Improving Civic Education in Schools

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Improving Civic Education in Schools

By John J. Patrick
October 2002
Civic education is the teaching of knowledge, skills, and dispositions needed to become a
responsible and effective citizen of a representative and constitutional democracy. Since the
founding of the United States of America, civic education has been part of the core curriculum of
elementary and secondary schools. In recent years, however, leaders in education, government,
and the general public have expressed concerns about the quality and outcomes of civic
education in American schools (Galston 2001, 218-220). They have called emphatically for
renewal and reform of civic education in schools. This Digest discusses
(1) the current deficiencies of civic education in schools, (2) research-based recommendations
for improving content and pedagogy of civic education, and (3) Internet resources on improving
civic education in schools.
The outcomes of civic education in schools are unsatisfactory. Results of the 1998 National
Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) in civics revealed gross deficiencies in the civic
knowledge of students. Most students in grades 4, 8, and 12 failed to reach the proficient level of
achievement, which, as specified in the NAEP framework, indicates competence in civics.
Twenty-one percent of fourth grade students, 21% of eighth grade students, and 22% of twelfth
grade students reached the proficient level. Another way to look at the overall findings is to
consider the large proportion of students that failed to reach the assessment's basic level of
achievement: 31% of fourth graders, 30% of eighth graders, and 35% of twelfth graders scored
below the basic level (Lutkus and Others 1999).
The scant, superficial civic knowledge of young Americans is related to their generally low
levels of political participation and civic engagement, deficiencies in democratic attitudes or
dispositions, and underdeveloped democratic citizenship skills. Researchers have found strong
relationships between knowledge of democratic principles, processes, and institutions and (1)
propensity to vote or otherwise participate in political life, (2) orientation to political tolerance
and political interest, and (3) competence in cognitive and participatory skills of democratic
citizenship, such as the capacities to analyze public issues and to cooperate with others in a
group project (Galston 2001, 223-226).
How can civic educators improve the teaching and learning of civic knowledge as a key to the
development of civic skills and dispositions? What recommendations can be derived from the
research literature?
1. Increase the exposure of students to content in civics by (a) including it in courses in U.S.
history, world history, literature, and other subjects in the curriculum, (b) emphasizing civics in
the social studies curriculum in the primary grades (K-3), and (c) requiring of all students a
civics course in middle school and a government course in high school. The justification for a

stronger curricular emphasis on civics is that students' achievement of civic knowledge is related
to the number of courses taken, the breadth and depth of topics studied, and the amount of time
spent on lessons and homework (Niemi and Junn 1998).
2. Systematically teach students to analyze public issues and to participate democratically in
making public policy decisions in response to the issues. This kind of learning experience in
civics and government courses is likely to develop among students the cognitive and
participatory skills and dispositions necessary for citizenship in a democracy (Vontz, Metcalf,
and Patrick 2000).
3. Create and maintain a classroom climate that is conducive to free and open exchange of
opinions about public issues and other controversial topics. This kind of classroom practice is
related to the development of such civic dispositions as tolerance, civility, propensity to
participate, and political interest (Baldi and Others 2001; Hahn 1998; Torney-Purta and Others
4. Encourage students to participate in extracurricular activities involving civic engagement and
political participation. There is a strong, positive relationship between democratic participatory
experiences in school-based organizations and the development of the skills and dispositions of
democratic citizenship (Baldi and Others 2001; Torney-Purta and Others 2001; Verba,
Schlozman, and Brady 1995).
5. Foster a democratic ethos in the school. There is a positive relationship between a democratic
school climate and development of democratic civic disposition and behavior among students;
less authoritarian climates are linked to more democratic political attitudes and behavior (Baldi
and Others 2001; Torney-Purta and Others 2001).
6. Conjoin content and processes in the teaching and learning of civic knowledge, skills, and
dispositions. Civic dispositions and skills, both intellectual and participatory, are inseparable
from a body of civic knowledge or content. In order to think critically and act effectively and
responsibly in response to a public issue, learners must understand the terms of the issue, its
origins, the alternative responses to it, and the likely consequences of these responses. This
understanding is based upon the knowledge of learners. The application of this knowledge to
explain, evaluate, and resolve a public issue depends upon the cognitive process skills of
learners. Both academic content and process -- civic knowledge, disposition, and skills -- must
be taught and learned in tandem to fulfill the mission of civic education, which is to develop
individuals who can establish, maintain, and improve democratic governance and citizenship in
their country and throughout the world (Niemi and Junn 1998; Vontz, Metcalf, and Patrick
The following World Wide Web sites include information on civic education in schools and its
implications for the improvement of instruction and the achievement of students.
American Political Science Association: APSANET. The APSA site includes papers presenting

research on civic education, scholarly essays on recommendations for the improvement of

practice in civic education, and links to sources of data and papers pertaining to notable research
projects such as the IEA Civic Education Study and the NAEP in civics:

Center for Civic Education (CCE). The CCE Web site contains papers on theory, research, and
practice in civic education. There also are links to other useful sites, such as Civnet, which
provides information on international civic education projects:

Center for Information and Research in Civic Learning & Engagement (CIRCLE). The Center
promotes research on the civic engagement of Americans between the ages of 15 and 25.
CIRCLE funds research that has implications for those who work to increase young people's
engagement in politics and civic life. CIRCLE is also a clearinghouse for relevant information
and scholarship. The Center's Web site includes reports and papers on research in civic

National Alliance for Civic Education (NACE). Launched in 2000, NACE is an alliance of
organizations committed to the advancement of civic knowledge and engagement. The NACE
Web site includes reports on research and practice in civic education with many links to other
sites on civic education:

John J. Patrick is Director of the Social Studies Development Center and Professor of Education,
Indiana University, Bloomington.

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