TV Broadcasting
TV Broadcasting
TV Broadcasting
a. Filter
b. LNA
c. RF amplifier
d. Antenna
2. Is the most common technique where apartment house, hotels, schools, condominiums, and multi-unit
buildings distribute TV and FM signals to a number of receivers, using a single head-end.
d. Antenna
3. TV channel 2, 4 and 5 belong to
a. Panning device
b. Scanner
c. Tilting
d. Pan/tilt device
5. Which of the following is a solid state imaging device?
c. Charge couple device
6. What class of TV camera lens used to cover short distances?
a. Normal
b. Wide angle
c. Telephoto
d. Zoom
7. What class of TV camera lens used to cover long distances?
a. Normal
b. Wide angle
c. Telephoto
d. Zoom
8. What is the local oscillator frequency in commercial AM broadcast if it is equal to 455 kHz?
a. 0 to 1500 kHz
b. 0 to 455 kHz
c. 540 to 1600 kHz
d. 955 to 2055 kHz
9. What is the allowable deviation ratio of commercial FM broadcast?
a. 20
b. 75
c. 5
d. 25
10. The maximum power suggested by KBP on 919-1312 AM broadcast station in Metro Manila is
a. 5 kW
b. 10 kW
c. 15 kW
d. 20 kW
11. KBP radio code mandates that station must provide a minimum of ___ minutes
a. 30
b. 45
c. 50
d. 60
12. What is the chroma subcarrier signal frequency for color television?
a. 3.8 MHz
b. 6.8 MHz
c. 7.8 MHz
d. 8.8 MHz
13. What is the frequency tolerance of an FM Radio Broadcast station?
a. 20000 Hz
b. 20 Hz
c. 200 Hz
d. 2000 Hz
14. The minimum frequency separation between frequency of AM broadcasting station
a. 9 kHz
b. 18 kHz
c. 36 kHz
d. 72 kHz
15. The aspect ratio HDTV is
a. 4:3
b. 18:5
c. 14:8
d. 16:9
16. A newscast is a distinct unit of a program with a minimum news content of _____ minute(s) excluding
intro, extro, headline and commercial load
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
17. In accordance with existing provision of law and the KBP rules and the regulations, all stations shall
actively promote the growth ands the development of Filipino music by playing _____ OPM every clock
a. 1
b. 2
c. 3
d. 4
18. Commercial load for radio shall not exceed ____ minutes for a one-hour program outside Metro
a. 15
b. 20
c. 25
d. 30
19. Commercial load for radio shall not exceed _____ minutes for a one-hour program outside Metro
a. 15
b. 16
c. 17
d. 20
20. Program interruption for airing of commercial in Metro Manila shall not exceed _____ breaks in every
program hour
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
21. Program interruption for the airing of commercial outside Metro Manila shall not exceed _____ breaks
in every program hour
a. 5
b. 6
c. 7
d. 8
22. For Metro manila, the classification of prime time blocks for FM shall be
a. 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM
b. 6:00 AM to 12:00 NN
c. 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM
d. 12:00 NN to 12:00 MN
23. For provincial station, the classification of prime time blocks for FM radio shall be
a. 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM
b. 6:00 AM to 12:00 NN
c. 6:00 AM to 6:00 PM
d. 12:00 NN to 12:00 MN
24. All airtime classifications shall be submitted to and subject for approval by the
a. NTC
25. _____ is the time circulation for one horizontal trace
a. 52 us
b. 62 us
c. 48 us
d. 50 us
26. Listing of the date and time of events, programs, equipment, tests, malfunctions and corrections in
communications system.
a. Reporting
b. Documentation
c. Log
d. File
27. Which of the following is not a low impedance microphone?
a. Dynamic
b. Velocity
c. Condenser
d. Crystal
28. Facsimile permits remote duplications of which of the following items?
a. Map
b. Pictures
c. Printed page
d. All of these
29. Television has a lot of features in common with
a. FM stereo
b. Telephone service
c. Motion picture
d. Magazine
30. The major component of the TV signal waveform is the
a. Video
b. Radar
c. Stereo
d. Antenna
31. For NTSC TV system, the image is scanned from
a. Top to bottom
b. Left to right
c. Right to left
d. Choices A and B above
32. One completes NTSC scanning cycle called field consists of how many lines
a. 500
b. 525
c. 625
d. 60
33. The field rate in the NTSC television system
a. 30 Hz
b. 120 Hz
c. 60 Hz
d. 15.75 Hz
34. What is the horizontal synchronous blanking pulse rate?
a. 30 Hz
b. 60 Hz
c. 15.75Hz
d. 120 Hz
35. What is the vertical blanking pulse rate?
a. 30 Hz
b. 60 Hz
c. 15.75 Hz
d. 120 Hz
36. The pulses riding on the vertical blanking pulse
a. Vidicon
b. Image orthicon
c. Plumbicon
d. All of the above
38. The television picture tube magnetic fields can be used for
a. Beam focusing
b. Beam deflection
c. Beam production
d. Beam modulation
39. What is the purpose of an indirectly-heated cathode in a cathode ray tube?
a. Beam focusing
b. Beam deflection
c. Beam production
d. Beam modulation
40. Video modulation for television is
a. Amplitude modulation
b. Frequency modulation
c. Vestigial sideband
d. Both amplitude modulation and vestigial sideband
41. Audio modulation for television is
a. Amplitude modulation
b. Frequency modulation
c. Vestigial sideband
d. Both amplitude modulation and vestigial sideband
42. What is the maximum frequency deviation for audio modulation in TV transmission?
a. 25 kHz
b. 30 kHz
c. 50 kHz
d. 75 kHz
43. The video carrier and the audio carrier are separated by ____ MHz.
a. 4.5
b. 5.5
c. 6.5
d. 7.5
44. In a practical image scanned at the NTSC rate, the spectrum will include components clustered at the
fundamentals and harmonics of _____ kHz
a. 15.75
b. 30
c. 12.25
d. 45.5
45. Brightness of an image is known as
a. Radiance
b. Chrominance
c. Reflectance
d. Luminance
46. The colors at the vertices of the color triangle are referred to as
a. Primary
b. White
c. Desaturated
d. All of the above
47. A color signal which originate in the camera itself with color television pickup?
a. Red
b. Green
c. Blue
d. All of these
48. What are the three separate signals derived from a matrix in a color TV transmitter?
a. Y, I and Q
b. P, D and Q
c. M, N and O
d. R, S and T
49. Range of a VHF television transmitter
a. 54 98 MHz
b. 54 216 MHz
c. 54 128 MHz
d. 54 166 MHz
50. Range of a UHF television transmitter
51. What is the approximate bandwidth occupied by the chrominance video signal for color TV?
a. 0.8 MHz
b. 1.8 MHz
c. 8.1 MHz
d. 1.6 MHz
52. The colors found around the perimeter of the color triangle are said to be
a. Saturated
b. Dark
c. Light
d. Monochrome
53. At what position on the color triangle will saturated yellow be located?
a. 0
b. 45
c. 60
d. 90
55. _____ is the most effective filter for separating luminance and chrominance frequency components.
a. Low pass
b. Band pass
c. Notch
d. Comb
56. The chrominance processing circuits can be deactivated when monochrome broadcasts are received
by the
a. Color killer
b. SAW filter
c. NOT gate
d. All of the above
57. What is the standard video level, in percent PEV, for blanking?
a. 25 %
b. 0 %
c. 12.5 %
d. 75 %
58. What is the percent video level, in percent PEV, for black?
a. 0 %
b. 25 %
c. 12.5 %
d. 70 %
59. What is the standard video level, in percent PEV, for white?
a. 0 %
b. 12.5 %
c. 25 %
d. 70 %
60. One should first perform _____ before a convergence setup is performed.
a. Gray tracking
b. Screen setting
c. Alignment
d. Degaussing
61. If there are too many harmonics, one should check the
a. Coupling
b. Tuning of circuits
c. Shielding
d. Any of these
62. In transmitter amplifier design, an even-order harmonics can be prevented or reduced by
a. Sync separator
b. AFC
c. High voltage
d. AGC
64. The reason why buffer stage is included in a transmitter is to
a. On the bridge
b. At the control point
c. At the location of the receiver
d. At the location of the transmitter
66. The alignment of the three color guns to a common point is known as
a. Blooming
b. Confetti
c. Demodulation
d. Convergence
67. A _____ is equivalent to 525 scanning lines
a. Field
b. Frame
c. Cycle
d. Interface set
68. A _____ represents one set of 262 scanning lines
a. Field
b. Frame
c. Cycle
d. Interface set
69. The number of scanning lines is _____ per second
a. 14750
b. 15570
c. 15750
d. 16550
70. Picture frames are repeated at the rate of _____ per second
a. 25
b. 30
c. 40
d. 50
71. Lack of raster is an indication of no
a. AGC
b. High voltage
c. Video signal
d. Television signal
72. The sound and video signals are separated at the _____ of the TV receiver
a. IF stage
b. Video amplifier
c. Video detector
d. Burst separator
73. The presence of color bars is an indication that there is a problem in the _____ circuit
a. Horizontal
b. Reactor
c. Burst separator
d. Chroma amplifier
74. Type of emission produced when a frequency modulated transmitter is modulated by a TV signal
a. A3F
b. F3F
c. A3C
d. F3C
75. What is emission A3F?
b. SSB
c. TV
d. Modulated CW
76. What is emission F3F?
a. Facsimile
b. Modulated CW
c. Television
77. Cause of slow rising white hum bars is the television
a. Pad filter
b. Bad rectifier
c. Bad picture tube
d. High voltage transformer
78. Adjusting the _____ may eliminate color confetti
a. Chrominance
b. Brightness
c. Contrast
d. Luminance
a. Daytime
b. Experimental
c. Nighttime
d. Dawntime
81. Part of broadcast day from local sunset to local sunrise
a. Dawntime
b. Nighttime
c. Daytime
d. Experimental
82. What causes snow in television?
a. CF3
b. C3F
c. B8E
d. A3E
84. Vestigial sideband modulation is commonly used in
a. TV broadcasting
b. Monaural broadcasting
c. Stereo broadcasting
d. HF point-to-point communications
85. Which of the following filters block FM radio band for TV channels (2 to 13)?
a. High-pass filter
b. Low-pass filter
c. Band pass filter
d. Band-reject filter
86. The FM broadcast band is from
a. A5C
b. A0
c. A3
d. F3
88. The standard AM radio broadcast belongs to which frequency band?
a. MF
b. HF
c. VHF
d. LF
89. When were UHF channels (14 83) of television added?
a. 1902
b. 1945
c. 1947
d. 1952
90. When was colored TV standards established in the United States?
a. 1904
b. 1945
c. 1953
d. 1960
91. What synchronizes the horizontal line of the TV picture tube?
a. HFC
b. HSC
d. All of these
92. A measure of how well the receiver can respond to every weak signals/
a. Selectivity
b. Sensitivity
c. Fidelity
d. Quality factor
93. What is the allowable frequency deviation of a commercial FM broadcast band?
a. 15 kHz
b. 75 kHz
c. 5 kHz
d. 100 kHz
94. The final amplifier of either FM or AM transmitter is operated as
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
95. Standard AM broadcasting use _____ for greater and efficient coverage
a. Comb filter
b. Bandpass filter
c. Color filter
d. Low pass filter
100. What is the first letter-symbol for emission of unmodulated carrier?
a. A
b. N
c. H
d. F
101. The channel for cable TV frequency range of 5.75 to 11.75 MHz
a. T-1
b. T-8
c. 2
d. 3
102. The frequency range for cable TV channel T-13
a. 54 60 MHz
b. 66 72 MHz
c. 180 186 MHz
d. 204 210 MHz
104. The _____ of a television system is a measure of its ability to delineate picture detail
a. Contrast
b. Resolution
c. Hue
d. Pixels
105. CCIR standards for the internal exchange of programmes on film for television used
a. Rec 265-6
b. Rec 407-4
c. Rec 408-5
d. Rec 450-1
106. CCIR transmission standards for FM sound broadcasting at VHF
a. Rec 601.2
b. Rec 501.2
c. Rec 500.4
d. Rec 450.1
107. ISO Rec 23 in 1976 is the standard for
a. Recorded characteristics for magnetic sound records on full cost 16 mm motion picture film
b. Projector usage of 16 mm motion picture films for direct front projector
c. Camera usage of 35 mm motion picture film
d. Camera usage of 16 mm motion picture film
108. International broadcasting (short wave) uses frequency between _____ accordance with
international agreements
a. Class I-A
b. Class II-D
c. Class III-B
d. Class IV
110. The permissible power in kW of station II-A during nighttime is
a. 0.25 50
b. 10 50
c. 1 5
d. None of these
111. The television frequency which are now allocated to the land mobile services
a. Germany
b. Dallas, Texas
c. Pennsylvania
d. Japan
114. A term applied to third and higher order products, which can greatly degrade the performance of a
a. DME
116. Three stations are licensed to eligible educational entities for the distribution of program material to
students enrolled in instructional curricula
a. Translator
117. ITFS means
a. 201
b. 202
c. 203
d. 204
121. What is the carrier frequency of an FM station with channel number of 300?
a. 107.5 MHz
b. 101.1 MHz
c. 107.9 MHz
d. 99.5 MHz
122. If an FM station has an effective radiated power of 100 kW then it is under what class?
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
123. The video signal amplitude determines the quality of the picture otherwise known as
a. Hue
b. Luminance
c. Chrominance
d. Contrast
124. _____ is defined as to send out in all direction
a. Broadcast
b. Announce
c. Media
d. All of these
125. The ultimate Dolby surround system is the
a. Dolby NR
b. Dolby Prologic
c. dBx
d. hall matrix
a. 10
b. 20
c. 30
d. 63
153. One-half line spacing between the start positions for scanning even and odd fields produces
a. Linear scanning
b. Linear pairing
c. Fishtailing
d. Exact interlacing
154. In facsimile transmission, if the drum diameter is 60 mm and scanning pitch is 0.1 mm, calculate the
index of cooperation using IEEE recommendation.
a. 1885
b. 600
c. 1900
d. 984
155. In the interlaced frame, alternate lines are skipped during vertical scanning because the
a. 10 us
b. 5 us
c. 6.4 us
d. 83 us
157. Which of the following is not true?
a. Linearity
b. Timing
c. Keystoning
d. Line pairing
160. Which of the following frequencies is wrong?
a. 0.25 MHz
b. 1.25 MHz
c. 4.5 MHz
d. 6 MHz
166. The difference between sound carrier frequencies in two adjacent channels equals
a. 0,25 MHz
b. 1.25 MHz
c. 4.5 MHz
d. 6 MHz
167. With 7% black setup, maximum black in picture corresponds to what percent amplitude in the
modulated carrier signal?
a. 5
b. 68
c. 75
d. 95
168. Line-of-sight transmission is a characteristic of propagation for the
a. 471.25 MHz
b. 473.25 MHz
c. 474.83 MHz
d. 475. 25 MHz
170. The difference between the sound carrier and color subcarrier frequencies is
a. 4.5 MHz
b. 1.25 MHz
c. 0.92 MHz
d. 0.25 MHz
171. Brightness variations of the picture information are in which signal?
a. I
b. Q
c. Y
d. R-Y
172. The hue 1800 out of phase with red is
a. Cyan
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Blue
173. Greater peak-to-peak amplitude of the 3.58-MHz chrominance signal indicates more
a. White
b. Yellow
c. Hue
d. Saturation
174. The interesting beat frequency of 920 kHz is between the 3.58-MHz color subcarrier and
a. Red
b. Cyan
c. Blue
d. Yellow-green
176. Which signal has color information for 1.5 MHz bandwidth?
a. I
b. Y
c. R - Y
d. B Y
177. Which of the following is false?
a. Red
b. Yellow
c. Green
d. Blue
179. What is the hue of the color 90 degrees leading sync burst phase?
a. Yellow
b. Cyan
c. Blue
d. Orange
180. The average voltage value of the 3.58 MHZ modulated chrominance signal is
a. 0.5 MHz
b. 1.5 MHz
c. 3.58 MHz
d. 4.5 MHz
182. If the 3.58 MHz C amplifier in the receiver does not operate, the result will be
a. No color
b. No red
c. Too much blue
d. Too much yellow
a. Burst amplifier
b. Video preamplifier
c. Chroma amplifier
d. Color demodulator input
184. When B Y and Y signal are combined, the result is
a. Blue video
b. 3.58 MHz chroma
c. Red video
d. Green video
185. The phase angle between B Y and R Y is
a. 180
b. 57
c. 0
d. 90
186. Which of the following applies for a monochrome program?
a. Chroma amplifier on
b. Y video amplifier off
c. Color killer on
d. Picture tube off
187. The manual color control is generally in which circuit?
a. No picture
b. No color
c. Incorrect hues
d. No color sync
190. The hue of the color sync burst phase is
a. Red
b. Blue
c. Magenta
d. Yellow-green
191. The balance for Y video signals to the three guns in the picture tube is set by the
a. Drive controls
b. Contrast control
c. Screen control
d. Color control
192. The voltage wave shape in the output of the vertical amplifier is a
a. Trapezoid
b. Sawtooth
c. Rectangle
d. Square
193. An auto transformer in the vertical output circuit
a. Cathode
b. Control grid
c. Screen grid
d. Anode
195. The top of the picture is stretched with too much height. To correct this
a. 0.7 mA
b. 0.7 A
c. 50 A
d. 150 uA
197. A push-pull amplifier in the vertical output circuit
a. Horizontal oscillator
b. Horizontal amplifier
c. Damper
d. Horizontal AFC
199. The frequency of the sawtooth current in the horizontal amplifier is
a. 60 Hz
b. 10500 Hz
c. 15750 Hz
d. 70 kHz
200. When the horizontal amplifier is conducting peak plate current, the electron scanning beam is at the
201. One of the following processes or system best describe an example of a pilot tone system normally
use in commercial broadcast FM stations.
a. Time division
b. Frequency division
c. Stereo multiplex
d. QSK
202. What is the maximum transmitting power permitted an amateur station in beacon operation?
a. 10 W PEP output
b. 100 W PEP output
c. 500 W PEP output
d. 1500 W PEP output
203. What kind of emission would your FM transmitter produce if its microphone failed to work?
a. An unmodulated carrier
b. A phase modulated carrier
c. An amplitude-modulated carrier
d. A frequency modulated carrier
204. The main function of the RF amplifier in superheterodyne receiver is to
a. A
b. N
c. H
d. F
207. International broadcasting (short wave) uses frequency between _____ in accordance with
international agreements.
a. Class I-A
b. Class II-D
c. Class III-B
d. Class IV
209. The permissible power in kW of stations II-A during nighttime is
a. 0.25 - 50
b. 10 - 50
c. 1 - 5
d. None of these
210. A term applied to third and higher order products, which can greatly degrade the performance of a
a. DME
212. MDS means
a. 201
b. 202
c. 203
d. 204
214. If an FM station has an effective radiated power of 100 kW then it is under what class?
a. Class A
b. Class B
c. Class C
d. Class D
215. What is the range of an AM broadcast frequency tolerance above or below its assigned frequency?
a. 25 kHz
b. 20 Hz
c. 60 kHz
d. 120 kHz
216. What type of emission is produced when amplitude modulated transmitter is modulated by a
television signal?
a. A3F
b. F3C
c. F3F
d. A3C
217. How would you best describe an example of a pilot tone system used in commercial frequency
modulation broadcast radio stations?
a. Frequency simplex
b. Time division
c. Stereo multiplex
d. QSK
218. What type of emission is produced when a frequency modulated transmitter is modulated by a
facsimile signal?
a. A3F
b. F3F
c. A3C
d. F3C
219. What is the highest assigned carrier frequency for standard AM broadcast?
a. 107 kHz
b. 535 kHz
c. 540 kHz
d. 1600 kHz
220. One of the following refers to the standard frequency band limits of AM broadcast band.
a. 30 - 300 MHz
b. 88 - 108 MHz
c. 3 - 30 MHz
d. 535 - 1605 kHz
221. What do you call the service area of a standard AM broadcast where fading is not allowed?
a. Secondary
b. Tertiary
c. Primary
d. Experimental
222. In basic transmitter, ____ is a kind of transmitter that develops type B emission.
a. Arc
b. Spark
c. Alexanderson
d. High end
223. High speed network as defined by the NTC memorandum circular are network in ICT that have a
capacity of at least _______.
a. 2.048 Mbps
b. 3.048 Mbps
c. 20.48 Mbps
d. 5.05 Mbps
224. Type of radio communication transmission utilizing frequency modulation technique
a. Television
b. Broadcasting in 535-1606 kHz
c. Single side band HF transmission
d. Television Audio
225. What frequency standard can be used to calibrate the tuning dial of the receiver?
a. A sweep generator
b. A deviation meter
c. A calibrated voltmeter
d. Signals from WWV and WWVH
226. In stereo FM, a 38 kHz subcarrier is used for the L-R signal. It is derive from a pilot subcarrier of
a. 9.5 kHz
b. 38 kHz
c. 19 kHz
d. 76 kHz
227. An area characterized to have no interference but with fading or intermittent variations in intensity is
a. ELF band
b. UHF band
c. HF band
d. WHF band
229. What is the reason why Frequency modulation is used in the broadcast video recording on tape?
a. High capacity
b. Low noise
c. Compressed bandwidth
d. Faster recording
230. As part of the KBP Technical Requirement for FM which polarization was not recommended for use?
a. Horizontal
b. Vertical
c. Circular
d. Elliptical
231. Antenna current, as specified in KBP definitions, is defined as a condition of
a. No modulation
b. 80% modulation
c. 85% modulation
d. 100% modulation
232. ABS-CBNs DXAB medium frequency broadcast station operates in
a. Luzon
b. Visaya
c. Mindanao
d. Manila
233. International broadcast stations
a. True
b. False
c. Cannot tell
d. Sometimes
235. For Philippines AM broadcasting, according to standards, the maximum allowed modulation for
satisfactory operation
a. 75%
b. 85%
c. 90%
d. 100%
236. A third symbol radio emission represents telephone transmission including sound broadcasting.
a. W
b. F
c. C
d. E
237. Which broadcast parameter of the primary FM station is allowed to be changed in the operation of
FM broadcast translator?
a. Frequency
b. Power
c. Information content
d. A and B
238. Input power, as defined by KBP, in the product of the voltage and current at the output of the last
radio stage, measured
a. At 85 % modulation
b. Without modulation
c. At 90% modulation
d. At 100% modulation
239. In determining an antennas height above average terrain (HAAT), how many radial directions from
the site are involved in the computation?
a. 4
b. 8
c. 12
d. 16
240. If DZFE 89.7s antenna height above average terrain (HAAT) is 190 feet, what is the depression
angle of the radio horizon?
a. 0.17
b. 0.21
c. 0.27
d. 0.31
241. The method of generating FM used by broadcasting station is
a. Direct
b. All of these
c. Indirect
d. Insertion
242. The maximum power suggested by KBP on 919-1312 AM broadcast station in Metro Manila
a. 10 kW
b. 20 kW
c. 15 kW
d. 5 kW
243. Production of radiation by transmitting station
a. Monitoring
b. Emission
c. Radiation
d. Transmission
244. A form of single emission where the degree of carrier suppression enables the carrier to be
reconstituted and be used for demodulation.
a. Sand
b. Limestone
c. Surface loam soil
d. Clay
247. The frequency spectrum of the stereophonic FM signal.
a. 67 kHz
b. 59.5 kHz 74.5 kHz
c. 19 kHz 38 kHz
d. 30 kHz - 53 kHz
248. What is the maximum color TV bandwidth?
a. 1.6 MHz
b. 0.5 MHz
c. 1.5 MHz
d. 1.3 MHz
249. A beam antenna has a height of 10 meters over a service area. Determine the beam tilt angle.
a. 0.088
b. 8.8
c. 9.2
d. 0.9
250. Listing of the date and time of events, programs, equipment, test, malfunctions, and corrections in
communication system.
a. File
b. Documentation
c. Reporting
d. Log