Comprehensive Testing of Harmonic Filters

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Harmonic filters are used to stabilize power grids, improve power quality, and increase transmission capacity. They are important for industries like aluminum and steel production that could be disrupted if filters are out of service. As a result, utilities are interested in rigorous testing and maintenance of harmonic filters.

Harmonic filters filter out harmonics from electronic loads to improve power quality. They also provide reactive power and require damping to control voltage oscillations. Proper testing and maintenance is important as failures could impact production for energy-intensive industries.

Tests discussed that provide information on harmonic filter condition include SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer), capacitor bank tests, and inductor and resistor tests. The SFRA test can detect capacitor failures and check overall system characteristics.

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Long Pong
Doble Engineering Company
Francis Thibault
Rio Tinto - Alcan
Dennis M Boyd
Nucor Steel Berkeley


Harmonic filters and capacitor banks were once considered as a secondary apparatus in a substation,
and received very little attention as far as testing or condition monitoring. Due to a great augmentation of
electronic loads in recent decades, these apparatus play an important role in stabilizing the network,
improving the power quality and increasing the capacity of transmitting electricity. For energy intensive
industrial customers such as aluminum or steel makers, their production can be idled if their filter or static
var systems are out of service. Therefore a run-to-failure program becomes a more costly option and, as
a result, the electrical utility is now interested in rigorous quality control and preventive maintenance
programs. To this end, this paper will provide the test techniques available that provide valuable
information of the harmonic filter condition. Three harmonic filters described in Figure 1 and Table 1 are
used as the case study and subjected to the SFRA (Sweep Frequency Response Analyzer), capacitor
bank, and inductor and resistor tests. The first two filters are new and tested during commissioning to
check the design parameters, to control quality of assembly and to establish the baseline for the future
maintenance program or troubleshooting. The third filter is 2007 vintage and is used as for experiment to
study if the SFRA test is effective in detecting a capacitor failure in the bank, and to check the overall
system condition and frequency characteristics.

Key Words: Harmonic Filter, Capacitor Bank, Condition Assessment, Resonant Frequency, Q factor,
Inductance, Capacitance, Resistance, Field Testing.

a) F1: 5
Harmonic Filter b) F2: 11.3
Harmonic Filter c) F3: 13

Per Phase Circuit of Harmonic Filters
Figure 1


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Resistor Inductor Capacitor

Table 1
Harmonic Filter Description
Filter 1 (F1) Filter 2 (F2) Filter 3 (F3)
Manufacturer Alstom Alstom Cooper
Type C Damped -
MVAR 75 50 40
kV 161 161 34.5
Configuration Y-Y floating Y-Y floating Y-Y floating
Tuning Frequency (Hz) 300Hz (5
) 678 (11.3
) 780 (13

a) 161kV Filter b) 34.5kV Filter
Typical Installation of Harmonic Filters
Figure 2

In addition to harmonics filtering, the filter bank provides reactive power and requires various levels of
electrical damping to control the voltage oscillation during transient or in harmonic presence. Normally, it
has its natural damping is governed by the resistive component of the inductive impedance. If the natural
damping is not sufficient, then damping by other means must be provided. A measure of the ratio
between the reactive power and active power in the reactor represents the quality factor or Q factor (X/R),
and is also the measure of the damping. A lower Q factor indicates higher damping. The typical natural Q
factors of filter reactors are between 50 and 200 [1], which is too high for most power electronic systems
such as rectifiers or arc furnaces. Various methods to provide higher damping are described in the
following filter banks, and summarized in Table 2.

1. Rio Tinto Alcan: The two harmonic filters are the high-pass damped type.
The F1 filter is tuned at the fifth (5
) harmonic of the system frequency (60Hz) and called the C type
design. This design provides lower losses in the resistor, because at the system frequency the
resistor is shorted out by the serial resonance of L5 and C5, as shown in Figure 3a. But at a higher
frequency spectrum, the resistor will provide the necessary damping. The capacitor bank
configuration is an internally fused ungrounded double wye circuit shown in Figure 3a which consists
of two parallel branches. Each branch has sixteen serial pairs of capacitors as shown in Figure 3b.

Inductor Capacitor

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Simple-String Double-String

a) Phase Circuit b) Double-String of Capacitor

F1 (5th Harmonic) Filter Electrical Schematic
Figure 3

The F2 filter is tuned at the 11.3th harmonic and is 2
order high-pass type that provides damping
over a large spectrum of harmonics. This filter performs better than the F1 filter (C-type), but has
higher resistive losses. The capacitor bank configuration is an internally fused ungrounded double
wye circuit as shown in Figure 4a, which consists of two parallel groups. One group is a simple string
of thirteen serial capacitors (Figure 4a) and the other group is double-string and has thirteen serial
pairs of capacitors as shown in Figure 3c.

a) Simple String of Capacitor b) Phase Circuit c) Double-String of

F2 (11th Harmonic) Filter Electrical Schematic
Figure 4

2. Nucor Steel Berkeley: F3 filter is tuned at the 13th harmonic and has no actual resistor in the
circuit, instead uses two De-Q rings that play the role of a resistor connected in parallel with the
reactor, Figure 5b. This can reduce the Q factor as much as 10 times. Therefore, this filter has a
similar damping characteristic as the 2
order high-pass damped filter or the previous F2 filter, and
its advantage is more compact installation. The capacitor bank configuration is an externally fused
ungrounded double wye circuit as shown in Figure 5a, which consists of two parallel branches. Each
branch has two serial groups and each group has eight parallel capacitors as shown in Figure 5c.

= 0

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b) Equivalent De-Q Ring Circuit
Under Loading

a) Phase Circuit c) Capacitor Branch

F3 (13th Harmonic) Filter Electrical Schematic
Figure 5

The De-Q rings of the filter comprises two coaxially arranged closed steel rings systems, one
mounted on the top and the other mounted at the bottom of the reactor as shown in Figures 2b and
5a. This arrangement couples the magnetic flux of the reactor to the closed rings and will induce the
circulating currents in the rings. This results in a small flux counter reaction in a similar way as in
secondary loaded windings of a transformer, and a small decrease in overall inductance. Therefore
this filter has slightly variable inductance due to the self-inductance and mutual inductance of the De-
Q rings.


Test Procedure

The test principle is to measure the three main components (Capacitor, Inductor and Resistor) of the
harmonic filter and the frequency characteristics of the system. Table 2 summarizes the test methods and
instruments used in the field.
Table 2
Harmonic Filter Description
Filter Component
Test Method:
Measured Parameter Purpose
Capacitor unit (C)
M4110 & M4140
Figure 6a
Capacitance & Power
Assess condition and
nominal value
Inductor (L)
Figure 6b
Inductance &
Assess condition and
nominal value
Resistor (R)
Handheld or
M4100 & M4110
Figure 6b Resistance
Assess condition and
nominal value
System (RLC) SFRA: M5400 Figure 6c
Resonance Frequency
and Resistance
Check design
parameters: Fn and

The test procedure of individual components and filters are described in Figures 6. For capacitor testing,
a detailed test procedure can be found in previous papers [2]. For the inductor test, the test procedure is
the same as the standard Leakage Reactance Test (LRT) [3]. For the SFRA test, the filter has to be
isolated from ground and two tests are required if the Q factor improvement is needed to be determined.
One test is with the resistor or De-Q rings and another test is without resistor or De-Q rings.


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a) Individual Capacitor Testing b) Individual Inductor or Resistor Testing c) SFRA Testing
per phase

Test Connection of Filter Components
Figure 6

Data Interpretation

Inductor or Resistor
Inductors and resistors should test within 2% of the nameplate inductance and resistance value
respectively. The measured reactance and resistance can be used to calculate the natural Q
factor at
the test frequency (60 Hz) and the measured inductance can be used to calculate the Q
factor at the
resonant frequency.

Individual Capacitor
The details of data analysis can be found in [2 and 4] and are summarized in Table 3. Typically, a good
capacitor unit will test within 3% of the nameplate value and the power factor should be 3% or lower.
Table 3
Limit of %PF and the capacitance variation of single capacitor unit
Condition Normal Higher than Normal Very High
Limit Within 3% Between 3% and 5% 5%
Internal deterioration or bad
mounting/ connection
Internal damage
Action None Inspecting and monitoring Replacing the bad unit

Frequency Response Analysis
The SFRA test will provide the frequency characteristics of the filter impedance in graphic and tabulation
data, which should be used to confirm the design parameters: the resonant or tuning frequency and the
Q factor. The resonant frequency (F
) can be read directly from the graphic and the Q factor at the
resonant frequency can be obtained by the calculation X/R at the resonant frequency. These two values
and Q should compare with the design values. Presently, no analysis criteria have been established,
however a deviation between the measured and design parameter should not exceed 2%. This limit is
based on individual component tolerance.
A change in the resonant frequency will indicate a change in the reactance value, either in the
capacitance or inductance; therefore we want to use this feature as a means to detect a capacitor failure
in the filter, see the finding in the following section Test Data and Analysis.


The detail of test results are in Appendix and summarized in the following section.

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Capacitors: The test results shown in Figures 7, 8 and 9 are all within the acceptable limit and
compared well among the units; the deviation from the nameplate capacitance was well below 3% and
the power factors were below 3%.
F1 Filter: Individual Capacitors
Figure 7

Cap ID
Cap %PF
F2 Filter: Individual Capacitors
Figure 7


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F3 Filter: Individual Capacitors of Phase B
Figure 8

Inductor: The test results are summarized in Table 4 with the following observations.

1. In F1 and F2 filters, the maximum deviation between the measured and nameplate inductance was
0.52% which is well below the acceptable limit (2%).
2. In F3 filter, the measured inductance has a greater discrepancy, 16-18% deviation was obtained
which requires an investigation and more explanations are provided in the section SFRA. A possible
cause of this discrepancy is the De-Q ring influence.
3. The natural factors Q of each inductor at 60 Hz were obtained in the range between 41 and 96, which
are the value predicted in the previous section of Filter Description.
4. The lowest Q values are in the F3 inductor. This is due to the effect of the De-Q rings included in the

Table 4
Inductor Test Results
Ph. A V mH %H R () Z () X () Q

F1 (L5)
A 5.57 80.37 38.2 0.00% 0.15 14.42 14.42 96
B 5.58 80.48 38.2 0.00% 0.157 14.42 14.42 92
C 5.60 80.34 38.0 -0.52% 0.178 14.33 14.33 81
F2 (L11)
A 19.45 80.09 10.9 0.46% 0.074 4.12 4.12 56
B 19.59 80.01 10.8 -0.46% 0.075 4.08 4.08 54
C 19.72 80.25 10.8 -0.46% 0.073 4.07 4.07 56
F3 (L13)
A 12.44 2.57 0.549 16% 0.005 0.207 0.207 41
B 12.43 2.577 0.549 16% 0.005 0.207 0.207 41
C 12.25 2.569 0.557 18% 0.004 0.21 0.21 53

Resistor: No field test was performed.
SFRA - Frequency Characteristics: The SFRA test results are in Appendix 2 and summarized in
Table 5 with the following observations.
F1 and F2 filter observations, see Figures 10 and 11:
1. Test results were very consistent among phases and matched the design parameters;
2. Maximum deviation between the measured and design resonant frequencies is 0.1%;
3. Resistor has a great effect on the Q factor, which has decreased in order of 20 and 30 times.

F3 Filter observations, see Figures 12 to 15:
1. Effect of removing one capacitor was noticeable, the frequency had shifted from 723Hz to 739Hz
which is about 2.2%, more than what was predicted (1.71%), See Figure 13. The difference could be
due to the sweeping interval of the test frequency.
2. Test results were very consistent among phases, but the measured resonant frequency did not match
the design resonant frequency. Phase C has the largest difference of -7.3% and the resonance
occurs closer to 12
harmonic than 13
harmonic, See Figure 12.
3. Removing the De-Q rings has the effect of decreasing the resonant frequency see Figure 14, or in
other words, made the equivalent inductance increase. This confirms that the De-Q rings produce the
counter-emf on the inductor, reduce the equivalent inductance or increase the resonant frequency.
The higher the current, the greater the counter-emf, and the more shifting of the resonant frequency
toward 13
harmonic. Therefore, at the rated current, the resonant frequency should be at 13


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4. De-Q rings seemed to have no effect on the Q factor. This might be due to the test current being too
low and producing no significant watt loss or resistive component, see Figure 14.
5. Shorting the neutral CT had three effects on the frequency responses, see Figure 15: a) increasing
the main resonant frequency from 730Hz to 764Hz (4.7%); b) deepening the valley of the main
resonance or increase the Q factor and c) eliminating the minor double resonances around 1.5 kHz.

Table 5
Frequency Characteristics Obtained by SFRA Tests
Test Condition
Ref. Freq.
%Dev R () Q
As is
300 0% 7.3 9.8
Without R 300 0% 0.36 198
As is
677 -0.1% 9.31 4.9
Without R 677 -0.1% 0.3 153
F3-Phase A

As is-Phase A 780 723 -7.3% 0.06 42
1 Cap removed 793 739 -6.8% 0.09 28
%Dev-1C 1.7% 2.2%
F3-Phase C

As is-Phase C
730 -6.4% 0.05 51
Without DQ Ring 699 -10.4% 0.04 61
Shorted CT 730 764 4.7% 0.02 134

F1 Filter (5th Harmonic) SFRA Traces F2 Filter (11th Harmonic) SFRA Traces
Figure 10 Figure 11

a) Overall View b) Zoom in in View

With Resistor
R i t
Measured Frequency:
300 HZ
With Resistor
R i t
Measured Frequency:
678 HZ
Measured Frequency:
723 HZ

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F3 Filter (13th Harmonic) SFRA Traces
Figure 9

a) Overall View b) Zoom in in View
F3 Filter SFRA Traces with and without One Fuse Removed
Figure 10

a) Overall View b) Zoom in in View
F3 Filter SFRA Traces with and without De-Q Rings
Figure 11

a) Overall View b) Zoom in in View
F3 Filter SFRA Traces with and without Shorted CT
Figure 15
(No cap removed)
723 Hz
(With one cap removed)
739 Hz
(With CT)
730 Hz
(With Shorted CT)
764 Hz
(With D-Q Rings)
730 Hz
(Without D-Q Rings)
699 Hz

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These field tests have clearly demonstrated the effectiveness and usefulness of the three field test
techniques: Capacitor testing with the Doble CapBank tool, Reactor testing using Leakage Reactance
and SFRA tests. These tests can provide the information on the individual component condition and the
system frequency characteristics. The test requirement is a minimum for the user of M series test
equipment; the test procedure and interpretation are simple and can be easily implemented in a
commissioning, maintenance program or used for troubleshooting.
Also we have learned the following points from the field testing:
1. Comprehensive impedance data (R, X, L, C, Z and %PF) of each individual component can be
easily obtained;
2. System design parameters or study simulation can be verified and the quality control of the
component selection and assembly can be done just before energizing;
3. SFRA can be used to detect capacitor failure with the following cautions: a) the sensitivity of the
detection will decrease with the increase of capacitor number in the bank. b) Simultaneous
change of multiple components can neutralize the frequency response shifting and the
effectiveness of the detection.
4. Frequency characteristics of a filter equipped with De-Q rings installed on the reactor as a
damping factor could not be obtained accurately with these field test techniques, because the test
current is too low, unable to induce the full counter-emf effect of the De-Q rings. The authors
suggest more study such as performing a test at rated current. However the SFRA traces are still
useful as baseline for future test performed in the same condition.
5. Data baseline and signatures can be established for future needs such as preventive
maintenance, diagnostic or replacement program;
6. Disconnection of the individual capacitor unit from the bank is not required which in turn
significantly reduces test time. Each test takes about 35 seconds to run.
7. DTA Pro software is recommended for testing the individual capacitor, because it has the
Capacitor Bank test plan including the data graphic and analysis.
8. The individual capacitor test can take more time and yields comprehensive information while
SFRA test is less time consuming and yields more of an overall result. It is hoped that the SFRA
test can be done more often than the individual capacitor test, and then lead us to perform the
more comprehensive individual capacitor test should the SFRA test show a significant frequency
shift. The individual capacitor tests are still recommended on a higher period since it is much
more sensitive to the capacitor ground losses.

1. SFRA testing on filters should be performed with the neutral CT shorted out, either on the
secondary or the primary winding;
2. SFRA software should have the test frequency steps adjustable around the main resonant
frequency of the filter. This will increase the trace resolution in this area and to improve the
accuracy of detecting a smaller change in a reactance.
3. Incorporate Leakage Reactance Test (LRT) plan into either Reactor or Capacitor Bank test plan.
This will allow testing the inductance of the reactor.

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[1] R. F. Dudley, The Use of De-Q-Rings for Quality Factor (Q-Factor) Reduction, Trench Electric,
Document No TF-93.019

[2] Long Pong and Daryl Wheat, Update - Field Testing Capacitor Bank With M4000 Test Instrument,
Minutes of the 74th Annual International Conference of Doble Clients, 2007, in Arresters, Capacitors,
Cables and Accessories Committee, paper ACCA 3

[3] Doble Engineering Company, Doble Test Procedures - Leakage Reactance Testing, Document No
72A-2244-01 Rev. C 4/09, Chapter 5, Page 5-73

[4] Doble Engineering Company, Application Notes M4140, Document #500-0688 / 72A-2703-01 REV A


Long Pong has been employed at Doble Engineering since 2000, and currently works
as a Senior Principal Engineer in the Client Service Department. He has amassed over
25 years of experiences in condition assessment, electrical testing/repair and project
management of Generation, Transmission and Distribution apparatuses. Mr. Pong has
published numerous technical papers pertaining to condition assessment,
troubleshooting and new test techniques of power electrical apparatus. Before joining
Doble, he was employed at Alcan-nergie lectrique and Hydro-Quebec. He is IEEE
member and a registered professional engineer in North Carolina. He obtained his
Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from cole Polytechnique de Montreal, Quebec, Canada, in 1988.

Francis Thibault, Jr. Eng., obtained his Bachelor of Electrical Engineering from
University of Qubec in Chicoutimi, Canada, in 2012. Francis has worked for Rio Tinto
Alcan- nergie lectrique since 2012 and is responsible for providing the technical
support to the maintenance of the power distribution network of RTAs industrial
complex in Jonquire.

Dennis M Boyd graduated from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute in 1977 with a
BSEE. Dennis has 36 years of experiences in the Maintenance and Engineering
fields in steel making facilities with more extensive emphasis in Melt Shop and
Power Distribution at Nucor Steel Berkeley. Dennis has co-authored papers on
voltage flicker and protective relay application.

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Field Test Results of Individual Component

Table 6
F1 Filter: Doble CapBank Test Data of Individual Capacitor
# ID %PF Cap (uF) ID %PF Cap (uF) ID %PF Cap (uF)
1 A1O-1 0.47 29.28 B1O-1 0.42 29.13 C1O-1 0.48 29.06
2 A1O-2 0.47 29.14 B1O-2 0.42 29.27 C1O-2 0.49 29.40
3 A1O-3 0.46 29.24 B1O-3 0.42 29.33 C1O-3 0.48 29.22
4 A1O-4 0.45 29.19 B1O-4 0.42 29.06 C1O-4 0.51 29.23
5 A1O-5 0.43 29.26 B1O-5 0.97 29.21 C1O-5 1.01 29.30
6 A1O-6 0.44 29.24 B1O-6 0.97 29.21 C1O-6 1.03 29.14
7 A1O-7 0.44 29.18 B1O-7 0.43 29.30 C1O-7 0.46 29.34
8 A1O-8 0.45 29.23 B1O-8 0.45 29.09 C1O-8 0.48 29.16
9 A2O-1 0.44 29.18 B2O-1 0.45 29.40 C2O-1 0.49 29.27
10 A2O-2 0.43 29.26 B2O-2 0.46 29.10 C2O-2 1.04 29.09
11 A2O-3 0.45 29.12 B2O-3 0.43 29.10 C2O-3 0.47 29.41
12 A2O-4 0.46 29.27 B2O-4 0.43 29.18 C2O-4 0.48 29.12
13 A2O-5 0.46 29.41 B2O-5 0.42 29.17 C2O-5 1.05 29.12
14 A2O-6 0.44 29.00 B2O-6 0.41 29.25 C2O-6 0.47 29.55
15 A2O-7 0.48 29.50 B2O-7 0.41 29.26 C2O-7 0.46 29.15
16 A2O-8 0.44 28.89 B2O-8 0.43 29.14 C2O-8 0.49 29.27
17 A3O-1 0.44 29.17 B3O-1 0.41 29.29 C3O-1 0.45 29.28
18 A3O-2 0.44 29.12 B3O-2 0.44 29.09 C3O-2 0.46 29.27
19 A3O-3 0.44 29.55 B3O-3 0.42 29.19 C3O-3 0.45 29.37
20 A3O-4 0.45 29.11 B3O-4 0.40 29.16 C3O-4 0.47 29.01
21 A3O-5 0.46 29.12 B3O-5 0.42 29.21 C3O-5 0.49 29.65
22 A3O-6 0.46 29.33 B3O-6 0.42 29.16 C3O-6 0.49 29.04
23 A3O-7 0.44 29.11 B3O-7 0.44 29.14 C3O-7 0.46 29.35
24 A3O-8 0.45 29.16 B3O-8 0.52 29.15 C3O-8 1.03 29.13
25 A4O-1 0.41 28.82 B4O-1 0.44 29.30 C4O-1 1.08 28.96
26 A4O-2 0.48 29.53 B4O-2 0.46 29.32 C4O-2 1.06 28.98
27 A4O-3 0.42 28.78 B4O-3 0.44 29.25 C4O-3 1.06 29.70
28 A4O-4 0.44 29.60 B4O-4 0.45 28.94 C4O-4 1.03 29.27
29 A4O-5 0.44 29.15 B4O-5 0.44 29.39 C4O-5 1.06 29.19
30 A4O-6 0.44 29.27 B4O-6 0.41 28.96 C4O-6 1.05 29.20
31 A4O-7 0.43 46.88 B4O-7 0.43 47.39 C4O-7 0.46 47.08
32 A4O-8 0.43 47.23 B4O-8 0.42 46.64 C4O-8 0.45 47.22
33 A1E-1 0.42 29.08 B1E-1 0.41 29.19 C1E-1 0.98 29.17
34 A1E-2 0.43 29.37 B1E-2 0.45 29.24 C1E-2 1.01 29.28
35 A1E-3 0.45 29.04 B1E-3 0.42 29.19 C1E-3 0.49 29.25
36 A1E-4 0.45 29.38 B1E-4 0.44 29.22 C1E-4 0.49 29.26
37 A1E-5 1.01 29.20 B1E-5 0.44 29.14 C1E-5 0.49 29.17
38 A1E-6 0.46 29.23 B1E-6 0.43 29.24 C1E-6 0.51 29.29
39 A1E-7 0.47 29.17 B1E-7 0.43 29.24 C1E-7 0.51 29.38
40 A1E-8 0.48 29.24 B1E-8 0.44 29.15 C1E-8 0.51 29.11
41 A2E-1 0.46 29.22 B2E-1 0.44 28.81 C2E-1 0.50 29.21

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42 A2E-2 0.45 29.46 B2E-2 0.43 29.60 C2E-2 0.50 29.21
43 A2E-3 0.44 29.42 B2E-3 0.43 28.91 C2E-3 1.02 29.13
44 A2E-4 0.43 28.75 B2E-4 0.43 29.42 C2E-4 0.52 29.33
45 A2E-5 0.44 28.97 B2E-5 0.45 29.17 C2E-5 0.52 29.10
46 A2E-6 0.44 29.45 B2E-6 0.44 29.20 C2E-6 0.52 29.32
47 A2E-7 0.43 29.10 B2E-7 0.39 29.26 C2E-7 0.47 29.21
48 A2E-8 0.44 29.36 B2E-8 0.43 29.13 C2E-8 0.49 29.27
49 A3E-1 0.38 29.22 B3E-1 0.44 29.19 C3E-1 0.49 29.37
50 A3E-2 0.41 29.08 B3E-2 0.43 29.12 C3E-2 0.51 29.12
51 A3E-3 0.38 29.49 B3E-3 0.43 29.39 C3E-3 0.51 29.23
52 A3E-4 0.42 29.07 B3E-4 0.43 29.08 C3E-4 0.51 29.24
53 A3E-5 0.39 29.09 B3E-5 0.41 29.31 C3E-5 1.07 29.04
54 A3E-6 0.40 29.35 B3E-6 0.43 29.11 C3E-6 0.52 29.68
55 A3E-7 0.43 29.05 B3E-7 0.44 29.25 C3E-7 0.52 29.01
56 A3E-8 0.36 29.20 B3E-8 0.42 29.13 C3E-8 0.53 29.25
57 A4E-1 0.40 47.01 B4E-1 0.42 46.83 C4E-1 0.48 47.11
58 A4E-2 0.41 47.00 B4E-2 0.41 47.22 C4E-2 0.48 47.43
59 A4E-3 0.38 29.10 B4E-3 0.48 29.54 C4E-3 1.08 29.06
60 A4E-4 0.40 29.29 B4E-4 0.41 28.86 C4E-4 1.09 29.12
61 A4E-5 0.43 29.07 B4E-5 0.43 29.07 C4E-5 1.10 29.10
62 A4E-6 0.41 29.30 B4E-6 0.44 29.30 C4E-6 1.08 28.98
63 A4E-7 0.41 29.16 B4E-7 0.44 29.09 C4E-7 1.11 29.10
64 A4E-8 0.37 29.23 B4E-8 0.41 29.49 C4E-8 0.51 29.18

Table 7
F2 Filter: Doble CapBank Test Data of Individual Capacitor
# ID %PF Cap (uF) ID %PF Cap (uF) ID %PF Cap (uF)
1 A1O-1 0.47 22.55 B1O-1 1.03 22.52 C1O-1 0.48 22.50
2 A1O-2 0.45 22.53 B1O-2 1.07 22.51 C1O-2 0.48 22.54
3 A1O-3 1.00 22.31 B1O-3 1.00 22.55 C1O-3 0.97 22.44
4 A1O-4 1.02 22.65 B1O-4 1.00 22.48 C1O-4 1.00 22.56
5 A1O-5 1.04 22.43 B1O-5 1.06 22.57 C1O-5 1.04 22.40
6 A1O-6 1.06 22.50 B1O-6 0.41 22.34 C1O-6 1.03 22.58
7 A1O-7 0.99 22.43 B1O-7 0.38 22.52 C1O-7 1.03 22.41
8 A1O-8 1.02 22.49 B1O-8 1.06 22.55 C1O-8 0.43 22.58
9 A2O-1 1.00 22.56 B2O-1 1.03 22.32 C2O-1 1.00 22.49
10 A2O-2 1.01 22.44 B2O-2 0.39 22.60 C2O-2 1.04 22.58
11 A2O-3 1.01 22.48 B2O-3 0.39 22.37 C2O-3 1.06 22.49
12 A2O-4 1.02 22.44 B2O-4 1.08 22.60 C2O-4 1.05 22.52
13 A2O-5 1.03 22.67 B2O-5 1.01 22.31 C2O-5 1.00 22.49
14 A2O-6 1.03 22.33 B2O-6 1.04 22.67 C2O-6 0.43 22.58
15 A2O-7 1.01 22.54 B2O-7 1.04 22.41 C2O-7 0.42 22.50
16 A2O-8 1.01 22.42 B2O-8 0.41 22.59 C2O-8 1.02 22.58
17 A3O-1 1.07 22.33 B3O-1 1.06 22.39 C3O-1 1.04 22.38
18 A3O-2 1.05 22.50 B3O-2 0.42 22.59 C3O-2 1.05 22.54
19 A3O-3 1.03 22.20 B3O-3 1.05 22.34 C3O-3 0.38 22.36

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20 A3O-4 1.02 22.61 B3O-4 1.05 22.30 C3O-4 0.41 22.50
21 A3O-5 1.02 22.38 B3O-5 1.06 22.21 C3O-5 1.00 22.40
22 A3O-6 1.06 22.39 B3O-6 1.04 22.58 C3O-6 1.06 22.49
23 A3O-7 1.06 22.37 B3O-7 1.02 22.57 C3O-7 1.00 22.59
24 A3O-8 0.39 22.48 B3O-8 1.02 22.40 C3O-8 1.02 22.45
25 A4O-7 1.04 22.58 B4O-7 0.39 22.55 C4O-7 1.05 22.56
26 A4O-8 0.40 22.22 B4O-8 1.02 22.38 C4O-8 1.03 22.33
27 A1E-1 0.43 22.45 B1E-1 0.41 22.55 C1E-1 0.44 22.42
28 A1E-3 0.43 22.41 B1E-3 0.40 22.31 C1E-3 0.43 22.58
29 A1E-5 0.43 22.46 B1E-5 0.41 22.55 C1E-5 0.45 22.41
30 A1E-7 0.46 22.46 B1E-7 0.42 22.55 C1E-7 0.47 22.59
31 A2E-1 0.45 22.39 B2E-1 0.42 22.57 C2E-1 0.42 22.46
32 A2E-3 0.42 22.54 B2E-3 0.39 22.37 C2E-3 0.44 22.56
33 A2E-5 0.43 22.38 B2E-5 0.42 22.62 C2E-5 0.43 22.48
34 A2E-7 0.44 22.52 B2E-7 0.41 22.35 C2E-7 0.41 22.53
35 A3E-1 0.44 22.43 B3E-1 0.44 22.54 C3E-1 0.42 22.56
36 A3E-3 0.46 22.52 B3E-3 0.42 22.42 C3E-3 0.44 22.27
37 A3E-5 0.38 22.42 B3E-5 0.44 22.41 C3E-5 0.42 22.49
38 A3E-7 0.42 22.22 B3E-7 0.42 22.35 C3E-7 0.43 22.36
39 A4E-1 1.09 22.39 B4E-1 0.45 22.45 C4E-1 0.43 22.46

Table 8
F3 Filter-Phase B: Doble CapBank Test Data of Individual Capacitor
# ID %PF Cap (uF) # ID %PF Cap (uF)
1 B1-1-1 1.08 11.03 17 B2-1-1 1.11 11.02
2 B1-1-2 1.10 11.00 18 B2-1-2 1.13 11.00
3 B1-1-3 1.13 10.96 19 B2-1-3 1.10 11.03
4 B1-1-4 1.09 11.04 20 B2-1-4 1.11 11.09
5 B1-1-5 1.10 11.02 21 B2-1-5 1.15 10.97
6 B1-1-6 1.08 11.02 22 B2-1-6 1.12 10.91
7 B1-1-7 1.09 10.97 23 B2-1-7 1.12 10.92
8 B1-1-8 1.12 10.98 24 B2-1-8 1.14 10.96
9 B1-2-1 1.13 10.92 25 B2-2-1 1.13 11.00
10 B1-2-2 1.14 11.00 26 B2-2-2 1.14 11.03
11 B1-2-3 1.13 11.00 27 B2-2-3 1.14 11.03
12 B1-2-4 1.12 10.87 28 B2-2-4 1.15 11.01
13 B1-2-5 1.13 11.05 29 B2-2-5 1.18 11.02
14 B1-2-6 1.25 11.08 30 B2-2-6 1.19 10.97
15 B1-2-7 1.24 11.08 31 B2-2-7 1.16 11.01
16 B1-2-8 1.16 10.93 32 B2-2-8 1.16 10.99

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Table 9
Test Data of Individual Inductor
Filter Phase A V W %PF mH R () Z () X ()
L5-A 5.573 80.37 4.65 1.04 38.2 0.15 14.417 14.416
L5-B 5.579 80.48 4.90 1.09 38.2 0.157 14.416 14.415
L5-C 5.603 80.34 5.60 1.24 38.0 0.178 14.334 14.332
L11-A 19.445 80.09 27.89 1.79 10.9 0.074 4.118 4.118
L11-B 19.59 80.01 28.64 1.83 10.8 0.075 4.084 4.083
L11-C 19.716 80.25 28.33 1.79 10.8 0.073 4.072 4.071
L13-A 12.442 2.57 0.77 2.42 0.55 0.005 0.207 0.207
L13-B 12.426 2.58 0.77 2.41 0.55 0.005 0.207 0.207
L13-C 12.247 2.57 0.60 1.91 0.56 0.004 0.210 0.21
Note: The shady fields are calculated from other parameters measured in DTA Pro test plan.

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Field Test Results of SFRA

F1 Filter SFRA Traces with Resistors
Figure 16

F1 Filter SFRA Traces without Resistors
Figure 17

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F2 Filter SFRA Traces with Resistors
Figure 18

F2 Filter SFRA Traces without Resistors
Figure 19

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F3 Filter SFRA Traces
Figure 20

F3 Filter SFRA Traces with and without one capacitor removed
Figure 21
With one capacitor

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International Conference of Doble Clients
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F3 Filter SFRA Traces with and without De-Q Rings
Figure 22

F3 Filter SFRA Traces with and without CT shorted
Figure 23

Without De-Q
With CT Shorted

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