Algae Report

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Oil Extraction from Microalgae

Team Members:
Ben Browne
Ryan Gibbs
Jackson McLeod
Michael Parker
Wade Schwanda
Kyle Warren

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Table of Contents

5.3 Hexane Extractor Final Design Concept. 16

Abstract .............................................................. 3

5.3.1 Overview ......................................... 16

1.0: Project Importance: The Need for

Alternative Fuels ................................................ 3

5.3.2 Oil Extraction .................................. 16

1.1 Background .............................................. 3

1.2: The Technological Challenge ...................... 4

5.3.3 Hexane Recovery from Miscella ..... 17

5.3.4 Hexane Recovery from Algae Mill .. 17

2.0 Project Overview .......................................... 5

5.4 Progress toward Final Design Description

..................................................................... 17

3.0 Experimentation: The difficulties of

microalgae oil extraction ................................... 5

5.4.1 Deliverables: Thermal Condenser

Construction ............................................ 17

3.1 Two Methods of Extraction...................... 5

5.4.2 Deliverables: Design Packet ............ 18

3.2 Wet Extraction Methods .......................... 6

5.4.3 Deliverable: MTI Grant ................... 18

3.2.1Freezing .............................................. 6

5.5 Technical Design Considerations ........... 18

3.2.2 Homogenization ................................ 6

5.5.1 System Sizing .................................. 18

3.3.3 Sonification ....................................... 7

5.5.2 System Vacuum Operation ............. 18

3.3.4 Osmotic Shock................................... 8

5.5.3 Material Selections ......................... 18

3.3 Dry Extraction using Hexane .................. 11

5.5.4 Thermoelectric Element ................. 19

3.3.1 Hexane Extraction ........................... 11

5.5.5 Thermoelectric Condenser

Construction ............................................ 19

3.3.2 Post experimental conclusions ....... 12

4.0: Dryer Project ............................................. 12
4. 1: Design Objectives ................................. 12
4.2 Design Constrictions .............................. 12
4.3 Drying Process Concept Design.............. 12
4.3.1 Performance Targets........................... 12
4.3.2: Alternative Designs ............................ 12
4.3.3: Review of Alternatives ....................... 13

5.6 Testing & Evaluation of Thermoelectric

Condenser .................................................... 19
5.7 Analysis of Design .................................. 20
6.0 Conclusions and Recommendations.......... 21
6.1 Strengths of the Design Process (Dryer) 21
6.2 Weaknesses of the Design Process (Dryer)
..................................................................... 22
Bibliography ..................................................... 23

4.3.4: Concept Testing ................................. 13

4.4: Final Concept and Rationale ................. 13
4.5: Final Dryer Design Description.............. 14
4.6: Analysis of Dryer Belt Design ................ 14
5.0 Hexane Extractor Project ........................... 14
5.1 Concept Generation ............................... 14
5.2 Current Chemical Extraction Systems .... 15
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Ideally, alternative fuel sources would be
utilized to their full potential and bridge the
gap between the current supply and demand
of oil. Unfortunately, many alternative fuels
have not been researched extensively and
are not being fully utilized. Alternative fuel
has become one of the largest growing areas
of research in recent history because of the
environmental and economical impacts. It
has been the goal of the algae oil extraction
capstone to research a potentially extremely
viable source of alternative fuel, biodiesel
from microalgae. The goal of the capstone
algae group has been to develop a low
energy input process to bridge the
technological gap between the well known
process of growing algae and the process of
conversion of the algaes vegetable oil to
biodiesel. By developing a concept scale

algae belt dryer in conjunction with plans

for a hexane extraction unit, the capstone
algae group has started paving the way for
the University of Maine to enter a new era

1.0: Project Importance: The

Need for Alternative Fuels
1.1 Background
The United States of America is the largest
consumer of oil in the world. As of 2008,
the US consumed 19.5 million barrels of oil
per day, on average, with a production of
only 8.154 million barrels per day. (Central
Intelligence Agency, 2008) As shown in
Figure 1, in recent history, 2008 was the last
year that global oil supplies were greater

Figure 1: Global Oil Product Demand. (The Need For A New Oil, 2010)

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than the demands globally. As of 2009

around 84.9 million barrels of oil were
consumed daily, with a supply of 84.6
million. For 2010, staggering predictions
were made that the oil demand will exceed
availability by nearly 1 million barrels of oil
per day. This difference has a great affect on
oil prices and certainly contributes to the
reason prices have skyrocketed in recent
history. Such high oil consumption has
many implications. The first major global
implication is that, since astronomically high
amounts of oil are being consumed, there is
an ever increasing release of polluting
emissions to the atmosphere. The second
concern is how the oil demand gap can be
met in order to keep providing affordable
energy. Many companies worldwide are
currently addressing these two issues. What
if it were possible to create a carbon neutral
fuel source? Though this may never be fully
achievable, there are biological alternative
fuel sources currently being researched and
produced, called biofuels. A biofuel is any
fuel derived from biomass, organic matter
that has some form of stored energy. Many
high yield crops such as corn, soy, rapeseed,
sunflower, and most recently algae have
been researched for the feasibility as a fuel
source. Many of these sources, in particular
corn, have become discredited after further
investigation of a life cycle analysis, as they
have an overall greater environmental
impact than they solve. Biofuels derived
from algae, however, appear to be the most
feasible at present date. Certain species of
algae have a particularly high growing rate,
which allows for frequent harvesting, and
subsequently conversion to biofuel. A
comparison of several biofuel sources and

their oil production potential on a per acre

basis is shown below in Figure 2.Figure 2:
Crop potential of algae.

Figure 2: Crop potential of algae. (Algaeventure

Systems, a Univenture, Inc. company, 2010)

Algae is clearly a promising solution for

bridging the gap between the supply and
demand in the oil industry. In addition, its
environmentally sustainable, as long as the
oil production processes needed to create the
fuel are not energy intensive.

1.2: The Technological Challenge

Although approximately 30,000 distinct
species of algae exist in a variety of sizes
and colors, only a select few are able to be
coaxed into producing a high yield of lipids.
The clear choice at the University of Maine
with the expertise of Dr. Xinfeng Xie was
Chlorella photothecoides and Chlorella
sorokiniana microalgae.

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Both C. photothecoides and C. sorokiniana

are single-celled green algae with an
approximate diameter of 2-10 microns. A
microalga, such as C. photothecoides, is of
particular interest, because of its ability to
contain up to 15% lipids by mass when
grown under phototrophic conditions; while
the lipid yield can reach 55% under
heterotrophic grown conditions (Wu, 2006).
Algae can either be grown in a photobioreactor utilizing the process of
photosynthesis (phototrophic), or in a light
absent environment with addition of sugars
through a heterotrophic process. Currently,
in Nutting Hall on the University of Maine
campus, three 100-gallon photo-bioreactors
are producing C. sorokiniana on an 8-day
cycle. C. photothecoides is also being
grown, but at a small level. The growth of
the algae itself is a well defined and
published science; however, extraction of
the lipids through the 0.5 micron pores
continues to be a secretive, problematic, and
not well understood process.
The extraction of oil from crops such as soy
is relatively easy due to the macroscopic
size of the media being used. Simple
inexpensive grinding devices with relatively
imprecise machining tolerances can be used
and will still extract oil. The microscopic
nature of chlorella spp. and the tough
flexible cellulose cell wall, however, make
extraction extremely difficult.

2.0 Project Overview

which process held the most promise for

future development. Second, once it was
discovered that a dry extraction process
using hexane as a chemical medium would
worth pursuing, we then needed to begin
work on a system for drying the algae.
Finally, we needed to design an efficient
system for processing the algae to release its

3.0 Experimentation: The

difficulties of microalgae oil
3.1 Two Methods of Extraction
Over the course of the first semester,
extensive experimentation and research was
conducted to determine the best extraction
method. The experiments themselves
consisted of two types, wet extract processes
that focus on disrupting the algae cells in
solution, and dewatering methods which
remove the algae from aqueous water
solution and then mechanically or
chemically disrupt the cells. The two
Chlorella spp. that were used grows in
solution at 99% water by mass, which makes
a wet extraction process extremely
advantageous; however, achieving results
proved difficult.
Ultimately, Dozens of wet extraction
experiments were conducted, including 4
techniques and various combinations of each
of these techniques.

This report describes the three key stages of

our project to develop a viable extraction
process. First, we needed to experiment with
various extraction processes to determine
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3.2 Wet Extraction Methods


evident that the cell walls were still intact

without experiencing rupture.
3.2.2 Homogenization


Ice is 8% greater in volume than liquid

water. The desired effect is that the
expansion of the water inside the cell as well
as the water around the cell will cause the
cell walls to rupture from the inside out or
be disrupted by the compressive forces.

1. Two algae solutions of high and low

concentration were dispensed into two
10 ml beakers and placed within a
freezer until the solutions became
2. The solutions of algae were then thawed
by placing the beakers into warm water.
3. A sample of the lower concentration of
algae was collected and placed under a
microscope for inspection.
4. The remainder of the less concentrated
solution as well as the high concentrated
solution was placed back into the freezer
for a second session.
5. The two solutions were then thawed and
samples of each were taken and
inspected under a microscope.
6. The remainders of the two solutions
were then placed back into the freezer
for a third session.
7. Samples of the two solutions were
thawed for a third time and were then
inspected under a microscope.

After inspecting the two samples under the

three freeze cycles, it appeared as though the
algae cells began to cluster together.
However, when the samples were compared
to the control sample (the algae sample that
did not undergo any freezing) it seemed


Homogenization is the process of reducing

the size of particles in a mixture so that the
media is uniform throughout. The process is
usually done by expelling mixtures through
small valves at high pressure. To test the
viability of homogenization as an option for
extracting fuel oil from the chlorella algae,
two different tissue grinders of different
homogenizing capabilities were tested,
similar to the one shown below in Figure 3.

Figure 3: Tissue Grinder


Two tissue grinders were borrowed from

Nancy Kravit in the Biological Engineering
Department at the University of Maine. The
grinders are comprised of glass pestles that
fit tightly inside
glass cylinders. The
spacing between the pestles and cylinders
are tightly toleranced. Both grinders were
designed to homogenize mammalian cells:
one to break up the cells and one to break up
nuclei. Because the homogenizers were
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designed for use with mammalian cells,

which, unlike algal cells, do not have cell
walls, the effectiveness was uncertain.

Using two different concentrations of

decanted aqueous solution of algae, referred
to as slurry, in the two separate tissue
grinders, what appeared to be homogenized
samples of algae were produced. After
examination under microscope, the nonhomogenized algae cells looked the same as
the homogenized algae cells. It was clear
that the mammalian cell homogenizers were
ineffective in breaking the cell walls, and no
oil was released.
During the grinding process, it was
noticeable that small flakes of algae were
escaping past the grinding pestle in the glass
stator. The problem could be that the tissue
grinders used were not of fine enough
tolerancing to destroy the algae cells.
Homogenizers having nano-tolerancing are a
potentially viable source of extracting oil on
a lab scale; however, they be extremely
difficult to reproduce on an industrial scale.
3.3.3 Sonification

Ultrasonic waves could be used to induce

cavitation bubbles adjacent to the algae cell
wall. The cavitation bubbles should create a
pressure gradient great enough that the cell
wall will collapse and release its contained

from a Branson Sonifier 450, while keeping

the duty cycle at a constant setting.
Test 1:
C. photothecoides algae are kept in the
sonifier for 1 minute with an output of 1.
Test 2:
C. photothecoides algae is kept in the
sonifier for 1 minute with an output of 5.
Test 3:
C. photothecoides algae is kept in the
sonifier for 1 minute with an output of 10.
Test 4:
C. photothecoides algae is kept in the
sonifier for 5 minutes with an output of 1.
Test 5:
C. photothecoides algae is kept in the
sonifier for 5 minutes with an output of 5.
Test 6:
C. photothecoides algae is kept in the
sonifier for 5 minutes with an output of 10.

Using a 100X power microscope, the

sonified algae specimens were observed in
conjunction with a control sample. Figure 4
shows algae similar to that observed in the
experiment. The specimens looked identical
to those of the control, indicating that the
cells were neither destroyed nor disturbed.


Algae is dispensed into six separate beakers,

each consisting of 40 ml of algae. Each of
the six tests vary within time and output
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enough, water can engorge the cell causing

cell lysis. This process is called osmotic
shock and this procedure was tested
extensively during the fall semester in hopes
the lysing of cells would liberate contained

Figure 4: Undisturbed Chlorella spp. Cells


C. photothecoides algae cell walls are too

malleable and do not rupture when subjected
to the cavitation bubbles created by the
Branson sonifier 450 at the power levels
capable by this device. A lower
concentration of algae could be used to test
if an increase of cavitation bubbles per algae
cell might cause the cells walls to collapse
or break. Additionally, other sonifiers
capable of different frequencies than that of
the Branson 450 potentially could achieve
the proper frequency to disturb C.
photothecoides cell walls.
3.3.4 Osmotic Shock

Cell membranes are permeable to many

solutes. If a cell is placed in solution, the
solute will diffuse across the cell membrane,
provided the solute is small enough. If the
solutes were suddenly removed from the
water surrounding the cell, there would be a
net transfer for water into the cell. At the
same time the solutes will also diffuse
across the cell membrane into the water in
order to equalize the concentration inside
and outside the cell. If the concentration of
solutes in the water is dropped quickly

For osmotic shock to work on a large scale,

an economical solute and dilution technique
is required. Dr. Xienfeng Xie suggested the
use of carbon dioxide, a relatively
commodity. Introducing pressurized CO 2 to
an algae solution, similar to the carbonation
process used for soft drinks, would allow the
gas to dissolve into the solution and form the
carbonate ion, CO 3 2- , and diatomic
hydrogen, H 2 . These solutes drive the
osmotic shock process. Having found a way
to introduce a solute to the algal solution, a
concentration was required for the osmotic
shock process to have a chance of rupturing
the algal cells. Two methods of diluting the
solution of the carbonate solute were tried:

Ultrasonic pulsation
Throttling the solution through a needle

The ultrasonic pulsation involved placing

the solution inside of a beaker, which was
then placed into a water bath. The beaker
once in the bath was bombarded with
ultrasonic waves, causing a visible liberation
of the carbonate ions, similar to rapidly
shaking a soda to release carbonation. The
throttling technique consists of slightly
opening the throttling needle valve, such
that the velocity increases to the point where
the algal cells atomize The throttling
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technique was employed, because it was

thought that it would increase the dilution
process rate.
Experimental Device and Procedure

The device used to carbonate the algal

solution is shown in Figure 5 and 6 below.
The body was constructed of a section of
black iron pipe, a black iron pip reducing
tee, 2 reducers, and various Swagelok

solution was allowed to drain from the

pressure device through the valve. The
solution became entrained in the compressed
air flow and was forced through the valve at
high velocity. The resulting turbulence
caused the liberation of CO 2 from the
device, as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 5: Osmotic shock throttling valve

Carbonation Procedure

Algal solution is added via syringe through

the top port. The port is then capped and
pressurized with the CO 2 between 20 and 40
psi and connected to the other port. The
device is shaken to promote diffusion of
CO 2 throughout the solution.
Throttling Procedure

In order to liberate the CO 2 from solution by

throttling, a small needle valve was used.
The valve was connected to the algae port
on the pressure device. The valve was fed by
a tee fitting, with one inlet from the algal
solution in the pressure device and another
inlet from a compressed air tank. The
pressure device was pressurized with CO 2 to
the same pressure as the compressed air, to
ensure that the algal solution would exit.
When the needle valve was opened, the algal

Figure 6: Throttling procedure using rapid

pressure release

Ultrasonic Pulsation Procedure

The ultrasonic pulsation was supplied by an

ultrasonic cleaner, which consisted of a
water bath vibrated at a high ultrasonic
frequency. The algal solution was placed
inside a beaker and was then placed into the
bath. This caused the liberation of CO 2 from
the solution.

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pH Tests

Prior to thorough testing of the osmotic

shock device, it was necessary to determine
if it was probable that osmotic shock was
capable of occurring with the algae cells.
Since dissolving CO 2 forms H 2 molecules, it
raises the acidity of the solution. The
corresponding rise in acidity results in a
lower pH value than initial. Therefore the
amount of CO 2 dissolved can be
qualitatively gauged by testing the pH of the
solution before and after carbonation. The
carbonation procedure was performed on
several samples of water and the pH was
tested before and after using a litmus test. It
was found that in the carbonated water the
pH dropped approximately 1 point of the 14
point scale. This test was repeated for
samples of algae and yielded the same
results. The same water samples were then
subjected separately to the throttling
procedure. It was found that the pH of the
solution was raised to the original level
within a value of 0.1, after both throttling
and ultrasonic procedures. This indicates
that H 2 molecules were formed during the
carbonation process lowering the acidity,
and the process could undergo osmotic
shock by returning to the initial pH value.
Experiments and Results

The osmotic shock protocol was tested for a

variety of concentration of algal solution.
Ultrasonic pulsation and throttling were
employed separately and sequentially on
samples to test the effectiveness of each
concentrations were tested:

approximately 0.1% by mass
A decanted solution was used to produce
four different concentrations:
o Full concentration
(1% algae by mass)
o concentration
o concentration
o concentration

Samples of each concentration tested were

used as a control to compare under
microscope in order to gauge the level of
cell disruption caused by osmotic shock.
After performing the osmotic shock
protocol, slides of the samples were taken to
be examined under a 100X microscope. The
remainder of each sample was centrifuged
so that any liberated oil would be visible.

Of all experiments run with the osmotic

shock protocols, only one seemed to show
liberated oil. These were only preliminary
tests and were not highly controlled.
Although this single test was the cause of
much excitement, optimism soon fell due to
inability to duplicate results. The samples
treated with ultrasonic pulsation showed
little disruption to the algal cells. Samples
treated with the throttling procedure showed
moderate disruption and those treated with
both showed significant disruption. After the
samples were centrifuged, it was apparent
that despite cell disruption, oils were not
liberated from the cells. Increasing the algal
effectiveness of both procedures.

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3.3 Dry Extraction using Hexane

3.3.1 Hexane Extraction

The aforementioned experiments all

required a wet extraction method; however,
none of them yielded the desired results,
release of oil from the C. photothecoides
algae cells. As a result, one final method
was tested, Hexane extraction. This method
unlike the other requires dry algae flakes.
Therefore, a drying system would have to be
created in conjunction with a hexane
extraction system.

Oil that is present inside of the single cell

algae is trapped by the cell wall and plasma
membrane, which inhibits its ability to
easily be exported from the cell. When the
algae cell is dried, the plasma membrane is
degenerated and weakens the cells ability to
retain the oil. When the hexane, an organic
solvent, is introduced to the dry algae
sample, the cell wall is penetrated by the
hexane and the oil within the cell is
dissolved. When the hexane is removed
from the algae sample, the oil dissolved in
the hexane is transported through the cell
wall and effectively removed from the Algae
cell. The collection of the oil is done by
evaporating the hexane off, which will leave
the algae oil behind.

The algae used in the experiment has been

dried under a heat lamp and crushed into a
fine powder. The algae powder has been
dispensed into a paper container and
enclosed to withstand any solid algae
discharge. The container has been arranged
within an extraction chamber and
successfully prepared for hexane extraction.

The extraction
systematic steps.




1. Hexane is heated within the miscilla

tank, creating vapor rising to the
2. The hexane then condenses and is
released into the extraction chamber
with the algae.
3. The hexane begins to break down the
cellular wall, releasing lipids into the
extraction chamber
4. The hexane/ lipid mixture then reaches a
critical height level within the extraction
chamber. This initializes the siphoning
5. Once siphoned back into the miscilla
tank, the process starts over, turning the
hexane into vapor under specified
temperature and pressure while retaining
the algae oil within the miscilla tank.
6. Steps 1-5 run for roughly 2.5 hrs, until
the cellular wall has been completely
broken down.
7. The hexane/lipid mixture is then heated
once more, converting the liquid hexane
into vapor.
8. The hexane vapor is run through a
condenser and released into the hexane
9. Steps 7 and 8 run for a subsequent
amount of time until all hexane is
released from the chamber leaving only
algae oil

The experiment above was run using 10g of

oven dried algae, which produced 1.4g of
oil, a yielding of 14% of the overall algal

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3.3.2 Post experimental conclusions

Based on the results of the wet and dry

extraction methods it is clear that hexane
extraction is the most feasible extraction
method given the time constraints and
financial limitations. Repeatability is crucial
to the success of the capstone project and
hexane extraction was the sole experiment,
which provided any liberation of oil from
the C. photothecoides algae.

4.0: Dryer Project

4. 1: Design Objectives
The belt dryer concept was established to
bring algae from aqueous solution form to
dry flakes in preparation for the extraction
process. One of the underlying objectives
for the dryer, besides dewatering the algae,
was to have the process that could be easily
modified in the future. The project is in the
early stages of development and changes
and/or optimization of the belt dryer in the
future is necessary.

4.2 Design Constrictions

The final design of a small, prototype belt
dryer was a significant change from the
original charge the group was given. Due to
funding constraints, the dryer was scaled
down dramatically in effort to conserve
funds and changed from a full-scale dryer to
a tabletop proof of concept. The same
general principles govern the belt dryer on
both the large-scale and the small-scale
design. The difference, however, lies in the
ability to fully dry algae. The dimensions of
the full scale dryer allows for a longer
capillary belt to enable more water removal
from the algae before final air drying. Not

only can the capillary belt be longer, but the

drying section after the capillary belt can
also be longer, allowing the algae more time
to dry before it is removed from the belt.
The smaller, tabletop belt dryer isnt as
effective at completely drying the algae due
to dimensional limitations. A complete
process re-design may have enabled the
algae to exit the dryer in dry flake form, but
time constraints forced a scale down of the
original design.

4.3 Drying Process Concept Design

4.3.1 Performance Targets

Early on in the design process, goals were

set in order to evaluate concepts generated
by the drying group. The five main goals
considered during design development were
as follows:

Dewatering of algae sufficient for

extraction process
Low energy requirements
Reproducible results
Ability to process large batches of algae

The five main goals allowed the drying

group to quickly move from design to
design in the feasibility assessment.
4.3.2: Alternative Designs

The three main alternatives for drying

processes were centrifuge, evaporative
dryers, and belt dryers. Each of these
methods has multiple variations in their
Continuous centrifuges can be efficient at
dewatering but are very complicated,
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expensive, and energy intensive. More

simple centrifuges are very inefficient due to
the large acceleration of the massive liquid.
Due to these factors the centrifuge drying
process was not perused.
Evaporative driers are energy intensive due
to the increase in water temperature and the
phase shift required to drive off water. Lowpressure systems can be made, but those too
require significant energy input.
Belt dryers that use capillary action to draw
water out are an attractive option due to their
low energy input. A belt dryer requires no
large accelerations or heat transfer rates, and
the design can be refined into a simple and
manageable arrangement.
4.3.3: Review of Alternatives

It was decided that a belt drying method

using a fine pore algae membrane and
absorbent capillary belt would be the best
option to pursue. Various belt arrangements
and confinements were researched and
discussed during the concept generation
process. Two arrangements for the belt
drying process were a cylindrical
confinement or a conveyer belt style
arrangement supported by rollers. After
encouragement from advisors to not
reinvent the wheel, the group decided to
pursue the simpler conveyer style.
Additional options for the conveyor belt
dryer process were discussed and could be
easily integrated into the system post initial
construction. Some of these options included
vacuum boxes and blowers to increase the
amount of drying. Due to the energy
requirements and the project timeframe,
these features were not pursued.

4.3.4: Concept Testing

A key challenge in testing the belt dryer

concept was to find an appropriate
membrane to test. After testing countless
membrane materials, a small disc of
expanded PTFE used for chemistry filtration
and a piece of absorbent cloth was used. The
PTFE was wetted with the algae solution
and moved across the cloth. The water was
drawn through the membrane and retained in
the cloth. From visual inspection, none of
the algae had been able to pass through the
membrane. Two underlying concepts were
tested in this experiment: the passage of
water through the membrane into the
absorbent cloth via capillary action and
proper pore sizing of the membrane, such
that algae does not pass through. With this
proof on concept, manufacturers of
contacted to produce a continuous sheet of
0.45 micron nominal pore diameter material.

4.4: Final Concept and Rationale

The team decided to pursue a conveyer style
belt dryer, shown below in Figure 7, due to
its lower energy requirements and
manageable construction requirements. The
proof of concept on a small scale provided
assurance that a scaled system would offer
reasonable repeatable performance. It was
also apparent that the system could be built
for relatively little money when compared to
an algae centrifuge, and especially those
required for highly toleranced pressing
devices similar to ones used in seed oil
extraction industry. Reproducibility was one

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of the original goals of the project.

A manual crank drives the membrane belt.

On the opposite side of the drive roller there
is a large 18 tooth sprocket. The capillary
belt has a drive roller with a smaller 9 tooth
sprocket on one end, which is connected the
drive gear with a series 25 chain. The
difference in sprocket sizes allows the
capillary belt to move faster in relation to
the algae membrane.

4.6: Analysis of Dryer Belt Design

Figure 7: Belt dryer final product

4.5: Final Dryer Design Description

The small-scale belt dryer described below
is shown in Figure 8. The small-scale belt
dryer skeleton is made from 1 80/20
framing. The rollers are made from 1 PVC
tubes and end caps, joined together by
friction. No PVC cement was used. The
four drive rollers were coated in Plasti-Grip,
a liquid plastic made for coating tool
handles in a shop. The capillary belt is made
from Sham-Wow super-absorbent chamois
cloth. Lastly, the belt itself is made from a
0.45-micron hydrophilic PTFE membrane
that allows water to pass through, but not
algae cells. Half-inch nylon straps were
glued to the membrane with HH-66 vinyl
cement to give it some rigidity.

The belt dryer is still in its initial design

process. This project is in its first year, so
the capstone algae team has pioneered a new
process. Part of the design of the belt dryer
was to create a skeleton for a dryer that
future design teams can modify as needed..
If algae oil extraction is a capstone project
for future years, the dryer can be modified
and/or optimized to do its job more
Currently, there are four
different sized sprockets that allow variation
in the relative speed of the capillary belt to
the membrane. The materials used in the
frame construction allow extensive changes
to be made to the overall drying process
design in the future.

5.0 Hexane Extractor Project

5.1 Concept Generation
For the extraction team, a set of six goals
were created as a guideline for concept
generation. The extraction unit needed the
following abilities:

Figure 8: Belt Dryer Final Product

The unit should successfully remove oil

from C. photothecoides algae.
The unit should be simple, requiring
only one operator.
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The unit should be safe enough for the

average homeowner to use without
serious risk of injury.
The unit should remove oil on a time
scale compatible with the growing
cycle of the algae.
The unit should be energy efficient
The unit should be able to process large
amounts of algae solution or dry algae.

recirculation continues in this way until

sufficient oil extraction has occurred.
At the end of this extraction process, a
mixture of hexane and oil is left in the
Hexane/Oil Reservoir and the leftover algae,

These criteria were the main design goals

during the concept generation process.

5.2 Current Chemical Extraction

The basis of the extraction system design is
an existing laboratory extraction device,
called a Soxhlet extractor, which was used
to test the method of chemical extraction for
removing the algal oil. The system, shown in
Figure 9, recirculates hexane by constantly
boiling and condensing it. Dried algae is
placed in the Algae Reservoir and liquid
hexane is then added. The hexane fully
immerses the algae and dissolves a small
amount of it. When the hexane fills the
reservoir to a certain level, a siphon is
created, and the hexane, along with
whatever oil it has dissolved, drains into the
bulb, labeled Hexane/Oil Reservoir. Here, a
hot plate heats the hexane and oil mixture.
The hexane is boiled to vapor and rises
through the tubes indicated by the dashed
path in the diagram; because oil has a higher
boiling point, it does not vaporize. When the
vapor hexane reaches the Condenser Tube,
cooling water that encases the tube removes
heat from the hexane, causing it to
condense. The condensed hexane drains to
the Algae Reservoir, where it immerses the
algae and dissolves more oil. The

Figure 9: Soxhlet extractor used to extract oil

from sample of algae

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called mill, is left in the Algae Reservoir,

soaked with residual hexane. This leaves
two problems: separating the hexane from
the oil, and recovering the hexane from the
dried algae. In the laboratory setup, the
hexane and oil mixture is exposed to a
vacuum and then heated in order to remove

through a condenser so that it can be

recovered. However, there are high hexane
losses in this process, and there is no
laboratory process to recover the hexane
contained in the mill.

5.3 Hexane Extractor Final Design

5.3.1 Overview

Our teams extractor design uses the same

principles for extraction as are used in the
extractor, but incorporates
processes to recover the hexane so that it can
be reused in the system.
A schematic diagram of the hexane
extraction process is shown in Figure 10
5.3.2 Oil Extraction

Like the Soxhlet process, the extraction

system shown in the diagram processes a
single batch of dried algae at a time. The
dried algae is placed inside the Extraction
Chamber and liquid hexane is placed in the
Hexane Reservoir. Prior to circulating the
hexane through the dried algae, the system
must be evacuated. The hexane is sealed
inside the Hexane Reservoir during
evacuation (to prevent hexane loss by
evaporation), and the Vacuum Pump is used
to bring the pressure of the system down to
approximately 2.5 psia.

Figure 10: Extraction system schematic

the hexane. The vaporized hexane passes

After vacuum has been achieved, the entire

system will be sealed to maintain it. At this
point, the Hexane Reservoir is opened so
that the hexane will drain into the Extraction
Chamber and begin dissolving oil from the
algae. Like the Soxhlet setup, the Extraction
Chamber will drain when a siphon is
Algae Oil Extraction Capstone 2009/2010

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created. The mixture of hexane and oil,

called miscella, drains to the Miscella Tank.
A hot-water bath surrounds the Miscella
Tank. Because of the low operating pressure
of the system, the boiling point temperature
of the hexane is lower (approximately 85F),
which means that domestic hot water (110120F) can be used to boil the hexane.

surrounds the Extraction Chamber, and

during the hexane recovery from the mill,
hot water enters the bath and heats the
chamber. The hexane contained in the mill is
evaporated, and it flows to the condenser.
The hexane condensate then drains to the
Hexane Reservoir, where it is stored for use
in the next extraction batch.

The hexane vapor rises through a tube to the

hexane condenser, where the hexane is
condensed into liquid. This hexane
condensate drains back to the Hexane
Reservoir and then back to the Extraction
Chamber. The hexane is circulated in
through the system until adequate oil
extraction is achieved.

5.4 Progress toward Final Design


5.3.3 Hexane Recovery from Miscella

Extracting the oil from the algae is only half

of the job of the extraction system. After
extraction, the hexane must be recovered
from the miscella and the algae mill. This is
done by using the same heating and cooling
system used during the extraction phase.
To recover the hexane from the miscella, the
hot water bath is used again to boil the
hexane from the Miscella Tank. However,
unlike the extraction phase, the condensed
hexane does not flow to the Extraction
Chamber. Instead, a valve at the outlet of the
Hexane Reservoir causes the hexane to
collect here. At the end of this recovery
process. oil is left in the Miscella Tank, and
the recovered hexane is in the Hexane
5.3.4 Hexane Recovery from Algae Mill

Recovering the hexane from the algae mill is

done in a similar way to the recovery from
the miscella tank. A hot-water bath

5.4.1 Deliverables: Thermal Condenser


Due to the complexities of the hexane

extraction system, the final design was not
completed until midway the second semester
of work because much of the first semester
was required for researching potential
extraction techniques. It was not until
November that, having exhausted all
potential mechanical methods for oil
extraction, the chemical extraction method
was chosen. Because research consumed so
much time, designing the concept of the
system could not proceed until late in the
first semester. By the end of the first
semester, the overall system operation was
defined, and engineering calculations were
underway. The first several weeks of the
second semester were spent finishing
calculations and selecting equipment for the
extraction machine. Once a budget for the
proposed design was assembled, it was
proposed for approval. However, due to the
high budget, the number of parts that would
need fabrication, and the time required to
test the final system, it was determined that
it would be unfeasible to attempt to
construct the entire extraction system by the
end of the year.
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Rather than attempting to build the entire

system, it would be more feasible to select a
single component to construct and test. One
of the crucial parts of the system is the
hexane condenser. Without proper operation
of this part, the system would not run
efficiently. Hence, it was decided to spend
the remainder of the semester focusing on
the operation of the thermoelectric
condenser. Consequently, the milestones of
the project were revised to reflect this goal.
5.4.2 Deliverables: Design Packet

In addition to constructing the condenser,

another deliverable added to the milestones
was an overview of the design of the
extraction system. The goal would be to
produce a document outlining the entire
design, including concept design, technical
calculations, and equipment selection. This
document would serve to educate any future
groups on the design considerations and
provide a template for continuing work and
constructing the entire system. The design
document includes SolidWorks images of
the design, as well as machine drafts for
producing the parts and assemblies. Also
included are pertinent design calculations
and annotations, which help readers
understand the decisions made throughout
the design process.
5.4.3 Deliverable: MTI Grant

Another deliverable added to the revised

milestones was a proposal for a research
grant from Maine Technical Institute (MTI),
to be used to construct and test the entire
hexane extraction system. The grant
proposal was written with the help of team
advisor, Xinfeng Xie. Pending the approval
of the grant, several team members will

work to construct the extraction system and

test its operation.

5.5 Technical Design

5.5.1 System Sizing

Much of the information that the group had

obtained on algae culturing had come from
Steve Crawford, and the estimates for the
amount of algae that could be grown were
based on his algae bioreactors. It was
determined that it would be feasible to grow
about 2000 gallons of algae solution every
three to four days. At a concentration of
0.1% algae concentration by volume, this
corresponds to 2 gallons of dried algae that
the extraction system must process per
5.5.2 System Vacuum Operation

The design of the hexane extraction system

includes the operation of a vacuum pump.
By incorporating the vacuum, the extraction
system will become more efficient due to
the lower levels of energy needed to heat the
system. Given that the hexane within the
extraction system must change to vapor, the
hexane must reach a boiling temperature.
By including the vacuum within the design,
the total pressure within the system will
drop to an approximate 3.5 psia, which in
turn will drop the boiling temperature to
84.5 degrees Fahrenheit, allowing the phase
change to take place.
5.5.3 Material Selections

The proper material used for the design of

the hexane extraction system was chosen
under the criteria that the material could not
be corrosive when in contact with hexane.
Given that the properties pertaining to
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stainless steel permitted contact with hexane

without the possibility of corrosion, stainless
steel became the primary material used for
the design of the hexane extraction system.
5.5.4 Thermoelectric Element

The thermoelectric element acts to create a

temperature difference by means of
converting an electric voltage to a change in
temperature, known as the Peltier effect.
The element has been constructed as a thin,
ceramic square object with two opposite
surfaces. Within the two surfaces, the
temperature change is clear where one side
becomes hot and the other cold.
5.5.5 Thermoelectric Condenser

A thermoelectric device operates by the

thermoelectric effect, whereby a temperature
difference is produced across a material
when a voltage is applied to it. The
thermoelectric condenser operates by
placing the cold side of the thermoelectric
device in contact with the hexane vapor. To
accomplish this, an aluminum slab has been
machined with hollow tubes running
through it. Within the tubes, hexane vapor
will be present, which will be condensed due
to the temperature drop produced by the
cold side of the thermoelectric device. To
ensure that the hot side of the thermoelectric
device does not heat the cold side, a cooling
block has been machined out of aluminum
and placed in contact with that of the hot
side. Within the cooling block, hollow tubes
run through it, with a constant flow of cold
water passing through. With this presence
of cold water, the aluminum block will
experience a drop in temperature, in turn

dropping the temperature of the hot side of

the thermoelectric device.

5.6 Testing & Evaluation of

Thermoelectric Condenser
After completion of the thermoelectric
condenser, the team ran preliminary tests to
verify its performance and provide a proof
of concept. In order to test the operation of
the condenser, two thermistors were
attached to the condenser, one on each of the
hot and cold side blocks. A digital display
showed the readout of each thermistor in
degrees Celsius. The thermoelectric
elements were turned on and water was
piped through the water cooling block,
although no hexane was put through the
condenser. It was found that the steady state
temperature of the water cooling (hot-side)
block was approximately 12.5 C (54.5 F),
and that the steady state temperature of the
hexane condenser block was about 13.5 C
(56.3 F). However, when the water flow
was turned off, the water cooling block
temperature approached 40 C (104 F)
while the hexane cooling block temperature
hovered around 25 C (77 F). This, of
course, would be unacceptable for
condensing the hexane in the extraction
system, since the temperature of the hexane
in the system would be at approximately the
same temperature.
In the case of the water cooling block being
utilized, though, an adequate temperature of
the hexane condenser block was achieved.
Because the hexane condenser block
remained at a temperature of approximately
56 F and the condensation temperature for
the hexane in the extraction system would
be approximately 80 F, the hexane
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condenser block would easily perform its

function. The question that begs to be
answered is that if the hexane condenser
block and the water cooling block are so
close in temperature with the use of water
flow, why not simply eliminate the use of
the thermoelectric elements? This is a
reasonable question, and a test was
performed to verify the performance of the
condenser without the use of the
thermoelectric elements. It was found that
without the thermoelectric elements being
run, the temperatures of both blocks were
nearly the same as with the elements on.
This suggests that using a single aluminum
block with both water and hexane flow
passages could be the most effective, and
energy-efficient means of condensing the
All testing was performed at standard
atmospheric pressure, as it was not possible
to replicate the vacuum of the extraction
system with the available materials and
budget. It was originally planned to test the
condenser using hexane, boiled in an
Erlenmeyer flask on a hot plate. Plastic
tubing was assembled to route the hexane
vapor from the flask to the condenser, and a
tube was attached to the condensate drain
for collection of the hexane. This testing
would not provide performance data that
would be true to its operation in the actual
system, since the hexane in the system
would be at a far lower pressure and
temperature (approximately 2.53 psia and
7580F). Because the tests would be
performed at atmospheric pressure, the
temperature of the boiled hexane would be
approximately 156F. This would be a far
more demanding test of the condenser than

is required for system operation. However,

these tests had to be abandoned, because the
power supply for the thermoelectric
elements broke. Other power supplies were
searched for in Crosby Laboratory, but one
could not be found that could supply the
amperage required. Due to the timing of this
unforeseen equipment failure, the testing
with hexane was unable to be performed.
However, this was a non-critical part of the
testing. The more valuable data was the
temperature data that was obtained for the
condenser operation, and which is provided

5.7 Analysis of Design

Due to time and budget limits, it was
unfeasible to attempt to completely
construct the entire hexane extraction
system. Since the hexane condenser was
chosen as the focus of the latter half of the
second semester, following the design of the
entire extraction system, its strengths and
downfalls should be examined. Because the
thermoelectric condenser was the first
prototype of the condenser, there were
several design flaws which should be
addressed in a future condenser. Firstly, the
condenser succeeded in cooling the hexane
condenser block to a temperature
(approximately 56 F) that would be able to
condense the hexane in the operation of the
hexane extraction system.
The hexane condenser block was machined
from a 1 inch thick aluminum block,
although the water cooling block was
machined to a thickness of 1 inch. The
hexane condenser block should be machined
to a smaller thickness, in order to eliminate
the thermal mass of the hexane block, and
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decreasing the time that is required to cool

the hexane condenser block.

6.0 Conclusions and


Another issue with the current condenser is

that the hexane passages are cut horizontally
into the hexane condenser block, which
causes the hexane to pool up in the passages.
If the passages were cut at an angle, sloping
inward toward the center of the block and
the vertical condensate drainage passage,
then the hexane would drain more

The design process to extract oil from algae

ultimately yielded a complete design of both
a dryer and extractor along with a proof of
concept scale dryer and thermoelectric
condenser. This design and hardware
development has advanced the capacity to
further research the utilization of algae as a
feedstock for biofuels. Continued scientific
development would support the engineering
of further advanced devices and processes
for algal oil extraction.

It seems that the thermoelectric elements

could be removed from the condenser
without a loss in performance. If this were to
be done, the hexane and water passes would
be combined in the same aluminum block.
Although this might be possible, it may
require a faster flow rate of water, and may
effectively entail running water continuously
for the duration of the system operation.
However, the thermoelectric elements
require a significant power input to run.
A balance must be struck between the
resource of water used and the cost of power
to operate the thermoelectric condenser.
This should be a focus of continued work on
the hexane extraction system. It is suggested
that future groups build a single condenser
block, which contains both hexane and
water passages in a single block, and
compare its performance to the existing
condenser. It should be decided whether or
not water cooling alone is adequate, or if the
thermoelectric elements are required to
provide suitable condensation rates.

The main concern with continuing with the

existing extraction system and belt dryer
designs is that ultimately, a mechanical
method may prove more effective. It is
advised that more research be done to
explore new methods of oil extraction. This
is a constantly growing field, and several
companies utilize proprietary extraction
methods. There exist mechanical means of
oil extraction, and more time and research is
needed to discover them. Ultimately, this
project belongs more in a research stage,
since much of the groups time was spent
researching the technology rather than
Given the time restrictions and goals of the
capstone project, it made sense for the group
to go forward with a design using a chemical
extraction method. However, future efforts
should not be limited to this method. It
would be more beneficial to allow more
research to be done so that there is a wellgrounded technology that can be used for a
design. Otherwise, much time will be spent
on research, when it should be spent on
Algae Oil Extraction Capstone 2009/2010

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6.1 Strengths of the Design Process

A collaborative spirit and a fresh starting
point strengthened the design process of the
dryer. Starting off with no prior hardware
allowed our team to assess alternatives
freely without being constrained. This
resulted in multiple possibilities and
arrangements being discussed in a
environment was another key strength as
team members shared and refined ideas to
generate final concepts for the design.

6.2 Weaknesses of the Design

Not having well defined drying or extraction
processes in addition to not having extensive
prior work and experience in the field were
two challenges to the design process. Since
there was not an established facility
producing or consuming the algae during the
design process, it was difficult to create
design specifications. Also, the project
scope shifted halfway through the school
year from an operational unit to a
demonstration scale unit. The lack of a
currently operational algae drier was another
challenge. Not having prior work to rely on
for design decisions made the design much
more open ended and experimental.

Algae Oil Extraction Capstone 2009/2010

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Algaeventure Systems, a Univenture, Inc.
company. (2010). Algaeventure Systems-Algae
vs. Other Biomass. Retrieved April 13, 2010,
from Alageventure Systems, a Univenture, Inc.
Beyond Petroleum. (2010). Biofuels Fact Sheet.
Retrieved April 13, 2010, from BP- Beyond
Central Intelligence Agency. (2008). CIA - The
World Factbook--United States. Retrieved 4 13,
2010, from Central Intelligence Agency:
Chlorella. (2010, March 19). Retrieved March
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Converti, A., Casazza, A. A., Erika Y. Ortiz, P. P.,
& Borghi, M. D. (2009). Effect of temperature
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Genoa, Italy: Department of Chemical and
Process Engineering University of Genoa.
The Need For A New Oil. (2010). Retrieved
March 17, 2010, from Origin Oil:
Why Biofuels? BP Biofuels. (2009). Retrieved
April 13, 2010, from bp alternative energy:
Algae Oil Extraction Capstone 2009/2010

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