Unit 3
Unit 3
Unit 3
3.1 Introduction
32 Length of a Plane Curve
3.2.1 Cartesian Form
3.2.2 Parametric Form
3.2.3 Polar Form
3.3 Volume of a Solid of Revolution
3.4 Area of Surface ef Revolution
3.5 Summary
3.6 Solutions and Answers
In the last unit we have seen how definite integrals can be used to calculate areas. In fact, this
application of definite integrals is not surprising. Because, as we have seen earlier, the problem
of finding areas was the motivation behind the definition of integrals. In this unit we shall see
that the length of an arc of a curve, the volume of a cone and other solids of revolution, the
area of a sphere and other surfaces of revolution, can all be expressed as definite integrals.
This unit also brings us to the end of this course on calculus.
After reading this unit you should be able to :
find the length of an arc of a given curve whose equation is expressed in either the
Cartesian or parametric or polar forms,
find the volumes of some solids of revolution,
find the areas of some surfaces of revolution.
The ordinates x = a and x = b determine the extent of the arc AB of the curve y = f(x)
Fig. 1 (a)]. Let Mi = 1,2, .........., n - 1, be the points in which the lines x = xi meet the curve.
Join the successive points A, M,, M,, M3, ........,M,,, B by straight line segments. Here we
have approximated the given curve by a series of line segments.
Appllcrtlons o f Calculus
If we can fmd the length of each line segment, the total length of this series will give us an
approximation to the length of the curve. But how do we fmd the length of any of these
line segments?Take M2,M,, for example. Fig. I(b) shows an enlargement of the encircled
portion in Fig. I(a). Looking at it we fmd that
Sngives an approximation to thelength of the arc AB. When the number of division points is
increased indefinitely, and the length of each segment tends to zero, we obtain the length of
the arc AB as
- , 2 J--~~~
This is nothing but the definite integral
Therefore, Further Appllcationr of
Integral Calculus
where the limits of integration are with respect to y. Note that the length of an arc of a
curve is invariant since it does not depend on the choice of coordinates, that is, on the
frame of reference. Our assumption that f is continuous on [a, b] ensures that the integrals
in (2) and (3) exist, and their value L: is the length of the curve y = f(x) between the
ordinates x = a and x = b.
The following example illustratesthe use of the formulas given by (2) and (3).
Example 1 :Suppose we want to find the length of the arc of the curve y = k x intercepted by
the ordinates x = 1 and x = 2.
We have drawn the curve y = lnx in Fig. 2.
Flg. 2
Using (2), the required length L,2 is given by
dx t
If we put 1 + x2= t2, we get -= - ,and therefore,
dt x
Applications of Calculus
We can also use (3) to solve this example. For this we write the equation y = lnx as x = ey.
The limits x = 1 and x = 2, h n correspond to the limits y = 0 and y = 1112respectively.
Hence, using (3), we obtain
as we have seen earlier. This verifies our observation in Remark 1 that both (2) and (3) give
us the same value of arc length.
Now, here are some exercises for you to solve.
E E I) Find the length of the line x = 3y between the points (3,l) and (6,2). Verify your answer
by using the distance formula.
E E2) Find the length of the curve y = In sec x between x = 0 and x = d2. Farther A p p ! i e a W of
Integral Caleu!us
E E3) Find the length of the arc of the catenary y = C cosh (x/c) measured fkom the vertex
(0, c) to any point (x, y) on the catenary.
E E4) Find the length of the semi-cubical parabola ay2= x3 fkom the vertex to the point
- - .
Applications o f c a l c u ~ u s E ES) Show that the length of the arc of the parabola y2 = 4ax cut off by the line 3y = 8x is-
a(ln2 + 15116).
In the next sub-section we shall consider curves whose equations are expressed in the
panmetric f o m
dx d~
- = I$' (t), and - = y' (t).
dt dt
dy W"t)
Hence, =0 , ,and
- [$' (t)12 + [w' (t)12 (we assume that $' (t) # 0).
4' (t)
Now, using (3) we obtain the length
The following example ihows that sometunes ~tis more convenient to express the equation of Further Applications of
Integral Calculus
a given c w e in the parametric form in order to find its length.
Example 2: Let us find the whole length of the c w e
By substitution, you can easily check that x =a cos3t,y = b sin3t is the parametric form of the
given c w e . The m e lies between the lines x = f a and y = f b since -1 5 cos t 5 1, and
-1 5 sin t S 1. The curve is symmetrical about both the axes since its equation remains
unchanged if we change the signs of x and y. The value t = 0 corresponds to the point (a, 0)
and t = d 2 corresponds to the point (0, b). By applying the m e tracing methods discussed
in Unit 9 we can draw this c w e (see Fig. 3).
Fig. 3
Since the c w e is symmetricalabout both axes, the total length of the c w e is four times its
length in the first quadrant.
L = 4 7 0
3 sin t cos t Ja2 cos2t + b2 sin2t dt
- 12'7 0
sin t cos t Ja2 cos2 t + b2 sin2t dt
2u = (2b2- 2a2)sin t cos t -
and the limits t = 0, t = d 2 correspond to u = a, u = b, respectively.
Appllcatlons af.Caleulus Thus, we have
= --=
b3 - a3 4(a2 + b2 + ab)
b2-a2 3 a+b
Hence, the length of the arc of the curve r = q0) from 0 = a to 0 = $ is given by
= hf'(0) cos 0 - f (0) sin 01' + If' (8) sin 8 + f(0) ms 81' dB
We shall apply this formula to find the length of the curve in the following example.
Example 3: To find the perimeter of the cardioid r = a (1 + cos 0) we note that the curve is
symmetrical about the initial line (Fig. 5). Therefore its perimeter is double the length of the arc
of the curve lying above the x-axis.
Now, -
= - a sin 0. Hence, we have
Appllcatlanr af Calculus
We know
In this section we have derived and applied the formulas for finding the length of a curve when
its eqwtion is given in either of the three forms: Cartesian, parametric or polar. Let us
rmnrmarise our discussion in the following table.
Table 1: Length of an arc of a curve
Using this table you will be able to solve these exercises now.
E E 8) Find the length of the curve r = a cod (013).
E E9) Find the length of the circle of radius 2 which is given by the equations
Further Appllc8tions of
Integral Calculus
E E 10) Show that the arc of the upper half of the curve r = a (1 - cos 8) is bisected by
8 =2 d 3 .
Fig. 7
The solid in Fig. 7(a) is obtained by revolving the region ABCO around the y-axis. The solid
of revolution in Fig. 7(b) differs from the others in that its axis of rotation does not form a part
of the boundary of the plane region PQRS which is rotated.
We see many examples of solids of revolution in every day 1ife.The various kinds of pots made
by a potter using his wheel are solids of revolution. See Fig. 8(a). Some objects manufactured
. with the help of lathe machine are also solids of revolution. See Fig. 8 (b).
Now, let us try to find the volume of a solid of revolution. The method which we are going to Furtbw Appllcatloa~of
Integral Calculus
use is d t e d the method of slicing. The reason for this will be clear in a few moments.
LetTn= {a=x,,<x, <x,< ......<x,,+x,,= b) bea~tionoftheinte~al[a,b]intonsub-
Fig. 9
Let A xi denote thc length of the ith sub-interval [xi_,, 31.Further, let P and Q be the points on
the c w e , y = f(x) corresponding to the ordinates x = $,
and x = xi, respectively. Then, as the
IrPM2. MN is the volume of
c)we revolves about the x-axis, the sbaded strip PQNM (Fig. 9(a)) generates a disc of the disc with radius PM and
thickness A xi.In general, the ordinates PM and QN nay not be of equal length. Hence, the thickness MN.
disc is ac ally the frustum of a cone with its volume A vi, lying between II PM2MN and rrQNIMNis the volume of
n Q N 2 dm* is,between the disc with radius QN and
thickness MN.
Iff is continuous og [a, b],
If we assume that f is a continuous function on [a, b], we can apply the intermediate value fla)=candflb)=d,andz
theoran (Theorem 7, ~ l & k1, Plso see margin remark), and exprtss thisvolume as l i e between c and d, then
3x, €14b[ S.t. Rx,,) = Z.
A vi =~ ~ { f ( tA, )xi,
)~ where ti is a suitable point in the interval [xc,, xi]. Now summingup over
all the discs, we obtain
0 . n
. = A vi = [f(ti11' A xi, %,Sti dXi a~ mapproximation
i -1 I
to the volume of the solid of revolution. As we have observed earlier while defming a d e f ~ t e
integral, the approximation ge$s bet* as the partition P, gets finer and finer and Axi tends to
zero. Thus. we get the volume of the solid of revolution as
lirn Vn = lirn n [f(ti )I' A xi
v = , 0-m
We shall use this formula to fmd the volume of the solia described in the following example.
Example 4: Let us fmd the volume of the solid of revolution formed when the arc of the
parabola y2 = 4ax between the ordinates x = 0, and x = a is revolved about its axis. The solid of
revolution is the parabolic cap in Fig. 10.
The volume V of the cap is given by
Applicatloos of Calculus
Our next example illustratesa slight modification of Fonnula (6) to find the volume of a solid
obtained by revolving a plane region about the y-axis.
x2 y2
Example 5: Suppose the ellipse 2 + 3
= I. (a >b) is revolved about the minor axis. AB
RI. 11
To fiad the v o h of this solid we intacbangc x a d y in (6) and get
We can also modify Formula (6) to apply to curves whose equations are given in the Further Applications of
parametric or polar forms. Let us tackle these one by one. Integral Calculus
If a c w e is given by x = Nt), y = ~ ( t ) a
, S t 5 @, then the volume of the solid of revolution
about the x-axis can be found by substituting x and y in Formula (6) by Nt) and ~ ( t ) ,
respectively. Thus,
We'll now derive the formula for curves given by polar equations.
Suppose a curve is given by r = f(8), 8 , I 8S 8,. The volume of the solid generated by
rotating the area bounded by x = a, x =b, the x-axis and r = Q0) about the x-axis is
Let's use this formula to find the volume of the solid generated by a cardioid about its initial
Example 6: The cardioid shown in Fig. 12is given by r = a (1 + cos 0).
Fig. I 2
- na3 (I + con 0)' sin30 (I + 2 sos 0) dB, since r = a (I + COS 0)
Appliertions of Calculus
64 xa3
= ---- -
on applying a reduction formula from Unit 12.
15 5
In all the examples that we Save seen till now, the axis of rotation formed a boundary of the
region which was rotated. Now we take an example in which the axis touches the region at
only one point.
Example 7: Let us find the volume of the solid generated by revolving the region bounded by
the parabolas y = x2 and y2 = 8x about the x-axis. We have shown the area rotated and the solid
in Fig. 13 (a) and.(b), respectively.
Fig. 13
Here, the required volume will be the differencebetween the volume of the solid generated by
the parabola y2 = 8x and that of the solid generated by the parabola y = x2.
5, -: .
b; Further Applicatiolls o f
i ,' a
154 Integral Calculus
r j,i
i t:t
8 ,.
> ~ ? .
k.f f
ti >i :
'. X'S
NI,~ E E 13) Show that the volume of the solid generated by revolving the curve
il x* + yU3= a2I3about the x-axis is 32m3/105.
. 4:;I
i ,,I
t ,1
b' ?
i i')
:i i j
! 21
r ii!
l i"
i .'i
: $1
[ iii
* i:i
;ii; E E 14) The arc of the cycloid x = a (t - sin t), y = a (1 - cos t) in [O,~R]is rotated about the
? .I1
y-axis. Find the volume generated.
i i:j (Caution:The rotation is about the y-axis.)
! $1
rI $81
6 $1
Applicrtlons of C ~ l c u l u s E E 15) Find the volume of the solid obtained by revolving the limacon r = a + b cos 8 about
the initial line.
Cartesian Form
Suppose that the c w e y f(x) [Fig. 141 is rotated about the x-axis. To find the area of the
area of the generated surfilce, we consider a partition P, of the interval [a, b], namely,
This Snis an approximation to the area of the surface of revolution. The area of the surface of
revolution generated by the curve y = fix), is the limit of Sn(if it exist), as n +wand each
Ax; +0.
To find the area A of the curved surface of a typical frustum, we use the formula
A = IC (r, + r,) I. where I is the slant height of the frustumand r, and r. are the radii of its
bases (F;~.1;).
In the frustum under consideration the radii of the bases are the ordinates fixo) and fixi),
while the slant height Ma Miis give* by ,/(Axi12 +'(A Y , ) ~,where Ayi = fixi)- fixk,).
We assume that f is derivable on [a, b] and f is continuous. Then by the mean value theorem
k we obtain A yi f (ti) xi, for some ti E [xi_,,xi].
(Theorem 3, ~ 1 & 2),
Fig. 15
where (fixi_,)+ fix,))/2is the mean radius of revolution
I = 2n Yi
Jw A x,
Exunple 8: Let us find the area of the surface of revolution obtained by revolving the
parabola $ = 4ax h m x =a to x = 3%about the x-axis.
Instead of revolving the given curve abour the x-axis, if we revolve it about the y-axis, we get
another surface of revolution. The area of the surface of revolution gmmted by the curve
x = g(y), c 5 y 5 d, as it revolves about the y-axis is given by,
Parametric Form
PI. Then
Suppose a curve is given by the parametric equations x = Mt), y = yr (t), t E [a,
we know that
Substitutingthis in formula (lo), we get the area of the surface of~evolutiongenerated by the Further Applicatio~~sof
Integral Calc-ulus
curve as it revolves about the x-axis, to be
Now we shall state the formula for the surface generated by a curve represented by a polar
PoIar Form
If I = h(8) is the polar equation of the curve, then the area of the surface of revolution
generated by the arc of the curve for 8, 5 0 4 B2,as it revolves about the initial line, is
Study the following examples carefully before trying the exercises given at the end of this
Example 9: Suppose the astroid x = a sin3t, y = a co$t, is revolved about the x-axis. Let us
find the area of the surface of revolution. You will agree that we need to consider only the
portion of the curve above the x-axis.
For this portion y > 0, and thus t varies from - d 2 to.d2.
dx dy
= 3a sin2tcos t, - = - 3a cos2t sin t
We therefore get,
s = 2 1 J'acos3t J9a- T
sm T -7
tcos t d t-
= 271 I
a cos3 t / 3a sin t cos t 1 dt
Example 10: Suppose we want to find the area of the surface generated by revolving the
cardioid r = a (1 + cos 8) about its initial line.
Notice that the cardioid is symmetrical about the initial line, and extends above this line
from 8 = 0 to 8 = n.The surface generatedby revolving the whole w e about the initial
line is the same as that generated by the upper half of the curve. Hence,
Applications ~ ( C a l c u l u i
Simer=a(l +cosO),and - =-asin€), wehave
f + ($J2 =a2(l + c o s 0 ~ ~ + a ~ s i n ~ 0 = 4 a ~ ~ ~ -
E- E 17) Find the area of the surface generated by revolving the circle r = a aboutthe x-axis, and
thus verify that the surface area of a sphere of radius a is 4 d .
E E 18) The arc of the curve y = sin x, h m x =0 to x =n is revolved about the xlaxis. Find the
area of the surface of the solid of revolution generated.
E E 19) The ellipse x21a2+ y'/b2= 1 revolves about the x-axis. Find the area of the surface of the Furtber Applientions of
Integral Cnleulus
solid of revolution thus obtained.
E E20) Prove that the surface of the solid generated by the rwolution about the x-axis of the
~ q o f t h e c u r v e x = ~y, = (t -g) is3n.
E E2-1)Find the surface area of the solid generated by revolving the cycloid x = a(8 - sin 8),
w=w Volume
Y = f(x) n y2 dx
about x -axis a
x = g(y) n J x2 dx
about y - axis C
x = +(t), Y = ~ ( t )
about x - axis
n 1
[ul(t)12 +* (t) dl
r = h(0)
about the initial line
n 1
[h(B) sin 01' [hl(B) cos 6 - h(6) sin 01 dB
Area ofthe surface of revolution Further Applicatloar ef
Integral Calculur
E<pm- Arpa
Y = f(x)
abut x -axis I
x = g(y)
about y - axis c
= Mt). y = W(t)
about x -axis
2% J W (0 ,/[v (t)lZ+ [w' (t)lZ dl
r = h(0)
about the initial line .
By distanceformula,
sec 0 + tan 0
Appllcatloas of Calculus
9a 3a
H- (0,O) and (16 T ) are the points of intersection
Further Appllcrtlons of
Integral Calculus
= 2a2(1 - cos 0)
= 4a2s& (812)
- 8a 'I sin + d + = 8 a
.: L =2
2i 0
dt = 4x
Ell) r=a(@- l), -
d0 -2a8
Note &t the total volume generated is equal to twice the volume generated by the arc
of the curve between x = 0 and x = a.
(The other two integrals are equal to zero since cos (x - 8) = - cos 0.)
- I
2na2 f, sine de
:. S E 2x 1 *.
smx J l+cos x d x
El) S = 271 I
a (I - cos 0) ,/a2 (I - EOS + a2 sin2 0 dB
Integral Calculus
= 4na2 7
(I - cos 0) sin -dB