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Laa Type Acceptance Data Sheet TADS 323 Vans Rv-7 & 7A

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A
Issue 13

Addition of AIL LAA MOD/323/002 to 004.

Addition of Vans Service Bulletins.
Minor editorial changes.

Dated 12/3/14


These TADS are intended as a summary of available information about the type and
should be used during the build, operation and permit revalidation phases to help
owners and inspectors. Although it is hoped that this document is as complete as
possible, other sources may contain more up to date information, e.g. the
manufacturers website.
Section 1 contains general information about the type.
Section 2 contains information about the type that is MANDATORY and must be
complied with.
Section 3 contains advisory information that owners and inspectors should review to
help them maintain the aircraft in an airworthy condition. If due consideration and
circumstances suggest that compliance with the requirements in this section can
safely be deferred, is not required or not applicable, then this is a permitted
judgement call. This section also provides a useful repository for advisory information
gathered through defect reports and experience.
Section 1 - Introduction
1.1 UK contact
There is no UK agent. Contact Vans direct: Vans Aircraft Inc, 14401 NE Keil Road,
Aurora, Oregon, 97002, USA
001 (503) 6786545
001 (503) 6475117
UK Vans owners club - RV Squadron, run by Harry Hopkins, Cheltenham
01242 260242.
Enthusiast and 2 x RV Builder, Nigel Reddish, Nottingham
01623 810300
1.2 Description
The RV-7 and RV-7A are developments of the former RV-6 and RV-6A models. The
improvements being mainly in ease of build and improved payload and performance
using up to 200 BHP Lycoming engines. The RV-7 and RV-7A can be built from
standard or fast-build kit. Pre-built wing spars are also available. All are acceptable
subject to the inspector being entirely satisfied with the quality of workmanship of any
part-built assemblies. Solid-riveted sheet aluminium construction is used throughout.
Many hundreds of these kits have been sold. The aircraft is fitted with integral wing
fuel tanks and sealed during construction using a proprietary sealant. For UK-built
examples recommend suitable corrosion protection of aluminium airframe throughout,
e.g. epoxy primer on aluminium parts and assembly compound where steel parts are
assembled to aluminium parts.
The RV-7 is similar to the RV-7A except that the RV-7 has a tailwheel rather than
nosewheel undercarriage.

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A
150-200 BHP Lycoming O-320, IO-320, O-360 and IO-360, engines may be fitted as
recommended by Vans. Also accepted with equivalent XP type engines manufactured
by Superior Air Parts. Consult LAA regarding acceptable models of Superior Air Parts
engines, in particular choice of ignition system, in particular use of dual electronic
ignition system only accepted if type-certified electronic system used. Single noncertified electronic ignition plus certified magneto is acceptable.
Note that the only propeller(s) approved for an individual aircraft are those listed on
the individual aircrafts Operating Limitations document or in the PTL/1 (Propeller Type
List) for the type.
Section 2 Mandatory information for owners, operators and inspectors
At all times, responsibility for the maintenance and airworthiness of an aircraft rests
with the owner. Condition No 3 of a Permit to Fly requires that: the aircraft shall be
maintained in an airworthy condition.
2.1 Fast Build Kit 51% Compliance
The contents of the standard fast build kit is accepted as compliant with the 51%
major portion requirements on the basis that it is the same kit standard that has
been accepted as 51% compliant by the FAA.
2.2 Build Manual
RV-7/-7A Assembly Manual and RV-7/-7A drawings. Vanss newsletter, the RVator,
provides useful additional guidance. A useful compilation of the content of past
RVators is also available from Vans.
2.3 Build Inspections
Build inspection schedule 44 (Vans RV Aircraft).
Inspector approval codes A-A, A-M, or K. Inspector signing off final inspection also
requires first flight endorsement.
2.4 Flight Manual
Nil. Build manual contains section with advice on flight testing.
2.5 Mandatory Permit Directives
None applicable specifically to this aircraft type:
Also check the LAA website for MPDs that are non-type specific (TL2.22).

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A
2.6 LAA Required Modifications (including LAA issued AILs, SBs, etc)

All variants
All variants


P2 control column attachment
Addition of artificial stall warner (supersedes
Inspection for cracking in tailplane front spar
Inspection for cracks in elevator forward spar

Vans SB 02-6-1

Vans larger rudder

All variants

All variants
All variants

The RV-7/-7A type engine mount must be fitted to RV-7/-7A aircraft rather than the
similar but weaker RV-6/6A engine mount even though the two appear
Note also LAA advisory letter regarding water leakage past fuel filler caps dated 3.9.02
2.7 Additional engine operating limitations to be placarded
(or shown by instrument markings)
(Refer to the engine manufacturers latest documentation for parameter values.)
2.8 Control surface deflections

Up: 25 to 32
Down: 15 to 17


Up: 25 to 30
Down: 20 to 25


30 to 35
Right 30 to 35


Down 40

2.9 Operating Limitations and Placards

(Note that the wording on an individual aircrafts Operating Limitations document takes
precedence, if different.)

Maximum number of occupants authorised to be carried: Two


The aircraft must be operated in compliance with the following operating

limitations, which shall be displayed in the cockpit by means of placards or
instrument markings:

Aerobatic Limitations
Aerobatic manoeuvres are prohibited.
Intentional spinning is prohibited.


Loading Limitations
Maximum Total Weight Authorised: 1800 lb

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A
CG Range: 78.7 to 86.82 aft of datum
Datum Point is: a point 70.0 forward of the leading edge of the wing

Engine Limitations
Maximum Engine RPM: 2700 (2600 rpm when Sensenich 70CM 2-blade
metal propeller fitted to O-320 or IO-320 engines)


Airspeed Limitations
Maximum Indicated Airspeed (VNE): 230 mph IAS
Max Indicated Airspeed Flaps Extended: 100 mph IAS


Other Limitations
The aircraft shall be flown by day and under Visual Flight Rules only.
Smoking in the aircraft is prohibited.

Additional Placards:
Recommended climb speed 90 kts (103 mph). Refer to RV-7 Pilots Note ref
Occupant Warning - This Aircraft has not been Certificated to an International
A fireproof identification plate must be fitted to fuselage, engraved or stamped with
aircrafts registration letters.
When certain types of metal propeller are fitted, RPM avoid bands are necessary as
specified by the propeller manufacturer, in which case these must also be placarded.
Alternative limitations for those aircraft cleared for limited aerobatics:
Aerobatic Limitations
Intentional spinning is prohibited.
The following aerobatic manoeuvres only are permitted, not exceeding +6g or -3g
Maximum airspeed for full control deflection, VA = 142 mph IAS
Inside loop
Aileron roll
Slow roll
Stall turn
Barrel roll
Roll off the top
Cuban eight

Entry air speed

150 mph
138 mph
138 mph
138 mph
138-150 mph
160 mph
160 mph

Loading Limitations
Maximum aerobatic weight: 727 kg (1600 lb)
CG Range, aerobatic category: 78.7" to 84.5" aft of datum.
Aircraft cockpit to be placarded: "Warning: this is a high performance aircraft in
which care is required particularly during aerobatic manoeuvres to avoid
exceeding structural limits and/or maximum permitted airspeeds".

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A
In the event of an inadvertent erect spin, the aircraft responds to standard
recovery actions ie throttle closed, check ailerons centred, apply full opposite
rudder followed by progressive forward stick until rotation ceases.
2.10 Maximum permitted empty weight
Section 3 Advice to owners, operators and inspectors
3.1 Maintenance Manual
Nil. In the absence of a manufacturers schedule, LAMS can be used as a guide to
required inspections and this is reflected in the check list in Section 1 of the LAAs
Permit renewal application form. Alternatively the LAA Generic Maintenance Schedule
may be used.
Vans service information should also be reviewed. Maintenance is typical of riveted
aluminium alloy airframe.
Engine maintenance as appropriate to the engine
manufacturers advice (e.g. Lycoming).
3.2 Standard Options
Vans offer a great number of options in their catalogue of accessories, the majority of
which are accepted by the LAA. Refer to LAA technical leaflet TL3.08 for details.
Some examples of the RV-7 and -7A may be cleared for limited aerobatics. This is
subject to a number of special requirements and a special flight test. A g meter must
be fitted for aerobatic clearance. Contact LAA Engineering for the procedure to clear
an aircraft for aerobatics.
The following items are also permitted to be fitted as optional equipment, without
further reference to LAA Engineering. Installations must be inspected by an LAA
Inspector against the supplied installation instructions and a PMR entered into the
Andair TQX series throttle quadrant with or without flap switches.
Andair lockable fuel caps.
Andair fuel pump PX375-TC (on fuel injected engines only and only pump serial
numbers 30453 and on).
AntiSplatAero nose leg brace and fairing fitted in accordance with the
manufacturers instructions entitled The Nose Job (ref LAA mod 13274).
Affordable Panels Inc modular instrument panel (ref LAA mod 11302).
Briggs Airmotive nosewheel bearing spacers (ref LAA mod 12265).
Bell tailwheel fork (ref LAA mod 12276)

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A
Sega tailwheel fork (ref LAA mod 12414)
Rocket tailwheel steering link (ref LAA mod 11575)
Replacement of removable canopy hinge pins with appropriate bolts and nuts.
3.3 Manufacturers Information (including Service Bulletins, Service Letters, etc)
In the absence of any over-riding LAA classification, inspections and modifications
published by the manufacturer should be satisfied according to the recommendation of
the manufacturer. It is the owners responsibility to be aware of and supply such
information to their Inspector. Copies of service information can be downloaded from
Vans Website.
Service Letters:

Fuel valve lever II installation
A letter to prospective buyers of flying RVs
Soft rivets
Inspect master switch
Nose gear leg and fork upgrade
Tricycle gear aircraft nose wheel torque
Dynafocal II mounts
#2 Battery cables
60 amp alternator
Filtered Airbox advisory
Nose gear design
Check horizontal flange of HS-710 Addendum
Buying a second hand RV kit
Buying a flying RV
GAS-3 gascolator recall
Hartzell HC-C2YR prop
Hartzell HC-C2YK prop
CT 82F and CT 83F
Fuel pickup tube anti-rotation bracket

Service Bulletins:
SB 14-2-5
SB 14-1-31
SB 12-8-14
SB 11-9-13
SB 07-11-09
SB 07-4-12
SB 07-2-6
SB 06-9-20
SB 06-2-23


Cracks in elevator spar (see also LAA MOD/323/004)
Horizontal stabiliser cracks (see also LAA MOD/323/003)
Inspect for missing wing attach bolts
Fuel tank slosh inspection
Nose gear leg and fork upgrade
Securing flap motor rod end bearing
Affixing the passenger control stick permanently
Trim cable anchor
Safetying of standard and flop-type fuel pickup tubes (see also
related LAA letter)
Tip-up canopy fuselage kits
Electric flap motor recall
Pre-manufactured hoses
Larger rudder (LAA required mod)

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A
SB 96-10-2
SB 96-10-1

Full swivel tail wheel

Filtered airbox

3.4 Special Inspection Points

Builders not familiar with the form of solid construction used in this type are
encouraged to practise on scrap test pieces to learn techniques of riveting before
starting on actual construction.
These are high-performance aircraft and top quality workmanship is essential.
The engine compartments of these aircraft are fairly cramped and care should be
taken to avoid overheating problems, charring of the cowlings near the exhaust,
vapour-lock due to pre-heating of fuel in gascolator, etc. Insulating the exhaust
pipes has been found to help, but can cause problems with premature and hidden
corrosion of the exhaust pipes underneath.
The flaps are operated by rod-ends on the operating pushrods without any back-up
capturing feature and therefore the rod-ends must be checked carefully for wear to
ensure that there is no possibility of a rod-end coming adrift from a flap.
Check that fuselage fairing around rear of tailplane is well secured since if this
fairing comes loose it could cause the elevator to jam.
Take care to minimise operating friction in flying controls by careful attention to
hinges, rod-ends, lubrication etc.
Note that the trailing edge profile on control surfaces is critical to control
Engine mount cracks have been reported in the vicinity of the undercarriage leg
sockets on similar tailwheel RV-6 model, especially when operated from grass
With the similar RV-6A model, problems have been experienced with the
nosewheel jamming in the spat and it is important to trim the nosewheel spat to
ensure generous clearance between the tyre and the wheel aperture in the spat
(circa half an inch), and to maintain the correct nosewheel tyre pressure. It is also
important to maintain suitable preload on the nosewheel axle bearings, torquing
up the axle nut gently as required in the absence of a conventional spacer between
the bearings. Note that the wheel spats may be used as part of the locking system
for the axle nuts, so if the aircraft is operated with spats removed, alternative
means of locking the axle nuts is required. Later type nosewheel forks provided by
Vans seek to improve this issue by raising the ground clearance of the noseleg.
If manual elevator trim fitted, refer to SB-06-9-20 regarding problems with rear
attachment of trim cable.
Longitudinal levelling datum for weight is the cockpit rails.

3.5 Special Test Flying Issues

VP Prop flight test schedule required if VP prop is fitted.

Adjustments to lateral trim can be made by lightly dressing aileron trailing edges.
These are high-performance aircraft but nevertheless the designs are well
developed and thanks to good handling characteristics they have achieved a good
accident-free record.
The stall warner vane may need adjusting to sound the hooter at the correct
Due to the onset of neutral longitudinal stability in the climb configuration at lower
airspeeds, a placarded recommendation to climb at an airspeed of 90 knots (103
mph) has been included by LAA for RV7/7A types. Further details are provided in
LAA note RV7/PN/1, available from LAA.

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TADS 323
VANS RV-7 & 7A

Problems have been experienced with the similar RV-6A noseleg, especially when
operating off grass, with instances of the nosewheel bending back and the strut
digging into the ground, causing a rapid stop and further damage. In order to avoid
this risk, it is important to maintain the correct nosewheel tyre pressure, and to trim
the spat to ensure generous clearance between the tyre and the wheel aperture in
the spat (circa half an inch). It is also important to maintain suitable preload on the
nosewheel axle bearings, torquing up the axle nut gently as required in the absence
of a conventional spacer between the bearings. It is also important to land the
aircraft on the mainwheels first and hold the nosewheel off the ground during the
initial part of the landing roll, rather than landing on all three wheels together which
encourages wheelbarrowing and overloading the nosewheel.
---------------- END --------------Please report any errors or omissions to LAA Engineering: engineering@laa.uk.com

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