Juicy Fruits and Whipped Creme Afghan

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Throw measures 45 X 55 (114.5 X 139.


Special Stitch
Beginning Cross-stitch (beg cross-st) = Dc
in space after the sc and before the next 5-dc
group one row below, ch 1, dc in space before
the same sc and previous 5-dc group.
Cross-stitch (cross-st) = Dc in next ch-space
after next sc two rows below, ch 1, dc in chspace before same sc.


Designed by Roseanna Beck

1. When instructed to work into a stitch or
space 2 rows below, work into the row
numbered 2 less than the current row. For
example, if you are working Row 5, a stitch
2 rows below is in Row 5 2 = Row 3.
2. To change color, work last stitch of old
color to last yarn over. Yarn over with new
color and draw through all loops on hook to
complete stitch. Proceed with new color.

What you will need:

RED HEART With Love: 4 skeins
1303 Aran A, 1 skein each of 1701
Hot Pink B, 1252 Mango C, and
1601 Lettuce D
Susan Bates Crochet Hook:
5mm [H-8 US].
Yarn needle


GAUGE: 2 shells = 4 (10cm) in

pattern; 7 rows = 4 (10 cm).
size hook to obtain the gauge.

Buy Yarn
Love, Art. E400
available in solid color
7oz (198g), 370 yd (338m) and
multicolor 5oz (141g), 230 yd
(211m) skeins

Juicy Fruits and

Whipped Crme

Sweeten up your room with cheerful stripes!

Or consider this easy pattern for a super gift
throw. Just crochet it in colors that appeal to
the recipient.
Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.

Find more ideas & inspiration: www.redheart.com and www.crochettoday.com

2013 Coats & Clark

With B, ch 152.
Row 1 (right side): Sc in 2nd ch from hook,
*skip next 2 ch, 5 dc in next ch, skip next 2 ch,
sc in next ch; repeat from * across; change to
A, turnTwenty-five 5-dc groups and 26 sc.
Row 2: Ch 2, dc in first sc, ch 1, sc in center
st of next 5-dc group, ch 1, *beg cross-st, ch
1, sc in center st of next 5-dc group, ch 1;
repeat from across to last sc, 2 dc in last sc,
turn24 cross-sts and 25 sc.
Row 3: Ch 3, 2 dc in first dc, sc in next sc, *5
dc in ch-1 space of next cross-st, sc in next
sc; repeat from * across to last 2 dc, skip next
dc, 3 dc in top of beginning ch-2, change to
C, turnTwenty-four 5-dc groups, two 3-dc
groups, and 25 sc.
Row 4: Ch 1, sc in first dc, ch 1, skip next
2 dc, cross-st, ch 1, *sc in center st of next
5-dc group, ch 1, cross-st, ch 1; repeat from *

across to last 3 dc, skip next 2 dc, sc in top of

beginning ch-3, turn25 cross-sts and 26 sc.
Row 5: Ch 1, sc in first sc, 5 dc in ch-1 space
of next cross-st, *sc in next sc, 5 dc in ch-1
space of next cross-st; repeat from * across
to last sc, sc in last sc; change to A, turn
Twenty-five 5-dc groups and 26 sc.
Rows 6 and 7: Repeats Row 2 and 3; change
to D in last st of Row 7.
Repeat Rows 4-7 changing color in the
following sequence: [2 rows each of D, A, B, A,
C, A] 8 times, then 2 rows D. Fasten off.

With right side facing, join A with slip st in first
sc to work across st of last row; ch 3, 6 dc
in same st as join, *skip next 2 dc, sc in next
dc, 6 dc in next sc; repeat from * to last sc, 7
dc in last sc; working down long side and in
ends of rows, **sc in space between next 2 B
rows, 6 dc in sc of next color row, skip next
color row;** repeat from ** to Row 1, 7 dc
in the base of the first sc of Row 1; working
across opposite side of foundation chs of Row
1, ***sc in loop below next 5-dc group, 6 dc
in loop below next sc; repeat from *** to last
loop, 7 dc in last loop; working up 2nd long
side and in ends of rows, repeat between **
and ** to last row; join with slip st in top of
beginning ch-3. Fasten off.
A, B, C = Color A, Color B, Color C etc; ch
= chain; dc = double crochet; sc = single
crochet; st(s) = stitch (es); ( ) = work
directions in parentheses into same st; [ ] =
work directions in brackets the number of
times specified; * = repeat whatever follows
the * as indicated.
See next page for close-up of pattern


LW3562 Juicy Fruits and Whipped Crme Throw

Please Note: Print this pattern using Landscape Orientation.

Find more ideas & inspiration: www.redheart.com and www.crochettoday.com

2013 Coats & Clark


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