Dhataki 1

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Botanical name : Woodfordia floribunda Salisb., Woodfordia fruticosa kurz.

Wood fordia- After the name of J. Woodford a botanist.

floribunda- Flowers appear in clusters.

Family- Lythraceae

Kula- Madayantika

Classification of Dravya (Gaņa)

Caraka- Sandhāniya varga, Mutravirajaniya varga,

Purisasangrahanīya varga.

Sushruta- Ambaștādi gaņa, Priyangvādi gaņa

B.P.N- Haritakyādi varga


Kingdom - Plantae

Class Dicotyledons

Subclass Polypetalae

Series Calyciflorae


Family Lythraceae

Genus Woodfordia

Species floribunda
Habitat :

Dhātaki plant is common in hilly regions of India.


Habit- A straggling leafy shrub grows upto 10 ft. in height.

Branches- Long, spreading.

Bark- Smooth, ashy

brown, peeling off in fibres.

Young shoots- Are ter-

ete, often clothed with fine

white pubescence.

Leaves- 5 to 9 cm long

and 1 to 3 cm wide, oppo-

site or subopposite, some-

times in whorls of 3, sessile,

ovate lanceolate, acute,

softly velvety above, base is

rounded or cordate. Main

Woodfordia floribunda Salisb.

nerves are 6 to 12 pairs, ar-

cuate, prominent beneath.

Inflorescence- 2 to 15 flowered cymes.

Flowers- Having short glandular and pubescent pedicel,

sepals are striate covered with glandular dots. Petals slightly

longer than sepals and bright red in colour. Petals are tubular

and narrowly linear.

Fruit- Capsule, 1 cm long, irregularly dehiscent.

Seeds- Cuneate-obovoid, brown and smooth.

Useful parts- Flowers

Market sample of Dhātaki contains dried flowers of scarlet

or bright red colour, measuring 12 mm to 15 mm in length and

occurring in fascicled bunches. The flower is trimorphic, short

pedicellate with a long tubular calyx, which is upto 2 mm broad

the calyx is slightly contracted above the middle and has an

oblique mouth having six small trinagular teeth. The stamens




pre much exerted beyond the mouth of the tube. It has charac-

eristic odour and has slightly bitter and astringent taste.

.in heige


Flowers are containing becogenin, gallic acid and ellagic

acid, B-sitoserol, tannins, sugar (glucose), ursolic acid,

kaempferol, lawsone, octacosanaol & mesoinositol.

Leaves have ellagic acid, myricetin, quercetin, lupeaol, B-

sitoserol, betulin, ursolic acid, betulinic acid, oleanolic acid,


Stem afford octacosanol, B-sitoserol, tannins, flavonoids.

Gum has D-galactose, L-arabinose and L-rhamnose

Rasa pancaka


Kaşäya, Katu


Laghu, Rūkşa

Vipāka Kațu


Šīta, (Usņa accto. Dh.Ni)


Doşa karma (Action on Doşa)

Pitta kapha śāmaka, Pittaśāmaka due to Sīta vīrya and

Kaşäya rasa, Kapha hara because of Kaşãya rasa.

Karma (action)- Trsnahara, Stambhaka, Vişaghna,

Krmighna, Visarpahara, Garbha sthapaka, Madakara,

Vrņahara, Sandhānīya, Mūtravirajaniya.



Pharmacological actions- Astringent, Tonic, Stimulant,

Haemostatic and wound healer.

Rogaghnata (Therapeutic indications)- Afisāra, Trsnā,

Krmi, Visarpa, Raktātīsāra, Raktārśas, Raktapitta, Vişavikāra,

Pravāhikā and Vrņa.

Amayika Prayoga (Therapeutic administration)

1. Bālātisāra (Diarrhoea in children)

अ.हृ.उ. १/४०

धातकीपुष्यशर्क रालाजतर्पणैः ।

Dravyaguņa Vijñana


Combination of Dhātaki puspa (Flowers of Woodfordi

fruticosa), Sugar and Läja (Parched paddy) are mixed and ad.

ministered to child, will check Afisăra (Diarrhoea).

2. Pravāhika (Dysentery)

कपित्थरसमाक्षिकम ् ।

दध्ना पिबेत ् प्रवाहिकार्दितः ।।





भा.प्र.चि. १/१२०

Juice of Dhātakī puspa (Flower of Woodfoordia fruticosa).

Badari patra (Leaves of Zizyphus jujuba), Kapittha (Feronia

elephentanum) mixed with Lodhra curņa (Powder of Symplocos

racemosa), honey and butter milk will cure Pravāhika (Dysen-


3. Kuştha (Skin diseases)

लोध्रस्य धातकीनां वत्सक बीजस्य नक्तमालस्य ।

कुष्ठे षन्
ू मर्दनालेपौँ ।।
च.चि. ७/९५



The paste prepared from Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa)

Dhātaki (Woodfordia fruticosa), Vatsaka bija (Seeds of

Holarrhena antidysenterica), Karanja bīja (Seeds of Pongamia

pinnata) and Mālatī is efficacious as an ointment in Kuştha (Skin


4. Pittābhisyanda (Conjunctivitis due to Pitta)

चूर्ण कुर्यादञ्जनार्थे रसो वा स्तन्योपेतो धातकी चन्दनाभ्याम ् ।।

सु.उ. १०/१

Curņa (Powder) of Dhātaki (Woodfordia fruticosa) and

Candana (Santalum album) mixed with Stanya (breast milk) is

applied as Añjana (Collyrium) in case of Pittabhişyanda (Con-

junctivitis due to pitta).

Mātra (Dose)

Cūrņa (Powder) - 1-3 g

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