Unit 3

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General Second Degree Equation
Central and Non-central Conics
Tracing a Conic
3.4.1 Central Conics
3.4.2 Parabola
Intersection of Conics

So far you have studied the standard equations of a parabola, an ellipse and a hyperbola.
We defined these curves and other conics by the focus-directrix property of a conic. This -'

defining property was discovered by Pappus (approx. 320 AD) long after the definition of
conic sections by the ancient Greeks. In his book "Conics", the ancient Greek
mathematician Apollonius defined these curves to be the intersection of a plane and a
cone. You will study cones later, in unit 6, but let us show you how conics are planar
sections of a cone, with the help of diagrams (see Fig.1)

Fig. 1: A planar section o f a cone can b e (a) an ellipse, (b) a parabola, (c) a hyperbola
(d) a p a i r o f lines, (e) a point.

In this unit we will prove a result that may surprise you. According to this result, the
general second degree equation ax2 + hxy + by2 + gx + fy + c = 0 always represents a
conic section. You will see how to identify it with the various conics, depending on the
conditions satisfied by the coefficients.

In Unit 2 you saw one way of classifying conics. There is another way of doing so;
which you wilI study in Sec. 3.3. We shall discuss the geometric properties of the
different types of conics, and see how to trace them. After that, we shall discuss the
tangents of a conic. And finally we shall see what curves can be obtained when two
conics intersect.

With this unit we end our discussion on conics. But in the next two blocks you will be
coming across them again. So, the rest of the course will be easier for you to grasp if
.you' ensure that you have achieved the unit objectives given below.

After studying this unit you should be able to
identify the conic represented by a quadratic expression;
.- c-a *I.- ---&..- /:r :4 -.,:"*"\ ..-A --.-- r., - -,.-:-.
Conics trace any given conic;
find the tangent and normal to a given conic at a given point;
obtain the equations of conics which pass through the points o f intersection of
two given conics.


In U~lit2 you must have noticed that the standard equation of each conic is a second
degree equation of the fornl

ax' + hxy + by2 + gx + fy + c = o

for some a, b, c,.f, g, h E R and where at least one of a,h,b is non-zero.

We write the coefficient; of In this section we will show you that the converse is also true. That is, we will prove
xy, x and y as 2h. 26. and 2f to that the general second degree equation
have simpler expressions later
on. as you will see.

where at least one of a,h,b is non-zero, can be transformed into a standard equation of a
conic. We achieve this by translating and rotating the coordinate axes. Let us see how.

We first get rid of the term containing xy by rotating the XY-system through a "suitable"
angle 0 about origin. You will see how we choose8 a little further on. Now, by (16) and
(17) of Unit 1. we see that (1) becomes

a(x' cos 0 - y' sin O)z + 2h(x'cos 0 - y'sin 0) ( x ' s ~ n0 + y'cos 0) +

b(x'sin 0 + y'cos 0)2 + ~ ~ ( X ' C0O-Sy'sin 0) + 2f(x'sin 0 + y'cos 0) + c = 0
3 (a cos2 0 + 2h cos 0 sin 0 2 b sinZ 0) x r Z- 2 ((a - b) sin 0 cos 0) -
h(cosz 0 - sin2 0)) x'y' + (a sin2 0 - 2h sin 0 cos 0 + b cosZ 0 ) ~ +' ~
(2g cos 0 + 2f sin 0) x'4 (2f cos 0- 2gsin 0) y' + c = 0.

The x'y' term will disappear if (a - b) sin 0 cos 0 = h(cosz 0 - sin2 0), that is,
-(a - b) sin 20= h cos 20.
So, to get rid of the x'y' term, if a = b we can choose 0 = - ; otherwise we,
sin 28 = 2 sin 8 cos 8
cos 28 = cos28 - sin28
call choose 0 = - tan-' -
2 (a!b) '

( We can always choose such a 0 lying between --


and ): .

For this choice of 0 the x'y' term becomes zero.

So, if we rotate the axes through an angle 0 =

- tan-i
(&), then ( I ) tra~isformsinto
the second degree equation

AX'^ + + 2Gx' + 2Fy' + C = 0, ...(2)

where A = a cosZ 0 + 2h cos 0 sin 0 + b sinZ 0 and

B = a sinZ 0 - 2h sin 8 cos .0 + b cos' 0.

Thus, A + B = a + b.

Also, with a bit of computation, you can check that ab - hZ = AB. Now various
situations can arise.

Case 1 (ab - h2 = 0): 111this case we see that either A = 0 or B = 0. So, let us assume
that A = 0. Then we claim that B must be non-zero.. Do you agree? What would happen General Theory of Conics.
if A = 0 and B = O? In this case we would get a = 0, b = 0 and h = 0, which contradicts
our assumption that ( I ) is a quadratic equation.

,So, let A = 0 and B # O . Then (2) can be written as


Now, if G 0, then the above equation is

I =

I F ' F'-BC
( Y P + ~ ) =T , that is,


This represents a pair of parallel lines if F' 2 BC, and the empty set if F' < BC. On the
other hand, if G # 0, then we write (3) as

2C 2BG

F~ C -F
Now if we shift the origin to 2BG - ZG7T) . then the equation becomes

where X, Y are the current coordinates. From Sec. 2.3. You know that this represents.a
parabola with (-%. 0) and directrix X = -.
Now let us look at the other case.
Case 2 (ab - h' * 0) : Now both A and B are non-zero. We can write (2) zis

, which is a constant K, say.

Let us shift the origin to -i\Y-B

F, . Then this equation becomes

where X and Y are the current coordinates.

Now, what happens if K = O ? Well, if both A and B have the same sign, that is,
If AB = ab - hZ > 0, then (4) represents the point (0, 0).

And. if ab - hZ < 0, then (4) represents the pair of lines,


And,'what happens if K # O'? Then we'can write (4)

Does this equatich look familiar'? From Sec. 2. 4. You can see that this represents an
ellipse if both - and - are. positive, that is, if K > '0 and AB = ab - hZ > 0.
But, what if WA < 0 and KIB < O ? In this case K < 0 and ab - hZ > 0. And then
(5) represents the empty set.
And, if -- and - are of opposite signs, that is. if AB = ab - h2 < 0, then what will
(5) represent? A hyperbola

So we have covered all the possibilities for ab - h2, and hence for ( 1 ) . Thus, we have
proved the following result.

Theoren1 1: The general second degree equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 7 2gx 4 2fy + c = 0
represents a conic.

While proving this theorem you nlust have noticed the inlportailce we gavc
expression ab - h2 . Let us tabulate the various types of non-degenerate ailif di :nerate
conics that ax2 + 211xy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents, according to the u a y
ab - h2 behaves. (Recall from Unit 2 that a degenerate conic is a conic whose focus lies
on the corresponding directix.)

Table 1 : Classification of Conics.

Condition Types of Con~cs !

Non-degenerate ~egenerate

ab - hZ = 0 parabola pair of parallel

lines, or empty set

ab - h2 > 0 ellipse point, or einptv set

ab - hZ < 0 - hyperbola pair of intersecting lines

Table 1 tells us about all the possible conics that exist. This is what the following
exercise is about.

El) a) Write down all the possible types of conics there are. Which of them are

b) If ( 1 ) represents a circle, will ab - h2 = O'?

Now let use the procedure in the proof above in some examples.

Example 1: Find the conic represented by

9x2 - 24 xy + 16y2- 1 2 4 +
~ 132y + 324 = 0.

Solution: The given equation is of the form ( l ) , where a = 9, b = 16, h =- 12.

Now let us rotate the axes through an angle 8, where

2h 24 - 2tan9 24
tan 28 = -= - , that is, -- -- , that is,
a-b 7 1 - tan% 7

3 3
So we can take tane' = - , and then sin0
= -
and cos0 = 74 .
?'hen, in the new coordillate system the given equation becomes

Now let us ihift the origin to o()~!- . Then the equation becomes
. .

I where X and Y are the current coordinates. c e n e r h ~Theory of Conics

Can you recognise the conic represented by this equation? From Unit 2 you know that
this is a parabola. Since the tl-ansformations we have applied do not alter the curve, the
original equation also represents a parabola.

Example 2 : Identify the conic x2 - 2xy + y2 = 2.

Solution: Over here, since a = b = 1, we choose 8 = 45" So, let us rotate the axes
[ . through 45".The new coordinates x ' and y' are given by

x =-(XI- y') and y = - ( x l + y')
45 JZ
I Then, in the new coordinate system.

I xZ - 2xy + y2 = 2 transforms to
Y'2 = 1

I which represents the pair of straight lines y' = 1 and y'

You can do the following exercise on the same lines.

= -1.

E 2) Identify the conic

I So far you have seen that any second degree equation represents one of the following

I a parabola, an ellipse, a hyperbola, a pair of straight lines, a point, the empty set.
I But, from Table 1 you can w e that even if we know the value of ab - h2, we can't
irnmediately.say what the conic is. So, each time we have to go through the whole
procedure of Theorem 1 to identify the conic represented by a given equation. Is there a
short cut? Yes, there is. We have a simple condition for (1) to represent a pair of lines. It
can be obtained from the proof of Theorem 1 after some calculations, or independently..
We shall only state it, and then see how to use it to cut short our method for identifying
. a given conic. .

I Theorem 2: The quadratic equation

Recall the definit~ono f a
determinant from Unit 5 o f
represents a pair of straight lines if and only if abc + 2fgh - af2 - bg2 - ch2 = 0,

that is, the determinant

I Further, if the condition is satisfied, then the angle between the lines is

The 3 X . 3 determinant given above is called the discriminant of the given conic. You
can see that the discriminant looks neater if we take 2h, 2g and 2f as coefficients, instead
of h, g and f.

Let us consider some exa.mples of the use of Theorem 2.

Conics Example 3: Show that x2 - 5xy + 6y2 = 0 represents a pair of straight lines. Find the
angle between these lines.

Solution: With reference to Theorem 2, in this case a = 1, h = -- ,
b = 6, g =0 = f T C. Thus, the related discriminant is

1 O
Thus, the given equation represents a pair of lines.

The angle between thim is tan-' [+ Js) = tan-'

Example 4: Find the'conic represented by 2x2 + 5xy + y2 = 1.

Solution : In this case ab - h2 = -23 < 0. So, from Table 1 we know that the equation
represents a hyperbola or a pair of lines. Further, in this case the discriminant becomes.

So, by Theorem 2 we know that the given equation doesn't represent a pair of lines.
Hence, it represents a hyperbola.

Why don't you do these exercises now?


E3) Check whether 3x2 + 7xy + 2y2 + 5x +5y + 2 = 0 represents a pair of lines.

W) Show that the real quadratic equation ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 0

represents a pair of lines

E5) Under what conditions on a, b and h, will the equation in Theorem 2 represent
a) a pair of parallel lines?
b) a pair of perpendicular lines?

So far we have studied all the conics in a unified manner. Now we will categorise them
according to the property of centrality.


In our discussion on the ellipse in unit 2, we said that the midpoint of the major axis was
the centre of the ellipse. The reason that this point is called the centre is because of a
property that we ask you to prove in the following exercise.

x2 ' Y -
Ed) Consider the equation - + 7- 1. Let (x, , y , ) be a point on this ellipse and 0 . ,
a2 b
be (0, 0). Show that the line PO also meets the ellipse in P' (-x,, - y , ) .

What you have just proved is that O(0, 0) is bisects every chord df the ellipse
C c n e r a l T h e o r y o f Conics
x2. Y ? x2 Y 2 - 1
7+ 7= 1 that passes through it. Similarly, any chord of the hyperbola 7- - -
a b a b2
through O(0, 0) is bisected by 0 . Hence, according to the following definition, 0 is the
centre of the ellipse and hyperbola given above.

Definition: The centre of a conic C is a point which bisects any chord of C that passes
through it.

Not all conics have centres, as you will see. A conic that has a centre is called a
central conic. For example, an ellipse and a hyperbola are central conics.

Now, can a central conic 'have nlore than one centre? Suppose, it has two centres C , and
C,. Then the chord of the conic intercepted by the line C , C, must be bisected by both
C; and C,, which is not possible. Thus,

a central conic has a unique centre.

Let us see how we call locate this point.

Considerothe conic (1). Suppose it is central with centre at the origin. Then we have the
following result, which we will give without proof.

Theorem 3: A central .conic with centre at (0; 0) is of the form ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 1,
for some a, h, b in R.

This result is used to prove the following theorem about any central conic. We shall not
prove the theorem in this course but we will apply it very often.

Theorem 4: Let ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 be a central conic. Then its centre
is the intersectioil of the lines.

ax + hy +g = and hx + by + f = 0.
What this theorem.tells us is that if ax + hy + g = 0 and hx + by + f = 0 intersect, then
the conic is central; and the point of intersection of these straight lines is the centre of
the conic.

But what if the lines don't intersecta?Then the conic under consideration can't be central:
that IS, non-central. Thus, the conic IS non-central if the slopes of these lines are equal,
that is, if ab = h2.

So, we have the following result:

central if ab # h2, and

ii) non-central if ab = h2.

Does this result and Table 1 tell you which conics are non-central? You can immediately
tell that a parabola doesn't have a centre.

1,et t s see how we can apply the above results on centres of conics.

Example 5: Is the conic 17x2- 12xy + 8yZ+ 46x - 28y + 17 = 0 central? If it is, find its

Solution : In this case a = 17, b = 8, h = -6, g = 23, f = -14.

So, ab # h2. Hence, the conic is central. Its centre is the intersection of the lines .
17x - 6y + 23 = Q and 3x - 4y + 7 = 0, which is (-1, 1).

Why don't you try some exercises now?

E7) Is the conic in h3 cenrral? If yes, find its centre.

ES) Identity thc conic x2 - 3xy + y2 + lox - 10y + 21 = 0. If it is central, find its centre.

E9) Which degel!erate conics ,are central, and which are not?


cases separately.

3.4.1 Central Conics

Suppose we are given the equation of a central conlc. By translating the axes, if
necessary, we can assume that its centre lies at (0, 0). Then, by theorem 3, its
equation IS

ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 1

where a, h, b E R. ..(6)
In theorem 1 you saw that if we rotate the coordinate axes through an angle
1 I 2h
€)=-tan- - then the axes of the conic lie along the coordinate axes.
2 a-b'

Therefore, the axes of the conic are. inclined at the angle Q t o the coordinate axes.
(Here if a = b, we take Q = 45") Now,

tan 28 = -
2 tan8 - 211
3 --
1-tan28 a - b

3 tan2 8 lane -

This is a quadratic equation in tan 8, and hence IS satisfied by two values of 8, say
8, and 0 2 . Then the slopes of the axes of the conic are tan 8, and tan 0 2 . Note that
the axes are mutually perpendicular, since (tan 8, ) (tan O2 ) = - 1.

Now , to find the lengths of the axes of the conic, we write (6) in polar form (see Sec.
1.5). For this we substitute x = r cos 8, y = r sin 8 in (6). Then we get

cos' 8 + sin28
3 r 2= writing 1 = cos28+sin2@
a cos' 8 + 2h cos 8 sin8 + b sin28 '

A semi-axis is half the axis.

If we substitute tan 8, and tan O2 in (7), we will get the corresponding values of r,
which will give the lengths of the corresponding semi-axes.

Let us use what we have just done to &ace the conic in Example 5. Since ab - hZ > 0,
from Theorem 1 we know that the conic is an ellipse. You have already seen that its
centre lies at (-1, 1). Now, we need to shift the axes to the centre (-1, I), to get the
equation in the form (6). The equation becomes
G e n e r a l Theory e l Conics

Now we can obtain the directions of the axes from

tan 2 0--tan€)-l.=O.
This gives us tan 8 = 2, - - .

Therefore, we can take 8,=tan-' 2 = 63.43" (approximately), and

8, = =+ tan-' 2.

The lengths of the semi-axes, r, and r, , are given by s~bstitutingthese values in (7).

r,2 = = $ a=q 2 . and

17 - 6 + 8
' 2 0 5 5
rl = 1 7 + 3 + 1 = i a r 2 = 1 .
20 10 10

Thus, the length of the major axis is 4, and that of the minor axis is 2.
So now we can trace the conic. We first draw a line 0' X' through 0' (-1, 1) at an angle
of tan-l 2 to the x-axis (see Fig. 2). Then we draw O'Y' perpendicular to O'X'. Now we ,I
mark off A' and A on 0' X: such that A'O' = 2 and O'A = 2. Fig. 2: T h e ellipsc 17x2 -
12xy + 8y2 + 46x -, 28y + 17 =
Similarly, we mark off B and B' on O'Y' such that OB =. 1 and O'B' = 1. 0.

The required ellipse has AA' and BB' as its axes. For further help in tracing the curve,
we can check where it cuts the x and y axes. It cuts the x-axis in (-4, O), (-2.2, O), and the
y-axis in (0, 2.7) and (0, .8). So the curve is what we have drawn in Fig. 2.
Now why don't you see if you've understood what has been done in this section'?

.E 10) Trace the conic in E8.

E 11) Under what conditions on the coefficients, will xZ+ 2hxy + yZ + 2fy = 0
be central ? And then, find its centre and axes.

So fir you have seen how to trace a central conic. But what about a non-central conic?
Let us look at 'this case now. .

3.4.2 Parabola
In this sub-section we shall look at a method for finding the axis of a parabola, and
hence tracing it. We will use the fact that if (1) is a parabola it can be written in the

Ax+By+C A'x + B'y + C'

C = 0 is the axis of the parabola and A'x + B'y + C' = 0 is the tangent at the vertex,
nd hence they are perpendicular to each other.The vertex ( x , , y ) ,

f this parabola is the intersection of Ax + By + C = 0 and A-( x + B-(y + c-(

A'x + B'y + C' = 0,k is the length of its latus rectum, and F
is its focus, where tan 6 is the slope of the axis.

Let us see the method with the help of an illustration.

Example 6: Show that the conic x2 + 2xy + y2 - 2x - 1 = 0 is a parabola. Find its axis
and trace it.

Solution: H e r e a = l , b = l , h = l . :. ab-h =O.

Further, the-discriminant of the conic is

1 1

0 -1 I
0 =-1#0.

Hnece, by Theorem 2, the equation does not represent a pair of straight lines. Thus, by
Theorem 1, we know that the given conic is a parabola.

We can write the given equation as (x + Y ) =~ 2x + 1.

Now we will introduce a constant c so that we can write the equation in the form (8). So,
let us rewrite the equation as

(x + y + c)' = 2x + 1 + 2cx + 2cy + c2, that is,

(x + y + c y = 2 ( 1 + c ) x + 2cy + c Z + 1 .

We all choose c in such a way that the lines x + y + c = U and

2(1 + c)x + 2cy + c2 + 1 = 0 are perpendicular. From Equation (13) of Unit 1, .
you know that the condition is

Then (9) becomes

This is in the form (8).

Thus, the axis of the parabola is x + y - - = 0, and the tangent at the vertex is
x - y + - =o.

3 7
The vertex is the intersection of these two lines, that is, (-g9 i)
The length of the latus rectum of the parabola is 3~

Thus, the focus is at (3

- - 8+ C O
4&S 8 v ' + L S8 i n 4&
0). where 8 is the angle that 'the axis

makes with the x-axis, tha is, 8 = tan-' (.-1).

General Theory of Conics

1 3
Therefore, the focus F z).
What are the points of intersection of the parabola and the coordinate axes? They are
(1 +JT,0) (1 -JT,0) (0, 11, (0 9 -1).
I So, we can trace the parabola as in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3 : The parabola x2 + 2xy + y2 - 2x - 1 = 0

Has the example helped you to understand the method for tracing a parabola? The
following exercise will help you to find out.

E 12) Trace the conic 4x2 - 4xy + y2 - 8x - 6y + 5 = 0.

- -- -

Let us now see how to obtain the tangents of a general conic.


In Unit I you studied the equations of tangents to the conics in standard form. Now we
will discuss the equation of a tangent to the general conic (1)

So, consider two distinct points P (x ,, y ,) and Q (x2, y ) on the conic

ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
If x, = x, = a , say, then t h e l i n e P Q i s x = a .

Similarly, if y , = y 2 = a , say, then the line. PQ is y = a.

Otherwise, the line PQ is

Since P and Q lie on the conic,

andax; +2hx2y2+by; +2gx2 +2fy2 + c = 0 .

Then (12) - (1 1)
a(x: -x:)+2h(x2y2 -x1yI) + b(y; -y:)+2g(x2 - ~ I ) + ~ ~ ( Y ~ - Y I ) = O
a a ( x ; -x:)+2h(x2~2 -x1y2 + ~ 1 - x~I Y 2I ) + ~ ( Y-Y:)+

Putting this in (lo), we get

As (x2, y2 ) tends to ( x l , y, ), (13) gives us the equation of the tangent to the given ,

Thus, the equation of the tangent at P(x,, y, ) is

(Y-YI)(~Y +hx,I +f)+(x-x,)(ax, +hy, +g) = 0
~ x ( a x , + h y , + g ) + y ( b y l + h x I + f+) ( g x l + f y , + c ) = O , u s i n g ( l l ) .

Thus, (14) is the equation of the tangent to the conic ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx +
2fy + c = 0 at the point ( x , , y, ) lying on the conic.
From (14) you can see that we can use the following rule of thumb to obtain the
equation of a conic.

In the equation of the conic, replace x2 by xx,, y 2 by yy,, 2x

by(x+x,), ~ Y ~ Y (~Y1 )+a n d 2 x y b ~ ( x ~ , + to
~ xget
, ) ,the
equation of the tangent at (x,, yl )

For instance, the tangent to the parabola y2 - 4xy = 0, at a point ( x,, y, ) is

yyI- 2a (x + x l ) = 0.
We have already derived this in Sec, 2.3.2.
In fact, the equations of tangents to the ellipse and hyperbola given in standard form are
also special cases of (14), as you can verify from Unit 2.
Now you may like to .try your hand at finding tangents at some points.

E13) Obtain the equations of the tangent and the.norma1 to the conic in E8 at the
points where it cuts the y-axis.

In Unit 2 you have seen that not every line can be a tangent to a given standard conic.
Let us now see which lines qualify for being tangents to the general conic
ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = @.With your experience in Unit 2, can you tell the
conditions under which the line px + qy + r = 0 will be a tangent to this conic?

Suppose it is a tangent at a point ( x , , yl ) to the conic, Now, either p i 0 or q + 0.

Let us suppose p # 0. Then we can substitute x = --( 9P+~r) in the equation of

the conic, to get 1

The roots oftthis, quadratic equation in y give us the y-coordinates of the points of
intersection of the given line and conic. The line will be .a tangent if these points

comcide, that is, if the quadratic equation has coincident roots, that is, if General T h e o r y o f Conics
(prh + pqg - aqr - p2f)l = (aq2 - 2hpq + bp2) (ar2 - 2gpr + cpZ).

In terms of determinants (CS-60, Block 6), we can write this condition as

a h g p
h b f q
= 0
g f c r ...(16)

P q r 0
Thus, (159 or the determinant condition (16) tell us if px + qy + r = 0 is a tangent to the
general conic or not.

For example, the line y = rnx + c will touch the parabola y2 = 4ax, if
0 0 -2a m
0 1 ' 0 -1
= 0
-2a 0 a 0 c
m -1 C 0

0 1 -1 , 0 1 0
s(-2a) -2a 0 c-;m-2a 0 0
= 0, expanding along the first row.
m ~1 0 m -1 c

s (-2a) (cm - 2a) - m(2ac) = 0


This is the same condition that we derived in Sec. 2.3.2.

Why don't you try these exercises now?

E 14) Is x + 4y = 0 a tangent to the conic x2 + 4xy + 3y2 - 5x - 6y + 3 = O?

Find all the tangents to this conic that are parallel to the given line.

E 15) a) Prwe that the condition for ax + by + 1 = 0 to touch

x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 is
(ag + bf - 1)' = (a2 + b2) (g2 + P - c).

b) In particular, under what conditions on C will y = Mx + C touch

xZ+ yZ= A3?

In this section you saw that a line and a conic intersect in at most two points. Now let
us see what we get when two conics intersect.


Consider the intersection of an ellipse and a circle (Fig. 4*(a)) or of an ellipse and a
hyperbola (Fig. 4 (b)).
---\, \

I---\ f

' ,

I /
y L-
(a) (b)
Fig. 4: Intersecting conics.
Conies You can see that these conics intersect in four points. But, do any tyo conics intersect
in four points? The following result answers this question.
Theorem 5 : In general, two conics intersect in four points.

Proof : Let the equations of the two conics be

ax2 + 2 (hy + g) x + by2 + 2fy +c = 0, and .

These equations can be considered as quadratic equations in x. If we e l ~ n ~ ~ nxa tfrom

them, we will get a fourth degree equation in y. This will have four roots. Cl [responding
to each of these roots, we will get a root of x. So there are, in general, four points of
intersection for the two conics.

Since a fourth degree equation with real coefficients may have two or four complex roots
(see CS-60, BlockJ), two conics can intersect in

i) Four real points,

ii) two real and two imaginary points, or
iii) Four imaginary points.

These points of intersection can be distinct, or some may coincide, or all of them may

~ e us
f consider an example.
Example 7 : Find the points of intersection of the parahola y2 = 2x and
the circle x2 + y2 = 1 (see Fig.5).

~ o l u t i o:i If ( x , , y, ) is a point of intersection, then x: + y: = 1 and y: = 2 x,

Eliminating y, from these equations, we get

Fig. 5: y' = 2x and x' + y'

1 Intersect i n the points
x:+2x1 = 1, that is, ( x , + 1 ) l = 2 .

and Q.
Then y: = 2 x gives us

YI = +
- f i ( ~ 2 - 1 ) ' i f x, = - I + & , and
y, = +_JT;(JZTi)/'
ifx, = - I - A ,

Thus, there are only two real points of intersection, namely,

( J Z - I , J Z ( J Z - ~ ~ ~and
) (A-I,-JS(JZ-~)'~). This is why you see only two
points of intersection in Fig. 4.

Here is.an exercise for you now.

x2 y 2 x2 Y 2 -
E 16) Find the points of intersection of + 7= 1 and -
-j- + 7- 1 .
a b b a

You have seen that two conics intersect in four real or imaginary points. Now we will find
the equation of any conic that passes through these points.

Let ax2 + 2hxy + by2 + 2gx +2fy + c = 0, and

a,x2 + 2 h l x y + b I y 2+2glx+2f,y+c, = O
be the equations of two conics.
Let us briefly denote them by S = 0 and S , = 0, respectively.
Then, for each k E R, S + k S, = 0 is a second degree equation in x and y. So it is a
conic, for each value of k.
On the other hand, any point of intersection of the two conics satisfies both the General Theory of Conics
equations S = 0 and S, = 0. Hence it satisfies S + kS, = 0. Thus, the conic S + kS, = 0
passes through all the points of intersection of S = 0 and S,= 0.

So we have proved.

Theorem : The equation of any conic passing through the intersection of two conics
= O and S, = 0 is ofthe form S + kS, = 0 , w h e r e k ~ R .
For different values of k, we get different conics passing through the points of
intersection of S = 0 and S, = 0. But, will all these conics be of the same type?
If you do the following exercises, you may answer this question.

E17) If S = 0 and S,= 0 are rectangular hyperbolas, then show that S + kS,= 0 is
a rectangular hyperbola, for all real k.

(Hint: Recall that axZ+ 2hxy / byz + 2gx +2fy + c = 0 is a

rectangular hyperbola if a + b = 0.)

x2 Y 2
E18) Let S ~ - + - - l = o ands, z x y - 9 = 0 .
9 4
Under what conditions' on k will S + kS,= 0 be
a) an ellipse?
b) a parabola?
C) a hyperbola?

Now we have come to the end of our discussion on conics. Let us see what we have
covered in this unit:

In this unit we discussed the following points:

1) The general second degree equation

axZ+ 2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0
represents a conic. It is

. h b
i) a pair of straight lines iff

Further, if the condition is satisfied, then the angle between the lines is

ii) a parabola if ab - h2 = 0, and the determinant condition in (i) is not satisfied;

iii) an ellipse if ab -h2 > 0;

iv) a hyperbola if ab - h2 < 0.
2) An ellipse and hyperbola are central conics; a parahla is a non-central conic.

3) A central conic with centre at the origin is of the form ax2 + 2hxy + by2 = 1,
where a, h, b F ??.

4) ax2 + '2hxy + by2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 represents a central conic if ax + hy + g

= 0 and hx + by + f = 0 intersect. And then the centre of the conic is the
- point of intersection of these lines. The slopes of the axes of this conic are
the roots of the equation.
tan2e+(--) tane-I =o,

5) Tracing a conic.

6) The tangent to the conic axZ+ 2hxy + byZ + 2gx + 2 f y + c = 0 at the point
( X I ,Yl) is
axx,+h(xy, +x,y)+byyl + g ( x + x , ) + f ( y + y l ) + c = O .
Further, a line px + qy + r = 0 is tangent to the given conic if

a h g p
h b f q

g f c r = O

P 4 r 0 .

7) Two conics intersect in four points. which can be real or imaginary.

8) The equation of a conic passing through the four points of intersection of the
conics S = 0 and S, = 0 is S + kS, = 0, k ER.

El) a) There are 3 types of non-degenerate conics: parabola, ellipse, hyperbola.
There are 5 types of'degenerate conics: point. pair of intersecting lines, pair
of distinct parallel lines, pair of coincident lines. empty set.

b) A circle is a particular case of an ellipse. Thus, if (1) represents a circle

then ab - h2 > 0.

E2) a) x2-2xy+y 2 + f i x - 2 = 0 . H e r e a = l = b , h = - 1 .
If we rotate the axes through n14, then the new coordinates x' and y'
are given by
1 1
x = -(XI--y')
fi and Y = -h
- ( X I + y')

Thus, the given equation becomes

2y'2 + x l - y 1 = 2 .

Now, if we shift the origin to (ylf] the equation becomes the parabola
y1 = - - X, where X and Y are the new coordinates.
b) 9x2 - 6xy + yZ- 40x - 20y + 75 = 0.
Here a = 9, b = 1, h =-3.
So, let us rotate the axes through 8, where

3 1
So we can take tan 8 = 3 so that sin 8 = - ~ c o s ~ =fi- .

T h e n t h e p n l l a t i n n in t h e Y'V' - c ~ r c t e mh p r n r n i = c
General Theory o f Conics

which can be transformed and seen to be the equation of a parabola.

5 7
E3) In this case a = 3 , b = 2 , c = 2 , f = - = g , h = - I
2 2

Hence the given equation represents a pair of lines.

E4) Here the discriminant concerned is

, Thus, the given equation represents a pair of lines.

E 5) a) The lines will be parallel if ,/hz = 0, that is, ab - h1 = 0.

b) The lines will be perpendicular if a + b = 0.

E6) Since P lies on the ellipse, os does P'.
Y-Yl - x-x,
The equation of PO is _yl -xi
, that is, X ~ ( Y - ~ ~ ) = ~ , ( X - X ~ ) .

P' also lies on this since (-x,, - y , ) satisfies this equation.

Hence, we have shown the result.

E7) In this caseab #hZ. So the conic is central. Its centre is the intersection of

E8) In this case a = 1 = b, h = - -

So the given equation is central, and can be a hyperbola or a pair of intersecting


1 -- 5
-- 1 -5 #O
Since 2 ,
5 -5 21

using Theorem 2 we can say that the equation represents a hyperbola. Its
centre is the intersection of
3 3
x--y+5=0 and - - x + ~ - 5 = 0 , that is, (-2, 2).
2 2
Conics E9) The central degenerate conics: point, pair of intersecting lines. The non-central
degenerate conics : pair of distinct parallel lines, pair of coincident lines. The
empty set is both central and non-central.

E 10) The equation represents a hyperbola with centre (-2, 2). If we shift the origin to
(-2, 2), the equation becomes
_XI* +3Xryf- y'* = 1.

n - 3n
Thus, the axes of the conic are at an angle of - and - to the x-axis,
4 4

So, putting these values of 9 in (7), we get the lengths r, and r 2 , of the

semi-axes, on solving r: = 2 and :r =- 32 .

Thus, r, = and r, = dG
Note that over here, though r: is negative, we only want its magnitude to
compute the length of the axis.
Now, you know that if e is the eccentricity of the hyperbola then

r2 = r, JEthat is, df = JS ,/=

Now let us also see where the hyperbola cuts the x and y axes. Putting y = 0
in the given equation, we get

So, the hyperbola intersects the x-axis in (-3, 0) and (-7, 0). Similarly, putting
x = 0 in the given equation and solving for y, we see that the hyperbola
intersects the y-axis in (0, 3) and (0, 7).
With all this idonnation the curve is as given in Fig. 6.


Fig. 6 .
It will be central if hz# 1. And then its centre will be the intersection of G e n e r a l Theory o f Conies

x + hy - 0 and hx + y + f = 0, which is

If we shift the origin to this point,'the given equation is transfom-led to

Xz - 2hXY + YZ = -

a- x2- 2h(l-h2) XY + ----
y2 = 1.
f2 f2 f2

This is in the standard form AXZ + 2HXY + BYZ=I of a central conic.

HereA = B = ~- . Therefore, the axes of the conic are at an angle of 45"
and 135" to the x-axis. Since they pass through the centre, their equations are

f hf
y + ---T = X-.- and
1-h 1-h2
f hf

The conic is a parabola since ab = hZ, and the determinant condition for it to
represent a pair of lines is not satisfied.

We can rewrite the equation as

(2x - y)' = 8x + 6y - 5.
We inttoduce a constant c to the equation, to get ,
(2x - y + c ) =
~ 8x + 6y -- 5 + 4cx - 2cy + c2.
o ( 2 -~y + c)' = 4(2 + C) x + 2(3 - C) y + C' - 5

We choose c in such a way that

Then the equation of the curve becomes

( 2 ~ - ~ - 1 =) 4~( ~ + 2 y - 1 )

The vertex of this parabola is the intersection of 2x - y - 1 = 0 and.

x + 2y '- 1= 0, that is, ('.5 '1.

The focus lies at

, where tan 0 = 2.

2 1
:. sin8 =-,cosQ =-.
J5 J7
:. The focus lies at

The curve intersects the y-axis in (0, 1) and (0, 5). It doesn't intersect the .x-axis.
Thus, the shape of the parabola is as given in Fig. 7.



E 13) The conic's equation is

x2-3xy + y 2 + lox- lOy+21 = o .
From E l 0 you know it intersects the axes in (-3, O), (-7, O), (0, 3), (0, 7).
The tangent at (-3, 0) is

Its slope is 4.

Thus, the slope of the normal at (-3, 0) is -- . Hence, its equation is
y = - -4x( + 3).

You can similarly check that the tangents at (-7, O), (0, 3)' and (0, 7) are
. respectively,
4x- l l y + 2 8 = 0 , '

x - 4 y + 12=0,

The normals at these points are respectively,

y-3= qx,

E 14) x + 4y = 0 will be a tangent to the given conic if
General T h e o r y o f conics

a 4.0 = 0, which is false.

Thus, the given line is not a tangent to the given conic.

Any line parallel to the given line is of the form x + 4y + c = 0. This will be a
tangent to the given conic if (15) is satisfied, that is,
(Sc + 2 8 ) l = 3(3cZ+ 24c + 48)
a c = - 5 o r - 8.

Thus, the required tangents are


E 15) Using (IS), we see that the condition is

1 0 g a .
O l f b
g f c l
a b l O

o b ( f L b c ) - ( 1 - bf) + g { a f + b(bg-af)} + a { ( a c - g ) + f(bg-af)} = O

a bzgz + aZP +2bf - 2abfg - bzc - 1 + 2ag - a2c = 0.
Adding azgZon both sides and simplifying, we get the given condition.

a 1
b ) . In (a) we put g = 0 = f, c = - A Z , -- = M,--= C.
b b
So the condition for y = Mx + C to touch xZ + yZ = AZ is
C2 = AZ(Mz+ 1)

Thus, C = A JE

E 16) Substituting (
x' = a 2 I - Y ;: f
-+ = 1, we get

a2b2 ab
Then x = a '[I--- a 2 y b 2 ] = m
Fig. 8
Thus the 4 points of intersection are


We have drawn the situation in Fig. 8.

E 17) Let S r axz + 2hxy + by2 +2gx + 2fy + c 0


and S , = a,x' + 2 h l x y + b l y 2+ 2 g l x + 2 f , y + c , 0
Conics be rectangular hyperbolas. Then
a + b = O a n d a,+b,=O.
:.(a+b)+k(a, +b,)=OVk ER

a S + kS1= 0 is a rectangular hyperbola t/ k E R

a) This conic will be an ellipse if

( (i) k'
-- > 0,that is, k2 c -.

b) The conic will be a parabola if

- --k 0
9 2
7 1 k 1
k-=-and-- - 0 # 0, that is,
9 2 4

But this can't be true.

So the conic can't be a parabola

But it will be a pair of lines if k = -.
c) The conic will
be a hyperbola if k2 > -.
. 9
Miscellaneous Exereises

(This section is optional)

In this section we have gathered some problems related to the contents of this block.
You may like to do them to get a better understanding of conics. Our solutions to the
questions follow the list of problems, in case you'd like to counter check your answers.
A path Raced by a moving
1) Find the equation of the path traced by a point P, the sum of the squares of the point i s called its loeus.
distances from (1, 0) and (-1, 0) of which is 8.
2) Find the equation of the circle which passes through (1, O), (0, -6) and (1,'4).
(Hint: The general equation of a circle is x2 + y2 + 2gx + 2fy + c = 0).
3) Prove the reflecting property for a parabola.
(Hint: Show that a = P in Fig. 9, Unit 2.)

4) Prove Theorem 2 of Unit 3.

5) A circle cuts the parabola y2 = 4ax in the points ( at:, 2at ) for i = 1, 2, 3, 4.
Prove that t, + t 2 + t 3 + t 4 = 0.
(Hint: t, + t2 + t3 + t, are the solutions of the quadric equation obtained by
putting x = O.), y = 2at in the equation of a circle.
6). Trace the curves xy = 0 and xy - 4x - 5y + 20 = 0.

7) What relations must hold between the coefficients of ax2 + by2 + cx + cy = 0

for it to represent a pair of straight lines?
8) Find the angle through whlch the axes should be rotated so that the equation
Ax + By + C = 0 is reduced to the form x = constant, and find the-value of the
9) Prove that yZ+ 2Ax + 2By + C = 0 represents a parabola whose axis is parallel to
the x-axis. Find its vertex and the equation of its latus rectum.
10) Prove that the set of midpoints of all chords of yz = 4ax which are drawn through
its vertex is the parabola y2 = 2ax.

x: Y:
11) a) Prove that 7 + -- 1 is negative, zero or positive, according as the point
a b2
x2 y2
( x, , x2 ) lies inside, on or outside the ellipse 7+ - =l.
a b2
b) Is the point (4, - 3) inside, or outside the ellipse 5x2 +7yz = 1l?
12) A line segment of fixed length a + b moves so that its ends are always on two
fixed perpendicular lines (see Fig. 1). Prove that the path traced by a point which
divides this segment in the ratio a :'b is an ellipse.
13) Find the equation of the common tangent to the hyperbolas

14) A no-1 to -- Y = 1 meets the x and y axes in M zad N, respectively. The lines
a2 b2
through M and N drawn perpendicular to the x and y-axes, respectively, meet in the
a type locus of P is the hyperbola a2x2- bZy2= (a2.+b2)2.
point P. h ~ v '?at
15) Consider the hyperbola in Fig. 20 of Unit 2. Through A and A' draw parallels to A method for draw~ng
the conjugate axis, and through B and B' draw parallels to the transverse axis. asymptotes of a hyperbola.
Show that the diagonals of the rectangle so formed. lie along the asymptotes of
the hyperbola. 71
Conics 16) Which conlcs are represented. - by- the following equat~ons'?
a) (X - y)2 -t (X - a)Z= 0,
b) r sin20 = 2a c o s 0 ,

17) Trace the conics

a) 9x2- 24xy +16y2 - 18x - lOly + 19 = 0
b) xy - y2 = a2
C) ( 3 ~ - 4 y +1 ) ( 4 x + 3 y + 1 ) = 1.
18) Find the kquation to the conic which passes through (1, 1) and the
intersection of x2 + 2xy + 5y2 - 7x -8y + 6 = 0 with the pair of straight lines

1) Let P be (x, y). Then

o xZ + y2 = 3, which is a circle with centre (0, 0) and radius &

2) Let the equation be x2 + y2 + 2gx +2fy + c = 0. Since (1, 0), (0, -6)
and (3, 4) lie on it,
1 +2g + c = 0,
3 6 - 12f + c =0,
9+ 16+6g+8f+c=O.
Solving these three linear equations in g, f and c, we get

71 47 69
Thus the equation is X ' + ~ ~ - - X+-y+-=O.
2 4 2

3) The parabola is yZ= 4ax. The tangent T at a point P(x,, y , ) is

yy, = 2a(x+ x,).
2a ,
So tana = -
The line PF, where F(a, 0) is the focus, is -= ----.

-Y, a-XI
Its slope is

xI -a
Thus, tan0 = 2a &, using (1 1) of Unit 1.

= -,using the fact that yf = 4ax,.
Thus tan a = tan p and a and P are both less than or equal to 90'.

4) We want to show that

axZ+ 2hxy + byZ+ 2gx + 2fy + c = 0 ...( 1)
can be written as a product of two linear factors iff its discriminant is 0.
if a # 0, we multiply (1) throughout by a and arrange it in decreasing powers
of x. We get
a2x2+ 2ax (hy +g) = -aby2 - 2afy - ac.
O n cnrnnletincr the p n ~ ~ a ron
p the left hand. we pet
From this we can obtain x in terms of y, only involving the first degree iff the
quantity under the square root sign is a perfect square, that is, iff (gh - af)t =
(h2 - ab) (g2 - ac),
o a b c + 2 f g h - a f ' -bg2 -ch2 =O.
l a h g J

Let the circle's equation be

xZ+ yZ+ 2gx + 2fy + c = 0.
Substituting x = at2, y = 2at in this, we get
a2t4 +4aY2 + 2agtz + 4aft + c = 0.

We know that it has 4 roots t i , t 2 , t,: t, . So, from (CS-60/Block 5 & 6) you know
that the
sum of the roots will be --;-(coefficient of t3) = 0.
:.t,+ t , + t , + t , = 0 .
ky = 0 is the pair of lines x = 0 and y = 0. We have traced it in Fig. 2.
Fig. 2
xy - 4x 5y + 20 = 0 is a pair of lines since its discriminant is 0. In fact, we
can easily factorise it as (x - 5) (y - 4) = 0.
Thus, it represents the pair of lines x = 5 and y = 4,
which we have traced in Fig. 3.
ax2 + by2 + cx + cy =0 represents a pair of lines iff

Fig. 3
Let us rotate the axes through 8. Thendhe equation becomes
A(x1cos9- y1sin9)+B(x'sin9+ y1cos9)+C=O.
ox1(Acos9-Bsin9)+ y1(Bcos8-AsinO)+C = 0.

This will reduce to the form.x'= constant iff B cos8 =A sine,

that is, 9 = tan-' -
And then the equation becomes

Thus, the constant is
We rewrite the given equation as
y2 = AX + 2By + c)
( + k)2 = - ~ ~- c + 2ky + k2, where k is a constant.
2 - 2~~

o ( y + k ) 2 = - 2 ~ x + 2 ( k - ~ ) ~ -+Ck ~
We choose k so that
Ax + (B - k)y + --2 - 0 is parallel to the y-axis, that is,
k = B. Then the equation becomes

Its axis is y + B = (*:A

0, vertex is -,-B) and the equation of

B~ - A ~- C
its latps rectum is x =
10) The midpoint of any chord through P (x,, y,) and O(0, 0) is

Thus, the set of all such Q is y2 = 2ax.

' 'I) 11) a) Firstly, if (x, ,y ,) lies on the ellipse, then clearly

a2 b2
Now, if (x, ,y,) lies outside the ellipse (see Fig. 4) then either Ixll > a or
Fig. 4

similarly, you can show that if (x,,y,) lies inside the ellipse,

b) Since 5(16) + 7(9) = 143 > 11, the point lies outside the ellipse.
12) Let the perpendicular lines be the coordinate axes. Let the segment intersect
the axes in (x, 0) and (0, y). Then the coordinates of the point P are

Now, since (x2 + y2) = (a + b12

Thus, the path traced by P is the ellipse 3 7+ = 1.
a b2

13) Any tangent to - - --
a2 b2
-1 isy=mx+ , / ~ , a n d a n Y

tangent to
y2 x2
-= 1is x = m,y +m.a-':l\
a b2
For these two lines to be the same, we must have - = m and
Miscellaneous Exercises
a - b2 = a 2 - m2b2

m2 = 1, as+ b2.
Thus the common tangents are y = x + ,/=
y=-x+ 422.
xL '
14) See Fig. 5 for a diagram of the situation. The normal to- - =1
a2 b2


Thus, M is ( (a2 + b2)x1

a2 .o) and N is(09
(a2 + b 2)YI
b2 ).
Fig. 5
Thus, the coordinates of P are

( ( y ) x , ,(y]yl].

Now, since ( xl, y, ) lies on the hyperbola,

a2 + b2 aZ+b2
o a 2 x 2- b 2 = ( a 2 +bZ)2,WhereX=---
Y2 X I and Y=- Yl
a a
Now, as P varies, X and Y vary; but always satisfy the relationship
a2x2 - b2 Y 2 = (a2 + b 2 )2. Thus, this is the locus of the point P.

15) The lines meet in (a, b) (a, - b), (-a, b) and (-a, -b). Thus the diagonals of the
b b
rectangles lie along y = - x and y = -- x, which are the asymptotes of the
a a

16) a) ( ~ - ~ ) ~ + ( x -=aO) ~
-1 a 2 x 2 - 2 x ~ + ~ ~ - 2 a x =o.
Here a = 2, b = 1, h =-I, g =-a, f = 0, c =a2.

. i ... ab - h2 ,o. Thus, the conic is an ellipse.

Changing to Cartesian coordinates, this equation is y2 = 2ax, which is a

c) -1= l + c o s e + f i s i n e

0 2 y 2 +2&+2x.+J;jy+l=0
Here ab - h1 < 0 and its discriminant is
O A l
J;j 2 J?=l#O.
1 ' 1
Thus, the curve represents a hyperbola.
17) a) .v
You can check that ab - = 0 and the discriminant is non-zero Thus, t'
equation represents a parabola. We can write it as
' 1 8 +~lOly - 19.
( 3 -~4 ~ ) =
~ ( 3 ~ - 4 y + c=(6c+18)x+
)~ y(101-&)+c2 -19, where we
Choose the constant c so that
3(6~+18) - 4 (101-8~)= 0
Then the given equation becomes
(3x - 4y + 7)' = 15(4x + 3y + 2)

Thus, the axis of the parabola is 4x + 3y + 2 = 0. The vertex is the

intersection of 3x - 4y + 7 = 0 and 4x + 3y + 2 = 0;
29 22
that is,(-25,13)-

The length of its latus rectum is 3. Its focus F lies

:. F is (-0.71, 0.28).
The curve intersects the y-axis in

49 3
that is, approximately, -
and -
It doesn't intersect the x-axis.
We have traced it in Fig. 6.


Fig. 6

b) xy - y2 = 1
This is a hyperbola. Its centre is the intersection of
1 1
- - Y = 0 and - x + y = 0, that is, (0, 0).Its axes are inclined to the
coordinate 'axes at an angle of 8,where tan 2 8 =l. Thus, the slope of :'
I [ . 5~
transverse axis is =- , and of the conjugate axis is e2= - . Since
8 8
Miscellaneous Exercises
tan 8, = .4 1, the length of the transverse axisi r, ,:is given by

:. r, = 1.24, approximately.
We similarly find r2 =.91.
Thus its eccentricity is 1.24.
It does't intersect the axes. With all this information we have traced the curve
in Fig.'7.

Fig. 7
c) The equation is .ahyperbola whose centre is the intersection of 3x - 4y + 1=0
and 4x + 3y + 1 = 0,that is, (-&,A).
Here a = 12, b = -12, h = -- .
Thus, its axes are inclined at angles 8, andO2to the coordinate axes, where
tanel and tan ez are roots.of the equation
tan2@+-tang-1 =0

otan@,= 7 and tan 9, = --
@ I =8 1.9O (approx.) and

6 = 171.9" (approx.).
The length of its axes are r, and r, , where

The curve intersects the coordinate axes in (0, 0) (-12y

0) , (0,- A)'
So, its curve is as given in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8

18) Let S, = x 2 + 2 ~ ~ + 5 ~ ~ - 7 x - 8 ~ +and

Then the required conic is S, + kS2 = 0, where we choose k so that
(1, 1) lies on the curve. Thus, the curve is
(1 + 6k) x2 + (2 - k) xy + (5 - k) y2 - (7 +37k) x - (8 -6k) y + (6 +55k) = 0.
Since (1, 1) lies on it, k = -.
Thus, the conic 's
34x2+55xy+ 13 yZ-233x-218x-218y+22-3=0.

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