Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Lecture No. #40 Testing of Hypothesis-VIII
Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Lecture No. #40 Testing of Hypothesis-VIII
Department of Mathematics Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur Lecture No. #40 Testing of Hypothesis-VIII
So, this topic we called as Testing for independence- testing for independence in r by c
contingency tables. So, yesterday, I mentioned that we may have r categories distributed
in the rows and c categories which are represented in the columns. We have observed
frequencies Oij corresponding to i j cell and on the basis of this, we want to test whether
the two categories are independent. Let me explain this through an example here. So, the
problem is posed as follows: so, a state is introducing three types of pension plans. So, in
the plan 1 the investment of the pension fund will be in risk category shares, in plan 2
this is balanced investment and plan 3 is say, for safe investment.
Now, whether the employees preferences are affected by their hierarchical structure in
the organization, that is what we have to check. So, the regulatory body wants to know
whether the choice of pension plan is independent of the level of employees. So, a
random sample of 500 employees is taken and we observe the following data.
So, the choice of pension plans, we represent in the columns, that is plan 1, plan 2 and
plan 3, and here we give employee status say, so, we have upper level, middle level and
say, lower level. For the time being let me concentrate only, suppose upper level and
middle level here, and the data of 500 is distributed as- 160 upper level employees give
preference to pension plan 1, 140 give to pension plan 2 and 40 give to pension plan 3; in
the middle level 40 give preference to pension plan 1, 60 to 2 and 60 to 3. So, if we
calculate the row and column totals, they turn out to be 200, 200 and 100 and here it is
340, 160.
Now, we want to test whether the choice of pension plan is independent of the employee
status. So, for this, this is a 2 by 3 contingency table, this is a 2 by 3 contingency table.
So, the values of the eijs, they are calculated by Ri into C dot j divided by N. Now, here
you see the row totals, that is R1 dot, R2 dot, this is C dot 1, C dot 2, C dot 3, they are
given to us, so easily we can calculate say e11. So, e11 will be R1 dot into C dot 1 by N,
now, in this particular case, it is 340 into 200 divided by 500, this value turns out to be
136- so, we can write these values here. Similarly, if I want to calculate e12, e12 is R1
dot into C dot 2 divided by N, that is equal to 340 into 200 divided by 500, that is again,
Similarly, we can calculate e13 that is R1 dot into C dot 3 divided by N, that is equal to
340 into 100 divided by 500, that is equal to 68- so, this value is 68. (Refer Slide Time:
04:01) In a similar way, we can calculate the value corresponding to e21. So, e21 will be
R2 dot into C dot 1 divided by N, that is equal to 160 into 200 divided by 500, that is
equal to 64; e22, that will be equal to R2 dot into C dot 2 by N, that is equal to 160 into
200 divided by 500, that is again, 64; and e23, that is equal to R2 dot into C dot 3 divided
by N, that is equal to 160 into 100 divided by 500, that is equal to 32. So, we can
complete this table of eijs here. (Refer Slide Time: 04:01) So, this is 64, this is 64, this is
Now, our formula for the W is sigma of Oij minus eij square divided by eij- so, these
differences can be calculated. (Refer Slide Time: 04:01) So, for example, the first term is
160 minus 1 36, that is 24 square divided by 136 again, similar term here, this will
become 4 square by 136, here it is 28 square by 30 by 68 and like that. So, we can
calculate these terms. The overall W turns out to be 49.63. Now, here the calculated
value of the chi square statistic will be on R minus 1 C minus 1 degrees of freedom; now,
here 2 rows are there and 3 columns are there, so, this becomes chi square 2, and we look
at say, 0.05, etcetera, then this is giving the value 5.99, which is much smaller- actually,
we can calculate at a very small level of significance and this value will still be larger,
so, H naught is rejected. What is H naught? H naught is the hypothesis that the row
categories and the column categories are independent, that is H naught is rejected that
means, the employee status affects the choice of pension plan.
There is another application of the chi square test. In the contingency table we have seen
that we took a total sample of size N and then we saw the actual classification in the R C
categories. But sometimes we fix the strata for example, we may take a fixed number
from upper income group, upper level employees, we may take a fixed sample size from
middle strata so that means, basically, we are doing the stratifafication of the population
and then we take the sample and we want to see whether the responses of the different
strata are homogenous.
which we have given for independence, the same test is valid here also. Let me give this
through an example.
So, a new product is introduced in the market and now we want to see whether it has the
same level of effect in different towns of the country, or different regions of the state, or
different areas of the city. So, in this particular case, we consider the response to the
product in three different cities that means, the customer, or you can say the responder
must have already purchased the product, or he might have heard about the product, but
not purchased, or he might not have heard the product- so, the responses are based on a
survey. Now, here what we do, we fix a number of respondents in each city, rather than
we merge the data of the three cities and then taking a random sample, from each city we
take a fixed sample size. So, let me present the data in the following form: so, we have
city 1, city 2 and city 3, we fix that we are taking 200 respondents from city 1, we are
taking 150 respondents from city 2 and we are taking 300 respondents from city 3.
This choice of the numbers may depend upon various factors, for example, the resources
of the surveyor, the size of the city, for example, city 3 may be a much larger town
compared to city 2 and city 1 may be somewhere in the middle as far as the population
are concerned, or one may look at the consumption levels in different cities, based on
that one may see such things- the total sample size from each strata may be decided on
the basis of that. The responses are as follows: so, the respondent might never have heard
of the product, heard, but did not buy or he might have bought at least once. So, the
following observed data is there 36, 55, 109, 45, 56, 49, 54, 78 and 168.
Now, to test whether the responses are homogenous against the hypothesis they are not
homogeneous. We apply the same test, chi square test, that is double summation Oij
minus eij square by eij. So, we will calculate the column sums, this is 135, 189, 326- the
total sample size is 650. So, based on this we can calculate like, 200 into 135 divided by
165, that is say 41.54; 200 into 189 divided by 650, that is say 58.15 and so on; 100.31,
31.15, 43.62, 75.2 3, 62.31, 87.23, 150.4 6. So, based on these calculations of Oijs and
eijs, we can evaluate this W and it turns out to be 24.58.
Now, if you look at chi square value, here the degrees of freedom will be 3 minus 1 into
3 minus 1, that is 4, suppose we take at 5 percent level of significance, this value is 9.4 9.
Naturally, you can see that W is much larger than this. So, we conclude that H naught is
rejected that means, responses are not homogenous. So, you can see here that this chi
square test for goodness of fit is applicable in various situations, we are able to test for
goodness of fit that means, whether the given data fits a given distribution, we can test
for independence of the two types of classifications in a contingency table, we may test
for the homogeneity of the responses in a contingency table situation- so, there are
various applications.
Let me, we will come back to this again; firstly, let me introduce to further measures of
correlation. Here, we have seen the Karl Pearson measure of correlation, which is
calculated as covariance divided by the standard deviations of the two variables. Now,
this measure of Karl Pearson, it is completely dependent upon the numerical
observations of the variables concerned. For example, we may be looking at the
relationship between the heights of say, parents with the heights of the children; we may
be concerned with the expenditure on the health care by families corresponding to their
per capita income, etcetera.
So, here actual measurements are required. But there are many situations in real life
where the numerical values of the data are not very important, we may be simply
concerned with say, ranks of the values, or we may be concerned about the increasing or
decreasing trend of the values.
For example, two judges give ranks to a set of participants in a certain competition. So,
now, they are not telling that for example, it could be a selection procedure. So, in a
selection procedure suppose 10 candidates are there and there are two judges- so, judge 1
and judge 2. Now, we have say candidates here say 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. So, rather
than giving the scores their ranks are mentioned for example, judge 1, he ranks the
candidate number say, 4 as 1 whereas, judge 2 ranks say, candidate number say, 6 as 1
likewise, they give ranks to all the candidates, the candidate number 6 may be ranked 2
here, the candidate number 3 may be ranked 3, the candidate number 3 may be ranked 2
by this, and this may be ranked 3, the candidate number 1 may be ranked 4 by say, both
of them, the candidate number 2 may be ranked 6th here, and may be 5th here, candidate
number 7th may be 5th here, 6th here, this may be 7th here say, this may be 7th here,
may be this is 8th, this could be 8th here, this could be 9th here, may be this is 9, this is
10th , this is 10th .
Now, an impartial observer would like to see whether the selection has been fair or not
that means, whether the two judges are working in concordance or discordance. So, here
in place of the numerical values for example, the judges might have given some marks
before giving the ranks to these candidates, but those are not important because what is
important is the selection procedure is unbiased or not. So, in that case it is beneficial to
look at the ranks and the correlation between these ranks. So, there is a procedure, or you
can say term called Spearmans rank correlation coefficient, which is introduced for this
So, in that case the rankings will be unique that means, all the ranks from 1 to n will be
allotted. So, if continuous random variables are considered for example, I considered
heights, weights, incomes, so, these are all can be considered as continuous random
variables, then the ranks will be unique. So, Ri, Si both will belong to the set 1, 2, n. If
we want to calculate the correlation coefficient between ranks here, I will give a notation
say R star because R we used for Karl Pearson correlation coefficient, so, this will be
sigma Ri minus R bar into Si minus S bar divided by sigma Ri minus R bar square,
square root sigma Si minus S bar square. So, basically what we are doing, in place of Xi
and Yi we are using Ri and Si. So, from the same set of data, in place of using the
numerical values, or numerical measurements corresponding to X and Y random
variables now we are making use of their ranks.
Now, if we are making use of the ranks and if we are making this assumption that
continuous random variables are there, then these values of R and S are between 1 to n
only, and all the values are considered here. That means, if I look at sigma Ri, this will
be the sum of the numbers 1, 2 up to n. Similarly, Sis, they will be 1 to n. Therefore, all
these quantities can be actually evaluated.
So, we can see here sigma Ri or sigma Si, i is equal to 1 to n, this is nothing but 1 plus 2
plus up to n, that is n into n plus 1 by 2. So, R bar and S bar they will become n plus 1 by
2. Similarly, we can calculate sigma Ri minus R bar whole square or sigma Si minus S
bar whole square, because sigma Ri square or sigma Si square that will become n into n
plus 1 into 2 n plus 1 by 6- that is the sum of squares of the first n integers. So, these
values can be easily calculated and it turns out that this is n into n square minus 1 by 12.
So, if we substitute these values in this particular formula for R star, this turns out to be
12 into sigma Ri Si divided by n into n square minus 1 minus 3 into n plus 1 by n minus
1. Now, so, one thing is one can calculate sigma Ri Si, that is product of the ranks and
substitute here. But there is a simplified procedure for this, which I will be developing
You define, now, say Di to be the differences in the, let me write capital Di differences
in the ranks Ri minus Si, so, this of course, you can write as Ri minus R bar minus Si
minus S bar- because R bar and S bar are same, so, they will cancel out. So, if I look at
sigma of Di square, this turns out to be sigma Ri minus R bar square plus sigma Si minus
S bar whole square minus twice sigma Ri minus R bar into Si minus S bar. So, this turns
out to be 1 by 6 n into n square minus 1 minus twice sigma Ri minus R bar Si minus S
bar. So, from here sigma Ri Si can be substituted in terms of sigma Di square. So, if we
substitute that here in this particular formula we get R star is equal to 1 minus 6 sigma Di
square divided by n into n square minus 1. So, this particular term is called Spearmans
correlation coefficient. So, the only difference is that we are not using the numerical
values corresponding to the random variables, but the ranks of those values in the set of
data that is given there.
So, as an example let me calculate in this particular case. So, here this can be considered
as Ri and this can be considered as Di, Si. So, let us calculate here Dis, that is Ri minus
Si. So, this is 0, this is 1, 1, minus 2, 1, 1, minus 3, minus 1, 3 and 1. So, if we look at Di
square, that is 0, 1, 1, 4, 1, 1, 9, 1, 9, 1. So, sigma Di square is equal to 1 plus 1 plus 4,
28. So, now, if we substitute in this particular formula, that is 1 minus 6 sigma Di square
divided by n into n square minus 1, so, the value of R star, that is equal to 1 minus 6 into
28 divided by 10 into 99, which can be simplified little bit, 1 minus- so, that is equal to,
some value will come, 3, this is 5, this is 33- so, we get here 168 divided by 1, I am
sorry, this is 28 divided by 165, that is equal to 137 by 165- so, which is of course, less
than 1, but it is near about, if we calculate the actual value, it will be 0.8 approximately.
So, this is showing a high degree of correlation between the choices of, or you can say
the preferences of judges 1 and 2 as far as the selection of the candidates is concerned.
That means, the candidates whom judge 1 gives a higher rank, the judge 2 also tends to
give higher rank to the candidate, the candidates whom judge 1 gives lower ranks, the
judge 2 also tends to give lower ranks to those candidates. So, there is a high degree of
you can say, accordance, or concordance, or concurrence between the two judges here.
Since this formula for the rank correlation is calculated from the Karl Pearson correlation
coefficient therefore, the properties which the correlation coefficient satisfies also true
That means, we will have in general, minus 1 less than or equal to R star less than or
equal to 1, and this will be then again, considered as a measure of linear relationship, but
this is relationship between the ranks. That means, for example, if we are considering R
star is equal to 1 that means, this is showing a perfect positive linear relationship
between the ranks R and S. Similarly, minus 1 will denote perfect negative linear
relationship between the ranks R and S. So, all the observations related to the Karl
Pearson correlation coefficient are valid here also, the only difference is that the
correlations are calculated for the ranks rather than the raw values here.
We will just consider one more example. So, we have heights of fathers and heights of
say, sons and the data is as follows, sorry, this is not heights this is weights. So, there are
12 pairs 65-68, 63-64, 67-70, 64-65, 68-69, 62- 66 , 70-75, 66- 67, 61- 63, 72-74, 69-71,
71-76. Now, rather than calculating the correlation between the raw values of the weights
we will consider their ranks, the reason is that we want to say that the heavier fathers
have heavier sons and lighter fathers have lighter sons. So, if you want to say that, we
just look at the ranks. So, if you look at the ranks Ris and Sis here, it turns out 5, so, from
lightest to the heaviest we arrange 5, then this is 6, this is 3, this is 2, 7, 8, 4, 3, 8, 7, 2, 4,
10, 11, 6, 5, 1, 1 that is, the highest, the heaviest father has the heaviest son 12, 10, 9, 9,
We want to see the concordance or not. So, if we look at the R star, further we need to
calculate the differences, Di are minus 1, 1, minus 1, 1, 1, minus 2, minus 1, 1, 0, 2, 0
and minus 1. So, here if we calculate sigma Di square, that is equal to 16. So, 1 minus 6
into sigma Di square by n into n square minus 1, that is equal to 1 minus 6 into 16
divided by 12 into 143, after simplification this value is 0.944. So, you can see that there
is a high degree of relationship, or you can say linear relationship in the ranks of the
weights of the fathers and the sons. So, we can safely conclude that the heavier fathers
have heavier sons.
Yet another measure of correlation where in place of the raw values we look at only their
magnitudes is Kendalls tau correlation coefficient. In the ranks we looked at the position
of the numerical value in the ordering of the observations, here in the Kendalls tau we
look at the side. That means, if we are having two values say Xi and Xj, then if Xj is on a
higher side of Xi, then whether Yj is on the higher side of Yi or in the reverse. So, this is
called concordance or accordance. So, let us write let X1 Y1, X2 Y2, XN YN be a
random sample from a bivariate population. So, we have the following definition for
concordance or discordance for any two pairs Xi Yj and Xj, sorry, Xi Yi and Xj Yj. We
say that the relation is perfect concordance- so, concordance here means agreement, they
are in the agreement- if Xi is less than Xj whenever Yi is less than Yj, or Xi is greater
than Xj whenever Yi is greater than Yj. The relation is perfect discordance or
disagreement if Xi is greater than Xj whenever Yi is less than Yj, or Xi is less than Xj
whenever Yi is greater than Yj.
So, like the ranks this concordance or discordance also gives some indication of the kind
of relationship that they are having. So, we create a measure of the concordance or
discordance based on the following.
Let us define pi C is equal to probability of Xj minus Xi into Yj minus Yi greater than 0you can see this is the probability of concordance. And we can consider pi d as the
probability of discordance of course, we may have to include equality at 1 place to
exhaust all the possibilities. So, if the random variables are continuous, then you will
have pi C plus pi d is equal to 1 because the probability of equal to 0 will be negligible or
0. So, we define tau, that is equal to pi C minus pi d- this is called Kendalls tau
correlation coefficient, or measure of association. If the distributions are continuous, then
we may take tau is equal to twice pi C minus 1 by putting pi d is equal to 1 minus pi C,
or you can say it as 1 minus twice pi d. Now, if X and Y are continuous and independent,
then by symmetry you must have probability of Xi less than Xj is equal to probability of
Xi greater than Xj, that is equal to half.
So, in that case, this pi C value will be equal to probability of Xi less than Xj into
probability Yi less than Yj plus probability of Xi greater than Xj into probability of Yi
greater than Yj, and because of the symmetric this can be then written as Xi greater than
Xj into probability of Yi less than Yj, that is probability of Xi less than Xj into
probability of Yi greater than Yj which is nothing but pi d. So, that is, for independent
and continuous random variables tau is equal to 0- like in the Karl Pearson correlation
coefficient, for independent random variables the Karl Pearson correlation coefficient
was 0.
The converse of this is not true. However, as in the Karl Pearson case the bivariate
normal distribution has a peculiar property that independence and the correlation is 0 or
equivalent. The same thing is true here also. For bivariate normal populations X and Y
are independent if and only if tau is 0, if and only if rho is 0. We look at a sample
measure for, or you can say sample estimate for tau, so, we can define like this. Define a
psi function for X1 Y1 and X2 Y2 pair as 1 if they are in concordance otherwise, you
define it to be 0 then, naturally expectation of psi is equal to pi c.
So, we can consider an average of the all such pairs that means, we may consider U is
equal to 1 by nC2 for all nC2 pairs of Xi Yi and Xj Yj for 1 less than or equal to i less
than j less than or equal to n. Then, T, that is equal to 2U minus 1 is Kendalls sample
correlation coefficient- again, we will have the value of T between minus 1 and 1.
course, one may like to do a carry out a test of hypothesis whether this theoretical
measure of association, tau, that is H naught, tau is equal to 0 against tau is not equal to
0. One can have a small sample test, one can work out the distribution of U, in fact,
Kendall has tabulated the distribution of, the points of the distribution of T. However, a
large sample test is given based on the approximation that the distribution of 3 into root n
by n minus 1 root twice into 2n plus (( )) 5 into T is asymptotically normal 0, 1 under H
naught- so, one can use this for testing the hypothesis tau is equal to 0, and it has been
observed that approximation is good for n greater than or equal to 8.
Let me give an over view of the topics that we have covered in this particular course till
now. We have, we started with the probability, the basic definition of the probability, we
gave some basic methods such as the relative frequency definition, the classical
definition. Then, we saw that a general framework based on the (()) axiomatic definition
can be given for the probability. And we saw various tools, or you can say various results
related to the basic probability like addition rule, multiplication rule, conditional
probability byes theorem etcetera. Then, we introduced the concept of random variables,
we saw the types of random variables that we have, discrete random variables, we have
continuous random variables, we may have mixed random variables. Then, we talked
We can talk about the conditional distributions and the marginal distributions, the joint
correlation coefficient, the joint moment generating function, etcetera. In particular, we
studied special distributions, in the univariate case we studied discrete uniform
distribution, binomial distribution, poison distribution, which arise in bernoullian trials,
or in a sequence of events which can be described by a Poisson process. We looked at
distribution such as hyper geometric distribution, a geometric distribution, a negative
anomial distribution. In the continuous case we discussed uniform, normal distribution,
exponential distribution, gamma distribution etcetera. In the bivariate case, we saw
bivariate normal distribution and we saw a brief view of multivariate distributions. In the
theory of several distributions then, we saw some specific distributions which are useful
for carrying out inference that is, estimation and testing. So, we looked at sampling
distributions such as T, chi square and F distribution.
In the next part, we have seen that when the data is given we need to represent the data in
a graphical form or by tabular form. So, we saw the graphical representations and the
tabular representations, the frequency classifications and certain measures of central
tendency and dispersion based on this. Then, we also studied the concept of statistical
inference that what we want to do in inference, so, we want to do estimation, we want to
do, carry, create a confidence interval, or we want to do the testing of hypothesis. We
have discussed all these methods in detail.
In the theory of estimation we considered how to derive estimators for example, using
the method of moments or the maximum likelihood estimator. We also saw the criteria
for judging the goodness of estimators using the criteria such as unbiasness, consistency
efficiency, the criteria of minimum variance, unbiased estimators, etcetera. We gave the
method of constructing confidence intervals. In the testing of hypothesis we introduced
the concept of most powerful tests and how to derive them in particular, we saw the
applications for deriving the test of for one sample problems and two sample problems
when the data are taken from the normal populations. We also saw the test for the
proportions in binomial populations.
Finally, we discussed chi square test for goodness of fit for various situation such as
testing whether the data comes from a given distribution, whether we can assume
independence in contingency tables, whether the proportions or responses are
homogeneous when the sampling is done from different strata. Then, we also introduced
two other measures of correlation or association called Spearmans rank correlation
coefficient and Kendalls tau coefficient of association.
So, we have covered all the elementary topics of probability distribution theory
estimation and testing of hypothesis. A detailed theory about testing and estimation will
be covered in the course statistical inference where we tell in detail how to derive the
tests, how to obtain the estimators, how to evaluate the performance of the estimators,
how to find the shortest length fixed with confidence interval, or how to find highest
coefficient and the fixed with confidence intervals, etcetera. Some of the other areas of
the statistical inference are statistical quality control, regression analysis, multivariate
analysis, designs of experiments, time series and forecasting, so, these are parts of
different courses that we will be doing in upcoming courses.
So, the references as I have mentioned earlier one can, there are excellent text books on
probability and statistics such a Hines and Montgomery, etcetera, there is a book by
Bhattacharya and there is a book by Milton and Arnold, there is a book by Sheldonross,
there is a book by uh v k Rohatgi and ((Shadily)). So, one can use any of these text books
for various concepts and the problems. I have discussed in detail each concept with
various applications, so, I think this would be quite helpful. With this we end this
particular course of probability and statistics.