Bsa3 Pdaf 2003-05
Bsa3 Pdaf 2003-05
Bsa3 Pdaf 2003-05
Period Covered
January 1, 2003 - December 31, 2006
Region : Region III
Province / City : Tarlac
District : 2
Legislator : Aquino, Benigno Simeon III C.
Financial assistance for the acquisition of multicabs - 2nd Department of the Interior and Local
District, Tarlac 750,000 Government/Office of the Secretary-
Regional Office No. III
Financial assistance to the Philippine Orthopedic Center Department of Health/Office of the
for the indigent patients - Second District, Tarlac 100,000 Secretary-Philippine Orthopedic Center
Financial assistance to National Electrification Department of Finance/Bureau of the
Administration - rural electrification program - Treasury - National Electrification
Barangay David, San Jose, Tarlac 300,000 Administration
Barangay San Bartolome, Gerona, Tarlac 400,000
Financial support for priority development programs
and projects of:
Financial assistance to the Philippine General Hospital State Universities and Colleges/
for the indigent patients - Second District, Tarlac 200,000 University of the Philippine Systems -
Philippine General Hospital
Financial assistance for the construction of day care center, Department of Public Works and
Barangay Labney, San Jose, Tarlac 300,000 Highways - Tarlac Engineering
District Office
Financial assistance for the construction of barangay hall - Department of Public Works and
Second District, Tarlac: 2,100,000 Highways - Tarlac Engineering
District Office
Apsayan, Gerona, Tarlac 420,000
San Antonio, Gerona, Tarlac 420,000
San Francisco, Victoria, Tarlac 420,000
San Nicolas, Victoria, Tarlac 420,000
San Jacinto, Victoria, Tarlac 420,000
*** nothing follows ***
Fiscal Year 2004
Financial assistance for priority development programs 527,000 Tarlac City
and projects - Tarlac City
Department of Health -
Financial assistance for the indigent patients, Second District, 700,000 Office of the Secretary
For confinement at the following specialized hospitals: 350,000
Philippine Heart Center 350,000
National Kidney and Transplant Institute
8,773,000 Department of Public Works and
Financial assistance for various infrastructure projects: Highways - Tarlac Engineering
500,000 District Office
Construction of Barangay Hall, Balingkanaway, Tarlac City 150,000
Repair of Barangay Hall, Singat, Gerona, Tarlac 100,000
Repair of Day Care Center, Mabini, Tarlac City 50,000
Repair of Health Center, Baculong, Victoria (Sitio Sto. Rosario) 3,000,000
Construction of Water System, Calibungan, Victoria, Tarlac 375,000
Construction of 1 classroom, San Pablo Elementary School,
Tarlac City 690,000
Construction of 1 building 2 classrooms, Camp Aquino Elementary School,
Tarlac City 2,888,000
Elementary School, Tarlac City
Construction of 2 storey 4 classrooms, Matatalap-Bato 1,020,000
Elementary School, Tarlac City
Construction of 1 building 3 classrooms, San Vicente
Elementary School (Main), Tarlac City
Financial assistance for infrastructure projects in the Second District,
Tarlac 3,040,000
Flood Control 500,000
Contruction of Drainage Canal, Brgy. San Francisco,
Tarlac City 500,000
Contruction of Drainage Canal, Brgy. Suizo (Red Cross Village), 500,000
Tarlac City 770,000
Contruction of Drainage Canal, Brgy. Mapatad, Tarlac City 770,000
Loose boulders spurdike (3 uits), Brgy Villa Paz, Genaro, Tarlac
Loose boulders spurdike (3 uits), Brgy Dicolor, Genaro, Tarlac 1,825,000
Roads, Highways and Bridges 825,000
Concreting of Farm-to-Market Road, Brgy Sta. Maria, Tarlac City
Concreting of Farm-to-Market Road, Brgy Balanti, Tarlac City University of the Philippine System -
135,000 Phillipine General Hospital
Financial assistance for the indigent patients of the Second District of
Financial assistance for the implementation of priority programs and
projects in the Second District of Tarlac 200,000 Province of Tarlac
Financial assistance to Tarlac Provincial Hospital for indigent
patients of the Second District, Tarlac 50,000 Mun. of Gerano, Tarlac
Financial assistance for the purchase of computer sets, San Jose
Elementary School 1,000,000 Tarlac City
Financial assistance for the installation of water lines, Tarlac Water
District, Tarlac City University of the Philippine System -
500,000 Phillipine General Hospital
Financial assistance for the indigent patients of the Second District of
Tarlac Department of Health - Philippine
200,000 Orthopedic Center
Financial assistance for the indigent patients of the Second District of
Tarlac Department of Education -
1,000,000 Regional Office III
To cover purchase of computer sets for distribution to various elementary
schools and high school in the Second District, Tarlac
Dalayap Elementary School, Tarlac City
Culipat Elementary School, Tarlac City
Binauganan Elementary School, Tarlac City
Tarlac West Central Elementary School, Tarlac City
Armenia Elementary School, Tarlac City
San Nicolas Elementary School, Tarlac City
San Jose High School, Gerona, Tarlac
Sulipa Elementary School, Gerona, Tarlac
Maluid Elementary School, Victoria, Tarlac
Mangolaog Elementary School, Victoria, Tarlac
Pao Elementary School, San Jose, Tarlac
Department of Finance - Bureau of
Financial assistance to National Electrification Administration (NEA) for 2,000,000 Treasury
the implementation of rural electrification programs in the Second District
of 50,000 Tarlac City
Financial assistance to Tarlac City for the purchase of computer sets
*** nothing follows ***
Fiscal Year 2005
Financial assistance to cover the implementation of priority Department of Public Works and
development programs and projects of the Department of Public Highways - Tarlac District
Works and Highways - Tarlac District Engineering Office Engineering Office
Construction of Drainage canal, Brgy. Paraiso, Tarlac City 500,000
Construction of Drainage canal, Brgy. San Sebastian, 500,000
Tarlac City
Construction of Drainage canal, Brgy. Ligtasan, Tarlac City 500,000
Financial assistance for priority development programs and
projects of various local government units in the Second District
of Tarlac
Purchase of various health equipment in the RHU, 35,000 Tarlac City
Purchase of computer set for Gerona Police Station 50,000 Municipality of Gerona, Tarlac
For the implementation of various infrastructure projects in the Department of Public Works and
Second District of Tarlac Highways - Tarlac District
Concreting of farm-to-market road, barangay Quezon, 500,000 Engineering Office
Gerona, Tarlac
Construction of Multi-purpose building, Brgy. Central, 500,000
Tarlac City
Financial assistance for priority development programs and
projects pursuant to Special provision No. 1, PDAF, RA 9336
a. Tarlac City 1,000,000 Tarlac City
b. TESDA, Tarlac city 500,000 Tarlac City
c. Victoria, Tarlac 500,000 Victoria, Tarlac
d. San Jose, Tarlac 500,000 San Jose, Tarlac
e. Tarlac City Police Station 225,000 Tarlac City
Financial assistance for the implementation of various Department of Public Works and
infrastructure projects in the Second District of Tarlac Highways - Tarlac DEO
Concreting of farm to market road (200m) of the following
Brgy. Buhilit, Tarlac City 660,000
Brgy. Lawacamulag, San Jose, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Pao, San Jose, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Maamot, San Jose, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. David, San Jose, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Mababanada, San Jose, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Labney, San Jose, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. San Francisco, Victoria, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Cabuluan, Victoria, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. San Francisco, Victoria, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Maluid, Victoria, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Balayan, Victoria, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Lalapac, Victoria, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Bawa, Genero, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Bularit, Genero, Tarlac 660,000
Brgy. Santiago, Genero, Tarlac 660,000
Contruction of drainage canal of the folowing barangays:
Brgy. Aguso, Tarlac City 500,000
Brgy. San Juan de Bautista, Tarlac City (formerly 230,000
Brgy. Matadero)
Brgy. San Gavino, Victoria, Tarlac 500,000
Brgy. Iba, San Jose, Tarlac 500,000
Financial assistance for priority development programs and
projects, pursuant to Special Provision No. 1, PDAF, RA 9336
Tarlac City 200,000 Tarlac City
Mun. of Gerona, Tarlac 50,000 Mun. of Gerona, Tarlac
*** nothing follows ***
Fiscal Year 2006
Total Amount Released: 60,000,000.00