Technisat HD-Vision 32: Multitalented LCD TV

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Technisat HD-Vision 32
Multitalented LCD TV
and a guaranteed 100% pixel-
free panel. As far as a manufac-
turers warranty goes, Technisat
provides the HD-Vision 32 with a
two-year warranty with an added
three-year spare parts warranty
(not including the remote control
and panel).

But is this TV really all it’s

cracked up to be? For several
weeks we put this TV through
a series of long-term tests to
determine, with the help of some
independent test personnel, how
the picture quality compares to a
standard picture-tube TV and to

After turning on the HD-Vision

32 for the first time, an installa-
tion assistant appears. The first
step, as always seems to be the
case, is to select the desired on-
screen display (OSD) language.
LCD TV’s are currently the latest consumer craze. Everyone wants one. But what good is the best TV if The user can choose from 14
you have a number of receivers for reception of all kinds of signals (analog TV, DVB-T, DVB-S and DVB-C)? different languages: English,
German, Italian, Spanish, French,
Turkish, Polish, Russian, Greek,
The simple answer to this ques- also initially left us with a positive trial signal input. Here you’ll also
Portuguese, Czech, Hungarian,
tion is the HD-Vision 32 from impression and if you’ve already find an RS-232 interface, two USB
Dutch and Swedish.
Technisat. This LCD TV is a true had some experience with Tech- connectors, two HDMI inputs, an
multitalented wonder. Its tuner nisat remote controls, you’ll have S-Video input plus a collection
This is followed by selecting
not only gives you analog TV but no problems handling the one for of 12 RCA jacks for audio/video the desired audio language and
also DVB-S, DVB-T and DVB-C, the HD-Vision 32. inputs, an audio output, a YUV local time zone. Only then can
plus you can tune in your favorite input plus subwoofer connector, a you perform a channel scan and
FM radio stations! The “32” in the Eight buttons can be found headphone jack and an analog as configure the built-in tuner. But
model number represents the size on the front panel for control of well as optical digital audio output. don’t forget to first decide how
of the LCD screen in inches and this TV even without the remote. Underneath you will also find two you want 4:3 signals displayed:
32 inches is 81cm. For those of There’s also a status LED that Scart connectors that can handle the HD-Vision comes with a
you who believe that “bigger is shows the current operational CVBS, RGB and S-Video signals as number of different possibilities.
better”, Technisat offers the HD- mode of the TV. A main power well as a VGA connection. The most popular choice is “Opti-
Vision 40 with a 40-inch (102cm) switch is also available and can mal 16:9” since in this mode you
screen. be found at the top of the TV and If you’re not interested in using won’t have to look at any black
is therefore very easy to reach. the speakers that come with the sections on the screen.
The HD-Vision 32 is available While the variety of connectors HD-Vision 32, you can of course
in several different versions: with found along the side panel and link the TV to your existing stereo The tuners in the HD-Vision 32
side-mounted removable speak- near the bottom of this TV will system. At 100.5 x 57.5 x 20cm, are capable of receiving analog
ers, with or without contrast force the pulse of a professional you should have no trouble finding terrestrial TV, DVB-T, DVB-S,
screen or with built-in speakers in or hobbyist up a notch or two, a suitable spot for the HD-Vision DVB-C signals and even FM radio
the TV stand and then all this in less experienced users might be 32, even if that means mounting stations. And to help keep the
a variety of colors (silver, black, somewhat overwhelmed by what it on the wall. channel scan time to a minimum,
high-gloss black, high-gloss white they see. Fortunately, the easy- the next installation step allows
and platinum). to-understand user manual will
help to set things straight so that Everyday Use you to select the types of sig-
nals that are actually receivable
The large number of avail- even beginners will soon have a The technical specifications where you are so that the others
able connectors on this TV was grasp on what all the different of this TV all by themselves tell would simply be skipped over
immediately apparent when we connectors can do. quite a story: 32-inch screen during the channel scan.
unpacked it from the shipping box. (81cm), 16:9 format, resolution
With the optional wall mount, it A CI slot for use with all com- of 1366x768 pixels, dynamic con- The integrated DVB-S tuner in
can be hung on the living room patible PayTV modules can be trast of 3000:1, contrast ration of our test unit supports the DiSEqC
wall just like you would any other found near the top. There’s also 1000:1, 500 cd/m2 brightness, a 1.0 protocol allowing up to four
framed picture or painting. The a Conax card reader under which reaction time of 8ms as well as satellites to be received. Techni-
overall workmanship of this TV is the satellite IF input and terres- a viewing angle that spans 170° sat is also working on adding the

TELE-satellite International —

a button. Switching channels on
the same transponder requires
about one second, other wise, as
already mentioned, it is 1.5 to 2.0
seconds. Channel surfing is still
somewhat fun.

Thanks to all the differ-

ent reception possibilities it is
almost not even necessary to
connect an external receiver to
the HD-Vision. But then there
is no PVR function and an HDTV
DVB-S2 tuner is also not avail-
able. Thanks to the two inte-
grated HDMI ports, connecting
an external HDTV receiver, in our
case the Humax PR-HD1000, was
DiSEqC 1.1 protocol and expects advantage to this method is that The channel list includes every no trouble at all. In addition to
that this will be included with the user no longer has to worry recognized signal and does not the required digital picture data,
the production units that are to about updating his channel list differentiate between the vari- HDMI also carries the associated
be delivered in the first quarter should there be a transponder ous reception modes. DVB-S, audio signal allowing all neces-
of 2007. Those with motorized change or should a new chan- DVB-T, DVB-C and analog ter- sary connections to be handled
antennas were also not left out nel appear. From now on this is restrial channels can easily be by a single thin cable.
in the cold: the HD-Vision 32 also handled by Technisat. The list mixed together. Even the channel
supports the DiSEqC 1.2 proto- can now be custom designed for switching times between the dif- Pressing the “0” button on the
col. your area thanks to the ability to ferent tuners is fairly good at 1.5 remote control opens the A/V
select your country in the setup to 2.0 seconds and is really not all source selection window. In no
The roughly 20 satellites pre- menu. Of course, for those of you that much of a delay. time at all we were able to select
programmed into this unit with (hobbyists and the like) who don’t one of the two HDMI inputs and
more or less up-to-date data are want to have any limitations, you Unfortunately, we sorely miss were thus amazed at the bril-
really not all that much. 12 addi- can naturally have your channel the capability to rename chan- liance, color depth, detail and
tional satellites can be manually scan look for everything. nels. This is especially true for sharpness of the HDTV signal.
added. our camera signals that were
In our tests, roughly 20 min- stored simply with the UHF chan- The HD-Vision supports both
In the DVB-T channel scan utes was needed to scan three nel number. HDTV 720p and HDTV 1080p and
menu, the power supply to the satellites as well as the analog therefore justifiably carries the
attached antenna can be turned and digital terrestrial bands. And Both the DVB-S and DVB-T HDTV Ready logo. The HD-Vision
on or off as needed while for DVB- we weren’t disappointed either: tuners were found to be quite comes with an automatic picture
C reception, no additional settings the HD-Vision 32 managed to sensitive allowing for reception brightness control so that it can
are needed and are therefore not find every channel. Even the of weaker signals without any adjust itself to the conditions of
available. Before the channel weaker signals from the multiple problems. The satellite tuner also any room and deliver an optimal
scan is started, the HD-Vision 32 cameras we use to keep an eye withstood our SCPC test although picture. We also successfully
takes a quick look to see if a new on the entrance hallway and also the manufacturer’s claim of 1- tested the connection of a YUV
software version happens to be the satellite dishes on the roof 45 Ms/sec. could not be verified. and RGB capable PVR receiver.
available. If so, it would be down- were recognized without any dif- Only transponders starting at 2.0 The HD-Vision is also capable
loaded and installed directly via ficulties. Ms/sec. could be reliably han- of turning itself on automati-
satellite. dled.

If you aren’t using this TV with In addition to the automatic

a satellite antenna, you can of channel scan in all three modes,
course install updates via the RS- the HD-Vision can, of course,
232 interface or with the help of a also scan manually with freely
USB stick. We suggest perform- selectable transponder and chan-
ing the updates with a USB stick nel selection. As we already
since updates via satellite require determined with the installation
quite a bit of time. Simply down- assistant, the satellite channel
load the new software from Tech- scan was not exactly the fastest:
nisat’s web site, copy it to the USB 11 minutes were needed to scan
stick and then insert the stick into and store 80 transponders.
one of the two USB ports on the
TV. The rest of the process runs After every channel change, the
automatically and is taken care of HD-Vision momentarily displayed
in roughly five minutes. an info bar that showed informa-
tion on the current program and
To help reduce the channel the currently selected channel.
scan time in satellite mode, the Thanks to the SFI/EPG function,
HD-Vision 32, just like all Tech- all the programming informa-
nisat receivers, comes with the tion from a group of preselected
capability to upload a pre-made channels can be stored in advance
channel list via satellite based and then displayed at a particu- Connections for audio and video
on the ISIPRO system. The big CI Module Slot lar time with the simple push of accessories on the underside

TELE-satellite International —

cally (depending on a 12V control Is It Worth TECHNIC Manufacturer Technisat Digital GmbH,
54550 Daun/Germany
signal via Scart or via an HDMI or DATA
VGA signal) and going back into
standby mode after the receiver
Switching? Anschlußleiste
an der Seite
Tel +352 710 707 900

Many of you are probably asking Fax +352 710 707 959
is shut off.
if it is even worth switching to a E-mail
new LCD TV or HDTV since you
And most likely you won’t Function LCD TV with integrated DVB-S,
would have to expect to shell out
have to acquire a separate PVR DVB-T, DVB-C, analog terrestrial
at least 2500 Euros. We and many
anyway: by the time you read and FMJ tuners
others who we asked say “yes!”
this, Technisat will have a version Channel Memory 6000
With normal SDTV reception when
of the HD-Vision with built-in PVR
compared to a Panasonic 100Hz Satellites 32
on the market.
CRT TV, all of our testers agreed
Symbolrate 1-45 Ms/sec.
independently that the picture of
The integrated VGA connec-
the LCD TV was more stable and SCPC Compatible yes
tor lets you use the HD-Vision
thus much easier on the eyes. USALS no
as a normal LCD PC monitor
16:9 transmissions were espe-
for PowerPoint presentations DiSEqC 1.0/1.2 (1.1 starting 2007)
cially better in quality in terms of
and so on. The best picture is
three-dimensional presentation Scart Connectors 2
of course obtained using the
and overall sharpness when com-
full 1360x768 resolution of the HDMI Interface yes
pared to standard TV’s.
TV. If the graphics card in the
YUV Input yes
PC can’t handle this resolution,
Even more noticeable was the S-Video Input yes
then 1024x768 will work also
difference in HDTV reception. The
although at a cost of some pic- VGA Connection yes
higher resolution of the LCD TV
ture sharpness.
really brought out the full quality Audio Outputs 2 x RCA
of HDTV signals, a difference that
The HD-Vision 32 also comes Subwoofer Output yes
anyone will immediately recog-
with an assortment of practical
nize. Lastly, we wanted to utilize Headphone Jack yes
extra features. For all German
our testers one more time to see CVBS Input yes (optical and coaxial)
PayTV Premiere customers, all
if they could tell the difference
of the multifeed options as well Reception Modes DVB-S, DVB-C, DVB-T,
between an HDTV signal in YUV
as an integrated teletext decoder analog terrestrial and FM
or HDMI. Here it was quite clear
are available; a sharp improve-
that while a difference does exist Analog Tuner 46-860 MHz
ment over the teletext display on
and can really only be seen when DVB-S Tuner 950-2150 MHz
a CRT monitor. If you happen to
compared side-by-side, our test-
own a second Technisat receiver, DVB-C/T Tuner 174-230 MHz/470-860 MHz
ers could not identify the correct
you can use the included remote
mode in five different attempts in 0/12-Volt Output no
control to operate this box as
non-side-by-side tests.
well. EPG yes

C/Ku-Band Compatible yes

Expert conclusion VGA Modes 640x480, 1360x768

+ Power Supply 230 VAC, 50 Hz

The price of the HD-Vision 32 is somewhat higher
Dimensions 100.5x57.5x20cm
than other LCD TV’s of this size but in return it comes
with numerous extra features as well as three fully Weight 21-23 Kg
integrated tuners that more than make up for the (including contrast screen)
higher price. It is easy to use with logically designed
Thomas Haring
menus. The HD-Vision never crashed and no major TELE-satellite
problems could be found during our long-term test. Test Center

Existing channel names could not be changed. The channel switch-
ing speed as well as the preprogrammed satellite list could use some
Info Bar Main Menu

Installation Assistant DVB-S Settings Channel Scan Channel List Editing

DVB-T Settings Channel List HDTV Signal VGA Signal — TELE-satellite International

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