Unit 1

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Resultant of Coplanar Force System Unit I

Chapter -1

1.1 Introduction
Mechanics is a science that describes and predicts the conditions of rest or motion of
bodies under the action of forces. Mechanics can be broadly classified as mechanics of
solids and mechanics of fluids. Further divisions of mechanics are shown in Fig. 1.1

Engineering mechanics deals with mechanics of rigid bodies which is further classified as
statics and dynamics. Statics treats the equilibrium of stationary bodies under the
influence of various kinds of forces. Dynamics, on the other hand, includes the motion of
bodies and forces that causes it. Study of motion of bodies without considering force
causing the motion is called Kinematics. On the other hand study of motion of bodies
considering the force causing the motion is called Kinetics.

If the internal stresses developed in a body are to be studied, the deformation of the body
should be considered. This field of mechanics is called Mechanics of Deformable
Bodies/Strength of Materials/Solid Mechanics. This field may be further divided into
Theory of Elasticity and Theory of Plasticity.

Liquids and gases deform continuously with application of very small shear forces. Such
materials are called Fluids. The mechanics dealing with behaviour of fluids is called
Fluid Mechanics.
Mechanics of ideal fluids, mechanics of viscous fluid and mechanics of incompressible
fluids are further classification in this area.

Fig.1.1 Branches of Mechanics

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1.2 Idealization in Mechanics

A number of ideal conditions are assumed to exist while applying the principles of
mechanics to practical problems. In fact without such assumptions it is not possible to
arrive at practical solutions. The following idealizations are usually made in engineering
1. The body is rigid.
2. The body can be treated as continuum.
3. If the size of the body is small compared to other distances involved in the problem, it
may be treated as a particle.
4. If the area over which force is acting on a body is small compared to the size of the
body, it may be treated as a point force.

A body consists of several matters. It is a well known fact that each particle can be
subdivided into molecules, atoms and electrons. It is not possible to solve any
engineering problem by treating a body as a conglomeration of such discrete particles.
The body is assumed to consist of a continuous distribution of matter. In other words, the
body is treated as continuum.

Rigid Body
A body is said to be rigid, if the relative positions of any two particles in it do not change
under the action of the forces.

A particle may be defined as an object which has only mass and no size. Such a body
cannot exist theoretically. However in dealing with problems involving distances
considerably larger compared to the size of the body, the body may be treated as particle,
without sacrificing accuracy.

1.3 Basic Principles of Mechanics

The following are the fundamental laws of mechanics:

Newton’s first law
Newton’s second law
Newton’s third law
Newton’s law of gravitation
Law of transmissibility of forces, and
Parallelogram law of forces

Newton’s First Law

It states that everybody continues in its state of rest or of uniform motion in a straight line
unless it is compelled by external agency acting on it. This leads to the definition of force
as the external agency which changes or tends to change the state of rest or uniform linear
motion of the body.

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Newton’s Second Law

It states that the rate of change of momentum of a body is directly proportional to the
impressed force and it takes place in the direction of the force acting on it. Thus Second
law gives the magnitude of force. ie., F= m . a where, F= resultant force, m= mass of the
particle, a = acceleration of the particle.

Newton’s Third Law

It states that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. Consider the two
bodies in contact with each other. Let one body applies a force F on another. According
to this law, the second body develops a reactive force R which is equal in magnitude to
force F and acts in the line same as F but in the opposite direction.

Newton’s Law of Gravitation

The force of attraction between any two bodies is directly proportional to their masses
and inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them.

Where ‘G’ is the constant of proportionality and is known as constant of gravitation.

Law of Transmissibility of Force

According to this law the state of rest or motion of the rigid body is unaltered if a force
acting on the body is replaced by another force of the same magnitude and direction but
acting anywhere on the body along the line of action of the replaced force (Fig. 3.2).

Fig.1.2 Transmissibility of Forces

Principle of Physical Independence of Forces

It states that the action of forces on bodies are independent, in other words the action of
forces on a body is not influenced by the action of any other force on the body.

Principle of Superposition of Forces

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It states that net effect of a system of forces on a body is same as the combined effect of
individual forces acting on the body (Fig. 1.3).

Fig.1.3 Principle of Superposition

Parallelogram Law of Forces

This law states that "if two forces acting simultaneously on a body at a point are
represented in magnitude and direction by the two adjacent sides of a parallelogram, their
resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the diagonal of the parallelogram
which passes through the point of intersection of the two sides representing the forces".

1.4 Characteristics of a force

From Newton’s first law, we defined the force as the agency which tries to change state
of rest or uniform motion of the body. From Newton’s second law, we arrived at practical
definition of force. Thus 1 Newton is the force required to produce an acceleration of 1
m/sec2 in a body of 1 kg mass. It may be noted that a force is completely defined only
when the following four characteristics are specified
 Magnitude
 Point of application
 Line of action, and
 Direction

Fig.1.4 Characteristics of a force

In Fig.1.4, AB is a ladder leaning against a wall. At point ‘C’, a person weighing 600 N is
standing. The force applied by the person on the ladder has the following characters:
 Magnitude is 600 N
 The point of application is at C which is 2 m from ‘A’

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 The line of action is vertical, and

 The direction is downward.

1.5 Concepts of force and force systems

Force: Force is the action exerted by one body upon another. Force tends to change the
state of rest or motion of a body to which it is applied. Gravitational force, Push or Pull
are the examples of force

A force is characterized by its points of application, magnitude and direction. A force is

represented by vector. Mass is the property of the body which measures the resistance of
the body to a change of motion.

1.6 System of Forces:

When number of forces act simultaneously on a body, they are called the system of
forces. Depending upon the orientation of the forces acting on a body, the system of
forces is classified as i) Coplanar force system and ii) Non-coplanar force system.
Coplanar force system consists of a set of forces with their lines of action lying in the
same plane. Non-coplanar force system consists of a set of forces whose lines of action
do not lie in the same plane. Further classifications are indicated in Fig.1.5 and Fig.1. 6.
The types of force system with their characteristics and typical example is listed in Table

Force System

Coplanar (Plane) Non-coplanar (space)

 Collinear  Concurrent
 Concurrent  Parallel
 Parallel  Non-concurrent,
 Non-concurrent, Non parallel
Non parallel

Fig. 1.5 Classification of Forces

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Coplanar Collinear Forces Non-coplanar Collinear Forces

Coplanar Concurrent Forces Non-coplanar Concurrent Forces

Coplanar Parallel Forces Non-coplanar Parallel Forces

Coplanar Non-Parallel Forces Non-coplanar Non-Parallel Forces

Fig. 1.6 Force Systems

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Table 1.1: Types of force systems

Force System Characteristics Examples

Collinear forces Line of action of all the Forces on a rope in a tug of
forces act along the same war
Coplanar Parallel forces All forces are parallel to System of forces acting on
each other and lie in a single a beam subjected to vertical
plane loads
Coplanar like Parallel All forces are parallel to Weight of a stationary train
forces each other and lie in a single on a rail when the track is
plane and act in the same straight
Coplanar concurrent forces Line of action of all forces Forces on a rod resting
pass through a single point against a wall
and forces lie in the same
Coplanar non concurrent All forces do not meet at a Forces on a ladder resting
forces point but lie in a single against a wall when a
plane person stands on a rung
which is not at its centre of
Non coplanar parallel All the forces are parallel to The weight of benches in a
forces each other but not in the class room
same plane
Non coplanar concurrent All forces do not lie in the A tripod carrying a camera
forces same plane ,but their lines
of action pass through a
single point
Non coplanar non All forces do not lie in the Forces acting on a moving
concurrent forces same plane and their lines of bus
action do not pass through a
single point

1.7 Moment of a Force

A force applied on a body can create i) a tendency to translate and /or ii) tendency to
rotate about an axis or a point. The effect of a force on a body to rotate it about a fixed
point is called Moment. Moment is measured as the product of force and distance
between point of rotation and line of action of force. The point of rotation is called as
Moment Centre and distance between point of rotation and line of action measured
perpendicular to the force is called as Arm of force or Lever Arm.

For example the force applied by a wrench to a nut can rotate the nut (Fig.1.7). Similarly
the force applied at a door (to open or close) allows it to rotate on its hinge. (Fig.1.7).

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Fig.1.7 Moment of a Force

1.7.1 Moment about a point

The magnitude of moment or tendency of the force to rotate the body about the axis O_O
(Fig.1.8) perpendicular to the plane of the body is proportional to both the magnitude of
the force and to the moment arm d, therefore magnitude of the moment is defined as the
product of force and moment arm.
Moment = Force x moment arm
M = Fd

Fig.1.8 Moment about a point

The moments are classified according to the direction in which the force tends to rotate
the body about a fixed point
i. Clockwise and
ii. Anticlockwise moment

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Clockwise Moment
When the force tends to rotate the body in the same direction in which the hands of clock
move is called clockwise moment.

Anticlockwise Moment
When the force tends to rotate the body in the opposite direction in which the hands of
clock move is called anti clockwise moment.

Example 1.1
Find the moment of force F = 600N about A as shown in the Fig. 1. 9

Fig.1. 9
Moment of the force can be obtained by resolving the given force as shown in Fig.1.10


MA = (600 Cos 30o) (0.2) – (600 Sin 30o) (0.3)

MA = 13.92 N-m (Anticlockwise Moment)
Example 1.2

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A 200 N force acts on the bracket as shown in Fig. 1.11 Determine the moment of the
force about point A.

Fig. 1.11
Moment about A =MA= Force x perpendicular distance
=200 x CB ( )
From triangle BCD CB= DB x cos 45 = 70.71 mm
MA= 200 x 70.71 = 14142 N-mm = 14.142 N-m

The force at B is resolved into x and y components and the moment about A is computed
using Varignon’s theorem
MA=200 cos 45 x 100 – 200 sin 45 x 200 = -14142 N-mm
= -14.142 N-m ( )

1.8 Couple
Two parallel forces of same magnitude but opposite direction separated by a distance‘d’
as shown in Fig. 1.12 form couple. As matter of fact a couple does not produce any
straight-line motion but produces rotation in the body on which it acts.
So couple can be defined as unlike parallel forces of same magnitude but opposite
direction which produce rotation about a specific direction and whose resultant is zero.

Fig. 1.12 Couple of Force

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1.8.1 Moment of couple

The moment of the couple is the product of the force (one of the force of the two equal
and opposite parallel forces) and the arm of the couple.
Magnitude of the couple is equal to the product of the force and the distance between the
parallel forces. M= F x d.
Moment of couple = force x arm of couple
Moment of couple = F x d

Moment of a couple about any point is same.

Let us find the moment of couple about a point ‘O’ on the couple arm AB as shown in
Fig. 1.13

Fig. 1.13 Moment of couple

Moment of Couple about ‘O’= F  r1  F  r2  F (r1  r2 )  F  r ( Anticlockwise) .

Moment of Couple about ‘A’= F  r ( Anticlockwise) .

Moment of Couple about ‘B’=. F  r ( Anticlockwise)

1.9 Resolution of a Force

The process of splitting of a force into its rectangular components (horizontal and
vertical) is known as resolution of the force.

Fig. 1.14 Resolution of a Force

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In the Fig. 1.14, F is the force which makes an angle θ with the horizontal axis and has
been resolved into two components, namely Fx and Fy,

1.10 Equivalent force couple system

A force P acting at a point A on a body can be resolved into a force and a couple at any
other point B as shown in Fig. 1.15

Fig. 1.15 Equivalent force couple system

Equal and opposite force of magnitude P is applied at B and this does not change the
equilibrium of the body. The downward force P at A and upward force P at B constitute a
couple M = P x d at B. Therefore a force P at A is replaces by the same force P and a
couple M at B.

Example 1.3

Replace the given system of forces acting on the beam AB shown in the Fig. 1.16 by
a) An equivalent force couple system at A
b) An equivalent force couple system at B.

Fig. 1.16
Solution: RX = ∑FX = 0
Ry = ∑Fy = 300 -1200 +200 - 500
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Ry =-1200N
R = 1200N
MA = (300) (2) – (1200) (5) + (200) (7) – (500) (11)
MA = -9500 Nm
MA = 9500 Nm

The equivalent force couple system at A is as shown in Fig. 1.17

Fig. 1.17
MB = (500) (1) – (200) (5) + (1200) (7) – (300) (10)
MB = 4900Nm

Example 1.4
Replace the 6 kN force and 10 kN-m moment acting on a beam shown in Fig. 1.18 by a
single force. Where does this force cross the x-axis?

Fig. 1.18
Finding the summation of all forces in horizontal and vertical directions
 Fx  4.24kN  Fy  4.24

R  6kN   45
The summation of moment of all forces about ‘A’  M A  52.426kN  m
X-Intercept of the Resultant=  12.35m from ‘A’
 Fy

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1.11 Composition of Forces

It is the process of combining a number of forces into a single force such that the net
effect produced by the single force is equal to the algebraic sum of the effects produced
by the individual forces.
The single force in this case is called the resultant force which produces the same effect
on the body as that produced by the individual forces acting together.

Sign conventions:
Following sign conventions are used in determining the resultant force
1. Horizontal forces:
i. Left to Right +ve ii. Right to Left -ve
2. Vertical forces:
i. Upward +ve ii. Downward -ve

Example 1.5
Determine the rectangular components of the forces F1 and F2 shown in the Fig.

Fig. 1.19
F1x = 0; F1y = -100N
F2x = - 200 cos 300
F2y = 200 sin 300

1.12 Resultant of coplanar concurrent force system

Fig. 1.20

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If two or more forces are acting in a single plane and passing through same point such a
force system is known as coplanar concurrent force system.
In a coplanar concurrent force system, we can calculate the magnitude and direction of
the resultant.
Let, F1, F2, F3, F4 be the concurrent forces acting on a body and making angles θ1, θ2, θ3,
θ4 respectively with the horizontal as shown in the Fig.1.20.

Steps to find the resultant (Method of Resolution)

i) Resolve all the forces acting on the body into rectangular components.
ii) Calculate the algebraic sum of all the forces acting in the
x-direction (horizontal forces).

iii) Calculate the algebraic sum of all the forces acting in the y-direction (vertical forces).

iv) Determine the magnitude of the resultant using the formula

v) Determine the direction of the resultant using the formula

Example 1.6
Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of coplanar concurrent force
system shown in the Fig.1.21.

Fig. 1.21

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ΣFx = 2 cos 300 - 4+3 cos 600 = -0.77kN.
ΣFy = 2sin 300 -1 – 3 sin 600 = -2.59kN.

= 2.70kN.

Example 1.7
Three forces acting on a hook are as in Fig. 1.22 Determine the direction of the fourth
force of magnitude 100N such that the hook is pulled in x direction only. Determine the
resultant force in x direction.

Fig. 1.22
Solution: let the force of 100N act at angle θ with x axis in the first quadrant as shown in
the Fig. 1.23

Fig. 1.23

As the resultant is horizontal, its Y-component is zero.

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∑FY = 0
100sinθ + 80sin30 + 80sin60 - 200sin60 = 0
θ = 39.73°
RX = R = ∑FX
R = 100cos39.73 + 80cos30 + 80cos60+200cos60
R = 286.19kN

Example 1.8

The forces 20 N, 30 N, 40 N, 50 N and 60 N are acting at one of the angular points of a

regular hexagon, towards the other five angular points, taken in order. Find the magnitude
and direction of the resultant force.
The system of given forces is shown in Fig.1.24

Magnitude of the resultant force
Resolving all the forces horizontally (i.e., along AB),
ΣH = 20 cos 0° + 30 cos 30° + 40 cos 60° + 50 cos 90° + 60 cos 120° N
= (20 × 1) + (30 × 0.866) + (40 × 0.5) + (50 × 0) + 60 (– 0.5) N
= 36.0 N
And now resolving the all forces vertically (i.e., at right angles to AB),
ΣV = 20 sin 0° + 30 sin 30° + 40 sin 60° + 50 sin 90° + 60 sin 120° N
= (20 × 0) + (30 × 0.5) + (40 × 0.866) + (50 × 1) + (60 × 0.866) N
= 151.6 N
We know that magnitude of the resultant force,

= 155.8 N
Direction of the resultant force
Let θ = Angle, which the resultant force makes with the horizontal (i.e., AB).

ө= 76.6°

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Example 1.9
A boat is moved uniformly along a canal by two horses pulling with forces P=890N and
Q=1068N acting under an angle α=60֯ as shown in Fig.1.25. Determine the magnitude of
the resultant pull on the boat and the angles ‘β’ and ‘γ’

Fig. 1.25
Given P=890N and Q=1068N

Fig. 1.26
Since the Resultant is along the x-Direction, Referring to Fig. 1.26  Fx  R and
F y 0
Finding the summation of all the forces along y-Direction and equating F y to zero, we
P sin   Q sin   0
sin   1.2 sin 
    60
  33
  27
R   Fx  P cos   Q cos 
R  1698 N

Example 1.10
A system of forces acting on a body resting on an inclined plane is as shown in Fig. 1.27.
Determine the resultant force if θ = 60° and if W = 1000 N; N = 500 N; F = 100 N; and
T = 1200 N.

Fig. 1.27

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In this problem, note that selecting X and Y axes parallel to the plane and perpendicular
to the plane is convenient.
Rx = ΣFx = T – F – W sin θ
= 1200 – 100 – 1000 sin 60° = 233.97 N
Ry = ΣFy = N – W cos 60° = 500 – 1000 cos 60° = 0.
∴ Resultant is force of 233.97 N directed up the plane

1.13 Varignon’s Theorem

Varignon’s Theorem states that the moment of a force about any point is equal to the
algebraic sum of the moments of its components about that point.
Principal of moments states that the moment of the resultant of a number of forces about
any point is equal to the algebraic sum of the moments of all the forces of the system
about the same point.


Fig. 1.28(a) Fig. 1.28(b)

Fig. 1.28(a) shows two forces F1 and F2 acting at point O. These forces are represented in
magnitude and direction by OA and OB. Their resultant R is represented in magnitude
and direction by OC which is the diagonal of parallelogram OACB. Let ‘O’ is the point
in the plane about which moments of F1, F2 and ‘R’ are to be determined. From
point O’, draw perpendiculars on OA, OC and OB.
Let r1= Perpendicular distance between F1 and O’.
d= Perpendicular distance between R and O’.
r2= Perpendicular distance between F2 and O’.
Then according to Varignon’s principle,
Moment of R about O’ must be equal to algebraic sum of moments of F1 and F2 about
R × d = F1 × r1 + F2 × r2

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Now refer to Fig. 1.23(b). Join OO’ and produce it to D. From points C, A and B draw
perpendiculars on OD to meet at D, E and F respectively. From A and B also draw
perpendiculars on CD meeting the line CD at G and H respectively.
Let θ1 = Angle made by F1with OD,
θ = Angle made by R with OD and θ2 = Angle made by F2 with OD.
In Fig. 1.23.(b), OA = BC and also OA parallel to BC, hence the projection of OA and
BC on the same vertical line CD will be equal i.e., GD = CH as GD is the projection
of OA on CD and CH is the projection of BC on CD.
Then from Fig. 1.23(b), we have
P1 sin θ1 = AE = GD = CH
F1 cos θ1 = OE
F2 sin θ1 = BF = HD
F2 cos θ2 = OF = ED
(OB = AC and also OB || AC. Hence projections of OB and AC on the same horizontal
line OD will be equal i.e., OF = ED)
R sinθ =CD
R cos θ =OD
Let the length OO’ = x.
Then x sin θ1 = r1, x sin θ = d and x sin θ2 = r2
Now moment of R about O’
= R × (distance between O’ and R) = R × d
= R × x sin θ (d= x sin θ)
=(R sin θ) × x
= CD × x (R sin θ = CD)
= (CH +HD) × x
= (F1 sin θ1 + F2 sin θ2) × x
= F1 × x sin θ1 + F2 × x sin θ2
= F1 × r1 + F2 × r2 (x sin θ1 = r1 and x sin θ2 = r2)
= Moment of F1 about ‘O’ + Moment of F2 about ‘O’.
Hence moment of R about any point in the algebraic sum of moments of its
components F1 and F2 about the same point. Hence Varignon’s principle is proved.
The principle of moments (or Varignon’s principle) is not restricted to only two
concurrent forces but is also applicable to any coplanar force system, i.e., concurrent or
non-concurrent or parallel force system.

1.14 Resultant of coplanar non-concurrent force system

If two or more forces are acting in single plane, but not passing through the single point,
such a force system is known as coplanar non-concurrent force system.
Consider a system of forces P1, P2, P3, … etc., acting on a rigid body at the points A1, A2,
A3, etc., located at a distance d1, d2, d3 …. etc., as shown in Fig. 1.29

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Fig. 1.29
Each force is replaced by a force of same magnitude, direction and a couple
perpendicular to the force at ‘O’. Forces P1, P2, P3…etc acting at A1, A2, A3 ….etc.,
respectively are replaced by respective force and corresponding couple as shown in Fig.
1.29. At ‘O’ the forces are replaced by the resultant R and net couple Mo. Further this
couple Mo and resultant R at O can be reduced to a single force R at the point B such

that Mo=R x d. Therefore, d 

M o
, where, R  R 2x  R 2y , Rx=Fx and
Ry=Fy. The x and y intercept of the resultant on x and y axes is computed using theorem
 M  M
of moments as x  o and y  o .
Ry Rx
In coplanar non-concurrent force system, we can calculate the magnitude, direction and
position of the resultant force as follows:
i) Magnitude of resultant using the formula

ii) Direction of the resultant using the formula

iii) Position of resultant

Position of the resultant means the calculation of d, or x and y intercepts as shown in the
R x d = algebraic sum of moments of number of forces about that point.
R x d = ΣMo

x- intercept: y- intercept:

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Example 1.11
Four parallel forces 2 kN, F1, F2 and 10 kN have a downward resultant of 5 kN that acts
at a distance of 1.8m to the right of 2kN force as shown in Fig. 1.30. Determine F1 and

Fig. 1.30
From Fig.  Fy  2  F1  F2  10  5 kN
F1  F2  13 ---(1)
Summation of Moment of all forces about ’A’ is
 M A   F1  3F2  40 ------(2)
Moment of the Resultant about ‘A’ is  5X 1.8 ----(3)
According to varignon’s theorem, Moment of the Resultant is equal to the sum of the
moments of component forces.
Equating (2) and (3)
 F1  3F2  49 -------(4)
Solving (3) and (4)
F2=18kN F1=5kN

Example 1.12
Determine the magnitude, direction and position of the resultant force with respect to C
as shown in Fig. 1.31.

Fig. 1.31

ΣFx = -135 cos 45+ 90 cos 63.43-105+120 cos 63.43-75 cos 45

ΣFx =-159.56N

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ΣFy = 135sin45+90sin 63.43- 120 cos 63.43+180-75sin45

ΣFy =249.25N

R= =295.95N

ΣMC= (105x200)-(75 sin 45x200)-(135cos 45x200)+(135 sin 45x200)+

(90cos 63.43x 200)+(90sin63.43x100)
= 26494.13 N-mm.

Example 1.13

Determine the resultant of the three forces acting on the dam shown in Fig. 1.32 and
locate its intersection with the base AB. For a good design, this intersection should occur
within the middle third of the base. Comment whether it is a good design or not.

Fig. 1.32

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+ve Fx 103.5 -62 cos 30=49.8 N
+veFy = -246- 62 sin 30 = -277N

R   Fx   Fy =281.44N, tan  
2 2  Fy  5.56   79.8
 Fx
 MA
 Fy
MA=103.5x1.8+246x2.1-62xcos30x2.2sin60+62sin60x(5.7-2.2cos60)=847.5 kN-m
 847.5
x   3.05m . For safe design the resultant should act within the middle third.
For this the position should be in the range of 1.9m and 3.8 m. Hence the given design is

Example 1.14

Determine the magnitude and Y-intercept of the force system acting on the lamina as
shown in Fig. 1.33

Fig. 1.33
Solution: The angle for the 600N force with horizontal is tan-1 = 26.565°
RX = ∑FX = 400 + 600cos26.565
RX = 936.66N
Ry = ∑Fy = 200 – 600sin26.565
Ry= -68.33N
R= =
R = 939.15N
θ = tan-1 ( / ) = tan-1 (68.33/936.66)
θ = 4.17°
Plot the resultant on Y-axis at distance Y from O as shown in Fig. 1.34 using
Varignon’s theorem at ‘O’

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Resultant of Coplanar Force System Unit I

Fig. 1.34
- (400) (400) – (600sin26.565) (400) = - (936.66) (Y)
Y = 285.41mm

Example 1.15

For the non-concurrent coplanar system shown in Fig. 1.35 determine the magnitude,
direction and position of resultant force with reference to ‘A’.

Fig. 1.35
Solution: RX = ∑FX =100 – 100 + 100 cos45 = 100N
Ry = ∑Fy = 200 - 100 sin45 = 100N
R = 141.42N
θ = tan-1(100/100)
θ = 45°
The perpendicular distance of the resultant from A can be obtained using Varignon’s
theorem at A
(200)(2) – (100)(4) – (100 sin45) (4) = (141.42)(d)
d = -2.828m
As the perpendicular distance is negative, the resultant produces clockwise moment about
A. The position of resultant with respect to A is shown in Fig. 1.36

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Resultant of Coplanar Force System Unit I

Fig. 1.36

Note the X-intercept will be = 4m to the left of A and Y-intercept is also 4m above

Example 1.16

A rigid plate is subjected to the forces as shown in Fig. 1.37, compute resultant of forces
and position of resultant force with respect to centroid point O of the plate.

Fig. 1.37

Solution: For the 50kN force at A, the angle with horizontal is tan-1(1.2/1.6) = 36.87°
RX = ∑FX = 40 – 50cos36.87 = 0
Ry = ∑Fy = 50– 20 - 50sin36.87 = 0
As the resultant force is zero, the resultant can be a moment.
MO = - (40) (0.6) – (20) (0.8) +100
MO = 60kN-m
The resultant is a couple moment of 60kN-m .This moment can act anywhere
in the plane.

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Resultant of Coplanar Force System Unit I

Example 1.17

Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant for the system of coplanar forces
shown in Fig. 1.38. Also determine the position of resultant with respect to ‘O’

Fig. 1.38
Referring to the Fig. 1.38
 Fx  347.62 N
 Fy  104.87 N
R  363.01N
 M o  373.69 N  m
R  d   Mo

d  1.02m

Example 1.18
Three forces of 2P, 3P and 4P act along the three sides of an equilateral triangle of side
100 mm taken in order. Find the magnitude and position of the resultant force.
The system of given forces is shown in Fig. 1.39

Fig. 1.39

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Resultant of Coplanar Force System Unit I

Magnitude of the resultant force

Resolving all the forces horizontally,
ΣH = 2P + 3P cos 120° + 4P cos 240°
= 2P + 3P (– 0.5) + 4P (– 0.5)
= – 1.5 P
and now resolving all the forces vertically.
ΣV = 3P sin 60° – 4P sin 60°
= (3P × 0.866) – (4P × 0.866)
= – 0.866 P
We know that magnitude of the resultant force

Position of the resultant force

Let x = Perpendicular distance between B and the line of action of the resultant force.
Now taking moments of the resultant force about B and equating the same,
1.732 P × x = 3P × 100 sin 60° = 3P × (100 × 0.866) = 259.8 P

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