Robot Soccer A Review
Robot Soccer A Review
Robot Soccer A Review
ISSN 2229-5518
The development of robots not only provide a great deal
of business opportunities of technology industry, but also
have great impact on areas such as national defense,
security, domestic life, medical treatment, rescue works,
exploitation in deep ocean, etc. According to different
applications, robots can have different contribution in
different areas. One of the challenging issues in robotic
research is the cooperation, coordination, and negotiation
among distributed agents in a multi-agent system.
To speed up the development on this challenging
issue, a group of Korean researchers initiate a robotics
soccer game called Fira in 1995. Later the league becomes a
well-known world competition, called Federation of
International Robot Association (Fira). A soccer robot is a
specialized autonomous robot and mobile robot that is used
to play variants of soccer.
A robot soccer system is multi-agent intelligent control
system composed of two or more robots, vision system,
communication equipment and a computer. Each robot in
this system has its own movement mechanism and
therefore it can move independently as well as cooperate
with other robots. In order to allow researchers to consider
many different possibilities, several various leagues are
formed by FIRA Soccer Simulation League
Small Size League
Standard Platform League
Middle Size League
Humanoid League.
Besides the above mentioned leagues some more leagues
have been introduced during recent years which focus on
different applications than soccer playing, i.e. rescue
scenarios, educational robots, and human-robot interaction.
In general, the architecture of robot soccer has
following different sections Vision System
Strategy System
Communication System
On board Control System
Robot System
Following figure shows the general configuration as
mentioned above-
IJSER 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014
ISSN 2229-5518
IJSER 2014
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, Volume 5, Issue 12, December-2014
ISSN 2229-5518
tagging it. & then depending upon the role of each robot
the task is accomplished.
3. Conclusion & Future Work
In this paper, different techniques as well as
various algorithms are described which are successfully
used in robotic soccer. Todays era is Smartphones era. Use
of android platform makes communication faster &
efficient. The use of android can be further extended for
robotic soccer. Android based object detection algorithm
could be used as one of the strategy in real robot soccer
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