people come into out lives. In some cases
we discover that a simple contact with a person, by phone, email etc, even though we
may have no idea of how they look yet that intuitive glimpse enables us to know we
have always know this person. How can this be?
If we review the contracts we have in between lives, such as discussed by Carolyn
Myss in her books and courses on sacred contracts, we will discover such people are part
of the soul group we made contracts to fulfill in this life. In fact most people we meet
who strongly influence our lives are with in that contract group. Each is here to help us
grow spiritually. Consequently the time of meeting may or may not from our life
thinking seem logical. But it is in our contract. It is amazing how that as we push limits
such as quantum mechanics /physics, we do discover scientific bases to explain these


contracts. An overview may be found on the web page;
Have you ever had an experience or a moment when you knew something
important was going on, but you didnt know what it was or why exactly?
When, for a few seconds, youre suspended in some other dimension and
hear yourself say something like, wow, this is happening, its happening,
yes, its happening. And you stay there, it seems, like eons, until someone
makes you do or say something that takes you out of that moment. What is
Sometimes its a person coming into your life for a brief time, or maybe a
lifetime. You know that person instinctively, from the instant you lay eyes
on him or her, and you know he or she is important to you; that meeting
him or her is meaningful. Somehow. So you apply some familiar,
commonplace meaning to it. Love at first sight. Just lucky I guess. Normal
attraction. And call it a day. But is it only that?
You dont have to have the whole person standing in front of you to have
that moment. It can just be the persons name, heard in a casual
conversation or seen on a piece of paper. Boom. It does something to you.
Deep inside. Youre intrigued. You want to meet that person. Or events
and circumstances bring you to that person. And when you meet that
person, you pay special attention, and undoubtedly, you get involved. You
may even marry him or her. In all cases, you are changed by it.
Would you like to know what thats all about? I call it, a quantum
moment. A moment in which you feel different, moved emotionally in a
somatic sense, other worldly, responding to what would otherwise be an
ordinary situation, but you respond instead in an extraordinary way. What
we are talking about is a small window on a vast dimension of life, for
most people, invisible, that increases our ability to perceive and process
information vital to us and to our purpose in being here. That dimension is
called the Quantum Energy or Zero-Point Field. 45

The time some souls are destined to exit your life are part of these sacred contracts
also. Often this may be painful for either or both parties. To many it is difficult to
comprehend the events that bring people into and out of ones life. Once we learn to see
through the souls eyes and not our own, it becomes more evident as to why people are
destined to come and go from our lives when they do. Each person that has a contract is


here to enact a learning experience in this incarnation for us or themselves and usually
Often our contracts leave us with hard choice and we may rationalize that we should
chose to not to follow the contract that is ending or the one that has (and will) begin. Just
as the opening quote to this sections states; "Whatever is destined not to happen will
not happen, try as you may. What is destined to happen will happen, do what you may
to prevent it. This is certain. The best course is therefore, to remain silent." Logically
this may be due to even though a current contractual partner has been long standing and
we do not wish to hurt them or ourselves we rationalize it would be best to stay with that
contract. However if we look over events that precede a new contract entering our life
many experiences as to why the old contract has been fulfilled are presented to us and
will continue to be until we chose to meet our sacred contract obligations.
And if we become aware of our archetypes and those of the others we often can see
the sense in why this is happening. In fact if a contract has been fulfilled it is likely
both parties will be happier in the long term as they will be free to pursue their other
contracts which will not open to them if they do not adhere to the contract. So while a
familiar old contract that has been completed may seem comfortable it will become more
stressful as it is intended to end. This is the soul contracts, method to make you aware it
is time to move on with your other contracts so that you may continue to learn as
intended by your sacred contracts. You cannot address these as I do not wish to hurt so
and so- or we have been with each other so long it would be waste to leave this situation.
That is the body rationalization and not the message the contract is sending. Yes, you can
chose to try and not follow the contract, but you will be continually reminded.


So it behooves all of us to learn about Archetypes and understand our own

archetypes. Once we know our archetypes we can match them to a house. After this
we can develop a natal (birth set and then apply different sets to different areas and times
of our life. During this process our 12 archetypes will change houses thus how they
affect different aspects of our life. But understanding them makes it much easier to see
when something is in process of change. We also become more aware of the archetypes
behavior of others during this process. While this may not make certain aspects of life
easier it does make it more understandable and alert us to when it is time to evolve.

If we delve deeply into the houses and the Chakras found in them, we must
understand their influence on the well being of mind, body and spirit. Also of our
meridians and Aura, any blockages or leaks in these energetic systems will affect our
energetic balance.
By understanding all aspects we develop a tool to avoid or control these predisposed
risk conditions. To use the avoidance technique, one must have awareness thus the
benefit of the dance of the archetype. And of most importance is the fact if we
understand the overall physiology and anatomy of both the physical and spiritual being
we become healers. Anyone pursuing understanding of themselves and events in their
life or energy medicine including intuitive medicine should develop a foundation on
archetypes, charkas, meridians, pressure points and the aura combined with how to
receive, build and take energy from or to areas of our or someone elses body.
To provide an overview of archetypes, I have included the dance of archetypes,
within myself. (This is an exert showing occurrences of the authors archetypes in the 12
houses, from a paper developed as part of the final paper in 2004 in the course Spiritual


Contracts (810) with Dr. Norm Shealy at Holus Graduate School). To fully understand
archetypes it is recommend each individual do their casting in each of the12 houses. An
overview of these houses may be found on Carolyn Myss web page.

The twelve houses of the Archetypal Wheel are divided as follows:

Personality, Ego: the face you present to the outside world
Life Values: ownership, finances, your relationship to earthly power
Self-expression, Siblings: the power of choice
Home: establishing your emotional foundation
Creativity, Good Fortune: erotic energies, including creativity, sexuality,
and synchronicity/chance
Occupation and Health: seeking security in the physical world
Relationships: marriage and partnerships
Other People's Resources: stocks, inheritance, death and closure
Spirituality: wisdom, publishing, travel
10. Highest Potential: completing the integration of the self
11. Interaction with the World: relating your creativity to humanity
12. The Unconscious 46

Upon completing the casting of the 12 houses and the 12 different life systems
applications, we will observe the dance of the archetypes throughout these areas of my
life. My personal archetypes consisted of athlete, engineer, pioneer, rebel, shape shifter,
teacher, warrior, child, prostitute, saboteur, and victim. (Note! everyone has the
archetypes of child, prostitute, saboteur and victim.)


For a reference of the houses the wheel below is from 47


Below the Athlete is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house





Below the Child is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house






Below the Engineer is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house







Below the Pioneer is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house






Below the Prostitute is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house






Below the Rebel is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house







Below the Saboteur is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house

relate W


relate 7

create 5




Below the Shape Shifter is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house
Shape Shifter

Shape Shifter





Below the Teacher is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house







Below the Victim is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house






Below the Warrior is featured with its frequency of appearance in each house






.By following the level of influence of each archetype in this chart below, one can
observe the greatest effect of each archetype

9 10 11 12

Archetype Comparision

W arrior


From the below vantage point we see the view of houses to archetypes


S Ss

Overview by archetype

1 house
2 house
3 house
4 house
5 house
6 house
7 house
8 house
9 house
10 house
11 house
12 house

Thought directs our actions and what will take pace in our lives and enables us to
work with our archetypes and sacred contracts for growth. The below information is from
the web site .
ThoughtThe Architect of Destiny
If the mind dwells continually upon one train of thought, a groove is formed
into which the thought-force runs automatically and such a habit of thought
survives death and since it belongs to the ego, is carried over to the
subsequent earth-life as a thought-tendency and capacity.
Every thought, it must be remembered, has its own mental image. The
essence of the various mental images formed in one particular physical life
is being worked out in the mental plane. It constitutes the basis for the next
physical life.
Just as a new physical body is formed in every birth, so also a new mind and
a new Buddha are formed in every birth.
Not easy is the act of explaining the detailed workings of thought and
destiny. Every Karma produces a twofold effect, one on the individual mind
and the other on the world. Man makes the circumstances of his future life
by the effect of his actions upon others.


Every action has a past which leads up to it; every action has a future which
proceeds from it. An action implies a desire which prompted it and a
thought which shaped it.
Each thought is a link in an endless chain of causes and effects, each effect
becoming a cause and each cause having been an effect; and each link in the
endless chain is welded out of three componentsdesire, thought and
activity. A desire stimulates a thought; a thought embodies itself as an act.
Act constitutes the web of destiny.
Selfish coveting of the possessions of others, though never carried out into
active cheating in the present, makes one a thief in a later earth-life, while
hatred and revenge secretly cherished are the seeds from which the murderer
So again, unselfish loving yields as harvest the philanthropist and the saint;
and every thought of compassion helps to build the tender and pitiful nature
which belongs to one who is a friend to all creatures.
Sage Vasishtha asks Rama to do Purushartha, or show the prowess of selfexertion. Do not yield to fatalism. It will induce inertia and laziness.
Recognize the Great Powers of Thought. Exert. By right thinking make for
yourself a great destiny.
Prarabdha is Purushartha of last birth. You sow an action and reap a habit; a
habit sown results in character. You sow a character and reap a destiny.
Man is the master of his own destiny. You yourself make, by the power of
your thought, your destiny. You can undo it if you like. All faculties,
energies and powers are latent in you. Unfold them, and become free and
great. 48

To know love and peace is to expand and grow, over coming all obstacles and
bringing happiness. To know anger and hate or fear one devours them self destroying all
that surrounds them. Therefore know even in the darkest of moments if we maintain love
we survive. May you walk in love (even at times when it seems difficult), know peace
(realizing there will be challenging moments), and explore your energetic survival (thus
you survive and evolve).



In opening the conclusion to this post doc document, I discovered an excellent

statement from the Tao The Way, The sayings of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu and Lieh Tzu
Special Edition Page175 to paraphrase. That which we call an end at the present
moment may be the beginning of a new thing, and that which we call a beginning may,
contrawise be the end of something. End and beginning succeed one another until at
last they cannot be distinguished.
As the opening quote implies; Beginnings and endings complete a circle of
energetic flow. Thus in this circle, end and beginning meet. Therefore there is no actual
end or beginning of the flow of energy other than the illusion we share while physically
incarnated. Comparing this flow of energy to the Yin Yang symbol, we discover a
model reflecting energy as a continuous
energetic flow. With in this flow we have the
nature of how to balance this energy or Yin
and Yang balance .
Energy flows with out end, it has a cause
and effect action based on its balance. This
energy is contained in the soul and lives
continuously. The beginnings and ends in
physical life forms occurs during incarnations of the energetic form taking on a physical
presence, and brought to life in its incarnations. It is the cycles and pulses of Yin and
Yang that assist us in having a choice for achieving each incarnations destiny.


We are all energetic beings, as such we generate and transmit energy and this
energy affects other energetic sources. It is through these energetic reactions and actions
that we grow and contribute to our soul DNA. Thus begin the cycle birth evolvement
in to life form- choice to improve our energy (karma) , death of the physical body,
followed by contracts with other souls in-between lives. Then the choice of life form to
enact our growth the parents to be born to and when to meet our various fellow souls in
physical form to learn and evolve.
In the three preceding papers both the evolving circle and the tools to assist us in
our incarnations have been presented.

These provide a means to develop life-force

energy (Qi-Ki-Chi- prana) to evolve towards illumination. The paper them selves
provide various path ways to understand our selves, to heal sources of disease and to
become energetic survivors. They all reflect common boundaries that exist to help us
understand the choices to be made and how to face the challenges our contracts will
present to us during a particular incarnation.
Indeed the titles themselves Survival dynamics, Why internal and external Ki
energy is vital to our existence and How Can We Increase and Use it, and Exploring
Energetic Survival, were chosen to reflect the need and tools to enhance our path into the
Eventually we will discover that love is the essential element for growth, that
wariors may be wariors and healers, healers but both warior and healer through love are
the same. Many ancient cultures had mastered this understanding and the healer and
warrior were one and the same. How can this be one may ask- the intention of the three


papers presented in this document was to identify the common demoniators based in love
answered this question and riddle.
Go in peace and love, and through the quest for both establish Yin Yang balance
and protect through love and heal through love. May this and future incarnations allow
you to replace all fear, doubt, and anger with courage, confidence and love.


replacing all with the highest states of love and wisdom to share with others in both the
physical and soul life.
To close this conclusion to the post doc document, I felt the following expresses allfrom The Ways of the Mystic, by Joan Borysenko, Ph.D. page xv.
A mystic sees beyond the illusion of separateness into the intricate web of life in
which all things are expressions of a single Whole. You can call this web God, the
Tao, the Great Spirit, the Infinite Mystery, Mother or Father, but it can be known only
as love.


Survival Dynamics
End Note

4 Richard Gerber M.D., 2001 Vibrational Medicine Third Edition, Bear & Company Rochester Vermont

Koichi Tohei, Ki in Daily Life , Japan Publishing and Trading Co. Tokyo Japan



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Mount, Dituri, 2008 Exploration and Mixed Gas Diving Encyclopedia, IANTD, Miami Fl


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Netherton Past Life Therapy William morrow and Company NY NY, 1978
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Saraydarian Battling Dark Forces-A Guide to psychic Self-Defense,T.S.G. Publishing ,
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Gary ZukavThe Seat of the Soul, Fireside NY NY,, 1990

Internet Web Page References



End Notes


20 Mount, Dituri, 2008 Exploration and mixed Gas Diving encyclopedia The Tao of Survival Underwater


23 Mount, Dituri, 2008 Exploration and mixed Gas Diving encyclopedia The Tao of Survival Underwater (p197)
24 Bender PhD,SiseLCSW 2007 The energy of Belief , Psychologys power tools to Focus Intention and Release Blocking Belifs (p 65)
25 Jing Zhong s 1934 book DIAN XUE SHU SKILL OF ACTING ON ACUPOINTS, dim mak authentic shaolin Hertitage (p22)



Bender & Sise, The Energy of Belief, Energy Psychology Press, Santa Rosa Ca., 2007
Cohen, Kenneth S., The Way of Qigong, the Art and science of Chinese Energy Healing,
a Ballantine book -Random Publishing Co., Toronto Canada 1997
Chia Mantak, Chi Nei Tsang, Chi massage for the Vital Organs, Destiny Books,
Rochester, Vermont., 1993-2007
Dorsey, Recovering the Soul, a Scientific and Spiritual Search, Bantam Books NY, NY
Gerber M.D. A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine, Energy Healing and Spiritual
Transformation , Quill, HarperCollins Publishers, NY, NY, 2000 / 2001
Gerber, Vibrational Medicine-third Edition, Bear & Company, Rochester Vt. 2001
Giles (Translation ) by Giles, Tao, The Way The sayings of Lao Tzu, Chuang Tzu, and
Lieh Tzu Special Edition, el Paso Tx. 2007
Jahnke, Roger, The Healing Promise of Qi, Creating Extraordinary wellness through
Qigong and Tai Chi, Contemporary Books, NY,NY 2002
authentic shaolin Hertitage (p22) 1934
Johnson, volume 1: Energetic Anatomy and Physiology, Chinese Medical Qigong
Therapy, The International Institute of Medical Qigong, Pacific Grove, Ca. 2005
Lucas, Regression therapy A handbook for professionals, Deep forest press, Crest Park
Ca 1993
Mount, Dituri, Exploration and Mixed Gas Diving Encyclopedia: The Tao of Survival
Underwater, IANTD, Miami Fl. , 2008

Netherton Ph.D Past Life Therapy E book AAPLE 2000

Newton, Michael, Ph.D. Journey of Souls fifth ed. , Llewellyn publications, Woodbury
Min. 2005


Radin, Dean, Entangled Minds Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum reality Paraview

Pocket Books, NY,NY, 2006
Saraydarian Torkom New Dimensions in Healing A Guide to psychic SelfDefense,T.S.G. Publishing , Cave Creek, Az. 1992
Saraydarian Torkom, Other Worlds,T.S.G. Publishing , Cave Creek, Az. 1990

Shealy. M.D. Ph.D. Sacred Healing, the Curing Power of Energy and Spirituality,
Element, Boston Ma. 1999
Sui, Choa Kok, Miracles through Pranic Healing Practical manual on energy Healing,
Institute for Inner studies Publishing Foundation, Manila Philippines 2004
Yang, Jwing-Ming, Qigong the Secret of Youth, YMAA Publication Center, Boston, Ma.
Web Pages



End notes
30 Edward Cayce Depression Association for Research and enlighten Vagina Beach Va
31 American Heritage dictionary
32 Ibid
33 Saraydarian Torkom New Dimensions in Healing TSG Publishing Foundation, Cave Creek AZ 1992

34 Ibid
35 Vibrational medicine Richard Gerber Bear and Company Vermont
36 Robert, The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency.
37 Besant & Leadbeater, Thought Forms, Quest Books, Wheaton Il., 1969
38 Ibid
39 Daniel Benor Consciousness, Bioenergy, and Healing Wholistic healing Publications, Medford NJ 2004

42 Newton, Michael, Ph.D. Journey of Souls fifth ed. , Llewellyn publications, Woodbury Min 2005
18 Stone-Randolph

, Mystic Bible , Shri K.L. Punjab, India

5th edition , 1974



48 .



Bailey, Alice, ESOTERIC HEALING , Lucis Publishing, N.Y. Doubleday, Anchor

Books, N.Y. 1970
Bender & Sise, The Energy of Belief, Energy Psychology Press, Santa Rosa Ca., 2007
Benor, Daniel, Consciousness, Bioenergy, and Healing, Wholistic healing Publications,
Medford NJ 2004
Besant & Leadbeater, Thought Forms, Quest Books, Wheaton Il., 1969
Besant, Thought Power, Quest Books, Wheaton IL. 1984
Brennan, Hands of Light, A Guide to Healing through The Human Energy Field, Bantam
Books NY,NY, 1987
Brennan, Light Emerging The Journey of Personal Healing, Bantam Books NY, NY 1993
Burger, Esoteric Anatomy the Body as Consciousness, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley
Ca. 1998
Calis-German, Anatomy of Movement, Eastland Press Seattle Wa., 2007
Cacye, Edward Depression Association for Research and Enlightment Vagina Beach Va
Cohen, Kenneth S., The Way of Qigong, the Art and science of Chinese Energy Healing,
a Ballantine book -Random Publishing Co., Toronto Canada 1997
Chia Mantak, Chi Nei Tsang, Chi massage for the Vital Organs, Destiny Books,
Rochester, Vermont., 1993-2007
Dorsey, Recovering the Soul, a Scientific and Spiritual Search, Bantam Books NY, NY


Gerber M.D. A Practical Guide to Vibrational Medicine, Energy Healing and Spiritual
Transformation , Quill, HarperCollins Publishers, NY, NY, 2000 / 2001
Gerber, Vibrational Medicine-third Edition, Bear & Company, Rochester Vt. 2001
Hills, Christopher, Nuclear Evolution, Discovery of the Rainbow Body, University of the
trees press, Boulder Creek, Ca. 1977
Jahnke, Roger, The Healing Promise of Qi, Creating Extraordinary wellness through
Qigong and Tai Chi, Contemporary Books, NY,NY 2002
Lipton, The Biology of Belief, Hay House, New York N.Y. 2005
Michel, Bent out of Shape, Self Published, Elizabeth Michel, Encinitas Ca. 1997
Mystic Bible 18 Stone-Randolph , Mystic Bible , Shri K.L. Punjab, India 5th edition ,
Myss, Caroline, SACRED CONTRACTS, Harmony Books, N.Y., 2001
Netherton Ph.D Past Life Therapy E book AAPLE 2000

Newton, Michael, Ph.D. Journey of Souls fifth ed. , Llewellyn publications, Woodbury
Min. 2005
Pert, Everything You need to know to Feel good, Hay House , NY, NY, 2006
Pert, Molecules of Emotion The Science Behind Mind-Body Medicine-Scriber NY,NY,
Pierrakos, Core energetics, Developing the Capacity to love and Heal Core Evolution
Publishing Mendocino Ca, 2005
Radin, Dean, Entangled Minds Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum reality Paraview
Pocket Books, NY,NY, 2006
Robert, The Trauma Spectrum: Hidden Wounds and Human Resiliency,
Saraydarian Torkom New Dimensions in Healing A Guide to psychic SelfDefense,T.S.G. Publishing , Cave Creek, Az. 1992


Shealy. M.D. Ph.D. Sacred Healing, the Curing Power of Energy and Spirituality,
Element, Boston Ma. 1999
Sui, Choa Kok, Miracles through Pranic Healing Practical manual on energy Healing,
Institute for Inner studies Publishing Foundation, Manila Philippines 2004
Tiller, Dibble, Kohane, Conscious Acts of Creation, the Emergence of a New Physics,
Pavior publishing, Walnut Creek Ca, 2001
Yang, Jwing-Ming, Qigong the Secret of Youth, YMAA Publication Center, Boston, Ma.

Web Pages
American Heritage dictionary
Sri Swami Sivanda web book Thought Power .



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