Generator Protection

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Home . March 2013 Issue . Lessons Learned . Generator Protection

Generator Protection
Author: Torsten Schierz, OMICRON electronics Deutschland GmbH, Germany

Generator protection systems are very complex systems with many different protective functions. The
configuration of these systems depends on the rated power of the generator as well as on the power
system structure, i.e. whether the generator is in busbar connection or connected to a unit transformer,
as shown in Figure 4. This article will describe solutions for testing selected protective functions
effectively for the above connection configurations. As a starting point, experience recommends to
structure the tests according to the following criteria:
Step 1: Testing protective functions that only use voltage measurements (e.g. ANSI 59, ANSI 81, etc.)
Step 2: Testing protective functions that only use current measurements (e.g. ANSI 50, ANSI 87, ANSI
46, etc.)
Step 3: Testing protective functions that use both voltage and current measurements (e.g. ANSI 32,
ANSI 90/40, etc.)
Test philosophy for overlapping protective functions
Generator protection systems can trip different breakers such as the network circuit breaker (CB), the
generator CB, and the de-excitation CB. This so called trip command matrix depends on the activated
protective functions, the technical philosophy as well as the power system structure.
Therefore it is recommended to test the correct behavior of each protection function. This is only possible
without deactivating any protective functions during the tests.
Application examples
For the following protective functions, the relevant technical background will be explained and practical
settings for testing will be derived:
Testing the ANSI 90 protective function (underexcitation)
Testing the ANSI 46 protective function (negative sequence / unbalanced load)
Primary testing of the ANSI 59GN protective function (directional 90% stator ground fault)
Testing of ANSI 90
A synchronous
generator always
requires a
sufficient DC
voltage and thus a
DC current flow
through the
excitation winding.
This is necessary
to maintain the

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synchronization to
the connected
power system.
The generator
capability diagram
defines the limits
of active and
reactive power
resulting from the
physical parameters of the turbine and the generator, see Figure 2.
The underexcitation area is especially critical for the stability of the generator. In this area, the generator
can lose its stability, e.g. as a result of a short-circuit in the connected power system or a malfunction of
the automatic voltage regulator.
The protective function ANSI 90 protects the generator from asynchronous operation in case of these
Depending on the
manufacturer of the
protective devices, this
function uses the
measurement or the
Note: The impedance
measurement method
is not part of this
article, because it is
possible to transfer all
necessary relay
settings directly in the
impedance plane of a
distance relay (Figure
On the one hand, for
protection devices
which use the
measurement method, the calculation of the relay settings is a lot easier than with the impedance
measurement, because the admittance plane of the turbo generator can be used directly, see Figure 3.
On the other hand, testing the following characteristics in the admittance plane is rather complicated.
Therefore, in the following, a more elegant method of testing admittance characteristics shall be
introduced. The idea is to transform the admittance characteristics to the impedance plane to use
automated distance test routines for testing the underexcitation protective function.
The admittance plane can be reproduced in the impedance plane using a mathematical transformation,
as shown bellow.
The constant voltage

must be divided by the apparent power S. (equation 1)

(equation 1)
By using this formula any point in the admittance plane can be transformed to the impedance plane.
However, for the automatic testing of the ANSI 90, it is desirable to transform the complete characteristic
For this purpose the straight line equations must be inverted. According to Figure 5 and equation 2 the
inversion of a straight line in the admittance plane results in a circle in the impedance plane.

(equation 2)
Figure 6 shows the settings which are used in this
The following example shows the transformation of
the trip time characteristic No. 1 to the impedance
plane (equation 3) and the resulting impedance
zone (Figure 7).

(equation 3a)

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(equation 3b)

The same transformation applies to the trip time

characteristic curves 2 and 3. Figure 9 shows the
results of this transformation.
Summary: With the transfer of the trip time
characteristics from the admittance plane to the
impedance plane, it is possible to use the same test philosophy as for a distance relay. In order to
stabilize overlapping protective functions,such as the undervoltage protective function, it is required to
use a constant test voltage, i.e. the rated voltage of the generator.
If the overcurrent protective function is active, its pick-up or trip may interfere for test points between 0
and approximately -40 in the impedance plane. For such cases the relay settings have to be checked.

Testing of ANSI 46
Unbalanced load conditions result in a positive
and a negative sequence system, see Figure 8.
The negative sequence component rotates
counter to the rotor movement and hence
produces a flux which cuts the rotor at twice the
rotational velocity. Thereby large currents with
double frequency are inducted in the rotor
causing severe heating.
According to the manufacturers it is possible to
have different thermal trip time characteristics.
This example is based on protective devices
which use the ratio between the negative
sequence current and the generator nominal
current (I2/In). This function works with the
current of only one side (side 1 or side 2) as
In multifunctional machine protection relays, all
necessary protective functions, including
differential protection are implemented in one
This can cause problems, because some
protective functions may overlap during the test
of the unbalanced load protection function.
One philosophy
for testing this
protective function
is to deactivate
the differential
protective function
before starting the
test. The
disadvantage of
this method is that
it is not possible
to discover logic errors, e.g. in the trip command matrix or overlapping protective functions. Therefore it
is recommended to test without deactivating any protective function.
Without a unit transformer in the protection
zone, testing ANSI 46 with active differential
protection is not too complicated. There is just
a phase shift of 180 between the currents of
side 1 and side 2.
Note: The phase shift between side 1 and
side 2 depends on the position of the CT
starpoint grounding.
The situation is different, however, if there is a
unit transformer in the same protection zone,
as shown in Figure 11.

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In this case, the vector group and the

transformation ratio of the unit transformer
must be considered. Also the different CT
ratios will have an influence on the calculation
of the test currents for side 1 and side 2.
The phasor diagrams in Figure 10 (a and b)
display the phase shift of the test currents
between side 1 and side 2 for a unit
transformer with the vector group Ynd5.
The transformer ratio and the CT ratios are
not considered in this diagram.
Note: For the positive sequence current the
phase shift is 150 clockwise (transformer
vector group 5 times 30). The phase shift for
the negative sequence current is 150
counter clockwise!
Summary: As a conclusion, the physical
behavior of the symmetrical components
depends on the transformer vector group. It
was shown that it is possible to test protective
functions which only use one current
measurement system (side 1 or side2) while
the differential protective function is active.
Primary testing of ANSI 59GN
For generators with a maximum rated power
lower than 50 MVA and busbar connection, the
directional 90% stator ground fault protection
(ANSI 59GN) is the standard protective function.
An alternative solution is the ground differential
protective function with the displacement voltage
as pick-up criterion and two cable-type
transformers for ground current measurement, as
shown in Figure 12.
Note: This solution is only possible, if the
generator is connected via cable and the star point
is accessible.
Secondary tests alone do not guarantee the
correct function of the stator ground fault
protection, because all settings were calculated
based on theoretical grounding conditions.
It is therefore necessary to confirm the theoretical
values with primary tests.
For this function the very first commissioning test
is to check the secondary current transformer
ground connection. Only one CT must be
The two primary tests (Figures 13 & 14) will check
if the ground fault current is higher than the set
pick-up value, and if the stability of the 90% stator
ground fault protection function is ensured.
In this example, the settings of a 2.5 MVA
generator (IEE > = 4 mA; Ven > = 4.9 V) were

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PAC World magazine : Generator Protection

Primary test with a ground fault inside the

protection zone: A ground electrode is
connected to the generator terminal, the voltage regulator is deactivated and the trip command is
blocked. When the generator runs at nominal speed the terminal voltage must be increased manually to
the rated generator voltage. The next step is to measure the ground fault current (IEE) and the
displacement voltage (Ven), as shown in Figure 13.
Primary test with a ground fault outside the protection zone (stability test): A ground electrode is
connected to the feeder grounding point. The remaining test steps are the same as for the previous test.
Figure 14 displays the test for this example.
Summary: The comparison between the measured ground fault values for both primary tests confirms
that the relay settings for the ground fault protection in this example are correct. With a ground fault
which is located inside the protection zone, the flowing ground fault current (IEE) and the displacement
voltage (Ven) are high enough to protect approx. 90% of the generator stator.
For the ground fault in the power
system (outside the protection zone)
this protective function is stable (no
trip) and the difference between the
parameterized pick-up value and the
measured ground fault current (IEE) is
high enough. The theoretical value I
= 0A is not possible, because the
cable-type transformers have different
magnetizing characteristics. If the
comparison between the measured
and the calculated values reveals
potential malfunctions, the settings
need to be adapted based on the
measured values.
In this article, solutions for secondary
and primary testing of the protective
functions ANSI 90, ANSI 46 and ANSI
59GN were introduced. These
solutions have shown that secondary
testing of complex multifunctional
relays is possible even without
deactivating overlapping protective
Furthermore, it was pointed out why the additional primary test of ANSI 59GN to verify the calculated
settings is essential.
The presented approaches are illustrated in a way that allows for their application to similarly configured
protective functions in relays of completely different manufacturers.

Dr.-Ing. Torsten Schierz worked for 7 years at the University of Applied Sciences Zittau/Grlitz in the
area of research and teaching. Since 1996 he has been an employee of OMICRON electronics
Deutschland GmbH in the business fields Training, Commissioning and Technical Consulting. He has
more than 16 years of experience in power system and rotating machine protection, especially in
calculation and commissioning, as well as more than 24 years of experience in teaching electrical
engineering. At present he is a Senior Consultant.
Torsten is member of the VDE (Federation of Electro Technology Electronics Information Technolog
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