The HAAR Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis of MIMO-OFDM in Wireless Channel

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SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-3, November 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)

The HAAR Wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis of

MIMO-OFDM in Wireless Channel
Pitcheri Praveen Kumar1, I.Suneetha 2, N.Pushpalatha3

M.Tech(DECS) Student, 2Associate professor& Head, 3Assistant Professor

Department of ECE,AITS, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences,Tirupati,India-517520
Abstract MIMO-OFDM system has a capability of transmitting high speed data-rates to the end user without limiting the channel
capacity and with no ISI (Inter Symbol Interference) and ICI (Inter Carrier Interference). MIMO-OFDM system implements with the
Wavelets have effective MRA (Multi Resolution Analysis) capabilities to extract the optimum response of the signal. The Wavelets
(otherwise called enactment of ripple) based multi-user MIMO OFDM systems has a lot of advantages over the FFT based OFDM,
Wavelet based OFDM system does not require a need for cyclic prefix and it has optimal resolution and flexibility. Wavelets are the
waves that lost for a finite duration of time. The HAAR Wavelet in MIMO-OFDM system has MRA of dual idea of Fourier analysis.
HAAR in the MIMO-OFDM system cut up the waves into smaller parts of the waves with different resolution analysis to obtain
smooth function and to converts them into linear combination of effectively discontinuous functions, HAAR wavelets has a capability
of obtaining the smoother function by using of the localization technique , MRA, dual band processing and effective closure
implementation techniques. HAAR Wavelet suitably existed in the arena of wireless communication scheme, it works suitably on
third generation partnership projects (3GPP) networks. The DWT implemented by using of a HAAR transform multi carrier scheme
has a benefit of taking the less than the consequence of taking multiple antennas and the creation of simulation, examination will
predict easily. The DWT based OFDM compares the efficiency performance with the FFT based OFDM on establishing the bit error
rate (BER) presentation to the transmit ability by BPSK also QPSK as a modulation technique in additive white Gaussian noise
channel (AWGN).
KeywordsMIMO-OFDM, DWT, MRA, Filter banks, Dual Modulation



The number of increased users in the wireless mobile communication system is needed to provide a high QOS (Quality of
Service) and to provide High-data-rates. High-data-rates can be achieved by increasing the Spectrum efficiency. The goal of the
any communication network is to be implemented to provide a high data rates and service would be high speed internet access,
video communication videophones etc. The barrier of any communication system is the transmission losses of the propagation
signal from transmitter to the receiver end in number of different paths said to be multipath propagation of signal.
The multipath propagation of signals will undergone to various types of Fading which leads to change of the transmitted signal
with respect to its phase, amplitude, frequency leads to decay of signal strength at receiver side. The multipath propagation loss
occurs in both Time domains as well as in the Frequency domain.
The invention of Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing (OFDM) becomes a popular technique for effective transmission
mitigate of the signal in multipath. OFDM in a wireless communication channels transmits very extraordinary speed of data
rates without limiting the channel capacity in an allocated Frequency. The OFDM has a number of advantages such as reduction
of Impulse Response over the channel, high Spectral efficiency and robustness against the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI), Inter
Carrier Interference(ICI). The MIMO (Multiple-input Multiple-output) wireless technology [1], gives the improved Spectral
efficiency due to its Spatial Multiplexing gain and the reliability of link due to the antenna diversity gain. In the MIMO
(Multiple-input Multiple-output) system the multiple antennas are deployed at both transmitter side as well as the receiver side
of wireless system, has generated considerable interest in recent years [2], [3].
The OFDM implemented with the basis of Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) used to Multiplexing the signal together at the input
side and also decode the signal at receiver side to regain the original signal. Adding the cyclic prefix to the transmitted signal
causes the reduction of Spectral efficiency. The FFT based MIMO-OFDM uses the Narrowband analysis produces the high side
lobes in Rectangular window which enhance it sensitivity to ICI and Narrow-band interference [4].
The alternative method for FFT based MIMO-OFDM is the Discrete Wavelet Transform based MIMO-OFDM system. The
DWT consist of a Low Pass Filter (LPF) as well as High Pass Filter (HPF) functional as a Quadrature Mirror Filter (QMF)
technique and the capability to regenerate the original signal as well as producing orthogonal properties. In the DWT based

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-3, November 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)
OFDM system the sub-band coding is done by using of sub-signals of Low pass and High pass Frequencies. The Wavelets in
the wireless communication system has a lot of advantages, by way of channel characterization, Interference modification,
cognitive radio in addition interacting [7], and flexibility and to produce the optimal resolution.
A. MIMO system
In order to increased demand of the wireless system it is necessitate to establish the efficient use of radio spectrum, which is
done by placing of the Modulation Carriers closely as possible as without occurring of the Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and

capability of carrying ability of many bits.

Fig 1. Block diagram of MIMO system
The MIMO (Multiple-input Multiple-output) communication system is implementation of array of antennas at the transmission
and at the receiver side in Wireless Communication System. MIMO systems have a capability of transmitting the high speed
Data-Rates to the end users without limiting the available channel capacity and with no interference to the signal. The MIMO
systems are invented in the middle of 1980 by Jack Winters and Jack Saltzs of Bell Laboratories. The MIMO systems provide
the enhanced system performance under the same transmission capability of Single-input Single-output system.
B. FFT based MIMO-OFDM systems
The MIMO-OFDM is implements with the FFT have advantages of easy computational capabilities and easy implementation.
The Fourier Transform analysis is used to obtain the Frequency Spectrum of the signals. FFT Transform algorithm is used to
find the Discrete Fourier Transformation function in a faster way with reduced complexity. The FFT algorithm converts the
input data stream into N parallel data stream after Modulation technique performed to the input sequence.
For a given finite data stream which can be represent as
X[n], n=0 to N-1
The corresponding output sequence of FFT is represented as

And the IFFT i.e. Discrete Domain sequence is

The FFT based MIMO-OFDM system perform the three types of operations of pre coding, spatial multiplexing, and
diversity coding. Pre-coding technique can be used to improve the gain of received signal and to reduce the effect of multipath
fading. Spatial multiplexing is used to split the higher data rates into lower data rates and to transmitting to the corresponding
antennas. In the FFT system the cyclic prefix is added to the transmitted sequence before it is transmitting to evade the inter
symbol interference (ISI), inter carrier interference (ICI) and the inverse FFT operation is performed at the receiver side to
construct the original input signal as illustrated in bellow diagram.

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-3, November 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)

Fig2. Block diagram representation of FFT with cyclic prefixes.

A. WAVELET based MIMO-OFDM system
The Fourier Transform analysis is used to obtain the Frequency Spectrum of the signals and analysis of Fourier Transforms can
be analyzed by using Sine waves because of its many useful properties. Sine waves are most analytic and smoothest possible
periodic functions and also has a capability to express power to many other waveforms, integration and differentiation of Sine
wave resultant to gives the Sine wave with same frequency but the biggest drawback of Sine wave that do not lost forever i.e. no
signal in the world that can lost forever leads to change of the signal in FFT Fourier analysis. The alternative for this is
implementation of Wavelets with the waves that lost for finite times, they cut up the signal into many number of small signals
that lost for a finite time interval and Wavelet transform produce a multi-resolution disintegration of continuous time signal into
different frequencies with different times [5]. the data rates in the wavelet transforms are spitted into smaller data rates and the
data rates are sampled into upper frequencies as well as lower frequencies.
In the wavelet transform method the upper frequencies superior decide in time and the lesser frequencies are better decided in
frequency, the wavelet transform produces high orthogonal properties and to reproduce the original signal. The wavelet
transform is calculated independently spitted part of the sub signal [9] the wavelet transform consist of two types i.e. continuous
and as well as the discrete ripple transform. The full-band source signal splitting in to the altered frequency bands and to encrypt
all spitted bands individually on their spectrum specification are called as sub-band coding method.
The sub-band coding is used to analysis the discrete ripple transformation and it is analyzed, accepted over a succession of filter
banks [7]. Wavelets in the MIMO-OFDM has a analysis period as well as synthesis period ,the analysis period measured by
sub-band filter of down sampler while synthesis period is measured by sub-band filter of up sampler. The sub-band filter period
used through the channel filter exists exact restoration of Quadrature mirror filter [QMF], subsequently the low pass as well as
high pass operation is performed on each level of the individual signal bands and double out puts are taken even for the small
sequence[9]. The IDWT as a modulator operation performed at the transmitter and DWT as a demodulator perform at the
receiver side.
MIMO-OFDM is normally implemented using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and Inverse Fast Fourier Transform (IFFT).
The FFT uses a rectangular window technique, use of rectangular window produces a high side lobes, that impact of side lobes
causes a interference when the impairments are not compensated with each other, for this the use of wavelets packets and as
well as the wavelets transforms and use of orthogonal wavelets are implemented. Wavelet transform cut the continuous unction
into discontinuous function and to make it smoother and smoother by adding more discontinuous function to achieve the
optimum response this idea is opposite to the idea of Fourier Transform. The wavelet transform produces the different
resolution subspaces used to decompose the signal[12].

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-3, November 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)

Fig 3. Nested subspaces

The subspaces can be represented as bellow showed from the nested subspaces of the wavelet discontinuous functions
...V < V < V < V <.


Decomposition is done by using of the translation and dilation of a wavelet function[10], from the various subspaces the dilated
and scaling functions are formulated and to capture the incremental information in between the two consecutive resolution
subspaces i.e. { t } forms a basis of V . The scaling function and the wavelet function both should satisfy the dilation


t =(2t-n)h(n).
if (t) should be orthogonal to the translated then h[n] should satisfies the orthogonality condition.

h[n]h[n-2m]=[m] and (-1) h(n)=0

Given a sequence we find the another sequence g(n) such that the function satisfy the dilation equation.

(t)= (2t-n)g(n)
This function is the wavelet function i.e. function is orthogonal to the wavelet function, the scaling and wavelet function can be
used to decompose the signal into different subspaces. (t) occupies the half the frequency space of (2t) and similarly for the
wavelet fluencies and the corresponding low pass frequency function is h(-n) and high pass frequency function is g(-n) this can
be represented using structures shown below.

Fig4. The tree structure of the wavelet

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved


SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-3, November 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)

Fig 5. The structure of wavelet decomposition

The figures show the graphical representation of the FFT based MIMO-OFDM and DWT based MIMO-OFDM system. The
simulation results plots with bit error rate and to the signal to noise ratio, from the graphical representation for the DWT based
MIMO-OFDM has a fewer than the probability bit error rate of the FFT based system. The HAAR wavelet transform is used in
it and it possess the superior performance than the other type of transforms.

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-3, November 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)

The proposed DWT MIMO-OFDM system has a lot of advantages over the FFT based MIMO-OFDM system. In reality no
signal is lost forever it should start somewhere and should end somewhere based on this the Wavelet functions are implemented,
wavelets are the small portion of the continuous signal that vanish after duration of finite time. DWT based system constructed
with the HAAR mother transform reduces number of multiple antennas than the consequences of required number of antennas,
which perfectly suits for the arena of 3GPP network. Unlike the FFT based MIMO-OFDM the DWT based MIMO-OFDM
particularly using the HAAR mother wavelet transformation is conceptually simple, provides the great Orthogonal properties
and it has a absolute Symmetric property, the DWT based MIMO-OFDM oversample the signal into different resolutions as
well as oversamples the signal in both Time domain and as well as in Frequency domain. By using the sub band coding in DWT
uses HAAR transformation can reconstruct the samples accurately. The DWT based MIMO-OFDM can be suitable for all
applications of the next generation wireless systems and it has a capability of delivering a high speed packet access (HSPA)
Wavelets are using in many advanced applications such as Nuclear Engineering, Image Synthesis, Biomedical Engineering,
Musics, Fractals, Pure Mathematics, Data Compression, Computer Graphics, Human Vision, Radar, Optics, Astronomy,
Acoustics and Seismology etc.

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved

SJ Impact Factor-3.995

Special Issue-3, November 2014

ISSN: 2321-9653

International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering

Technology (IJRASET)
[1] Introduction to Space-Time Wireless Communications, Cambridge, UK: Cambridge Univ. Press, 2003. By A.J. Paulraj, R.U.Nabar, and D. A. Gore
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[9] Jarrod Cook, Nathan Gov, Research and Implementation of UWB technology, Final Report, Senior Capstone Project, 2007
[10] B. Vidakovic and P. Muller, "Wavelets for Kids," 1994, published. Part One, and Part Two.
[11] M.V. Wickerhauser, "Acoustic Signal Compression with Wave Packets," 1989.
[12]. Design and implementation of orthogonal transform based Haar Division Multiplexing for 3GPP Networks by B.Monisha, M.Ramkumar, M.V.Priya,
A.Jenifer Philomina, D.Parthiban, S.Suganya, N.R.Raajan. (ICCCI -2012), Jan. 10 12, 2012.


Mr.PITCHERI PRAVEEN KUMAR received the B.E Degree in E.C.E from Sri Venkateswara college of engineering &
technology (ANNA UNIVERSITY) thirupachur India in 2011. He is pursuing his Degree at Annamacharya Institute of
Technology and Sciences (AITS) Tirupati. His area of interest includes Communications systems

Ms.I.Suneetha received the B.Tech and M.Tech Degrees in E.C.E from Sri Venkateswara University College of Engineering
(SVUCE) Tirupati, India in 2000 and 2003 respectively. She is pursuing her Ph.D. Degree at SVUCE, Tirupati and working
with EC.E department, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences (AITS), Tirupati. Her teaching and research area of
interest includes 1D & 2D signal processing.

N. Pushpalatha completed her B.Tech at JNTU, Hyderabad in 2004 and M.Tech at A.I.T.S., Rajampet in 2007. Presently she is
working as Assistant
Professor of ECE, Annamacharya Institute of Technology and Sciences, Tirupati. She has B.Tech
projects. Her Research area includes Data Communications and Ad-hoc Wireless Sensor Networks.

IJRASET 2014: All Rights are Reserved


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