Lec59 Modeling Categorical Variables
Lec59 Modeling Categorical Variables
Lec59 Modeling Categorical Variables
Lecture – 59
Modeling Categorical Variables
Welcome friends to this forth lecture of week 12 of Soil Science and Technology and in
this lecture we will be discussing about how to model and different categorical variables
in digital soil mapping. And we will try to complete this and then we will discuss about
the pedo transfer functions.
So, we will start from this slide where we left in the last lecture; obviously, we started
this categorical modeling and let us see in details about how to measure different types
of, how to measure different types of important quality measures in case of categorical
So, there are four different types of quality measures in case of categorical modeling one
is called the overall accuracy, then users accuracy, then producers accuracy and kappa
coefficient of agreement. So, let us see them one by one.
(Refer Slide Time: 01:19)
So, overall accuracy let us consider this example. Let us see let us consider there are four
different soil classes DE, VE, CH and KU they are the names of four different soil
classes. So, this matrix is called confusion matrix which basically shows how many of
the samples of using our categorical model have been correctly classified. Classification
is basically assigning a particular observation correctly to a particular to their respective
So, classification is a term used when we use categorical variables and regression is term
when we use continuous variables. So, here you can see we have classified several soil
classes into their respective classes and these are four different classes DE, VE, CH and
KU their names. And, if we summed each of the column; so, this is a column, this
another column, this another column, this another column. So, if you sum all each of the
column we would obtain a total number of observation for each soil class. So, in case of
DE we will get 8, VE 20, CH 32, KU 23.
So, these are the total number of observation, you know, for each soil class. So, similarly
if we summed up each of the rows; each of the rows just like this row this row this row
this row, we retrieve the total number prediction for each of the classes. So, if we sum
again all the columns will get the number total number of observation for each soil class.
And if we sum all the rows we retrieve the total number of prediction for each soil class.
(Refer Slide Time: 03:11)
So, what is the next step? The next step says the overall accuracy now another important
thing I should mention that these diagonal values basically represents in the matrix
basically indicate the fidelity between the observed class and the subsequent prediction.
That means the 5 samples have been correctly classified as DE, 15 samples are correctly
classified as VE, 31 samples are correctly classified as CH and 11 samples are correctly
classified as the KU samples and all other off diagonal samples are misclassification; that
means, incorrect classification. So, numbers on the off-diagonals indicates a
misclassification error and overall accuracy is therefore, computed by dividing the total
correct that is a sum of the diagonal by the total number of observation sum of the
column sums.
So, if we divide the; if we divide the total correct classification that is sum of the
diagonal by the total number of observation sum of the column sums then we will get the
overall accuracy. In our case this is 75. So, this is the one of the measures of
classification accuracy.
(Refer Slide Time: 04:33)
The next measure of, you know, is called producers accuracy, but before the producers
accuracy let us see what are the other important aspects. Like accuracy of individual
classes can be computed in a similar manner as that of overall accuracy. However, there
is a choice of dividing the number of correct prediction for each class by either the total
that is observation or predictions in the corresponding columns or rows respectively.
Traditionally, the total number of correct prediction of a class is divided by the total
number of observation of the class that is column sum. We are already got the column
sums for individual classes.
So, this accuracy measures the indicate the probability of an observation being correctly
classified and it is really a measure of omission error or the producers accuracy. This is
because producers of the model is interested in how well a certain class can be predicted.
So, this is called producers accuracy. Again, the producers accuracy is computed when
the total number of correct prediction of a class is divided by the total number of
observation of that class. I have already told you the correct predictions by indicating this
diagonal values or diagonal in this in this confusion matrix.
However, when we take the ratio of this correct predictions of a class with the total
number of observation of that class, will get a producers accuracy.
(Refer Slide Time: 06:13)
Another important term is users accuracy. Now, alternatively if the total number of
correct prediction of a class is divided by the total number of prediction that were
predicted in that category, then it is result; then this result is a measure of commission
error you know commission error or users accuracy. And, this measures is indicative at
the probability that the prediction of the map actually represents that particular category
on the ground or in the field.
So, we calculate this Kappa coefficient by the difference between the observed
agreement and the expected agreement again the observed agreement is how much
agreement is actually present and expected agreement is, you know, how much
agreement would be expected to the present by chance alone. So, the observed agreement
is simply the overall accuracy percentage. In our case we have calculated already that
overall accuracy is 75 percentage.
So, we may also want to know how different the observed agreement from the expected
agreement. Now, the Kappa coefficient is a measure of this difference standardized to a
line between minus 1 to plus 1 scale. So, again this kappa coefficient takes a value from
minus 1 to plus 1; where 1 is the perfect agreement, 0 is exactly what would be expected
by chance and negative values indicate agreements less than a chance. Again, plus 1 is a
perfect agreement, 0 is exactly what would be expected by chance and negative values
indicate the agreement less than chance.
Now, once we calculate the Kappa coefficient what is the next step what are the different
cut off values of kappa coefficient? The Kappa coefficient has you know as a rule of
thumb we you know the scientist have device certain cutoff values for Kappa coefficient.
First of all when I mean when there a less than a chance of agreement and you can see
when the value is 0.01 to 0.20 there is a slight agreement, 0.21 to 0.40 fair agreement,
0.41 to 0.60 moderate agreement, 0.61 to 0.80 substantial agreement, 0.80 to 0.99 almost
perfect agreement.
However, when it is less than 0.01 there is less than chance agreement. So, these are
some cut off values for Kappa coefficient. So, once we collect the, once we calculate the
kappa coefficient you can predict whether there is how much the strength of the
agreement you can calculate based on this cut off values.
(Refer Slide Time: 10:23)
Now, you know for the classification of soil or you know or the categorical classification
of the soil it is very important to know a particular term called Terron. Now, Terron
relates to a soil and landscape concept that has an associated model. So, the embodiment
of Terron is a continuous soil landscape unit or class which combines soil knowledge
landscape information and their interaction together. So, this is very important term.
Now, before going to the applications of, you know, categorical model let us consider a
couple of categorical models. So, the first important categorical model we will talk about
is logistic regression. So, remember that there are many important research topics for
which the dependent variable is limited. For example, voting, morbidity or mortality and
participation data is not continuous or distributed normally.
So, binary logistic regression is a type of regression analysis where the dependent
variable is a dummy variable coded 0 or 1. For example, if you want to know whether
there is a two outcome either they have voted or not voted for a particular candidate you
have to, there are binary outcome either voted or not voted. So, you have to code them
either 0 or 1; 0 means either did not vote and 1 means vote. So, these are binary coding
we call it binary coding. So, you can see the output is very much limited we have binary
So, if we use the linear probability model ordinary least squares regression, we will get
this gamma plus phi X plus e; where Y in our case is only 0 to 1 and the error term is
heteroskedastic. So, you can see here Y is only 2, I mean the value the y can take is only
2. So, e in this case you will see if we use a linear prediction model, e or the error will
not be normally distributed because Y takes only two values, but these normal
distribution of error is very much essential for, essential assumption for linear regression.
However, in this case we will not get it because we are getting two binary output either 0
or 1.
So, the predicted probabilities can be greater than 1 or less than 0, but we know that
probabilities always lie between 0 to 1; it cannot be less than 0 or greater than 1.
However, if we have only this, you know, binary outputs or limited outputs we will get
this, you know, some absurd probability.
For example, let us see some example. I have seen this example recently. So, I am using
this for your better understanding. There is a question here where ask, you know, they
have asked people whether they will evacuate to some place safe, you know, some safer
place if there is a hurricane. So, there are four options: yes, no, do not know or refused.
(Refer Slide Time: 13:33)
So, the data looks like this. So, here you can see the evacuation either they will be, no
they will not evacuate, they are, you know, they are denoted by 0 and evacuate they are
denoted by 1. So, these are binary coding you can see. So, this is our target class either
evacuate or not evacuate. What are the predicted variable? Number of pets. So, you can
see hear the number of pets; mobile home, if they have mobile home; then they have
tenure of this home and their education. So, based on this particular, you know, four
different variables we have to classify either they will evacuate or they will not evacuate.
And, if we use this coefficient values ultimately you will see for some and we created
regression relationship we will get for certain number of, you know, numbers of subjects
on certain number of N we will get minimum maximum values which is you can see
minimum values here less than 0, which is not possible. So, this is the predicted values
outside the 0 to 1 range. So, this is the problem in case of ordinary least squares when we
are having limited numbers of outcomes.
(Refer Slide Time: 15:12)
So, what is the solution? The solution is to use logistic regression model. So, the logit
model solves this problem where we use this form of logarithm natural logarithm of p by
1 minus p and we use this alpha plus beta X plus e. So, it is a linear regression formula
and only in case of Y we are using this logarithm of p by 1 minus p, where p is the
probability that event Y occurs. So, Y equal to 1, this probability is p and p by 1 minus p
is the odds ratio or simply we call odd. And, natural logarithm of p by 1 minus p is the
log odds ratio logs of odd ratio or logit. So, it is basically logit and this logit is basically
modeled by linear regression form.
So, instead of targeting a particular you know target variable we are basically converting
them into logit and we are predicting this logit using the simple linear regression or
multiple linear regression. So, this is called the logistic regression model.
(Refer Slide Time: 16:35)
Now, the logistic regression constrained the estimated probability to lie between 0 to 1.
This is the solution because we see that in case of ordinary least squares the probability
will go beyond 0 to 1. So, to cap them within 0 to 1, we need to apply this logistic
regression. The estimated probability is, obviously, p equal to if we simplify it will be p
equal to this. So, if you let alpha plus beta X equal to 0, then p equal to 0.50.
So, as alpha plus beta X get really big, p approaches to 1; as alpha plus beta X get really
small p approaches to 0. So, you can see you are capping the lower limit and upper limit
of the probability between 0 to 1. So, this is the solution of that problem where this
probability goes beyond 0 to 1.
(Refer Slide Time: 17:34)
So, this can be shown very effectively by this next slide where you can see comparing
the linear prediction and logit models. So, in case of linear prediction you can see there
are two outcomes Y equal to 0 and Y equal to 1, these are two levels. So, in case of
linear prediction model you can see there is some it will go beyond 0 to 1. However,
when we are using logistic regression model by converting into logit and predicting that
logit by simple linear regression ultimately you will see that logistic regression model
will cap the probability between 1 to 0. So, that is why ultimately it is maintaining the
assumption of linear regression.
So, that is why an interpretation of the logit coefficient which is usually more intuitive is
the odds ratio. So, since p takes the form of p by 1 minus p is equal to exponential of
alpha plus beta X. So, exponential beta effect is the effect of the independent variable on
the odds ratio.
(Refer Slide Time: 18:58)
So, here you can see outputs. So, households with pets at you can see here 1.993 is
ultimately the expected. So, the outputs with pets are 1.933 times more likely to evacuate
than those without pets. So, this is ordinary logistic regression.
Now, multinomial logistic regression is basically, you know, is the same as logistic it is
it is an extension of logistic regression. So, basically it is used to model nominal outcome
variable in which the log odds of the outcomes are modeled as a linear combination of
the predictor variables, in our case these are covariates. So, because we are dealing with
categorical variables it is necessary that logistic regression takes the natural logarithm of
the odds that is log odds to create a continuous criterion, we have already seen. And, the
logit of success is then fit to the predictors using the regression analysis.
So, these are example of multinomial logistic regression as you can see this is a most
probable Terron class. Obviously, it is an area in Australia and they have you know they
have classified the total area this area is called The Hunter Valley area and so, they have
created this Terrons, you know, HVT 012, HVT 011. So, most probable Terron class
they have classified based on this multiple logistic regression and this an example how
multinomial logistic regression is used for predicting Terrons in digital soil mapping.
(Refer Slide Time: 20:38)
Another is C 5 decision tree. The C 5 decision tree is you can another type of, you know,
categorical model and in this category it is basically based on the C 5 algorithms of
Queenland and this also you can see Terron class map created using C 5 decision trees
model. And, again random forest: random forest can be used for both regression and
classification and here it is an example of classification. So, in this example, you know,
you can see the Terron maps created using the random forest model.
So, guys we have completed this random forest, you know the categorical models and
creation of categorical models using, using in DSM technique. Again, to wrap up, you
know, categorical models are those where we are trying to predict some, you know, some
categorical, you know, categorical model, you know, prediction models are those where
we are trying to classify some categorical variables.
In case of digital soil mapping the categorical variables will be Terrons. Terrons are
basically some classification which has some connotation with related landscape models
and soil forming factors. And, this Terron can be classified based on several soil
covariates as we know in case of continuous model we use some covariates to predict
certain soil property and here also we can use those covariates or auxiliary variables to
predict certain classes. And, these classes are, you know, these classes can be predicted
by using several types of categorical models. And, this categorical models could be
multinomial logistic model or C 5 decision tree model or random forest model.
And, again this multinomial logistic model basically assume that you convert the
predictor variables into logit or log off odd ratios which will help, which will basically
help to give you, to resolve the problem of finite outcomes in the target variables. And
ultimately give it a linear regression forms and ultimately, you know, using this
multinomial logistic regression you can predict several classes.
So, guys I hope that you have learned something new in this last couple of lectures of
categorical models and continuous model. In case of continuous model we have
discussed several important continuous model we started with multiple linear regression,
then we discussed about then classification regression tree which is a non-linear model
and then we talked about cubist, random forest and now, we have discuss this categorical
models. And, all these are extensively used not only these there are some advanced other
advanced model also which we do not have time to discuss right now; for example,
artificial neural network and then ant colony optimization.
So, these all this advanced models which nowadays scientists are using for predicting
certain soil properties through DSM and these are basically we use for this SCORPAN
plus e for, you know, formula if you remember this function or soil special inference
model. In case of the special inference model, we are using this mathematical models to
predict certain soil property at a particular space.
So, guys let us wrap up here. And, in our last lecture we will be discussing about pedo
transfer functions as well as some certain uncertainty measurements in association with
digital soil mapping. And, thank you very much let us meet in our next and final lecture
of Soil Science and Technology.
Thank you.