CS 2110 Syllabus

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CS2110 Computer Organization and Programming

Spring 2014
This is not a class where we are going to learn you about how computers work and how to program in
C. This is a class where we are going to teach and the learning will be done by you. What does this
mean? It means that you must become highly engaged in active learning. Read the textbooks (more
than once is allowed), search the web, and above all CODE. After every lecture and lab go home and try
stuff out. Verify that what we told you really works. Test your knowledge by extending what we tell you.
(i.e., If I understand this then I should be able to make the following happen.) Imagine trying to learn to
ride a bicycle by listening to someone describe the theory and then watching another person ride a bike.
The absolute key to success in this course is to code constantly. Good luck.

Bill Leahy
Email: bleahy@cc.gatech.edu


To understand the structure and operation of a modern computer from the ground up.
Understand basic hardware concepts: digital circuits, gates, bits, bytes, number representation
Understand the Von Neumann model and the structure and operation of a basic data path
Understand the structure and function of machine language instructions
Understand the structure and function of a symbolic assembly language
Understand basic concepts of computer systems such as the runtime stack, simple I/O devices
Introduce the C language with particular emphasis on the underlying assembly and machine
language as well as interaction with hardware.

(Competency Knowledge) Be able to identify and/or construct basic digital structures such as MOS FET
logic gates, decoders, multiplexors, adders, memory.
(Competency Application) Be able to construct a state machine diagram and then implement it as a
finite state machine circuit.
(Competency Comprehension) Understand data representation. Be able to convert numbers between
various representations: Binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal, and IEEE Floating Point.
(Competency Knowledge) Be able to identify the component parts of the Von Neumann Model of
computer and be able to explain the purpose of each component.
(Competency Synthesis) Be able to write, debug and run assembly language programs including
recursive subroutines, traps, basic input/output.

(Accomplishment Synthesis) Be able to write, debug and run multi-file C programs several hundred lines
long using "make" to compile and execute said programs.
(Competency Synthesis) Be able to utilize (in C programs) proper typing and casting constructs, structs,
pointers and arrays, functions, function pointers, dynamic memory allocation and variables of different
storage classes (auto, static, volatile, etc.)

Course Topics

Course introduction and overview

Bits, Data Types, and Operations
Digital Logic Structures
The Von Neumann Model
Introduction to a simple microprocessor, the LC-3
Assembly Language
TRAP Routines and Subroutines
Stacks, programming examples.
Introduction to Programming in C
Variables and Operators
Control Structures
Pointers and Arrays
I/O in C
Data Structures in C

Introduction to Computing Systems, Second Edition
Yale N. Patt, Sanjay J. Patel
McGraw-Hill ISBN: 0073890480
Book Website: http://www.mhhe.com/patt2
The C Programming Language
Brian Kernighan, Dennis Ritchie
Prentice Hall: ISBN 0131103628

This is a recommended book. Buy it if you are the type of person that likes to have a reference
book when learning something new. There will be no required readings or assignments from this

Mastering Linux, First Edition

Paul S. Wang
Chapman & Hall/CRC
Taylor & Francis Group
6000 Broken Sound Parkway NW, Suite 300
Baton Raton, FL 33487-2742
ISBN-13: 978-1-4398-0686-9

Course Structure

The course will consist of lecture and a mix of labs and recitations we call lecitations.
There will be lots of homework assignments, usually 7 days in length.
Homework assignments will be mostly based on material already covered in lecture.
One of the purposes of the lab is to give students help with homework assignments.
Labs will be a mix of instructional labs (e.g. might have a lab on makefiles) and assessments
(i.e., tests did students learn what they were supposed to from the homework?)
Homework can be, at the students discretion, collaborative. Nevertheless, each student is
required to turn in an assignment that he or she produced and that he or she understands.
There will be some quizzes in lecitation. Some will be timed coding exercises; some will be paper
and pencil quizzes. Or they may be on T-Square.
There will be a final examination

New Experimental Homework Policy

This semester we are going to be trying a new Mastery homework policy.
Homework will be assigned and there will be a due date. You should make every effort to finish
the homework by the due date.
You will have a scheduled meeting with your TA every 2 weeks. So each TA will meet with half
his students each week. At that meeting you can show any of your completed assignments to
your TA. The TA will ask you questions about your assignments. You may lose points if you
cannot answer the questions. If your program is correct you will get 100 (unless you lose points
on demo questions). If there are problems you will be told to fix them. Then you will come back
in two weeks and again demo the assignment. If you have it working you get a 100. If not you try
again. This could go on forever except the semester will end. You might be given partial credit or
you might just get a zero if things arent working 100%
What this means to you: Do the assignments and get things finished by the deadline. If
assignments pile up you will never finish. So dont get behind the power curve!!!! You will crash
and burn. All grades will be finalized by the end of Dead Week.

Just to be clear we are doing this because we believe you will get more benefit by getting
programs to work completely as opposed to turning things in that dont work hoping for some
partial credit.

Patt Book Table of Contents


Welcome Aboard
Bits, Data Types, and Operations
Digital Logic Structures
The Von Neumann Model
The LC-3
Assembly Language
TRAP Routines and Subroutines
And, Finally...The Stack
Introduction to Programming in C
Variables and Operators
Control Structures
Testing and Debugging
Pointers and Arrays
I/O in C
Data Structures

Appendix A. The LC-3 ISA

Appendix B. From LC-3 to x86
Appendix C. The Microarchitecture of the LC-3
Appendix D. The C Programming Language
Appendix E. Useful Tables

Course Evaluation
The number of and value of each assignment type is show below:
Number (approx.)
Timed Labs
* Final homework is worth double


Rules and Regulations

1. Academic misconduct is taken very seriously in this class. While homework assignments are
collaborative, quizzes, timed labs and the final examination are individual work. In addition
many if not all homework assignments will be evaluated via demo or code review. During this
evaluation, you will be expected to be able to explain every aspect of your submission. Finally,
each individual programming assignment should be coded by you. You may work with others,
but each student should be turning in their own version of the assignment. Submissions that are
essentially identical will receive a zero and may be sent to the Dean of Students Office of
Academic Integrity. Be very careful when supplying your work to a classmate that promises just
to look at it. If s/he turns it in as his/her own, you will both be charged.
2. You are responsible for turning in assignments on time. This includes allowing for unforeseen
circumstances. You are also responsible for ensuring that what you turned in is what you meant
to turn in.
3. In general, programming assignments should be turned in with a Makefile and all files needed to
compile and run the program. The TA grading your submission should be able to make and run
your program without adding files, repairing things etc.
4. Quizzes and examinations must be taken at the scheduled date and time. Please do not ask for
special treatment because you (or your parents) have purchased non-refundable airline tickets.
The safe time to travel is at the end of or after finals week.
5. If you need a certain grade in order to stay in school, maintain a scholarship, etc., the time to
worry about this is right from the beginning of the course not during the week before finals.
Grades are based on demonstrated performance not individual need based on factors external
to the course. Please do not request special consideration based on this type of situation. There
is no extra credit given in this course.
6. Final grades will be available from OSCAR normally sometime the week after finals. You may
review your final and discuss your grades during the following semester in which you are
attending Ga Tech. Grades will not be discussed over break except in emergency cases.
7. If you have any major personal problems (family/illness/etc.), please go to the Dean of Student's
office located in the Student Services Building (Flag Building) next to the Student Center. The
Dean and staff are equipped and authorized to verify the problems, and they will issue a note to
all your instructors making them aware of the problem and requesting whatever extension, etc.
that may be necessary.
8. The T-Square announcements and any email from the class should be read every day. Official
announcements about course matters will be posted there. The helpdesk is for posting technical
questions about assignments, tests, etc. Complaints, questions about your personal problems,
etc. should be discussed with your instructor in person or via email.
9. Out of consideration to your fellow students, please turn off cell phones, beepers, wristwatch
alarms, etc. Also, make every effort to be on time for class. If you are unavoidably late, please sit
near the back and try to avoid as much disruption to the class as possible.
10. If you are graduating and need this course to do so, please inform your instructor as soon as

11. Complaints about TA's should be directed to the course instructors during office hours or via
email as soon as possible.
12. The deadline for re-grades is 2 weeks after an assignment grade is posted or returned to you.
This deadline also applies to picking up items which are returned in class. After this deadline no
grade changes will be made and tests not picked up will be destroyed.
13. Students participating in approved university activities MAY be given extensions, allowed to take
tests at different times, etc. It is important to request such items well in advance and to supply
supporting documentation.
14. Please remember that your TAs are also students. They have very full schedules and they are
TAing out of a genuine desire to help you learn the material.
15. Once final grades have been submitted you must wait until the next semester that you are on
campus to review grades and your final. No grading issues will be discussed via email.

Requirements for C Programs

Your programs will be tested and graded on either Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) or Linux Mint 13
Maya. If you are using something else and it works on your computer but not on ours, you risk
getting a zero. So our advice is to run one of these two (even if you have a Mac). You may use Virtual
Box or the VMWare Player. You will be supplied information about setup and installation.
All programming assignments must
-build cleanly (i.e. no warnings or errors) on a linux box with
gcc -std=c99 -Wall -pedantic -Wextra -Werror -O2
-exit gracefully (no segfaults, bus errors, etc) if appropriate
-produce useful output where applicable (i.e. error messages)
-not leak memory if applicable (we use valgrind to check this, you should too!)
-Not produce spurious output (no debugging output, extra messages to the user, etc. this breaks the grader and gives you a zero)
Capital crimes (== automatic 0)
-non-building (how can we grade it if it doesn't build?)
-core dumps or segfaults (or any other ungraceful exit)
-infinite loops (makes grading quite difficult, don't do it!)
-spurious output (see note above)

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