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20x Family Pep Assembly

TARKIO ELEMENTARY - And Tarkio High School students

and staff attended this months 20x Family pep assembly on
Friday, December 12, 2014, in the THS Gym. Students and
staff took part in fun activities including a wrap-your-teacher-as-a-present game, forming a candle-lit T, and a dance-off,
Alyson Wooten is pictured holding her candle at left. Pictured
below is Jared Stanton wrapping his teacher, Erica Taylor, in
wrapping paper.
(Photos By Megan McAdams)

Thursday, December 18, 2014 - Page 5

The 20X factor is fueled by To be disciplined, you need
the five character traits re- to associate with the right
quired for massive success people and strive towards
in any worthy endeavor. We achieving your why or sucwill learn how desire, belief, cess. Being disciplined will
attitude, discipline and de- directly impact your ability
termination work together to to be successful. No matter if
super-charge performance. you are rich, poor, your famKnowing what our why is ily owns the biggest farm, or
will provide a foundation for if youre smarter than everydeveloping our non-quitting one else...there are only 24
spirit. The second character hours in the day. Once you
trait was belief. In the sim- realize how valuable time is,
plest terms, it is the expec- your discipline and how you
tation that we will achieve utilize your time will drive
our goals and be victorious. you towards success. OpYour attitude is the daily portunities are everywhere.
drive, the action expression The difference between
of that willpower to achieve those who are successful
your why.
and those who are not is the
The fourth character ability to take advantage of
trait is discipline. Disci- opportunity! The pain you
pline comes from the word feel while being disciplined
disciple. Being a disciple may last a minute, an hour,
of something greater than a year, but it will subside. At
yourself. Youre a disciple the end of that pain is sucof that greater purpose, all cess. If you quit, that pain
of your decisions are made will last forever. Be willing
towards achieving your pur- to sacrifice what you are for
pose or why. If you get out what you can be and success
of bed and make decisions will be yours.
that have no connection to
your why then you will be
flailing around aimlessly.
Dr. Pat Martin

Tarkio R-I custodians

The 20X factor: Character trait

number four - Discipline
Previously, we discussed
how the faculty, staff, and

20x Family Award recipients

right pictured with Principal Luke Cox, were honored at the
20x Family pep assembly for their discipline. Starla goes
above and beyond to keep her bus riders happy and safe
all year long. Nick Owens was honored for his selfless act
of giving up one of his hard-earned Cross Country medals
to another runner when it was realized that he accidentally
ran in the wrong race.
(Photos By Megan McAdams)

Community Calendar
8 to 9 p.m., AA at First Christian Church in Rock Port
9 to 11 a.m., Food Pantry Open in Tarkio
4 p.m., THS Basketball vs. Sidney, 4 p.m.
6:30 p.m., Bingo at the Tarkio Nutrition Center
Ag Partners Open House for Mary Anne White
Early Dismissal at Tarkio R-I - Christmas Break
through January 5
TBA, THS Wrestling at Johnson County Central
4 to 6 p.m., Westboro Community Christmas at
the Westboro Fire Station
6:30 p.m., Tarkio Rehab Children Event,
Reading of Twas The Night Before Christmas
12 noon, Tarkio Rotary Club in the Northwest Room
of the Tarkio First Baptist Church

Christmas Eve



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students of Tarkio R-I would

be embracing the 20X factor.

By: Bryli Staten

There are some people
in our school who deserve
more credit than they get,
and they are the custodians!
They work so hard to make
sure our school is always
looking good and keeping
it clean. Trust me, that is a
lot of work! Everything students drop or leave on the
ground, they have to clean.
Our school would be lost
without them and all the
hard work they put in every
school day! They dedicate
their summers and time
after school to clean the
classrooms! Just think of all
those messes you leave in
the bathroom that they have
to clean!
They take out the dirty,
gross trash that we put in
the trashcans (or on the
floors) and sweep all the
floors! You know all those
chores you dont want to do
at your house, they have to
do all of those here at school!
We need to start making
sure we dont leave scraps
on the floor and make sure
to throw them away properly! All this will save a lot

of work for the custodians! I

wrote this so they know we
really appreciate them and
I hope this makes a change
in the way we treat them.
Thanks Mrs. Gebhards and
Mrs. Joesting!


By: Allison Yates

The Tarkio 6th grade girls
basketball season started
on December 3, 2014. We
have practices on Monday,
Wednesday, and Saturday
at the Rec Center. Our first
game is on January 3, 2015,
at Hopkins, MO.
We have been looking
forward to the basketball
season. Our biggest challenge will be Worth County.
It will be an AWESOME
game. Our team members
are Morgan and Mercedes
Parshall, Brynnan Poppa,
Ashlynn Meyer, Bryli Staten, Ella Rolf, Aubrey Brown,
Cheyenne Gray, Alyssa Applen and me. Our coach is
Jeff Meyer.
If we win or if we lose we
are a team and we are there
for each other. I am so happy
to see what this season holds
for us. See you on the court!

How Christmas
was founded

By: Jayden Umbarger

Christmas appeared in
Old English as early as 1038
A.D. as Cristes Maesse, and
later as Cristes-messe in
A.D. 1113.
Christmas is the holiday
celebrating the birth of Jesus Christ. It is celebrated
on the 25th day of December. This is not really saying
the birth of Jesus was on
this day, but was accepted as
the date to celebrate Christmas. It became a federal
holiday in 1870. When Jesus
Christ was born, the three
wise men brought him gifts,
which is why we give gifts to
one another.
Today, Christmas is a
time for family and friends
to get together and have fun
and enjoy others company.
Popular customs include
exchanging presents, decorating christmas trees, going to church, sharing meals
with family and friends and,
of course, waiting for Santa
Claus to arrive. Santa Claus
originated from Dutch culture.

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