03 - 3D Tunnel Connection

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Basic Tutorials

Chapter 3

3D Tunnel Connection
: Geometry > Point & Curve > Rectangle

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Tunnel

: Geometry > Transform > Translate

: Geometry > Protrude > Extrude


: Geometry > Surface & Solid > Cylinder


: Geometry > Boolean > Solid


: Geometry > Divide > Solid


: Geometry > Point & Curve > Rectangle


: Geometry > Transform > Translate


: Geometry > Divide > Solid


: Geometry > Point & Curve > Line


: Geometry > Transform > Rotate


: Mesh > Control > Size Ctrl


: Mesh > Generate > 3D


: Mesh > Element > Extract


: Mesh > Element > Delete


: Mesh > Generate > 1D


Basic Tutorials

Chapter 3

3D Tunnel Connection
: Mesh > Transform > Trans.


: Mesh > Mesh Set > Rename


: Mesh > Element > Parameters


: Static/Slope Analysis > Load > Self Weight


: Static/Slope Analysis > Boundary > Constraint


: Static/Slope Analysis > Construction Stage > Stage Set


: Static/Slope Analysis > Construction Stage > Stage Wizard


: Analysis > Analysis Case > General


: Analysis > Analysis > Perform


Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

3D Tunnel Connection
Section 1

1.1 Learning Purpose

The purpose of this analysis is to see the effect of tunnel construction on surrounding facilities and to
review the stability of support structures in advance. It is possible to choose the solution types depend on
whether it's 2D analysis or 3D analysis. If you are processing 2D analysis, you have to search for the
method to consider 3D ground behavior due to tunnel excavation. Sometimes it is very difficult to process
the analysis in 2D, for example junctions which connect tunnel branches, ventilating holes and vertical
shafts together need to be modeled in 3D. In this case you should process 3D analysis to analyze the
ground behavior.

Modeling tunnel

In this tutorial, the following main concepts will be explained:

Tunnel modeling
Boolean geometry
Generate and manage mesh sets
Setting construction stages
Results Plotting graphs and tables for construction stage analysis results

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 1

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

1.2 Model and Analysis Summary

This model has various layers of strata with vertical shaft, main tunnel and passageway. Since this model is
symmetry, generate half of the entire model. Then divide it properly and process construction stage
analysis. Define construction stages to Vertical shaft excavation -> Passageway installation -> Main tunnel

Modeling diagram

2 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Section 2

Analysis Setting

[Open the attached start file (03_3DTunnel_start)]

: Analysis > Analysis Case > Setting

Set model type, gravity direction, initial parameters and unit system for the analysis. The unit
system can be changed whenever you want during the modeling process and after performing the
analysis. The input parameters will be automatically converted by the right unit system.
This tutorial is a 3D model with gravity in Z direction and using SI unit system (kN, m).

Analysis Setting

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 3

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Section 3

Define Material
and Property

3.1 Define Ground and Structural Materials

For material modal type, apply 'Mohr-Coulomb' for the ground and 'Elastic' for the structure, which doesn't
consider Nonlinearity.
Ground and structure materials are defined as below:

Table. Ground material

Model type
Elastic Modulus(E)
Poissons Ratio(v)
Unit Weight(r)
Unit Weight(Saturated)
Initial Void Ratio(eo)
Drained Parameters
Friction Angle

Soft rock

Weathered rock

[Unit : kN, m]
Weathering soil










Define ground material

- General
Define ground
material - Porous
Define ground
material Nonlinear

Table. Structure

[Unit : kN, m]
Model type
Elastic Modulus(E)
Poissons Ratio(v)
Unit Weight(r)

4 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Conc Panel



Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Define Structure

3.2 Define Properties

Properties represent physical attributes of the meshes and will be assigned to mesh sets during mesh
generation. While defining ground and structure properties, firstly choose the material to be used. And for
structure properties, structure types and cross-section shapes (cross-section stiffness) should be further
Use 'Plate' element for continuous wall in 3D model. And for rockbolt which is 1D element, use 'Embedded
Truss' element. Such as 'Truss' element, 'Embedded Truss' element only bears axial force, but there is a
convenience to use it because you don't need to create shared nodes with the ground. Since it has to be
located inside of the ground, it is mainly used to model rockbolts, nails, and anchors etc.
The material properties have been defined as below:

Table. Ground property


Soft rock
Soft rock

Weathered rock
Weathered rock

[Unit : KN, m]
Weathering soil
Weathering soil

Define ground property

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 5

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

The properties for each structure property are defined as below. After setting the section shape, the
section rigidly is automatically calculated.

Structure property

Model type
Section shape
Section Thickness

Define structure
property-Conc Panel
Define structure
propertyMain/Passageway S/C
Define structure
property-Vertical shaft

Define structure
property (rockbolt)
Define structure
property(Section shape)

6 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Conc Panel

Main_Passageway S/C

Vertical shaft S/C




[Unit : kN, m]
Embedded Truss
Solid Round

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Section 4

This tutorial focus on tunnel geometry modeling, generating and managing mesh set through Boolean
operation, setting construction stages, and analyzing results. You can start the tutorial by opening the start
file in which basic materials and properties have already been predefined.

4.1. Modeling Geometry

In GTS NX, 2 types of coordinate system are used: Global coordinate system (GCS) and Work plane
coordinate system (WCS).
GCS is a fixed coordinate system indicated in red(X axis), green(Y axis), and blue (Z axis) colors at the right
bottom corner on the screen.
WCS is a coordinate system which locates at center of the working window and moves with the work plane.
So if the work plane changes, WCS will also change. 3D absolute coordinates are necessary to locate
geometry in the space, but practically relative coordinates are commonly used, for example to indicate
length. You can process modeling by inputting 2D coordinates (XY plane in WCS) after moving the work
plane to proper location.
Keep in mind that in case of inputting direction for extruding geometry or defining load/boundary
conditions, it always follows Global coordinate system.
Global coordinate
system(GCS) and
Workplane coordinate

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Rectangle

Create a rectangle for ground area.

[Normal] in the view toolbar.
Type -45, -30 as the start location and press the [Enter] key.
For the diagonally opposite corner type in 100, 61, then click on [OK].

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 7

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Tunnel

Create geometry shape of main tunnel. Through Point & Curve > Tunnel, you can easily create tunnel and
locate rockbolt.

Select tunnel type to '3 Center Circle', and section type to 'Full'.
Input 5.5, 90, 9, 25 at R1, A1, R2, A2.
Check [Include Rock Bolts] option. And enter '13','4' in number, length of rock bolts.
Input '1.5' at Arrangement > Tangential pitch.
Check [Make wire] option. Name geometry set name to [Main tunnel].
Click [OK].

Tunnel section(Main)
Generated tunnel
section shape

: Geometry > Transform > Translate

This process transforms the generated geometry shape of ground and tunnel. Move the generated tunnel
shape to the origin to align the bottom of shape in same plane. Move the rectangle which represents the
ground together with the tunnel.

Select all the geometry shapes of the ground and tunnel.

Set the direction by [2 Points Vector].
Select the center of the tunnel floor as the first coordinates.
Enter '0, 0, 0' at the second input window.
button to calculate the distance between the two coordinates.
Click [OK].

To prevent the numerical error when generating tunnel shape at the origin, create tunnel shape at the
random location and then transfer to the origin.
8 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Tunnel

Create Passageway geometry shape. Through Point & Curve > Tunnel, you can easily create tunnel and
locate rockbolt.

Double click Work Tree > Work Plane > 'YZ (1, 0, 0)'.
[Normal] in the view toolbar.
Select tunnel type to '3 Center Circle', and section type to 'Full'.
Input '4, 90, 9, 20 at R1, A1, R2, and A2.
Check [Include Rock Bolts] option. And enter '10','4' in number, length of rock bolts.
Input '1.5' at Arrangement > Tangential pitch.
Check [Make wire] option. Name geometry set name to [Passageway].
Click [OK].

Modeling tunnel

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 9

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Transform > Translate

Move the generated passageway tunnel shape to origin to put its floor in the same plane. With the checkbox
in the Work Tree > Geometry, you can show only the object shape.

Select all the passageway geometry shape.

Select the direction method to [2 Points Vector].
Select the center of the Passageway floor as the first coordinates.
Enter '0, 0, 0' at the second input window.
button to calculate the distance between the two coordinates.
Click [OK].

Transfer passageway
Transferred tunnel

: Geometry > Protrude > Extrude

This process extrudes generated faces and closed edges (wires) to makes solids.

Choose the Selection filter to 'Edge'.

Choose edges (4) consisting ground area.
Select direction to Y axis (Green).
Input '46' in the length and check [Make Solid] option.
Name the geometry set name to 'Ground'.
preview button and see the extruded shape in the work window.
Click [Apply].
In the same way, extrude the tunnel section to 45 m of Y axis and make 'Main tunnel' solid.
In the same way, extrude the tunnel section to 20 m of X axis and make 'Passageway' solid.

You can select the object shape at the generated geometry set in the Work Tree.

10 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Surface & Solid > Cylinder

Create cylinder to make vertical shaft. First of all, select all the geometries in the Work Tree. And then
select mouse right click > Context menu > Display Mode > Line only. (You can also change it from View
toolbar > Display Mode (Geometry).)

Input '5' in the [Radius], '40' in the [Height].

Name geometry set name to Vertical shaft.
Check to see if GCS is selected.
Select the A point in the image below to input in the [Origin Point].
Click [OK].

Modeling vertical shaft

: Geometry > Boolean > Solid

Process the Boolean operation between solids. Check only the checkbox of solid in Work Tree > Geometry

Select [Embed] tab.

Select Ground to target object, and select Main tunnel to tool object.
Check [Delete Tool] option.
Preview to see if the object is embedded properly.
Click [Apply].
In the same way, conduct [Embed] by choosing Ground to target object and Vertical shaft to tool

Embedded solid(Main
tunnel/Vertical shaft)

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 11

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Divide > Solid

Use divide function to divide passageway solid from ground solid.

Select ground solid as an object solid.

Choose [Dividing tools] to Tool surface. Set [Sub Selection Filter] to Basic and [Main Selection
Filter] to solid.
Select Passageway in the Work Tree as the tool surface.
Check [Divide Touching Faces] option.
Select object to Main tunnel and Vertical shaft from the Work Tree.
preview button and see if the shape divided properly.stage
Click [OK].
Change the name of generated solids by F2key. And then drag & drop the solids to assign each
solid into Main tunnel, Passageway, and Ground geometry set.

Divided solid (Main

al shaft)

To primarily filter certain type of object which will be selected, choose the object type from [Selection
[Selection Filter] consists of object types registered in the software depending on current working status
and command type. The user can select specific object types from this composition.

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Rectangle

Solids need to be divided first before defining construction stages. In the following steps we will create
geometries to divide the main tunnel according to construction stages.

Double click Work Tree > Work Plane > XZ (0, -1, 0).

[Normal] in the view toolbar.

Check [Make Face] option.

Select the geometry set to Main tunnel.

Make a rectangle which is little bit bigger than main tunnel section.

Click [OK].

12 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Transform > Translate

Copy the generated face along the excavation direction. Input excavation interval and repeat times to
Move/Copy the excavation surface.

Isometric1 in the View Toolbar.
Select the face which you generated in the former step.
Select the direction to Y axis.
Choose the method to Copy (Uniform), and input 3, 14 in Distance and Times.
Select geometry set to Main tunnel. Click [OK].

Generate surface and

move/copy the
surface(Main tunnel)

: Geometry > Divide > Solid

Divide the main tunnel by excavation face. To share nodes, select ground solid connected with main tunnel
solid as a touching face.

Select 'Main tunnel' solid.

Choose [Selection Filter] to Face (A).
Select tool faces (14) which you generated in the former step.
Check [Dividing Touching Faces] and Select adjacent Ground, Passageway solids.
Preview button to see if the shape divided properly.
Set geometry set to Main tunnel. Click [OK].

Divide solid(Main tunnel)

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 13

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Rectangle

Create a rectangle as a dividing tool for passageway

Double click Work Tree > Work Plane > YZ (1, 0, 0).
[Normal] in the view toolbar.
Check [Make Face] option.
Select the geometry set to Passageway.
Make a rectangle which is little bit bigger than passageway tunnel section.
Click [OK].

: Geometry > Transform > Translate

Move/Copy generated face at the former step along the passageway excavation direction.

Isometric1 in the View Toolbar.
Select the face which you generated in the former step.
Select the direction to X axis.
Choose the method to Copy (Non-Uniform), and input 9, 3 in Distance.
Select geometry set to Passageway. Click [OK].

Generate surface and

move/copy the

: Geometry > Divide > Solid

Divide the Passageway by excavation face. To share nodes, select ground solid connected with passageway
solid as a touching face.

14 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Select 'Passageway' solid.

Choose [Selection Filter] to Face (A).
Select tool faces (2) which you generated in the former step.
Check [Dividing Touching Faces]. And Select adjacent Ground solid.
Preview button to see if the shape divided properly.
Set geometry set to Passageway. Click [OK].

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Divide solid(Passageway)

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Rectangle

Create a rectangle as a dividing tool for vertical shaft.

Double click Work Tree > Work Plane > YX (0, 0, 1).
[Normal] in the view toolbar.
Check [Make Face] option.
Select the geometry set to Vertical shaft.
Make a rectangle which is little bit bigger than vertical shaft tunnel section.
Click [OK].
: Geometry > Transform > Translate

Move/Copy generated face at the former step to the vertical shaft excavation direction.

Isometric1 in the View Toolbar.
Select the face which you generated in the former step.
Select the direction to Z axis.
Choose the method to Copy (Non-Uniform), and input 6, 7, 6, 6, 5 in Distance.
Select geometry set to Vertical Shaft. Select [OK].

Generate surface and

move/copy the
surface(Vertical shaft)

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 15

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Divide > Solid

Divide the Vertical shaft by excavation faces. To share nodes, select ground solid connected with vertical
shaft solid as a touching face.

Select 'Vertical shaft' solid.

Choose [Selection Filter] to Face (A).
Select tool faces (5) which you generated in the former step.
Check [Dividing Touching Faces]. And select adjacent 'Ground' solid and 'Passageway' which is in
direct contact with vertical shaft.
Preview button to see if the shape divided properly.
Set geometry set to Vertical shaft. Click [OK].

Divide solid(Vertical

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Rectangle

Create a rectangle to create Strata.

16 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

[Normal] in the view toolbar.
Check [Make Face] option.
Choose geometry set to Ground.
Make a rectangle which is little bit bigger than ground area.
Click [OK].

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Transform > Translate

Move/Copy generated face at the former step to the Strata location.

Isometric1 in the View Toolbar.
Select the face which you generated in the former step.
Select the direction to Z axis.
Choose the method to Copy (Non-Uniform), and input 19, 11 in Distance.
Select geometry set to Ground. Click [OK].

Generate surface and

move/copy the

: Geometry > Divide > Solid

Divide the ground with strata surfaces.

Select Ground solid.

Choose [Selection Filter] to Face (A).
Select faces (2) generated in the former step as tool face.
Preview button to see if the shape divided properly.
Set geometry set to Ground. Select [OK].

Divide solid(Ground)

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 17

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Geometry > Point & Curve > Line

Create rockbolts of the vertical shaft. Draw a rockbolt line.

Double click Work Tree > Work Plane > XY (0, 0,1).
Input the start point '25, 0'. And select 'Vertical shaft' geometry set.
Select [Apply]. And put end location to '4, 0.
Click [OK].
: Geometry > Transform > Rotate

Create several rockbolts by rotating the line generated in the former step about Z axis.

rockbolt(Vertical shaft)

18 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Select the line generated in the former step.

Select the Rotation axis to Z axis.
Check [Location] option and input '20, 0, 0'.
Select the [Method] to Copy (Non-Uniform). And put '15, 5@30' in the [Angle].
Choose 'Vertical shaft' geometry set, and press [OK].
Press [Delete] key to delete the line generated in the former stage.

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

4.2 Generate Meshes

: Mesh > Control > Size Ctrl

The mesh sizes should be controlled to get meshes of higher quality and less number. In this process
smaller meshes are set for tunnel and larger meshes are set for outskirt of the model.

[Front] in the View toolbar.
Refer to the image below; select the edges by dragging A, B, C area.
Choose the methods to 'Interval Length' and input '8' in the mesh size.
[Preview] button to see if the size control is assigned properly.
Click [Apply].

Isometric1 in the View Toolbar.
[Polyline] in the Selection Toolbar.
Select edges (5) by drawing polyline D in the image below.
Choose the method to Linear Grading (Length), and input Start Length, End Length to 8, 2.
Preview button to see if the size assigned properly.
Select [Apply].
Select edges (5) by drawing polyline E in the image below.
Choose the method to Linear Grading (Length), and input Start Length, End Length to 2, 6.
Click [Apply].
Select edges (3) by drawing polyline F in the image below.
Choose the method to Linear Grading (Length), and input Start Length, End Length to 8, 4.
Check [Symmetric Seeding] option. Click [Apply].
Select edges (2) by drawing polyline G in the image below.
Choose the methods to 'Interval Length' and input '8' in the mesh size.
Click [OK].

Edge seed(A~C)

Edge seed(D~G)

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 19

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

As the mesh size gets smaller, the result comes out closer to the true answer. But small mesh size will
also lead to longer analysis time. So only generate small and dense meshes around the part (around
tunnel) where we want to see the results.

: Mesh > Generate > 3D

Create mesh sets.


[Rectangle] in the Selection Toolbar.
At the [Auto-Solid] tab, select Solids (15) by dragging through A area referring to the image
Set size to '2', and choose '1: Soft rock' property.
Select 'Hybrid Mesher'.
Name mesh set name to 'Main tunnel', and Press [Apply].
Select Solids (3) by dragging through B area referring to the image below.
Set size to '2', and choose '1: Soft rock' property.
Name mesh set name to Passageway, and Press [Apply].
Select Solids (6) by dragging through C area referring to the image below.
Set size to '2', and choose '1: Soft rock' property.
Name mesh set name to Vertical shaft, and Press [Apply].
Select ground solid (3).
Set size to '5', and choose '1: Soft rock' property.
Name mesh set name to Ground, and Press [OK].

[Front] in the view Toolbar.

Generate mesh
(Area A~C)


20 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Mesh > Element > Extract

Hide all the meshes and geometries except for solids of Main tunnel, Passageway, Vertical shaft
in the Work Tree.
[Front] in the view Toolbar.
In the Mesh > Element > Extract, select type to 'Face'.
Check [Skip Duplicated Faces] and [Register Based-on Owner Shape] option.
Select the property to '5:Main_connection S/C'.
Click [OK].

Extract sub element

: Mesh > Element > Delete

Select Delete Element function to delete unnecessary element.

Uncheck to hide Main tunnel, Passageway, Vertical solids in the Work Tree > Geometry.
[Right] in the View Toolbar.
Refer to image below, drag & select elements of area A, B, C, D.
Click [OK].

Delete mesh
Generated mesh(Plate)

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 21

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Mesh > Generate > 1D

Create a 1D rockbolt mesh for main tunnel.

Isometric1 in the View Toolbar.
Select rockbolt edges (13) of the tunnel registered in Work Tree > geometry > Main tunnel > Line.
Set [Size Method] to Size and input 2.
Check if [Attribute ID] set as 7.
Preview button to see the location of generated nodes.
Click [OK].
: Mesh > Transform > Trans.

Move/Copy the generated rockbolt meshes along the direction of excavation.

Generated mesh(Main
tunnel rockbolt)

22 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Select Auto-Mesh (1D) generated in the former step.

Select direction to y axis.
Choose method to Copy (Non-Uniform), and input distance to 1.5, 14@3.
button. Check [Merge Nodes] and [Register Each Mesh Independently].
Name mesh set name to Main tunnel R/B. Press [OK].
Delete Auto-Mesh (1D) which was used to move/copy rockbolt.

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Mesh > Generate > 1D

Create rockbolt meshes for passageway.

[Right] in the View Toolbar.
Activate rockbolt edges of the tunnel registered in Work Tree > geometry > Passageway > Line.
Delete unnecessary edges (5) referring to the image below.
Select rockbolt edges (5) of the tunnel registered in Work Tree > geometry > Passageway > Line.
Set [Size Method] to Size and input 2.
Check if [Attribute ID] set as 7.
[Preview] button to see the locations of generated nodes.
Click [OK].


: Mesh > Transform > Trans.

Move/Copy the generated rockbolt meshes along the direction of excavation.

Select Auto-Mesh (1D) generated in the former step.

Select direction to x axis.
Choose method to Copy (Non-Uniform), and input distance to 7, 2@3.5.
button. Check [Merge Nodes] and [Register Each Mesh Independently].
Name mesh set name to Passageway R/B. Press [OK].
Delete Auto-Mesh(1D) which was used to move/copy rockbolt.


Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 23

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Mesh > Generate > 1D

Create rockbolt mesh of Vertical shaft.

Select rockbolt edges (6) of the tunnel registered in Work Tree > geometry > Vertical shaft > Line.
Set [Size Method] to Size and input 2.
Check if [Attribute ID] set as 7.
[Preview] button to see the locations of generated nodes.
Click [OK].
: Mesh > Transform > Trans.

Move/Copy the generated rockbolt mesh in the direction of passageway excavation.

Generate mesh(Vertical

Select Auto-Mesh(1D) generated in the former step.

Select direction to z axis.
Choose method to Copy (Non-Uniform), and input distance to 3.5, 6, 6.5, 6, 5.5, 4.8.
button. Check [Merge Nodes] and [Register Each Mesh Independently].
Name mesh set name to Vertical shaft R/B. Press [OK].
Delete Auto-Mesh(1D)which was used to move/copy rockbolt by pressing [Delete] key.

: Mesh > Element > Delete

Delete unnecessary rockbolt meshes.

Delete element

24 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

[Front] in the View Toolbar.
See if the [Selection Filter] set as 1D.
Choose unnecessary rockbolt elements (10) at the inner of passageway.
Click [OK].

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Mesh > Mesh Set > Rename

Modify names for mesh sets.

GTS NX provides [Stage Definition Wizard] to easily define construction stages. But to use the Wizard, mesh
sets names must have regularity. This step we will change names for mesh sets. First, change names of
tunnel mesh sets.

Select the entire 'Main tunnel' in the Work Tree > Mesh.
Set Global Rectangular for coordinate in [Sorting Order]. And select 1st to 'Y'.
Set the [Order] to 'Ascending' and enter Name to 'Main tunnel#'. Input '1' in the [Starting suffix
Click [Apply].
Select the entire 'Passageway' in the Work Tree > Mesh.
Set Global Rectangular for coordinate in [Sorting Order]. And select 1st to 'X'.
Set the [Order] to 'Descending' and enter Name to 'Passageway#'. Input '1' in the [Starting suffix
Click [Apply].
Select the entire 'Vertical shaft' in the Work Tree > Mesh.
Set Global Rectangular for coordinate in [Sorting Order]. And select 1st to 'Z'.
Set the [Order] to 'Descending' and enter Name to 'Vertical shaft#'. Input '1' in the [Starting suffix
Click [Apply].

Align mesh set name

(3D Element)

In the same way rename Shotcrete and Rockbolt. Rename the ground mesh with [F2] key to 'Soft
rock', 'Weathered rock', 'Weathering soil'.

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 25

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Mesh > Element > Parameters

Change the mesh property.

We didn't consider property for the each mesh set when generating, use [Parameter] to assign proper

Choose 'Change property' in [3D] tab.

In Work Tree > Mesh, Select mouse right click > Sort > By Name.
In Work Tree > Mesh, Select Vertical shaft#-002, Vertical shaft#-003, Weathered
Select property to 2: Weathered rock. Click [Apply].
In Work Tree > Mesh, Select Vertical shaft#-001, Weathering soil.
Select property to 3:Weathering soil. Click [Apply].
Change to [2D] tab.
In Work Tree > Mesh, Select Vertical shaft S/C#-003, Vertical shaft S/C#-004, Vertical
shaft S/C #-005, Vertical shaft S/C #-006.
Select property to 6: Vertical shaft S/C. Click [Apply].
In Work Tree > Mesh, Select Vertical shaft S/C #-001, Vertical shaft S/C #-002.
Select property to 4: Conc Panel. Click [OK].

Through View Toolbar > Display mode(Mesh)(

check out assigned property.

26 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

) > Property color or Material color, you can easily

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Section 5

Analysis Setting

5.1 Setting Loading Conditions

: Static/Slope Analysis > Load > Self Weight

Gravity is calculated automatically by multiplying the inputted unit weight of the ground, the structure
geometry and the acceleration of gravity. It can be easily set by inputting a scale factor of direction. The
default value of the gravity direction is set.

Set the [Name] to Gravity-1 and enter 'Self weight' as the [Load set] name.
Put -1 in Gz this defines the gravity accelerations direction.
Click [OK].

5.2 Setting Boundary Conditions

: Static/Slope Analysis > Boundary > Constraint

This process sets boundary conditions against internal deformation or rotation based on GCS.
Automatically set displacement constraints at the left/right/bottom parts of the model according to GCS.

In the [Auto] tab, set name and boundary set name to Constraint-1, Constraint.

In 3D model analysis, displacement constraints are applied in x direction for left/right, y direction for
front/back, xyz direction for the bottom part. GTS NX automatically recognizes and sets the boundary
conditions for the model.

5.3 Define Construction Stages

: Static/Slope Analysis > Construction Stage > Stage Set

First create a construction stage set. There are Stress, Seepage, Stress-Seepage-Slope, Consolidation, and
Fully Coupled Stress Seepage for the stage type. For this model, set the stage type to 'Stress'.

Enter name to '3D Tunnel Connection'. Set stage type to 'Stress'.

Select [Add] to create construction stage. Click [Close].

Construction stage set

In GTS NX, it is possible to create several construction stage sets to perform different analysis.
Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 27

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

: Static/Slope Analysis > Construction Stage > Stage Wizard

It is easy to define Construction stages in GTS NX if the add/delete elements are repeated in a regular way.
To define construction stages using Stage definition wizard, regular numbering (postfix) for each mesh set
has to be assigned in advance. Refer to section 4 to learn how to rename mesh sets using regular numbers.

Table. Stage definition


Set assignment rules

28 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Check if [Construction Stage Set] is set to 3D Tunnel Connection.

In [Set Assignment Rules], choose the first set type to Mesh set.
Click [Set Name Prefix] and select 'Vertical shaft#-'.
Select 'R' in [A/R], which signifies reduce
Input '1','1' in [Start Stage] and [Stage Inc].
In [Set Assignment Rules], choose the second set type to Mesh set.
Click [Set Name Prefix] and select 'Vertical shaft S/C#-'.
Select 'A' in [A/R], which signifies add
Input '2','1' in [Start Stage] and [Stage Inc].
In [Set Assignment Rules], choose the third set type to Mesh set.
Click [Set Name Prefix] and select 'Vertical shaft R/B#-'.
Select 'A' in [A/R].
Input '2','1' in [Start Stage] and [Stage Inc].
Assign the rest as following table.
Click [Apply Assignment Rules].

Set Name
Vertical shaft#Vertical shaft S/C#Vertical shaft R/B#Passageway#Passageway S/C#Passageway R/B#Main tunnel#Main tunnel S/C#Main tunnel R/B#-


End Postfix

Start Stage

Stage Inc.

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Apply Assignment

Select Main tunnel#-, Passageway#-, Vertical shaft#-, Soft rock, weathered rock, weathering soil.
Drag selected item to [I.S.] of [Element, Boundary, and Load Activation Status].
Drag boundary condition, load to [I.S.] as following image.

Define construction
stage(Initial step)

: Static/Slope Analysis > Construction Stage > Stage Set

Stages which are generated by the Stage definition wizard need to be verified to ensure the good
assignment of all the conditions.
In the [Define Construction Stage] menu, you can get more detailed options (LDF etc.) than thus available in
the [Stage Definition Wizard]. However in case of complicated model, it is more convenient to use the
[Stage Definition Wizard] to generate the framework of entire construction stages first. And then use
[Define construction stage] menu to change additional options for specific construction stages.

Select '1:I.S.' at [Stage ID].

Check [Clear Displacement] option.
Click [Save], and click [Close].

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 29

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

5.4 Setting Analysis Case

: Analysis > Analysis Case > General

This process sets analysis method and model data for the analysis. The analysis and output types could be
controlled using advanced options. For construction stage analysis, because the data for the analysis has
been formerly set, the [Analysis Case Model] is deactivated.

Set name to '3D Tunnel Connection'.

Select [Solution Type] to 'Construction Stage', and [Construction Stage Set] to '3D Tunnel
Analysis Control > General tab, Check [Initial Stage for Stress Analysis] and select '1:I.S.

Analysis control

5.5 Perform Analysis

: Analysis > Analysis > Perform

Perform analysis. After the analysis is done, the software automatically switches to [Post-Mode](checking
results). To modify model and option after the analysis, you should switch back to the [Pre-Mode].

Selected the analysis cases that you want to perform and click [OK].

During the analysis, you can check the calculation process in real-time. Messages such as
whether the results converge or not, warnings and errors can be checked through [Output
The model is automatically saved before being analyzed. The information about analysis is saved
in *.OUT file in the same place where the model file is saved.
When analyzing a model, the results can be controlled by Analysis > Analysis Case > General >
Output Control option. And if you set the output option as [Binary and Text], the results of nodes
and elements after the analysis are also plotted in *.OUT file.

30 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Section 6

You can verify displacement, stress, member force etc. in the Result Tree after the analysis. All the results
can be plotted as contour, table, and graph. In this tutorial, the main result items which need to be checked
are listed below.

Tunnel displacement Crown displacement, Tunnel convergence

Verify ground maximum principal stress.(Contour, Vector)
Verify shotcrete stress and rockbolt axial force
Check with Cutting Plane

6.1 Verify Displacement

Verify by 'Displacement' of the work tree. TX, TY, TZ signify displacements in directions of X, Y, Z. Since
gravity direction of this model is Z d, tunnel crown displacement is shown in TZ TRANSLATION, and tunnel
internal displacement can be verified in TX TRANSLATION, TY TRANSLATION.
'(V)' refers to the result item which can represent both in contour and vector formats at the same time. In
GTS NX, it is possible to show contour/vector simultaneously for displacement and stress results.

Select the last stage (S27) to check the result in the Work Tree > Results > 3D Tunnel Connection
Analysis, select Displacement > TZ TRANSLATION (V).


Click Result > Advance > Probe to see the value of selected node. Also by this function you can
find the locations of maximum, minimum results.

[Front] in View Toolbar. And verify the results in the front view.

Crown displacement
Crown displacement
(Front view)


Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 31

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Simulation bar at the bottom of the work window helps you to view the evolution of results in each
construction stage.

Select the stage (S27) in the Work Tree > Results > 3D Tunnel Connection Analysis, and select
Displacement > TX TRANSLATION (V), TX TRANSLATION to see the displacement results in X, Y

X direction
Y direction

32 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

6.2 Verify Stress

The Segment stress can be verified by 'Solid Stresses' in the Results Tree. S-XX, S-YY, S-ZZ represent the
stresses in each direction. You can see the maximum principal stresses in 'S-PRINCIPAL A (V)', and
minimum principal stress in 'S-PRINCIPAL C (V)'.

Select the stage(S27) in the Work Tree > Results > 3D Tunnel Connection Analysis, and select the
Solid Stresses > S-PRINCIPAL A(V), S-PRINCIPAL C(V) to verify the maximum principal stresses
and minimum principal stresses.

Deselect Result > General > Contour, select vector. In the property window at the left bottom of
the work window, check [Only Free Face] option of vector. Select [Apply].

Maximum principal
Minimum principal

Property window(Vector)
Minimum principal

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 33

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

6.3 Verify Shotcrete Stress and Rockbolt Axis Force

Verify stresses of Shotcrete and axis force of Rockbolt. Since shotcrete is shell element, results about X, Y,
Z axis of element axis are plotted. Shell is a plate element which has a thickness, so results plotted in TOP,
MID, and BOTTOM part of the plate.

Select a stage (S27) to check the result in the Work Tree > Results > 3D Tunnel Connection
Analysis, select Shell Element Stresses > S-XX TOP.

Select 'Exclude' in Result > General > No Results.

Select a stage (S27) to check the result in the Work Tree > Results > 3D Tunnel Connection
Analysis, select Truss Element Forces > AXIAL FORCE.

Select 'Feature Edge' in Result > General > No Results.

X direction stress of
Exclude no result

Rockbolt axial force

Show feature edge

34 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

6.4 Verify Cutting Plane

In case of 3D model, you can slice the model with specific plane and check the results at the cutting plane.
In GTS NX, by slicing the model with cutting planes you can easily check the results of the specific points
located at inner part of the model.

Change back to default setting by Result > Etc. > Initialize.

Select a stage (S27) to check the result in the Work Tree > Results > 3D Tunnel Connection
Analysis, select Displacement > TOTAL TRANSLATION(V).

[Clipping Plane] in Advanced View Toolbar. In [Define Plane] window, select plane
direction to 'X' and direction to '0m'. Click [Add] button to create 'plane1'.

Set Plane direction to Y, select [Reverse]. Click [Add] to create plane2.

Choose [Plane Composite] to Union.

Clip & Slice Plane

Define Plane

Sliced by plane1
Sliced by plane1&2

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection | 35

Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Basic Tutorials

Probe at slice plane

36 | Chapter 3. 3D Tunnel Connection

Select [3D->2D] in Result > Advanced > Others. [3D->2D] wizard is for verifying results by tagging
the result when 3D model is sliced by specific plane. Check [Show Points] to see the points in the
slice plane.

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