Cba Digital Evidence v5
Cba Digital Evidence v5
Cba Digital Evidence v5
ACPO 2012
2 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Document information
Protective marking
Crime BA
Contact details
Review date
As required
This good practice guide has been produced by the ACPO Crime
Business Area and was originally approved by ACPO Cabinet in
December 2007. The purpose of this document is to provide
guidance not only to assist law enforcement but for all that
assists in investigating cyber security incidents and crime. It will
be updated according to legislative and policy changes and republished as required.
Any queries relating to this document should be directed to either
the author detailed above or the ACPO Programme Support Office
on 020 7084 8958/8959.
3 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Introduction to the Guide
Application of Guide
Appendix A
Appendix B
Appendix C
Crime Scenes
Appendix D
Appendix E
ACPO Workbook
4 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
5 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
It seems that whenever a review of ACPO guidance is carried out we are in the middle of technological
changes that have vast impact on the work that is done within digital forensic units. It is a testament to the
authors of the original four guiding principles for digital forensics that they still hold today, and one of the
key early decisions of the review board was to keep those four principles, with only a slight change of
wording to principle four.
We work in an area of constant change. There is a continuing need to re-evaluate and revise our capacities
to perform our duties. There is a need to recover and analyse digital data that can now be found within the
many devices that are within day to day use, and can supply vital evidence in all our investigations.
Hence a second key early decision was to change the title of the document to ACPO Good Practice Guide for
Digital Evidence. This would hopefully encompass all aspects of digital evidence and remove the difficulty
about trying to draw the line to what is or isnt a computer and thus falling within the remit of this guide.
It is important that people who work within the arena of digital forensics do not just concentrate on the
technology, as essential as that is, but that the processes we use are fit for the purpose, and that skills and
capacities within units reflect the demands that are made on them.
A prime example of this is the use of the word triage. It has been a subject of much discussion within the
forensic community. It should be noted that it does not mean a single triage tool rather it is a complete
process where certain tools will play a part but are not the whole solution.
This guide is not intended to be an A-Z of digital forensics, or a specific how to do instruction manual. It
should paint an overall picture and provides an underlying structure to what is required within Digital
Forensic Units (DFUs). Therefore, the guide has been produced as a high-level document without the
specific guidance included in previous versions, as this guidance is now available elsewhere. Where
relevant, links to other guidance documents will be given.
In this document Digital Forensic Unit is used to cover any type of group that is actively involved in the
processing of digital evidence.
6 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
When reading and applying the principles of this guide, any reference made to the police service
also includes the Scottish Crime and Drugs Enforcement Agency (SCDEA) and the Police Service for
Northern Ireland (PSNI) unless otherwise indicated.
This guide is primarily written for the guidance of UK law enforcement personnel who may deal with
digital evidence. This will include:
Persons who are involved in the securing, seizing and transporting of equipment from
search scenes with a view to recovering digital evidence, as well as in the identification of
the digital information needed to investigate crime;
Investigators who plan and manage the identification, presentation and storage of digital
evidence, and the use of that evidence;
Persons who recover and reproduce seized digital evidence and are trained to carry out the
function and have relevant training to give evidence in court of their actions. Persons who
have not received appropriate training and are unable to comply with the
principles should not carry out this category of activity;
Persons who are involved in the selection and management of persons who may be required
to assist in the recovery, identification and interpretation of digital evidence.
Since the previous version of the guide was published, the Forensic Science Regulator has published
new draft Codes of Conduct and Practice covering forensic science throughout the UK. All
practitioners working in the field of digital forensics must abide by these codes.
Principle 1: No action taken by law enforcement agencies, persons employed within those agencies
or their agents should change data which may subsequently be relied upon in court.
Principle 2: In circumstances where a person finds it necessary to access original data, that person
must be competent to do so and be able to give evidence explaining the relevance and the
implications of their actions.
Principle 3: An audit trail or other record of all processes applied to digital evidence should be
created and preserved. An independent third party should be able to examine those processes and
achieve the same result.
Principle 4: The person in charge of the investigation has overall responsibility for ensuring that
the law and these principles are adhered to.
All digital evidence is subject to the same rules and laws that apply to documentary evidence.
The doctrine of documentary evidence may be explained thus: the onus is on the prosecution to
show to the court that the evidence produced is no more and no less now than when it was first
taken into the possession of law enforcement.
Operating systems and other programs frequently alter, add and delete the contents of electronic
storage. This may happen automatically without the user necessarily being aware that the data has
been changed.
7 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
In order to comply with the principles of digital evidence, wherever practicable, proportionate and
relevant an image should be made of the device. This will ensure that the original data is preserved,
enabling an independent third party to re-examine it and achieve the same result, as required by
principle 3.
This may be a physical / logical block image of the entire device, or a logical file image containing
partial or selective data (which may be captured as a result of a triage process). Investigators should
use their professional judgement to endeavour to capture all relevant evidence if this approach is
In cases dealing with data which is not stored locally but is stored at a remote, possibly inaccessible
location it may not be possible to obtain an image. It may become necessary for the original data to
be directly accessed to recover the data. With this in mind, it is essential that a person who is
competent to retrieve the data and then able to give evidence to a court of law makes any such
access. Due consideration must also be given to applicable legislation if data is retrieved which
resides in another jurisdiction.
It is essential to display objectivity in a court of law, as well as the continuity and integrity of
evidence. It is also necessary to demonstrate how evidence has been recovered, showing each
process through which the evidence was obtained. Evidence should be preserved to such an extent
that a third party is able to repeat the same process and arrive at the same result as that presented
to a court.
It should be noted that the application of the principles does not preclude a proportionate approach
to the examination of digital evidence. Those making decisions about the conduct of a digital
investigation must often make judgements about the focus and scope of an investigation, taking into
account available intelligence and investigative resources. This will often include a risk assessment
based on technical and non-technical factors, for example the potential evidence which may be held
by a particular type of device or the previous offending history of the suspect. Where this is done it
should be transparent, decisions should be justifiable and the rationale recorded.
The proliferation of digital devices and the advances in digital communications mean that digital
evidence is now present or potentially present in almost every crime.
8 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
In transit for example mobile phone text messages, or voice calls, emails, or internet chat.
It would be quite common for evidence of a crime to be in more than one of the locations
mentioned above. However it might be much easier to obtain the evidence from one location rather
than another; careful consideration should be given to the resources required to obtain the
For example, if evidence is required of contact between two mobile phone numbers, the best
method would be to obtain call data from the Communication Service Providers via the force SPOC,
rather than to request a forensic examination of the mobile phones. The call data is likely to be
more comprehensive than call logs from a mobile phone and the times and dates can be relied
upon, which is not necessarily the case with logs from a mobile phone.
In addition, investigators seeking to capture in transit evidence must be aware of the implications
under the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA) and the need to seek appropriate
authorities for doing so. Further information is available from force SPOCs.
With the above in mind, it is important that investigators develop appropriate strategies to identify
the existence of digital evidence and to secure and interpret that evidence throughout their
Due consideration should always be given by the investigators of the benefits to the overall
investigation of conducting any digital forensic work. Proportionality should be assessed when a
digital forensic strategy is being considered to ensure that limited resources for digital forensic
investigation are directed appropriately.
Retrieval of Video Evidence and Production of Working Copies from Digital CCTV Systems
Network forensics and volatile data collection Appendix A;
Crimes involving websites, forums and blogs Appendix B.
There are many different types of digital media and end-user devices, which may be encountered
during a search of a crime scene, all of which have the potential to hold data which may be of value
to the investigation. In order to preserve the data and achieve best evidence, these items must be
handled and seized appropriately, and should be treated with as much care as any other item that is
to be forensically examined. This section is intended to assist individuals to ensure their actions in
relation to seizure are correct.
Before seizing an item, consider whether the item is likely to hold evidence. For example, is
this a family computer or a computer belonging to a suspect?
Ensure that details of where the item was found are recorded, which could assist in
prioritising items for examination at a later stage;
Consider when the offence was committed; when seizing CCTV, give consideration to
narrowing down what is seized, by camera and/or time period. Check whether another
system may be better placed to record the evidence;
9 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Differentiate between mobile phones found on a suspect (likely to be in current use) and
phones found in a drawer (may not be in current use), as different levels of examination
may be possible for these;
Also consider that evidence may be stored online, or on an internet service providers
systems and end-user devices may only be needed to obtain the details necessary to
request this evidence from the service provider. If so, it is best to seize items in current
usage, i.e. computers connected to the internet.
Digital devices and media should not be seized just because they are there. The person in charge of
the search must have reasonable grounds to remove property and there must be justifiable reasons
for doing so. The search provisions of PACE Legislation Codes of Practice equally apply to digital
devices and media in England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, officers should ensure they
are acting within the terms of the search warrant.
Due regard should also be given to the application of the European Convention of Human Rights.
Persons responsible for the seizure of digital devices, or for on-scene capture of data, should ensure:
They have the necessary equipment. (Refer to the First Responders Guide for a detailed
They have considered potential sources of evidence and know what is likely to be relevant,
where possible.
Where necessary, specialist advice from a forces Digital Forensic Unit should be sought in advance.
If given sufficient information about the investigation, DFUs will be able to advise on which items are
most likely to provide the evidence sought.
To comply with principle 3, records must be kept of all actions taken in relation to digital evidence,
which could include photographs/diagrams of equipment locations, details of any information
provided by persons present, and records of any actions taken at the scene.
Refer to the First Responders Guide for detailed guidance on seizure for individual items. However,
persons attending a scene should be especially aware that systems which are powered on
(running) need to be handled with care, as there is the potential to make unwanted changes to
the evidence if these are not dealt with correctly. Such systems should only be accessed by
appropriately trained personnel. In addition, volatile data of evidential value may be lost.
In some investigations the capture of digital evidence may be from an online rather than a physical
location. Detailed guidance on securing this evidence can be found in Crimes involving websites,
forums and blogs and Network forensics and volatile data.
Online evidence can roughly be split into that which is publicly available (e.g. forum postings, where
the forum does not require a login to view) and that which is private (e.g. Facebook account
information). There may be scope to obtain both (e.g. by capturing the text of a forum posting and
then requesting the account details of the user who made the posting from the forum owner).
10 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Investigators should be aware of the potential issues when capturing publicly available data,
including the footprints which are left when accessing a site, these can alert a website owner to law
enforcement interest.
Records should be kept of all actions taken when capturing online evidence in order to comply with
principle 3.
Devices seized as part of a search will typically be submitted to the force Digital Forensic Unit in
accordance with force policy. Due to the volume and complexity of data stored on digital devices, it
is not possible or desirable to extract all data held on a device for review by investigators. Instead, a
forensic strategy needs to be formulated to enable the examination to be focused on the relevant
The National Policing Improvement Agency is currently formulating suggested processes for digital
examinations involving computer and phone devices. Readers should refer to these processes for
more specific detail of best practice digital examination processes. Other types of digital
examinations should follow the same principles, briefly summarised below.
The investigator needs to properly consider the nature and purpose of the digital examination. The
investigator must be clear on what priorities are placed on the examination as it may well be that
key information needs to be found in order to preserve evidence that may exist elsewhere. This is
particularly the case where it relates to the existence of additional evidence, offenders and victims.
When submitting evidence to Digital Forensic Units, investigators must supply specific requirements.
It is not practically possible to examine every item of digital data and clear tasking is needed to
ensure that the digital forensic practitioner has the best chance of finding any evidence which is
relevant to the investigation.
For more complex or lengthy investigations, an initial triage/review of the digital evidence (whether
or not this is done using a specific triage tool) will give investigators and practitioners a better
understanding of the nature of the digital evidence held. The forensic strategy should be regularly
reviewed to take account of any changes in the direction of the investigation, which may occur as a
result of digital forensic examination (for example, finding emails identifying a co-conspirator) or
investigations elsewhere (a witness identifying another person as being of interest to the
investigation). For this reason it is vital that the investigator and the digital forensic practitioner
communicate regularly regarding the progress of the investigation.
If initial examination results in a large amount of data to be reviewed, consideration must be given
to who is best placed to review that data. Often this will be the investigator, due to their greater
knowledge of the case. Dependent on the source, this data may include:
11 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Collaboration with the Digital Forensic Unit will ensure that the significance of any reviewed data is
not misunderstood. For example, when reviewing keyword hits which exist in deleted files, the
significance of a hits location may need explanation from a digital forensic practitioner.
For mobile phone examinations, different levels of examination may be appropriate depending on
the intelligence relating to the device and the requirements of the investigation. For example, a
phone which has been found in a drawer may be examined only to retrieve the necessary
information to request billing details and to establish whether it is owned by the suspect (level 1). A
phone which is known to be in regular use by a suspect in a high profile investigation may be
subject to a much more in-depth examination involving the retrieval of deleted data and potentially
the physical removal and examination of memory chips (level 4). These examination levels are
outlined in the NPIA mobile phone SOPs.
5.10.1 As with other forensic evidence, interpretation is often required to ensure the evidential weight of
recovered digital evidence is clear. Practitioners who undertake the interpretation of digital data
must be competent to do so and have had sufficient training to undertake the task assigned to
5.10.2 As an example, the presence of indecent images of children on a computer would not in itself be
sufficient evidence of possession, as the possessor must be aware of the existence of the images. A
digital forensic practitioner may interpret the presence of other digital evidence (such as a list of
recently opened files, recent search terms, the name and location of folders/files containing the
material, or whether or not the computer is password protected) to establish the likelihood of the
user being aware of the existence of these images.
5.10.3 Establishing the provenance of digital evidence is another key task of the forensic practitioner, who
must use their knowledge and skills to identify not just that the evidence exists but also how it came
to be there. This is common to all forensic disciplines; for example, the presence of a defendants
fingerprint on a bottle at the crime scene may not have any bearing on whether the defendant
committed the crime if the bottle may have been carried there by someone else. It is the
responsibility of the practitioner to carry out analysis to identify provenance where necessary, to
mitigate the risk of their findings being misinterpreted.
5.10.4 Often the role of the digital forensic practitioner will be to make investigators and prosecutors aware
of the limitations of the digital evidence as well as its strengths.
5.10.5 It must also be borne in mind that the development of digital technology is dynamic and the
practitioners may well face significant challenges to their knowledge. It is not possible to be an
expert in all aspects of digital forensic examination, but a practitioner should be aware of the limits
of their knowledge and where further research or additional specialist knowledge is required.
Communication of the results of a digital forensic examination may be through a number of means:
12 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
In all cases a digital forensic practitioner must be aware of their duty of impartiality and that they
must communicate both the extent and the limitations of the digital forensic evidence. This is
especially important as, due to the nature of digital forensic evidence, it is not always immediately
understandable by the layman.
This should be given regularly throughout the progress of an examination. In this way it will enable
the investigator to pursue relevant lines of enquiry as these become evident, and will ensure that
the practitioner is up-to-date with any information required to better target their investigation.
It is important that this communication be recorded for potential disclosure at a later date. Good
practice would be for a verbal conversation to be followed up via email, or to be recorded in
contemporaneous notes.
The statement or report is the ultimate product of the examination. It should outline the
examination process and the significant data recovered. Whilst an initial report may be relatively
brief, the practitioner should be in a position to produce a full technical report should one later be
The report should be written to be understandable to the reader; this may include the use of a
glossary, diagrams/screenshots to illustrate points, the use of examples and avoidance of technical
When particular items are reproduced in a report, care should be taken to ensure that the
representation is accurate. For example, pictures should not be reproduced at a larger size without
this being made clear in the report. If a report is produced digitally, items should be reproduced
where possible in their original file formats, to ensure that those viewing will see the item as close as
possible to its original appearance. If this is not appropriate (for example, if a file needs to be
converted to a more common format for reviewing) then the fact that it has been converted must be
stated in the report. Where it is not possible to reproduce the item as it would have originally been
viewed, for example, when a webpage is retrieved some time after the original page was accessed,
this must also be clearly stated in the report.
The report should make clear the strength of any conclusions reached and always identify where an
opinion is being given, to distinguish this from fact. Where opinion evidence is provided, the
practitioner must state the facts on which this is based, and how he or she came to this conclusion.
A practitioner may need to testify about not only the conduct of the examination, but also the
validity of the procedure and their experience and qualifications to conduct the examination.
Expert witness training should be considered for digital forensic practitioners so they are familiar
with the process of giving evidence and aware of their responsibilities as witnesses. A digital
forensic practitioner will not always be giving expert evidence and should clearly understand the
distinction between expert evidence and evidence of fact.
When giving evidence, practitioners must make clear when they are expressing facts and when they
are giving opinions, as above. Practitioners, when giving expert evidence, must take care to do so
only where it relates to their own area of expertise and remember that their duty when giving
evidence (whether it be in report form or as a witness) is to the court, regardless of which party has
instructed them.
13 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
It is worth repeating at this point that full records should be made of all actions taken. These must
be disclosed to the defence who may subsequently cause a further examination to be conducted. A
significant part of such an examination will be to validate the actions and results of the original
examination. Such records are also part of the unused material for the case under investigation.
The general principle of training in digital investigation significantly differs from usual police training.
Owing to the rapidly changing environment of technology, there is a requirement for the continuous
but essential retention and updating of skills.
Readers should refer to the section concerning training in the Good Practice and Advice Guide for
Managers of e-Crime Investigations.
It is also the personal responsibility of any person working within the area of digital forensics to
maintain their knowledge of the subject areas they are involved in. Formal training is just one route,
but there is also a vast amount of open-source information available for self development and
awareness. (Practitioners should be mindful that the veracity of open-source information cannot
always be established, and should critically evaluate any information sourced in this way.)
Professional development can also be progressed by attending conferences and technical
workshops, conducting independent research, participating in online specialist forums or by
discussions with subject matter experts in other forces or agencies.
Police personnel should also be aware of POLKA (Police On-Line Knowledge Area), an information
sharing resource where there are digital forensic communities that discuss numerous topics and a
library of some relevant documentation.
There are a number of aspects concerning the welfare of staff working within the digital forensic
area and the risks associated with that type of work:
ACPO Good Practice and Advice Guide for Managers of e-Crime Investigations.
The psychological effect of viewing disturbing material including indecent images of children
Electrical safety;
Ergonomics, including working with Display Screen Equipment (DSE);
Both staff and managers should be aware of the potential impacts of these and take steps to
minimise their effect. For further details, refer to the Managers Guide.
14 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Where the services of commercial forensic service providers are required by law enforcement, it is
important to select external consulting witnesses/forensic practitioners carefully. Any external
practitioner should be familiar with, and agree to comply with, the principles of digital evidence
referred to in this guide.
Selection of external providers, particularly in the more unusual or highly technical areas, can be a
problem for the investigator. Digital forensic units may be able to offer more advice on the criteria
for selection.
Readers should refer to the ACPO Managers Guide for further suggestions on the practical aspects
of selecting an external forensic service provider (including such aspects as security clearance and
physical security requirements or procurement issues). They should also ensure that any forensic
service provider engaged on law enforcement work is able to work in accordance with the Forensic
Regulators Codes of Practice and Conduct which requires ISO accreditation (ISO 17025 and ISO
17020). The Regulator will expect compliance for all digital forensic services by 2014, but
procurement frameworks and contracts should be looking at compliance for external service
providers in advance of this date.
When engaging the services of digital forensic contractors, processes and policies for the retention
of case-related data should be considered, both on an ongoing basis and following the termination
of the contract. Contractors and those engaging them must comply with the terms of the Data
Protection Act, and with any local policies of the engaging organisation.
The particular issues relating to disclosure of digital evidence are typically those of volume. A digital
investigation may involve the examination of a vast amount of data and it is not always
straightforward for investigators and prosecutors to discharge their disclosure obligations in respect
of this. For example, the average hard disk is now larger than 200 gigabytes and this, if printed out
on A4 paper, would be 10,000,000 pages long. In addition, the nature of digital evidence means it is
not always possible to create a static representation which preserves the nature of the original
evidence (e.g. of a database) and in some cases data can only be disclosed electronically, such as
The Criminal Procedure and Investigations Act 1996 (CPIA) came into force on 1 April 19971. The
Act, together with its Code of Practice, introduced a statutory framework for the recording,
retention, revelation and disclosure of unused material obtained during criminal investigations
commenced on or after that date.
Additional guidance for investigators and prosecutors to assist them in complying with their statutory
duties is set out in the Attorney Generals Guidelines on Disclosure (revised April 2005). ACPO and
the CPS have also agreed detailed joint operational instructions for handling unused material,
currently set out in the Disclosure Manual.
It has recently been amended in key respects following the implementation of some of the provisions of Part V of the Criminal Justice
Act 2003, as of 4 April 2005
15 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
What follows should be regarded as a very brief summary of some of the relevant guidance in the
Disclosure Manual. It is not intended as a replacement for the detailed guidance provided in the
Manual itself.
Even in relatively straightforward cases, investigators may obtain, and even generate, substantial
quantities of material. Some of this material may in due course be used as evidence: for example,
physical exhibits recovered from the scene of the crime or linked locations, CCTV material, forensic
evidence, statements obtained from witnesses and tape recordings of defendants interviewed under
caution before charge. The remaining material is the unused material, and it is this material which
is the subject of the procedure for disclosure created under the CPIA.
Generally material must be examined in detail by the disclosure officer or the deputy but,
exceptionally, the extent and manner of inspecting, viewing or listening will depend on the nature of
the material and its form. For example, it might be reasonable to examine digital material by using
software search tools. If such material is not examined in detail, it must nonetheless be described on
the disclosure schedules accurately and as clearly as possible. The extent and manner of its
examination must also be described together with justification 2for such action.
The CPIA Code of Practice also provides guidance concerning the duty to pursue all reasonable lines
of enquiry, in relation to computer material3. Examination of material held on a computer may
require expert assistance and, in some cases, Digital Evidence Recovery Officers (DEROs) may be
commissioned to help extract evidence and assist with unused material. DEROs may be police
officers, police staff or external service providers. The use of DEROs and related matters is discussed
in detail in Annex H of the Disclosure Manual.
It is important that the material is inspected and described on the unused material schedule, in
accordance with the above guidance, as it is the schedules (non-sensitive and sensitive) which are,
in due course, revealed to the prosecutor, in order that the latter can comply with the duty under
section 3 CPIA to provide primary disclosure to the accused (or initial disclosure, where the criminal
investigation in question has commenced on or after 4 April 2005).
7.4.10 Whether the material is disclosed under section 3 of the CPIA, following service of a statement, or
after an application for specific disclosure under section 8 of the Act, disclosure may be in the form
of providing a copy or copies of the material in question to the defence. It may also be by permitting
the defence (or a suitable expert, instructed by the defence) access to the actual material. Guidance
concerning this is set out in the Disclosure Manual, 30.8 30.13.
7.4.11 It is important to note that where the computer material consists of sensitive images falling within
section 1(1) (a) of the Protection of Children Act 1978, the guidance set out in the Memorandum of
Understanding Between CPS and ACPO concerning Section 46 Sexual Offences Act 2003 (signed on
4th October 2004) should be followed.
7.4.12 In Scotland, the question of disclosure is fundamentally different from that in England and Wales
and is one specifically for the Procurator Fiscal. The question of disclosure was judicially considered
in the case of McLeod Petitioner, 1988, SLT233. There is no obligation upon the Crown to produce
every document in their possession that has any connection with the case. It is the duty of the
Procurator Fiscal to disclose anything that is relevant to establish the guilt or innocence of the
accused. The court will not lightly interfere with the view of the Procurator Fiscal.
16 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
ACPO Good Practice and Advice Guide for Managers of e-Crime Investigations.
A wide variety of legislation may apply in examinations of digital evidence. Some of the most
relevant is detailed below.
The Police and Justice Bill 2006 amended the maximum penalty for Section 1 offences. The
offence is now triable either way, i.e. in the Magistrates Court or the Crown Court. The
maximum custodial sentence has been increased from six months to two years.
S2 Unauthorised Access with Intent to Commit Other Offence
An offence is committed as per S1 but the S1 offence is committed with the intention of
committing an offence or facilitating the commission of an offence. The offence to be
committed must carry a sentence fixed by law or carry a sentence of imprisonment of 5
years or more. Even if it is not possible to prove the intent to commit the further offence,
the S1 offence is still committed. Max penalty: 5 years imprisonment.
S3 Unauthorised Acts with Intent to Impair Operation
An offence is committed if any person does an unauthorised act with the intention of
impairing the operation of any computer. This impairment may be such that access to data
is prevented or hindered or that the operation or reliability of any program is affected. This
offence carries a maximum penalty of ten years imprisonment. This offence is used instead
of the Criminal Damage Act 1971, since it is not possible to criminally damage something
that is not tangible. The Police and Justice Bill 2006 amended the original Section 3
Computer Misuse Act offence, unauthorised modification, and increased the maximum
penalty to ten years imprisonment.
S3A Making, Supplying or Obtaining
The Police and Justice Bill 2006 created a new S3A offence of making, supplying (including
offers to supply) or obtaining articles for use in S1 or S3 computer misuse offences. The
maximum penalty for this offence is two years imprisonment.
S10 Saving For Certain Law Enforcement Powers
This section explains that S1 of the Act has effect without prejudice to the operation in
England, Wales or Scotland of any enactment relating to powers of inspection, search and
S17 Interpretation
This section assists by explaining the meaning of some of the words and phrases used
within the Act.
Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales & Northern Ireland
17 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
This legislation does not apply in Scotland unless officers from England, Wales and Northern
Ireland are using their cross-border policing powers and procedures.
Schedule 1 details the procedure by which special procedure material and excluded material
can be obtained.
A circuit judge can order that such material be produced to a constable for him to take away
or that such material be made available for the constable to access within seven days of the
order. For information held on a computer, an order can be made that the material is
produced in a visible and legible form in which it can be taken away.
Or, an order can be made giving a constable access to the material in a visible and legible
form within seven days of the order.
S8 Search Warrant
A justice of the peace can issue a search warrant, if it is believed an indictable offence has
been committed and evidence of that offence is on the premises. This warrant may, as per
S16 of PACE, also authorise persons who can accompany the officers conducting the search
for example a computer expert.
S19 General Power of Seizure
This details the power by which an officer can seize items and the circumstances in which
they can be seized.
S20 Extension of Powers of Seizure to Computerised Information
This section details the power for requiring information held on a computer to be produced
in a form in which it can be taken away and in which it is visible and legible.
S21 Access and Copying
This section details the power in relation to having items seized accessed and copied to
other relevant parties.
S22 Retention
The court can exclude evidence where, with regard to all the circumstances, it would have
an adverse effect on the fairness of the proceedings.
iii. Criminal Justice & Police Act 2001 (England, Wales & NI.)
S50 (re search and seizure bulk items)
Describes the power by which an item can be seized, if it is believed it may be something or
it may contain an item or items for which there is a lawful authorisation to search.
18 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
S50 (1)
Where a person is lawfully on premises carrying out a search and it is not practicable to
determine at the time if an item found is something that he is entitled to seize, or if the
contents of an item are things that he is entitled to seize, the item can be taken away for
this to be determined. There must be reasonable grounds for believing the item may be
something for which there was authorisation to search.
S50 (2)
Where a person is lawfully on premises and an item for which there is a power to seize is
found, but it is contained within an item for which there would ordinarily be no power to
seize and it is not practicable to separate them at the time, both items can be seized.
How long would it take to determine what the item is or to separate the items?
How many people would it take to do this within a reasonable time period?
Would the action required cause damage to property?
If the items were separated, would it prejudice the use of the item that is then seized?
Once seized, the items must be separated or identified as soon as practicable. Any item
found, which was seized with no power to do so, must be returned as soon as reasonably
practicable. Items of legal privilege, excluded material and special procedure material,
should also be returned as soon as practicable, if there is no power to retain them.
It should be noted that the use of this act gives additional rights (such as the right to be present
during examination) to the owner of the property.
CORONERS AND JUSTICE ACT 2009 (Came into force on 06 April 2010)
19 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
7.5.10 A prohibited image is pornographic and concentrates on genitals or shows a sex act and is grossly
offensive, disgusting, or otherwise of an obscene character.
7.5.11 An image is of a child if impression conveyed is that of a child or the predominant impression is that
of a child despite some physical characteristics shown are not those of a child.
7.5.12 If the image is in a series then the context of the series can be used to determine if the individual
image is prohibited or not.
7.5.13 Classified films are excluded (unless an individual is in possession of a still or clip that has been
extracted solely or principally for the purpose of sexual arousal).
7.5.14 There is a defence of having a legitimate reason for possession, or having not seen the image and
not knowing, nor having cause to suspect, it was a prohibited image.
7.5.15 The maximum penalty is 3 years imprisonment.
For additional guidance or information in relation to legislation not listed, investigators may wish to
consult the Police National Legal Database (PNLD) or the UK Legislation website (which replaces the
Office of Public Sector Information (OPSI) and Statute Law databases), available online at
20 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
21 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
ACPO Good Practice and Advice Guide for Managers of e-Crime Investigations (Managers
Retrieval of Video Evidence and Production of Working Copies from Digital CCTV Systems
SCDEA guidance
22 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Review Board members
Paul Birch (Serious Fraud Office)
Lisa Burrell (Police Central e-Crime Unit)
Rick Conway (Surrey Police)
Steve Edwards (Police Central e-Crime Unit)
Dennis Edgar-Neville (Canterbury University/British Computer Society)
Danny Faith (NTAC/F3)
Steve Guest (IACIS)
Dan Haagman (7-Safe)
Sonny Hanspal (NPIA)
Keith McDevitt (SCDEA)
Jelle Niemantsverdriet (VerizonBusiness)
Bev Nutter (MPS-DEFS)
Harry Parsonage (Nottingham Police)
Peter Salter (PSNI)
Lindy Shepherd (Cranfield University)
Paul Slater (PWC)
Rob Watson (7-Safe)
Alastair Wilson (SCDEA)
Mark Wilson (MPS-DOI)
Paul Wright (VerizonBusiness)
Other acknowledgments
Esther George (CPS)
Jane Stevenson (Workplace Wellbeing)
Eddie Fisher (MPS-DEFS)
23 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Home and corporate network environments
Networks of computers are becoming more common in the domestic environment and are well established in
corporate settings. In the home, they are usually based around the broadband Internet connection, which
often also offers functionality to set up a small internal (and often wireless) network within the household.
In corporate environments, more advanced network setups can be found, for which no generic description
can be given.
The use of wireless networks in both the corporate and home environment is also increasing at a
considerable rate. To the forensic investigator, this presents a number of challenges and an increased
number of potential artefacts to consider. Owing to the potential complexity of technical crime scenes,
specialist advice should be sought when planning the digital evidence aspect of the forensic strategy.
Wireless devices
A whole range of wired and wireless devices may be encountered:
Network devices which connect individual systems or provide network functionality: Switches, hubs,
routers, firewalls (or devices which combine all three).
Devices to connect individual computers to the network, such as network cards (which can also be
embedded within the computer)
Devices to set up a wireless network: Wireless Access Points.
Printers and digital cameras.
Bluetooth (small range wireless) devices PDAs, mobile phones, dongles.
Hard drives which can be connected to the network.
Wireless networks cannot be controlled in the same way as a traditionally cabled solution and are potentially
accessible by anyone within radio range. The implications of this should be carefully considered when
planning a search or developing the wider investigative strategy. A device, such as a computer or a hard
drive, may not be located on the premises where the search and seizure is conducted.
24 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
One wire from a modem will usually be connected to the telephone or television cable system and another
wire will be connected either to one of the computers present or directly to the network hub, or the modem
itself may be incorporated within the hub in a modem/router.
Network detection
Network detecting and monitoring is a specialist area and should not be considered without expert advice.
Recommendations for dealing with networks and wireless implementations involve the following steps:
Identify and check network devices to see how much network or Internet activity is taking place.
Consider using a wireless network detector to determine whether wireless is in operation and to
locate wireless devices. Consideration should also be given to mobile Internet devices such as 3G or
GPRS dongles or phones, which operate using the mobile phone network;
As you do so, consider photographing the layout of the network and the location of the machines
connected to it, so as to allow a possible future reconstruction;
Once satisfied that no data will be lost as a result, you may isolate the network from the Internet.
This is best done by identifying the connection to the telephone system or wireless communications
point and unplugging it from the telephone point. Keep modems and routers running, as they may
need to be interrogated to find out what is connected to them. Owing to their nature, it is
particularly difficult to ascertain what is connected to a wireless network;
Trace each wire from the network devices to discover the computer to which it is connected. This
may not be possible in premises where cables may be buried in conduits or walls (advice in this case
should be sought from the local IT administrator, if available, as to the set up of the system). Make
a note of each connection. Note which computer is connected to which number port on the network
device (hub / switch / router or multi function device). Label each connection in such a way that the
system can be rebuilt exactly as it stands, should there be any future questions as to the layout. It is
highly recommended that pictures be taken of the setup;
Consider making a connection to the access point/router in order to establish the external IP
address. Most modern networks use Network Address Translation (NAT) which means that they
communicate with an internal IP address and never get assigned and external IP one.
In a wireless environment, remember that no cables are used between a PC and other devices. However,
there will still be some physical cabling to each device (which could include a network cable to the wired
network, power cables etc.), the configuration of which should be recorded. Please also note that Cable /
ADSL modems can have wireless capabilities built in.
Once satisfied that the evidential impact is acceptable, you may remove each connection in turn
from the network device once it has been identified. This will isolate each computer in turn from the
network. The same can be done with cabling into wireless devices;
Seize and bag all network hardware, modems, original boxes and CDs / floppy disks etc. (provided
they are easily removable);
25 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Concerns with remote wireless storage often focus around the inability to locate the device. In this instance,
it would be impossible to prove that an offence had been committed. Artefacts on seized computers might
provide evidence that a remote storage device has been used, however the analysis of such artefacts will
take time and this cannot often be done during the onsite seizure.
26 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
If other tools are used before the contents of the RAM are stored, it is very likely that running the forensic
tools will overwrite parts of the RAM.
Other examples of information, which might be available in the dump of the RAM contents, can be retrieved
using different tools:
The tools used to capture this volatile information are generally run from removable media like a USB stick,
DVD or CD-ROM or a floppy disk. A USB stick is generally most convenient, as the output of the tools can be
written back to the stick. Writing tool output to the original drive should be avoided whenever possible, as
this changes the contents of the hard drive and can destroy potential evidence. Again, principle 2 does allow
the investigator to do this, but a conscious decision will have to be made and the process written down.
When inserting USB devices the examiner must ensure that they know the details of the serial numbers of
the devices they are connecting so that they can be eliminated when analysing the date captured.
When in doubt as to whether or not to use live forensics, consult with the digital forensic examiner for
advice. And, it should be noted that in live forensics it is not always possible to know upfront which
approach will yield the best results. Whichever method is chosen, remember to take meticulous notes as
dictated by principle 3.
Summary of steps
A summary of the steps to be taken is shown below. Documentation of all actions, together with reasoning,
should also apply when following such steps:
Perform a risk assessment of the situation Is it evidentially required and safe to perform volatile
data capture?
If so, install volatile data capture device to a removable data carrier (such as a USB stick)
preferably, this has already been done prior to starting the operation;
Plug the data carrier into the machine and start the data collection script;
Once complete, stop the device (particularly important for USB devices, which if removed before
proper shutdown can lose information);
Remove the device;
Verify the data output on a separate forensic investigation machine (not the suspect system);
Immediately follow with standard power-off procedure.
The capture and analysis of volatile data no doubt presents the investigator with technical challenges.
However, as cases become more complex and connectivity between devices and public networks proliferate,
with an increase in more advanced malware, which cannot always be retrieved using more traditional disk
forensics, the above recommendations will need to be considered.
It is vitally important that only someone with the relevant training and is competent to do so should take any
of these actions.
27 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Where a crime involves evidence displayed on a website the most convenient method of recovering the
evidence may be by engaging the assistance of suitably trained staff to visit the website and take copies of
the evidential content. In order to do this the officer taking report of the matter needs to obtain the address
of the website, for example,, or if it is a specific page within the site.
When carrying out any evidence recovery it is essential that an audit trail of all activity carried out by the
investigator is recorded in a log. The recommended method for copying a website is to visit the site and
record the relevant pages using video capture software so there is a visible representation of how they look
when visited at the time. If video capture software is not available then the pages can be saved as
screenshots. It is also advisable to follow this by capturing the web pages themselves either by using
website copying software or saving the individual pages. Copying the pages themselves, as well as obtaining
a visual record, means that the code from the web pages is also secured should that become relevant later.
This work should be conducted from a computer which has been specifically set up to be non-attributable on
the Internet. Failure to use an appropriate system may lead to the compromise of other police operations.
Anyone visiting a website generally exposes a certain amount of information to the website, for example it is
common on police systems to have a web browser which is branded with the forces name. This branding is
exposed to a website being visited and so may be recorded in logs on the site along with other information
amongst which, will include the pages visited.
If it appears likely that the evidence on the website might be lost by a delay in carrying out the above
procedures then the person reporting may be asked to make a copy of the evidence by whatever means
they are capable of (either printing, screenshot or saving pages), alternatively this could be done by the
person receiving the report. Before taking these steps every effort should be made to secure the services of
a competent person to carry out this work as failing to capture the information correctly could have a
detrimental impact on the investigation.
Where there is difficulty in capturing the evidence by visiting the site it might be possible to make an official
request to the owner of the site by whatever legal procedures are required within the jurisdiction. The
CSP/ISP SPOC or Digital Forensic Unit can usually advise on the appropriate procedures.
By making a request to the service provider hosting the site it may be possible to recover evidence of who
has created the web page or posting. It is not unusual for details of the user such as name, address, phone
number, banking details, email address, and alternative email address to be recorded by a host.
If there is a requirement to identify who has committed some activity on a website, for example where a
fraud has been committed by purchasing goods from a website or by posting a message on a website, the
likelihood is that the suspect may be traceable from logs on the site. When any user accesses the Internet
they are allocated a unique address known as an IP address and their Internet Service Provider (ISP) keeps
logs of the times and dates and the identity of the user allocated any IP address.
When a user visits a site and conducts some activity, for example logs on, posts a message, or makes a
purchase, it is likely that the users IP address has been logged by the website. It is often possible to obtain
copies of logs from websites if there is a requirement to see who has been active on a website by making a
request via the force CSP/ISP SPOC.
If the evidence is no longer available to be retrieved by any of the above means, and where the use of
resources can be justified by the seriousness of the case, it may be possible to recover evidence of the site
contents from an end user device that has been used to view the site by conducting a forensic examination
of the device.
28 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Where investigators wish to carry out open source intelligence research on the Internet they should be
trained to do so and conduct the research from a computer which cannot be attributed to the investigators
Covert Interaction on the Internet
In circumstances where investigators wish to communicate covertly with an online suspect they MUST use
the services of a Nationally Accredited and Registered (CII). CIIs have received specialist training which
addresses the technical and legal issues relating to undercover operations on the Internet.
Crimes involving email communication
There are generally two methods of sending and receiving email, one by using a web browser and accessing
email online for example at the Hotmail, Windows Live, Yahoo or Google websites. In these circumstances
the mail is stored on the webmail server and is read through the users browser. The other method is to
access email using a program such as Outlook or Windows Mail to download mail to the users computer.
The program is used to view and store the emails locally.
Where the evidence in a case involves an email sent from a person who the police want to trace the key
evidence is usually found in what is known as the emails Full Internet Header. Each email sent over the
Internet contains this header which is normally not visible to the user. It contains details of the route taken
across the Internet by the email and includes the IP address of the sender. Even where an email has been
sent with a fictitious email address which has been registered with false details, it is often possible to identify
the sender from the Full Internet Header.
In order to obtain the Full Internet Header the person taking the incident report needs to ascertain which of
the two methods the recipient uses to access their email. Where it is web based identify the webmail host
(i.e. Hotmail, Yahoo etc.) or if by a program on the computer ascertain what program and version number of
the program. The version number can usually be found in the programs Help on the menu bar under an
item called About.
Each webmail provider and email program treat the Full Internet Header differently and if the officer or user
does not know how to display the header the details of the webmail provider or program need to be passed
to a specialist in the Digital Forensic Unit or CSP/ISP SPOC who will be able to provide advice.
Once the header has been exposed the relevant email should be printed together with the header, and may
also be saved electronically. Depending upon the seriousness of the case and the volume of email evidence,
advice may be sought from the digital forensics unit on the most appropriate method of securing and
retaining the email evidence.
Once the full header has been obtained the force CSP/ISP SPOC will be able to use this to conduct enquiries
to attempt to identify the sender from the originating IP address.
Where an email address of a suspect is known but there is no email available from which a full header can
be obtained, it may be possible to identify the user of the email address and their location. Depending upon
the email service provider various details of the user may be recorded together with the first registration IP
address and a varying period of IP address login history. These details may be obtained by making an
appropriate CSP/ISP SPOC request for the email address. In conducting such enquiries it needs to be
recognised that it is a trivial exercise to send an email with a false email address in the "From:" field of an
On some occasions the investigating agency might access a users email account with written authority from
the user in order to secure evidence. Where this is the case, if third party material is exposed as a
consequence of viewing the users emails, advice should be sought as to whether a Directed Surveillance
Authority should be in place in addition to the users authority. Even if the password and log in details are
available. For example as a result of the Forensic examination authority and formal authority is required to
access the email account.
29 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Where justified by the investigation, consideration may be given to accessing messages on an email
providers server by obtaining the appropriate RIPA authority.
Crimes Involving Internet Chat
Users can employ a number of different devices to engage in chat on the Internet. There are three main
ways to chat - using a website's chat facility, for example Facebook, using an instant messenger program
like Windows Live Messenger, or much less commonly, using Internet Relay Chat (IRC).
Where an incident is reported which involves the use of chat the person taking the report needs to ascertain
what method of chat was being used, i.e. what is the name of the website hosting the chat and its full
Internet address, or what program is being used. The key evidence to be secured is
If the chat is web-based the details of the website, any chat room name and the user name of the suspect
should be obtained together with the times and dates of any chat activity. If the chat facility is part of a
social networking site the user will most likely have a unique ID number as well as a user name. This is
usually visible in the web browser's address bar when viewing a user's profile or when the mouse pointer is
moved over the user name. The force CSP/ISP SPOC or Digital Forensic Unit can provide help in finding this
ID number. If the chat is by instant messenger program then the user name of the suspect should be
obtained together with the associated email address which is usually available from the contact list of the
person reporting. Generally a user's contact list can be accessed from any computer connected to the
Internet so if it is considered that the user's computer might be retained for a forensic examination then it
should not itself be used to access the contact list.
There is usually an option for a user to save chat logs but more often than not the default setting is for logs
not to be saved. If the user has saved chat logs that contain evidence, the logs should be saved to
removable media for production as evidence, if no removable media is available they should be printed out.
Users are able to engage in chat from many types of device in addition to computers. Where the
circumstances of the case warrant it, an end-user device could be submitted for forensic examination in
order to recover evidence of the suspect's contact details and chat content.
Where a suspect's user details are obtained it may be possible to identify the suspect by making the
appropriate CSP/ISP SPOC requests.
In the event that the chat has been conducted using IRC the following details should be obtained - the IRC
program used, the name of the IRC server, the channel and any usernames. Further advice should then be
sought from the Digital Forensic Unit.
Communications in the course of a transmission
Digital evidence in transit may be any form of communication using the Internet or a telecommunications
network such as email, chat, voice calls, text messages, and voice-mail. Where such evidence is sought
advice should be obtained from the force Covert Authorities Bureau.
30 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
There are many different types of digital media and end-user devices, which may be encountered during a
search of a crime scene, all of which have the potential to hold data which may be of value to the
investigation. In order to preserve the data and achieve best evidence, these items must be handled and
seized appropriately, and should be treated with as much care as any other item that is to be forensically
examined. This section is intended to assist individuals to ensure their actions in relation to seizure are
The following guidance deals with the majority of scenarios that may be encountered. The general
principles, if adhered to, will ensure the best chance of evidence being recovered in an uncontaminated and,
therefore, acceptable manner.
Items found during a search will normally fall into the broad categories of computer-based media items,
CCTV systems and mobile devices. These are considered separately below.
Before seizing an item, consider whether the item is likely to hold evidence (eg, is this a family computer or
a computer belonging to a suspect?) Ensure that details of where the item was found are recorded. Consider
when the offence was committed; when seizing CCTV, give consideration to narrowing down what is seized,
by camera and/or time period. Check whether another system may be better placed to record the evidence.
Differentiate between mobile phones found on a suspect and phones found in a drawer, as different levels of
examination may be possible for these. Also consider that evidence may be stored online, or on an internet
service provider's systems, and end-user devices may only be needed to obtain the details necessary to
request this evidence from the service provider. If so, it is best to seize items in current usage, i.e.
computers connected to the internet.
Digital devices and media should not be seized just because it is there. The person in charge of the search
must have reasonable grounds to remove property and there must be justifiable reasons for doing so. The
search provisions of PACE Legislation Codes of Practice equally apply to digital devices and media in
England, Wales and Northern Ireland. In Scotland, officers should ensure they are acting within the terms of
the search warrant.
Due regard should also be taken concerning any possible contravention of the European Convention of
Human Rights.
What to take to a scene
The following is a suggested list of equipment that might be of value during planned searches. This basic
tool-kit should be considered for use in the proper dismantling of digital systems as well as for their
packaging and removal:
Property register;
Exhibit labels (tie-on and adhesive);
Labels and tape to mark and identify component parts of the system, including leads and sockets;
Tools such as screw drivers (flathead and crosshead), small pliers, and wire cutters for removal of
cable ties;
A range of packaging and evidential bags fit for the purpose of securing and sealing heavy items
such as computers and smaller items such as PDAs and mobile phone handsets;
Cable ties for securing cables;
Flat pack assembly boxes - consider using original packaging if available;
Coloured marker pens to code and identify removed items;
Camera and/or video to photograph scene in situ and any on-screen displays;
Forensically sterile storage material.
Association of Chief Police Officers of England, Wales & Northern Ireland
31 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
In addition, the following items may be useful when attending scenes to retrieve CCTV:
Laptop with USB and network connectivity. A selection of proprietary replay software could be
installed, to enable the downloaded data to be checked;
External CD/DVD writer;
USB hard drives.
Records to be kept
To comply with principle 3, records must be kept of all actions taken in relation to digital evidence, for
32 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
If switched off:
If switched on:
Record what is on the screen by photographing it and by making a written note of the content of
the screen;
Do not touch the keyboard or click the mouse. If the screen is blank or a screen saver is present,
the investigator should be asked to decide if they wish to restore the screen. If so, a short
movement of the mouse should restore the screen or reveal that the screen saver is password
protected. If the screen restores, photograph or video it and note its content. If password protection
is shown, continue as below, without any further touching of the mouse. Record the time and
activity of the use of the mouse in these circumstances. (For games consoles, or tablet computers,
the equivalent would be moving the controller joystick or touching the touchscreen);
If the system may contain valuable evidence in its current state (for example, if it is currently
displaying a relevant document or an instant message conversation), seizing officers should seek
expert advice from their local digital forensic unit as this may be lost if the power is lost. This is
especially important if the suspect is a technically knowledgeable user who may be using encryption,
as there may be no way to retrieve evidence stored in encrypted volumes once the power is lost;
Consider advice from the owner/user of the computer but make sure this information is treated with
Remove the main power source battery from laptop computers. However, prior to doing so, consider
if the machine is in standby mode. In such circumstances, battery removal could result in avoidable
data loss. This is normally evident by a small LED (light) lit on the casing. In this case, officers
should seek advice from their local digital forensic unit;
Unplug the power and other devices from sockets on the computer itself (i.e. not the wall socket).
When removing the power supply cable, always remove the end connected to the computer, and not
that attached to the socket. This will avoid any data being written to the hard drive if an
uninterruptible power supply is fitted. If the equipment was switched on, do not close down any
programs or shut down the computer, as this will cause changes to the stored data and may trigger
wiping software to run, if this is installed;
Ensure that all items have signed and completed exhibit labels attached to them. Failure to do so
may create difficulties with continuity and cause the equipment to be rejected by the digital forensic
Search the area for diaries, notebooks or pieces of paper with passwords on them, often attached or
close to the computer;
Ask the user about the setup of the system, including any passwords, if circumstances dictate. If
these are given, record them accurately;
Allow the equipment to cool down before removal;
Track any cables that can be seen as they made lead you to other devices in other rooms.
Mobile devices
This includes mobile phones, smartphones, and other devices which may have wireless
connectivity/communications capability such as tablet computers, personal digital assistants (PDAs), personal
media players and satellite navigation systems.
Secure and take control of the area containing the equipment. Do not allow others to interact with
the equipment;
Photograph the device in situ, or note where it was found, and record the status of the device and
any on-screen information;
33 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
If the device is switched on, power it off. It is important to isolate the device from receiving signals
from a network to avoid changes being made to the data it contains. For example, it is possible to
wipe certain devices remotely and powering the device off will prevent this.
However, in exceptional circumstances the decision may be made to keep the device on. Timely access to
the handset data is critical the decision may be made to leave the device switched on. Consideration may be
given to place the handset in a Faraday environment to further prevent signal reception. In such
circumstances advice should be sought from the DFU.
Seize cables, chargers, packaging, manuals, phone bills etc. as these may assist the enquiry and
minimise the delays in any examination;
Packaging materials and associated paperwork may be a good source of PIN/PUK details;
Be aware that some mobile phone handsets may have automatic housekeeping functions, which
clear data after a number of days. For example, some Symbian phones start clearing call/event
logs after 30 days, or any other user defined period. Submit items for examination as soon as
If fingerprints or DNA evidence are likely to be required, always consult with the investigator;
Using aluminium powder on electronic devices can be dangerous and result in the loss of evidence.
Before any examination using this substance, consider all options carefully.
The equipment should be stored at normal room temperature, without being subject to any extremes of
humidity and free from magnetic influence such as radio receivers. Dust, smoke, sand, water and oil are also
harmful to electronic equipment. Some devices are capable of storing internal data (such as the time and
date set on the system) by use of batteries. If the battery is allowed to become flat, internal data will be
lost. It is not possible to determine the life expectancy of any one battery. However, this is an important
consideration when storing a device for long periods before forensic examination and should be addressed in
local policy.
34 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Investigators should seek the advice of their force Telecoms/ISP SPOC, Network Investigators and Digital
Forensic Units at the earliest opportunity to formulate a written digital forensic strategy.
Due consideration should always be given by the investigators of the benefits to the overall investigation of
conducting any digital forensic work
The investigator should develop a Data Capture Strategy to identify and secure all relevant digital evidence.
Other than a requirement to react to immediate events the investigator should be able to plan this strategy
in advance.
Where a crime or incident is reported, early consideration should be given to the potential to glean evidence
from the Internet or end user devices which have a digital memory capacity and from which evidence /
intelligence may be retrieved.
Social Network Sites
Priority Establish the use of Social Networking, Online Communities, Online Storage and other Cloud
Services by witnesses and suspects. Whilst this may be revealed by the examination of seized devices it may
be gleaned more quickly if asked during interview.
Many current investigations involve Social Networking Sites. It is imperative that early consideration is made
around securing Social Networking Profiles that fall within the investigation. The best evidence is available
from the service provider however they are often located outside of the UK and may or may not secure the
content on the appropriate request via the force CSP/ISP SPOC. As such the investigator should always
secure a copy of what is seen by them as this may be the only opportunity to secure this evidence before it
35 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
IP log on;
Name and Address;
Landline and Mobile phone Numbers;
Banking data;
Emails used;
Username and passwords;
Linked accounts.
Whilst law enforcement are used to working with RIPA, RIPSA and the DPA to obtain information this
legislation only applies within the UK. Many services are based outside of the UK based organisations.
It is essential that the CSP/ISP SPOC is engaged at the earliest opportunity to these enquiries with the
objective of preserving known time critical data.
National Technical Assistance Centre (NTAC)
If encrypted files are located or suspected it is important that the suspect is asked for them, failure to do so
may result in an offence under sec 49 of RIPA. Encryption is difficult to break and assistance can be sought
via the Digital Forensic Unit from the National Technical Assistance Centre (NTAC) in London.
The National Technical Assistance Centre (NTAC) provides technical support only to public authorities,
particularly law enforcement agencies and the intelligence services. It includes a facility for the complex
processing of lawfully obtained protected electronic information.
NTAC is the leading national authority for all matters relating to the processing of protected information into
an intelligible format and the disclosure of key material.
All public authorities should consult with NTAC at the earliest opportunity when considering exercising the
powers in Part III of the Regulation of Investigatory Powers Act (RIPA).
A public authority cannot serve any notice under Section 49 of RIPA or, when the authority considers it
necessary, seek to obtain appropriate permission, without the prior written approval of NTAC.
Investigating Crimes where Digital Evidence may be present
The proliferation of digital devices and the advances in digital communications mean that digital evidence is
now present or potentially present in almost every crime.
Digital evidence can be found in a number of different locations,
Locally on an end-user device - typically a users computer, mobile/smart phone, satellite navigation
system, USB thumb drive, or digital camera;
36 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
On a remote resource that is public - for example websites used for social networking, discussion
forums, and newsgroups;
On a remote resource that is private an Internet Service Providers logs of users activity, a mobile
phone companys records of customers billing, a users webmail account, and increasingly common,
a users remote file storage;
In transit for example mobile phone text messages, or voice calls, emails, or Internet chat.
Internet History;
Evidence of webmail;
Instant Messaging Logs;
Media Files (images & videos);
Social Networks;
Forums & Chat Rooms;
Cloud Services / Virtual Storage;
File Sharing programs;
Usernames / Passwords;
Encrypted Files;
Word Documents;
37 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
The discussion between the investigator and digital forensic unit should result in an agreed digital extraction
/ examination plan to achieve an agreed outcome. The plan may need to be reviewed as the evidential
picture and priorities change.
Staff tasked by the investigator to undertake the digital data extraction / examination must be competent to
do so and have had sufficient training to undertake the task assigned to them. It must be borne in mind that
the development of digital technology is dynamic and the examiners may well face significant challenges to
their knowledge.
It is the role of the Digital Evidence Examiner to provide the investigator with a report/statement accounting
for the examination of the devices as part of the investigation. The report should account in full for the
parameters set for the examination, data extracted and data examined. There should also be provision to
provide an interpretation of technical aspects of the examination relevant to the provision of evidence in the
The investigator should have a full discussion with the examiner ahead of the production of any reports to
ensure all the relevant evidence is contained in the report and that the processes used adhered to the ACPO
Principles governing handling digital based evidence. These principles are explained in the section headed
The Principles of Digital Evidence in this guide.
The report is the ultimate product of the examination. It should outline the examination process and the
significant data recovered. Whilst an initial report may be relatively brief, the examiner should be in a
position to produce a full technical report should one later be required.
Examination notes must be preserved for disclosure or testimony purposes and, if required, the preparation
of a full technical report. In Scotland, they will be preserved as productions to be used as evidence in court.
An examiner may need to testify about not only the conduct of the examination, but also the validity of the
procedure and their experience and qualifications to conduct the examination.
The role of the examiner is to secure from any seized material true copy of any data that they may contain
Forensic hardware should be subject to initial and periodic testing. . It is worth repeating at this point that
full records should be made of all actions taken. These can be made available to the defence who may
subsequently cause a further examination to be conducted. A significant part of such an examination will be
to validate the actions and results of the original examination. Such records are also part of the unused
material for the case under investigation.
It is important to remember that legislation continues to change to keep up with technological
and societal change. It is important, therefore, to consider the legal requirements and
restrictions when examining digital evidence. Recent case law and precedents set at higher
courts are important considerations when preparing an evidence package for an investigator
This applies, in particular, to the use of the Internet and files downloaded from the Internet; or
material accessible from foreign jurisdictions i.e. online data stores.
Interview of Witnesses and Suspects
The interview of witnesses/suspects is a crucial opportunity to identify key information about the nature and
use of digital data relative to the investigation in hand. As such those involved must be properly briefed and
competent to undertake the interview having the necessary understanding of the areas to explore.
Consideration should be given to consulting with a trained Interview Advisor with a view to the compilation
of an appropriate interview strategy.
Bear in mind that the digital examination of devices seized will take time and may not necessarily reveal vital
information that the witness / suspect may be aware of. Typically this may include;
38 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
39 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Religion / Belief
Sexual Orientation
Religion / Belief
Sexual Orientation
Religion / Belief
Sexual Orientation
Religion / Belief
Sexual Orientation
40 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
From the analysis of data and information has any potential for
differential/adverse impact been identified?
Age N/A
Disability N/A
Gender N/A
Race N/A
Religion / Belief N/A
Sexual Orientation N/A
If yes explain any intentional impact:
Religion / Belief
Sexual Orientation
If yes explain what impact was discovered which you feel is justifiable in
order to achieve the overall proposal aims. Please provide examples:
Religion / Belief
Sexual Orientation
Are there any other factors that might help to explain differential/adverse
Religion / Belief
Sexual Orientation
4. Consider alternatives
41 NOT PROTECTIVELY MARKED ACPO Good Practice Guide for Digital Evidence, Version 5 (October 2011)
Consult formally
Has the proposal been subject to consultation? If no, please state why not.
If yes, state which individuals and organisations were
what form the consultation took:
Early drafts of the work have been consulted on with law enforcement and those in the
specialist ecrime private sector.
Age N/A
Disability N/A
Gender N/A
Race N/A
Religion / Belief N/A
Sexual Orientation N/A
What was the outcome of the consultation?
Additional revisions based on good practice in this specialist area of investigation. There
were no revisions based on the 6 diverse areas.
Age N/A
Disability N/A
Gender N/A
Race N/A
Religion / Belief N/A
Sexual Orientation N/A
Has the proposal been reviewed and/or amended in light of the outcomes
of consultation?
Have the results of the consultation been fed back to the consultees?