Sandhaniya Dasaimani
Sandhaniya Dasaimani
Sandhaniya Dasaimani
B.Naresh Kumar
Here sandhaniya means wound healers.The drugs which helps in the
process of wound healing are known as Sandhaniya dravyas.They are
In wounds pitha vitiation takes place.which inturn causes pain and burning
sensation. These sandhaniya dravyas possessing kashaya,madhura,tikta
properties helps in wound healing.
According to modern,Wound refers to injury which damage the dermis of skin
which is torn or punctured.
Guna: Laghu,snigdha
Virya: Ushna
Vipaka: Madhura
Chemical Constituents:
Contains amino acids,fatty acids. It is an antidote to Snake bite.
Botanical name: Salmalia Malabarica
Family name: Bombacea
Botanical Description:
A deciduous tree, upto 30 m tall,
Bark: Grey, covered with black conical priekles
Leaves: Digitate , crowded at the ends of branches leaflets 5-7, elliptic lanceolate
at ovate lanceolate glabourous 5-23*1.5-9cm, petioles long petiolules.
Flowers: Bright red, crowded at the end of branches 8-14cm across appearing
before new leaves.
Capsules: woody, ellipsoid, 10- 12cm long, 5valved.
Seed: Embedded in white, silk cotton, ovoid.
Parts used: Root, gum, bark, leaf, flower, young fruit and seed.
Rasa panchankam:
Rasa: Madhu, kashaya,
Guru: Laghu, snighdha, pichila
Virya: sheetha Vipaka: Madhura
Karma: Shothahara, Dahaprashamana, vedana sthapana, raktha sodhaka,
stambana, vranaropana, lekhana, varnya, raktastambana, kasahara, sandhaneeya,
Chemical constituents:
Root: Tricontanol, lactone, 3,4,5,7- tetra hydroxyl- 6, methoxyflavan 0.3-0-D,
Glucopyranosyl D xylopyranosiode.
Botanical Name: Callicarpa macrophylla,
Family Name: Verbanaceae
Botanical Description: An erect shrub, 1.5 3m ht.Branches, leaf stalks and
inflorescence densely clothed with wool like tomentum.
Leaves: Simple, Opposite leaf, 7- 22cm long, ovate/ovate lanceolate, acuminate
Base: cuneate/rounded, upper surface wrinkled, glabrate, white tomentose
beneath with compound stellate with compound stellate hairs.Flowers: Small,
pink/rose coloredFruit: Succulent, Globose, white, containing four seeded nutters.
Flowering: Aug Nov
Fruiting: Oct nov
Useful part: Flower, fruit, leaf and root
Rasa: Tikta, kashaya, Madhura
Guna: Guru, Ruksha
Virya: Sheetha
Vipaka: Katu
Karma: Doshaghnata, Raktatisara, Daurgandha, Atisara, gulma, trishna, visha,
moha, sirasula, atiswedha, raktapitta
Actions: Dahaprashamana, Vedhana stapana, Dourgandanasana, Deepana,
anulomana, stambana, prashamana, jwaragna, vishagna, purishagna, sandhaniya.
Chemical constitution: Leaves contain : C22 C24 Fatty acids, ethyl ester of C23
fatty acids, 7,3,3- Trimethyl quercetin, 1-0 glucuronides of luteolin and apigenin
and ursolic.
White, bean shaped, warty.
Root, stem, leaves and satva(starch).
Gilonin, gilosterol, tinosporin, tinosporic acid, tinosporol,
tinosporidine, - sitosterol, cordifol, hepta cosanol, octacosanol, furanoid
Rasa: tikta, kasaya
Guna: laghu, sheeta
Virya: ushna
Vipaka: madhura
Vedanastapana, kushtagna, trishnanigrahana, chhardinigrahana,
deepana, pacana, pitta saraka, tridosha samaka, anulomana, sangrahi, krimigna,
medhya, hridaya, rakta shodhaka, rakta vardaka, kaphagna, vrishya, balya,
prameha hara, mootrajanana, jwaragna, daha prasamana, rasayana.
BotanicalName: Glycyrrhiza glabra
Family: Leguminaceae/fabaceae
Botanical Description:
A sticky perennial herb with underground stems.
Leaves: Divided into 9-17 leaflets held on a leaf stalk of 10-20cms long
Flowers: Light blue to violet,1.0-1.5cm long are resembling sweet pea
flowers in shape. flowers are held in loose, conical spines.
Fruits: Pods, reddish brown,1-3cm long containing 2-5 brown to
blackish seeds
Useful part: Root
Rasa: madhura
Guna: guru,snigdha
Virya: sheeta
Vipaka: madhura
Actions: Tridoshahara,varnya,kanthya,keshya,balya,shukrala,rasayana
Roghanata: chardi,trishna,daha,raktapitta,vranasotha,kshaya
Botanical Name: Myrica nagi
Family: Myricaceae
Botanical Description:
A medium to large woody, evergreen, deciduous tree1215meters height.
Leaves: Crowded towards the end branches, ianceolate 9.2cm long ,3.2cm
broad,oval shaped
Flowers: Pistillate, sessile, solitary and bracteates sepals and petals,compound
racemose, axillary, bearing about 25 flowers
Fruits: Globose and succulent drupe
Useful part: Bark
Rasa: Kashaya,tikta,katu
Guna: Laghu,tiksna
Virya: Ushna
Vipaka: Katu
Action: Vatakapha hara, vedhana sthapana, shukra sodhana,sandhaniya