CSCI 610: Modern Computer Architecture CSCI 510: Advanced Computer Architecture

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CSCI 610: Modern Computer Architecture and CSCI 510: Advanced Computer Architecture

(Winter 2011)
Professor: Oce: Phone: Email: Web: Prerequisites: Keith Schubert JB 348 537-5328 CSE 401 or equivalent Text: Class: Lab: Oce: Hennessy and Patterson, Computer Architecture, 4th ed. HP-125, MW 3:00-4:15 PM JB-360, W 4:30-6:20 PM TR 12:00-2:00 PM and by appointment

Date 1/10 1/12 1/17 1/19 1/24 1/26 1/31 2/2 2/7 2/9 2/14 2/16 2/21 2/23 2/28 3/2 3/7 3/9 3/14 3/16 3/21 3/25 Topic Intro, Cost, Power, Dependability Metrics and Performance Martin Luther King Holiday Pipelines: Intro, Performance, Hazards Implementation, Multicycle, Scoreboarding ILP, Dependence, Loop Unrolling GCD, Software Pipelining Dynamic Branching Dynamic Scheduling, Tomasulo Multiple Issue, Speculation, Etc ILP Performance Limits TLP, ILP, Multiple Issue, Future directions Midterm Multiprocessors & Performance SMP, Coherence: Snooping DSM, Coherence: Directory Synchronization & Consistency Cache Review Cache Performance, Improvements Research Presentations (RP) Virtual Memory Final (2:00 pm) Reading 1.1-1.7 1.8-1.13 A.1-A.2 A.3-A.10 2.1-2.2 G.1-G.3 2.3,2.9 2.4-2.6 2.7-2.13 3.1-3.4 3.5-3.9 1-3, A, G 4.1, H.1-H.3 4.2-4.3 4.4 4.5-4.11 C.1-C.3 5.1-5.3 5.4, C.4-C.5 1-5,A,C,G,H Homework Due Lab 1 HW 1 2 2 Article Choice 3 HW 2 4 4 5 Article Summary 5 HW 3 6 RP HW4


2. Piplines, hazards, and design techniques 3. Instruction-Level Parallelism (ILP), data hazards, dynamic scheduling, multiple issue, compilers 4. Multiprocessors, Thread-Level Parallelism (TLP), clusters, memory, synchronization 5. Memory hierarchy, cache, virtual memory 1

This is a graduate level course covering modern concepts and techniques in the design of high performance computer architectures. Particular attention will be paid to parallelism and various ways to exploit it to achieve speedup. 1. Perfomance, power, and price metrics and comparison techniques

6. Design of 32 bit out-of-order computer in Verilog

Prerequisite Knowledge

1. Reading the text before class gives you the basic ideas, so the deeper truths can be covered in class. 2. Even the best of textbooks will cause most people to get confused on some aspects. If you read the book before the class, your confusion will get cleared up and make the course easier for you. I know that reading before class is not frequently done, but I encourage you to do it. You are here to get a top quality education, but in order to get it you must do more than just show up. Graduate students must be motivated to learn and succeed. Dont sell yourself short.

I expect that you are familiar with the basics of computer design, such as, memory, cache, ALU, pipelines, instruction set architectures (ISA), and performance metrics. We will not design components but I expect you could understand, analyze, and design simple circuits. Additionally I expect you recall the basics of codes, representing numbers, and calculations. Finally, I expect you know the basics of Verilog. If you are not comfortable with your knowledge, come see me early and we can try to get you up to speed. Students who come from our program have a year sequence (csci 310, csci 313, csci 401), which covers this material. If you took csci 510 here, you cant get credit for this course (they are the same), please talk to Dr. Mendoza to get this xed. If you came from another school and took csci 598, realize you did the year sequence in a quarter so you probably are missing a few things. I am happy to give extra help outside class, but to make this eective you will need to read in advance and then come to me before class so we can cover the material you need.

Research Presentation

An essential part of graduate study is the ability to learn new areas and present them to your peers. The research presentation will help prepare you to do this. It will be on a topic from this course that you choose. You will nd a journal or conference paper on the subject, and explain it to the class (for instance you can check out citeseer from the link on my website or use Google scholar). Note I will not accept presentations on chapters from books, or articles from popular science magazines, while these are great things to read, 3 Grading: they are not scholarly research publications. You will be given 5-10 minutes (depending on the size of the Your grade is determined from ve basic areas: homeclass) on the last day to present your results. You work (20%), labs (20%), research presentation (10%), should use some presentation software (power point, midterm (20%), and a nal (30%). Grades are availpdf, etc.) to present the key ideas of your topic. The able on the course moodle. presentation time is short, but about the time of a The grading scheme is listed below. I do not curve poster session. anything, but I do permit extra credit see below. You must upload in moodle by February 1, an elecLtr Percent Ltr Percent tronic copy of the paper. Only one person can present A 94 - 100 C 73 - 76 on a given article, and priority is given on a rst come A90 - 94 C70 - 73 basis. B+ 86 - 90 D+ 66 - 70 You must upload in moodle by March 1, a one page B 83 - 86 D 63 - 66 summary of the key ideas in your paper. B80 - 83 D60 - 63 C+ 76 - 80 F 00 - 60


Midterm and Final

The reading assignments listed cover the material that will be discussed in class. You are to read it in advance for each class (except the rst, which would not be possible). There are two main reasons for reading the material ahead of time. 2

The midterm and nal are closed book, but I allow 2 pages of 8.5 11 front and back of notes in the midterm and 4 pages for the nal (theoretically two from the midterm and two new). You should bring paper to write on and a pen or pencil. You cannot use a calculator.

happy with it. It is against academic standards and could result in punitive action. Please dont put us Homework is implemented as moodle quizzes. The both in that situation. If you reference some material, questions are from the book, but you will enter the that is ne, but dont make it most of the tutorial. answers in moodle so you will get immediate feedback I want you to understand the ideas and then explain once you submit. Please not the closing date of the them. homework quiz as moodle will automatically close the quiz and late homework will be not accepted. Getting Help Note clocks can vary so you should probably submit 10 a little early to be safe. Students are encouraged to discuss class material, Everything always seems easier in class. The goal of but the work must be done individually. The home- this course is to prepare you to understand and dework and all other graded work should reect the sign digital logic, not to frustrate or confuse you. You eort of the individual who receives credit for it. will not know what is hard or confusing until you try Cheating will not be tolerated. The student may though. When you hit that problem that you cant never copy other students work, nor allow others to gure out, dont get frustrated, get help. You are copy ones own work. If two assignments look exces- highly encouraged to take advantage of oce hours. sively similar, and are not narrow enough to justify Oce hours are the premiere assistance methodology the similarity, automatically a grade of zero results, of this class. You are also encouraged to discuss probwith the likely referral to appropriate university bod- lems and methods with each other. Study groups can ies. According to the current CSUSB Bulletin, the be very helpful. Do not cheat yourself though by getoending student may receive penalties up to and in- ting solutions and not understanding! All work must cluding expulsion. Again, students are allowed and be your own. You can discuss and help, but may encouraged to discuss the material related to assign- not copy someone elses work, or allow your work to ments, but when it comes to actually doing the as- be copied. That is plagiarism and is treated very severely. signment work it is to be done individually. The class website also has my notes, and some practice drills that check themselves to give you practice 8 Lab on the basics. You are encouraged to avail yourself of the help this provides. I will post sample exams The lab is an essential aspect in really understanding with solutions, and will have study sessions before the the material. The labs you will do will mainly cover midterm and nal if the class wants. Verilog implementations, so you can test and become familiar with the issues around our designs. You will 10.1 Support for Student with Disnot nish the labs if you do not prepare by reading the abilities lab in advance. You will be working in groups of two, but each member must contribute equally. I expect If you are in need of an accommodation for a disyour code to be well documented and to perform as ability in order to participate in this class, please see specied in the lab. Labs should be submitted elec- the instructor and contact Services to Students with tronically by uploading to the moodle, a zip of all the Disabilities at (909)537-5238. verilog les and a pdf lab report before the next lab A starts. The lab manual must be done in L TEX.



University Policies

Students are referred to the General Regulations and Procedures in the CSUSB Bulletin of Courses Extra credit comes in the form of tutorials to help for the universitys policies on course withdrawal, future students understand how to do the problems cheating, and plagiarism. or seminars (computer science related or with my approval). Tutorials must be submitted in moodle. Dropping and Adding You are responsible for unQuantity is not what matters most, quality is. Do not derstanding the policies and procedures about plagiarize, such as turning in stu from other profesadd/drops, academic renewal, etc. found at sors and wikipedia. I always nd it, and I am never (CSUSB Bulletin, pages 46-48). 3

Extra Credit

Plagiarism and Cheating Students are expected to be familiar with the Universitys Policy on cheating and Plagiarism. Please review this at (CSUSB Bulletin, pages 51-52). Instances of academic dishonesty will not be tolerated. Cheating on exams or plagiarism (presenting the work of another as your own, or the use of another persons ideas without giving proper credit) will result in a failing grade and sanctions by the University.



The deans initiative for student studying is called 2535, which means 25 hours of study per week for a 3 course schedule or 35 hours for a 4 course schedule. I expect home work will take about 3 hours, preparing for the activity and the extra activity time about 3 hours, reading the assignment 3 hours, preparing for nal project 1 hour. In the last several weeks I drop the homework and lab so you have 7 hours a week for the project. These are expected averages, you should expect to have this commitment, though it may vary by the ease with which you pick up math and programming.


Other Information:

The student is responsible for all material covered in the readings, class, labs, and also for all announcements made therein. The topics and dates in this syllabus are tentative, for instance res and wind sometimes close the campus. I might need to cut a topic or move things around should we face unpleasant weather or other unforeseeable conditions. All changes will be discussed with the class. The schedule can change with class consensus.

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